The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 01, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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To 11 ml r Tenant
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Reviews Armada in Hudson.. Angered, Taft Storms at Pittsburgh ers
New .Premier Promises to Cease Hostilities Against Revolutionists
-. . . ,
....... .
a. ...
... 4 , ,
Ba.f ...
Yuan'Shi Kai Appointed Premier llffl SECRETARY
- " v.- - onicwe PDFAT
First - Act to Be Move for Peace 11 V P , 1 . ccr
Appointment Gives Famous
; Celestial Absolute Power In
! Affairs of Kingdom Prom
fees to Cease Hostilities.
ft'aflad fNH ! WVI
MiM4 aTaaahaaf. la tfUl X
Kt provta . e4 in Mff MtUabMrj
, m via faa. ,
r.kto. Nov. L Toan, Bhl Kai was a
ds ddoI4 eramUr of ChU. Otkr
la him. Tb krtlntmnt inakM klm
Tirtol nUr of China.
Imm)ltlr aTtr fcU ppolntmtnl
TA 001 KmI Ua4 brtf aUtemanl
f tb poller tBtM44 t purau. Ilia
flrat act. b aaid. wIU ba I horn
tllKKa avalaat tba rabala. TbM h
will opta ntfotUUcma with 0naraJ li
Tuaa Hun, tha rarolatJooary eom
tnandor. mho mantJy proclaim aim
alt prtllBt of China, with tha vlaw
r rtaatabltahlnx prtnantnt paaca. , -Tuaa
8It Kai Ttrtoallf eonltnplata
a union of taa (ovantmtnt . and (ha
rbaia. but wbethW tha rabala will ao-
. erpt hla ortrturta la an op quaatlon.
. If ha auocaatla In tarmlnatlnf tha IV
bcUloa Tuaa will vtrtualir oa ma m
of China Wcauao tha am par or prac
tically aorranderad -all power by hla
'diet Moaday and Tuaa'a alavatloa to
tha pramlarahlp placaa Mm in uia mwa.
Important cablnat poaltlon in. tha am-
Tba othtr cablnat apolntmanta await
bla tfaolalon. , U . . : .,
Boy amppror of ftilaa, who mar ba
forcod to tie to I'altM StalM.
f. With tt-Vf 'C oa v;5;:;-V " '
, Steams Up Hudson CAA 1-1 rU :1 . . '
Befort Uncle Sam. J(' "jf: T W '
Armada. ' iV.fT : wLrl
Yacht Wayf
25.000 YAP,
Cabinet Officer Bareheaded on
Bridge as Vessel Passes
the Warships,
Paktnr. Not. J-CofiflrniaUon or tna
port that Hankow haa araia ranoa
a I. Anna mora 1b comDlota control of
ha wbela,' praeUcally endinf tha flf ht-
Infthar. waa received In nwa aia-
atchea -todar rrom ma aiainc. who
f tha fallen city.' Tha imperUJlata ara
tela red to be plunderlnr country
amaa and butcherlnar hundreda of paaa
Kc... .inn tha Una of their retreat
. . . .. .... it.-l v..
All .communicauon wim
. araln been aarered. ttha wlraa being
ltreled and tha-railroad crippled.
'. . sitnatloa xoat OrltloaL
; In PaMn tha altuatlon la moat erlt
tii.' antlre northern army; haa
If Pressed Too Hard by Rebel-
, ' fious : Subjects; ' Child ' Ruler
Probably Will Go to Ameri
can Legation.:. :-.
iWiel lb. army leaarua.and haa flatly
I Tefueed. to aerva unleaa demanda ' made
alnat I I
firai'ao pma 'aaaisl Wlra.)
snanajnai,- ;Not. 1-Cblad adrtoaa
rrom'Pekln- today atata that In tba laat
resort tna mrant araparor of China will
Be . ref ua ' In tba American legation.
Tho Imperial forcee ara dallr becomlnr
pprenenaiTi aa tna rebellion
progreaaea and galna atrenrth. and it la
laarea mat tna emperor and those Im
mediately ourroundlng the throno may
have to aeek a haven at any time. .. .
It la aald that It haa been ofnclally
agreed - to l le to , tho - American lega
tion aa tha aureet 1 place of aafaty In
caaa of an attempt npon tha llfo of tho
amperor or any similar crisle. , .
tv than ara arranted.
Tha throne la protected by only
handful of Manchu -aoldlera. and
feared that atUck may be made against
them In caaa further complications
arlso. which aeema InavlUble. aa tha
league's demands ar In conflict with
those of tha rebels.
. The -old Manchu cabinet haa resigned
Tnan 8hl Kai. the - new premier, , la
having diffloulty in ..getting In touch
with tha revolutionary leadera and tha
opening of negotiations to eeaaa boa
tllltles haa been delayed. Tha rebels
do not approve of hla acceptance of tha
offlc . under tha Manchu government
(Continued on Page Five.)
trailed rwe tart tKl
Kaw Tart, Kov. I ilk m aawra-
lary af tba Mvfa aat nytag rraaa
laata) trwra. Ue aarU ei May
flower. VMrtag aUefvtanr ' Mrr.
ateaaaad ap tha Iladaow today Kroun
laaa formed by tha great armada
tha Cat (ad I lata haa ever gathered, '
Whan Admiral Hag Oeterluee f.ea
blow tba CaauaacUcwt bcva firtag a
aaJala la tha ewrralBry lla 1 gaaa.
Ikaaa eaJlora and anaxlaae wtaaaad tba
real warsblpa aad aieed at at
teaiioa aa tba Mayflower aoaad bar way
throagh tha nliaa af ftabuag craR.
Bacreury Mayer stood bar haa dad a
tha bridge of the Mayflower- aa
eteaanad along. Tba pavaaefe arm
a that each veaoal bad time to
ealota ta tba aeeretary. The pride
tna navy participate ta tba dlaplay.
An tna Marflowrr reached the bead af
tba formidable naval armament aba
turned and returned on tha Manhattan)
Ida between lh veaaale aad tha chore.
Tho carat parade will ba rapaatad to
morrow. raaiJi.t Taft will ba Jha
Inapactlng offloar.' and 4 prealdeatui
ealota win ba firad. At tbta aacond
parade tha Mayflower wLU lie off Tom
Una villa, aad tha praaldaat will review
tha armada aa tba warabjpt steam era-
ward., .- ". - ""' -''
.Tha mambera- of tha anata, bonaa and
naval aommltttaaa ware gueata af Beo
ratary of tho Navy Meyer aboard tha
Maynower today. Meyer said:
TThls unusual assembling of tha flet
demonstrates tha preparedness of tho
navy and Its efficiency. It was devised
la order to determine what la needed.
and where any weaJcneea may lie. . .Tha
shortage of man la already obvious; To
properly equip tha fleet wa ahould hava
6000 additional men.
The fleet la fully 1100 par cent bet.
ter in efficiency than It waa la tha 8pan
Oficfal Anncunccmcnt - Made
by Turkish Minister That
Commander of Italian Army
' In Tripoli. Is:a Prisoner.
Crowds Mn Street About St.
Thomas' Church Stand
bareheaded. V. aocomotlic Enineer
With Feud Against State
Witness Sends, Court Spec
tators Into Much Laughter.
Baited at Pittsbt;ix?i Banquet
by Martin Littleton, StcU
President Makes His Fast
est, Hottest Speech.
Chief Executive Shakes Fist at
Financiers and Shouts
Out Argument
im 'romajL-cajiarr-lslanda. -No:-i:
Twenty-four pasaena-era war emwni
off hero today, whan tha French at earner
uioiioan nana:' as r tha result of a col-
San Francisco. Nov. lJ-L.Piinhaa a
tne aieamsnipa Monroila and Manrhnrta
by the- Paclflo-Mail oomnanv la rj!a.nnut
according to advioes received here to
day. ' Vice President R. P. Schwerfn la
conferring with Judge Robert 8. XiOvett
president Of the company in Kew York
regarding the Issuance of f 4.600,000 of
Pacific Mall atoclc to make noaalbla tha
purchase. ,
Ban pedro. Cat. Nor. 1. Hours lata
In reaching here, tha Paclflo fleet ar-
rlved offthla port at 10:41 a. m. today,
coming to anchor four mllaa off tha
breakwater, tha gunboat Vlckaburg alone
steaming lnsida tha harbor. Tha vesaela
ara not visible to tha naked eye, their
position being dlatlngulshed only by a
emudge of amoke on tha horlson. There
waa great disappointment among tha
great number of visitors assembled here
to aea tha fleet many of them having
coma from a considerable distance. "Tha
anchorage of tha fleet is much nearer
the Long Beach pier than this port.
With - the exception of the famoua
American battleship fleet which made
the trip around the world, -thla la tha
largeat gathering or anipa or tha United
States navy ever seen on tha Paolflo
eoaat " . '. ... .
Admiral ' Chauncey Thomas, In com
mand of the aquadron, temporarily
placed Admiral W. H. H. Southerland In
charge toaay, wnwe no acted aa review
ing of fleer, rrom. aDoara tna Vlcksburg.
Tomorrow morning special trains will
bring Admirals Thomao and Southerland
and 60- leading of f lcera to Los Angeles,
whera they will ba entertained by ' the
chamber of commerce at a luncheon at
tha Jonathan club. ",; s yi..
. .. , i ,. ) rr i ......
Hunter and Deer Die- Together.
Victoria B.' C. Nov. 1. KUlinsr a
deer on the edge of a precipice, Joe
Williams. 21, followed hurriedly to the
scene, tripped and fell. The bodies of
the dear and hunter were found tororh.
er In the gulch below.
. fDallad fraai taaatd Wire.)
'Roma.' Nov.; 1,-Offlclal announcement
was made by the cabinet today that un-
laaa Turkey. .oomea-to terms luiy wiu
Increase her territorial demanda agaln-t
tha sultan.' It ts believed the cabinet
h.a AriAmA nnoB B ClaB tO ' BelB the
Turkish Ulanda.
Th forelan offlea charaeterlaas
ab surd tha Constantinople report that
(raltad fraaa Laaa Wlra. I
New York. Nov. 1. Crowds of thou
sands of people, unable to aecura ad-
mlaalon to fit Thomas Eptsoopal
church today during tha funaral ser
vices over tha body of Joslpb Pu lit tor.
surrounded tha edifice while the ser
vices ware going on.
And for fiva mlnates this afternoon
tha great newspaoer oraasaa in tha
New -York World and the St Louis
Poet-Plspatch stopped and all work In
tha buildings ceased, during tha time
tna auiogy waa being read over the
- na'td .rVaae Leaaag Wire.) '
Hall of Racorda. Loa Angelea, Nov. 1.
A howling fare waa a tared at the
murder trial of JanHa McNamara to
day, and even Judge Walter Bordwell
waa compelled to relax his usual dig
nity sufficiently to smile behind, bis
Tha Rev."Erneet Stlrea read thai hand. It foltowed tho paaalng for cause
service. Tha choir aang tha I of Lore nio Romanes., a former locomo-
woria-xamed newaDanerman'a favorite I tiva. .nrinur a ! utii AmT
nrmnm, ana alienee reined in tha nela-h. I h h tha i4a',n Tha n.i. imm.
n.n..i haa been captured. It rraw" ol ln" cnurcn. tna crowd in tha dlately aaaailed Romanea who. ha
declarea Italy has not had a alngie set. !1'nain"; "re"aea Quickly admitted, had a personal feud
x..:..-,. " ? ' . . " I with William Mulnoiiand. bead of tha
wunii ouuvr. ojcwii ujarxa.
tvnltu Praa. taaafd Wlre.l . I i-oionei ueorge Harvey, General John
n.i.ntinnnifl. Nov. tz-Wif Mima- Menaerson, Frederick Judson. Beth Low.
... ri,.rv. faaha today officially an- St Clair McKelway. Jamea M. Lane.
nounced that General Caneva, command-1 George Rives and J. Angus Bhaw. - In-
lne- the Italian army in inpom umm i mrawn , waa at. woooiswn cemetery,
Ka.a oantured bv-tha Turka. Foreign I wnere a great crtwd had also aathered
diplomats hera discredit tna atatemeni. i to pay its last reapecta.
Loa Angelea water system, ' who,, aa a
member of tha mayor's committee to in
vaatlgata tha dertructlon of tha Times,
alleged that It waa blown up by- dyna
Romanes ' admitted sending varioua
anonymoua communications to Mulliol
land, most of which were of a decidedly
humorous character and hla elaborate
explanations were usually of such an
lll I rn rw nnnni snA amusing cnaracier mat tna oanirr waa
rXIL.L.CL1' Dl DUnULAnO kPt busy checking outbursts of laugh
. i i , . . i ter irom . tna spectators.
New Orleans. Nov. L . Edrar Farrarl . Bant Two Tears Aro.
jr., son or tba president of tha Amert-I All of the communications were sant
can Bar association, was ahot and in. I to Mulholland aoma two vara int. ba-
sunuy Biuea nera, oy. two burglars I fore tha Times waa blown up, but they
wnom no was pursuing at an early hour I indicated such a prejudice against him
toaay. rn ourgiara escaped. , , 1 thai the state finally challenged him.
Farrara house waa entered vesterdav The defenso objected to the entertaining
ana many articles or vaiuo taken. Today. I of tha challenge because the expressions
attar a three hours' Dame aespitf tnei" irum mo name, ne saw I were gainea prior to in. aata or tne
fire from the Italian torpedo boata off iwo men prowling around. Thinking ha 1 alleged crimw.
tr-fi-4 r-a, i i
Maviaaiaws, W. , M.
r rraldat Tart'a oart .
era bubUlag rr tm af he prMat
aifht with riiltuf (h.r mkn
m.nhra ,f h. rKmbr f tmmtvm af
my "attiiad- kia.
Ilundrada af ml!!io.i. in . .
fWial af l Ha t. tre.t Biu4t tt
baaquat there at whlcb IM pr.IJe
Bomlnally tha iuni of honor. tvpii
Ul the prMldent wae la h.m
to Coasraawnaa Mania W. UtlUiw In
Bjoa daauarletloa ef tha IThr.n I. a.
aad a demand for Ita rrvaaL r ii i
ton's daoacutlea was vi.dl cbrad.
Tart atad Oaas Thraagh.
Whan LlHlaloa enrlud.d Pmit.m
Taft had only 11 minutes raica hi
train, lie was mad rlrar throuab. R.
Using that ha bains txitch.rad la
mak a PHtatrorgn holiday, ha aliarkiHt
Ltltlatoa's .rrjinmt In a way that was
rerd breaklng for the stolid Tsft
Ultllton had aald the gharman law
waa IndaHnKe. Taft shook hla flata at
tba business men and ahoutvd:
This law has been on tha aialnta
dooks tor ft rr.- Jt ). is boan con
strued And construed and oontruad bf
tba supremo court Whan tha ben tit
myaaJf I have had opportunely to con
sider Ita parpoM and affect Tha two
decisions randaivd last spring War
apocn-maamg ana in my judarnent give
definite meaning to the statute. They
ara tbaaa. and you will find them If you
will search: ."That any combination In
restraint of trade with the put-nose and
effect of stifling or suppressing com
petition, controlling prices or estahlj.h
lng a monopoly la In violation of tha
statute.' .'..-
Purpoae Tn Into Zw.
I aay that tha aupreme court put
Into the law Its purpose. I sm talking
with men who understand business; I
am talking to Intelligent men who know
what I am talking about when I ssv
that men know whether they Intend tot
sttrte competition, eatabllsh a monopoly
or control prices."
President Tart's face waa suffused.
The Plttshurfthere leaned forwsrd at
tentlvely.v - The president almost
creamed; -
MMy friend and braser. Littleton, of.
fero whatf What dtV he offer except .
the repeal of this at lute and the en-'
(Continued on Tage Seven.)
Tk. Turkiah disDstcb reports that Ca
neva waa' captured In a desperate bat
i. k.iw.m Turks and Arabs on one
Ma awi italiana on the other on the
.niiUit. f Trlnoli'1 1 1 ' '
' Chefket Pasha today annoufacad also
that official dlspatchea assert that tha
Turks ar ateadlly puanmg mm xwums
back to tha coaat and ha expressed con
fidence that they would soon oa capiureo
or forced to board their warships lying
off tha city, of Tripoli. ., , ..
rarvet Paaha declares ' tha Turks
have captured five mora forta at Tripoli,
.hnra. Tha war minister says tna nai
lans ara being reimorcea oauy. out mai
recognised - them
gave chase. He
burglars, he
uat overtaking
let wnicn entered Farrar'a head and
kiiiea mm instantly.
tha Araba flocking from tha interior to them when- ona of the men fired a bul-
loin the Turkish army mora xnan onset
tna Italian numerical gaui,.,
Niee France. Nov.. I. Wholeala ar
rests of anarchists throughout Italy are
reported today by frontier advices re-1
When firat confronted with tha let
ters Romanea declined to say ' whether
or not be had written them.
I wouldn't talk to your lady detect
ive." he said to Deputy Horton, "and
I guess i won't to you."
Later, however, he told all about It
Ho characterised tha state's expenditure
(Continued on Pago. Fourteen.)
I nflK fWPR I firifQ A f5 AIM of 1100.000 to Inveatlgate tho Timee ex-
"r".. w ' -vw.w nwiniii u.inaion aa tha establishment of a "cor.
Desperadoes Stop - a Train
I Across the River From Mem-
l : phis, Blow Safe, and Make
Good Their Escape. .
, . frjnitetf fr.u Leased Wlnt.i " '
Memphis. . Tenn., Nov. 1. Holding up
the westbound Rock . Island mall and
axpress train , at Arkansas ' Junction,
J serosa tha Mississippi xrom nera, eany
1 Jfoday, two . masked robbers blew the
money. Posses ara in pursuit. - ,
The holdup of tho . train waa most
daring. Ona bandit flagged tha train
and than covered the engineer when tne
angina came to ft halt -At the same I
moment tha second , robber appeared
from tho bushes beside the track, en
tered the' mall ear and forced tha clerks
to show him where tha registered mall
was.' Later ha 11 nee" up the mail clerks
in tha and of the car, entered the ex
press car, tied tho messenger hard and
fast and blew the aaf e. . One robber I
covered the messenger and. the mail
clerks, while the other covered tha en
After the Mowing of the safe, the
hrid!!ts force! tne enfeirpr st revol-I
vers points to run the train on a sld-1-ir.
e-1 t' en 1 - 'h rctbtrs f:- i. The
r i i . - f'r jir.ic 1-s i ;.!. 1,
; - I. I 1 1 li;l
. , ..
la cnoou
nlrrs with the rebels the Imperial troops have shown the effect of their training.
ruptlon fund," and positively declared
ha would not believe Mulholland, who
signed the report "under oath." Ha also
said he wouia iook -witn suspicion" on
most of the testimony of city officials
who might be called In this case. ...
Would Hot Discuss Daemon.
Neither District Attorney Fraderlcka
nor counsel for ' tha defendant would
discuss at length the decision of the
I ILTIITCMAMT PARIMl Kin CD Indianapolis court turning all of the
kikwikiiniu wviyiumiiLi.11 1 books, pane
(ft.lem Bnrean of Ai famniv
Salem, Or., Nov. L Governor West
Secretary of State Olcott and State
I Treaaurer Kay left at 11:15 today for
Oregon City to meet Major Mclndoe to
confer . with .him regarding the locks
' situation.
Texan Attacked in New Or
""leans While on Way to At
tend Conference. of South
ern Governors May Die.
1 (Salem - Bureau of Tha Journal. 1 '
Salem, Or., Nov. 1. Edgar m. Simn-
son, m ine reorganization or the Oregon
naval militia by Governor West, was
duly elected and commissioned lieuten
ant commander. . :, ,'v. ,'.
4 Nem Tork, , Nov. ' l.Tbe big )
financial Interests advanced" the 4
4e stock market to sensational fig- 4
4 .urea by sheer force today. For d
a time tnere waa some reaIlz-.4
d ... ing of aales by those who wanted
a to taxe proms but the trade dt
S continued strong pott of tha
4r day. United States Steel shares 4
4 closed 3 Ts points higher for both 4)
4 .. the common and preferred. Anal- 4
4 . gamated Copper - i points,. d
d American Smelter i and Na- 4
4r Lead 1 point The strength 4
d in -the metal shares forced a
d much higher price In leading
S - railroad stocks.
books, papers, etc., seised by the Burns
detectives in the raid on the structural
Iron Workera' neaaquartera over to the
federal government ' But j Fredericks
waa plainly welt pleased and showed by
hla attitude that be expected, soon-to
hava possession of the alleged evidence.
Darrow aw: - 1';'' ;
Well, It was to ba expected. I am
not surprised." ,'v"1-'
The defense gamed a point when tha
state withdrew Its objection to the de-
fense'a challenge against Architect
Thomae E. Preston, and ba waa finally
excused. ";vt. ,-;. : -
The third panel of veniremen waa
qualified today by Judge Bordwell, the
early session being ' devoted to that
task. In all 225 men have been drawn
and to data there ara only nine ccu
pants of tha Jury box subject, to per
emptory challenge.;.
Court Considers Challenges, '
When court reconvened today Ju-dpe
Bordwell was Still considering the chal
lenge for csuae interposed acainat
Thomas E. Preaton. the local sivtiftect
who aald that from the outset ho had
never doubted that the Times was tlnwji
up in a fel'Ti"" r'ffr h ur.:.'n rrt-T
or their ; Tne fun t
(Dnlted Frass Leaad Wire.)
New Orleans. La., Nov. 1. Mistakes
for a strikebreaker and terribly beaten
by three men, Walter Z. Allen, president
of the American National bank of Ten
rill. Texas, and a close friend of Gov
ernof O. B. Colquitt of that atata. Is In
a serious condition hera today. He was) '
en route to the depot when attacked.
Allen was hera to attend tho confer
enca of governors of southern atatea. On
tha way to tho railroad station three)
alleged strikers cried. "There goes s
scab." 'Allen waa Immediately attacked.
Ha tried to argue but the men seised and
beat him. Passersby rescued him ant
hla assailants were arrested. It Is
feared Allen . Is dying from concussion
of th brain. ; -
Bar Are Two illustrated Teatarea
Of Especial Interest to the I'ao
, pie of Portland aad Oregon. .
Brief review of events of cna-
quence that occurred in old Ma
nomah county building, written lj
ona who knows.
het cocair.
After a speclil trip Ihr. '--'
Ores1"1, writer t . w . t ;
of j ere t .' "
the 1 '.C i " ' ' ' '
COiin?;.-, c-r ,