The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE ORECO?. DAILY JOUIWAU 1 U Li DAY EVL'?a?.3. OCTQMUt 21. 1311.
i TIES A M ill
a ,
Convicts W.a VcHc Alcre In
H!$ Kear Crater Ule en
Heads, Drtjsed as Citi.ens
ar.d Treated as Such.
i joni a COFFEY.
Der.'e Accusations That He It
UftTier ; Waneis Says H
Ta'ied With Uaswtct 1
About Opposing ActJ,
j OemofaInj Police Depart
1 Areas a CJcue
i m4 f f4.l
r rM-m It. kuiiltl n M.k tkWI
MAUI ie TM1 14
jltA fcto J-4 IVUcwl
t ,mnrf J..M. (Wh. to
... iui M . UI- I
,uawri 1 kU itr -
i ti IK U. ela -r 1
kim a ui in a I
Mat4 141 tMlft
to ., l-M I e-' U"J
r i a ci .i.
! - to aaaO IM "l
uttr thM M.ii. l.iw $
4m at WTt. Mi aa t iu loafe
ti, eM J-. te.U Mr
lmilr M HM Mill t k'0 u
tMOlf4 l. fH 4 H
J4e et -
OM. l to nnl4 IM - "H"
4.iai-i, - ik
-! arils! In.. kM
Kke ef a aaJ-Miokle a
wae U oalo4 JaWae Toi4 to
mMr tiim io kk i
l,rtiti miniil e4 to
I ri ,
- "AU f tbk U atoetol ItklflmlW.
Story brwl trw la lr4
H llkta lt U p
ajttoa. k il e( Ail Its la
i j i a4ro t iMr eff.rta to r4 lb
t mmum m M LI U I lLf
n4ur mm ti mumm4 ir m w '
5 U-
T t V I I
A. '4
- t
2 '.
f I. H VI t M
fT tw4 to lb I'
MM!! riir4 M M M4 to
Mf IM tvlUMI l f
IMI iM rviinxls Ml 9"
k4 IMMtiMi TM M ! I
to afrit to IM Chi a4 w !
IMum lUilnM WU M 4ttM IMI
if IM- u rvM r
M M MfMtlUM NMTUa f My I
to M im Mur r rroi. ui
MaMaaA4 k a fa lk lull
kMWMlUM, " " -----
I im Mitr t m oitff r 4 " h r,uto' ,rt"
m cMr4. nUM I Urr-i to at to 4 U m m4 rMtdt
r ikiwi rnul frHMti immi tk Jt CtotcM. ,TM Urm f 4i4
ratt eorl Ur 0wl for QMfa tpir NBto II, an4 kU
a maitta UPrt..r,r w m t,r im n
,drTT..ii iMa .t i.t. A.IAI1 "t--' u
to h .ipUulM f MI M U M.klf frvc. JiM Mrtr
u MUuto MtM IM polio wit. ) Ui rrr .t IM M1
iMiMr m4 Mmt of r-Mfta vbic M4Ub j-iUm. IU U. lb rwru to rva rrM from p- . "4 'T
ik otoltotoUon. otoir to Br- f im wer. J!
-II to opinio thai Uf U t Oal.wi fcM M4 Ui fftc M -x.
Ultl tliTUot offlcUU 4 MttUeUM lrt IhM U M m UIm4
4 ihr U Ui etir today. h tp. ffr tacU4 JH4r
IHr t Mr eostral f u potlc do- "" X. M- C A, Itojr aWMnita,
Prtmat n lhr vast to eontrol ad MraMl orm.m toMt W.oUflod
rf tM KDnlctpat eort and aiM f the U rIona mUoli. A iroa toflu
itrtct ltornr-a ffl." b. told, too ttwm thM Marc la twtsg -
TTib Utr could ba Ulr a way )uJ" Uau to offie.
and tM ftooll would M aaca that do- but naiu wor4 baa Ua 1o ky
nt cIUmm would kin la hui Ihalr bim U tbla toapcl,
boada la abaa. Tb WrfaUUT rocordj Tb f l JuUa will M tallod lo-
ef cM-taia aaa ar sol at a ebaraatar ctMr awly aut wk to aoaaldar tba
to Irabu tba paopla with oonfldane la lcuai. Notlooa ta Ibu affoct war
tbtir doalr to do tba rlfht tblag. prapaaad today by tb praldJn Judc.
W1U Sot Ba (way. Joda Oaotaatota bold tba Judahlp
Tba Una X laid dowa wbaa I a. Uwa ywara axo, aad rat(M4 Mfor bla
aumod nr trtit offlon a roar aa-o. Una zilrd. Thta waa dooo on ao-
wiu o -folio wod out. Tbay axa ta
only ny daly and to pa on aaeh U
dlrlduai raa M ILa tnory domand. I
do not propoM to ba awayd by paraoaaJ
motlvoa or by fnandablp for attoraaya.
If my coufm do not in act 1th tha
approbatloa af tba pnbllo I rbaU ba
wtUlBf ta moot tholr maodat at any
tint wltbout lajeotlof Ufal tachnical-
1tlaa Into tb affair. But X ohall oor
talnly not b influanead by any political
llqua nor ahall X alt auplnaly and al
low attacka to ta nada oa ma by aucb
paraona who bappca to b dlagTuatlod
tecaua tbay cannot control tha court,
or doalra to detract attention from tbalr
jrforniaaoa by allniin- mud.'
Cupid and Walter Bright, an employe
of the Portland hoteL were lnrinclbU
yeaterday. In ap'ta of many obataclea
In their path. Mr. Brlrnt went to Oro-'
ton City to wed bflsa Wild Clark. He
neglected to take any wltneaaea along-.
He waan't acquainted In tha city up tha
river, but after . considerable bustling-,
lie secured Rot. B. A, Hayworth, pastor
of the M. E. church In Oregon City, to
perform the ceremony.
Suits of
oount of. boary court work ln bis d
partiiist.- Judgaa blcOlnn and ' Xava
naugh bare exproesed tbamaelrea aa
not ortns for tba work. Among- the
moat notable work done daring tba ten
ure la office af Judge Oalona mi been
his war against druggist who bare
beea aolllng eocaJne.
Draught of Open Fireplace Draws Jn
Girl's Clothes; Dreadful Death Hcrs
ewi a TM I iil
ModfoM. u, urt II tunto
ItLMaa. Mr la foar. Itot V4 at M
be U Valior. Mrlgt f tbla
my, aa IM rM af him rocosr
wM br el4b cabi fir rrewi M
( titpW. Ilr riMr Asar a4a
r4 wnfe ate coal IM fUaa alo
n IM M4y of bl ilr wM M rA
tor4 hum to IM yard.
K m w4 IM lrdy. i
Mia RtMoa. rdlag to IM alary
lo4 by aoigbbor. was aiooping dowa
la frwal of IM prplr la ro.
arraage IM wo4 to Us folds af a
skirts war Buck! Into lb flaoM fcf
IM rakt of IM ebisstoy ad awtag
to IMir I (liar war a raM at naaaoa
I a, ta fr aba raa frwat IM
fcoo . TnUs7 bistorteaUy. Ilor
masifti fM4 ia Ham a4 clatMd
Mr form with flory doatb.
Ilor krtxMr
sr roams.
Mr O. envf.
Kh Caw Mr. au ef frn,
If Of IX ''M' bM
aar tVI. taoWl ty, U
toMf I. IIIU blra- aVtot w Mrs
I Vktaklll ir. Mari II, IMk. a4
m arrt4 a l r"ar ai aii
IMakMr la.' Ia. TM
! i tVub ir la iaty. !
to IMy ll4 tt oi yoar. I
III! Mr. lnMf tota Ik irioiiM
akarcA. TM IiiwkI tokoto a kM
lb railrwaA 4 wM raaa4 lw akiUr. ttourtw a4 MUao
aio a r.arwjuur af a Oktaga baak, I ..,4 rsoeUiy a4 11. aa4 aag
artod btia to a, lie atoitM kar. 1 mohmt. Lw. UcoO pf MMlarU.
rut imitr paao
TM It :m ad ml 114 Mig do-
PMIlod lllia to IM bUroag llUiaoU)
Hkk ooMilas an IM ateclVaa
Lm tmr, abawl IM ttan IM aJUgwd
torbkoT wm d'-eirtMto.
gkvrtloft dol4 Ual be
afforad aoay darlag bta
f m ta M lva later. J4
at IMI J4o Jlaalsy Md aaowey t
t-ur tM P oaf af IM Cbto and
bUL I - Wuklnala. OtL llv TM bouto
AtlerMT Oonoral ft4 Of XUtoot I Mnmiiu a iMdltur to lb auu
tsa la Tto nm.4 I
, M4rA. t. Jkl ll l -
tk(t f IM M.llaly l aWi
t, m it I bio' te
lag a4 gMl aki 4fA. a!-.
If k:f IM HHMI' ilo4 gxd
I u is ur tL TM -
e m im waiiixHiite f im l.
M4,H l.iar 10 ral Lak. IM
oU of IM ' LM atuBi
ft a4 e-aai M kr tW4a
4 I Mir I astr IIK Hllv
Tm m ar 4rsi4 I alrUkMI iMW4
Md 4i4 Ml a t ai4 la jrtjir
f IM "' wub M MHta 4
yag rwt, wM Mraa4t.'r
aark4i to iUi l 14
Wt Mb."' .
tM a e-aikod lkro IM o4r
f Ma4f4 t'ttm IM (Ma fr-c'fv
l im facifto m Uaiw luiir.
M IMy alrja4 -a IM Ul g f
IMir tory u tarky. Or. TM MHf
lMl4a laataa a4 m sr.
TMy wt: work wltkowl IMI I IM
watalaaO-lto rr l IM ) M-
lg Ik ljr Ikor a
nC Tbr r II aMolf, a '
M4 a bMbeallb. . t
roMr Amr. bcariag Mrlwaa aasrt4 m I ho aiiacapiad aappr I dopartmeat rsao4 today I u banag
rwabod la bar aid. and wub r im Bro.emloM for loatalativ bnt. I II .w- . .k
i iuos- w-vfn i ry w eonaocu wna im aJic4 w-1 ei-jm tor lilt. wbi
. etMiMrteg lb flarnoa. She was !..a) tlrctloa of Witlleaa Irtmr f I J". er ctato Jba W
b4iy kura-4 fr bM to foot. Mw.jetitoege tM fnltod bta to eaU by I ZL Uinar tb eat
r, and
nr. aa
rwwa ebork.
too4 bar
TM RJadaea Mr Ma rl4ata or laloo mad by . Roproooetatlre Wblta la
PO.WW inn ""'' MUIUM iiDria IB ll HrOy II I CKliu Km-.- likaUM
11 wropt op ur eoor. i no aor igprlBgnelA. lstirrIB torore ta Ir- I
. 4- . - t.. . . .. - . r
lJ j air urHuniisi eoaaouii not ioii..i ,k ... M
1 ii a raa aec.aroa uai anor u eonir- 1
ilt.a whtca rortnor .
fMUr abtajaod
la ring tb Cab rati froes tba
any rune, ours
aJlc4 I Mr rcir4
bla fr. II waa
railed. Me admitted
that ' hi personal laflaeac) Md o mo
th lnj- to do with Ctoneraa rTorica
You can not get style in a
factory-made suit. The gar
ments intended to please ten
thousand other men can not
be pleasing , to you if you
have individual taste. The
fit calculated for , ten thou
sand others can not fit you
if you have individual form.
We make the clothes to
measure for you. Our fab-
tics are directly imported and
You wear your own
clotnes and they cost no
We Feature the
Bartell Patent Pocket
i . This pocket prevents puck
ering.and crumpling, of the
V coat and. enables it to retain
the smooth front our tailors
v ' have so skillfully needled.
V.P.I(raner &Co.
Importers and Tailors
Near Wahin4jton .
Tha club hall at St Hose's parish, at
rtftr-fourth street and Alameda, was
auepbsloualy opened luf evening with
social, musical and oratorical ex
srclsoa. After tha guests had Inspected
and admired the club room, the ex
ercises were opened by a brief address
of welcome by tha pastor. Father Con
aty, who presented Mr. Lletenberrer,
who introduced the speaker and per
former. The first number was a aolo
by Mlas Irene Fly nn. She was accom
panled by her sister. Miss Fiynn. who
also played the accompaniment for James
Fly-no, who sang. Tha speakers of 'the
evening were ex-Governor T. T. Gear,
president of the Rose City Improvement
leag-ue. wbo congratulated the parish
on Its enterprise In furnishing a hall
which waa aa the pastor said, not only
for tha use of those who built it. but
for tha oonvenlenca of the entire com
munity. He was followed by O. O.
Hughaon, who entertained tha audience
with - amusing Illustrations. . Mayor
Rushlight spoke, pointing out the op
portunities for Improvement whloh
might be profitably adopted at tha pres
ent urne ay me city, Dut might ba im
poaalble later on. District Attorney
Frank' Collier ahowed that while com
plaints were at time made of tha pres
ent condition of the city, the percentage
of criminals was less than when there
wa but one prosecuting officer and
two criminal cases a month. The ad
dress of Postmaster Merrick waa most
appropriate and one of the most grace
ful and felicitous of the evening. Aroh
bishop; Christie spoks an impressive
word, ' advocating closer communion
among 'cltlena who should be united for
the common good, and made clear the
great wen-ices ' which his church had
rendered to the republic in and
war. ; The Rev. Mr. Seele'y, was very
happy in tna remarks. .Father McDe
vltt, whose description by Father. Conaty
as "with one exception the best known
and most loved ecclesiastic in the state
of Oregon" waa recognised before the
name was spoken, was rapterously re
ceived and won tha hearts of the au
dience by his kind words. .
"Ton la ad will got tba aett World's
CbrisUaa Cltlansblp Congress. Any
resort to the contrary you may re-
sard aa abeolutaly unreliable," la tba
terse dlapoalttoa mad by Supertntoa
dent J. B. Martin. Of the National Re
form .aaaaclaUoa. Ct . tba, report inai
Baa Franc loco bad wo a from Portland
tba eeoond meeting.
? want you good people to know that
there la bo chance on earth for any
change la our decision favorable to
Portland." la tha tneaaage from Oom
ant It Cong don. bead of the Interna
tlonal bureau Of publicity.
Letters from both Mr. Martin and
Mr. Congdoa have Juat been received
by R. W. Raymond, ex-manager of the
Portland Commercial elub convention
bureau. They qut the quietus on a
concerted effort made by San Francisco
to steal from Portland the-greatest re-
llgioua gathering - ever held la tha
world. Mr. Congdon'a letter eontlnuea:
"The time and the place ara both fix
tures not to M altered. Any uncer
Ulnty would of necessity Interfere
with your financing plana, hence there
must ba no remote doubt In your minds
aa to tba atabillty of the whole proposi
tion from our end.
"Any change Of baae at ,thle time
would spell ruin. Have no fear, the
second World's Christian Cltlkenshlp
conference will be held at Portland,
Oregon, June II- July I, 111 I, and it will
ba all "you expect It to be."
IM Hogoo river valley for twa noatba. regard to tM traaaacUotu of Lorimar WitV. halra ..(liB. the monor from
1M to Ihl soctto. from New Max-land his aupportora during the l-oelmer W!mW to-if fnd. tied aa
eajrpaJgnA.ttorn.jr Oon.ral 8id wrote I Ward a work la Cbiaa. Ward.
aim Fouo . ''" I WDa waa a soldier of fortune, waa killed
la wblcb b offered all poealble aid la
the proeeeutloa. Howeror, Burke aW
ieged. ahortly after that. Stead ent
Attorney Dempaey ta so Durka, tollng
hi in that tb atlorMy geaorai did not
want any uveetlgationa bad urging that
tba matter b dropped. .
Divorcee Admits Marriage and
Bank. Clerk Nobleman
Grins Assent. .
during- tb Tal Ping revolution In lilt
Wbea Secretary Foster took In aland
ba aald:
"It la true that X ex.rted my Influ
ence wltk Li Hung Chang, afterward
mialatar ta tb Vaitd State, and If
la also true that this Influonc. mora
than anything else, caused China' aa
eeptane of tb claim anil their pay
ment ta 1101."
From Chicago Examiner, October IS.
Fears that there bad been an Indian
I massacre la tha federal building- thla
(United Pre. -Lea4 'Wire. I -'
Indianapolis,. Ind... Oct 31. A dream
on the night of the murder of Dr. Helena
Knabe, In whloh she. saw tha woman
physician slowly strangled to death by
huge snake, wag related to Coroner
Durham by Augusta Knabe, a cousin of
the murdered woman, today.
'I could not sleep on the night of the
murder," she said. "Time after time I
dreamed that a huge snake was oolllng
aboutthe body of my cousin and slowly
strangling her to death. Thoughts of
something as terrible really happening
flashed across by brain when I waa
frightened awak. and I leaped from my
bed. ' Attempts 4 compose myself were
futile and each me I returned to sleep
tha dream came back."
. Promoter Believed. Insane.
Elmer Espey, a mining promoter, was
arrested this morning, by patrolman
Thatcher in room 81 Commercial build
ing., on complaint of his relatives, who
declare that the man has ahown insane
symptoms. 1 "The man was taken to po
lice headquarters and then to the county
fall. 'where he became violent Espey
wm first Bought by Sergeant Burke and
Patrolman Hill at his -home at Twenty
first and Kearney streets, bnt -when the
police arrived there the man had gone
to his office. Worry over mining prop
erty is believed 10 be the cause for his
mental -col lapse. t , .
tSoldenberg Funeral Held. : ,
Tha funeral of Leon Goldenberg, who
died Saturday evening. October J8. mi,
at the family residence, 811 Kelly
street, waa held yesterday 'from. Hol
man'e - ehap, under eharge of the
Foresters of America local lodge, of
whloh b - waa a member, ' The Inter?
ment - took ' place In the Beth ' Israel
cemetery where the Woodmen order bad
charge of tba aervlc, " 1
Iios Angeles, Oct 81 At noon today,
with three-fourths of the ballots al
rea.dy cast, Job llarriman, Socialist can
didate for mayor, predicted that he
would surely b4 elected at today's prl
mary election" ' V'" ' .
'X am absolutely confident of wla.
nlng," he said. "X have Just returned
from visits to many precincts In. various
parts of the, city and in districts where
the opposition s support la supposed to
be' the .strongest and everywhere the In"
dicaUons point , to an overwhelming
victory for the Socialistic ticket" '
- In lta noon edition, an evening paper
which has been active in. Its support of
Mayor Alexander, eaia: . ;
"If it were not. for , the fact that
heavy-Voting was reported from every
aistrici in tne city and espeoially in
sections where goodi government senti
ment Is strong-, it would seem -probable
that llarriman might be elected at the
primary. - . ..
Gregory and JIuahol are polling -but
few votea.
Tha Count Kiimai Cxakr anil Urc morning caused two or thro deputy
Maud Howard Bryan Inman ara mar-1 mnais 10 iiour-an roroirors uirouaa
nitht iJMio LI?i thhn,',,v 'V Ming and almost prclplttd an attack
night In their, formerly her. apartments! "... ... aiMBV.i.t k-. -h .r
hanging around waiting to M beard be
fore the grand Jury.
Tba massacre rumor atarted when
Jim FulllloVa, Jjie colored attendant of
th judges of th United States district
court rushed speechless with fear into
Marahal Scott's office, H waa Juat
able to walapar "Indiana." and point
towards - th Judge chambers In tba
rear of tba second floor courtroom. ,
Chief Deputy MacSwain and ona or
two othera In th marshal's offloe
grabbed convenient weapons and raa
through tba corridors Into tha Judga'a
chambera. Judg Bean waa sitting In
court at tha time, and all 'three of. the
Judges' rooms were empty. When th
deputlea aearohed th apartments they
found Foster Lane, Sllets Indian, very
drunk and ataggering about tha rooms.
They led him off peacefully enough.
Lane, who la regarded as "bad In
dian," and who la before every federal
grand Jury, , usually on charges of -taking
whiskey on a reservation and of as
sault wm to M arraigned befor Judg
Bean thla morning on a whiskey charge.
Attorney Wllklna, who represents him,
was unable to find him at 10 o'clock.
and had the arraignment postponed un
til' this afternoon. Lane aaid he waa
trying to find th court when he stum
bled over Fullllove In th chambera and
hadn't any Intention of hurting the at
at HOI Lakevlew avenue, tha count In
bla shirt aleevea and comfy bedroom
allppera, and the countess In tha blueet,
saunnai areasing gown that aver
trailed over a fine Persian rug. She
had aald ko before In New York, and
then denied It but the count stood and
listened and smiled truthfully this tlmo.
ana tne story is most likely the truth.
Several tlmea the countess haa been
married. Tha last time she wed R. D.
Inman January 14. 1911, and ha dl
voroed her Just flva abort weeka after
ward, on February St. Inman la a rich
lumberman of Portland, Or. When Mra.
Inman returned to Chicago she an
nounced that aha would now marry the
count whom aha had alwaya loved, but
tna count saia "iso, it is raise." ,
"Tea, Ws . At Married."
"Tea, we ara married," aald tb coun
ess by marriage at tha lata at night in
t err lew, "Wa have been married soma
time, but wa wanted to avoid all thia
unpleasant newapaper notoriety, ao wa
kept it a secret However, the count
has Just coma here to live within the
paat few daya and wa have decided to
let the new out We aren't giving any
dates, becauae wa don't want anybody
to know how long we have been mar
Tha count atood behind th curtain,
peeked out and smiled.
In tha lower hall of the marble-gilt
apartment on tne lake front the count
card was shoved ' neatly into the brass
plate under th epeaking .tube, with aura
enough matrimonial consplcuousness.
Count Czaky Is the first cousin of
Count Saechenyi, who married Miss
Gladya Vanderbllt, and Count Craky
wu at the wedding -In much gold braid
and other decorations. He was divorced
several years ago by who la now Mra.
Jan Kubellk, wife of the famous violin
iBt ... - -!-V
Works aa Bank Clark,
He has been employed as a bank clerk
In Chicago and ia ' been known as
Smith to avoid being: conspicuous.
For the last few month It .has Tseen a:
question or ' now she's married and now
she isn't" and besides announcing and
taking back the news of her marriage
the "countess" allowed the count to- pro
cure a marriage license in New York,
though it wasn't used, ao she said.
This is the tame story the rich widow
told before, .except for the smiling ap
proval of the husband and the card in
the doorplate. '
W. C. Harding, the well known real
estate operator of Boseburg. la a busi
ness visitor - In th city, a " rueat at
tba Imperial.. .- . ' - .-
rSnwUI to The Jonrnal.t '
Oregon City, Or., Oct 81.- Merlo and
George McCormlcR, sons of John Mc
Connick, claim it was by accident that
they ahot a . cow belonging to H.' C
Myers of Fail View. On eye witness
says, however, that th boys were shoot
ing squirrels with their 23 caliber Mfl
when they saw the cow In the brush and
sent, one or tne little lead pellets into
her flank. This did not produce th de
sired effect- ao the cow's shoulder
stopped the neit bullet While the last
shot did not kill the animal it injured
ner severely. in all probabilitv the
boya, who ar II and II years of ag.
will ba given a chanc to explain tha
shooting In the Juvenll court '
Journal want ada bring result. " j
WANTS $10,000 FOR
A libel for 110.000 haa been filed
against the ateam schooner - Coaster in
the United States district court by How.
ard Bess, a longshoreman. - Bess claims
ha was loading lumber' on tha Coaster
August 18, at Kalama, and while doing
so a pile f eu on ulm, crushing him bad
ly and giving him Injuries from which
he is atill badly crippled. He claims he
was taken to' Portland and placed 4 in
Bt Vincent's hospital, wher he was
not ,1 given , medical attention for the
first four daya because tha master of
tha Coaster' would not guarantee to pay
the charges. As a result of - this he
claims be is still in the hospital, and
can only get about with th aid of a
wheelchair..; '
W, Ii Abel, the- Monteaano attorney,
la- a visitor In th city,1 a guest at the
Imperial. --.
$5.00 PER CORD
To introduce ourselves, we will
deliver fine first-growth Fir For
est'AVood at a big saving to you.
Delivery on West Side except ex
tremes and on hills. ' Cash on de
livery. This offer is .limited. - Bet
terhuiry. ---r-v
ML Hooc! Wooa & Coal Co.
A-3442 . : ; ' r . Main 1455
Rodger in New Mexico.
' (Rait Praaa Laae4 Wtra.1
Domlna. N. M.. Oct 81. After a
flight of It mil from El Paso, In
loo mlnoUe, Aviator C P.. Rodgara
landed bare at 11:10 o'clock coast time.
Rodger will apand tba night tt Wil
cox. ArUona, or beyond, wber h ex
pects to meet Aviator Fowler, who la
flying eastward from Lo Angel..
Saata cure, CaJ-. Oct. si-lrr
e Moatgowry. Mid I Mr IM
larva 1 or f iho arUa, wm feiliod
Ikia a flora o la a fligbt bar.
Profaor Maiga.ry wm road act
lag svlaUo axporunooii ai sTvorgrootv,
aMvtyir sail f ro Saato Clara wbo
ba ftU, He wm al c ptaoad la aa
aatocnobilo bt did while Ue - fr
we apoodJag Mck to Saato Clara, ri
foor MoQlgeoiary wm enaoclod wllk
IM iMtituUoaj for Bvany year and waa
ao of lb boi kMwa Clbollc da.
tor la America. For many years l"re
feeaor Montgomery wm prominent In
aviation eio.rim.ota. la lie, wbflo
On ef hi first blplaaaa waa Mlag tried
at, Daniel MaiOMy of San Franc loon,
who flew lb machine, wont aloft Tfee
biplane broke la tb mlddl and Me-
lonoy fall from a great balgbt u his
death. ,
rutteries Rack From Orejro. -Vancouver,
Waah., Oct II. Rattoties
D and F, artillery band and a part
of tb hospital corps which bad apent
about two months at Warm Spring
roaoravtlon in Oregon, returned to Van
couver barracka late laat night It re
quired four days to make tha trip.
, Fall of Xaaklrui Imminent,
trK4 Proas t. WVa.1
San Franclaco. Oct 81 The fall af
Nanking to- Immlnont according to a
dispatch r 000 1 rod today from Ita Hong
kong 00 rro pond on t by th Young China.
Rebel troop are mooting with little re
sistance la their opera t loo a about the
city. Rebels In Shan 81 prorlno. says
another, ea bla, Mva captured the oily af
Sok.Qar Jong, and bra new marchlag
upoa a body ef Imperialists on th Tal
low river near ther.
. In Canton and la Quan Tung province,
of which It la tha capital.' th lahabit
ant ara holding mass meetings -on tb
street and dlacuaslng th queatlon of
declaring Independence. Officials ara
making half hearted attempt to hold
revolution aenttment la check, and care
fully refrain from disturbing the meet
ings or doing anything to Irritate tba
It's dnie to order a Woods Electric
for your wife's Christmas Present. ' Last Christmas we
: weren't; able to fill all the orders , we got, because they' were
received too late.' If you order now, "your wife can look, out
of the window Christmas morning and see her present stand--ing
there." , ' " 1 , " t
, How many, wives will look and see?. , '
A rich present like; the Woods Elec :
trie puts your "family on the social map. Jt makes' calling a
pleasure instead of a duty and a .burden. It keeps the women
folks in good spirits and good health, because it conserves,
their pride and takes them constantly into the fresh air. Be
sides it squares a' multitude , of derelictions. , ,
The Woods, shaft-driven! Electric is
the only electric that rides like a cradle on solid rubber tires. ;
It's the- onlv one that can ride 'over streetcar tracks anrl harl ;
, streets without painful pauses" and baleful bumps. - Its non- i
reversible steering gear holds the lever firm. It's an awfullv ?
swell car th correct society car the best quality ' car1. ' If !
you aouDi k, see ine car in oemonstration; -
If You Love Your Wife, Give Her a Woods
Woods Motor Vehicle Co.
Covey Motor Gar