Till! Ol:':G0;i DAILY JOUli.WAL. lOUTLAHO. TUtSDAV LVtlKlKO, OCTObt'Ii I!. 1IJI. i i "H 4-4 lia fca la 111 afwv, fc,lt 4w-U. l.a i f141.4a.11,, ao arl M tt , 44 f aaar M l. ,.M M 4 (-. KM. . r -- .4 ctna rrwj la r' or !. "m tor ris a it,. ri4 r fi ko Hlf 14 4 Jim. kl " 4a 14 alfcIV rw4 MwUj 11 4 iM r 14 MiMlwt k4IWtr ar M Ik I aia e4 a-aaa. Ik trta of taa ImimI t4a iHUMti at a H It. II la, aa4 M ta.4 14 At4 II. J o J.a t. mi. Mr. iMrm .ia k 4i tUi M rf aa 1 tatl'M'-a rra4a. Oioara. r.ixw r UM W, tota c iaau, r u t4Ur mm r Akaaaoja. aiMa4. ! aa 14 C &? iMi fv II . I . IU (mm . L'olfl I It yaaia of aaa Wr. Wrao U4 mm e fam. II ta II hm UM aM mMkh a a.k444ia ! a ua 4414 aM Wa..na. )j IK af iKa totifarata t14 raaar 4 War A Ik, I III. Uf paolo. . fitf of II koM for Ik Patina iti ta aaana. aa4 tafc4 ri.atlaoo 44 July , t vn l nral l rra la t:i for. a i t K aw p frlg af kMC rn.Mi Mitt a rracir, Acra. ana l n uwai4 al TfA. Cat. a4 l4rU4 a tarthaa4ta witmtmm H ia apm.- f ma, ia kka r ira a eMdr. ralaraiaf u (a rrt( ia ortoMr. llll. rralrlila ZUa Oaa. la lb apna ! till sqalr4 Ua al twwiiavart. Or. and la HIT por-h4 om Ua4 al Clkion, Cr. hta aa raid4 imiil 1(11, vba l Roaarv and aagf4 la tha aoJ iMtaiaaaa. rrem llll u ll rrlnl4 iaarclkaa4l b(wMa lh mlaia camra of Idaho and la Uta Ul ler r&r r(ora4 i Cmion aM ra atalad oa Iba frw ibara ualll llll. na ramovaa l Mala4 ai4 Daniel Steams. '19cr, Was Freighter , 1 mu Storekeeper During Cold Days Cxi Days cf Ca:.ffr.!j Idxho )acd Ortsen Knew Mm 'jl;AVMtty mmjio Aged. DaeUI W. Sliartt, ks vaj boii4l Boodir at Oakland. Or. k a4 iJ II U iMlki Ail ti I i kwt a-4 t4 k ikri.k vita 4a k.al aa4 am f Um t:i k. v4 t-l AM ka a(4 14 atit an Mttaia Wik av4 lu M4i aul UNI a.i a--4i iikki kt kiImm ik-a Ui i M)M i4 - Wi ! IH aa.4 M It raf M DEPUTY CONSTABLES ARE PUT TO FLIGHT BT VICIOUS BULLDOG ikr ikia avMka. 4 ' A Utta a HaiW4r a aa U TTa il aa4 aeaAa4 la rkl ii lu aiNi. k.a MulM ! fr ki atH af aaa a4 lllr. Tta la tiu aia4 a aaiy u a 4 IM a arra4u w4 rair r4 llr ar 4 Urfa ika kU4 4rB la IM tlrtaitr f la kuHt 4 Maa aa4 tiaaa! paa4 4 II ka a vif rU4 la aa la IM ra. Til 4rll at It" r4 wf a arlra fa tf aaw aafalf la a . Tf ratk.4 Mlalr. t 4 UTI aavna r IM4 lrar a) a M4tt a IM !. 4. Tiu tu M hmiK III kM a) 4 a r Miaul laia iw; arr1r4 4 al I Mir 4aaiiika (My r4 4 4 I Mir ry M4 Tta Ui .' 4 4) tHaaaua4 I Mr rwra4 la 4 4 IM trim. aa4 IM tMy vara a4, fc IM tn r i ir a) 4 afcll K4 a,illly lk4 la ) 4 f aniauua a fur lMr ln i4 4 Mll la M arrraiad. Olaf IWa. a ly ! WartMimar arraaiM 4 alok, kl 1H Maa a la raeoa'blaaatt'a, 4 i4 a--l U-il f un t k4 a4 IM aMJ i raai44 al I hi a far tka paat II f ra ta ITI Mr. Vttarsc Vk a4eu4 4 BaajMr of (aa ! femiM cf rtra UUv a4 la lilt vu le4 a aiim- My f IM aula nmU Ha la arr14 y f1 vaaa, lrl IU rMldiair al rrl- laaa; a. r.. oori J, ntim x iaba, ail rl4lnc 0alj4, Hotel Lrbnoa WrO Under Way. Itnwial tm TM Jiul I Ltioa, ur- Oct II. un (ba naw a la Lebanon, J. C Darlaa proprietor, la eoaeralo work la nnUhad p lo Iba aao Ml aterr ko4 lha frana work; la batoa 4oaa m Iba aocoad atery. Wbaa aon platad tbt aaw haul will ba tbraa aior 4 4 MM $1000 AN ACRE PAID FOR LAND AT LEBANON taax-UJ la TW rtt Labasoo. dr. Ovl. 1 1. ft lor Vf. A. Millar aa4 J. C bfayar. Tic araaldaxl f Iba Flral halloiuil bank. haa pur abaaad ulna arraa of Ua4 from Ur. Olb aoo, paylo pr rr which la Iba blabaat prlea avar paid for ba ra Land ta Lhla part of tha coaniy. Moat of iba land la la a fir yroa and bad aavar baoa usdor elll ration. It la otiuatod la lb nortbaaat part of tba city, aad la off Iba WlliLasi Ralaton daaalloa land lJm. Tba aaw awnara will bar tba land plat- f a44a fk imitm.if, iNwMi at M wt I Ca' Wa l-.i ktf 4 i..a -. u4 M- im !-- , M IUI ' .t.L kok lv4 i. a a kawfl in la r M a lu i 4 IkA AIKA. K. AftASA .a m 14 B.M a J a4r-Ma 4 IM nu.t-4 li a l4 Ufa 14 fcA-i4 b rii-!H II I of aa la ttHM a-w j. ia a4 !.. aM ka arrt4 y- aawvppwwnMw fv VlJ4 trM ltU U 4 tt't la IM any, a f4 al IM I rat II T IKray aW4 lOo ) at in hi 1 1 in an i , T Tha Hoi la VtUao-Tlia Ueii la Quality a( 7K SJHIRDaw 14.4 144 aXi lOo ta V44 IT T W rr I Observe Thoso Substantial Savinco fta tnt kAa a44 ba (aM ila ! ' 4aod rta 4rk PVI C III PM barf rm aaora tl4l M f If pa aoaaJkl a lVa4 b f-r ail p a tt tt rMIUUkiHMi ft amaiktiy ba btU. 4 It M a MM 4 4T41 bo tUi fta r ba bow 4 Piw. or a a a y or4M far a a. I oat Vo4a aa rt-V ai pruoa rvrkl aa4 a fir bora! baniia, GOOD CLOTHES FffCeiia4ftaa $15 to $35 Tt IE BWEBB jGOOBS . THAT FASHION FAVORS Juit dow In our frcat DreM GooJj 5tioi you will find exinordlnArx nJuci In the wttret auu coloring tiut FftuKIon faron modt. Among tKrm tr many rmx DOTtItie itliom found ouUkfe of ih mott rx dutirt drc4 foodd itortf of th Urj Ett cm cities, r or thit bif aMortmtnU aro wtll daplayd and pricta plainly market!, to at a gUnctt you can j if the ipeoai of ,feringo of ours appeal lo you. OrmtockcJ U the principaJ rtavaon for these reduction. Plain & Fancy Suitings SI. 39 An unsurjusttJ showing of this season's choiewt Suitinjjs'In cor rect Fall and Winter weights. Fine double -warp, pure -wool fabrics, full 56 Inches wide, y There are over 40 styles to choose from, all of $2.00 Q nQ quality, and all reduced to 4) 10 7 WA3MINOT0N N$rPAf uxsiicnxxJzv - I I ; j i l .; Is Yours Provided For? : ? ; J 5 I & 1 Do you possess or haveVou the assurance of possessing anything that yields or I I I 1' - V I 'J If I will vield vou and vours a comfnrtable existenre? ' WrWW nr nnf vnnrt t th I I Drfv II f r it, cs . mm m Ww Novelty Fabrics 98o 50 to 54-Inch All-Wool Dress Fabrics Novelty Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds and Herringbone Weaves, snown in a large variety of neat and attractive designs. Reg. OQV $1.50 grade priced at "01 Novelty Blistures 69c 52-Inch Aqua-Proof Mixtures, a splendid-wearing heavy fabric for wet-weather garments. Comes in a large va riety of colorings arid sold regularly at 85c yard. ifL(n Priced for this sale at VyL Scotch Plaids 80o Anderson's Pure-Wool Scotch Plaids, full 42 inches wide, shown In an unlimited assortment of rich color combination fab rics that are always sold at $1.25 QQrr a yard. Now on sale at ...... . I Silk Plaids 39c 36-inch Silk-and-Wool Plaids and 38-inch Novelty Suitings, in a full variety of new designs in desirable colorings. Regular 5oc and 65c grades. Specially QQ priced for this sale at only O J L 'Important and Timely Sale of Bedltlim it's a safe, a profitable investment not a burdensome obliga tion but a splendid, inexpensive, proven-successful proposition. . And you will jgree with us after you have investigated CO LUMBIA ACRES (and it will necessitate but little of your time), that there's unusual merit and attractiveness in" our offer. The-present and future welfare (.the masses who habitate our cities is the greatest problem that confronts the American people. It" is solvd economically and satisfactorily, in opportunities such It is solved economically and satisfactorily, in opportunities such Begin right now today provide for your future by buying a tract of this rich, creek-bottom and valley land, wonderfully adapt ed for orchard and farming purposes, within 33 miles of Portland and with every home requisite and transportation facilities that' few sections can boast of.. . v.-- ':-:: A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND A LITTLE EACH MONTH WILL SECURE A TRACTOF COLUMBIA ACRES " , - Consider what has been so sqccesfully accomplished by those ; whose foresight prompted them to take advantage of the oppor tunities that were offered in the now world-famous Hood River, White. Salmon and other sections but a few years ago. Think of Tracts of from 5 Acres to 80 Acres at $20 to $60 aii AcTe the fortunes that have been made and will be made from the in vestments in these sections. Selling COLUMBIA ACRES presents equally as good; if not' better. opportunities We stand ready to-prove it 1 ' ' . . - ' OPEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK ; f . .; F. B. MOLBROOK GO. ' . :. .' ' . OFHCESIN , t . . . r LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING, SECOND AND STARK STREETS, AND AT COLUMBIA ACRES One of the chief attraction at this itore to morrow will be a sale of Bedding. Pillow Cae, Wzc Quality, at 9c These are made of excellent quality muslin and come in a good, large size, 42 by 36 Inches, and are finished with neat hem, ready to use. Bleached Sheet, 70c Quality, at 58c Full Bleached Heavy Linen-Finished Sheets, full size for double beds. They are unusually durable and well finished throughout. $5.00 Woolen Blanket at $3.95 Two hundred yo.ua ui i nit, vvuuicu uiaiiA-tio ui (.Ac&iitiii vuai- ity, shown in gray and wnite, with neat colored borders. They come full double size and are per feet in every way. ' ffi $5.00 Cotton Comforter at $3.95 -Fortv-eteht HI only in this lot of fine Silk and Silkoline Covered Comforters. They are filled with the best qual ity pure white cotton and are unusually well made. Some are tied with ribbons and others are scroll stitched, and all are shown in desirable colorings. They are high-grade comforters. On sale at an important price reduction. IJTh4L'VVtA44i a.."? 1 nJUr v 1 it - u n 'iNiVbJvcw j ?'. vr tnw tfWWt White Spreads 91.16 Values at 88c A splendid line of White Crochet Bed spreads, full size for double beds. They come in a variety of neat patterns and are neatly hemmed. White Spreads fe -i AQ $1,75 Values at Fine, Extra ; Heavy White Bedspreads, suitable for double beds, shown in the best Marseilles designs. ' They come hemmed, ready to use. Seasonable Sale of Union Suits The most extensive line of Women's and Children's Knit Underwear you have ever had the opportunity to elect from in this city is now to be seen in our Underwear Section. These two specials: ; ' FOR WOMEN A splendid new line of Women's Part-Wool Union Suits, shown in high-neck, long-sleeve style, in ankle length." They come in gray and - crc r colors and in -all sizes. Fine form f .i: garments, neatly trimmed and of. seasonal:! v.-r';!.f, ! ! FOR CHILDREN At this price we are showing a new line of Children's .Fine Fleeced-Lined Union Suits," in gray and cream colors and in all sizes from 2 to 4 years. They are neatly finished "gar ments, soft fleeced, warm and durable. Unusual values at 65c - f f -