1511 TUB OBCCOM PAILV JOUn.'IAU rORTUWU. TH.'. - fti-- . . tW..- U COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF TK. Sutci ci tit THE IOURNAL ..i Tth i. Utli.oUil iili WU iAH a a... 11a 4 tv. Mail !--. IUI WaWia- V .... .... a 4 uuwf Ii H ia aM I -a-i . ..' .-.. tJv. ..... . .utr U'':lnS7Z I mil ' ' " ' " . - ... . . .. aa.a tli't a. w i Mfta. k-A a"'- a 4 a aaajfta -.! l.a-ai ,ar t, i rfc. V; I .... k- a la 1 aka taavr. " .1 Uft .! ( ta. I .KM . A Ivoat eH J1 aMf " . - "'TLT. a ft.. i -' . 1!! tt .1, AMM a m r" W.4 I MMit- i 1- Mliift -l -i tt r ft.iM a 0. tM.ftl .-. tl.K.a- aa ew ' ' I T...ft . . - ft.... IT-,... tt.t. .ee. " ..... . -. A . a a.. e- a .T. t t-. a... 2 .a I . r . . aftft,i- - M il ft.. aa f- 1 ..... 0 - I !' ... Ill UI ft I a. i raa a I a aWa' . . ...... K)M III a ivjlin.KlIIU. ii J ' n,nuai !.. The" aftM -" w ! ,k- ,"k11 "iWaW that U4jIU C0l ,T tUftt lo ,feo lo U 111 J T Htpn ' i ...... i . irttN . i. kl - 4(ul Ii .ft.. . ,1 1. ft fMM if ii iter rwal of . . - l ft - , ,,, a r-v Ia Ift h t .,& .ii.ii . or rfcjro4ta. ti4 , i t tLo tur " '..itftirnii in so radir! o l ; ttri to rw'rjcl im of U liUUr ... ftt-tor 'nit rffrmauw l!r MlarlM M II ootm o i th.rnr on a fjla alHo lrr n1 !Mii ltlf ftn4 t potJ frtar ! Nobodj bow M Ti bt ebftBi-a S va f vmt to mka la procadura dS XU rtaltUOM "whw. , inun ww - ,, 1 ..ra U rat and V hall B4rataBd It bettar and better wlia ti... rm Tba moat that wa I .no. o far. U. tba It U ft iplea i ... . . . m aVftft m vfttna Ii a i a mint, bbvi - It U,Mftn.t s latlon. - . . Wa.a- .ra ' 'i:T-idte traat and not aa ft prlrat. f moat bo proteciea irom ciwairu 1 IU.k ''V ' - ..ft.. i...ft.M'fft 1 mature to pettttona. From farther aaa wa may flad other i minor chanjtea aeceaaary. . 80 me" tlma. th frlenda et tba eyatetn mlaht .' rren eo fit to change the percentage ft . ft . I.lll.tl.ft at MkfarftBft Tor Ol imu," " dum. , Ilot at thla ata-ro In our eipenence. V. UTi ITnl. tha pe'rcenUgatera and Impartial ito ten and require all algner. , of ataiAM. A M tv ih ritr ball, wtll, m lll.VUa a gav ' It ahould, aronao wldeapread reaentr n..t an" IntAnaO ODDOilUOU. K" tnoofu wo fv . , r .i. IUUU U a.v a - 7 . the official charter bo merltorloua ;.cJ.emo will .glra them .11 a black eve It will not oniy aeniroy , ou iuo - - . 'cha'nce of paaalng 'the official char-and common honeaty bo can do. the Lr but will provide for Ita burial W Heney dlpereed and jailed the 'lind M avftCche of ballota. - -land thieve. In Oregon. Folk Jailed a Wha"a miAbeofncIal commit- the big gr.fter. In St. Louis. Their tea in iroS thla 'change.-hM 'work made both .. national figure.. ?ne Seyondhe'acopo It the work 'The reward, that await an honest "whlch It wa. constituted. It; and able district attorney make the . . .a annotated t0 propose a, bchsiu . Z"ZP?1 irorernment. not to f . cripple the Initiative and teferendnm. DLTTEH APPLES AT ALBANY eHB statement is that the' fruit in tha fifth annual apple snow at Albany la of better quality r than in anv former year. "-It Is the evolution of the Indus try. . It Is the change that results from atndied endeavor to produce better, fruit. a n - .,),.. IhA orchard and ts products were asvestments in thp United States Brit r?.nara n Li !. Z Ioa aaVoc- n lah rRnltallsts have invested $3,730,- IJUIO Careu lor ia. a"" ttia nrofHfH. Tri. their season the Urees puti forth . blossoma and later jieiucu vuw. .. nroduct was piCKea . auu i" .fell on theound. to lie there and decay There was no considerable market even at 25 to 50 cents per Whel Tut Oregon , apples have been put on the world map They are sought ?or the dining table, of the rich with itUe concern as to price.. It offers a new reward, and the orchardist j hoa arrma about his work with a i S ckS ?ntereet d scientific methods. At the apple shows he offers his fruit in rivalry, with the result that the quality at the Albany show is better than in former years. Incidentally, apples will continue j to show improvement. Orchardists are learning how, ana tne growinj markets pay the price. And the ap ple Bhows here and there, contribute their share to the stimulus for Im provement. YESTERDAY'S ELECTIONS . ISCE more the White House has received news from the coun- f rv. Nowhere does yesterday's verdict afford comfort for the atendpat principle. ii. n.kncfti. i. haat.fai irTii Linda mi the other. The ilv " Republican, having elected ' a Democratic .governorbut wlceiln AOIreference to Jtne muuuun -uaiioipaToy jj . hausted land, atrlctlf on national issues with the Wonnn! leans eareriy bcccuhub mo standpflt ; principle, demanding con- . . . . ft ft A Mill tlnuatton or tne mgn BUU " lug upon . Republicans to stand by the'admlnlstratlon, . For the Demo cratic Governor Foes and the Demo cratic platform took the progressive ( position, and governor Fos. was re- elecUd. ' 'ft r- v, ' ' I In JOhio. the iasue w.a whether rth Jming eonstitotfoncJ convention i bould be procresalv pr --reactionary and th progressive., won, mak- .'1!!. ....... Tfcrt nr IktUtMMlMl b u4tliM of lk u. - i . oa rel ! 4tMblo r UUfttDt lo t dopor4. It drpcodt upon Jo U to Ka rn aMiMtaf fndlill. H 4 t If lha naw mis ! to t obr Pboay cfHrlal. It U Jut at wall to lara Mr. Caiuaron In :ha offlro un til fctt term nplraa. It If n'tar vajta of effort to .dlipUea ona 1b- Om .eakllng ca to tbrouth tba eompateBt ltb anothr incompetanu nroroaa of Droaacatlfif wltboot proa- ocatlnf aa well aa another. Tbero aro many lawyera In Port- . a it.. .a a V a axam AtiawKI t A w ,.anr,, adodi tbemironnB Turk aant an auiocrai iu "-jTbo on, who woDldiJZf.n4 raared near b. tbron. a , . ff. d a)linaUteT It aa con.tltutlon and a parliament Mex- - r - ., . . 4 aaa eaaa Tha people of Portlana ara weary of poty-cat offlclala. They r ready to turn to a real diatnci at torney and fle h connaencw. and a reward. Tbay would llko to letow the poaltlon on ft man Tlgor- . . a a m. nna in ihe oeriorniancw i iav, vaaaaaM''"- w partial in iu myv ;cniircu w. law and rigidly honetjtne ballot box on the popular t-oay. ;pt--jtlon of th. 1 Ith blmaelf and tha public. a -.ariMi and honeat rroaccutor would do more to fumljtata rotten aa-ncT than can bo accom- dlatrlet fttto rney n p will poRiiiwa " ' - - . But It is uselesa fof proponent, of But It Is UBueB8 lor propuueum w Ith a peewee candidate He might 1 be worse than Cameron. BRITISH INVESTMENTS HE London Economist has .re cently compiiea a tame mow In; British Investment. In their m.nniAH Canada. India and Ceylon, Australia. South Afrlta, and other noBsesfilons. The total reach- Outside of in-. 'aa t ft S 2 R . K 5 1 . 4 2 7 V. . .1.. -lnna BlBtA of uuu.uuu in mo " .u- Latin America, Thaao fitrnrea disclose the strong ii,.! Tirltain has in ma a v"w - - - - aay am- . . talning the peace of the -world, There is no corner of this wide eartl where railways are to be built mines opened, rubber plantations set out, harbors and wharves coated, cotton to be planted, tea or coffee to be raised, but there . ubiquitous John Bull presents himself, purse in itand, with no limit, provided, there Is. money In sight. Whether arbitration treaties pass or not. whether X Germany in super dre,ad?" carried to a finish or is to a reasonable end, Great Britain s ships of war will continue to be found in every harbor and, ana Be within call at every disturbed port, policing the high seas. DEMONSTRATION FARMS T WO or three points of Interest came out In the meetings oi the Conservation congress at C.irv. Professor C. G. Hopkins of the University of minoi. insisted that reclamation of land was nn onnfinmT either to dry farming on the one band, or to tne irrigation j most insistent reclamation must have lying at the . door, or our great - rai .. lAl. - a m al "tn a-nlwtfa.11 'ILhwIIA tt TA the soils that are crying for investi-j . vi . .ft. A Ii. aaMmnafitarl I gatlUB, VUICU auuuia v...u. by the Installation or experimental farms, with their expert manager.. - Following this "came an address from1 Mr. Gross, president of the Na tional Soil Fertility league His question-wa. this. -W have a vast fund 6f knowledge, reposing in our state experiment stations and agri cultttraf colleges. Vainly have we j . . . . i w . . t . as u aitkai ctf ll bmm of tttoria. . . I J U- .L I MAKING IlItfTOnt 0 H JO lri4 ft noJorU t ro iitltalloa! wftot!n. H m tha tBCorporalloa of Ih loJUttlra nn4 rferoJm la Iho or g.olc la of tbl At fat m noraal tatfc o o (ha cxcivla aiotft It. Tft kat tha uprm court latarno. .. .. .... ... . i f In moat of lha Uta. If tha court bold It -jncooatltatloaal. tba eoaa- i . ..iffttin lr. K hlnncad lato ftB ailtatlon In which dlrart lnfUlatloa will coma aa ovanbadowlnt all other. Tba -abola world l Ib ft moramettt for mora popular forma. Popular rofernmenu ara bacomlot mora popular. Aotoerarlea ar dl-lnta-tratlnt. Ruala. bettor than any other, oalntitne tba anthorltr of tba throne, but aen Roaala la balnf forced Into eoneelona. Wberarar dlaeoaaloB preraiif, id ,co droT. oot her autocratic due. and rehabilitated popular v ifttinn of Madaro gOYorn- mrui a7 v 1 w Rerolutlon awept through Perala and eatabllihed ft beginning In awlf gorernment on tha rolna of tha old dynaaty. t ' ; In England, tha houao of lorde la atrlpped of Ita ancient ftuthorlty, and . ,aa conferred through The Portugue dynaaty waww 1- avia. all" and a rODUDllC CU rUWU on Ita rulna. Eten while the echooa a . ...n.rnrmatinn on one alda of Ol H.U..V.- the earth re still audible, tha thun- a.inniit ara heard on im her way through all opposition, and ........ ha MAnrnu mrvuc nv. .arid had ita Dark Ages. It j a.- D...l.aanM Tt had Ita RO- naa i formation. It had Ita movement for freedom In the American, French and other revolutions. - It baa now Ita movement universal for enlarged freedom and more pop ular raie. The toppling thrones, the uinr ruio. ' a-a-- - A'mm ties and progresslvenesa m vuw a A a. United States are t;be Beginning a new world epoch. They are his tory In the making. SUFFRiVGE IN ENGLAND T is very easy to be wise In other I people's business. rnereuro occurs to many critics on this side that Mr. Aaantth Is losing the chance of his life to paci- fy the women wno no a his life miserable In past aesslon.. What would have been easier than to insert in his new suffrage bill a clause for womed's suffrage, when he was proposing to make voters of every adult Englishman. If the majority In the house of commons had voted the clause- out Mr. Asqulth would have made peace with the women, and things would ntsfttj-iA aa rhaOV WAT A. 1(1 VU Dtuwu c0 .arf " win h fresh outbreak;. 1 U Y 1.1. v. ..... . . . of provisions, and stone throwing at the ministers' windows, mobs, ar rests, starvations in jail, and all the rest of the pyroiecnnic aiopiaD mark an active euffrage campaign. : The ministry will need all their time and energy to , take care of. in dustrial Insurance and home rule. With an acting Judge Indicted and the recall urged on another public nffirial Portland may yet supply new recruits for vaudeville. aa aaaaa The Drexels have a 130,000,000 baby. But a Kentucklan committed suicide because , his wife presentee him with a pair or twins. ex-SDeaker Can non wa. .till defending the Jayne Aldrlch tariff. Mr. Carnegie should send him a hero medaL ft 'rm iaio'alaa wnttlUl Claims tO have received il 5 offers of mar- . men rl age. Possibly there are 21Z men j who, are still happy Letters From the People . . m.. .1 an. nnh Soo worla U lamrfh ana mot ba am)4 by ta aaaj aa4 aaarraa n ina hmk.i v t -.- nw.t -a Ta fVftaf ft... A'fm r.r Tha tonraial -I wish. through the column, of your pap-r. -to tall your raaaera now w awe yi"" avaa at coat. . tOt eourae I mean thoaa of your reader who can not af At ai a.. w nrlaaa I VI wa out, to tha and 'of tha Mon- i ifttA. r ! ft- iw. ' 4i4 a l.wit.f a ta ftk-U rMM -. a iw. M-u.u . fcJkj lWa , m,I la aift-l l ' ,MllM, 4 IM ai f-4 (iftj4 aa ati-4. FAVOR SMALL GROWER TKa iila tmH af Ika ai a m4Uc Taa"" '"inw-t 4aft-l44 iKal Ika t t af lilt t a am aa ia a-aall r ... Ab.rtfttKiiw ia jMaaa aa ai- litcl hiwia aa Ua' '' fa-la. Ta IKU 4 wi a arr UUM UJ a bU rta ia ta (Twr . of IM ". vita IM a reaa '-avct-vi af a-4-ra. At tba aJvoa- aaa -iw win . i.i. ,.. . .1,11.1 1 IK. bwl fra JTw lt)u- - .thi, ( r.a in t(ir. . . . k ia ..hihii oil I haa ruat oasalderatKM. Tha paraae ta lo aa nawrlr a pombf lha tMirMwai late of folUa4 rw frawara. Tl nn wtll wa lauttcbaal by lara (ncral nawllna al lb T. at. C - iiorxla avarwlna. Carh r-atf will ba opa 10 dlava-ouloiv. Tha proajtmia la aa KoMar; rr4 V. Ilolmaa. K. Iad4 -Uuf an4 Horna IUha3l : W lilbaon. -tMMiHHv Iloaaa anal Uow to Iboa Thani-; W. C Bhro.ha. -tCncourat loa tha UmaJl Oruw.r ; lr. II t. .ullln-r. -Nw (eaa: Tru. aa4 fnini-; Alfr4 Turkar, -rurlllla-ra At ih milni war pr-nl: Tha chairman. Mra. A. C. Panloo, J. A. Lu r,. Alflt Tuckr, Mra. wnnivawa"; via Mra. R. . Umion, ira i. . and Mr. McKarlana. A conmiiia w. ai.t.olnU4 to conllar ma roarua . " .... aitft. a.iJiinalum Armory ano "i- -- placa I or ino ivn MOTHERS' CLUB HOLDS INDIGNATION MttiiNU An indlanaiton maatlna of tha Mothar1 club of Woodlawa U to b held thla waaa to aiacuaa in. paaa hrard lo tba Clreull conn i . .. ... a - ...1 aaixa daaJar In : w w Minaiiu. aa a w ww. 1 - tha Woreaeur bonding. ti twjn anainat Mlnard waa that of ttlna lodwrabt plcturaa M l l'" of Woodlawn. Mlnard admlttad tha ple turaa wra In hi deak. bw aald an othar man In tb office left Uara there. He denied ahowln. them. Th .trl Identified each picture alle;ed to have been abown. and told the probation of ficer where thay could be found. The offlcare found them aa the arirl related. One of the pltcure had Mlnard' nam on tha back. Tha Jury wa out two .A fnnrwi him not rullty. The majority of tha Jury we In favor of finding blm gllty. but did not want to eend him to tha state prleon. Thl a a.. ..nllai af not arullty. BV- ral women from tha Mother club at tended tha trial, ana rj. -move I on foot to ak Mlnard to leave the city. SQUAW SENDS RAILROAD FARE BUT NO CHANUt m i.. vt.nn.tr a Umatilla Indian. releaaed Tueaday from the county roch plle. after aervlng a 0 day aentenca for bringing whlakey on a reeervat on, thlnlta there is no charity In womankind. Bennett took the paupera oath ev eral day ag and asked to b released. Baying- that He naa no muoe . . " ll ai nt una and cost. Ha own an allotment on the Umatilla rea- ervatlon but it is remea iur amu..u. year. Meanwhile he wrote home to hi kloochman, who is reputed to be rich, to send him a imie money pen.ee. and to get homi , on. . .. . louay ua . . rt "" . ft... TTnitft -. ..lit in mm inrounii u um'v. States marahais oruc-. contained Just 18.80the exact 'are to PeKlooch no trust me," Bennett re ... . i.inn.ni.oiv tn Assistant Uni ..... rT. 1 ..In... ted States Attorney Evans when haeaw h. amount or Ul tnsiuauia . . ir.i tnr anaindlna money. which didn't seem to add to Charley- happiness a mignt pave tri : A in IN BUILDING j ni ---- ... ROADS THROUGH FUKbb l. .MMaMal Mliih AJiti fillaVIlbAr TAf-VUUl iftva." l4ii'-a - have wired to jreaiaent v. ft. i . a ir.at th. r aiinnort in mo uuio. o""- r.zr; ...iinn that laroar ap- live B rm"imun'.'..-" - . . proprlatlons be devoted to the bulldlnff 1 - .-a- ,liinHan tha na- Of traUS no ruavaa ""- l .i.i fomat reserves, and particularly ft,V.. ' , n ... .AirfllMlftat L ' in tne r-acjuu , . The Taooma organizanuiia ?8,l.ea.. thl matter and use to interest - . . every Influence it can in support . of the movement, it oeios cesaibility of these reserve will prove . ..nn. in mint ways.' una oi great '"'i.""rrr ;l-;-7i. tn or feature set iori i --",, -nana Will Mm Jirgaijr , W . a""""" tourist gravel. :, hii The jPoruana Whiuikw a.ir. rna inaiici li . . . . . . . . . . .iin j T.naa vaiiuua commercial organlaation of the state. a n m ltQ HF FORGED " niviiiiiw " ' -,..a y PARISHIONERS'; NAM ' ' multiplicity of rime was brought before Aril a.,..... . .. . n n.ntlat .ohnreh at St. or tne uBiiiii." ... - John, yesterday, when he wa arraigned . eruiltv to th forgery charge wa . entered, and aen tenca wiu be passea rrm "-" 9-..ft-b-.. v.arLT. nv tha member of. tha 'church with colleetint; 110 be- lonftin to "the ;hurCB ana epin ."r.Tr- i. that ha forced four ADvUIBl aica - . note wgalnst member of the. parish. and atlll anetner i-nai i- - . .tk.antan 4fter aecurlna all i iTiii aaft... .. . . . aft lite money posaible, KuUkey left-St. Johne. Mia wire ana iirur Cuuu.. . . . .-. k- .. ara.ataw1 In CTnfu oeaenvu. lcu.ho - -- cago twa month later. It wa discov ered h tad Dee living wivu.aftuvi.aia. 1 woman. ROSE SOCIETYYOULD .. 1 MM - Ii-- tia, .'u-ft al .Mam viy a4 i mm aa.t , ui ai tft.1 '' 4 4ta evi 1 1 IXftftl'M IMI ! .ft, ft MM lit Mil ! I ftftM,'l If tl wiifsa tia M iv r i 7r ' ' ftftfti lk.a I i- a.- i l wt ft4 a a-a - ia rvitiM l Ifc-a a U W at - - I Daat a waur et , Ta frasa aJ wotilfa I ,a. i a r ia cWxaia aal fti aa M Uftr afca-4 fj TSa r!la4 U.iriwa e U-a irwi. a I'M a4 U tlaJia wb. la Orwa aa4 W wiu aae iwat fmiiaaa tolwra . . . . .i . Kltftil la ( itinama w". . f.7 waa llfM -;.( ..r fcal. aa. fc'a trial rf aaa a jry af t MMrtiljr aeqviiiM I otaaa. CASCADES IS PLAN 0.W. R. & N. Would Make Shorter Route From (Jorth Yakima to Tacoma. A tufinal about t mllaa la laaalbj HI ba built threuah a portion of tba r. ftMft nuiaiiulni If lha 0.-W. R. irada moontam. ir ma . - ki ftftft... ..rri.a at unit (r r un I. ":"...- ... from North Taklma ta Tacoma. TB hortna of thla tonnal and fha conatrua- tlon of tha road wtll Involve tha -parulltura of aavaral btllloa dollara. Vlca Praaldaot Bobart E. Strahora. af tha O.-W. n. N. company, who ta her from Ppokana ronfarrtnr with Praatdamt j u. Karrall In rvfard to aaw conalmo- lion, naa , T; ai 1... akaraa of IhlB DrOlaCI BJIO aTrmi iur";i" '- rialA u Wrrall atatad thl morning that tf tha Una la built. It will be the shortest from worm " y coma, th propoaed tunnel reducing tn .. . . ii.. a iftit K- 14i fTn dlatance many mii.a. ' " ... .v.. man Una will by lha expenditure f the .... . -. as.M. af lariat AO SmJO millaOtftB . I ft, ft a . ft . , . - . ehorter route than that now followed bv 'the Northern racwo w Jr?A- ........ -J- -. l.a..l.aWI "ta While oriioiaia ai. ..". - -..a ....,.. information about tn KIT. ft, ft ft . . w. proposed project, they hS company la at work on the plana and that the work will praJW.be .... . nna nnmava from the holder of th money each to turn ome loo for development wr- MORE JUDGES NEEDED -"v.. K..a . to relieve tba crowded ...I . th. nniirt docket 1 to have more judge," ald Judge Morrow of .... -..ia Miit-t. The nreaent ytm of maintaining a pre-ldlng J-j assigns all caaea. mft-- of Judge Morrow, and to retain .thl scheme with more Judge, on th. ; bench would SOOn glV muivnuui." - W?cuFt court up to date l It. work and satisfactory to tha attorney, ? "I favor any Bcnema efficiency of the court work can be ln- creasea, auu ." ,,, . .n reason," ai Judge Morrow. 'I Ueve the litigant Is entitled to the best court .. .r ah. i.tnivtn are to be poseioie.- ft . i . seriously considered In the matter of expense. - in rKara u lun "" " - 1. ' .. -a ak. anlirt to HHP I ftTTl CaSefl, tne oiera ui - ... I wish to say tnat. in my In attorney filing their case o they ... . .. - ..iftin aniirt room. A aav -.ill B-Aftn. II Will IOBUIV Will IS41 iniu ft,.;.!... ,,j. -I tried two Jury case yesterday ... mr,A ana thl morning, .aid OJ. LCI ft,ft,li .." v . .... 7 . ,r.mnn r anauLklnr of th .mas- . r A h. ff-jr.-r" .' b; wi untu Jhi- afternoon at t o'olook. . Speaking of the lawyers Ratting their caaea b !' if tha clerk. I. al . . ft. i-. tha anita. I want to lOWea vu .-" "11 .r .u. a anffl say Ahat tne lawyera uu '" - . ' .... .v.,l haira mora WOrt ? If tne juago. ft." the manager of a corporation s" much idle time , u" s T WOUia OS imnruiM.. ....,. County . . Clera-JJ ieiaa aai signing 20 cases to each Judge, and see Biennis v v. atitlsfao- . . . a.... aw ina tiib.ii ft, ft a.- how 11 worn... a av "'--."--;-. torythe, plan men can pt wyf . Di Fflnc RIJILTY TO I bft.nnw.i- a .... BREAKING PI,H-LAyv .'' ' . . .' r.a. Rra.nda:. were A. ina i w.- . -j - arrested by a deputy game warden No vember 1. charged with dumping saw dust and lumper waaio -1. plaWtagam.t m.e. wa. oj-mM When Ia. JtieeS pieauan B""J -- - w r in a. fish ladder and prom.a ft- '---., Ait. TbiB IS screen tnair j... their aecond arrest, xni" t in.T I .. i m avM .- a u riT Avineuuci ' was fined ISO and costs thlme. . . ..n -i iftj.wK.r-r re arrested l-MlTl I BfTTl. Oil V4 iivnfv.nt - - - on Whiskey creek. Tillamook county November x. ior al and fish.- They war each fined , f SB and cost. ; 'i : . Ina- the-local taxidermist" shops close yVndhaVe selxed a china Pheaaant rooster and white owl which had bean left with F..B,'Flnley;to be stuffed. - . . . Vii ftrnnArtT Of AJ. . . a.iffrinriTlRH ftlBV, ...wm Balmar of Hillsdale and he fM e aaked to explain how he came U have It in hi poaaesslon. Th authorluas are also waiting for the owner of the owl' to appear. . - . a TUNNEL TlOUi IN THE CIRCUIT CUUKI ta a 4 WaaOail U a at wtl e a ilt-lll a4 V . . .. 4 ftt a I" at ' fttjft. aa am fv. all a.tl laval 4nla4 aaa a.4 a TV. a la..w aaa !''' m 1 va - " la. ita Mkt iwa ff.-e la r!1' Ml? ' " . . ft i . . hllJM (aaVrMai aawai a w . - - . M U If-.la f 'u. m- rawa a Mt- WM aa eitiwii- V W tl1 ,.1M awaaa, Mka4 r- I " ,,w ' ' . ' fitaiia af tUv.--a P1"' .iiar. ata-i4 f tif h jvrtr.i V ... .rr rs-V- w ,r.aii f liamaaura. Or. Mr. wawaa-e a)4 iMxaa lawa. TRADE IP ENDS; Portland Business Men Have Time of Lives Visitors Serenade Town. 1. ..a faotaora. bat full wf aa thuataam ovar tha Inland Empire, tha (taa-it.ail trad a aaouralanlat ramrwaw .; "VI- .... - in. thla rrem in luauv.- - . ... Tb. trio to Lelta aw -. .. rharaelensaa as w - v Vaiaaftv. . graaiwat . 1oa aver aagag-d la by the rtland . . a . tha ataia irane eanur- bviataaaa man. tha party wi aa ... .v. v. aaanintiaal aad moat baao- soma train 1. tha west. Twa days war apent at tha Idaho-v. aanmgon . . a- r Mi.mn ana aaa xull meat tea- an -- - . ... .a -.iia tr.lla Teaterda T. A total of T roll, waa covered by tha war- ion lata ,. The aicuralonUta apant an unttwaliy buy day In wane waiia. iu "ZL"A ai ...tnanahllaa and hunid waa put m" a a iha .tata DanlUntlary. where they .... ...ta at Warden Charlea S. waiw ft.. ... . lta. a r. . ... ft .ft.- l- . . b. - laata hand or 11 DIWC.B greetad the party as it enter-- iu. a tentury proper. ..... .,. Th Portlander war guet of the Walla Walla Commercial ciuu . . n'.ita tx'.ll. or a- eon. jonn morrow va - sided and Msyor A. J. Q. weicomea th pllgrime on benair oi tne uii.. I- Mnnre alao POk. mar lauvi -- - - B. Laa Paget wa tne oiwciaaa -ft"-- man for tha ror.iana pans tor A. M. Wright also spoke briefly forfthi Tiaiiura. . Immediately after tne ronCuu - tinianau . . . busy and In single column, lead by tha ak. vnrtianit sarenaaers i band of three pieces, a th r , . a. ihav marched througn ana d wuuft, , ., "rery -tore of any else in Wall Walla. An appropriate parooy -'"--- Boola'' song waa sung m ; ";,;: houae. The .treat ware literacy with people watenmg tne aunt. . . - ak .-a Aon the street Visitors aa i... Badges and descriptive literature were passed out to everybooy wno ..-.ft lav k. V.1 1 arlml contaca auu - . . ' Among those who marched from Da- who have acarcely gone two blocks tn a a lt -.Marl in nni n ClllCB WflU aaiwra. month In Portland unless it wa- . The personnel of the party of era nader was a particular surprise to th Walla Walla pecple. there being among them staid banker and dignified bust- . . ,nft . . - - . nMf... nna main. ' waiv ' , , ..raw to take part in such .ilv," . . - rnvouiy. ,k... .t An immense crown waa i" the Commercial ciuDrooms the Commercial x.u. prominent men o. du, th epeecnmaaina. n'" 7 . J speakers In all to make addresse. which rana with good WIU. Upon adjournment th majority of th Walla Wallana e th. Portland men to their train and bad them good-by. ' . Th. excursion just enqeu ni-w - tentxi mi . . ... .l have mad. ainc July 1, th total break . .v .ii.i at.. Pn-ti.nn nusiness men ing all records. , - WILLIAM T. MUIR'S, ' FUNERAL HELD TUP AT ' . t7i-1 . in. William T. Mulr, Who died of tuberculosis at Tuc son, Aria., last weea, is wing i. .liai.a.aw.t.- t St. Stephen' chapel Thirteenth " and aay streets. Theserv- a ..ft. a S w , A XT , SLf ices are being conauctea yj Ramsey. Following the services at the chapel there will be a short service at the crematory." which 'will be private. The pallbearers are George W. y.Hoyt F. D. Klngsley, Richard Koehler.. Wil liam la. Brewster. A.' F. Flegel, Dr;-Wll-liam la. ..Wood. Charles A. Burckhard ahd -WlUiam u. (oiiiuu. s . - ra. Muir, her three -children, her r" , . a-.,, at, .ftJi T ITaac i fr mother, Mra. wnaiiey. k want tn f?nn Francisco to meet them, reached Portland . With the body at :80 o clocK last nignt. thf RATTLE." FEATURE . . ; FILM, AT PEOPLE'S . t x . '- ; . ' TaUaala" aaa imiialialW slaver blC- tur. la tha feature, film howi at the new People ah.. rr-a . There' 117-7 ft wv. . - . ft . pear. "Aunt Jane'a TCegacy and Arbutus,- a comedy picture. .The People theatre' quintet will present new se lection. Miss Brown will have soma- , - j$ .t - A a ( n q 3 '. ''ft The Star ha aa Its feature, a two . . AuM Unr . Svne. a reel in ...I ji.u.i . - . splendid drama and a picture which ev ery Elk - should, sea, also a number or good comedies, song, etc ' The Arcade . . T.r .- tTft.rta " .nd tha is tea tun n a 1 ,' -7. . Oh Joy. TlVoli, and Crystal, all have new avnd clever pictures.. DAHO FINE HOST fcaVe'i r fF"- -w Z... i3 t!! .... ai. a, a ft .. aaa(tAAlff M n H ia I -. a a.-ftfta t . : a au.r.a la anallU M ri.al MtftuaNa -a ita aiawu a.a Aaa lajatlataaa, iwa a. ... ... ....... a.iii 1 a.k .ta. ( a-l Uiaia aal iaa. l ka.a lJaJ W WataaW fawJai 1 1 ta . a aia.a la lll. "" II la It. i:i-a iHra 141. Oa4a I t" I. ! II m t WVal.iaaft. W'l Ilia fcUlar ta ll ia aia. r -rrtu lauai aia aa4 ! a latia wilia-a. w J M ta no ' .a aalalltaukaill. aiaa. M a.aw-.- - , ai al i.ia aia4 wit v- -awta .a (ala aaa a"'1 . Mat ia Tiu. U-aU a-4 k.Uwia aa lailaay Wwa waa aala4 a4 II atala-a aaa4 bat atM "ZV . . laaa. laalaMl. oaiaiaaa -4aliu-aia. f alM la aaaaaraaa railway a-. airwrttaa aa4 aaawiaa a . ..- a 1 ..i ta twaf4 Ih ara flaaa.- Traaa. oalafewaa. AUaaaae aa4 laaa aitta4 wara aa arwoilalaa fair trwalaaaal af tua-taa 4 iraaaaoataitaa aaiarprtaaa, or la4I.r in, aaiiii- lima a-aj UUtwra a atiaaaiin a -wa ' I ajataoi bar aa4 ratauaiary or,"" a4 Oavarwof ttoaa af Kaw Ua. ai.lra aaU th bt aro aaaaai aa lrwU4 Ui raiaa aJUwad ara ia b a twaaaaibl twaara aaj tba . I Hal raaalra. . ..4 ftft.mallaa IKara ta vtadU ia aiae w a rwr MtaaT tawarw aarweiv ft-.k. .Lft .a t kft lariat Laakw aaaftf -tha old bit tarn a which aea aalata4 bataraa the wbU a4 f limiw aarrtara baa (aa ftbalad.- Ta rail .'a a koala aaa t Lba 4iiraaaa tat ba kaatiia lawnalanaai aad ta (ba aware aaav. a ftiftia MaaM aaf Baal O UrtUBWawi U, Tanwldoot By MIV-. Ovwrtvolt WT14.T TTOI B-rT- Ilia lit on day la a barber chair To rat a trirr f.ft.ft. 'ft, m K.t. " The UIUIHUIII " " " " , " - i i - ..14- "T.h'a a rowing .1 . Uftl ft 'XI I - - Boma, though thla la not a roast; Wh iy, honeat, bo." tn Darner aaio, ll tell you truly what I. read. 'I'l Tha paper said tne otner aay ne a covered all the coast.' II aald: "Why. we can lick th Japs." . . r i c lit., hi ii i. . . ftftft... . . . . ft. . . In Rnalrt .1 rvaa vnca ann .ii... ... - kiinlrnftftrl minf folk. Ha didn't ask m anything; lie aald ne reauy rouion . Ana men ne wiu nunrii'. he said It wa a Joke. He alo said: "Champ Clark Is game; He speaker nut us juai n .""".-j hi nr. rule reviatoa eiruc ma () rwJttTwa u . a. i.i- "Twa aot a eclieme. J Ha shaved me twice with eager haste, ll me lamer ain,"n ,i Ll I 110 UIUII ft a" ...w , . ' - he piled my face with cream. H aald shanghaiing waa a crime lie Knew a nurgi.r E.i.i.in lie ulun t aaa ma au j ftu.... Ha Know a, uiiiwiiu .,... And when my face was worn and raw l . niBulwrou 1 1 1 n unu - - AW . T . . . .-. v ft. . . ..a.. .... Wlia friend.', hair cut or a havT" Havoc of the nide Hnntera. From Outing. In lSsf the -buffalo hide hunters hipped 60,000 buffalo hide to th east. The next year the number wa 200,000 and In 1883, 40.000. Only 800 war re ported In 1184 and after that there were none at all. In 188S Sitting Bull and his band, with some white hunter, killed the last 10,000 of the northern herd. - . .The last survivors, 2S In number, were killed, on tha Big Porcupine In 1888. r". ' m0Unted for th National with that th. wild museum. . With that the wild burraio or North America practically oeased to exist, except for a few In the ' Yellow stone National Park and a handful In the wild, or AtnaDasca. ; .. , ; r The eTonrnal Bolldlng. J v From tha Wallowa Sun. ' rrik. onnAnniuimant that . beautiful .1 story building Is to be ereoted In fti-.a n. iplift Aaanm Tl.lla .Toairnal f uriiauu .ftft,. M'w v , is evidence to the eff eot that the lead- lng evening newspaper mw eaiy a.iia of the northwest Is suoceadlng. J The journal is a newspaper bwui the people of Oregon have needed 'and ftiil 4 a T . la ....... aha' la ' tha f. Ll 1 1 jieou, ... . i. ww. . ........ ... future aa it has done In the past it will, continue to grow and prosper. TKe .Wrestlers (liminmiim ro lum auu ru.i u ' ..... tha (mnon Kansaa poet.' His proae-pewm ara a regulxr fee tun of tbl ooluma la Tba Daily Journal. J. -y. ..'.r,'!. "-'j;, - Msthinks ' that wrestlihg - might be Ha fed But he didn't auk me queatlona. and l made our finest sport, aireaay, uu, if athlete working at the trade- raited alone on strength and eklll.. ThereV I ...hifti. ln. trial, tn aaa . two mle-htvNj 1 1 ft, ft 1 1 1 1 1 .....a ....... . . - .... I. " - . men in atern emDrace, eacji striving ior the Victory, tneir -. moverawm iraogui -ik iiaaya . .rflfta. Thera'a ' tiothlna finer than this game when It is played by sportsmen true, when neither tries hi foe to lame, or pusn nst nis rea tures through I watched two gladla tor sweat, upon tne mat, wnue spons-: ,.il. alaa Jnv f Hanrla T ahlMriar I ll.TIl I . ft v., w . . - , . . ... , ' ' -at.- trhan ,thlnkl'hc how thos men be- also ap4.hved! ijiOne gave , the other's leg . a twist until It like a' corkscrew seemed; the latter bent the first one's wrist until h threw a rit and screamed. Each tried to gouge the other's eyes and Jolt him -'rudely In the neck; each to think It a-ood and wise, to make th other man a wreck. The game S would certainly be grand, a game for heroes brav and bold. If all the butch- . .I... w.hi rannail anil aa1 1 aatlaftra r . Lrtar. . . . . . ..v . wrestled as of eld. . Copyrti-ttt. 1911, tr Oaurs M.ttbew 4ftUmc. I -i M