THE OUtCOH SUNDAY jOUKNAL OttTLANl. SL'J.'DAY UOKN1KU. h O V 14 U E R It. Ull. LATE Sl MARKET ::"""' ' ' NEWS 0'.'0 -OF THE D'wJ WORLD ANOTHER KECORD FLIGHT 11HE DUE TO SMALLER ; Ill EXPECTED AT AH EARLIER DATE firul Reports From Delayed Harvest Give the Total Crcp c! Thrw States as 63,430,000 Bushels Compared With 40,000,000 Bushels a Year Ago; Light Land Production Is Very Disappointing. CROP OF CEREALS PRODUCEO THERE Situation In East As!a Is Serious HcncVor.3 Cannot te?t Its Native Rejlremer.ts for Rice as Wei as Greater Outside Call flour Imports from United States V:l Ce Record Breaker This Season. 13 lil'ESI HUT CflOP GREATER CIIBEFAI, XOTHWLrr WMUT rOP -Ol'Btir I.4V. rvao- ... ....... t t 14- U)( He (Ml. TuJ Ms Itr It CVata. ar. i tn aiui b.rtal la lb Ia .rv. ataaiaBf ta el a 4- Wall 1 a .1lB f IM MrM fcM Mm imWi4 waa a, "" .J Ik. MntiMHM bar t. aaa Mru fraaa ! a eitafete it ia rvt tiwa Taa um M laa mkmiM I I auiarr af lae r trw ia .4 n..iafta aad iaui ie as . hmi ,... t i-n' rfci itmm e - Jiy 11 I 1 1 I M I. 4f a. IUHM4 moat r T-M il I. . TT. i. by taa la rU.f af IN Ba It tOll ffM f k, -.irt aartkaaot al 41 WV..I . be! If 111 Jur It af ! JiHif.l mumM a ,vf af 41 t .... tk aa..ia4 ! l Il .read a-l.aa til Blate af Of. waa avta!r efeu:ied "l flT It ! ft4 ale raat.r4 l a aa ,.iMif eaeilf tr r IMI a aatlmalad era aa Jaly I al It :. abe. - - Wa Vaaaaaaar ' Th .nufci fauiag eft la ofHi ?V.4 fraan wfcal bad ba aartla (am (Ha rvauii af a ar1b fa taa u(ml of Marraw. (ililtam ar4 !' couatlL Th aarraal la oa rtlo u aalf about ta Ihlrda f ahtl aa4 Wa aapaxlao. A eaMfcat all.f f la! 4 lhaa an racial la N.llr ia4 MrUMl f lla !! trouaM fa aailmala la vlihla a fra I toa f taa aarltar aailmala maoa tot lia ai'lra alaia. Carlr wurtu I maiula one if crva of ..0( al Wl lalaai nirM aa l of Va.kaia. )rr- alifH aalaa liaaata MM ' ooaattaa fra aa.c Taa a f MMti.tin, a a lalaal rMaraa afiar U. ta fa l aaa aa muihi! oaiia la I '-a aaklauo t t fas! 1 1 a4 a II k U Waa auaBtr4 arlla kaai itr r Ikaa laal a' ' taa allaaiMa a aula of WaafelaalM la la ama ! aiwtw la Ikal akaaa B orv W Italkia la ti 1,1 oia- Kl Iraaa -arta4 laij Mia la ! 4ia laaaa. ,.rh aa t alia Wtla. iba Xaaa Ora ta Flaal ralurm t B .ui af IdaWa aaal craa al 1 .a a, kuak.u l.i IMI aii alia a era aaiianalaj al I iM tft l.K.: an Jil It aaa aa ariJ rU af t . kuUi in ma. la ...tlar. liak. la a aiar U14 lhaa Ihla, w ia faJa aa raia hi pa.a ar ita lata aafTor raar lb araa af Ibal alaia aaa t airaCrSad bv aa. naai Taaraa. aalaal ahinaaaala aa4 I a4 fcam taa.lramnl. artmlf lha aiala mora lhaa I-Ihlr4 of lha rrva aliaaa4 bv lAaha .iu.i fftrtaJ Tba a-baal rroa af !4ba lhl Tr la tna rraalaal know a la thai aari lan 'llmailo roajlilona waa Tar mat. rat. oracia la ja uora aiala Ihla roar lhaa la althar Oraton ar Waahlnirioa Idaho ba4 mora raia rrovlnua ta h. an mm.. aad i k4 rooUr vaalhor durlo th hot pail inia roar tnaa dl4 th olhor laro laloa of lha aoribwaai. Ihla .MHinn fir lha botiar hoartoa' than aipociod. I Hkttrmt,. iv r . afJL A7i -rt 1 t'aiU4 anal t a..l taaa(. toa ava. ita-. atrW fai yJ.i-i t' la rnno la o-a4 am. 1a la --i '. a, l I r, la C 1 1 m li-a ai., af Iba abaal .a Ui aa Imumi t aa I 1 1 UI,. r !, ia rva o a a il a4 fioda ia oi 4 Im a a af la. ta ... .r tiMi4i a.n ha.o raalla4 fraaa im4 'a aia'M. a ... aar rwka. , a.i. . a.4 aiba aua.l kM aA4 a II la a K ika, i... ba.a a atMtliaf l.l.ata la i la" a laov aaaf btaaai f kaaa- a ax a.a, aa taaa"! U ra!auav Tba r. Il fa af Ik t aiaa baa la aiai(l br ra af H-a rtva la l,a Mb; ka it PECULIAR CHANGE III THE LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION HOOD RIVER CELERY MAY EXHAUST WOOL GETS REPUTATION AS SUPPLY BEFORE NEW BEST IN NORTHWEST CLIP IS AVAILABLE CATTLE HOLDINGS E mm N EA HEAVILY DIN OREGON CATTLE BUPTUES. till Hit Cbltl 404.OO4 !. UUch eowa 1I,JI 114.00 . Thar hac baan a Try aaricma At- roM Apple 4 ncrrrDUlria b btrhr IVm-md tor Qnick 1117 S.? likclj t SoU th rroblna of I ICfTj IinportaUloBi to This See Uoa From Outside Boorcc. ta Dowtoa Martri With tha Mill Eattmala of holdint-a in lha atat lo- L'naNa tA Talra n-a .t run y. a compUad by Tha JourtiaJ. ahow LBAOie to Ta Cat of Call for iomo head aicluair of milch eowa, a Snot Ordcrm. ' eomparad with 401.000 haad a jraar afo. Tk. .nil laraaa, In ratlla holdlnaa la aUrtling, In what la commonly cailod lha "oow" country. A faw rara ao Hoalon. ' ViktVoi: '11. tnlfa' iha miI iUdb for huadrada of ir i i ..b , aaa i i... .v. I vnlnma nt n.. i- .k. d... IwI'M calUa to M.omw inrouio B Ylrman 1 1. Cohem. " " l.'i00 Ter oiairict waa ramoua ror, wooi roarxat naa Daon amartar than for todaV auoV iiards ara a. rarity and af ih.m would tnlwir, applaa. rom waaka paat tba arcreiata trana- Liractl mv'h attentlSn. T ItJod MS .."mikiSi SSo.ha, "7 n.''" b,"- .000T?00 M wVci c-itla " SVa baeom. aa acasa r.LnoBL lhi .i--nSii f-lI 'nd 002.0 pounda. HhlpmenU ara In both tba Wlllamotta vallay and aaat rapuiation wiiicn la O wanned ta ba tba runnlna haavlar and mtlla ara ami 1 1 - - - - .. fj.r. th.r. 1R OF HOGS IS 171,000 GREATER THAN ONE YEAR AGO iioo rnoDCCTXOJ onowna Oron II aad. till 4I4.O0 111 , m.04 tif ITxinaa II. Oobea. Wllhlo lha apaoa of a alatla yoar lha aombar ef boaa bald oa Oracan fanaa baa aaarly doublad and aa lnaoti ra tion ihowi tba aarna eandltloa la Idaho, vlth only a aiihl varlauoa rrota Lb I a tneroaaa In Waahlnfftoa. Hlah Drlcaa for awlna daiina tha paat faw yaara tocaihar with tn Ira- Krovad marnat al rortiana na.a raauiiad brlaalna tha produottoa to a baa la whara nackara can aaa aoma aooonraaa mant in tneir wora. kitmM aaKb baa ta tba ala af aiuibiia of a fr aawtb al aaia I'Ma-a. ka b.l aatly aiv.Ua la aw ftr Iba Ia.aaaa4 a.aa4 Ibia vif laaa aaa laiiura af ia rtva la naa M.U r. Mil trftm lda-Yia ata iaialiy x.ilri. Ika baa taa Ml ltytt Ita 4,uahl lfeaa aad II la r a.iiuia Ibal Iba taaira awlp-al la Ibal faliy ui Va tvn.Cal aiba la lb ttu-it-Hu, a ,J.,lao4 la ba aba iba araaa. Haaka half hit I I'a la Iba aia af lIl 111 a14 4jtaf iba il aaif af iba cutraal .r aa rom. d Vila) aMuaaa! alor4 at IIML. la tba aaa aartai ar III. Tba aaiira (w auu.u aaria-u al al. la bliaaibroaiaia ara lakiaa ia aa a larga alocb af lha aja ia la Iba poor at coal, aad Ibua ara .a a tor la I b aupply. fin. I tar acltoa la balaf lakaa al karioua olaia la Kaaattuaa provlnra. Ntarly ovary rinrial auvaranioal ta aaulfct and coa.lal f'blna baa lakaa an low. a.onf almllar llaoa for Iba prolaclloa of Iba paobla, la llonchonf rva thai In An fual rould bo bad al I rai told r-.r bound aaa auoiad la aWpiambar at I oania told, aad tba prtca la a 4 trancing rapidly. taaraaMl Xamaad for riaa. Tba Hr at raault of sue a a aitaatloa1 a. il ,rtad af III. . . uu.iua. . ta la lloakewi laadiaa labia arllua laaard a Hal 4al4 la tba ik a-art 4 t .Ik I a.aaa4 da.a.aa.4 f aavara fvar floMal la.ik-UA ' Ibal IVa ia W I ia ll'-a ui nvwb lla Mffca( f a-a alt.Ual. a4 M.rii4 I a faaifc af ImI. baa, l,4 1 a lata (a.b bl('u. tt-mm J awa,Ma) a l.'.l a4 tlmxl Ia vr bia la laa.fk4 (a(wt Ibal IL 1. . 4 V.i.4.,. l..a b a balal all Iba a.a Ibay a flu balaaaoi a .l iaauarr a- Ibal ail fraifbi . ,' la lU4ail fiaaa) r4 .l iaia la Iba fa aaat baa M' lata aa Ht ibal llaaa Tba - t of fluf la b Lt.ysla4 frMa Iba L a4l4 Blataa I til r' rraiaWy raaa ba 4 fa aaJ II ! b I.K. If f'vfa aaa4 uUa 4 tba f 'U f 'aaa ru, Ibal tal ef Iba l'ajla4 biota etrJ tw4! bia Il 1 ,'vttl Ibal toaaiaarabia floor III bO -. ad tfOaa 0,aalaaO aad aibay bMI, aaul k f r4 aawad. Kmigb la facau! yai Iba kiiataia la hi ar r lb MI4 aa baa aiMOOf aurvjy frwaa Iba awrlbara Arwaa I a It la alraody baoaa Ibal Aaa Iralioa floar lJ rvm lai l la aoabat i aurt'r r aafwii. bt ia wbai laol lba lawll' alii ba) draaa m trolatma of 111 - 1 af flaor. .M f,ta IK imiia af curtly aad af lrKpria itoa ladirai4. a Ml biaaa 1 1 ri ai wa f floor raa S. bad bw al 4 taoaaaabla firlca. tba d'Onand f II will raiiuta 7 n HALF MILLION' HEAD. I.FJK-SHFEP INSTATE THAN A YEAR- mFindncialGossipof Wall St'. mi.Hu. a ImuIi of Iba ba He Mt If b rlV. af f"Ur ad.aaora mat., tally. Iba vnluma of poria wilt ba cum. Had for Iba latl raaaoa Ibal lb Cbla rooauaaor c.a aot aurchaaa flour al a prtca mark abova lha aoolaliaa whathar lhara la rira or not. bor Ibo lies bln. advanca coalraala will prttUab y pravn ant Inrraaa la priro la huf off Ibo tluin of Imparl coralnf la lion konfl and aoin of ha rmirml China porta. rut it la undaratood that China and Mancnurla port ara larlf llhoat fulura ran war I a and ara aut Jact to market flucloallona. SIIKCP DECRtAHB IS 1TEAVT. Oroa If aad 11 1 1.4O0 4M 111 M00.000 By rrratoa C Adam. ' rrikltabora trrm Ua4 Wlra) Now Tork. Wor. ll-Tha Wall airt markat baa roord a part at loaat from tha ahock of flllna lha ault af atnat Docraaaloa' rana durlna tha oaat fw I ha aiaai iruiL but thoro atlll tl a yrs baa ptayad havao with Iba bp I ahlrrla fllnir In tba land of hlfn Induatry In th Paclflo norlhwaal aadlflnanca, which doaa not maka for vary aapoclauy la Or f on. whara many for I .i i.. j..iinr. In in. anoculatlva mar roar graaiac ground ara twin culUvat- I kata. and ihla la liabl Iw conilbua for a . A earaful tlraat lui mad by Th laaaWall atrart phlloaopher Journal Indlcaiaa thai tha onllra bold- framarkad tha otbar day, "All tha bulla- . , "J "r !" Y" ""."T. aora balloo will pot ocraaa tna grain crop thaa 1.O40.09O head at Ihla lima a da-1 k. . r n. ih. miinn rrun b a croaa af 100.000 had within a alngl I pound. o lhara U no raaaon for Uta or- r?'-.i:;:-' -a. v n,an to ba frlf hl.ned - . wwmw wy Bvuiimcni a u-1 jia mignl uava aauou mnn.r ma. .t. uiniur. auww ilia, ciuao IV J.OVV.VVV I IJ long fl Q tnrlW WOUia JU Ba third ta twa third of a million tana of now tonnac aach ar, and If praaoat proracta hold oul brolntblr v tun of nw ahlpplng a ill ba put Into watr bafora tba next fural year begina. Th Unilad fflaia dooa aot rank high among Ih com marc 11 nallona la tna matter of amrloylng conaula and oonu lar aganta. VV ha far mora oonaula than any other cxunlry. but fwvr run- ular VYanca lrada araji Ort Krltaln. with a camihlnod total of I to. agnlnaf Britain 110. Italy follow. wlib 71, (l.rmtrr haa 711. and avn Itolgluin with Own, la flv aliad of tha Unltt-d Stataa. Tna dctalla aa compiled by lha mlncct r'inch aconornlal fol low: . 4 . Conaular - Connnl. A cut a. Total. mandlng prompt ahlproant Loading hava baen fiJrtroJ to go to tha , - a. .a iiuiub ug W IMJ L a t.iry growing prom aaa ta aiva thaimiiia .ra nm. . c:.r i - r - -r -. -- -. worlda nramler anida diairtri ".iioih-r lilI-XV--"."..."". mountain couniry ig Bocura .ua iww, .:i . .: Z.Z1. : . u, pwui i. iDiiiigni ana man- ww a a aaaaaa, puv a.uu aaa BVftJ W W uimi I n U ir aT nail I Vairw ' auccea baa been rached. . If tba conaiimetlon eontlnuaa tn .wBrI!.nlJrt. promlnel?t raldnt of pand or aren malctaln tha preeent rat l JiO0l.Hi,,.ep.tec"on'fhf? .bn tb remaining auppllea will be absorbed on to prOT to th world that th ap- bafor th new American cl Id cornea pie valley can produce the? thing of ih American cup comoa "i"1"..:"- . t, oretrn . market ara llkewla , i-V .- .7! "T" """" V"?,pP-I rengthanm. Considerable fine me- f celery to the Portland market that dlum clothlnr'waa sold on th scoured -."..uf!? ol.hwL Towr to wonder busts of 00 cents a pound. Scoured ter- whether the atock was real or artlfl- rltory averages SO to 61Centa for rino f &?lZ?!i&bei'i'pwt":ta l"iuni Md flM "y. canto for i am nwi was pacaea in a neat box: the packing baina luat aa tood as la done -with apples In that seo-ltll. less carlots, IKOe aarlots, IHc, ww iu,.jr v.aijr aturvanepor wno , v. v. rurviana. Vlawad atlr.h ealarv. waa a V.n u mr,A 1 X4 0 1 T A T 1.11 la turn the consumer found that here HIDE8 Dry hides, 17c lb.; green. cwur miuvu wu rrajiy gooa to I uuiib, green, bbjc, iHnu lo.; KIDI aat, . . 0lOc; calves, dry. l20c par lb. -People hava talked of Michigan pro- Qroerlss. XJrZifrZZ: -.SSb.K.i!.n.0."I .-"VOAR - Pube. -XVi Powdered, Smln. from HoLRtv" W. It ed," :S0;l D yellow, 8.20; 6eet8 70 liryer. a member" of the wholesala com- etr" Honolulu plantaUoncane 'rrarlu. "i.1":. -;.. - .Abova quoutlow ara ?or .h.'indh?i"B;rL! L.?A-LTcr.a 100.. $.:80 n .-ti ' . . .r lun- OVB ij.uuj iaoie oairr. ous III: ' - a -...-o ireia, 2n. os ana lus. siitb: lumn roclc acreage oontroUed by Mr. Frans at $20.80 per ton. 1W"' lural "it. Hood J liver will be rreatlv Increased tn I uii-nlT..- t . a..,,.. ... . yaewiae prouuee biock oi Quality nave HONEY New. 8.75 per case. ory than they are growing. The Hood River man has demon trat- : ed that not only can that section com mand the highest market price for Ita ' applea and strawberries but ita celery brings mora than that of any other Oregon BRANS Small white, $4.80; large white, $4.70; pink. $5.25; bayou. $5.00; Lima. t6.80: reds. 4S.2S. Fruits aad Veg-eUble. APPLEa New croD. ll.ooui on POTATOES Selling prices Selected 0r.'Kont,i;5?:nordlnary- 106i buying price, 90c$1.20; sweets, 2c. PORTLAND JOBB1NQ PRICES ONIONS yellow, tl.nseti i nn, -mru 7Sc. ' ' " ' FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $4.60 per , These ahUaah whole- pfeVscb 'wlsera'tV0 r,U1 er XCe M other- hSckleberrres. Wo e? Ib.Vpea'hef "d , WHEAT-Producers- prtca nominal; VEGEPTTM-N track delivery, club. 78 80c; bluestem eackv beets' Til Bp e-Srota ii'sVafi ka. 8183c; fortyfold 80llo: Willametta cabb'age? 8O081.OO; tomatoes locll 50 V ' l?e?iSt0: red Ru8ln- c; Turkey 60o box; California. Tl 50 crate? beans. wAJRLiET Producers' prices 1911 ilaca pap "beU fo0eib-nhe-Sd , reed, $31.0081.60; roUed P32; brewing, lettuce? 80c ao-iothoii!,i bo'1 OATS-Producers' price-Track No. 1. 4J7E? dog"? tKTSAfoTlbum RSaayj'Sa'' r7hlta-K,M-W?l:- 1 00 wclf; Veas OcrcaUliflowor $80.00030.60; December and January, local 60c$1.00. winnower, delivery. No white, $31.50. ltaitV iSLii a.d ii LHi ur irtJ selling price Bran, iin u.7D -irrT:-:. - orainary, extra, poor. mutton. 18U0 I boiled zt.bu; miaannea. iji.ou; shorta 825.50: 1 u. ,:rr.. chop, $1.00 26.00. . 'I itli-. "'ir'fu .v,?raiKlaDai . HAY Producers price mi crop 12U Ti. rV.,.; w?r, I?,"' Vallev tlmothv.. fancv. tin- nu.'CT 13c: prdliiary, llH12c; $15; eastern Oregon, $17018; miied! SSi! SI.". -TOA l?c: 112; clover. $10; wheat, 811 0) 11.60-1 Uiwa 'tr cheat, tllifflll 50- alfalfa ii ii. kJ: L AMS, BACON. Etc. Hams. Z??1SArltZ X1111' 1312.60; I9c: breakfast fjacon 1M17A- fi-ottr Renins rio. to.... U??n. 2930c; picnics, llc: cottage. at . r- a . -T m,r . awilW, 1 lgUf' ' lftTll IS fa dhnrf rlan Vtt mwwm :.?Vi"'5m""-.UB.Pe.r Barrel: local laCi hark-. " .k Clears, smoked. "S..ra'.. $4.30 D?ced Se'a.ZTh6 "0l4H: steam rendered, tierce. 12 Uo ter Ih.: .nty aoai Ar,ady. as a result of tha graator'.boad of ahooa wara ahlnnal frm im. w"J.5-,:-.. . T .ia-i tr tohaJ. for! I offerlnKa of hoi from tha horn tarrl-1 il... m.T .." I IV .L""'"r-rr"'.-' . TT.u-. Oreat Br Uln 110 00 . l ,cr? o-r. tho purchase, of Pacific norrh- Tat Tait ha f of tiu wai tak S'n, h. TiT.ii tht rowiim n ,1,r""!. ut I51 "d tTTr. r- .? "L-.rlV.. P?.'t? P. oidlTan,d.h ' W" Uk" KTfTar! .fit'lS'e." wfl. Kbu nited Ut 304 t. .03 Rocky r,T-"T. pracucaiiy c ia oa wiu jrioverateot or sharp to market during and th railroad willarry as mucii ' l"' I PaTntiZiiV an fhi. i!i'in..u t... I ,B P?o aon baa been tha grvateal freight regardleas of tha number or E f-i. il its ial I Practically all of this lnoreaa haalavar known r i...un. (M IL. ?" . :a.l aa i. u. . ii ,ir,.i mrlHriglum 46 tss aus Ikeen ahown durlna ra-ant waaka. .TL l.i"-tTr T.!. I v .v" ,ul I Aii.tro-irunrarr ...111 I 3 atO catlna thaf th. reduction Is lust b-1 1 V C "uk .T".'l. ""J w Ru-ala V....-' . ..133 $00 433 ginning to .how It. .Brtm-vnn.Z;rwirtXl7i rri InV -Tth rT.a which mak. th. lu.y 103 40 73 artoTC thl. VXr S5S ,1aV i.rr?,'? d' ?? RJ""..." llM,r tb Atchison I. notloTrbehlnd th. H.rri- win- a year airo, belna- 71.01 head, compared .lanahlaV mi . mn and tha Hl.l roads In provldln ax- with 7.7 In th aarna period In 118.1 " "B0I?no J -v. - .v, Icaoltal for ambitious Improvement of there hava been laaa hogs brought for- a,i-""m5"?n.cor mOB ,n ln? unJua L -Sk - n v 2m. of tha a tief director facllltlea, Flrat tho Harrlman director. rrr. ,k. ..n,t. ,hi. I Stat during th current year haa been I of stocks by some or ine sieei aireciore l. , .k, iikaaooooo In roroed to aa xiaawhara. Owlnr to tha ateat ahortaca of at Oregon and other Paclflo northwest renters., itinera nave oeen xorcea elaewhera for the bulk of their pile, and the outlook for th lata tar and early SDrinc movement li ceedlngly favorable rer tha prtca. Im.l.. Ik. wimmt avak Ik.r. W.I I of 2160 cattla In th North Portland haa brought down tha total of otter- w ' previous aoaaon With ,i.k anta nr tha urn, inn I grower, everywhere anxloua to let ao period in 1910. Tbla showing Indicates OatlooK U Kor Xopafal. nd willing to .ell their mutton for any the great decrease In th offering, of Vnlwlih.ianrtln, tha rat that (h.ra Pr'c. " . WOu,( b.rln tbm hoP trade cattla from tha home territory, although ha. be-n. ,lb4!r.7 tncralaa fa th. mer UJLL a this year movement haa consisted I of ketln- cf jj nog, recently, th ut- now?-, market (a hnnln. t ., more than the usual amount of outld I loolt , u VtonM. ir nack. I 'l,0.w ? "J".1" beginning to Show stuff up to this lima. - ' era continue t5 work on tha 1 Cattle orleea were rather mixed local market during the week with ,tff .dvance 1. due th. local trad J".'" VncoSr.rin,0,.- .V cowa and bulla ery firm and steer. ,i.hi- ,k. t -a liavo Deen ancoursglng because in most ... . . . mkl. I - - - wrK wun lower rncea in .iwfc cnndltlon la due to tha fact that of the arrivals recently hava bean steers aViiI tha rheaner animate hava bn - III. HVIMU VIU.U. lll.l.d, VMI Ilia in .JUB... n V. . 1 1 . 1 scarce. . . .. . " past few years, but such a condition r""Kr "A ""-"I 1D J" ..,uun.ln? 4. . . i iieru Lraiin kl miri rt r-nri isnn .snn sir waa Fancy steers 6.65 Hra where nrodueera can ralaa theml11" D'!t . Choice steers M with a liberal nroflt. therefore with U un. Pz snaepar. wortn Portland to Feeders , - fM tha Increased offerlnia oroducer. will oa.lVln,f 7"' CM9 A0 .- Common steers have, their profit, will ba correspond- fi "e"a-tc.omP"ea.'w'ln '. a yar Fancy heifers .IWO-D m-lv -areater than aer befora . Ior " pcoa.. i instranpsisi r ri si r I bi ai nn m aa tiniiiMianiiw most , Ther. is a prospect, howev.r. uiat from killer, who -aotu.Tly ' need'-'th. w a aaa v w w win a ww v waw mtnCK ' utruh,yJ,wbr0."?." .Durlna the rast week th.r.. was an Feeder cows Fancy cows .......... fancy ouiia ....... Oood ordinary bulls Stags ITanrv llo-ht ralvea Medium calves 6.00 Ordinary calves . . . . i . 00 CATTLE BALES OF WlSJMb. , STEERS. vAv. Lbs. 1 steer 160 6.00 I 26 steers 70 steers 70 steers 114 steers 208 steers 63 steers 89 steers 25 steers 26 steers 43 steers 1 9 steers 2 steers 1 steer . 1 steer 1 heifer 80 heifers 0 steers 27 steera 22 steers 29 steers 1 . steer . . . .j. 2$ steers . ... . ..... i '. BUTTER Extra creamery, cubes and luua, prints, ac: ordinary prints, ithie: dairy, 1818o. BUTTER FAT Producers1 price F. , o. b. Pertland, per pound. 35 He. EGGS Local extra. 42Hc; fancy. ssrfjoc, fc o. , b. Portland! aa.feni, fresh; lttiittf iS-Yt 20c lb. ducks. l16Hc; old ducks, compound, tierces, 814o per pound. FISH Nnmlnal Xtnnlr t.nT 1 n IV flounders, Cc; halibut, 6HCi7c; striped baas. 20o; catfish, 12 012 He; salmon, 10o lb.: soles. 7o per lb.: shrlmna. 12Hc lb.; perch. 78c; tomcod. 8c; lob- aieiB, ioc; nerrinifB, orsc; Diaca bass. lK, BiurReoi 8o lb.; black turgeon, 12 c per lb.; Silver smelt. cod. 7Hc: dressed shad, 7c; OYSTER 3- i .,r ' , 7 '"i -1 ion. i i; ue ZJ' :rrf .l!?-?'J'BC;.?reB"??. Pla. per gallon $3: per 100 lb sack."8: " urbiKKS snoaiwater bay. fx IUH" ,on- : ?r 10 lb. sack. ( ); Olym : dressed. Int. , ... n4.1M I V. pigeons, oia, II; (canned eastern. 65c can. xs so riaun. nominal. 2526c; i CHEJC8E Freah Ornhntun-UVcill OIL Bta. ' rream. tridets and daisies. lii nar -"r A . mLTorAeriUiTi kettle boTleV bbLT 87"! raw' lVcaS flat.. J0"" 0"' f 90e; boiled, in caea. ? 2o RallanV lota of HOPS-?,0?,.- "SSfta- lew.; U cat. meal non. cJ.oiea. 43ic; price, 4Jc; medium, 42cf WHITE LBADTon lota la w n, . Ma. avu ail TAI.rr.tP tHm. naa Ih -L.. r l- Tl . "- . P. ' V 7: " -.a 11.11. . - " . a ; .T"' r ry Vk fx;!' Pr&dutars. prle Nominal, lJl- Willametta' valley. 14H17He; , t,,;XTL-4 aiArii Producers pri' iwrn am, e; Sinai f COAL OIL Cases: Peart.. lc: atar. le per gallon:-, iter white, bulk, ta lif.P" Uol: spocial water whit. 12 tf lfO. .. 1IQK .............-. ' , 127 ....1268 1005 ....117d 1120 moe aass Ai-ou .....1083 ,1050 , .......1090 ..1119 ..............1235 ...............1140 ........,,,. .1190 .......... 4... 1280 ............. 864 ..............1026 .....y. ...... .1153 .1140 ....1068 ..........1380 ..........1033 COWS. .........1001 . .870 . ., . ....... .1 ivu 1094 ..............1035 974 1042 1043 985 ....1135 ..1120 .1070 ............... 738 1080 97 1020 992 965 .,1286 ...............1008 ......1049 BULLS. .....1440 . ..1800 640 .......1390 ..............1390 ....1320 ;.,.......1666 7.J7..:4'.i4ss 1 bull 740 1 bull sea Tl bulls ..lt8 1 bull 1090- 1 bull ...1690 1 bullrirrrm..490 - CALVE 3, SS ealvea ". , 188 13 ealvea . . 261. 16 ealvea . . ........... 400 6 ealvea . 106 1 Calf 170 1 Calf J....., 480 caJyas 148 fSJSfi? Best eastern Oregon "I iS Medium eaatern Oregon Rnt Willametta vallev 4 Snir - . S .. I Rough and heavy VV I U... a.l.a fr,r waak Average Lbs. 1 hoaa ......iT.. 196 ax noas ziy Plica I $1 hogs 238 $8,00 1 hogs Z50 .6.75 1 1 hog 4Z9 6.70 1 9S 1 .65 96 214 6.66 1 85 . Z10 6.65 84 i 197 6.60 I t 866 R.BOl 69 hogs 13 6.40 1 6 hog. ..... 324 6,40 I 83 nogs 6.26 1 4 hogs $5.75 I 93 hogs b.DU I iiukb 6.60 nog 36.35 48 hogs $5.15 100 hogs . . 4.75 103 hogs . 35.40 I a nsa . . 6. 41) I a uufiB 6.86 6.25 I 5.26 6.00 I 191 ............... 83S 200 ..228 ... 480 Sheep values at North Portland; 7 a0 Select lamb .,$ 4.75 .4 1 unoice jamos ... 4. 60 10 I Common lambs 3. 5004.00 4. jo " 4.00 3.50 $.28 ............. 198 204 160 801 888 8 0Q I v ww..-a ................ Fancy ewes ti. Ordinary aV Week's sales of sheep: "i-Ysl rhb;ii:i mn T.ixrioa ... .1.:" r." 4i. -.OVIIVtB ... ,p 249 awea 94 480 ewes . 98 258 cull sheep 91 . 125 lambs 88 21 mixed 103 34 valley lamb. ........ 78 A K vallev a waa. ' 4 cull aheep 16 lamDs ... 15 ewes...,, 49 vearlinas o. 7 a l v ' 6.00 1Q' ewes fl-OO i wea. ..... ...v j v o w iimimuhmii 240 yearlings .......... 204 ewes 143 yearlings 143 ewes 6.86 6.00 6.01 87.00 8.90 6.90 4.85 6.00 6.85 6.26 7.00 6.00 $7.00 6.85 6.00 6.60 1 a S a a llliMIIM 1 oalf 1 calf 1 cow V. . 8 cows 1 cow 53 cows 82 cows 88 cows 18 odws 88 cows 12 cows - 3 cows ' 3 cows , 3 cows 7 cows ' 3 cowa 8 cows 28 cows 20 cows 64 cows 8 cows 3 cows 29 cows 1 bull . I bull , 1 bull . I Bull Bulls 3 Bulls 4 Bulls 3 bulls ................ $10 240 2 calves .............. 820 6 calves 412 1 calf ................ 310 2AA I 44411X4? J3.XVO.. UUI"a tt.i,.. - a. a .5? I 11 hulf.r. 7K9 STAGS X -stags ....1330 106 culls C.W4233 lambs T.ou 't. ........ 109 . 83 70 118 81 ' 89 90 146 . 98 120 65 ' 88 108 . 127 84 81 $4.00 8.35 3.00 2.76 '$4.60 3.60 34.26 8.60 2.60 4.50 3.50 4.40 "8.30 . 3.30 8.00 $$.75 8 6n $4.40 8.60 4.60 3.26 $3.26 .oo J!?"? i."H.Wrl; doulVtracklng Md oth work designed flu would n Increase tha carrying csoaclty. and A.Ur;ymaW -"rued AMmfrti:g,.'foJr S.. trathM . JurtrlMTiBruBr-t MlMIWIi And now Atchison has communication it twr miejr,: ff"ilfTi n "UB7 wV.lhfnatanaa,i0 ba recalled of aa uponV acertalnpould road leaving t room in quit a buiii . ... ., ., m who remained laughed heartily at the . , 1 .-omTnVTthr 42 htTieav0,' HOP MARKET FIRMER h IN EVERY DISTRICT $3.65 8.65 4.75 4.85 4.65 4.40 3.66 35.10 4.BS 4.60 4.1 $4.65 4.25 $4.70 4.55 6.00 1 $4.80 $4.76 $4.80 CHICAGO LTVSTOCK STEADY 7.UV 1 1 ' s- . 7.00 I ''l' Weighed off cars therefore price Is '5.00 1 2Eo higher than on filled stuff. All lines Are Holding Unchanged ; . ' ' Hogs Bcllliia at 96.00. ' Chicago, Nov. 11. Run: Hogs, 11,000: cattle, 800; sheep, 1600. 1 Hon are steady: left over. 3600: re. i e I ceipis a yeax ago, u.uuu miea, ib.SbW 6.60; , heavy. $6lo6.65;; rough, $6,800 a in 10; light, $6.65 8.46. ' '. . 4.00 Cattle, steady.; Bheep, steady. $400 4.00 2.00 OMAHA HOGS HIGHER 0 a Market Is Up 6" Cents With Tops at coo in cue ara. , ? 4.25 4.00 $4.86 4.50 4.25 4.00 , 8.76 8.60 3.26 South Omaha, Nov. IL Cattle, none. Hora. 4700: market So hlaher: ui.. $6. 20 6.35. .. Bneep, none, - ;. .... New York Cotton Blarket. ' Open. High." Low. dosa" 8S11S " 907B08 MOST WALLA WALLA T 1EA CROP SOWN 1 Jear-TT 4 03 $7.(0 Mar. ... 910 1.09 Hit ... 4.76 July ... 4.00 Aug.. .. $8.00 8ep 6.00 Oct. .... $8.00 Dec. 922 33 084 J0 $23 ! 2 S( a 34 II- 33 10 31 28 Vsb . 30 23 !81 ' 20 2 334 3334 33tf 35 S34 I1S11 .Walla Walla, Nov. 11. Much needed and. long awaited rain and show broke the long dry spell, in tha week just end- ea, ana m wneai crop is unaer much more favorable . circumstances ' than - a week ago. Tho rains of the week were good, more than half an Inch, and the ground is now in excellent snape. Lieht snows fell throughout the val lev durlna tha. latter vart of the week. but it Is too early for snow to stav on ine grouna ior any tengtn or time, and it is mora than likely thera will be no snow at an oy tn end or the week. It la estimated that 75 to 80 per cent of tha land In. tha Walla Walla valley has been sown this autumn, arafnst 60 per cent last year. Some say that the Percentage is aa high as 90, and the 10ns; autumn gives support to their be- lier. At any rate, 11 may Da said that tha proportion of grain sown this fall Is greater than for many years, and prospects are correspondingly better. I ' San .Francisco CJrort , San Francisco, Nov. IL Bat-ley! Oren. Hlrh. - Low. dona Dee...... 11 12 m 1H May 203 B 208 204 30 t. . aw mlautua at almost precisely the sam morrtW. Sometime, an astute 41 . .-.-n a -M-. . iittla nlAii before- k -,hlh . Vonfldentlal party- is to I . (floaelal to Tb Jonriul.) .-11 h. to enlmna and then. BC-1 .Tni.nh nr . Nov.' 11. Stockmen ara cording to a little coda aiready agreed I busy getting all stock Into winter quar-, in huv oa-seii. aa tn. ntiui. m .-1 rer ana none 10 auon. ur itow iw b op'menti may suggest. , I depth of six inches has fallen since ; . 1 yesivruar iiiuj iiiii. diivi? . v. .mo mi M I m. - . V. . AM.- I I.I J lk.1 ......II. ..... . ' A tin raw irnnierie ms uui.i unj . vim-, .imu ii... u.u..ij . nhaslsed that every American is a . There Is abundance or hay In this . .i..l.k.M.M nnuM rtnlu I ... . 1. 1 . ..An .inH'.hmiM an klM hkhmimI nf this idea and act I hard winter coma, stockmen will be In accordingly tn results wuuiu u uour- gooa snape XO mu a."jr cunumum, 4 nail flclal. . Does the heckling to which I sheep and cattle coma Off tha summer President Mellen or tc new naven, 1 raneea in gooa snape. . . n, . ...hiaefaii at tha annual meeting I whlln a Keen men did not wet results of that Toad suggest that other heada I n prices this year, they ar seemingly nnMrH.tfrin. will have to. face In. I .nflalAl wlfh nraaent AOfidltlnnn. Atnnn, ' qulsltlve stockholders once a year and! tna business men as to trade, no serious give an account 01 men- w.uimvi compiaiuts are oeing nearo. .na iner-, l...l mnatlnln In America are imD- .h... h.iu hnnvht . .. heavfl--In Ihla rnrmalltlea nlnetV-nlne times. Out I n,.ntv fnr hnlMiv trndn and nv that of a hundred, whereas in Britain the j tnf rade is all ready starting, which , annual meeting; -is, m .ul . I shows that tne people are not wornea year, Tne .american 1 hiuj-aiiuiuo. , 1 over tne tigritness or money. w'?S. bTpp.. STOCKMEN self, and thr " u' nornii nrn cno WOUICr tOX. CUUnl. 1 Lrrv juui iiiiwi 1 the Carnegie principle ana ne whi noi shrink from speaklnff iJP When hff haa . m 14... fUTA hnira Viarl saiurol 41-1 KSZvXXV'torinMmti of the the local hop market yesterday. Buying .k...... - --. . 4 1 . 1 mo . npinn nn v npi VAon n.a a,, a.u n nnw.e nT minoncies. ana mure biiuuiu 1 r ".''.f.. .. .v.. r,V" ; - . I Joo Harris, Latun a wnn, t. a. Lives- lUHUWii, ,1'. , i 1 l. A. fin TtrAwn anil TT.nrtf .a mi.. .....1. i.m nn h, tha flnufhern I principal operators In the -Willamette mer.?.belngTut into P-W ruled between 343o take cars' of the northbound movement a pound, - . . ; of the crops of the south from-Gal-1 There was considerable .bustnesa in . tm dfImti.. "Thev ara re-1 California at 41042V4c a pound with nuired not so .muclv.for cotton as for dealers Inclined to take all hops avail-. .- 1 1 nt -n.n, . lv.n lahl. at thin rnrtfTA. i - .T.t.iii. us aiinr which ara eon-1 McNef f Brother of this Cltv DUr- tracted for by the American and A r- chased 100, bales from dealers in . the buckle refineries, which areJakina; 29 Yakima section at 43Hc per pound. . . full cargoes, or 600 000 sacks. Besides Business abroad Is very firm at better this amount 150.000 sacks ar under 1 prices. contract lor oeiivery. i-aai; year ine whole movement was comprised in 'full cargoes. - ; -" Th. first full carro arrived here No vember 7. and the shipments will run rlghf alang until- reDruary. ine ue- mana entioiea. ujb w" . omith.nn THutfln immwuiv tn he nut again into commission after refitting, the recent addition of new boats to the mmnAnv'a fleet having been carrying on tn service as usuau PREPARED FOR COLD Conmldorable activity was ' shown in Whatever the cause or cause, may n. tna revival or.inO'Biiiu uuiiuiiik 111- Hmirr In tha midst, of general manu- faxitnrlna dullness is no longer doubted. Contrary to tho popuiar Impression, our ahlpnlns; tonnatre nas grown sieaany though slowly for the past 10 years. In that neriod tna tonnaaa on lakes, coast . . ...... 1 and rivers increased irom ions in 100. to 7.608.083 tons In 1910. This Increase of over 3.343.000 tons, or 45 per cent in one decade. Is worthy of nota as a renerat lonaency bkbiubi aa- v.r. conditions. SHillv ner cent of our total mer chant marine is in tne coastwise iraae. taut v,iri tonnace in that division I a-as 6.666,6 toca, compared with 782.- j 617 tons ia-taa lore ign trade. It 1 thl latter branch of our merchant marine! which la now at rbont tha lowest ebb I in 15 yeara our iisning tonnage tenas Overbeck & Cooke Co. Commission Merchants' . Stocks, Bonds , Cotton, Grain, Etc ' 216-217 v Boarri of Track Building Msmbrs Chicago Board of Trad. Correspondent of Logan At Bryan Chicago, New Tork, Boston. - ; Wa hava tha only private wire connecting Portland ; with th eaiteffi exchangee. also to diminish, vv aaa rrom oni i