The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1911, Page 66, Image 66

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S -i ' "
uge Excayatiori .and Costly. Concrete Work
Required to Support' Newest4 Department'
Store Building
mm c4 rftWU
Wriue for Tae Jr ay WW T. f CkM m 9jm ra- M ama-rad
Xtfk. f anb rMr4 i it arry o &
TICS rW aad lf faet UmmI M i aae-aba, VkVfc kriOTi4 IMr eettar- rwer
la piarUaad w eoaaplatad r ! wiinifiU TMi aa I an lit et
I evallr. II rover frtllr half ,bnt ft Umat MM MM e I la evww a4 - I
4, an acre of iiwh w M II real tr,itij nnri foe tha m iinnl a a Tu tuautwt crw
t. It U M eaaaaaeat for th Miun iHulBMt awUdta MtU aateVCtO a (W bejf i
aew Upeuui A Wolf KiMUl. being .... ,MllM r wriaa Imu ktn IW
mW oa fifth etraa. Weak- .bM-i naMa aaa MM t UT1 err try UflU
legto aad Alder, bjr lb llurlrWaa VT4sAlr larvae llealf. ifwUlcirt follow S twill a Mtkf
la fart b heaaMent la big. Iv . . 4. .... . i ,-.i . .w. . i.
IXulZmfaT IM rf friaal eimm-UH. U atxxit II f tm. trr.I 4 th
roV four mttntba th publla m ail h1 rrk th Mlo r1r lh l1 frMta
t.:.....L, . .T.. 1 tK- kt.. aa4 loohad ! It fcpUl Ik of t iImm fall. ThU
kljtr br Jif v ;;
'ill. ' ... .. i ! I i . '
ar- III- .... ?7 v , , Iff i v,. . ' --T:- Ml
dooa lo prrparalloa for tb iumreo. r4 lr bla trcbt ttt Iba aarfar wnA ( a.r.a.arr fr Iba UwdmI ta
tar of Itaa lara balldinc CrwOm ta. tba fc4 web Ha b trtU4 air tlgbt. a4 far U
dallr DfMxl iba bar.ka af tha fmt bota aarat dr fcy 0r coo 14 retrain hla botutoi of tba baaataaat to bo ma4
In tha around and mar vara ourprt4 vo4omiont o Ijosot, ao ba olur4 atro aooaib la w1ibl4 rooatdaraNa
at tba anomioua amount of work that to aak a foroiDan how ta tha orl4 no prooaor f ron bnrtb.
b4 to ba dona baforo tba tlmo earn did Inland lo tba Batcalaor out rot tUat roaaon lb floor of tha tih-
for tba arocitoa of tno anaoalva ataaj aialo, tannt ati roootrutd with ootid
baa ma. . "Why. doa't Intend ta taka It oat aarfaro faelna' downward. Naat lo tba
Wblla tha work aaa flnf oa tha half tba faroiraa ropllad. "It ta aa aid, rroood ta a Urr af acaooth conrrota.
aero had tba appoaraaea of a mlnlnc ahovol. aayway, aad ha a Juat a boa I oa top of Ihia la laid aovoraJ Uyra
ramp afiar a btt dlaooary. Maa aad aorvad Ila tlmo. ao wa ara colna ta t of burlap and waterproof pa par. put
marhlnary aovar raattd frota making u ta workinf la aoo caraor of tba aira- tfowa ta a hot aaphalt rolilura. On top
tba dirt fly. Tba work waa kept golac vat Ion aad lat It dla a nolo ta bar f tbla ara laid ralnforcod eoaerata alaba
day and nlgbt. with orr 10 maa oa ItaaU la. Than wa will eatnaat Oror tba and baajna, monlna" Into tba eolumn
a-ahtfl. At nlgbt U yawning hoi waa top of tha kola." footlnaa. Batwaoa tha baama la aaad
lllumlnatad by pwarfu!ara llgbta Tba Tha atary galnod aaaatdarabla aJrco- and' graval. and aa top af tt all ta a
aight baoama lntanaoly IntaraaUng aa Uton a axon g tba gailory aadloawa. Vat boary (oncrata floor,
tba bola bocano doopar and tha man all doubt waa allayed wbea tba atoaia Tba aub-baaamaat floor la built Jut
grow emallar to tba onlookora aa tba ahoval waa aaaratad Into thra parta tipoida down from tba way a floor la
banks a bota, whom tha worker ealled and botatad ta tha anrfaea, - uauallr conatruolod, wbteb prepare It
tba gallery. . r. , i la witbatand tha pre aura af tha water
Work of raalng tha aid bulldlnga aa -'IW- ur'
tha alto, ona of whloh waa a aubatantlal During nucb of tha tlma
brick atructura. waa bagan July 1. aad tlraly aa para to criw of mtm.
tha work on tha excavation for tho erafta. wara working on tha
baeement waa aurted during tha laltar aama Uina Wbaa tha wracking craw Another feature that greatly Inter--tha baaament of thoaa building did not aunk about eight feat apart to tha depth tha Intervening apaca filled with eon- thla grant atnictara.
a '
from banaath. Tha aama waterproof eat ad tha nllftrv anaetatora and which atan4 aa m aa tha new baaamanL of tba new and concrata nil- erate. making tba wan aona.
thra ao- material uaed In the floor U carried n waa na amall eniinearlna feat, waa tha aomothlna- had to ba dona for tho ara- lars wara built under tha adjoining Above tho eub-baeement roar will oa
af dlatinct through tha walla of tba baaament oa work of underpinning tho adjacant build, tectioa of tho atructuroa. bulldlnge. Wbaa tbaaa ware eat the the floor of the haawont propoir, inoa
Jdb at tha all aid. Inaa-oa tba other half of tha block it a Un). .lrr.l.r ta mlna ahafta wara earth waa romovad bat w MB them and providing two underground gtorea (or
R. ELMER LEE. In Health Cul- honor. e a More atrength of
i atatad that dla- character could ba develODed If mora
-kT. tm tha real eauaa of atreaa were Uld on compelling the are full of pallia tlva and
Healtli amdKficiericy
..t. it "aimDly the Tlctlm of hla own not School training alone la not
inVaatinal ceaapool.'' The earn, aaya bUma. Homa tralnlnr la a graatar
i? .. .i..- f tmhold fever. In tor. One of our flrat maj
whlch ha ofrera tna roauna muit na to aemana iinoi ooeaienca.
prooi w wu. ,inm ntirina. which That kln4 of ohnlltmca that, neada no
ha'naver ha had a typical caae of ty- argument, no perruaalon. When wa eay,'
"Z'.; m K.r h waa called at an Do. It tnuat ba do and nothing; also. Tna
early atage of the dlaeaae. Hera la tha explanation may coma later If necee
war ha oumroarlieB hla treatment: aary. It will then do nrtich mora good"
"Tha whole aecret of thla very ex- ahowlng tha child tha command waa
traordlnary experience Ilea in tha fact right and Inculcating confidence in .per
fection called arterie-aclaroal. what phyalo. Tha propoaltlon la one of at- live. Nothing elaa la ao Important. No untverae thlnka ba can cheat Ma neigh- of apathy under the infroeaoa - af
abeolute folly to waata time upon al- tempted fraud, however lnnooent It may tale of cure unrelated to cauae can bor and hla Creator. Lat ua pity him. breathing eiercloaa. Aa tba lunga ara
leged curea. which not only do not appear. Live aa you pleaae and do pan- have any lnteraat for ua, axoept aa but refuse to cater to him. Hla trou- developed tba ather yltal argana are
touch tba eauaa. but have, na relation anna k tkin - Amm. xr. ..-.. .n. A t hlaa ara rtiunlnr r hour. - atrana-thaned. and along Wttn tnl
T,r 1,01 tnu" Mailt nine. haa In the paet and propoeea for tha
There la absolutely no seed of dla- Maa rrowa from within. Ha la made future to do all that it can to Inalruot
ease If we will live right .There can U4 from within. Ha la made well from and Inspire to healthy living. Tha
a ik ana IIaiin. oy ttonaia ne cereoeiiuai idowi -
44 A Campbell Mac fie, M. A.. M. B. faoe altera In a hap to corraapond. A
I CXI, from tha prase of E. P. weak cerebellum shows la. tha faceln
r Dutton 4t Co I an lntereatlng a drllcat chin and lower, far. Tba
aa . .... . . t . i . .k. Ihhm . . 4 j.K.a aA.
chanae cornea a change la ma or in.
Ronald The cerebellum Increase Id also aad tha
book dealing quite exhaustive- cultivation of tha lunga and cheat ao-
then ba no genulna cure that doea not within. Give the Ufa force the proper world abounds with perversa mlnda bent
Involve right living. Tha drug atorea materials, us the life force aright and on cheating, on getting something for
ara full of Palllatlvea and Old ladlaa health la aa inevltahl aa tha rliln a nnlhlnr Thaw hn An thla In nna flald
in forma of cholera, the victim child to do thing Irraapectlve of wheth- re overflowing with advice for tha the aun. are apt to do It In other flelda. Ha ly with tha nature and propertlaa of tuatly altera tha lower part of tba fee
Z' , nr. Charlea E. Page ar they ara Interesting and plaaaant or ure oiaeaaee oy aaivea ana tea aad It la our part then, to learn how to who dentea the moral quality of the tha atmosphere, with tha physiology or la marked eagre in. many eaeea..
DBUIB . m w I. mwm . D- t-1 .1... I. A . . . . . . . . i .v. .a.-. ttnmMltv T . W . -...kA m9 thla wwk h MlA Mt
rvipirmuun, mw u v& mhmww.. -. u auv.v, w- -
temperature, and alr-pollutlon upon the allowed himself to ba carried away by
health and concluding with a chapter on dislike of the manner of breath-culture
the open-air treatment of consumption, people, ba would have baen able ta ad
Referring to open-air schools the writer mlt tha force of their contention, and
trongly commends the Idea. He aaya: would not have been lad Into tha an
"Tha effect of ooen-alr education In tenable position that lung exercise doea
Drilling With Diamond. and appointed Mr. Brigga aa special buffalo of North America practically counteracting tha moral and physical not Increase lung power and through
DIAMOND tit for rock drilling la agent to establish tba Isttar box and ceased to exist, except for a few In tha degeneracy consequent on city life can lung power lncreaaa tha health and
aulte an axnanalva artlnla it letter carrier system. Yellowstone National nark and a hand- hardly b exaggerated. There vigor Of the man.
value, however, will undergo Tha first letter box waa attached by ful In the wllda of Athabasca. has been of late years much talk of Tha fact la, aa haa baen pointed out
New&ivdUivximlmPopxikr Jcieixcc
of my application of therapeutic faat- ant or teacher,
lng until convalescence la aafely - "Wi don't have
to carry thla blind
fluctuations defendant nnon tha Clampa tO a lamp POSt that Stood In
price of the diamonds. Perhaps $ 90 ,rnt of Cleveland drug etore, and
cured, together with the employment of obedlenoo to excess. I understand the. ja t tidr value for a bit Tha diamond not year haa P"" before 62 dlf
Blmplo, moderate hydrotherapy: never importance of bringing out the Indl- usea u Moeeaingly hard harder than "nt cities had adopted tha ayatem.
. . . rw anv form Of vtii.lltv Tlttt An a ilA.1nn tha tnril.. .. .
unr ice pacaa, ua . - . man usually used as Jewelry. Tha
rough house treatment a vlduallty by always catering to the carmt ro conalderabla. averaalna
JL .-,.. "Whan wa look thla ehlld'a likln of thlnas. bT maklna av- rrtr1.?"-.. " -5"",af raD :.",n5
matter squarely in the face, where can ery task intereatlngT W bring out r wm weiah fm. Tone to
we find the least reason for typhoid and atrengthen what later may become "Tv... . T. t0 t06-'1-
KoulaMonr Blnrnolhing of that rt. degenerating tendency, but w. do not f" T" n!Pnh 'f
. j tha individual from dulaenna. f nit means bo many diamonds gone
.? "r . . ' v..i' .."I'ULi i. .'-and maw -load tn dirflmlt with tha
mistreating nio aiomacn ima cummenuea o muuiui a wn T V . " -
Nor. he says, does thla latter Imply cannot feed their children properly, be- nolo. The diamond la not tough, but
gross feeding; all that' la needed is that causa "Johnnie never eata vegetables," brittle. , It will withstand heavy pree
th patient be a dyspeptic, for dyspep- or "Kittle would starve rather than eat aura if applied evenly aad without
aia and consequent putrescenc of food brown bread." , r ahock. It can readily be aeon that drill
substances, produce the cesspool. ' ii i lng. through seamy rock may become
Nevertheless, general order of XCESS of carbonaceous food, "Dr. quite unfavorable. If there. Ig much
the war department dated September i. 'Charles MoCormlck told an audi- quarts present tho abrasion may become
n mull! "The tvnhold prophylactlo I 1 ansa in Portland ..tha. other Mceaalve. a Under ordinary mndltlnna.
will be administered to all officers and nlgnt la enough to cause rheu- however,, the wear on. tna diamonds.
enusiea men iu in. wu uuu. u o- nuuno, Bneno-acteruaia, erysip-
of 46 years who have not already re- elas and other akin affections, menln-
celved It " who have not already had gitis, appendicitis and even smallpox,
a Well defined case of typhoid fever, Thla la In Una with what thla depart-
arit who are on duty at- the station mmt ha, been temng. lts readers for a
where a medical officer is available for year and more. Bread easily becomes
this purpose." It .also provide for the staff of death lnatead of the ataff
Inoculation of recrulta and aoiaiera in of life. Cystoma clogged with carbon
isolated nlacea - ... . -r . and lta nroducta in lmnerf act dl r na
tion must hava a clearing out. and na- . wnen aisinouiea on a noor or omw
a GOOD deal or ina pnyaicai weaa- ture follows lines of least resistance. level sunace, wunin iwo or mreo xeei
A ness of men and women come . if you would . feed yourself for of one another, they Immediately begin
while considerable, la by no means pro
hibitive. ' Traveling Stones.
Prom Harper's Weekly.
"Traveling stones," from the siae of
a pea . to six Inches In diameter, ara
and Ua products. In Imperfect dlges- found in Nevada.
physical degeneracy, and people ara be- faer before, that our work and our
Oririn of Lata Malrinr ginning to recognise that the nations thought frequently cheek our breath-
From the Craftsman. , best wealth la healthj and nothing will nft and when thla occur for any
A romantic legend ta still' current " much Improve tha health and phya- eng-th of tlma our whole organism ba-
amnnr tha naaaanta n Rnrnna eoncarn- loua of tha nation a open-air schoola e0mea weakened to match. The obvious
Hoclring Stone" of Argentina. lng the origin of laca As the story The nation first to realise the ; nPr. remedy Is to attend to full breathing
From Popular Mechanics. goes, a lover who could offer hla be- l"0 of open-air education - will out- when wa do not- do It habitually.
About 170 miles aouth of Buenos trothed no costI gift on day brought- t"Ip all rlvala In the rao of Ufa then deliberately practice It fo ahort
Ay res. In th Sierra .Tandll range of to her a leaf whloh ha had plucked In Speaking of tha cost ha saya: "Fur- periods dally, and gradually a better
mountains, is a 700-ton rook so deli- the forest ther, tha cost would ba much less than habit will be built up. Experience of
cately poised that It can ba rocked She accepted It a a true token of might at flrat sight appear, for open- th benefits of breathlnr axerclsea will
- love and' preserved It with care. In air scnoois ao noi requiro w oa pais- stimuiaia io nwou . uii yiawv-
' time tha lover went away to th wars tial building with elaborate artificial will convince anyone ,of the marveloua
perhaps and never returned. systems of ventilation. A clean Bhed, results within reach of anybody who
The maiden prised the leaf then aa a n overhanging tree, ara almoat all that will ua this simple device.
acred treasure, . and when aha found are required in the way of building, and . (
only th delicate velnlng left for her a saving In tha drug bill can be set a LADY write that though aha
keepsake she took needle and thread against the coat of th food." H Is A has been dieting, breathing, exp
and tried to copy tho fairylike web. writing of England: Open-air schools 1 v, erclslng and sleeping, to Improve
And thus was made the first bit of real in this country need no more deal with Jfj.' her digestion, yet awhtl after
lace, -the food system than any schools. In- eating she continues to have
- . ferlor food will be better taken care of -nlcUt0n, ot gaB and sour food from -
Wireless, Government Monopoly in b outdoor puplla than the best food her stomach. And what U th remedy T
s. France fcy children too much confined. t There is no gain In continuing to fill
. ' ' From Pop "ar Mechanics But. wJth H, l"'1 . ,nfonnt"on th stomach with food that sour. ln-
an.fIJL , J lecnan,c"- contained In thla book, it la somewhat f ,..., otoD short Olva
Wireless telegraphy la a government off.At bv the 111-ludxed screed against "teaa or ; digesting, etop snorx. uivo
monopoly in France and nl private in- -uttlTatloi bTefth'ng exerc Sea th8 -tornach- a rest Omit on meal,
dividual, according to Coemoa, a French S tuAir adves wliich breathing vigoroualy In the open air aa
aclentlflc publication, may possesa nomlnlte-4addt When "cranka ot he tlm " P'lDl- Breath-
elther a sending or receiving elation. Z?.? .f'ff'tJlo.1 lng, is one of th best forms or.oxer-
ConsequenUy. the tlmo signal sent tha mouth or nen alwaya set It down 0,ae- r' exercise the Internal organ.
Llriaf,!; Ai.' 'r!m th. .peakeTi; short of good argu- .tt. th . blood with yg-n and
wireless sUUon in the Eiffel tower, al- The averaaft lav reader of the 'JUieta and strengthena the nervea For
J"ut" "?,,,0 yAOT favjng a recelv- ook ln nuaion will turn to the chapter weak persons those wlth low vitality
lnSt- 2Sd "v,nK out",d th on "The Chest and Breathing," hoping i it Is better than too much general
boundaries of Franoe, are not avail- ..,miatin. attona onlv to ha exercise. After skipping a meal, eat
Thna tLPS? nil, lnd,vWual", ln France. ; mtt wltn th ' disappolnting assertion very moderately, of. say. two article
Thus the Frenchman pay for the ser
vice and his neighbor within a radius
of about 1200 milea reaps the Jbeneflt
GOOD deal of tha phyalcal weak
ness of men and women come
from flabby methode of train- health you will eat nlentv of "Brass"'- to travel otoward a common center, and
lng ln childhood. Hence, Dr. that is, uncooked celery, onions, cab- there lie huddled like a clutch of eggs
c. F. Weege'a article -on "Graft- bare. and. the Ilka. They will Drevent in a neat
in Education." In Mind and Body for the accumulation of waste and purify ; a single stone removed to a distance
October, la pertinent to our heme. the blood. iThi food question ia o of three and a half feet upon being re
Dr. Weege Is connected with the Carl easy of i demonstration that one can leased, at once started with wonderful
Schur high school, Chicago, and as an verify Dr. MoCormlck by confining him- and somewhat comical celerity to Jola
observer ha th cobined advantages geif to atarchaa for a short tlma. On nB fellows '
of the trained physician and tha P'cU- n.,d not carry It to th point of actual .;;TheM qU'eer atones are found In a re
cal educator. " 0?.kJ ;-.lllii.a.. Bqt VJotia- -V rwndt that 1 comparatively level and Ht
tendency of making all t"kfmJr .Urchee. fats and aweeta only , fora --g mor8 than bare rock. Scattered over
attractive to th child, claiming that rew days, and If you are in the habit .M. ... rin . littt. h.aini fm
thl. result. In want of moral stamina. of feedlng yonP.elf properly you will , " "g "r" L?
"Physical education snow me aama quickly notice th effect. -Tou Will ,T C'rt" . Wmm 7th. tha .t-
.ania" ha aava. 'TEvervbodr would ? i.a. aia-t ..h.t ak. n bottom of the that th gently enough
..... .- : - Mtna it it - . . Tl ivi w rolling stones are found. . . out crushinr It
only were not so much like work." bother you.. If aver aubject to head- -Th fa08- for the atrang oonduct of moment It wer about to falL lta aur- raH0aj competing with foreign kerosene ln th arrangement.. On purpose, at
: " Ml
' Courtesy The Sketch, London.
A 700 ton stone which looks every
may be gently rocked.
that breathing "is essentially automatic of food; euch sa baked fish and raw
and reflex." and that so far as absorp- vegetable salad, or on slice or Dutiereu
tton of oxygen and exhalation of car- bread wJth lettuce, or aoma cheea and
Don dioxide are concerned, deep breath- fruit, or baked potatoes with, cream and
lng is a mer "wast of muscular en- raw onions. Consult the taste In your
ergyT y-tj.-i"- ;-'''--s.'f..:X choice,, but-look out for combination .
Regarding the last,' ha la wrong, aa aimllar to these. Chew every bit to a
multitudes can testify from personal , finish. Take a nap after eating if tha
.Illumination in China.
From Popular Mechanloa.
w..nt- . t .k.,t,t .ii , t ion japunrao nays loaiaiiea , an oil
moment as lf about to fall yet reIlnery t0 naBdl, tha'producta of tha
petroleum -well ot northern. Shensl. experience.: Breathing Is not only re-.jeast aleepy of fatigued, Then If your
. China, and the larger cities throughout Hex, but It is also under control of the ,tomach takes care of that meal t
1. VLI. .J Ii T aTL central Shensl are now being supplied will, as h later admit. . and thla Pro-m,, b a hlnt Tor futur action. If
about o Vl Its anr- Wlth JUv "" " cent per vision suggest that there Is a purpose ,t doe, Bot Bkip two meal and at
light two-kind meal. This - plan fol-
. . . a . a a . a.. a. a. . ' thaaa atnnaa laa flmnriaaa t m na rAiinM in aaa a b.j a, i tiavf MiAnnnfMa awvnira . . m. . . , n v
neitner pnyaicai. meniai nor monu acnes, tney win mcreaaa .ir rneu- " . r . ... ,u. .w... 41 c.ntB per gallon. Th supply of leaat, la eieariy to. enapie us m ubo . t .. .. wtn a-enerallv
. 1 . .. . 1 , . , . ... . . . wnm m .inrin , or w Minn m nmrw ara nmn . i m ,. waj ail Mvav i t p. .na ill mmt wr . . . ... . . . i . ... . . i . . - - . -
IU.UU, uui vviuiiauit , .iu.; am ni -. - - : - ----- . -. . . , ipairoieuin ia aaia o d inexnauauDie. iwwiukib
ra . 1. . . nnaad which knnnin to ba lodeatona or nii-loa' - . ." ....... .... ' . n-
adnoatton can or ahould boa all ' Cor
largely) play, v he mainUina. Work xf your memory Is not the most per- posed, which appear to bo lodeston or tourists.
rarely- causes' breakdown. "Rather feet- you wUl notice it troubles you magnetic Iron ore. - . ' -.
than um the natural ' cure for wearl- 'mora than uauaL Whatever may b your ' . . Havoc of the Hide Hunter. :
'nesa auch aa rest, exercise and recrea ' weak points ther you will notice the first American Letter Bdx. - From Outing.
tion we encourage Idleneaa., - effect. But the deterloraUon wlU be - From the National Magazine. In 1 111 the buffalo hid huntera aaed oli for illumination nuraoaa.
. . I. 1.... nltlaa hava . .nj I ah a IU la .n... 1 .1 . ... " . : .Wi . I. ... .v . eSa OU IOr "lumiDaUOn purposes.
action to supply extra .n- '' ib. tm
and It la believed that aa aoon a. wa.t. amounts Of air to th lung and motion .nn.M.rait n.f '
t. ern . China la tapped by modern tran- th J5, f 'Jlh !r?Jh- them all right and th product ia r-
porUUon facilities electricity a weU ;Jwo " which breathing.. "ecta. tAn Tou Enow wh,tl r
aa keroaen wUl take th place of rape- V V..".v.." 1, they- ara right and you cannot know
. LZZrZ. bcuWariW nnlee. you bring your mind to ba.rUI.-
ampl. proof Jhat th. young and, long .nough aerlouB Ulneaa ; will, fol- th letter box wa unknown. Tho In- Th. next year th. numberwa.JOO.000 haVVld .oTt TnivaraaT' a-n-athla 1 effactd by rapid breath- tW C!
women lack flrmneaa of character, lack low; ; ventor wa Joaeph .William Brigga, and ln 1M 40,000. Only 100 wer. r- "i..",? ,i:'T, Tnnn,i7T;7 .hi . rellevingaln; the blue ara tc- "J0.
th. .will power So fight temptations. The point la not that bread la to be nephew of a former governor of Maeaa- ported In 1M4 and after that ther. f'tur;e!L 1Uum'nft- th. ,y banUhed. th nerve toned up, and a arera, - If th mind of wn l trnM
Ther drift from nickel shows to pool- banished, but that It la to ba used only huaetts. who. aa head clerk In tha war none- at all. Jn 1181 Slttlnr Bull UtUe taper In tna oil vaaael glvlngbut ,.rlatv of other dltraea allayed. Fur- upon any given subject with a u.r -
room and bowling atleye and cards, aa th backbone diet By bread Cleveland poetoffice, studied the needs and hla band, with aoma whit, hunter. dlm. crtn ht But today, Tal- ther wben deep breathing exercises ara ciant cOToentration. be oMains uiu
and when the circuit is completed they 1 meant grain foods.) of patrons, and after corresponding killed the . laat 10.000 -of the northern Jrun la lUuminaved with electricity, persevered In, weak constltutiona are nation with regard to ii sooner
beglnover by-Increasing the stake, When we know that this kind of diet with Postmaster General Dannison upon herd. " . Chungking I installing a $100,0QO elec- mad. strong, indigestion ia cured: like- lata.
These ra the moat obvious reali Its that is, too much starch) la th moat tha subject, took a train for Washing- Th laat survivora. It In number, trie plant and SUnfu and Chengto, aa, wis. asthma, bronchltl and consume- ' ' 1 '
)e common ara good manners at'atf fruitful cause of colda ln all forma, of ton, bearing a paateboard model of tha were killed on . the Big Porcupine in wetl la several other-large citlea, are tlon. The effect upon the mind la aa Primitive Iron furnace f ' "r' r
times, pollteneas and good behavior, fevera.. of the tlffness "and brittle- letter box under hla arm. Th. postmas- 1IM, and- atra-mounted fof th N-' being ' lighted with- patent kerosene marked aa that upon tha body. Courage Sweden are aald to di 1 -i
manllneaa, franknesa, standard of cess of. rheumatlam and tha Old-aug af- ter.gejaerai saw the merits of th. plan Uonal muaeuxEV, , With that th. wild lam pa, . take tha place of fear and enthusiasm years.