The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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. i ti.
? V l I. .. tUl.tal
Every Article Reduced
The Same tit Either Store
212-214 Tfaird
Corner Silnon
392 Morrison
Neir Tenth
liwl (44 1.J II.. Iunt
rv.a.fc u a . . . .
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IIOMi v W Hil l
Pnrtncrahlp Dissolution
fMii . Vt.'k.if-rir laelaM
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If 4 l 11 ti- (
4 k i 4 4 IV j
MUMt-rto im 4 w4. 1 ,77T. ,
) Wt LMllNlf !. I .1
I lV-r;r i iM a W4. w!M"
1444l ( l-4l M MHIIM4 l IM KM M4 MMU ltl
I Town Tonics iC
Wi u f
Two ;r a4a 4
14 t IV I 4 4 Urn 14 ! U li
SUM Hl, 1 V
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IM rwa4 IMI Ik I IMA w:m4
I tlM !iIM 4 nmwiiiilim t
J4 Pm -ft4 iu MUa. TM
rati m I r W ! I f
4Mt fr iMru (
mwm 4U4 V IM lltlff wm
kMlt f pm)mm MtW,
rrtt4 4 I DM 4 v4 kf
rifi im kv4 - m
M . MMf ! MP '
r IM n Mkl mt
M Ul (tluIM ! VM4tf
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UM4. ' N.k.
hVatt 4rktM AfkUi wMwl.t f. JT:
' - ' - I J -- aiiu M k,l4 i b
RoMt MJUlr ! rm4 1
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i u r im ttM 4 IM t'l
'r hk4 la) M (V4.
f IM ltfr4is
ill W h IM
Irr ifcU kMf.l.i J I Wi (Urf ) Tr-
k-llttl U4- WII4,I lM Tb4 fc. tmt -VkUll- IM vi. l7 L .
r 4iu MiftMiti 11 n ( Mrln. . . i . . - " . . :
n qatm f sw gUk . nir
Wirt lurrp M llMrt
faUUlM fa4 tl Mrl4 f
4 iktimr t fcu)kr mmu
14 ) kill IMlkNM U4J
m mtr 44) iio r IM
rwatin rJlta Ik rml4 Mlr4r
U 4Uk n 4 ikr
vlltr f UM UU I klM IM r,t UiM
kl lb. IM MMIM MM I 4 lkk4UW r4 44 I MfMkk
Uu m4 Mvrrr Tof . M mi
var klTMIML K. A. HirHS wm I r4rf4 r r 14 4ex cm4 . a rvldiM. l
f im UHft, i ikwH Min4lni4 uktkf ttm i im mini wn tl; SA4 , wT, J
m K(f UeM4 fr 4UtM Umx. I will te Mi mm la Irtfkl 4 KaMru tt,ir4 Of u krl
44 la Mov 144 WrtMWlar. 14 fc44 1 aum f Dow. Mr mlKM I im inimi l.m .i.i" .k.
Bimltir cKarr. T4 I
4 jrnHn4 mu ku Mf UTlr4
ta t rem 14 mn) tIaMa. k-ad twa ak
HtUl tba Ma mt Jataa BarM a4
Harry Thean. r tin atratd. Mas
fl aU(4 ui ruU Kin ekJvrf Loaf
villi kt4Mpa4 I bam 4 trrUc 14
kMf taaai U kl4al 4l tba ra4bauM,
Tkrvm 0ja 4 Oaniaa Roy
MUU4V, a apaetal 4)Ury aoy at
IM pMirnv ku bad rraak Blrt
anal, a Fat a(r barti!r. 4rria4
for aaaaultlng a. L'bHJ Btalaa nail-
arrtar. BlrUonl laa4a4 not evilly ba-
14 a Um t ik
I" a Ctrl l a.
Vpen lb a4rti
hll iba a4br i
blm ara ba!4 la lb
f a bo a el
4 mt Iba 411
f aJW4 U
f Ia4wa
ill r4.
rlet 4ila
14 H4
la Iba bbvaa aalaa aboat i4.
tela a im na ta aaJiMva.
Tba ar
Oamrl laraaa Waratar 1 wltl rtv
yoa an (11 Wadnnday avaatBaT ta pay
jreur wtf !." aald rraaldla Jud
Oalaaa af Iba atromlt court lata nvarat
Ul ta Alt lUbaraYB. If yaa kava m(
pai4 It ky that ifraa yoa ra ta tba
rackplla. Tao kava ba4 alaaty af tiro
la arrajir for tba rue port af thi
lartaraa vflt
Ial4 ml III Aldar airat al I aciar la-
aJabt aa tba aubj!. Tka Ml rrab-l
lam"! W4iaday. rrafaaaar Morrla aa) ;
by Voasa Vaecaad aa4 OUara Fall"
OU irmtXry WaataaV Win aaehaar
aaw waiekaa, eUaatoada a ad alry fof
ol4 JwJry. fafla Hyt CMUiafai
Paah. Tl Slitk, bclwaaa Oak m4 Mm,
tiatoliry Olaaav Tba aarlolacy claaa
f iba anadara acbool m( oa Iba
foortb riaor of lha Hbok-Wa:br
balldln tbl4 avela4 at a clo-rk.
for Judy Baaa la lha L'nlt4 Bla I woman, una u yaa floa t waat la iit
aiairtet court yairdar. Milllaa "" . yw aava fat ta aupport nr.-
mmnm tRrlanBl aamnlalnad akent tba I llabonmaa la Mkina tba ert for a dl-
llrary af hla mall and not aaUaflad with 'ore Laat April ha wm ordr4 ta
thaL thraw Aral a towaL than a bos of pay bmr It a aioath until Iba d I Tore
eitara and finally a baar nuf at bin. prooMdlnt a wara bald. II paid iwa
lli.tni-v Aamm not ralata whether aaron I month a. and ault partn. 0vral ao.
af lh thinga landed or not. but It ta Uoaa haa baaa aurt4 ta fora biro
aa affanaa atalnat lha United Stataa la pay. but the juda tkta momlnj
to aaaault a mailarrlar and Blrlaaal aald thla would ba tba tut.
wltl haa to 4nawtr for It " ". " " , ,
-Bm Kn" tlaad t0 1 O. Rala
Wta ta Mmi Waato Blroraa. ton Jr, af 0I Market atraat. wm ar-
v.. k. h. hi. rir i now ratd at 1 a' clock thta morntnr at hli
rta0B -bI ttVZmttimV!: von buudi.. 1
joiiat. Kicnara A. laui moa a auu J- - Z' ------I Main l01. bout en Ira rr,
for a tflTorea yaatarday la in cir- - - - " ' .
cult oourt It la aat forth la tha com. hla window and arauaad Uia n.l.hbor-
plaint that Mra. Laula ku bean eon. Jb4 youn man and a oompanlon
Vtetad four tlmaa of felony ehanea la ratr44 from town and wara In-
llllnola. Tha complaint furth.r recite. .Vh ' f. 40r Cr
that aha want undar tha nama of Pari- f,' "A,!"MZ . 1 N..
barf, aoaaman, Oooaaman. Elihlar. I t!?.wf?- L7
SUadman. a.U, KUto, and aula. Th.y "
Jaoaa Cuvm far raja a.
waanouiai and way landing a. oUllr as
capt Sunday.' Laavaa WaabiDf ton a treat
aac at I p. aa.
tywy BaOtk aaar Vaaka at Olira. td
and Alder. Tou will aajoy tha alncta
aattar ir you bava your book.
Tall era ta Z.a 41 aa, Hoffman A Orant.
kUaava oiab XaUawaam daaaa. Rlna
tiera ball, Wedneday. Toallta c
W. A. WlM and aaaoelataa. patnlaaa
aaouata, i Dfa aaa WMBinfton. "
wara marrtad la Raclna, Wla., In lilt.
Joint Barrio to Bad Tomorrow
morning tha Oregon Trunk and tha
Cearhutea Rlvar railroad will InailgU'
t K. tnl1emn u llinlel liealli '
. 7 " T l I axaaawaaa a mo Tuaaday ara..
IpreTent him from bain flaad flO UU 1Uh Albarta. Toellaa' ercheatra.
morning by Judge TaiwalL
AmJmm maWm ' ' " ' " ' T.fltM1 I
rata aarrlca to tha tarmlnua of tha Joint a.JZ. w--i.. .-a t... n., .rr-t
Una at Bend. Tha line have baen opar- , , , ht , th ,h t w-r flB)1
atlnr to Metollu. for aarerat weaka and JV " oVn, oa chiVge. of
the new arrangement mean an exten-
Dr. X. a Brown, Bya, (Car, Marauaa.
Xr. Soott, rroatoloftat.. Selling bldg.
neporte Petroleum Find.
moklnr opium. Detectlraa Maloney and Can trail a, Wub, OcL II. Petroleum
aion or anoui j miiea. iwo xraina Malltt made tha arreata, tha flrat place may hare bean dlaeovered In tha rl
leave uena oauy tna paaaenger at vUlte4 belnf. mt (i North Nith atraet. olnlty of Moeay Rock. EiperU from
4. m. and the freight at : ". w,,rl ha Horll woman waa arreated. I Seattle have vlalted tha land which ta
arriving at Faiibriage wnere connection when th ptroin,,,, arrived LeSler. who thought to have a aeepagb of petroleum,
la made with the 8. P. at B. North Bank wa arreated later at Seventh and Flan, took aamplea of the rock away with
line aa at preient. derB gt recta, eacaped through tha win them and propose returning for further
m"--Sm ..- . dow. Tha arreat of Jean Terry, a white inraatlgatlon. Ezperta from tba Penn-
niararaara Azraaxao u w. neuy ua riri waa aocomnllahed at 107 North srlranla oil flelda. recently made aa e-
W. C. nateman. In an unaucceaaful ef I u.COnd atreat. whara tha detective had lamination of the-auppoeed aeepag. but
fort to locate a woman friend, ruehed
through tha Trinity Plaoa apartrnentn at
4B Trinity Place at 3 o'clock thla morn
ing, elncrlng, cursing and ringing all tha
door bells. Fran A. arlmm.-manager of
the place called Patrolman Hutchlngs
and tha two were placed under arraat.
Tteny ana 4aieman pienaeu guiuy ia
gone In search of another negro.
their report have not been received.
Moat of the discoveries hare baen made
on the ranch of Daniel Shaner, a real'
wwnaor Man ta Talk Fred Lock
ley la to ba chairman of tha Ad club dent of Mossy Rock.
luncheon at tba Hotel Portland tomor
row and with tha November cover of
Pacific Monthly, aa Introduction for hla
program he announces that . Edgar B.
Tha Edlefsea Fuel com nan T. mine
being drunk last night and Judge Taa-1 pin.r of the Oreaonlan will diacuaa I arenta for "Fauniess. the genuine
wen rinea eacn iv tma morning. i the "Duty of the Community to the Wellington, propose to reduce piioea
--. ' i 1 " IKKimn.r" thmt Tnhn V c.nsnli f Inn all eoala to consumers br dellvarlna
Zntaraatlng Booklet "What 1100 Did the Evening Telegram will deflna the In bulk, using barrela for unloading, as
la Oregon," Is tha title of a booklet
Just published by the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce for general distribu
tion to the number of 10,000. It la a
woman'a narrative of how a happy and
a good atart towards financial lnde
"Responsibility of the Newspaper to the I done In Seattle and Taooro
Community,'' and that C. a Jackson
of Tba Journal will discuss "Publlo
Interest." .
Brings X.arre Apples II. D. Poor, a
pendenca can be made with the small weU known fruit expert, who la con-
sum, of $100, told moat interestingly.
A "AiThptBd after
thoroughry investi
gating all other
kinds of pavements
adapted to climate in
the Pacific North
west," is the state.
ment that invariably
accompanies the de
cision of taxpayers
to use Bitulithic
pavement In every
city where it has
been proposed and
properly considered.
nected with the firm of C A. Leedy.
Bros., apple growers of Wenatchea,
Wash., la in thla city visiting friends.
Mr. Poor brought with him several of
the largest apples ever aeen In this
city, some of them measured 19 Inches
in circumference and are known aa thai
"Winter Banana." Mr. Poor ts prepar.
lng a series of lectures, which will soon
be heard in this city, concerning the i
apple Industry. Mr. Poor holds tha rec
ord for making apple boxes and for
packing tha apples.
Men's Suits
I meet and beat strongest com pet I-!
tlon in the city on men's suits.. Take
elevator and save 910. Jimmy Dunn,
room (15 Oreeonlan bldg. '
Stories ! of Success
and Company
invite yonr
inquiries for
pv;,,. J Main 165
Phaes I Home A 116ft
First arid Oak
Violate Posting Ordlnanoa The police
have been annoyed, according to many
reports tnat nar been made, br L w.
W. followera a ticking their otimaon
pasters throughout tha city In violation
or the oui posting ordinance. One
depredation that ha been committed is I
pasting the stickers on the recruiting
sign boaras that hare been put out
by tb united States army and nary
recruiting stations. This la being" dona
wnne tM pouoe reliefs are being
changed, but plain clothes men hare
been put on tha case and axpeot to ef
fect the arrest of violators.
Held TJTp and Bobbed Mike Sodat, of
S21 North Twenuetb street reported to
the police laat night that ha bad been
held up by two ruffians on tha east
side, and severely beaten and then
robbed of 120. Tha man waa led to
police, headquarters by a newsboy to
i wnoffl ne - appnea ror guidance, and
when ha arrived it waa found that he
bad sustained a' nasty gash on tha head
which required tha attention of a phy
sician. . . . - ' . , . ' '.;
Balooa Burn A on atory frame
building at Second and . Couch streets,
In which was located a saloon owned by
M. Yerkovlch, wm deatroyed by fir
at an early hour thla morning and a
two story frame lodging house that ad-
jolna tha ' saloon building, waa badly
damaged, causing a riot among thai
roomers who fled from tha bulldlaa.
scantily dressed. Tha blase which waa!
caueed. It la believed, by defective wir
ing, did about. 11000 damage.
nun! tore Bxaaanar - Arrested John
M. Thompson, a grocer at 111 Thurman
street, w arreated at 4 o'clock thta
morning -by Patrolmen Saul aad Hews-I
ton, Jnat In time to prevent injury to I
hla wife and 2-year-old child, whom he'
Today a merchant . prince
yet he began life as a boy in
a store at a weekly salary ot
He saved somethinff
every week out of
that. ? And as his sal-
! ary increased he "saved
more. - .
When he had $2000 he start-
ed a store of hla own.
Many who started under
most favorable circumstances
in the same store were after
wards employes of his.
Your chance to rise above
the ranks in later years de
pends upon your habits now.'
Save your money. - ;
We pa 4.
Third and Oak Sts.
ft i-
ivy t
The Necessity
This flrm Is to dissolve pirt
nershlp, Mr. C M. Fnley
rrtirinr irtd Mr. V. D. Pn
Ity contlnulnjf the Millinery
Store ilone ts formerly.
Thus the necessity for ln
creised cash receipts it
Trimmed Hals
Tailor Ssit Ilata, IWml-Dr a4
Drraay llata. csarmiag ertatsoas
from C4UIlaa4 Gat aad rtafc. as
all 44 tboaa rraak frota tka a4ada
f ear ol sklUad mtltlsars. Sack
vartaty Is fasktoatac la iort aad
karmoBUlsf afacts that tka taeat
citVeI aad aaaettag mtr tad
soma titty smart and ladlTtdaal
kbt aaactiy aaltabla. A taoai4ad
aa display to ckooaa from, ail r
tfsoad aa follows:
...9 8.0O
...SIT. 5
...sat 50
a 00 lUfa sew
IjOO Ilata
t oo Hata
Siaoo Ilata
I IS. 00 Hata sow
120M) Ilata bow
123.00 Hala
M0.00 Hata
140.00 llata sow
100.00 Ilata stow
No Duplicate
ffigMIrade Wliite Bcaycrs
Baaotlfol Loog-Nap Variety
t T.OO qllty ow
910.00 qaallty bow 9.40
I1S-00 qaallty bow 97.65
114.00 qaallty bow fO.OO
Laat two aro latt Gaga Blocks,
flomo MOUAers' Acoraaortoa.
Cvery Article Reduced.
The Opportunity
These entire stocks of Hlh
Cride Millinery Merchandise,
complete In every detail, but
recently bought for particular
patrons, offered now In mid
season at such sacrifice, means
a rare opportunity for eco
nomical buyers.
"Rex" Plumes
Beat rtaori heads. Thar Is ah.
olataly Bot bat tar flame stack tkaa
tkat Bead ta lha -RV OrUltsat Af
rlraa anal stock. lUfkeat leetr.
kBft floea. great aat kraadtk; vary
fall, drooping kaada. Plsm ports
skosld a thaa for ronpartaoa.
Taa. I hay assally coat nor, but
"there a a raaaoa. aad bow yea got
thaa rr lea. Black, wilt sod col
ore. 1 1000 stock, all radurwd. For
11.00 lUr rianaea, 17 taa. loag.
10 taa, wlda. Bow.. .fe.40
SI A.00 Ret liBBaea, Ill taa. long.
It la. Wd. bow fO.wO
Rr name, t las, loag,
14 la, wid. bow 910.80
Ostrich lUada, blark. white aad
color, all ar specially prtead
at .. . S8A to 9S.9S
Willow name at aat Half
Paradise Plumagea
Beautlfat Birds of Paradise and Par.
ad la Algreta bUck, whit and eat
aral. All radically reduced. X
Un trimmed Shapes
Velvet, Velours and Felt. ' Hundreds
and hand reds of them.
Pipe Organ Contest Votes With Every Purchase
For Halloween
: J
Apples, cider, doughnuts and light refresh
ments are usually the order for Halloween
But at some homes where merry crowds
will gather beer will be one of the most ap
preciated beverages.
. You'll want a MILD beer one with the
minimum amount of alcohol one that every
one will like. Order a case of
And youH find that many guests who can't
drink ordinary beer will drink it and
It won't cause biliousness, either, for it's
well aged. Don't wait step to the phone
NOW then -you may be sure of prompt
Phones East 46, B-1H6
Portland, Or. Vancouver, Wash.
Brewing Co.
Oatag ta 14 tauaeM e aa4ia V
44 M14
" oastf raBLarvB Mfiatr
atartaa ncTvasA t as Bsra4vt
Ba1 raa t mm mm Ski m CW.
mm I a , 4 Ik
atoavaxaoa abb irra
44aklMMa tka r-aiU'. ,nrM
Mm ml 4 a.ill m.-
I1. AB Wo. a, uru aw.
wr. a aa.. a4s, s .
ma rrta , .v
Wit itUM. Tim UK a4 as aali.l
rmmy l'aaml4 I'.-. V- m
tll.lMI mmml Wu.inr.! .
r'4iMla (. yi. Ik. I a. I
I a -Tka Bui. U. aaa mmA
ir .a i
Btarw A A taa
Maria a a mar a
ooVm TIllATXX eVXMt-U.
Taa CMUtasr. Twaa Bawa, BCaaKa. aTara
a4 M4e, tra 4 ru - rM, 4 k.
Braa. tfraea aa BrtUaa. aw
OaaBaatan aa4 Bala Ota4rlasa.
mr imwmmmmt Taa Seel i wa.
taja4 TaaSn,s
Baaa, Still- aa4 aVyl. TV Im Valla.
taiaa aa Caaasaar, Bat a anVH.
The fc Baarww yiasa mi Cralla
Onaaaiaaa raaiaraaeaya. Vvwalaa mtmm.
Btattaoe 411 y, lua, yaw aa4 A
atana Btwry aVas
S Tl Batltraa B 0a1 ta
W Baflaa Va4ruas
a aa4
ty Braad
Vin OCTOaEB SO4trrtara
arm, rifl Boaay-a. Qrga 4.
Matt Parr, Will OaklaawL. Bwi
Oaapaaaa. Braaaaaaop. BTUa
stw mmmm w . 1 1! li waemomssmmm
New Departure
Ta at laWrarat bar 4
graauy raaeM ay tka aietaaaa
11 .re to for It baa baaa tha austeaa at
funeral directors ta make ehara for
all lacldeataia aoaaaetad with fa.
?iraX The Adward Holroaa UadarUk.
ng company, tha 4aadlng ranaraJ 41.
rector of Portland, bar departed frata
that custom. Whan casket fa fvrotah4
by oa we make aa extra charges far
mbolmlnr. bears to earaatery, aatalde
boa or any eerrlce that may be ra
aulred ef aa. except clothing, cemetery
and rarrlasea. thaa effecting a aarlag
af lis to III aa each funeral . .
sao raao trr. ooav sar.yow. t
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan 91.60 a day up
American Plan 93.00 a day up
New steal aad brick straaluf. Eraty
sa4rB caavaalaaaa. , MoemU ratM.
r- . .1 mmA wmtmll rfiatrict. Oa
sr uaa ir.a.i .i i i m -'
trie aaaaibaa m.U waia aad eta
American Express Co.
The Ideal Form of Traveling
Credit for .Foreign Travel
Home Uae -Motoring.
Universally Accepted
Local ' Office, 7th and Stark Sts.
Foster 8c Klicscr
High Grade Commercial and Electtit
Bast Ttb 44
Sast Xverots ta,
it 1111 1 B-aaa. . -
Constructs Asphalt and rhr JBttum
Inoua Parementa. IDS 401 Electrl
B'dg. Portland. Or. Oakar Uubea
r ., -asaa .
jBookj Oatalag aud Cotnia.1 ,. .
ii aPrlntlnn
Book Biodior eat r'-- r t '