I Hi: OKLGCW SUNDAY fOUKHAU fOKTLAHD. SUNDAY - MOKMING. NOVtUBEU J?. III!. U By J U w. T to I fa! laaUy a' I iat n to taM a J I it art 4 aaa. Taie an riu a iwibM Mey owa I. C1 M H tHI el a ItaUl ttMelr aM lrl rM Ik tola! iAra4 tey a-- IU felwa f IK HIUUMlMi Taa ( u 'aa aaar la arte la IUa KWMl r el aii'l t MlMtHli fcav Wm b4 It! erlMa If r"aUa4 rllf wmm it Mitktitn t nriKi(r na liMlf ta r e t i la I ta 4- . "fa aiaa a the eralrtw wfcjeh ta war u c i Mrf area an a ewearlei laeirwa attest, ar i a eMtea af m'i lata wtaiee. eae roaoert e4er aKT- IxmI wrir. Tt!a after SI (VIIIWMt Will U Ml ef Mtm laa r ha re- kt 4 reader kin. TMi rtuiM af airaeiar aney a elir. Bait 11 I la a tri4 r 4 la tor-So IWa sassa. a4 t lacel mualrlaaa Bllv II U1 wars at vary MUafar tartly. aapaort af tair emlanUaa ty poiai ta U fr( that racy aaoeaaafal Co. carta ara give y tA laraa anaaawy wiImUU aar la Ursluf a( via liira aaadanafa. J d xlar frem Ika ea'vaae aala af ttcaala theccaatr IU aa Ta4 by a larr eae, afaay raeecvatlon bare cmm ta frer aat af Iowa place A notable fact la that Battel taacaar end aawslrlaa Bo taata ewrt la Ika KOfrmja ara 1vtn thair alraacaal maral aappert and that In claacal af karmony atlata amaay Ika perform ra. JorlUn4 haa abaut IM praraalal leuaiclaaa. bat wMlt aJy about tbtra af tbalr number ara aixrotlad IB Iba mmbarahtB Hat af tha rcbaatra. all of thvra ara landing' tbatr meat atho- (Utla anceratamant. Thar fart tbt a It bout aympbeny orvbaatra tba da- vloinBt of maaleal art la neglartad.. ; .rrrtland baa attalaad aufflcUot alaa . ta. maintain a parmanant orranlaallan. aa ara ara toVd bf tha laadtnc anaaieaJ Jamala of tba eaqntry. Bvraral cltlra i fp Ira marnttada than rortiand ton i myreMir aod.- In ' many otkar. way a. t na-ra pointed arlub ptida for yaara ta . thatr aymphony orchralra and It ta frit by tha nttialoiana hra that tba tlma to now rlpa ta.aaa ir tba publlo raaily ta l auTf Irtantlr Inter to - support an orroaatra lf.lt roaU With tha nrtlatl ' mJ k-aoutramanf a. .. . ' 4 Mr.' Cbrtatanaan Van 'prepared a oory (atiraetlTa proirram, , tha . faatora of twatah -win ba-DyorAk a - famous "Naw World" rrmpUany. .; ' . (The roacrV bCtna) ( I 'clack i ' ..-..--. . t Tha Slnfonta fratarnKv of America. rtit Ma Alpha, announcea tba offer of ' a prie cold medallion to ancouraia oorn 'position ktnotiK youn. American mu JalflaBB, Tha object a of tha fratamlty i are tha devalopmrat of .'tha beat . and traps t fraternal aplrit. tha mutual we)- fare and brotherhood of htualo atudenta. i tba edtaneemeot of mualo In America. and loyalry to. tba alma mater, i ' The . Judce of v tha. competition - ara ! thre hoporaryi members , of ; tha Klnfo- Miia: 'Georra W. Chadwlck, director of the-New Eorland Conaervatory of Mu lalo.- Boston l. Harold Randolph." director lor ttio .reabody conaerratory of Music, Baltimore, and (Albert A. 8tanley. dean of tha University School of Music, Ann 'Arbor. Mich. . Tha following rules will rovern tha leontast: '' X. The style of tha composition must be a piece of chamber mualc: Trio for . piano and strings. 2. The composer must bo a mala and . an . American cltlsen.. . . Stnfonlsns and non-Slnfonlans are eligible to compete. 4. The composer must not sltm his name to the manuscript, but shall 'use a private mark on aama. The manu . script must be 'accompanied by a aealed ; envelope,- containing this private mark. tea xuu name ana aaaress of the com . pOBer, and Sufficient postage for the . . return of the manuscript. No envelope win bo opened until the Judges have made an award. S. ".. Manuscripts must be forwarded flat or folded once. . . Compositions submitted must not have been published nor have been giv en puono performance. The Sinfff , nla fraternity reserves the right to first production of the successful composi tion, at Its. annual convention in Bos ' ton, In the spring of 1912. ' ". The' judges reserve" the right to reject all compositions, If In their opin ion, none has sufficient worth to merit tha award. 8; The competition will . close on . . March 1, 1812, and the award "will be made some time before June 15, 1812. 8. All manuscripts should be sent to T. Otis Drayton, chairman, 62 Sycamore street, Waverly, Mass. Further infor ; matlon may be secured from Mr. Dray on. , ' J The Sunday school of the Imanuel Baptist church. South Portland, gave a . concert Monday evening for the bene fit of the music fund. A very Inter esting program, under tha direction ofj A. I Clifford, was given. Following program: instrumental num kbers by orchestra composed of George Griffith,, f&t&i.,. Charles Magerkurth, , .:iiuj jv. y. once, cornetj Kita Brlggs, . t.ian and A. Clifford, violin. Songs: I TU1 Dawn" and "Birth Day Morn," Mrs. orax tiarrett sjceasgreen; violin solo, .jfitmm ajulb ureen; Dan lone solo, 8. E. . McCartney; vocal solo, Mrs. William IJrlce; piano duet. Misses Briggs and J "wuho n-uppei; reading by E. C. Hor i wi ui itoDertaon Behool of Art. The aoeompanlsta for the evening were Misses Nitah Brtggs, Floret ta Velgurth jmt icn uu xuumpson. '. Tha piano recital recently given un- cr nm direction or Miss Joy eel Tn roulkas was a successful affair. The r-iponj were Helen and I -"-'' " ""i"nn, kouienat and Charles tSchnabel. Judith Uppltt, Caroline Can non. Helen Honevman. rvnikin u. Mlllan, Adeline Kendall. Helen Nudge, Nancy Holt, Irene Reynolds, and Mar jorie Cameron. ' - - At tha last meeting of the Monday Musical club chorus, under the direc tion of Roaa Coursen Reed, a short pro j gram was riven. All the singers were members Ttf tha iclufe. . Foflowing ' was '. tha . jrgrarn: "Herenata' (Tostt) ( May Mornlhg Densa), Mrs.' May L. NiciK5a; -When Sotjg Is Sweet" .(Sane i .Ki), : Miss Elisabeth Johnston; - V ( - i J osteon M ai aa.1 ika e CsaMaa faajwa M'W a ttart- SMI4 IWI4 Mt e4r a a. la. Ika iiili 9t Ailr alaa ri a im r W4-ra aaua Mi Utlii a4 Im JJk-M iWila, I' a y u i i -i tm in aa l.aa f avvauag 1 Ika 4 Ika ttikaa4 ' Nriui aak rUatag taa Imu eto ar let. Immm a4 Ika Makf n( taar Maaata. tWaia a4 Imii. a iw.a4 taa kiaa, Jak aa4 HauatA l kaa Maaara ktag e4 Jaaia, aaal kaa, VI mm a total aa4 Warwkkal. aaaflaiak "tltotaaa (WaMII. MaaAa Cm Ml I a" pilkal aasy,WakW. Wilwrt aalla a-rrka. Irai laatae Mia, Tka ta af ika lUaka lflj. j Jaaaaa CMJla Hf. Tka Imi Cke- ttaUliaa), ttiea Merkaa WaraMl. Miaatla frMS T xkoa- fetall, tMraU tMalirJ KUkr (OffaatoMlM ). Wkwa favaaita frAaalra ra4tac 7ir'i tUal Ua, fraai t arto Teas a Oakta tltama4 Hearse leoel. kit a Uaala Cal; toAiaa ur 1L -Uka irraal. fV aa4 M- 04 ayiM Mix tkalyn Millar aa4 Mia Alkra raJr. nraC a4 airaad alto kliM rnorar MUlkawM aa4 Mlaa Ma jUm; taaxxc Mia, 'Tar laa Aloes' u K!lr0aii), Mr. Catm; mbMa. laii rise ratitnua" iniaax Ray Lavyaer. COrsat ftolotst. with I re-M'akM). rartr 11m and yMki i wa. ia; U. aa fvt 4m -, a-4 m - r a o. toJ- t-a mmiai'M m m mI ae kilt H It a a a-M im ms fka) a, Ua a labial a ike t-aM aa lvu ! IsocTEfY I ('aakUaa4 Inmas) ta ttw. ( rUt4 Mjia ( ay ita fcW kxri faw4ar ahanm - kia t4 stik fi.to 11 -a SMMa mim4 Alkaa" am aataa kA-4 iva .l kl , kla i al ka at iwmii a va ka a i k laa ka I K k. a4 In mm. aa-M. 4 eiMa 'Aa aM kl NWl ka Uk Mi M H-e '' a-f M t kiii miinI a'U rkf -,MA l. ka .. LtM ktifc. k-t-.l-a .M i.l ta aikaUk. aJ i t..u, M ii tu mm awa A m.' a , I i.Ju ( u n. a.f ikj ' 'm t mull, -vtaacaia,! -. - t.ii ui i ihui aa Pvll" (kiu. kia. tkataa) kiai t4r" I kaltaa pi, kt. tlaua, Im aa4 t tat .). alra. MMMtrii, 1Mia- (fwaito. Wis halt, r TM- i A !' I. na ka -1 , I w i ..... t . . . k , . . I I toyl, Mia taivU I i..i., j,a,Ua. af ,;i t- I aa-a-M, M, -M-a ?at4e U a raM t-Mlt4 a tit. a Sa..kn , A fi luil aw -i. ii i a I aaa Mli J Tula iu 1- . ra -. . i iU.l S liaja tkM, tl aM tka iMai hmik, aa4 mut ka bumI ay tka ! ! k lM tkW. mm af ffc.ka iia u aka a.a I mm a uhmiim fa a TVs MtW, kj. aal alia a It I kUa a '-- ja tM.a. Ba iv.a .1 & a-- l-t a au. w tka ka A Bi..a siu kiniia kt. ...ixa u, l atwx., Jt a taata tk-m LtXim ttM t W tid .( IUU as aa'aa ks kjia kf . Mi ftiaa a4 M U A k.'.l Ml J k Mia 4 A UMa.li.1, j ..j... -4 a IK fc.u,i al k.-. 4 it.j u.k i-a a r. t j -a-4 aie , t-4 to Ml kaka I aM.Ja ' f rd . ill kiwt ' a a. tViijMay eilM'a Ill, S awyya wi a" v I An?iOU.CB!LiTS i 1 . Ua Australia Doy Hand. nrahbya" (Raa4). Tvtm tWaaaaa" (C4yn. Mrs. Waliar K Mu: Haaa la Ike liad -iroaiarl. "If Xe Oaa Kar Mamaa Me" iLakouiaa). Mra. r. t Whaatar. Mlaa rtoreara jarkaaa waa tba aeeocnpaalat. New sseanbafa af laa club ara: Mrs. Lillian Goaaor, Mra, Oaorga B. Cellars. Mra. IL V. lm Mrs. C A. Raloay. Tha aragrani by Ike Trable Oaf slab I kad rtalay eak saag a groua e soags and PUPlla af Roaa' Couraaa load for tnelaad J. A. maley gave inrao Bumaraua ekarva. "llaap Ha Jsjsa" (ays l(Uaank). WkUl' kaaaatio arrfcaaira Ckaraa, "Wooalltkl VUI Caena Again." (Will Toaeapaoa); MtSAsfartoa Warsc ksl, ajosanpaalat. Tha radfla Male auaHat gsva a eoe- rart at Caalanarr at. E. church Uat rwdar la a large a ad appraetatlve au dleae. Tba pro are m roaalatad af all quartet iaWrt and sa aajuaj lumbar of aneeraa. VI Mara, jtaha, nobertaoa girls' chorus of Weshlsgten llitk arbaol raa glraa last Thursday afternoon and waa most ueeeaafuL Tba club's aunt bars were: 8L Jaha's KVa" (Chaml- nade). !XTar the to' d lady). "The Ianoera" (Darwald). "Nymphs and rur, (Bamberg). "New Is tka Month of Mytg (Btrong). Koine vara aueg by Mlaa Dorothy lawl. Mist rata Hal lister,. Miss Madeline Btooe,'Mra. Vlr- gioia RutchlnaoB, Mrs. R. w. HcbmMr. M Us Jane Ireaa Bums, Mlaa Oaraldlne Coursen, acoooipanytng. Tba- girls' chorus 'gave ana number. Mlaa Evelyn war waa acooraaanlst. Jasper Daan" Mac rll. dlraetor af tns etc at tha New gunnyalda M. K. ehureh, Eaaf Thirty-fifth and . Tamhlll . straeta. . received many compliments over Uia great sueceea of the first of tha aerlea af "An Evening With tba Choir.' Ivan' at tha church last 8unday evening. Tba large c be I r -now aumkertna' more trtaa-e singers, rendered' tha anthems In a very creditable manner. Mr. Mao- Fall has Just organised aa auxiliary choir- or go. voices, composed entirely of children, who will soon b annexed to tha adult choir, making a complete choir of over loe singers, who win be beard at all tba regular cburoh ser vices and at tba monthly song seryioea. At . the morning services today at the flunnyside M. EL church. East Thlr- ty-firth and Tamhlll straeta, tha orfer tory. solo will be sung by Ida Baker Wheeler, soprano. Her selection will -be Gounod's "O Divine Redeemer." Mrs. Wheeler will be beard In public later In tba fall, when Jasper Dean Mac Fall will present her In recital. A pleasing recital was given Friday evening at tha studio of Professor Par vin by two of his advanced pupils. Miss Alvena Howard and Miss Ida -Robinson. They were presented' In solos and duets from Beethoven, Gottachalk. Cho pin and other composers, and wera aa. slated by Vivian Z. Brown in, vocal num bers. Q. Tyler-Taglierl. .tenor, sang Mas. cheroni s "Ave Maria'" with ' cello obli gate at tha 10:10 masa at St Mary's cathedral Sunday morning. F. Hanleln played "Andaute In O" (Goliermann), before mass, and also played the. cello obllgato to tha "Ave Maria." Miss Anna Matthleaen, a talented girl of this city, Is In Berlin studying harp and singing at the Royal Conservatory of Music. . ( A very interesting concert was given Tuesday evening at the Immanuel Lu theran church. Professor Charles Swen son and Mme. d'Aust Truelove ware tba I readlBgn Mlaa Uevla and J. A. Itanaan ware tha aococapaalata for tha aolo Bum- bars, tba quartal numbers kag suag a raaal'a- Tha quartet baa reeetvad nuraeroos requests la repeal tha program aad til give II probably early la Decem ber .wlia the addition of many new quartet numbers. Thta quartet Vaa or anii ad about two months am, and .un der tba direction af JT. A. Haley has attained aa efficiency that ahowa.bard eoo para Lira work on tha part .of U dlffaraal merabara. ' U.' 1 At a delightful musical sorviee at Trinity church last Sunday evening Mr. Backer's work at tha organ waa . ex- tramaly. artlstlo aad' wall doaa, aapa rially "Handel's Largo.," Mrs, Delphlne Marx aang with 'deep religious fervor In splendid voice "Ruth's Song.T by Gounod. Mrs. Marx will alnx at the Elk memorial aarvtca In Astoria,-aa wlU alao Mra. Elfrlada Welnatela. TheasrT two vocalist will alao take part .In. the Thanksgiving concert at tba 'White temple under the direction of Mr, Hutchinson, organist. W i Tha Webber juvenile orch eat ra. IT. A. Webber, director, baa received aa Invl tatlon from Oovernor West to play for tha prisoners at tha penitentiary, some Sunday In tha near future. ;Tha .or chestra will give a xoncert for th pa lents'ln tha 8t Vincent's boslplsl soma time this month. Mr. Webber la taking up with the various orchestra .leaders la tha city -the matter of fur nishing muslo at the hospitals occn slonally, as was dona a year' agd, at that time under tha auspices , of the Muslctsns' Mutual association.' -with splendid success. . . , W ' v ' A. Arveschoug, baritone, Karl Rledels. berger, violin, and Stella von Jessen, piano, wera tha soloists as the concert given Sunday evening at tha Arlon hall by the Swedish Singing Club Columbia, A. Holmquiat, director. The soloists gave several pleasing numbers. The Club sang four . selections, among them Sodermann's charming "Wedding March." y Olga Steeb pleaseda large audience with her. splendid performance on the piano at a recital given In the St .Hel en's hall gymnasium Thursad yevenlng. Tha recital was for the benefit of the building fund.- - it . ' - Three: famous artists on the-jbanjo, mandolin and guitar will appear In con cert at -the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Tuesday evening,-November 21. in con nection .with -the Webber Juvenile or chestra., The. soloists booked will be j kk4 aaje4 t tka v kite Taafcia. la a uiur tw4 by Mr tkika riMg W. u tttiaiaa. aka vtene rvniaa4 aa a iw, M Ma tmm air awaae im mM rf ItaeAey. 04aa It, a4 sAae. t kae I m la all V kwg a UiKkal Im f t. I ' . i l.i . . , . . . k ka-i4 a eaialia ate lag aa I a tmm wm mn a aifil VI lata) m mm Teaaaia, aa4 II ka aaaMra4 ssa la am aa4 UU a baw severed it la fra4aMaas4 a4 Maa) ttalka haaa Va4 Ifce mliiiw af kitisafw ItaieUaar BraeUa al bar TfcaiaAay a ! "asaata lala."" afclcb aa daa4a4 la ftakeaaa. Tka laU waa fauawag by Mra tn4i siagiag af aa af Ika kaaaiixal hmi lai Oafavaa. Mtaa Kul aiayaa Ika TapOlas), a awvatotla. aae af Ik "Wraad ia-ad HaaeeT aad IkaJ r NH naeaaaaa, . Mr. Harry Mau4a baa gag4 aa aeriaaa aoaolat at tka Elks' m Mite Mai Mrv tea la ba bald bf Ik fan laa 4 tods 1I raw bar I. Mra. Mrgaade to a BMsakar ef lb Maall CnataJ clab, aad ta alaa la m lot at at Ika aMaiab-Amrtca War Vataraaaf kaaiflt la DaaasKkat. Obrad Ourta, laoor.b waa priamlad In reciui last July by i. William aanwtalaA kl A IlarsM t ' aM bit PM M. Mantll atailad ka MflUil VI aa day aiaaiag. yMvaaka a, k T hM AalMa. at Via baaae, 41 tlakawa nil aad Via aa4. VI Im VtiMl t. Mae nit, kaatker 4 abater af Ike bnka. ar4 ks mtmfmtim M iai4Maaia taa grs to a aa af Mr, aad Mia K itaw ef ha ia, tat, a4 to aiaew far Ika Meet lag fa Uim aad MaaafaeinrUg cxMaraay. rraa iac t al Tka kwti to a aUaskiar ( Vila. A, r. Marvtll af rvniaa-A Tka raa asMiai will MU l OakUa. Cat a A Ika basis af ik brlds's atoiar, MrvM. raat. III14 Taatk atraet. Ual MaaMtoy, Mia Aaaa Cwlvig waa wattad la aaarruga la Tafk-art W, anfar4, al It a. su y tha Arekdaaea av. IL Ik Chan Mr af tk Esaaaat ai akarck. Tk knaa Is a euagkiar af Mr. Mr, kelaey Colvlg. Tba araeaa Is af Mr. and Mra. It, itoarr Ur, Tba yewagi can ale era papular and wall fcaaan tkrwagb aaatk- era Orogeev and Ikay baa fcyaat af rrtoSMto wianiag tbeea wait After !- aaobr tbey wUl b at ba ta their tiakMkM ttak4i. M a t - aa-a a"a-i m) fa a m tt-r'- l rtatui .-! 4ia ink a buitii a.it4 a.lii je wau, iMllViMj i i.i.iitf, aavtJkr t a - It PERSONAL UZHllQH j ! 1 m r ta k an tfiir mji a WM IV. Tka mmium t I kiaa r"M ttaea. Miiwul a ika ViiMM fcatkif Vialeaa. aaii f Ike ankw I, w. U A. el rwA Miifalal la ailaiMt VMM r e. ; ium a l-a M-aa aaa Maiui ckar. to 10 b oto!e! at the eacKwrt glt'Aaabar tbey will b at hi by lb rurtlaad gtriag reetr NeVyenadswia new bungaiaw O Itlgb street Ik. Mr. Oarta will slag "M-Appart Tuir A mar." frees "Martha. aad "Wueat Quell," frees "Uigw- leita" w Mra. Itaaa Blorb Uauer wtll atag a group af irtah aoags al the oonnat 1 to let-rale tha open In a ef rather Thomp- son's aw parUk la I rv tag-ton No vein - IT. On Dare m bar S Mra, Bauer will aiag at Baler far the memorial ervloe af the Elk. ' - ' ' w w T very snore ful eoBcarta war riven at the While Tempi durlag the weak by tha ruryal Weiah Ladle choir, Madame Hugaa-Tbomaa condoctor. The ingar wer 10 In number and soma f I ham poas eased voloe ef exceptional quality. WW Tha concert given by Francis Rlcbter. pianist. Wadneaday even lag st the Ma sonic Temple, waa la every re pact aa artlstlo socc, and th attendance waa Urge. Mr. (IUetHr proved himself an artist of tha big best rank. w w MIis Clara liewalL a" matnbar of Uls Treble 'Clef dub, vacantly sang at a con cart given in the First Prbyter tan church at Flahsr' Landing, - Miss Ho wall's mam bar a ' war .Tb Slave Sons' (rUego).- "The Rosary" (Savin) end Bo 1 Can Wair (Brtggs). it 4r w ' ' Mr. Virginia. Mergea-Xletgar .' aang flecker "Spi-toa; Bong" . and. for. an n or TTh Old Marcb Wind- (Hlaaard). t tha Woman's Alliance roasting at tha First .Unitarian cburch last waok. 1 w . w Tha 'girls'. chorus of ths Washing-ton high school, director Mrs. Rosa Coursen Reed, sang two numbers, GretscheVa "Th "May-Pol Bonr' - and -Strauss "Pawn." at ths Child's Welfare exhibi tion. Miss Evelyn wart was ths ac companist, , , ,' ,; ( . r v a ','.''. .. .-.'The Veteran quartet assisted In a eon cert Thursday', evening for the benefit of the United Brethren church in Tra in on t. The members of tha quartet are W. N, "Morse,- A W. Mills, Dr. J. E. Hall -aad Professor Z. M. Parvln, di rector. 1 ; . .... Jules Falk. violinist, leaves New York November .15 -on a concert tour of the States, extending to tha, Pkclflo coast . .- . w w - At the morning service at' the Grace Methodist church today, Mrs. Stowera will sing "Ths rrayer," by Car Rom. John Claire Monteith will sing "In- vlctus, by liunn. at this morning's service at the unitarian church, aad Nob UliL ... it im nviMiiar 1, it 1 a. sa,. laa omg or fkeorga tMau r nandy. Or, and Mlaa AIK fa bud af lUIUbor. Ur, look place at the borne of the bride' a pareau, Mr. aad Mra. Alfred Blohkc. Twelfth and Oak. of the same city. Bar. Mr. Weber of lb Melbedlst church, officiating. Only relative and very ta li mate rnenoa wer praaeat Mr- and Vir. Odall will make their heme at Band. . COMING EVENTS . 4 - Ooodmaa, Mra Bam W. Herman. Mra. Fred Langerman, Mra. A. E. bhaplro. Mra, Issao 8 watt, Mr. Blground Frank. Mra Max 8. Jllrach, Mrs. Jullua Louls- aon, Mra. Henry. Otlaohelmer. Mra. Oaorg Lowenaon, Mrs, Edward Oold-smith,- Mrs. Fred M. BiUar. Mrs. a M. BlumkOar, Mrs., etgraund Blchat, Mr. Gustav fllmon. Mrs. A. 3. Meier. Mis Hlrsch, Miss Fannie Bonnemfeld. aad Mlsa Sadie Dalovag. wilt be on the recaption committM at tb reception ibis afternoon from I to at tha Neighborhood house. Second and Wood, I evening. November It, at tha Armory. Oat iMUatut, avilif kl.a, IM.I aath FM-4 aad Mal' Ui-aV s . Tba tkilte! 4LaM f ia Vf IV taM Out a tka tfiM T-ie UaK I.Mf It. sm4 auk fiMl ax last Ikay Veie paaa4 -a eueUer aa4 teigre atlkir le V gnaw MMAay ea to a. K, Mkr II. at Mata'k Vail, Tk ihm.mm a' M'a. A, l Lawaa. Mia i'. ii .ttejc. M'. n J- kMwk mi, u BaniaiMiaw. aire, Fraal W. titffMd end Mr. M. La tasae, Tka laa ma I eei4 f Miae CAllk Analiasa. MU F it,sktb tlir. VI IM VtU Saklik. Mia TrwA MarfelL. ViUw KalkaruM) Xklia, Mla bitaai luluat, Mia Bel Byaaaraa, MtM LaU Cart Mia LaHU Ckaypall a4 Mla Ilaa Bik. ta Tb New Tfh auta Bwctaty ef Or. III bld a eaMfcrau Evarw ail Iwy nail TwaaAay avealac Ne vaaabar It. al CVrtalab a ball. Elav, aaih aad Taaakltl eiraala. w ka ik fa towtag pro ram will ka give! Jaetrw aaaalai 4e. Mtaa Mkltori I !. M:ae VI a waa Warlatea: varai aM. M Elbyl Ballard; laadleg. Mm CkHatia adJnaa. trTwaika af Nai T kr IL lllllla." A. B Oakavardl vecaU aolo, Mra. rt4 Ole. Ugbl re frkse)ia wUl Ika ka saevad. All New Torkara, elt bar vtaitor ar real deals ar awrdlalir lavtiad. Meant Hood Orel N. 111. W. O. W, aaaouaea I hair eoealng dane ef I he aua la be give la East Bide Woodmen a ball Tnaadsy. Navaaakar 14. Welnbgr' orchaatra wfll firatik tb muala Tb raeapllo onmlit I follot Mr. B. 1-Wfer. Mm i. Eltal. aaaa, Mr. E. Evans, Mra. R, Taa Eyck. Mr. A. Monro. Mr. M. McOrger. On tb floer rommltlM ar Mla L Evaaa. Mlaa M. Weak a, Mlaa H. Waldt. Mla M. Traanblay. MlM H. BaeaMy. Mla E. Wbealer. Mlaa IX Perktaa, Oa tb eon- mtttM an arraagvaiaata ar Mr. M. fl WaeJr. Mr. U E. Coraall, Mrs. Beware, J. O, Wilson and E. IX Mlnar. Tb Touag Ladleaf Bodallty. aaatot ad by th Young Mas s Club, of gt. Lawreno church will ftv a wblat and five hundred party t b followed by dancing. Wadneaday evening at BL Lawrenc Hall on Third and B barman treat. Refreshment wtll b arvd. a w Tk Annual MlUtary ball whlcb wtll be given by Company B, Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard, east Thursday Oregon Conservatory of Muslo. All branches taught by staff of teachers, a given by tha Council of Jewish Woman, to meet Mlaa Sadie Bloch of Baltimore, resident head worker of the Neighbor hood house. " ; On Thursday evening, November.lt, at Ford's Hall, East Thirty-fourth and Tamhlll streets, Hunnyald Camp No. Ill, W. O. W, will giv a card party and dance for their members and friends. All Woodmen and their frlenda ara cordially Invited to bo present and spend an enjoyable evening. This la the -first of a series of part lea to b given during th winter season. Th United Boosters club f th M. B. A., will giro their Thanksgiving party at Ringlet's hall on Friday even ing, November 17. These parties are given the first and third Fridays of each month and have been very enjoy able. The patronesses ara Mra. Bertha Wheeler, Miss Edith Coulthart, and Mrs. A. M. Sherry. Tha commute Is made up of F. D. Labbe, chairman; J. A. McSherry, R, L. Applegat" and Miss Ma Price. ww" Tb Knights of th Rose will glv a dancing party to their members and friends at Rlnglers hall, on Monday, November 18. Toellea' orchestra will furnish the music. Th Woman's oitl of Grace Memo rial church has decided to give a supper Is expected to ecllp all previous dance ever given by a military organ isation. Th member of tb company ill b In full dra uniform, and the ball room Will b beautifully decorated for tha occasion. The petroneaeea and officer of th Oregon Notional guard who. will attend ara Adjutant Oeheral and Mra. W. E. J-lnser, Colonel and Mr. T. N. Dunbar, Major and Mra. W, W. WUson aad Captain and Mra W. F. Daughsrty. Tha oommltt la eharg ar Sergeant O. A. Stevens, C IL Whit, L. B. Spooner, F. Ouerin aad A. Johnson: Corporal Clarenoe D. Porter, Albert P. Rufner and B. F. DeGreoe; Prlvatea X F. Alexander, JL F. - Arnold. C F. Colpitis, C, B. tllnson, H, E. Hill and C Rolf. o . A- The Unlversallat church at East Twenty-fourth and Broadway will bold a carnival of nation Monday evening Tha young women of th church have decorated booths representing differ ent nations and they will be dressed. In costumes representing th following na tions: Japan, Spain, . Ireland, China. Holland, Scotland and India, There will be a musical program whll th women will sell candy and refresh ments from their booths. Th publlo Is Invited to attend. Mr, and Mra, it A. Baron and Mrs. Baron's sister. Miss Pauline Lewis, who ia f Ika iM4a ea- n ef lk aJ r, W. i'r A. Ma a4 M' Ui K. Wesga 4 SMI Vaa r4erM4 In Itaii aetMrf mm r Taaakct at Milt Htt airaaa, " " " - a .IMaa ENGAGEMENTS Mr. a4 Mr. A. W. pauaii aa fck easasaanael ef Ikair AakU, ckr laa, i tVeaa-gw C. CkM. Ik waking UA al al Ik rvet rva ytarw akar Mieawkar tk, al ar4c. ft aea UiaL AM prtAVtATlO The Robertson School ot Dramatic Arts A TBOBOxroB rmAiwrsTti toxoai ros rut mil i A, sit', B1 1 rail is, Veto tkl, arfckg Basrtig. Fveatag. tk Art T4tU Art Wrliian. BakaatM aad Bh4. tWd far Calatorue, Fifth floor,' iilm Building Oe. flk aad AUaw sn, BrOa4. Oa, CHRISTINE BRAkEL ' TMiXBTrr nicna or notxa ruxran aot-dlB TUfatd BlAg. U aad Motitoa,-raa Mata III Tb Wrbbcr Academy o laaic Mssdalta, vloiia. guitar aad baato tnatrudkMa. Asaat for tka Mlabrml- Ulbaoa mandoline aad gu I tare. w rrrnxwo oraXnrrmA Far rerepUo and buelnea openlnre. 4S9yi Wtthington b'L Main Ki DAVID P. NASON . Yloih Selearl aad Tessbsr Btudlo III Wt Park Btreet.. OO WD VOTOM NASON'S ORCHESTRA . . Phone Main IITL. ... JASPER DEAN MACFALL VOCAL INSTRUCTOR Btasl BOt-tOB Ttlford- aQ41a', Taatk and Morrlaa. ; MAE GOVE- Pnpfl of Louis Humphrey oatth HELEN TREW Pupil of Robert McLean Cumnock Btodio of Klooutlon and Oratory. D6 Bltor Bid-. . Saain B38 Methods: lcbetlskr, Oermaa aad . Virgil. London, Eng, and Berlin. Oaramay. M&rie A. S. Soule. Mus. Bac. rzAJro An atAmnroarr 863 Thlrtaeath treat. rU Tana Opened Bepk. 1st. Both phone. Marshall 110, A-Tltl VVlnlock Taxes Will Be Less. (Sperial to The Jooraal.) Winlock. Wash., Nov. 11, Th school levy at Winlock has been reduced this year, in spite of the fact, that the '-free I text book system has been Installed, a new one room school bouse erected and an additional Instructor employed. The city levy has also been reduced five mills. The state, county, town and school levy this year win be 18.14 mills. a reduction or seven mills over last year. AUSTRALIAN BOYS' BAND TO APPEAR IN CONCERT IN PORTLAND . y . ' it' vfc.fr 'L'V; : ;4; J f.i, .'.J . . ? - f i .'.'. ;. ... 1- taWhaaqsaaeaBsk1 , , " JJ . ammai ail mm tmmmntrmmmmwmmrmmrmmmmmmmmmm m ,''.'.' ... '' ' ' ''' . - l ''.., 1 . ' '' " : " , ' WtsBBBBBusawgatsBwaatasMT y sBasaaawwajwaBtsaasasrMsaaaaaaasas Waldemar Lind ! f : What Mr.Lind" Concert Violinist ; Says and :r ti f Concerning " Musical Director V " - " , the - at TJ Steinway . Hotel Portland W - Piano . V. ' H I a. mmm.m M r.,a..,., .m ....,, , niial - , , k , I - . . , November 10, 1011. Sherman, Oay & Co., . 1 ' bixth and Alornson ots.. City. . .. y-; .i: , v i-; v, . i '.. n":'.:!,-)... Gentlemen: . During the IS years' time spent as Musical Director, I have used in toy differ- v ent -orchestras practically all of the well known makes of pianos. It ' was, therefore, with the knowledge born of experience and a desire only for the best, that I chose Steinway pianos for , my two orchestras at Hotel Portland. ' They combine rare purity of tone in all registers with . a singing quality most sympathatic to my, sole' work. The perfectly balanced action is, a de- ,: light to all pianists. . - . - : Yours respectfully, . " " - ' . , . WALDEMAR LIND. Five Steinway Grand Pianos have been "purchasedHby the directors of the Hotel Portland. There' can be but one b?t piano--it is the STEINWAYa - nrtSlba?d.vWllICl1 PPfar wncert In Portland on-ar tourof the coast The band was sent to ... :i rtrT,::.!!.2n?"n"ne":: of.te.WI. purely dCaUoa- 7 uW wdu uuicuuuuu is quite ainerent irom the American in Exclusive Pacific Coait Shenn . ' Victor i Morrison at Sixth nn PAcut a vj .ill I I. . . n ' " uv t vuuiaim, "".'"w:.fi'S-K m uito jien Liecemoerj. ana remain four rTa- irit-tnr n n galow theatre; " 1 :; " .-- ..."TTv ------. r.".. "1-."TU"-