The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1911, Page 72, Image 72

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(( hS uC Complete J Af S
VS Centerpiece pmn
WITH lb lov!f llwwi around us la 9o"'
w or co our a grounds, it ar that frt
aate. I aura that yea will ir the chrysan
themum In a lasting form wb
Tba Urtt enterptece thai I bave bad 'ealined tor
to erpectoJlj effective la color 'lr n or whlt
1 im partloularly lord or rrr tin) tr m background.
yoa bave no doubt vtollcod or " . , . ...
jusrmulUply'ibl design by three, and rou wM
beauty of the centerpiece In ! entirety.
If yon Intend to tree It. you will nd that the dealgn U
swinging design thol keep th entr. which yot
can pin upon th materiel by hm of a thumbtack, roltow
any of the direction for tranafsrrfJig that ar on another
part of tato poo. . u
Wben you bave completed tbo design. ruf " oontja
eratton la tbo working of It It to vry effective Ib outline
etitch, ntlng hiYjr rnrcriMl throtd. Anoibor ofroctlTO ood
quick molbod to b loof-ond-obort Utoh workod In from,
tbo odtoo for Tory ohort ltconco, itonUnf th throoJo
owa toward tbo boat of oach pUl a you go along. ID ibi
oaao. work tbo awall control pleceo oolld. '
Then again, tboro to b grool uo now of tba ouUlno wor
oombtnod wltb od aUtcboo to fill In wltb otralbt paraUol
line of darning Utctaeo. Tbto give b od offoct on potato
with owrrlalogly Uttlo work. Bomo timo la tfi aar futuro
I am going to glvo you a eontorploco aipocUJl pUnaod for
thto autea. . ".
Tbo Uotci of tbo prcaent dealgn you win work In long-and-ahort
otltch, ualng groan of a oott WulaU lono. If you
oro working In color.
A flna atm otltch for tbo tra la good. whU a baary
outilno atitcb, whipped into a oord, la qulckar-and Juat aa
CffOCtl.TC. f
Tad tho acallopo wltb darning cotton and work with tht
regular buttonholo aUtchea around tba border. Tbo whlta
thread for tho all-whlta work and a dark brown for tnt
yellow work are tho favortlea,' Buttonhole th dg again
to prevent f raring.
Generally epeaklng, ther a a Urg fracoful featur In
a chryaanthemum dtaign that few other flower offer, Take
advantage of thto opportunity while it to hero. Ifako on of
theao effective conltrplecea for youraalf or tor a friend. You
cannot regret It.
Some Gifts for the Men
WHAT (hall I glv John at Chriatmaat Th aull
-to an anctpnt on, yet ovry year it haa to b aolved,
for. vry woman bat a John, a Tom, a rroderlck
eomo maaoulln friend or relative that ah wlabaa to remem
ber with a gift on Chrtattnaa morpuig. - - . " '
tf vim main tha trt uuna . it will add oreatlr to tn
laaanr ai ivinn tiAuidsi howlne a more oareonat intereet .
a your friend than would aomethlng bought from a aliop.
' Men 1IKO oainiy tnmaa ina myyi'm m y
woman dlaplaye If ah make a gift with her own ha nd, A
man always onjoya fliW llnau haiidkarohlefai but if they ar
marked with fcla iriitjal or monogram amlrojiiered in on
cornoi" by tho wvmu who preaenta the gitt, he will prl
them doubly. - - - ' . ' ", ., , .
Embroidering on linen la eaay and fascinating work.
After having the handkerchief marked with the dealted
. lottera, pad the outline wilh rine mercerlaed thread and work
fn tho letter with the over-and-over atltch, taking oare that
the Btltclwa are eveq and amooth. . .. ,. ' v
A aomewhat unueunl gifl. but on that will be greatly
appreciated, la half doaen one-Inch aquaree of linen with hla
monogram embroidered thereon, intended to be Inserted.., in
his droaehirt aleevea..:. . ;-,. " ; . , v
Plain silk tles .with tho Initial rombroldered on the end nf.
the widest aide la another eugBetioi; Do . the work with
floss in a contrasting color, , - :
A broad black allk scarf, to wear undj the topcoat to
protect the shirt front when evening ulothes ore worn, should
be marked with the gentleman's monogram.. Von uan make
him ani attractive collarbox by buying a circular cardboard
box si inches m diameter, such as confectioners use for
candy and cake, and covering with oarse natural-colored
linen...,. '..i'v,," ; r. K''r -' ' '.'?-.
Past tha linen over the outside, allowing It to cover the
box to the point where the lid fits over. Eind the edne
with flat linen tape. On the linen used for the box embroider
the monogram In scarlet floss., - - --.v
Handkerchief, cravat and glov cases are made of llnon
folded over like an envelope, the glove case ten Inches long
and five inches wide and the cravat case fourteen inches
long and six Inches wide.,
These can be lined with silk or satin and delicately scanted
If you wish. . , . 1
If -you are wondering what to give your husband or
brother or sweetheart, why not ' select one of the above
mentioned articles? - - - . v.,, v .
Make Your Own Handbags V , ..
FiAJJOy handbags held by a long 6brd continue in fashidn, -'
, especially if they match or correspond with the gown
ir wltb whloh they are worn.? It is not always possible
to buy a bag that matches tho costume; but don't let that -disturb
you, for theyere not hard to make If you are fond
,f sewlhg and can embroider.
Tho bag that Is to be carried with your black velvet oolt,
for example,, can be made ot velvet, embroidered wtth gold
and inset with imitation Jewels, thus making a very hand
some bag. - .. . 1 r : -
The envelope bag is pretty and easy to make. tt us -consider
a bag of black velvet and gold. It can be made ..
' from a half yard of velvet, the same amount of 'gold -colored
satin for the lining, three yards of heavy gold cord and
enough gold-colored floss and gold thread to embroider any
design you may fancy. - '
First cut a paper pattern fourteen inches long and ten '
. Inches wlda. Four inches from one end mark a dotted line
all the way across; measure two inches above this and mark
another line. -
Measure two inches from each edere of the top of the
paper and draw a line to tho lower edge. Then find the r m
renter of the top edge, and from there mark a line to each edge ot the top eroas
line. Now cut along these lines, making a pointed flap, and also cut along the lines
drawn from the bottom corners to tho top, snl fold over on the dotted line.
- Ton have then tha shape of the bag. ray the tiattern on the velvet, having
tbe nap run- toward the bottom, and cut. allowing a, half inch for aeama.
Now fold the paltehj over on the dotted line and cut another piece ot erret
that sire. The llninc satin is cut exactly ths same as the velvet.
Sew the 'lining and vcivrt separately, Joining them only at the open' edges,
Pefore fining tarlc a piece of whalehons along tfce edj-e where tha flap folds over.
The 3n la embroidered both eu tie Hap and th frunt porlloa of the bag before
t to ttaie uw - r -,
V ... 7.N
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' - bon
... v, X
To Transfer
" After Joining tbe lining and velvet. -sew
a row of -cord all around the edge,
Hawing iwo yard,s of cord to - be
doubled snd fsstsned to the flap eotv
er to slip tbe arm through when cat-
ryla.t the bag. 1 ' -
Tht flap to fastened over with a flat
glovo snap. . " ; . , ,
- A variety of materials and designs can
be. iia d for theae handy bat a. 0lk,
. aatih. tapestry, cloth and velvet are
heweve. the most popular fabrics. All
are emlroldered or ornamented in some
artlstio -nanner, and the up-to-date
woman wi
have one to matc-if every;
costume she weaxs.
' Gift for an Invalid ;
WHEW planning your holiday gifts,
don't forget the Invalid. Make
, bag of dainty flowered allk or
cretonne, running inch-wide satin rib-
In the top for a .drawstring ana
lining It with delicately scented silk.
Have the drawstring very long so It
can be bung op the bedpost In easy
reach of the invalid's hand, without the
necessity of her raising herseir In bed.
v.- in the bsg is a small paper pad. pen
cil, handkerchief and anything h roar
need that otherwise would bV t b
handed to her by an attendant.
Sometimes a little surpneo can be
slipped in the bag that wilt give much
liappineas and heip-tu pasa tba weary,
hours of Buffering.
rHB ar suggestions for trans
ferring th pattern oerore yoa
a .n material before working.
Terbapa tbe easiest way to the "win
'ow-pne,, method. TW la successful
when the mtnl Is thin, like Unen.
batiste, etc. Pin the sheet of paper
and the material together' and hold
', tbero. Up agalnat the glaaa of window,
With a sharp pencil draw otf the mate
rial the dealgn, which -can be easily
seen through the goods. If one-half
of tbe design only be given' unpin the
- paper and turn ' the other side to th
v fabric. The strong liht behind will
make It platn.
. ...1uN.AiMr Ait ahAflld
place the sheet between your fabric and
fJzr Thl. lat.r Ib nn ton:
With a aharp pencil go over the outline
of tha design. The Impression will foe
left in fine lines and will - last untU
-worked. This method is successful on
heavy material. ' t
The last way Is eso easy. On wax
paper er ordinary uasue paper wc
the psttern beforo you. When th. ae
alsn is completed, turn over tbe paper
I outline tbe pattern with a heavy
lead pencil.- Then plaea the design
down en. the fabric and redraw the
outline, presaina- hard with the pencil.
Tha Txturrn wiil be transferred with
out dtfMru'ty. ; " .
urely the way to eas
Beaded Photograph
Frame :
a MONO the decorative artloles mad
A of beada, and on you can mak
JTX yourself as a holiday gift. Hon
Virattlw thin the beaded frames. .
These are made on a groundwork ot
net ; The beads are sewed on in any
pretty design you may fancy, arsJined
with a brlght-oolored satin and mounted
on aquar. Oblong or oval frames.
An attractive square frame s made
on silver net, with a border of ny opal
beads showing a vine design running
through It. '
A conventional fieur-de-lls In eilver
and bottle-green beads decorates each
corner. Tha whole la mounted over
green satin, . '
Beaded framea will remain In fashion
longer then most articles decorate 1
with beads that are finding so inuca
favor wow. -
Fruit Sachet.
SOMETHING new In the way cf
sachet bags ha been Invented y
, a clever young womaa with at
eye for the artlstio even In little thine -i.
one usually sew, she makes them i
renemble dirrerent'amali fruit.
SmaU piece of purple, green !
white silk are filled wun wet-hrnr
ine spices and sachet pow.Ir, with i
outer covering of cotton direct.y uii-
the elllt that is tinted 0 'd in ' -natural
color of cratwu. They jr. i
arranged In small clusters a ...if -
to a broad green grap leaf i '
...hwi. m,i. of eren , ('
vary pretty. Hmall vt vt
paaches of tntd veivn are . r
make; etrtrrle at.'I -dn'nty.
The Idea to new a-i