4 , - ll,bAD.ow.W!U: Charitable Institution Entering Pest Croup of Pressed iJoii.,nis j Tin: IK Mf.lu: l U.WK CO. 37U 6TII, MO.'iWON AI D! it -v " i -jut: M1U H a I RANK COMPANY, I-STAUUSlit 1) US1 j . ll'-l . - r --v O - CV 'nil-,,- V . . a 1 PrtTmtt -,1 (nV,."n'.lfY J TTTTrin Till 'u'TTTrn? f-i'ti,J! , - r "SF r 1 1 , 1 II sr- i i a? 1 W i is r j ; k x r . a. ' m as " T 7 ', .. nr,. iviiur. W. !r crowJ out of ll throurh tuffiefcnl floor i" r'-t-r-:- - " -J--' :'"Lf , - J- ) lllHl nii r 5 ji i-esii I ' TnClo;oOut,S5L50 I)r k rf rira eoctly lilt U I rsce To cU out JJlUU Other nTcp Dek l icj r-" ll,-sf ii CO C : '.rn O.IU f Jf k!,?!-! I m . , it. .. jTi i - Typewriter Detk - t Ji xf G.! Vn O. k..rui Jt 6 i4$ CO H h ( Ttpkl . 3123.50 Roll-Top Desk. Only 568.35 Ufiutiful golJcn oak Koll Tcp OKkc Dokt, exactly m U!uitrate4 above. Snitiry Hylf, (4 inches ixe. Priced regularly. "CCQ Of JiriW. to clo outOUO.Jt) Other Deaks la Dctin Pictxtm! HUM Ool4MiOtkje4 tnchjMjira-T i 1 1 SOOO MHony fc6"TtcK, t fc 03 RoIlTop De&kj Not illiutrmted tM-OOjIm. M;hcinyS4 tnch, 3Q.8 jiOO CoMen'Otk. 60 tncii. 3lTl S. 7t0 jm. Mthopn, 60 Inchw, tji j40M Typewriter Dk. at enly 23.3 0 iiCK) TrpewnttT Df k. 50 in, f 29. 1 w , r r ' PlfnnKla Fillrn tunplied with dctks marked $50 and kbore. - t Tha regular 50ent Fillert t 30 ctnU with de3u under $50. This S40 Roll-Top Desk. Only Q23.50 Almoit kalfrrict ro thfe W-inch Mniury IUU Top Dc a r,ftB,rt atrrt. GolJea oak finish. Maike4 JO h regular atock. o MO r A clove out at low price JU Other Roll-Top Deaka, AH Golden Oak Finlah $40.00 Sanitary. lUoch g23.R5 jjaSniury. e0 inch 20.70 $45.00 &nitary. t0-lnch$27. lUoliaM Peak. ft04rch g27.7 $430 Bate Dnk, ft44nch $21.l 6 jjyOO liaie"Dek. fli-irvch 30.1 jOQ Sanitary. 60-Inch 333.C5 i V $05 Office Chair. To dot Out, $5.75 The RoUry Office Thirt. aellinr regularly lot $3.25. Of gulden ok, exactly ' as illus trated. 5re-(f cial to (lottODtlJ 1X00 Kury . Chlr, t clot otu. ely flOOO KotATf Chair, to cIom eat at en?y 033 tll.00 Rotary Ctlr, to ctoM ot at ooljr .B0 2TX) Roury Oalr. t cIom out. only a)l3.0O $32.00 Rotary Chair, to cloM out. only aiovSO STAND FN 0 DESKS I1S.00 Go Idea Oak. 41 taenia, now only f $3040 CoMen Oak, 60 lam, now only f 16,a5 $MS0 O old en Oak, 71 Ina bow only f 1T.SO $13100 Uahormny, 71 lna- BOW at only 74.85 Dfe Sale ot "Harvard Mills" T? T Irs ArtinifQf f v 4! ; .... -Ji s STLamTT run rxoo 0BUU BT SCAXb, Nn wnmin will vmt to miss .this opportunity to buy a se on's supply Of tnfi Iimous ' narvara m nu- Finishcd Underwear at tne pnecs: 50c "Harrard Mills" Underwear at 43c 75c "HarTard Mills" Underwear at 57c S1.00 "Harvard Mill" Underwear 87c S1.25 "Harrard Mills" Underwear 98c I . r W i. i W ' $1.50 Harr'd Mills" Underwear $1.33 $1 "UarM Mills" Union SuiU $1.19 i2 and S2.25 4,R M" Union Suita $1.79 SSQHaiVd Mills" Underwear $2.19 &L00 HarM MUls" Union SuiU $2.69 Hayd Mills" Union SuiU $2.93 ii ij Vndarwtar. $"4.00 iWd Mills" Union SaiU $37 . Other Undcrvfr Specials Women . 50c Under- J weatFbie s ribbed ,CoN ton Vests and Tants in all atylei regular and extra" aires;; sale 9Jr price vs fof::-onlyV"V Wornen's flioo, UbIoii Suit Fine ribbed white liile in all styles and , iis. Splendid Winter , weight; price, to- 7Qr morrow, per suit Children's Underwear 'Odd lines of fine ribbed fleece-lined Vests and Pants in all sizes; our regular 35c grade, 0 priced for. only fcifc All g 2 0 D o ublgtofcuroand Heversible Coats, $ 1 5.85 Tha tJprdureuealUnjelopiojCoatsjxich cjman warTti to raiew this ron I Ll 5ht. medi um arJjySbi -". " i" t i"i..n. Mirit--raa- i tana and towns--rn.ariy wun wih rp ! UTs7ciranoci A rriirnirrrrrriiiiz a., in ol 120 Coats ia 1 WIUl uiuunuB mm. - - , - c amlaaes and women's aires, 1 1 ft) SpeciaJ for tomorrow s saie i y .. this wonderfully low prke, only , Ml $25 Reversible Coats, $19A5 $27.50 and $30 Coats $22.65 S30 to g35 FnH Snits Only 021.65 awwwBa , ii . ST aL., afHBA -r - - - j K'nvft ;ulti of the firored i rhr-vinti. tveeds and men's wear weaves, in rrays. rrou-ns, i tans, etc Even rMn mvy Hue serges are Included. HanJ-J some nev models, marked from $10 to 135, CJOI AC specially priced for tomorrow's sale at only 4)1 .UU. S7,50 to $10 Skirts, Tomorrow Few women that can't find place for i , Separate SUrt! m - . I f 1 . ... mm A Wp I wtl tf SS tweeas, cncviois, sciw auu uuhuim . . a.r i.'.m ik J A aw i ii 6 in handsome new. models. Worth 17.50 to 10. (Pi QC Atnin enrHaiiv nriced for tomorrow's sate it only.tPTaUU i v r - lHleavy 1 1 - . (nun acaA A wonderful aaring, for.itV only one or twice in year, that these aplendid Wilton CarpeU ara sold under tha regular -jgg? wonacrim sariny, ipt.ub uiuy onto or twiw in yem uun . . . . long-wcaring quaJitiea, with or without borders. Handsome designs in rich greens. Uns, browns and bluea, auiUble gelllls)Mday Sale rx.oom : qbssb wr suxa None too early to think of the holiday, and there'a no gift so acceptable aa that of your own Kawnrk. Profit by thU rousing aale of I inena Stamped for Embroidering. ? 3Sc tinen Huck Towels These Towels come in 6!z 18x36-in, stamped for 1 r embroidering. i Each 6V 50c to 65c Linen Huck 22x4S-inch size. sumped in many new d.7i T siVns. - Sale price I fitmn( Pillow Caaea -Fine quality, 22x36-inth tubijiff, stamped, in CO many , pretty designs vJV 35c Lace Trimmed Apron With pocket, stamped for embroidering, S a 1 e O price tomorrow only 3 Great Sale of Stamped MnEsMia ;Pin. Ojshions SEE' . THE ' FIFTH ' STREET WINDOW ; n ,. . i i i 7r r- . -i : i li'ntnt r( ramets without border. tor nails, dining-rooms, Deorooma ana omces. yrxini enmrge ior icwun, j " . p llcTtomorrow and Tmrraday we place ruU? $2.50 WUton CarpeU on sale at this special low price, the yardonl m rrwT S L6d Extra Axminster Carpets for $1,20 Extra - Axminster Carpets, noted for their 'lon-wearinj qualities. Regular 1.60 grade, in designs .for living ana fining rooms, with or without border. For; two days, special 32.50 National Carpet Svecpcrs at g! The-famous National "Perpetuar .arpet Sweeper, which -wix the work of high-priced styles. Strongly made and fin- ished. Regular 2.50 Sveepers, for'two days at only VliU Sale of ttrti rxoom It's the sensational'' DlstribuUon Sale ' Oean-up of thou- pIfPMj a- DArt.rM rAA mIn . falrm from our t . )i anas oi pii w a vi wv. -. wvn - regular stocks ' to which have been added several big spe cial purchases. These four lots IS and $6 Figured Portieres Of figured rep, tapestry and fancy portieres in all ff 4Q colors. Tomorrow at vl.Tri , $10 to $12 Portieres Of rep and tapestry, , Oriental colors. The pair tomorrow fjO tfO at the , low : price of aya-.VU 114 to tlfi Portieres Mercer ized rep arid fancy .imported materials. 'Priced for OQ tomorrow ; at, each J07 $20 . to I $30 ' Portieres -Velours, silk and satin damasks of beautiful designs and' frA OA colors, tomorrow,' pr.' It.Ov $2.5052.75 Ck)nc1iCdvers$1.95 xt... r,..yi nv.r. 5n rrwx4 ortrtint of colors and Binoiiv .v.vu- ... ; . - - Ani. Orientala and strioes m the fancy, cashgar weave. - Full size; regular $2.50 and .75 Couch Covers, priced at only fl.95 Children's 25c and 35c Wbbloques at 19c ' atszxai sr Tsujrjrav-limT , rtoo . : They're so clever and comfortable, theae littler Wool Toquea for boya and girls. Fine and heavy knit styles, plain and striped, light and dark colors. V. Splendid for school wear keefif the' little toU snug and warm. V Regular 25c and 35c wool toquea tomorrow 19c Big Savings on Groceries 50c Ideal Skirt Markers for 25c Famous 'Ideal" Nickel-PUtea Skirt Markera for professional and home dressmakers. Sell regularly for 50c On Q sale tomorrow, each Charter Oak Threed? 6 spools at 24 Xanfield'a Snow-white Wash Shields, prleea at . omy cT 10c Collar: Stay, the card,- 5 20c Nickel-Plated Spool Hold era, priced at only, each, lof Fancy Needles, tome to assort ed aizes, the package, for 15f - it i .trincHi - Beltine. white and blacky the yd 12 10c Large Cubes bmck pma, w 15c Verabest Hat Faaternera, at low price, while they last, JO 25c Bone Hairpins, 6 for Wf I6c Sugar Cured Hams, lhil 6c Delicious for" breakfaathia fresh fla vored Eastern Sugar-Cured Ham. Special for tomorrow, per pound Fancy Eastern Bacon, for tomorrow, pound 8j Picnic Hams, special for tomorrow, the pound 16 English Bacon, special for" tomorrow, pound 16 Holly 3 Milk, dozen, 85v--4 cans -j at only 30 Eastern Lard, priced tomorrow,' S-lb. paila at 65 Special Blend .Coffee, priced tomorrow, pound 26J Meierfrank Coffee, priced tomorrow; pound at 32 Loe Cabin Corn and Maple Syrup, the gallon 1.20 Round-up ; Cleanser, for tomorrow, f cana at ao Fresa watcnes, xor wmonow, t.MB- ' Z , Huntley & Palmert 25cvBUcuiU, priced at 12el Kingsford's ' Gloss Surch, 6 pounds; at. only ;50 8c Cushions, 4x4-iru, 4e 10c Cushions, 6x6-ia, 5f 18c Cushions, 8x8-hv, 9 20c Cush'ne, 9x9-in 10 12c Cushions, 4x94a, 4 15c Cush'ns, 4xl0-in, 8 He Cush'ns, 4xl2-to, 94 20e Cush'a, 4xl5-in, 10e 25c Cash'a, 4xl84n, 1&4 ZOc Pin Cushions, 4x24-; 12c Cushions,-5x9-ln, 84 15c Cushions, 5xl2-inch siee, each at only 10 20c Pin Cushions, 5x 15 inch size, 'each at 13 25c -Pin Cushions, 5x18 inch size, each at lTe SATIN PIN CUSH'NS 10c Oblong, 4x4-ul, 14 18c Oblong, 6x6-iit, 12 Dhlonr. Sx9-in 21rf 25c Obkmg. 4x10, 1T 30c . Oblong. 4x12, 21 35c Oblong, 4x15, 23e 40c Oblong. 4x18. 28e 25c Oblong, 5x9-in-, lf 50c Obl'ng. 4x24-in, 3T 30c Oblong. 5x12, 22e 40c Oblong. 5x18, 31 20c Round. 3x3-bw 16 4 25c Round, 4x4-iiL, 18 30c Round, 5x5-iiv, 24 35e Round. 6x&4nJ 27 40c Round. 7x7-in, 31 trrSi rr r: . , . - -,. VV""..' -v.. w... - , C 10c Hair Nets In tubes, 4 for only 25c, or the single net si w 30c Frilled Elastic, yardr 35c Curly Mohair Rjlla, at. the low price of only, the yd., lBe Handled Ironing Wax, 4 for 5 .Improved Petticoat Yokes 24 Chflilren'B i 25c Lisle ; Support ers.' oeclal .at only, pair,' 94 tasting Cot ton at the low price of only 3e 5c black and white Sale Canary Birdj $249 Anjmported Warbling! Canary m your home for only ' $2.49. An express shipment of j the :- Genuine; Hartx Mountain Caharies has just : reached tisv ) Bright, 'cheery aong r aters that would sell in the regular way for much more than the price. Come and chooe e ftf yours tomorrow r for -. a ... f .,WBW(-l'He,' .FKI V AT-" EXtANU i liOJv.i, A-ltiO le: Blanket Comfort s $t M Comforters at only f 11Q $1.30 Comforters at onfr fl2? $1J5 Comforters at only flg3 $2.00 Comforters at -only 81.60 Comforters at -enlyLfg Comfortera at only 2.C9 rr' 'z ixooa $20 $100 $3.50 Comforters at only $3.75 Comforters at only at only f 3.15 f 3.33 f $4-50 Blankets-now st only 3.TS $5.00 Blankets now at only 84.29 $6.50 Blankets now at only S5.65 $70 Blankets now at onry fS.SS $6.50 PlaldJBUnkets now at 85.55 $7.50 Plaid Blankets now at f 6.55 Blue Army Blankets now f 4.QO Khaki "Color Blankets at f 3.00 N inch size, each at 21 18c Oblong. 4x8-in, 12 e