THE OREGON pXllY JOURNAL. K)RTLAN. 7UUHAY KVt.J.lJi'0. KOVKUBER T. Ult. mm seem UUSICAL KUU3ERS . UTEST SUCCESS 111 BUI ME Ver.thliil. Orpheum Head f..w O&ff Fcatum cf Unjrjal Went Of the 1 l.4 ' a ' a,. W Its.-. e . -4 - ft . e-WVW . .-)te ra. 1COC BE. ' L) 0 0 !l i -1 'I 1 I r,'..' :. J i NOW ON ft,?4 - . ive l- - I .4 .-af Ml. UJ "J "4 e "- twit h-r- I - IM I 4 eJ-a U4 . - UNUM e-Mf Wtlft eituaa ft 4 ft e T h 0S T ). I w i ! iu J - u i rvi. -rfe.j 4 "III fl4lM ( MOMHl, l W IM. Lt 4 f-..U. Ik I-1 &t t4 0k,.; Iktif fMk. U .I. a ..., BUlIti ... f 1 "-- Vif mtt H ! 4. fNMtUM M. HM1M rf Ml tl IMI U ttlV.r I Oim r t4itm4. TV 4r wtal ftu iftu uii r r AV to4ift MUM lMI KI Mac TI Km t AMI Vmi, I, TUl Ap- i r4i r tioiMr u t u u via vim asaiMr f fL iki . Aft aaaaiir tM ! kif va lh acit4lft !. i CRAFTY UTTLE PORKERS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Aatliy. Or, K- t. A ftftftftft! Hftaat fttt4 torAy vft l ftlwa A rrnUa City waini lottiaf tlft. Ucti BuVi dally tno Ift Nw mts vita ton throve AMlir. rma four MMU put ft kick traatla )ual lb ftds f lowa. Tbft UtUft fIlft h4 rrVlaellf rr locked Um acbadul ftf Lba lcfr var f4tft aloft r lb irar o it U. an4 whM tby r are ad by aucoloa of vrai abort, abarp toot of tha IftcofoftUvftt ftvtdaaUy could t m ftay vftf ot aftoap ftseapt atralghl ftbaad. ao tbay fld at ft wla Binf gall till thr raa oio th trU, but tby did set (l far bfor ftjDf rvrtaaao, Thy wrft too larg to fall through btwft th tUa but thalr ft want btwaa about ry tp. Whin thy war run down lblr Inailnct of Im pending dajifr cau4 thm to huddl toretbar and crouch oo th tla. tba lo corootiv ftd acvrral car pftMlng over Um bftfor Lb train could b atoppd. Aft aooa ft th train wai anil uy rramblad back vtr tb tla to th ad of th treatl anl vr aaf without ft cratcb. Tb ownar la C W. Swart. How to QlMf Your Face ittom Fatal) lUrlaw.) Tb aalftfal. daarwa aad palT I vpwauo awa a TwpMUif" t mo. bcjt l aoeorapli.a th mgln aoucfti. oa c tradaailr aad aafslr ror tft td aad aabMallful ewttel from br fa wttftoftt pain, danger or oaiioa laaoora ftlaiplr km ordinary mrctlaM waa. watch can b btaiaad a any a nig or. Apply It for raw night Uk cold ram and waab It off aaeb momlag' Tba narvolida la tha waa alawly orb tha half-daad utr aain. wnim iuin off day by day la rin. lavtatfla parttelaa. Tb rraah ymn aklft ftdratfe aooaa bloom roru raaiaatiy. maklag th raoa look yar younger and much prattler. Em-1 piormaat or lata proo la not aetleo abl t ethara, sewpt that ywar oa. plailon Imprwva rapidly. Of eouraa. th rwnoral f tb awrfae aain in tnia piaaaaat maanar. taka with It aU facial blamUhaa. amnh mm rHr frecklaa. moth palchaa, !! apota. nnal wnnaiaa. pimp la, ate Mtrcollaad waft na on anown for yaar to many m claty women noted for thalr beautiful anoiaaiiBfcorepiailona, Hundreds availed themselves yesterday of the opportunity of saving from , Orae-TOM to Omie-IIaEf On High Class Haberdashery This entire CHOICE STOCK offers a splendid chance for Holiday purchasers as well as for present needs. ON SALE AT OUR 3rd amid Oak Sfareefi: 11 J SLAYER OF TACOMAN REMANDED TO SHERIFF fPalted rreea Laaed Wfre.1 Raddlng. CaL, Nov. T Darilel Flera- ln. tb Oakland a tat policeman, oa trial for tb alleged murder of Oaorgal Yailler or Tacoma, haa ba committed to th cuatod of th aberiff for tha remainder of hie trial. Fleming waft holding- hia liberty on ft 115.000 . ball bond allowed him by th appellat oourt. Judge Barber would gira no raaaon for hla action In remanding th Drla- ener to th aberiff other than that he la xerciaing tb dlecretwn allowed him by law. Thla la tha flrat day of th fifth week of th trial. RETIRING GRAY HAIR WILL MAKE YOU LOOK OLD. A HARMLESS REMEDY RESTORES COLOR. Mrs. BlcCrea Released on 'Ball. (United Prtea LeMd Wire.) Opftlouaaa. Not. T. Mr. J. B. McCrea, charged with th murder of AN .lan Garland, returned to her home here today from th Jail where ahe had been confined alnce th ahooting of Garland two montha ago. Sh waa admitted to 5000 ball. Mra. McCrea has had on trial for tha alleged murder, resulting in a die- , agreement of th Jury laat week. A J aeoond trial probably will a tart within month. ifjirasfnri?i ftftHi.imiftaiiiiii ILp. JTaBiafai?Ja! vnaif-varKCai! We arc going to retire from the RETAIL Cloak and Suit business, in order that we may take care of our present wholesale trade and engage more extensively in the WHOLESALE MANUFACTURE of Ladies' Gar ments. All our Ready-to-Wear - Garments must be closed out. All our Cloths and Woolens will be sold by the yard or made up for your special order at sac rifice prices. ... Fixtures and lease, of present retail store for sale or rent West Park and Morrison streets. - , WE WANT A LOCATION for our wholesale fac tory business where we can have plenty of room at a low interest rental. Partie having corners not less than one lot or more than a. quarter block will be con sidered, with a view of purchase or long-time lease. This Retiring Sale will begin tomorrow (Wednes- day) morning and continue until all stock and fixtures and location are disposed of. v This Retiring From Retail Business Sale MEANS that ladies or gentlemen will NEVER AGAIN ljave Acheson's high-grade materials and garments offered to them at the prices we now make. You will buy Acheson's garments in the seasons to come, but you will buy them of some dealer and pay what you well know they are worth a good, round price. - For our garments and the. materials in them have no competi tion for genuine merit and intrinsic value. All who have traded witli us know that during the past three years, since we have been making all our Ready-to-Wear Garments from merchant tailor cloths, we have never sold suits at less than from$30 to $60 for the ready-to-wear and 35 to 75 for "the to-order suits. . ..r . " . By Using a HannlesjtRemer Made From Common -Garden Sage. Gray hair la ft mark of a a, and noth. lag that can b aald aa to It beauty will affect th dlaadvantag of thla mark of. age aft upon your brow. wyth a Sag and Sulphur Hair Rm- I dy darken tha hair and reatorea it to llta youthful beauty. Our grandmother land thalr grandmother before them luaed sag and aulphur for darkening I their hair. Nothing haa vr been found Imor effective for thla purpoa than Itbaa two. tlm-honord remediea. but Wyath, a modern ehftmlat, haa combined tba two with other Ingredient which make delightful dreaalng for th hair, and which not only rmovod ftrcry trace of dandruff but promote th growth of tb hair. It alao atopa th hair from falling out and make it beautiful Ail drugging are Authorised to refund th money If It fall to do exactly aa J repreaented. . Don't nejlect your hair and don't re ort to old-tlm hair dyea. Get a bottl of Wyeth'a Sago and Sulphur fr6m your no In your hair after a few days' uae. ' Till.' nun. a f Ina. la A'avAji A V. a. T I publlo at fifty' centa a bottle, and la recommended and sold by all druggist, j Special agent,. Owl Drug Co. ' ; ; Notice ECZEMA REMEDY ALSO WASHES PIMPLES AWAY ' No remedy that we hav ever soltf for jnx-Ksma, i-soriBsis. and all Other dla-eaa-s of the skin haa given more thor ough satisfaction than th D.' D D. : Prescription for Eczema, v ' - A SSo trial bottl can be secured at once. - Our patrons find that D. D. ' t. not only gives instant relief to the itching, burning akin, quickly driving out all the jjneane germs, out u is also th moat ' delightful wash for the complexion they ever used. Absolutely harmless and pleasant to use. 9. E. D. cleanses th akin of all minor Impurities, aucb aa raahes and pimples, over night, and leaves the skin clear and smooth aa tbat of. a child, v ltls now generally known that there is aothlnf that can equal D. D. D. aa a household remedy for all akin troubles, not matter what they are. Wo. ourselvea. are so fully convlnr-ed of th merit of this wonderful remedy that we-will charge you nothing if the first full slse botile of D. I. D. does eot make tod ettrr rlelrv. . . -. Suits from $12 Odd and end sizes as they are lots of elegant gar ments wear for years will keep you warm. . Means a 12.50 Blue Serge Sldrt for $5.15. Means about 8000 yards of g-entlemen's elegant woolens that must be sold or cut up Into garments for you at sacrifice prices. "Samples of all these woolens (some of which we ' have considerable, others small amounts) will be shown to you, as our sales floor is limited and piece goods of woolens cannot be carried on our floor. ' ' This Retiring Sale Means .50 up-Cpats from $5 up MAIL ORDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. . ISO GARMENTS EXCHANGED. Gentlemen's, Men?s Suits A few 30 to 45 uncalled-for Men's Suits," various s sizes, at half price. One in' particular, size about 33, : elegant dark gray, a 47.50 suit-it's a snap. Men's Suits to measure from our woolen stock at from $19.00 up. ' This Bank has compiled a table illustrating the rapid , growth of Savings at interest of 4 per cent per annum, compounded twice a year. ' ' v: v . . i On request, we will take pleasure in mailing a copy v r to your address, or personally explain the same to anyone . calling, who may be interested In ,the. subject, of Savings. HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK ' . r ' ' " "A Conservative Custodian" "' . Open Saturday Nights 6 to 8. f U SECOND! AND WASHINGTON STR3EETS . Established 18 Years A Assets $2,250,000 Ok ' "iri Adhesom loa!c & S West Park and Morrison Street 0. woroM How many, times have you asked for "whiskey ana Deen; aissansncu r t aicxi . umc nan iui,t i W. H. McBrayer's "Cedar Brook" 8 years old J bottled in bond it satisfies when others iL j Eiftht Years A?inf. . flHHHnMsBMslHIH Y' mmmmmmLmmmmmmW gllllall-aMlallaBSabSftaW gives it that purity, mellowness and deUt.' ious flavor for which it is justly celebrated. T" , Tbat whiskey maintaining th same) - V qualili that mad) iU reputation A Bter drop in and talk it ver with I us any new. ekMmorw- JUrug Co.