The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tuesday Evrs'iJ.'O. oci o j,. j s i
li44f 4444a
M III. Ill Ji. I4.. 1 UitlMMMl tFiti.O U t if It fcit'i.4f
. .
'l . ftt t f , ,a4 4 44tt t 1 llK.t4.4K. it4t 1.444 4 IA Mltll
c J Promoter
I 4t'sii i r z f al f 4-.U'la raa Ukl U I i ii It Ui'
I.! 4 t ft. Wr tl tra-4 lit It' IA kiiuK lAIB f ttlwl J A'.JHA 44
BM1LL Hi 4 hut.
tiStwJ U.Cl4uaiJL
4t ft, 4.41 U lltt m . . 4 tiu twiitul I I 4m.i. It u t4
flit III 4 It AimiI.4 A.. A- all a I t t M4 ml I i I " v. t. w A...
Mk4 g
42 4. i 4. . a 4
. .t ta... i
4 444 aj(..4
4 1. 4 -.. 4ilM
, in. '4 4a. - ft.4 4
.... ....... 4
, ! "
k 44 a.ft.a a - :
4-4 ft.- -. .-.. 4, lH4 - '"
4. . ,
It ir. ... ln.
4..ftH4 aim "
t u M ,4-4 4 ft.fc.4 '", ' A
4 t i4
lit U 1 ..
k 4 4 r
u Aij t.4 ! rw
w M r.w 4
ta4 4
. a ..
. .... 4 a.
44 f -4
ft. I I4 A-..--
. t. 4 -i
ft t 4 ..4.
uaaMXM-a a 4 S
tl 44 III a4 4t "
a.".. a M I
I4l -.lf,
MMt l M I
Ml III !. ! liMU I'J w AMt( ftiMl,
l im It amis U Mk'Uttl i U li U I i.
UK t MB tHltKf ft t "ii, V.rt llf ftfVf. Ar.
ttiut it , ft t tw, rri iti, r.
' '" (U!. ill. rari fill
t U KtM U ir 4 'k.,t.,. M -
4 niu im k tUl t Ik i!!'i
, T"
l U tdu &i ti inrf
tIT t.rvtrr, ry v4
f 14 IV lllk IL
nt kJrr 11 t44l!ji f Ut
M4ir It 4U1. lUn K
f is fct4.u4 lu
44tft If tUf fjb4 U. II
t: l'4nt! , Mtt il
Tl M
u ! ,t 4,
U.. M 4.. ta. 4 sM-w
'tl ta IK ! it4 H J
ril.j ,mtl.M Iil 4 . ... I I
w ta in m . mm m 1 tawt 4, 4m 14
.4 4 ital 4 i 4.. H. , 4.... .,
.iti,M 4 - t . .
l-4 kw.i i4 4 ! : u.i i
tl 4Ulrf r 4 W? f 74 44 itui k a.-4 k..4
4. 14 t..4 4 lt!N4 4-".l 44. IXJtil. II .v. ui
" 1 -M rw 14. 4ia. 4..B lu 4m.
f -l. uk- v4 44
4 4-
tl4 U f4 r IhW4 frr t Will UrT4 la 4l t- U(. It Z4.
CJ m 4.144
AM rf !. f.
r4r rv4.
frV4( f 11 "pmtm4" (4l
f ! H MllrlMllML rf,
tnf, fUr tt lf
Of ltU4 !: I M 4
lrtUt U rtmr v4 Ik J.
T Jf-rU M i&kt ! Mtlf ftU
Arr Arvn.T u m 4u
r.4x i u fin! ''
, li 1 it4 ni
frtiM mi14M Ul
iiv &4 WJ vmttif Mt M
O 14l Wttitif ri-m.
7 4 f IV firjoettJi Utl-
.1 - ..I lal ft Mk Bll4
&. M.I&J fA kf ll MWK t 1. 1 I
. n.iii.i.M A rl M r: T f
f ;W4i4 rftSM w eUl4 M u lk ,
Kk IU 4trin., U ! WI Ik l Uttr
..trit ... Ik.. li. t ftalW VI l WI4
crfUrrwiM. U rr f IU tW ltU
Tke CJtlf leejrl Tb ttt'.tttl omtai4 UlM
k.tkrr iA4.tM lit et ia fct&M!f jt tetk ef tiiM fC It 1 a
rri4eet Ktr. toll rrmrr- looktif ta4lvl4aJ; fc m !
Tl f1&tB4 t rl. 4V4 Uf IJo tt 4r
si & UUa.li4 !xtho!SM lk 4y- It U ft flrtt tU
tm fofftr4 b4 fctk p ! 44w flBtT. ftt4. IVwck k UlM Ur4,
firJi. Ik 4rMitor ko trii4 U o jk1oos. A 4. la
tsi.tet to ib iBt:iMoft for Mf kU eor, it l poiii to i
ifrrft&f Iom a portJa f tkHr H to urthlei la la dr.
M tin ct.
Thrr ettckt la Iw rr44Kltoa efl SOCIAL CTXTOUI IH ROTOOIJ!
th pablte from crtk4 bakra a4
f4 l lwi:t4 C 1)4 w.
".. AH bril4l 4 ir.Utia i
144 k'itfi riil (
Im $4 tu a4 &U4 ra
i4-irtt(4ii iwa lummti. I
0" K4Vta4 ( 14, "H 4k. I
li t I u Mrir" a4 iu
4!4 JUf lMk IWr tW la Ik
4Ttritr c0, tUI fv-oUla ktlf M faterttg Ik ltkH I.
-rwtIttf arttai.
rrnrsTi.T. u otiut i
tnitf la u Uk
4 4f ftsrkAt ro4rtjfa.
&nirr ruKr kM r4i4it uka nwf iUf)r
Tk Ort4a i rtxchta4 la k
"4w4J- l Ik Jorar Ml. I
M. Tk tvU Ha (k Orf!a
U iktt tl afr ka k la V
r, a4 k ir. Yvt i4t..
W ii4 t tM f
M44 4.U4a
I4.fc UUM 4U, I'--
4 ll Ih 4 mi.
tt444aT (3k44i Ai 1 1 t
III! v44 t .. 44-4 4-
I i4l ,i ai4 .. u 4a , r. t 1441
ltk 4-MT 4V k
ki4r 4l4 t.M IV,.
4' 1.4 W.4Ml,t.4.4
k4 af t44av Aal fka wt
(fka. A .4 av tk Iiwni a4 j 4r4 U rukt la.
a 4 Wr. Tft kM la-
Letter From tKe Peoplti ,
T) k4if4 fraet af Ik a6m!a!
I rat to fraas lntsfr(ifli ta rat
fJ flackoUtta lta Oacreakatia
tea kUk aa4 417 la Ataka. aa4 ar
r4 tk faliovtsf la a Orvtoalaa
iurv4j: irfm or i a
r m tai
m Hit
4.4 - ' If 1 ..I. 1. . k.- . . . I
l tt
ala l4
4k4 mifta
4a4 44-
1 4 TW m mm
l44l 4
444k 9wmmm M I.
b4 r.ii
T4l4rM, 4M4 It faoi 4K44
4:4 imi4' Tll
&- "4a k44 4 4
-4 Wht f 444 4 14 tlta4) 4
'" ! 44) .4V IM44 4
14V 4 i4 .
kM4 A W 4r4k f
4j 444.4. -I f4T 14.4 mit 44 V
I 4-4 44.l4-.4.4 4 I44 H'.t.4-4
14V KlH 4 4W 441441
I l. a.4fc
fVUs 1 1 na 1 i A Untmt mm
44-4 4 4 1 l4T 44 IUI 44 1 ti
On Ttvak 44V4 Lt tVofJa'a rJxa.
. ISrU. Or, O. It- T (A C4if
IA reran fehl4 IU M4t,Mt I" 4Trt4- tii M T
aid roma4 ku t Bre?4 tj I rrt).4 riail Mk
tipartHM 19 ib iimi Wet A for
ftrnmal aa4 prtrata Iaa4 m
era," la tk aan artlcl tka Or-
otaa aaa ftnimrat pftUoa
of a i&ta la ack nl4
mtf k Juiunabl ea tk la ef a-
lyt8f 0 eary. .
Ti u aa nara aa nae&o. ha
rrr arr4 far Alaaka. It aa Ma-
chot and Root wfca flrat rro-
fti. 44. 44 4 iuu.. T4.-4
ir-taUu- rv 44A44v
44 44V tl4 l4 )( 4444
4444 l4f 4 t CW4
nt4k prit 44lJ4 Ik4 ( t4
44 U rnita h 4i4 tA mrAi-
rwHi4A 4-atat ImUlIIW ta AWl
fTtUv4 C 44 f 4H4 .) f 14
rilf. 14 ctu4tta4r (i-t IMr
4f r Of It; 4 M4al nnnrllam
4JIU4 wlia A laiar44ia r.i4 t4
4x4 Oil 4 MAar alauiar Irwai a4
Air. livtrtar. lb tr l44
' wiia u 444 r cu444
M4t v4 W4ltoa vpaaJf Bjr4
4 II
44 w
t4M'U4 1W f44 r 4 4- '
4j.jf - V. " w -T
: .r w w mmmm 4) 414 I447 111. . - - . .. k
ai.a ij L f Ma-lai.. la a i4i.4 4
f-44 44lv. tk 4I444 444 Ut
iii a'4.
' m la I .
'M-k 4M4 .1., . " " I W
U41I4 444414 i-.. . 4 . " I n44jrt T W
. I m mii 4nl amvui ai4V.
ft. Ijl... . 1C'4-II1 4-4 4Ll i r 44 41 4MM44 tailtNtr
l l uumii,, vt.
rMllU. la 1414VJ 44 rt4i L . ,
ESia4 r4f44-r T teax4 T
Bw vlk triakl 4J4 .4rtl
4-4iU 44 ft. La 1 . ! li At - - . -1 ..
ttttt.C.TT ,"rr U 44. .. M44. V. 4.I,M
1?? TJft'Tt 'I4 "'4 t A 4"r444 (V 1.4
Ktlttit iI"4!'. "- li l4ttt:ltl4iM 4KW U
Wfr"T VaMvarw k 1 . 4A, I
4 1144V. 4-l41 at 14 NH 4
4 4 ..4tat4V4, 1 1.1 441114 4 4 4k 4!4 44 M
4 . ft 44 44l 4 44 l4 ta4K4r
4k4 44.4444 4 44 -4 4U4- 4'Mkt 4f
I 14 aa444'.a4j 4ltr 4 4 twkti
4 ts r-4a tu a! I a la it
mlH4 44.A.44. vV ' r) tVlU."
t. 441 4t44 l 4M4
44 1 1 1 1 I tft 44.4 V4 Ik 444M4.
x4.4 444.4 .144- . I4 t441
444ft 4 44 f 4MI M 1-4.4 4
l4 Itt't 4f 4 lt 44:
4k.ft4.444- 414 44 4 aoti.i 444 4 (44
4- 4Vt 41"
U 144 44 I 14 T r rf
41 r lu: Alatair. Kt4 hui.
ti44V44 444 M t J f 1 ft
4afakif taf t44J4. AT. A .4 U
t44 4-4J4. Aia. V44 taH I
Wrar H. J. U4tlaal 4 ., ,
4 14 U IA a V kt 444 44M Tl4
i4tat.t tl 44U4 liy- ! )4ak.
t4 Taa4V4 44H W..
4aat M4.4 rt 1 44) Trk
ttaVktU lirvM a 1 A 4ft
l4 r4 aa.r a
aftal (a4rk4V4a. UlaWVavl. TVa
444U44 14ll444a 44441 4Vr fll4-
. fft. ran ii a ii WGftMM At.! f
" Ar't tt4U. ta li44r
114) Umm T a mniijii 14
fwtt. Or. rt 44,
at ta wihIhim Jaft
Kkkd th laaataf .ral.m. tk tUJ to kf ia. T..h JTl .."4i..n
ItrtT in xvi I cvtl 4a r 44 1. I
laUlloa lhf ir l-Uaa I Imp Uixa
rtmUi ta tka ctvaramnt.
Ia ladoralBg tka Jaa tba Orrin.
laa eenpltlr ahlfta Ha poattloa. ab4
rpe4tAica all It kaa r aatd. It
abaodon prtraia ovavrabto for
which It aaa ail Along contBd4. It
I tec
WlacoBAla, laat f atardar ra
Tba fcarla fact wbtck adrt1aa tbta
noraat la tba eoarlctloa that tba
Iknkrr crook a. Orrcoa baa at
tmp4 rro4rtloo with a a tat
kaaklof law. bat tka looting of tka
rtUomatk IftUtttatloa pw4mi ta
fall cAr aodr tba 917 7a of tba
Ttifiml TCa laS attail ftt frf K4
laChlcAga. Oalra Ufora ba f-Vi001 i'f" .vof
bad ba paroled from a W.ral rtbt th wnoBJty. aad U tba
I al aa-ftth a 41 0 a aai Tk - - a Ta. a. aaaa. aak a
rrlaoa aftor to yaar of lBcrcrA- . "r
tl0a . cUlMsa botb ta tba t)tf pablle acboota
Bit yr ago. fa vaa eaa oftb -- tb JU lMl
commaadtog flntodtl Hgar of Chi- r "t. M' "4 of fmot
eago, 'a waa at tka top ct flnaa- dtrtrlcta.
elal. commercial And aoclal drclaa. ID -Tf r
1U aama vaa tba lacaraatloa of ra- ,ncf, w" olaUoa of practical
apwUbllity and aoclal eaata. problama taTolrd la tba wld.r aa
Butt h plared tba aama gama aa tba pobllo acbool plant It la 4-
that aneoTrad At PbllomAtb. and T eommoa maoUag p!c
llk tb, . rMlomAth bAtikar, waa b V?- tor wbolona racraa-
caught Th whol atroctora of hla n,'tor dlffoalng InfonBaUon. aad
lit work fell la fragment.. Thera tor wchaaglng t1wb latandd to pro-
waa an indictment a trial, a an- nol Jb" JtB.
J44 40 IIOII imiODI 01 B9 con-
ferano tb poaalbl fnnctlona of tba
acbool bona aa a aoclal center wer
aet forth la a connected aerie of .pa
per. Tba acbool bona waa eonald-
4 4. . . . . 1 1 1. ti
, ,4 sini, tiiiL, aa uiaucu puouo 11
art of flgnrea brarr. aecond, aa an eniployment bn
Ihmm, 44 Ctiaril44a AloaA Aa 14
idcltr r iAt A wiU rr aa
ordinal r t M4A IA ppi f 9oa!4
l"urlUJi4 rr Ale imiiM I IA Kt.
t4r. if hr 44- i4 rram Boia
AbAadona Oaggnhl. who poller ? ZiZ'-Zr ! ZZZL
tic flrat Bat load ronferesca on 1 tt baa all along sapporttd. It aban-1 maata, i Mt Unabu. a ita4 to
4.f-ilf krtf lr-.nata4V If Altaa rwrl- Afr. ft W Oalaa J J l."4 -J4 af la 4M44aa aaxtatrr. 14 U .4cJ
n-'.V."'.?'..''4''4'"- " ri" rt- -f I4.a flial u 4m. I
uIiJTL , " a t iUtM 1 Ut tir. a4 iktr u
1141(4. 4 Ifoucfcl 4 l1- Ail- fair 4 arta4.
ir 14. tft.i... m. '" "r' A 4ia Tfca I'
4rLl4a la 7a!2 JTU.kt .ft """ ' t InMntl H U C
I iar f in Ilch44va ma. 1 A i... . . 1 in rz - - -
r"r. " tiHal ! intmaal il4a
lil Aar Or"o) aroulftl 4 -L" tiul
p""4"pa wou.aa 1 car.
I (ft I a-a cjt444
rth4o44 r4r4ir,
loc4 .
1 till
Ar karUf
BB444 U 4
"kVxial Oatr Datelopmeat 1 4bb Dalllararlara. and approTa.aum c ttvat b wouu tu aaajnat
cloaed Ita aloaa U kfadtaoa. polcr xactlr eppoalta to that or- f u .f El?0?',!!
pi 41 U4( UbiT If Bex. wAr tbi aud
4a cAc 4 fro If II I mow wtlltnt
tt allow tba li compaala fra tleaaa
I roam wbar tbar will. iTat 414 tbr
4 I 744, Air. AletxA. I mat 4 you
eb4Bg4 your mtn4 o aaddaalyf Acalo,
yoar 4aarU4 ibat u lb btitBa in-
OwriM If f JgUad.
br 140 .
Oa Oar I t4 a 4a.i aatja4
a-liA 444a
TVat ar, k tai4 aaal faa4 tKat
lr4 44 laaiaa4 a a r S
A4 ar xxfc-lB-l arlife a iimiiU
-. aaia mlf- Btaka,
W4 r-H4 aaB 4Mal4a 4!rtarnl
4 tlaaiir t4 fr
kJrv.4 k44
a u far a
tnc, aa incarceration, and after a
week of liberty, death.
. It did not pay. It nerer pay.
IftoaUy propoad by Balllagar. It
deal Ita own put aad awallowa
PlBcbotiaa. root aad branch.
TA moat r4e(ria 4 atrul
all f aoor EnU4h trrra waa lb4l
of Charla IL wb 4i oispa4l44 I
AUatruU bitraair, fa f rata Ala roue try
a4 rataala ta Aiding for a oni4ar4bl
tiro bar or a A wa ra(or4 I At
Ibron Ui rough Uta 4ta r Craravcll
PORTLANDERl! ar today attend-1 lru r m - aa will aid the " ,aI' th ?rm of Ararwraaai
lag tb Trl-CoontT Conferenc wpi 1. iioi.iiiIb, worTJ,tl iT iWtiL
nrlrr, . I their prant poaitlon. I not th truth. . " ,r. I . V . ct"rW
la aatarn Qregoa. A eampalga ., .v.. B.KA.rXT,n Mmn..i.. .m. .k.i. for wr 4fat4 o4 a .
for a .
Pt!4 t aaoap. aad It wa Bin yaax
nnailr rtra4. aa
in una. it it not a gooa piaar .ni .1,. ttm. ,.. , Trr:i wim tb atb r Chari 1. Om-
Oregon baa An area Of 1 4.000 I tb claaa4 anlnat tb4 maaaea. It lalw1, kaalad tb rata f rorara-
f arm rarlral la belnalmtninna n ik, ki kn.i.u.
lanncbed tber. .with tb alUmAtot th etty aa art4 br thaaa ppl bTf?r b w nB.J
parpo of getting mor peopl on f So.u5 '
flrvt ajalalatr tb tii-tt
rnUa4 lAa aatia f At caavtag t
TA Atrix, Aarlaa- aalaaaalr eirkaT4 fa
IB larta r.tr4, Dw4Ua fri4a4
a iai4 IBI CO B44tar. OooivaJL
batnc 4kw at lik ta tHitcb, tb
'at war 4aa4l4 that tAy r
rn4 aathlao- A r4jtr4. Ia rar t
raA It aw affMlitaJ. A Aad etr4
lai a traatf mMk tb ratat ortr,
Ar which. roon4T lbr rnaltara. tb
4A alood a4-r4 ta aaia aad
Urar mp to tb mrnnrpmr, tb aaraoa f
B4 majaaty. if ha Aui4 at aar ttrna
com with in tblr trritrla. Vvwalag
rapraaia4 bi xaAMXfm Inlalllraoo t
aaoara mna. Ita popnlaUon by tha klh tlm th nuin ara awahanad to H?"1, tbiba a pro actor ta. oo4 ttvat a dlawrarr wovnd b
lBIO er-MtiTwaa 47f 74A Intore.t and art tbatr Cbarl4 ba4 b.n rwnd at Boca aad ? a lo blraair (Dwa1c) af hla
ll f V. TV . l! . kf Invoking th LnttlaU and rfera. M. ur?rltl by tb Boot, bat Crn- in4j44ty- tbr. and If b aaala!.
Tb eight atatea Of Nw TOTk, Del- .jam. 4 tb, rtll Tha waapon w,u WM bu ru" k1 arTn PPy to bar hi ra aalaad. At ma.
aware. New Jeraey, Connecticut Mab- of tba popi th iitru ar bow trr- nd imabar. tai o-r- tr wowia rant it t tb attnaet. whtcB
flHE following
I come from tha bureau of thalreau, third, aa tha roi art gallery,
, I cenaua and gfrea a btrdaeya I fourth, aa a branch legialatlra bu-
. view of th llr atock Lndoatry j reaa, and fifth, aa a recreation een
on th farm and 'range of the Iter.
rUnited Btatea, a reported on April I Wnat will ba generally considered
'15. 1910. I the most Important add reaa waa by
. The total number of farm la the Gorernor Wood row Wilson. Ills
'.United States in 1910 waa 6.140,857. topic was tba need of citizenship or
Of these 94.9 per cent reported do- ganlsatlon. Ha loses no opportunity
'mestle animals, 83 per cent reported of enforcing the advantage, eren tb
cattle, 73.7 per cent reported horse I prime necessity of free and full dls-
;or colts, 29.4 per cent reported mujes cussIoq of issue of good citizenship,
or mule colts, 68.5 per cent reported He sees in tha aoclal center at tba
swine, and only 9.6 per cent reported I school house a forum belonging to
sneep or iambs. . 1 tne community at large, and special
U t auUIfy and bar tha aourt 4a. i throw eiA ot praraat Cbarla frm I would InfaJllblr coat him b!a haad.
elar unoonatltutlonal and tbaa -rapaaj PJa'n lot KnlM at th Ad Dalng diwlroaa ta prvvaot tha ml,
th rlabt of th paopla to hT4 any of "00 B,,n but tb kin wa dfatad rbl cofuft)une which would foW
4y la th4lr own (orarnmcnt. Or br Cromwell, aad tb wbol SooiUab low. If It wa 4laoorr4 that tb kloc
Hadeat what ar w oomto toT Uow rraT lthr AlUad or.taAra prlaoa- bad bn tbr. b raaolrrd to oorarounl
lon will th popl autmlt to thla oviU C1',,' necdad la Mpln with cata tb 4aoxr h Wa la to hla
ra on their right? trm difficulty, la th dtagnia of a tnajMty; and for fear of a future dl.
Wa hara nearly 224,0O pople In Port- p",lnl- loaly puraued eorery. b bad dlagulMd hlmaalf. ba-
land, whom a fw mIrpr4nUtlT4 u,at mt 9n t,m WM compalled to tnf raaolrad t trut a paraoa with th
councllmen would "huiliioaa- inA tha oo&o bimalf for 44 hour la a lars crt. lla then Brotoa4 that hi a
Thale I aubmlaalon required by th lntart they I L tr whU ht Punumr Id I majeaty should Immediately mount bla
ft UCil I . . . I ta lit .Mn.Tlw ftftit r..rvi I ft . ... ... . .
mora tnan twice as (areata. Th lat of their tnini. 1. aar. thla tr, which wa afterward bl out of th atatea' territories. That
large aa IS Uregon s. I that th SUndard Oil comsanVi dollar M,n oyn uaa. 1 h4 BImelf would return bom, aad tin
Tii.i. .iimii, vrttv. 4imu uliiii,. land esnta ara ta ba eonalilarari fim anri I After yarioua Jouraeya In many 41a-1 der brtaa of alekaaaa. lla Iimm in
In tamneratnrca la far 1m faTor-lth" lnal1 Proper owner and working- Charlee U reached JTranc. Hare bed than uaual; and when b Uiought
ing temperatures is tar less raror- men ar not ,0 b aowa4 t0 prote;t h wa conUnually being purauad by I hi majeaty waa far anougb oft and In
galnat thla outraga, and th pecuniary los "nt 04- cromweii ana rreiuenuy no danger or beln- OTertaken, b4 would
loaa to them in.tba valu of their prop-c,m nnr bIng oaptured. Upoa onago to tbtata and acquaint thm that
erxy ia winaea at oy in la corporation. I l"""'" w"" .mt n iinaeraiooa rnac nia majeaty wa In
It sounda Ilk th old, old story "th I treachery of an agent of th protector I town, and require that b ahould be
sachusetU, Vermont, New JiAmpsbtr
and Rhode Island har a total area
of 93.460 square miles. Their com
bined Dooulatlon ia 17.66S.41t. near
ll 1f AAA AAA mira than tha nnnnla-
Uon of Oregon.
Oregon bas tha greater area, but
these eight state bar a population
twenty-six times aa large
death rat is
WTiV a "safety" rar (
n ia 4ar4 ax
4 1 ma.
A4 tb eftar eAe41 al lb "aar.
tr !- tea tolaat Afor lt
TA "4f4 r" )tcA aa' toaAU
4lJa wwrk at rtUoal tha.
An ale esoraa girl could a 1 aaf
that ftlft.4 eat A a Aad a kink 1
Aar a A.
A '
A " y nut aa a treIr w a4
ta ' f a ma a at Al pt
Ttll Aa Inat aa arm aa4 aa or r Iwa,
nlc4 Hkltkllr atrrlal klai tamt.
Aa4 a -eettr match fir foraata. lao.
laat apraad all r th eoaet,
Aag a "arljr- packer of tjynamlt
AVW a pUgrlia t kangdonl Coma.
A kadtrar trtpp4 a fir t
there a a "fetr plan.
Aad a forelga link with a -jy
bntr tii bola la A I fo on
1 "Aafoir- avaak a tb eatehar fa
4lftlat work on th blaarhar fan;
Which prere that 14a "aafetr'" m
wandarful plan tf rytnla
run U right
able to life and Ilring thaa ia Ore
Is not this effort of Portlanders to
get mora people on th land a splen
did endeavor!"
people b damnedr
A Good Word for the Turk.
Portland. Oct 8O.4-T0 tba Editor "of
Th Journal Much la aald about the
unapeakabl Turk, and by th command
of tha king, th conaent of the cone and
th grace of God th Italian la making!
S. DliYM ALfi. I tnt made hla aaoapa. ' Tb acoldant I
waa aa roiiowa:
When Charle waa la zll at BruB-
ela, ha determined to pay a vlalt to bla
alator. th Prince of Orange; but aa
aecrecy wa Indlapensabl to bla safety
he did not mak4 bla Intention Renown
to anyone. Ha eat off at nlgbt, accom
panied by a faithful attendant, Flam-I
lug. and arriving at The Hague by 4
rO mor apt description of tha
mess that th United States at
torney general and a dozen or I war on him.
n . M4 4.A v.I.Vin.l 1mwm.amI ITndAF tha Hntitmitifiiftft.
. . , . , .1. .... . , , IUU1Q ut tuw uiituicDb Ianmi . - ...vlw
ji . In vaiiiaa thar nil run an In-1 IV airaritArl f n aiirn fnfnrmfnaf niit. I ... . . I t ih.f All iki. -.
Morgan. Can you . nn-scramble I that ail non-Christians ar of neceasity
eggsT" he commented, and there V1i?- aui wn" r tn 'otaT
vA t-ft it IXery now and then w ' road, of
The new plan of the corporation I that the cavalry horaea ar rim down
serves the scrambled eggs in several I tb aldewalk. Nothing of th sort
Ied aocordlng- to th term of th
lata treaty. Th king Immediately fol
lowed ni aavic. returned borne, and
verytning happened a wa nroooaed.
The king having thua eacaDed thla Ira.
miiciift. : uauiir, moii reiigiouaiy per
formed what ha had promlaed, never
mentioning any part of thla atory un
Ul after hla reatoratlon. when, be re-
W4raea JJowninr for hla attachment h-
o'clock In tba morning, h alighted at conferring on him th honor of knlgbt-
nooa ana continuing mm ambaaaador
A fi
ra b-
of 69.2 per cent on the general aver-1 Incidentally the opportunity for
.ajce rising from $3,075,132,266 In I use of school houses as centers in
1900 to 14,894,948,782 In 1910. j the university extension movement
Tha census bureau distributes the I was discussed. : Editors of important
atatea into nine, divisions, by name (agricultural papers were heard as to I
Fleming- to acquaint hla alater where he
waa, and to leav It to ber to contrlv j
the way and rnjumer of bla -having
acceaa to ner. ao aa not to be known. . .
Fleming, having dispatched .hla com-
to th atatea of Holland.
upon Obarlea' reatoratlon. bv affa
bility and wit, by going about with
out oatenutlon and mixing with tha
loweat or bla aubjecta, he obtained
certain degree of popularity, and tb
only, not by population or land areas, the possibilities of diffusion of the L,t... ht n, ..mhi. moin. .! happena in th citie of Turkav.
The gross figures being ao appor- gospel .of good farming at th school wl r;ma,n B0 88 the twenty- fhegUck HandMd'caorra'havf
tloned show an increase ranging house meetings. The women's clubs L,. V,4M . " .,i. w. I?e, Camorr?. have
from 80.8 In New England to 84.6 of Chicago and other cltiea were fully commoii Btock of the tobacco trust
Per cent in the Pacific states and represented. k conUnue their proportionate domin-
8.2 per centin the south, Atlantic v There has been much desutory on OTer the lndlvldual companies
atatea. "But the amounts to which discussion of this subject, but it whoge yftmity people are seeking to
the averages apply are respectively seems now to b taking practical re80re ,
uiei.r noma inert, csucn Bocieues au-4
unknown amongat tha Turks. Th tor.
tur chamber and all other meana of
suppressing free discussion hav been
promulgated rrom and used In Roma.
mission, waa no sooner returned to the name of Merry Monarch distinguished
mm auring ni lire, liis wit wa ready
and pleasant Aa Eoohester happily ex
pressed In th eplgra,m In which he
speaa 01 ,narie aa one: .
Who never aald a foollah thlna.
And never did a wia one." e - t i.
To this the king replied: "Th mat.
ter waa easily aooounted for: his dla-
oourse waa hi own; hi aotlona war
king than an unknown peraon came to
tn inn. Tb king, believing it might be
a messenger from hla, sister, desired
Jfieming to withdraw. He admitted
tha atranger, who immediately, on find
ing fa was alone, fell on bis knee and
pulling off hla mask, discovered himself
to be Mr. Downing, then ambasaador
from Cromwell to th state general.
897.865.187, 1227,555.286 and shape.
$365,873,133. Tb premier division
Is that of the , west north central
states, with $1,549,560,891.
As to numbers, on April 15, 1910,
s there were reported 51,225,801 cat
tle of .all .ages. , s contrasted with
1900, ' there waa an' ' apparent 1 de
crease of over seven million and a
. half i of spring calves, or 49.8 per JVnUed States is chiefly set on the
cent, an Increase of 20 per cent in prooiems ot tne larmer.
dairy cows In number, and of 38.5 ; The papers are full of the Omaha
per cent in value, and as to all other j Land Show, the i Chicago National
cattle a decrease of 6.8 per cent in Dairy snow, both attended by im-
number and 12.1 per cent In value. I niense audiences this week, while the
The census report points out "that I congress at Springfield, Illinois, has
the, figure aa to spring calves are! Just closed, and for Oregonlana the
not exact, owing to a difference in j experimental and educational train
date between the reports of 1900 and01" eastern Oregon ha started on Its
1910. But th decrease in number round of -usefulness.
: of . ail cattle : except- dairy cows is J Just two or three condensed facts
proved . I used In addresses at Springfield, Illl-
There are 19,731,060 horses of Jnols, will bear frequent repetition.
all ages In the United States and In 1870 the. population of the
If the voting power in every one of
the revived companies; is extended to
tn r..i..HJft.i. . v.-.: rom yin
IZir'n lT' UtU. aurpriaed, but bi mlni.urya
r,," -fc ,, MJT" " "jv uownwr soon aaaurea mm of his rood
.l:i!?.f-ih.mnA a a proof of them, aft.r
apis the "Infidel' CbrlBUaa. h r8Dota
their' right to their own religion. Th
proof of them, after Tomorrow Moreau, .
both preferred and common stock, on I ItaJUna ar universal user of winee
ana . iiquora, ana in yaago aivea- ara
aa degrading- and dangerous averyWhere
as iney ar in Portland.
The Turk never us alcoholle bever
ages, and never ar found running
aives - in zoreign countries.
All business transactions In Turkey
are on nonor, tn stat not collecting
ueoia nor allowing- usury. -
W ar trying to regulat weights
and measures in this country ao aa to
prevent fraud. For mor than 60 yeara
a system or -inspection oz weights and
measure ua Been in operation In Con
atanunopi ; and it actually , prevent
iraua Dy meana or abort weight and
raise measure.
Tb Turks ar orientals, and aa each,
look at. llf differently from what we
do. But when it come to th rlrtuea
w are taught to plac above all things
else, sybiiety, honeaty, truthfulness and
fidelity to family and friend,' have we
occidental -anything- on- th Turk?
think not! - " - - ,-.
When contemplating tb attempted
arrao ana spoliation 01 Tripoli by Italy
is urn out. xorget . mat . our oriental
I : . . ii xv a ft . i
HILE wars and rumora of even rmB' aau " lu" 'Tr? u.olue.
wars fill th lire of mli. e pyen some repreaenuiuon in au,
iinn- in TT.,rna At men tne ngures wiu do so enormous
amc. witb.w,ft-'-nii that the twenty-nine can hardly hold
apprehension our attention in the he S? hve 80 kdltl? kept
uirouja uii uio tutusoo uiu vuaiiccs
of the last three months. ,
Then opposing interests may be
heard In the oounclls of the newly
emancipated companies, and the
shadow of the twenty-nine will be
less over all,
XTREME ; Interest will attach
this year to the Massachusetts
election. In no state contest in
, recent years has the issue been
so clear cut or so full of significance.
There la no misunderstanding the
tnese figures show an increase in united States waa 38.5 millions. In situation. ' The Republicans under
numoer of 1,464,040, and In value 1910 It was 91.9 millions. At the the leadership of Lodge have gladly brothers are a much, entitled to f re-
pt iftj i,va,tix. mis gives an I same rate pi increase it win no ZOO accented the standpat position. They I aom Irom evasion aa we ar ouraelv.
average value of horses as $112.83. millions In 1960, all to be sustained even glory init, accepUng the Payne- .-"ad"ln0'uXr
ai to -sneen ana ; iambs, thai on sia minion acres.- JuetuvniAthA iiMi.h'iriff ia Hit taat rnnv.i - r -
Their cry is,
njr..v,n I . . ... " . " . I introaucea into southern Europe by the
juetuiwniie tne i Aiaricn tanrr as tne test of ReDnb-l Mohimnuii
tntfll nrimhpr In 1 91 H vn. K1 .fl .1 nrnnorflnn nf rltv riwelTira whn 4rA I itAniflM T-Vti- a in I ihi.((n ...
, . - - w -1 i w v " "w v i uuauiouit
068. . Of these 31,582,097 were ma
ture ewes, averaging in vaW $5.17.
Epring lambs were 40 per cent In
number of ewes. The total number
r bowed a decrease in the 10 years
pf $9,694,645, mainly in "spring
lambs.' Decrease of number of ma
ture fcheep (waa only 1.7
L but the value Increased
cent' .
Aa to a m ine, th total numbef wa
per cent
57.3 per
non-producers, to the number of dinner nail and dividends." Ther co
country people who grow the food for! the whole length of Cannonlsm and
defend your j Christian church exerted every possible
the nation, la - ever rising, and byj
I960 will nave long passed th fifty
per cent mark.
Can th process of th last twenty
year go on, when th settling and
breaking up of new lands Immensely
Increased . the ' totals of production
though; the arerag per. acre was
ridiculously amaUf Unfortunately
effort to extirpate and destroy them.
" .'' W. II. ADDIS.
" A Call to Arms. '
PorUand. Oct. St. To tb Editor of
Tb Journal. A I m a constant
reader of Jh Journal, I wish -,to say a
word In regard to the method of Gov
ernor West In the pardoning of Jesse
Webb. In th east a crime of such
To make th lines still mor defl-JPPaPnt premeditation, no money or
nlte and specific, Democrata'of the ,.w , , "er M lhmt
, n , , . , . I ' ne?sry Is v plea from a child
Big BusInea typBr-naT com outl whex u tb JuUc. xor -uch .
Aiaricmsm. , - .
On th other hand, the Democrat j
hare accepted the opposite position.
They are squarely lined up as pro-j
gressives in clear cut opposition to
carrlar of Juatio and - th peopl of
Portland should get together and rals
up In arma against suoh a man.
- H. PHILX.IP8. '
Inventor Seeks Backing.
Wo. 1, Ward til, St Vincent's Hos
pital, Oot. ti. To the Editor of .the
Journal. I bar etumbled on what I
believe th greatest invention of ti
age . (unlimited power at. cost of
machinery and - attendance).
k I am willing to exhibit a working
model If somebody would furnish work.
ing ' room and : material for making-
model. I am lacking for backing- aa
I am not in a 'position to develop and
patent earn as I ara crippled up at
present, , PAUL ORTDAT.
Discovery of Anesthesia. '
v Rosa P. Chiles, in Munseya.
During all of his course aa a medi
cal student in the University of Penn
sylvania, Dr. Crawford W. Long wa
eager to find aomethlng that would al
leviate pain In surgery, and believed
that somewhere in the universe ' the
creator bad placed an agency sufficient
for the need. In those days he was
fond of experiment, and waa recog.
nised aa a man of Independent thought.
It waa, however, by accident that ha
finally found the agent for producing
onuvion xo pain. ttis genius lay .in an
plying the accident to th need which
appealed to bia sympathies and experi
ment quickly rouowed:. .
Dr. Long wfeen- he was about 26 years
old,- Inhaled ether with other - young
people, and at times became uncontrol
lable under Us influence.- fallinr over
object and bruising' himself quite bad-
Keeling no pain at the time, and be
ing unconscious of Injury until after
ward. It occurred to him that the safe
gency for painless surgery had bean
fourM. After oonslderlnB- the matter
carefully, on th 10th of March, IS 12,
btf auooessfully. performed th first au
thenticated operation without pain to
me suojoor. , xnia lact naa never been
disputed. ,);-. N. -v
Jamea M. Venabla, a young- man who
had Inhaled ther at "ether, frolics,,"
conaentad to hav a , tumor removed
while undof the influence of tha
He bad postponed th operation from
time to urn in areaa of -pain and. waa
glad to try the new agency of oblivion.
H was a- amazed at the- aucceaa of
the experiment that , upon recovering
conaclousnesa h refused to believe that
the tumor had been removed until Xr. i
Long ahowad it to him. . Two months 1
later th aama man had another tumor
removed with equal success.
Solving th Problem. -'. 1
Tb two hope of Britain who had
cured half price ticket for th local
dog show looked very perplexed a they
stood surveying tb winner of th flrat
priae. aay Tld-Bit. . v .. -
Cow Did Not Start Fir.
Chic . Dupatea la - gattl
. Tim.
Cblcag lbrtd today tb frttth
aantvwraary f tA great fir of 1171,
Aicb etry4 20.OOa.o werth of
property and eauaed tb daatA of I0S
pareona. ta Orant Park a replica f Air a
trary blatortcal barn to b fir4 as
a factnr of th ventng' parada. A oow .
haa ba btalned I play Lb part of
tb f anion nlmI which, according t
th generally aooeptad ballet, started th
big bias by kicking vr a lamp. In
this connection, Af lehael Ah are, tb only
polio reporter wb evrd tb story
now Irving, give a twt, f tb affair
which differ anatarlally from LAat av
rally taken aa eorract.
"Th fir waa not tartd Ay a w
kicking over a lamp whli Mr. O'traary
waa milking. ald Ahem. "Tb OLaary
wr all in bed whan tb fir a tartad.
ACT. 0Lary bad milked har oow
had flv cnor thaa .tnre hears
for th fir wa dloovrd.
T knew Mrs. O'traary wait Bh wa
a truthful woman. A few day aft tA
fir I ' Interviewed her regarding tb
atory of tb.oow ana tb lamp. $Ui
Dranaea it aa untrue. " ' i j.
"It la true that th fir started tn til
0Leary oow ahed, and X bay my raa
n for believing that somaon wnt
ther to steal milk from on of th eow.
"Thar waa a aoclal gatherlnr ta tba
neighborhood that night In honor of
th arrival of a young man from Ire
land, ' On of those present told m In
after yeara that two woman of th party
went to in, u ieary shed to get aom
milk for punch. On woman held a
lighted lamp whll th other 'milked a
cow. Tbey thought ' they beard soma
on oomlng and In their hast to escape
th lamp was dropped, setting fir to
th plaoa. That I believe, la th tru
caua of th fir." .
Her Terrible Dream, v ?"
1 . From Llf.
Har face la drawn, her yea ar haa
gard and sunken, and her extireaalon ia
that of a woman on th vrg of nerv
ous prostration. ..W;!,"',.'"
What In th World la wrong V ask
th astonished friend. "I never saw any
one looa ao terribly." -. .
"It la all because of an awful night
mare I had last nlgbt" explains th suf
ferer. Tt simply shattered my nerves,
and, although I know It waa merely a
dream, atlll I cannot rid myself of ita
effects. -1 dreamed I 'was called Upon
unexpectedly to plan a dinner for Dr.
Wiley, Dr. Wooda Hutchinson and Upton
Sinclair." .
TLe Best Remedy,
' &ntribBtd to The Journal bv Walt Man,
h f tnion Kinui poet. BI proae-pottn ar t
rejulur faatar ,of tbl culainn lu Tb Dally
Joarntl.) - --tj- ..-vi-..'-.." 3;.
t My luok been- pretty dhssy for run
dry weeks this fall, but when I get real
busy I oon forget It i all. My , cabin .
roof la leaking,, and rotten ara tha
Their gaze was - bnt upon a fin 7. V'":.1,,' aiwaya gqueaklna.
specimen of . th . 6ky , terrier, v which
possessed auch an abundance of hair aa
to give it mora the appearance of a
Woolen hearthrug than a worthy mem
ber of the canine race.
"Which la bia 'ead. Bllir oueried th
red haired boy of hi companion, after
having made a orltlcal examination. 1
'Blowed if I know!" redied tha other
But I'll tell you What I'll stick a nln
Into it and you watch' an' Be which
.4 h-Vf. 5 - -
vftift, uai n.m i . .
And tb problem wa solved.
The Original Sextet ' - .
From th Loulsvlll Courier-Journal.
I wonder -who ' really made ud that
original sextet w hear ao much about"
1 he original sextet waa corn Dosed of
Helen of Troy, Bappho, Cleopatra, Mad-
me flu Barry. Lucretta Boraia and De
lilah. They wer all trouble maker."
my horse haa got tha heaves. My aunt V
with fourteen bables,inaa com to tay Vk"
a year; my dog haa got th. rablea. th A
cat ia acting queer. Some tear I might
b jefklng, I might rear up and bawl,
but I gft busy working: and soon for
get It all. Upon my toes an anvil fell
down and drew., the blood, and folks
from her to Danville migbt hear th
sickening thud;' I fell into, th cellar
whll walking fa the dark, and from
my aacred ' smeller , knocked nenrly all
th bark; a darning- needle cricked m.
when I sat down to read; mycow, ah
up and kicked me and mada-T-ny. fat
ure bleed. . I've had enough of anguish
to fill thre hemispherea, but fio J mop
and languish, and sprtnkl tlinga with
tearsT - Ah. no, inquiring rieijaSbori Bueh
conduct aoon would palll I bjuckl down
iv imivi, iit uud xorget itaill . ;f
rnprrlgbt. 1011, he .
eotC iii-ltiitw A jtma. . .
7 :::V7