The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 09, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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Latest Sporting News from All Sections
iutoj. is roucc chief, 'rrii
aa J I. a 4 ft t ....
coMiiiGiofflimor after haud game
Ml Ray H.3 Team en Multno.
maf. Held Multnomah
, Practices.
Portland Academy Deven Puts
Up Twch OattJe Score
Stands 5 to a
TV H:tl WilMary . y
lU ee4 IU AtMH I
e.e eaaarw mmM I II
tiM a WtlMUt rA Ta A.
I lease M M4 . Hll
t-b A CmA vkaSff e4 lad
lis mm lw be'd ga
Itul b b (mM el mn
se ui r ru
ell 10 l't allay !.
ra - via ! as eist
Bkaasv. Mtiir; Ik l.iu ea iJmtl frwr4 e-eesi tlaee fey tf
1 1 Jftwe Ht -4
fee4 te ir iniit tftxMi U
ar I deletl IM fwtieA t't I
eir, mtl t4 s lavas
bWl lteel e lb fH(
la tears
X i r iaa eattiety lae
tul i be a ufwl I- Jf fw tite
aa tier keje la 4i a !
Tea Aaay et.a IM IM
Cohmbcs Cbb'i Monthly
Smcler Vm3 Ha. Several
Ctaisy Performer.
- a IM I
tfteva, . Ha
a a, aat e la-e eMM a.nt..
ftS.aa.aa. al.a . . .. . . . . " aa rae .aet
... . . . w V t war
i mm vmm mm iiim m .r4 la u .x.a V A. A t.
' I M
r4 4 IM4JMHU I.W.tt4iH
hwtaw 144 M 4 r
RiHHa Hnir; ltrt. a4
Dr. Diot Has Found Some
thing That Is Worse Than
t'lMl ma) taw H I
K larlt, K. t.-rk thla
o la rxfi vr fMvaU to art.
UaaV 4rUr4 Chrta W. CI tot, r.
4 ant mr1lou" af lUrrard. b(or alliBf
for Europe "Tootbal! la to rtnifh; II
hl4 b dlaconllauad. Evvry rar
ynuff ma of proml art crlpplad (or
lira la in aama.
ladon la vora,' hof, and iba
army abou!4 do tna parf retina; af aaro
piaAf Thar IU pa of groat uaa I Kara.
ilM aa-a aiaa inaa ( v-aa
awt,la at Uaa. Wal fall4 la IfcaU a
lar t y ataa ar w tval
t aalata aaa laa ! la
a1gl aaj al taia, UH of taa ia
tUa fara4 faMta a4 lak:ia awa
taa Mtakl faalaraa UmiWal uva
CrUa la IUA
Taa ttttla (ar'aia aa4 !- Jart
laM from acwU afai KM f
lacallag a4arr aTlar leaf ka4
tafvafk Ik (a4aalfa la mf tl4
Imrn v far laa aalaa.
aalara aa4 4a ! vl Pa .
far taa taaafa. Coaa taa&a aoaatifai
pUf an a Ka Vru4 a aaa of Jaffa.
a a aaa ft)T laraUaf CWat ata4
Ua Uaa,
Jn , k4 a naW at tKa a
a4 laaM asaa la taa llaaaB kaa IM
UM alan4 aa4 I aaa rkMlal
la tta airaa aarVal. o a( laa riral
laM UktBf I hair pXmttk, Ml tkajr a(
aaabla la anaaa ra'taa a(iaal im
a-adaoiy Uaca a4 at lb a4 af IM
riral aaif C'oath ftottia af Jaffroa mi
Iba flrat laaja which m-m fraab to IM
gama and II aaa aal a f attaaiaa
bafora Iba 4 af Iba I Mr 4 irta4
fora Iba Jaffrraoa laaia aer4 Ita toacb
dov-m. Tba bail waa aa I. A. a II yaN
Uaa aa4 J. Dar. r taa ai4 of voaaarfal
lalarfaraara for yard a, rroa4 IM
goal Una for iba flrat lawMtva IKal
iba JafrVraoa) taaJa baa aoorag la laiar
acbolaatM gajnra.
Oa4 FmaU HUa,
Caanploa matla Mvaral goe4 ruata
(if baria aj a aa
a VI IM (taaalna
dab a aaiUr , atca atu M
tat t IM k braaa al III kalM
a ai iiiiaatia ,
ai awaia baa aaaal la al
aa. la aaa mtu faatf
V tr-( MI baa baa MlUIti
U M M4M IM f.UML law
bUfcctU a. rAat M a4 aa4 t4
uM 4-a tria to III i J
taa CMoa ftiataaa ta M im La la
IM III flaa.1 ftaaa TViaa bal MM
aaaa4 a IM l,blata
fMf Cbtawa . btarlia
WlMaii C. Lawa'll ja Mafab. a4
tv4 Ciu fcuta Kyana,
Not n 'Curc-AUM
Viii for th Trrttmenl
I " aaaa, aaa aa Mi? oaa Tf aa a "Vir aaaaa t.a a,,.
I "a mwmwmw aaa aax im tm aaa aiii.a TVaa aJ
baal I t f IM U-a . '
iatt aa. im t-if af
IW t.aa.i7aa
a navaliM TVaa j aMflaaaal aa.i
t ia. (aaaMtaav. aauk aa aLa4 V
Tt'S baa,. a. .rwaaa tUI
bMiaa ( I r tiaa. !! 11
btM af M blatbraAaa .
fa4 btab aaa baa4 fr im
m nil a Haaaa bf ilaa ly aaf I
aAMtalaa) aa la bar a a ril laaa.
aia. m a aaMf a4 aa a (truiua.
..... r aa aataj j
iaultahV -ala aa4 C"aala. ,
" a'a af4 by ai4 i
Ttla. af--as.nt Af ftana I aft a. a-1 a. 1 1 . laa a.
anaga.t for aptta!ora It la damoralla. I "dr c?ndl""
In.. -IX.Dla aa to a tba m.hia la M I "old. Oa Day mad a It yard rm for
an hand ahaa (haariprtad accldaat oa
rura. Both football and avtalloa bra
far a-araa than ariaafigbtlBg."
ORyAL oMlTmay
Pan Franclaco, Nor. . Orral Overall
former pitching Idol of tba L'nlrtralty
of California, and for two ycara a buU
wark of atrangth on tha mound for lb
Chicago Cuba, mar pitch Boat aaaaon
for tha San Franrlaco 8ala If nogotia
tlona pending today ar brought to a
uccraaf ul laaua. . ' I
Orerall haa boon pitching wonderful
talt In Stockton of lata, and It la aald
that ha haa "coma back aa good.aa
aver." liana gar Fran Cbanca of tha
Cuba la willing to hara tba deal go
through, and Overall la alao vary will
Ing to don a Co ait league uniform. '
(CnltM Ptm LMd Wtre.f
Stanford Univeralty, Cal Not. I.
Tha 15 men who arlll repreaent Stanford
In Saturday- game with tha Unlveralty
or canrortila win go through light drill
today aa a conclusion of practice after
which they will Journey to Woodalda,
aeven.mllea from her, to remain In ae
clusloh until Saturday. Tha name of
the II ara to ba poated today.
A full aquad waa retained until tha
end of tha aeaaon this year and 100 ath
lete were at practice yesterday. I
a lourbdowa pat it waa diaauewed
wbtn blagnua made a forbidden tackle.
Vaaper and Cola a tarred for lb a-Inner
and Caanploa and J. Day did "aa
Tba lineup;
P. A. - roelUoa. Jefreraoa.
Vaa !lora........C Jobaaloa
l"owall . , n O. .A. Andereen (C)
Townaend .....L O..... HeiMlrtihaon
N. AnHaraon.
a-odn .M.......R T. Kuai
Brla L. T. rrU MrMurray
U'UUaina. Voapar.
Woodcock ...Tt K Xlacula
efBaa L K. . . .Xlattula. Uit
Voaoar. Cola
Iiaan itjj y -n
ban ford
( amDlon.
.R II M'llllama
liaatloga, J. Lmy. I ring partner or Uasryweigtot Champion
Cobb 11........ Campion I Jack Johnson, ara eruahttd today m a
Tourl.downa.Pk Day ' I. WuS k, ' oftiuu failed ta
goal VoaDer 1. Time of uartaraM I transmit his champlonahlp quell tl a ta
minute, of ficlala Referee Hoyd. I u apamng partner, who slumbered
Umpire B. U. Uaneon. rteid judge peacefully on tha mat after a round and
j-rnniermacner. titan iineaman ar-1 a hair or righting.
man. a uiieaeepera ouiner ana max-ter.
CkUeja. Ka, . viaaa tJ
U all W aaa aar Taaa Jeeae
aala la allow Ad Vkeie la baa II
akiaelea wiift fVcey bicrarUa4 baere
lata, clab, a aaa a lag
MwaaMai aa&eag iba raaa
tmU tblarr. aba laaa aflar
laad. leraa4 f rat M aa
aad la a eeefereerf 1ib J a, laaraad
IMI WalWl wid rwi M aiaraiaMa
efaf-fer if gaeraaiead fay a II
rM bal. areigal to be III b4
aciaa-a aa tM aft area el im aaaa.
aa. If TbUnr faiut to lead a Stw
rr dab. Mrs Jeaea. M wiU aUaw
Ueleai ie fiaki far Taaa alcCerer la
Loa A ag alas.
WaliMia madeat affer baa Bet yet
beea aaped.
'- ad beTere I m a .US
Taty to part eat, awry to take)
off. aetay to tto iba
Tela llaal rrartic.
Tba Melt faotball aleyaa will
bald lie final prectica ibia aalag aa
lb Multooaaab field. Tbla will ba tba
laet a reel Ice tba clabeaea wUI baa a-
111 Ibey trot aa Iba field to aaeet Iba
V. m. a. fbllad.tfhl la.
l. aaaataaaa Ceaaaeead
jto a4 CaMla Kt frn'ia,
M baa; e4 aaly raliakk
ray frw 1 ILD fk.Ml
una Lara taa aaaei eMiiaal
r a eaea la I to li aaya rrte I
r aa. ar tare baaaa k km. beta by
draffiato eearywMre. A4raae T. L
'-'"- a- "eaea L. aMIb M err Laa at-
aaataia baa. a e ! a tea af
ailaaeeia aaaaajy aila4 fmt laeta ,
baeal t'rl'all TaWeta a ,
aa.da im aetua $iU4 of .
ea lillMa, P..UUft..
aa, ryraia. fWy e rM la bie-
aaa I a (14V
aataa llr y4r Bad
IM ! eia ad lUa) wall
kanrwa a,atniMl eaa( Tat yeamety
eaiia far It ai, i .i, He
bes. aTf m artMia faaa 4aaa.
eaa ataarday keil try leaalt tyeaa,
aaa TaaaMe. faa aa IMy aa
iaa y a aaa eelienr
Wld ly by tM twl lre C. btara
ib nxinH eaHi gawbaa. a rTaav
Mrv Mbla, a a ; aad twa.
Dlicnto bpcclnllit
(VaLavaUr aa t W
t.a .ilK . WaV.
ii 4. Ba
be a aa rs .
aa be aa Takl-
w . . . . .
k vw a ar a h a.
I kkkiaia taav-Vbk-aav
tUMil ill
libf ! baatl..
trr. tai"
rtiurBAala mlrQ
fviMI. t laal
Bd yaaawMl
m afleaetieaV
A VrOLUb ! 9 AIM
Vli.u CW
to a. f to tvatiyi torn, to t
VagaUy fjai(l4 la Vaagaa 4
I a a
IZTXZl aaai eyrae exa anaea.a af
I Z 1 l- tbraai. llat. Ur.
Si I J -Se. Bloaiftwh Uaaa.
new aaa. Nearatsla. tlM.
'Ilean. alarrfe f'raaeka.
Tba eealaaal C".! da.
lay. If aala alia e-eaJe.
aaria. uIa)rtoae bM
aaa au afrn eieeaee.
cobaoLTATioai max a
fellaai a a af ie a oaa aware Ibeee
baellavMlldiag teaaadlaa bWs4 d Ct
ta alaatf fnr itoMmi lUnt.
wo cxtmtum mksicai. m.
IMH AMea Bk, . faira. INerUaad. Or.
ll .
Tm baaa-ftS a,a..w
t Baa a a ftlftifl tkl l.l
ilix.tta . . a a a
Walua IM . af Vt 1 A
La tv.aa abaaa a t
miliiw wji li.e a I aakar ysl
le 4 ..: ftwtiaal
i a.y ..', aa l.f a.a
y awake I aaa aa yaaa.'-a. r-a
at I aae,'aa M. a.le ay
fm iaag karvae a.4.ft
iala aa e AxVm f aeaaee
laa..a aar U I -
Are You
S ! ? eel'eae (a
a y ya-at immI i i aa
iviiaa Lie a a i taaa I Km bi
i4 t-mm la a Imailu tlftaa.
ii.a-l B e bia aaaT Ai t
!' kl-a llrttilltl p4mtm Im)
I "a" laa a .ly lftl.
n f at y aataaai eat enr eaitatt
I V 1 I I aka b eea.a4 ky la
fibj 1111' laa,::y ail If a
x a i a aaawv. iava aaia lawwv v
II iif tfti a a -af:a.
''el la 'l a ea yar aa aa.
(I wt!t e ,a atkua
vabiow wsrw at.ea rot.
ai. riLXA. rurciA. rro.
Cured in 5 Dnya
yf O
rt tiro
reaaUy a
ft v n K It i'rrin"l
41 si. a ni,"i,ri,'i J
JoumaJ Want Ads Brino Results
- - . j
ki "r rtvr aiviri Wiit XaY.I
U'ltaf. "T lfr. Arkr-ICAJ-L I
n w II I, ctth I "V
.rr.iAL All-1 j
Tba Cltataa Kelly and Shaver aeheale
are the coo tend) eg teems for the ctuu
plobahlp af tba llshtwelibl dlrlsloa af
Iba Orammar aVbool leegaa. liolb leaaia
aer Inner la Ibelr Uat game, a bleb
Lwer played yeaterday afiaraoea.
P Tba Khaver at boat defeated the Eliot
eleven by tba acore of It ta . Tba Eliot
team was naoetly aa IrreguUr eleven.
aeveral of Uta players being unable ta
play oa account of being low la their
atudlaa. .
Tba CTTntoa Kelly team df fee ted the
Pavla alavea yeaterday afternoon by
the acore of It to a.
Tbt Hon Severs Cold and Orippe)
Miaary vvuj Keuerrcl ta
Juit a Few Hotm.
Ton can aurely end Ortppa aad break
up tba moat eevare cold either la bead,
cheat, back, atotnach or limb, by taking
a doM of Papa's Cold Compound every
two hours aotll three consecutive doses
Kranrd Ilrats Catlrr.
1 1 elid rare Laeerd Wr
New Tork, Nov. t The champion.
ahtp ataplratlona of Marty Cutler, soar-1 are taken.
ii prom pi jy relieve the moet miser
able headache, dullness, bead and aoa
siurrea up. revarlahneaa, snaeslng. aor
inroat. mucous catarrhal dlacbargaa.
Journal want ada bring reeulta.
Brovm Deals Bedell.
New Tork,- Nov. t. "Knockout"
Brown Is tha posaeaaor of a hair Una
decision today over Joe Bedell, after a
Vlcioua 10 round battle her Ilrawn
bad the early rounds, but In ths final I Plmplea. spots on the skin, sores la the
stages Bedell came strong and closed mutBt. eera, railing nair. pone pains,
ons of Brown's eve. haaiHaaT intil.ri. eatarrh. etc.. ara aymptoma. Delay a ar
oth.r .?ea,r..!lfa Inflicting dsngeroua. Sand at one to Dr. Brown,
oiner severs punishment. ! aph thiian.ia n
lood Our. Convincing proof la a ta.00
bottla laata a month. Sold In Portland
fellfnrala a 1ali
Berkeley. Cal7 Nov. t.-Th. C.llfor- T Drug Co. .nd br all dn,
nia players journey to tba land of the
enemy this afternoon to work out on
the Stanford turf field and get a Una
on tha kind of gams they will nlay Sat.
urday. They will work out before tha
Stanford aquad comes on for Ita last
arm Derore the battle. . .
running of ths no, aoreness, stiffness
and rbeumaile twinge.
Take this harmless Compound as dl
recled. without Interference with your
usual, duties and with ths knowledge
that there Is no other medicine matte
anywhere elaa la the world, which wlU
cure your cold or end Orippe misery
as promptly and without any other a a- I
alatano or bad after-affects as a II-
cent package of Papa's Cold Compound,
which any druggist la the world can
supply. ,
rape's Cold Compound Is tha result
of three years', research at a cost of
more than fifty thousand dollars, and
contains no quinine, which wa have con
clusively demonstrated Is not effective
la tba treatment of colds or grippe.
enilD CTflMAPU
Tura the raaeais But tba headache, tha Utlouene. iba ladtaeaitoa. tba
sick, aour etomaeh aad foul gaaee- tsmtheaa out toalgbt aad beep tbata aut
with C a scare t a. MUUoas of men and worn t a lake a Caacaret now and thea aad
never know tha ml aery cauaed by a Way liver, dogged bowela or aa upset
Daa't pat la aoolher day of dlalreaa. Let CaacareU elaaaee aad rem la (a
your a to ma ch remove the aoar. aadlgeatad aad fermenting food aad that rata.
err. making gas; take tha asoaaa bile front you a tlvr aad erry off the d acorn
po4 waata matter and poLaon from lbs latea tinea aad bowels. Tbea you will
feel great- '
A Caacaret tonight win stralglttea yoa ant by
morning a lt-cent bog mat as a clear bead and
eheerfulneea for moo tha. Doat forget tha chl).
Irea their little Insldes need a good. geaUs
kleanalng. too.
lire bit AWf
i iv Ti i imirn v
TtiAWrtir e-HT Till It
rAf-r, i am run n t mr-
rantr in rrh? ht trrrni
Ann TIIK KKtirTOt- TO al'
rot'iprrr bncrtcAt trric on
r r.
r, a
rn u
ran eetnrf.TAnoa.
1 levita e i eaaeae to my offlea
I will aptala I yea Sr tratel
rae Virtcpftft Vyiae, llarala hare"e
rwbllliv. Mlad Ineordar. Ptla. rs.
tula. Ill adder, Kidney. ITOetetle aad
II Vaa AllmeaiA aad give
ritlE a ahvatral eisirtlsettos: If
aaear a tnlf rearoplral d eMealeal
saelysla af Barrel loaa. I daleraalae
relnoiegleal aaa Metnairl faa-
ditloaa. try ar e Soy Id taaa
dvaatage af Ihle rfartnlty IS
Uem iheir Ira roadmoa. A per.
ms nnl rare Is what yoa want
My ernra are apea en ear 1 1 wa
I a. aa, I I a. m, aad Sunday a fro ax
It ta 1. .
atVC Smith, Me D.
gVi Morvtoaa tTV, Oaraas ftd.
raniut, uiajav
tele aad
i r 1 1 1
! I ::vV. ;vV'-v'--c.; .. ST inft I.
mutt . sj - srr .Mf'i- i n
: " o
'dTfi - - - - C
. W I
l I A I t 8'""' I '
Hunting Rifles
The name "Winchester" on a
rifle is a guarantee of it's accu
rate and strong shooting' quali
ties, tntire reliability of action
and superior finish. If you shoot
a Winchester once you will
. shoot one always, because
Winchester rifles represent in
accuracy, reliability and quality
the highest development in pin
making. No matter what you
hunt there is a Winchester
made suitable for your purpose.
Whichever model you select,
you will find that it will stand
the rough, hard usage that
hunting "rifles often receive.
Winchester rifles are mechani- v
cally correct in design, are made
.. of selected and tested materials
, under sldllful supervision.
Every, rifle is thoroughly tested
in every way before it leaves the
works. Nothing is omitted in
their manufacture that will
make Winchester rifles shoot
well wear well and look welL
; :'--".-
Wlneheater Gun a ma d
Ammnnltton-Tbts Red V
Bnnd-An Made for Eteh ?
btber and Sold Everywhere.
How many times have you asked for "whiskey"
and been dissatisfied ? Next time call for
W. H. McBrayer's "Cedar Brook" 8 years old
bottled in bond it satisfies when others fail.
Eight Years' Aging
j . ( Twict w long oa nqtdnd by Low)- - ;
gives it that purity, mellowness and delic
ious flavor for which it is justly ceieDratea.
' Tha whlakay maintaining tha same
' , qualities that mad iU raputation '
wmm 063 laa
MEN REXT WltAT OtTR PATIENTS 8ATk The original.-with hundreds of
uinvr un me in our omco. no names or nnareaava reveaiea, aa our deal
ings with our patients ars sacredly confidential. These -and many other
MEN have bean cured of WEAKNESS AND AILMENTS peculiar to their
aex arter other special lata bad failed to aven glv relief. BfilAO and be
Oar charfaa ara the most rea
son eia or any reliable apeclallst
weal of Mew Tork, and we will
arrange terms so that any man
can place bla case with us and re
ceive a cure. , . .
W i eV mtfa anajaajaam.. , V
O ' j Mads Fbou a Fbtsiciak's F&ioCBirnoir : . - - Q
O Not a Quack Remedy 0 O
ae ar reauwe oo not awiarg. , it, wucar gouf zBeamauun u am, you ie aouiBg oub
O TRY 6088
OA year draggtst for ear free booklet, "Medical AdriesOn Ekeomstma" Has kamlUa
- . : post csrd requeat to as will bring it.
T&S Saeet freafmenj 'a(A ta aaa, a wftoto full course rotted lafe on'
Ora. aCedleal Xnstltrtta. Portland
Gentlemen: It - Is some tlm slnca I
called at your office. At that time you
said I was cured, which I am. I owe
you 111 and would Ilka to settle with
you, but can't now, put win in a week.
You did a nice piece of work when you
made ma a healthy man again, and I will
gladly recommend you to all weak and
suffering men. - isigneaj b. b.
Hammer. Or- Jnlr 11 ' 1111
Medical Institute Gents: I have fin
lshed the last treatment. I have Im
nrovad greatly this month and think
another month will cure me, although I
was in a tern Die condition at rirst.
. : iL. B.-C
Chehalls,' Wash. Dear Doctors: I am
cured up now. I don't have any trouble
at nljrht and my bladder is all right.
In fact, I feel like a new man. I am
not tired In the mornings- and the dark
circles under my ayes are going away.
- : i : iBigneoj u. u.
Dunsmulr, Cat ' May H, ltll-Dear
uocior.: i am xaeiing oeiier man x
have for a year. I can discover no
out praise xor your uuutuuoa ,
i-: A W. TA.
Hlllsboro. Or. ABril" 17. 1911. Oi
Xedtoal Instltnte f hanka to your skll-
full -treatment I cannot notice any bad.
symptoms. I again extend my sincere
thanks to you all and shall always re
gard you as my greatest penexactors.
Salem. Or-Ora. Hedloal Xnatltnta
I received your letter. i am entirely
wen ana neea no more treatment,, l
thank you very much for what you Lave
done ror ma ana in way mat y
cured me. K. J. M.
Portland. Or. Dear Doctor; Tour let
ter received. Doctor. I - think I - am
cured. The trouble has atODDed com
pletely and thank, ror your kind-
neaa. - i win can nu nr you as eoon
as possible. . , . . p. p.
On axcluslTB BIsthods are your araat.
st hopes for a complete cure, if you ars
afflicted with any Blood Disease, Kerv
ona and Vital Decline. Pile. Kidney.
Bladder, Special and tinronlo Slsaasas
peculiar to MEW. Ton ar wasting
money and endanirerlng yonr baaltli la
treating with ordinary specialists. Our
ystems or treatment nays eswDiisoea
elr reliability by permanently curing
asea . that . bad been unsaooessfully
treated by other physiolana. . , e
SnCCaTBEa That In tfeaUne- with
ua you cannot lose anything, because
we do not charge for failure, but only
for permanent cures. Therefore, you
should certainly. In duty to yourself.-
are totally different from thos of any
other specialist, before you place your
case eiaewnere.
-Remember, we-have been here for years.
- Many patients hays told ns
After ws cured them, that they
hesitated at first to coma oa ao
count of never haying received
relief elsewhere, and they had al
most beoom so skeptical as to
think there was no cure for them.
Ws want an opportunity to treat
fast anon man, aad it makes no
difference about . the financial
part, as w never accept pay foy
vor Boryioes uniu we aeoompuaa
a our. If there is any doubt about
tha ease being' curable by our aaeth-
oas. proyiasa we are satisfied the
patient la sincere and reliable.
Functional weakness associated
witn loss or - power and prema
tureneas usually symntomatia of
Borne BDnormai local conaition in
soma Vital Point In. the Delvlo re
gion.. Congestion, inflammation
and enlargement of the prostata
giunu, - varicuse veins, rupture,
neglected' or lmnronerly treated
cases of contracted disorders are
me most common causes or weak
ness. To attempt to cure Weak
ness by Stomach dnirclna' ne hv
wearing electric belts ia lust u
acnaiuie aa i wouia do to wear a
ee oi narneas to curs corn a on
Our Kw Direct Treatment Oorss.
are usually found on the left side.
Symptoms aohing or pain In
groin or db.qk nervousness, weak
ness. lose or viiajirv lanir nr am
bltlon and waatlna-. w run v.
ricose enlargement tiv on
ment in one visit.' without e. en.
vere surgical operation or suffer
ing, or Keeping you away
buBlness. . : - ..t.-.-,. . ;v
Obstruction, Stralntna;, - Pain In
Back, Enlarged Glands. Nervous
ness. Bweinng, uno Acid.
WS can Bton theaa ivmntmn.
right away and they won't come
back, because the cause of them
la what yaw trill gt
If yoa treat with me.
Reeulta ar quick and
Iposltlva. Too ara
beaeflted at aaoa,
Men who hay
dragged their eaaea
I along for months
with soma other spe
cialist ar aatonlshed
at lb prompt effecta
I of my remarkable
iriiimiaL i cur
Nor vans Decline. A .
Varicose Valna. pllea. ViS
W9 M Wm aa a an T7 riaiiena
tlam. stiff and swollen joints. Kidney,
Bladder, etc
Blood Aliments culcklv and esfely
I cured by a famous and well known Ger
man remedy.
CcaaultaUoa Jrrea. Writ or Call.
Tha 014 Bailable SpaolaUat.
Corner 'Alder and Second street. En
trance 118 H Second street, Portland, Or.
Office hour I a, m. to I p. m. Sun.
days. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
av m. tm . . a
is done away with by a cure be
ing effected. We don't use strong,
uainiui. injurious injections mat
ao great riarm. our method cdrea
without pain, gives Immediate
oenerus ana a lasting cure.
mnscirxa ilood oiso
Cured in One Treatment by the
German Method of Injection, tha
oreatesi Discovery or tut ara.
Toa seed not now take injurious
medicines for years. Tha avnn.
wm. uca as sores in ids aaontn.
thxoat and ton rue, f ailing- nair.
uonsti an a seres, oeru vo eua-
appear in u a ours. . --..s-
ar 'permanently located, incor
I Cure Men
ay When Caied.
General Ssbll
; Ity, Weak JferysB,
aaaaaaaaiftaaaftaavs snsomiii nasuua
or exposure, overwork and other vio
lations of nature's laws, Clseaaea of
xiaaaer - ana suaneys, Tanoose
veins, auioaiy aaa Nnnutntit
sunn a. loiuu xpiaia,
FJ30ZAX. AILSlisil Vwly con
tracted and chronlo cases inrnl.
All burning. Itching and inflamma
tion stopped In 24 hours. Cures of
fectedr In seven days. Consultation
free. If unable to call aril. ,
list of question.
Office hours A. M. to i T. M
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
alit't Washington St., Oor. rirsi.
. . ., Portland, Oregon
porated and- llcenaed under tha laws of Oregon to conduct and ooerata
Medical Institute, Sanitarium and1 Hnspltal for the treatment of Men'a All- .
ment a. Our ataff of physician are graduate from tha lesdinsr collea-ee in
iiiUrope ana me liumq oieies. . . a
IT X3f TaVOTJBU. OOBrStrX.T Ul TODAY. If m cannot elL writ
for free book and Belf-ezamination blank. Many cases cured at home-M
Hours a. m. to a p. m. (Sundays, i ce ll.
Tou do not care to
read long winded.
boastful advertise
ments. What you
want Is a cure.
Corns to . me and
get It. I cure, to
stay curea. an ail
ments of men. Pay
When Satisfied
Consultation, e x
amination and di
agnosis free. Hours, dally 9 to 6; eve
ning 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1. . .
363 v Washington St. Portland, Or.
Every Woman
Is rntereated and should i
know sbout tbo woaderlul
MASVELWhirllnf Spntyr
w ll vw . won rjini, ,
iiaat ri"-T ennTeruauw f
ii cleans
......... . . i , - j . .
w ri n n a, .m K a" fj. K-'
Soomer, Dtti aene aia.iiy
for inn.trmte book alad. Tk
Slra full partlonrara and dlrae-
Uobs lnvaiasiue to lauea.
kiaru eo, a 2mt tM sv. irw Tou.
ror aaie ay Skid mora Drat Oa.' W
HUM ta. a4 iaiae-Dsvi- Drs Co.-
Atk ymrr drnrtlst for"
It. irhacannolur,pl
H a i . I
xUrA f
stare,. -(