The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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    ' r,.v ir....A!.. I'OKTLAJiil. TULSDAY KVLiaNO. OCTO..I.U 3!. !!. -
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- ' i '! li:
t w CM1 f It ' T
1)4 Ata-r U t. Akrf L
ri atnlr oi l oirhaafo tor
i,Mi A-otnan or4 al PPJ. -AJi ,
im Ida- -
VI sl M ii.l4io o U f&r
.r larmtiili fr wm-n Applr
onro 111 VaahirgltMi at ' cloo-
i.jfojwiiwk.N ia . cur '
V.-I1AS! to era for twwiltoHila
II it n r wp t r . .
1 oAch or o-
il r i.lda to 0011 our
r,t.ndtd numr? alock. A ponnmn.oi .
al .k. Tfc.1 o or rla T JDamaU. W JB " ' . . . t
1 iMiinii'i-f ' - ' - " .m okA4t.rful ffAAM Mil HVIT I
r 11 ilor- . ,. 11 1 ' block from Bumald brldt AAt-
WANTEDAGENTS 6 ; CaKOB front 1ooto rora. aaliAbl. for 1011
y - I r Pron; -Uo .In. I. room. IT. rr;AV Hht .Uplnf n4 loua.r5 n
ick ( you. WrtU for partlcularm. , TysLKj.V itOTKL Nloo bli front roccni
V ..hlnftOB Nure.-7 Co, TPP, blf elooot. Itoam boot I
Vh. 1 -r ill TTilM. "
A rrontc
WAiitod to aU ft AtlUnf burfUr
.I.rm., APPjT to HANg0N ..
Tnlnn iv. N., cor. Kllllnirawortb.
VVANTKD SAlrameii to aid ua aupply
the brlk Umiand for our irooda. 80m
Vacant t-rrltory rat In every aUtt)
cf the Mlaaleiifppl. Caah weekly ,
Kn I em. Or.
-Olf dAJ'fWEOut make mon.y
relllnE our uajranteed-to-a-lTa-aU8-factlon
atoek; free outfit: eah weekly:
eitclJalv territory. Tiklma Vailay
Kuraery Co.. Toppnleh. Waah.
IiANDLK Uernia-Boirtta," "PotU
Starch Enamel." "Potte Wanhlnir Tab
leta" "Potta' Herb Renovator" and oth
er Prof. E. Jackaon Pott.
WANTED Airente to aeU coal: beat
and cheapeet coal in th city; goon
eomniliielon. Iimulre 325 Chamber or
Till L JH LSJ wanlaH trk' o.ll tTalir linA oi
Pacific coait pown nureery atocki
caan raid weekly. K Pacific Nuraery Co,
120S Yeon Mdy.
Main office, 21 ti. id t, Portland.
Ladteii' department. Ttli and him. ti,
upetatr. Portland.
" 414 Front ave gpokane. - ,
17-81 4th et., San Franclaco. ,
' Eetabllahed 1171
Butts & Eldredse Emp. Co.
..., i4 v. 9.1 at
Main I2o6. A-1211. v.
Red Cross Employment
TJ. td. cr. Pumalde. M. t79ff A-C
' MUNlUll'Aii .mm.'-iA
Male and female help: no char to
tmployer or employe. '
Men'a department 216 2d, cor. Palmon.
' Women'a department 245 Salmon at.
ItlBin BDOD. JK-OVi.
VANTEI Situation a traveling- ealea
man, familiar with glassware, rub
ber, drug and druggist sundries line;
open for engagement now; - will take
tiii other lines if you , have an open-J-997,
Journal. ' '
.VANTED Land to clear, stumps to
blow, wood to chop, we watt large or
mall contracts; this Is our specialty:
this is our business. Call up M. 3206
rr A-18S1. BiittH & Eldrese.
WANTED To take contract to Sat 800
or 4 Oft cords or wooa oi someone rrom
whom I can rent 2 acrea of good land
for next year. E. Aldrlch, W. C. Co, Ol-
rtev, or.
5r WO - practical carpootera will figure
your building o close that you can't
fielp letting u do It. Phone Woodlawn
1542. Sellwood 16j5. '
GOOD teamster wanta work. .. Call Main
6344 after 6 p. m.
YOUNG man and wife want farm to
care for. - Addres box K3, Lents, Or.
EXPERIENCED man want position a
janitor or watchman. Tabor 1101.
YOUNG man with experience, wants
work on dairy farm. J-818, Journal.
TOCNG man. J" years, ' wishes position
yrocery store. J-gi. joumaL
t A t ER1ENCED Janitor, want work.
Z-Ps3, Journal:
"WANTED Weekly engairement for
wasMna on Tuesday . and . Thursday.
Mam 7J?.
SVoMAN wants poRiVon
by th day.
Ph'.ne flWMuwiiii!.
1.AOK curtAlna lurirterd rinht, prices
ripiit. i'iinn wooumwn zi
i-'tpn. . i i j i w ii 4
witiea 'iaundry
by lr- A-144i.
work and
rler,in by ly,
IMMiiTiT-NT woman wants work.
(Ujr or bour. 1'Lon ?abor 418.
. - . - - . irrn rr.j
At! t.4 a W. 1 M t f
i.f lt !
i wirrnstTT . M ri
I.H ill
MUTT ilUtt
Regent Hotel
151 1-2 7th St. tfc
V.Bttilt l
rln rt'U mxw.
in4 T l- -- -
Fvu iMtBttNi ront Cr rt,.
for or t nio., -
UMiM: 111 M
rtatk or UI 'e.a. '77
tort II lip " -!" 'Ii
- -
wtl or HhOJt "VL3,,: ill
j.JlT 11. h
tl HI IM
I -V-- .ii i.. MiiiHi room A. IIII!"- . i I
- ..
KUK.NIbllK. roum. ....44....--
irrrro. (.
i'llONT room. (Aa, electricity, furnace.
phone, bath. It.71: I jne
Vnh mil. M. I7. 0t N. lid.
4JW ttb U room
I1J0 up per woaa.
" " :.T r.ih Main Till.
rrw p.nM.w ....4 . ,
OMi lare nicely furnlahed room, oloan.
llaht. auiiAnie ior a or F"'
Main IIM. 171 13th. .
NEAT room for ono or two men, in
private family,' all conTenleneea, re-
aonable, central. jiann. iv, ...niini.
1.a... -V'W. t.1 .4"! Aim. V.mhlli roanil!
hot and cold water, (team beat, pri
vate bath and ulte. . '
L . a Ur4 ll4Thl nluunl
ONK lirii room. 17: H. for I: another
with Z cioeeta, in; i. ir
rim v. ,
K'K"Wkl.t furnlahed room 10 minute
walk from P. O., II and M a week.
B8IH Waahlnaton at
i-r . V. T. lnHB f.Anl Mum W .11 flir.
nlfched: eultabl for two. with r with
out breakraat. tsw m owum.
PALMER HOU8B.-I60H Alder. 141
Park. Steam heat room. $2.50 per
ween inn up.
KICKLY furnished rooma, electrlo llaht,
" hath, ohone..- 12.60 and 13. 207 Jef-
bftth. phone. ' $2.60 and $3
f-RON room, hot and cold water, large
cloaet. Ill 17tb. corfier Morrlaon.
LARGS, aunny room, 2 closet a. nodern
home. ii. n i" o.4
l iiKNISHEU rooms. In private family.
TIP tin, r- v.i L
IVlCE clean furnished room, modern
convenience, for one or two. 118 18th.
THE LARRABEE. lit Si Xarrabo U
. under new management, modern, rate
A... . i... .itMnnv. ratea
reasonauie, uj..c. - ...
to permanent guest. Eaat 849. C-2718.
NICELY furnished room, walking dis
tance, eat side, uitable for twoj rea
Bonable. 678 2at Washington t
Phone Main 6777.
ATTRACTIVE, lara. "?. ro?k.12
modern private home, J10; walking
distance" 11 E. 9th t. Phono B. 14J:
LARGE front room, two bed. ulUble
three trentlemen. . $6 per week.
.09 141 V. nurnalilA. !, .
LARGE "front room, newly ..furnish
itaiy walking distance, uitabl for .
.,4 7M -
110 per monin. on """ wv-
FOR RENT 1 large, airy sleeping room
gi, jTiani. m - . - -
QUIET outside room, comfortabljr fur
nished. $8 per mo.! bath, phone- 464H
K Main. ;asc zuoi
PLEASANT south room, walking dis
tanoei modern. Phone B-1158. 481 it
An. - . I y
FURNISHED and unnahd WW
It, 131 c. Join v ti-, vv.444.4 . m-j
ofione I
F??P. : . . -,4w -it..;
.,4 thone " ' 1 nouseaecp.uB .4..444, ..... - -r-gae.
pnonc. ... 1 ..' I . 1 .i.r e.. ilhH room a XI a week
NICELY furnished 'ooma, with or wiu.-
out board, modern. East 1331. .
" , Ri.rfJ A VTI BOARD 15
. , . ..w - -oun-
NlCELYf nrnlsheo: rront room, witn
hna.rd for tWO.
. 1
ROOM suitable for one or two
OOM suitable ior one or iwo: omhut r
furnished, furnace heat Good board; I B
I I I nl
1U1 UaDel'Gta - -- : " - "
reasonable. Phone Tabor 628.
'1HREB nicely furnished room with
board; furnace heat bath and phone
ire. til jlUUl.SV44C4 .
HAVE room and board for two girl,
home privilege, reasonable. T-981.
WUI ..f.4. , ,
OUTSIDE rooms with board, 16.60 week
op, table board. $4.60; meal ticket
14 frO. it wain etroet
i ijKNISHED room, -suitable for two
c-entlemen. with board. 19 18th st;
rei frenres
ROOM," board, bath and phone for two
sen tjemen. 11.60 week. 420 E. Wash-
inrton. Phone B. 1814
Rt-HjM AND BOARD; walking distance,
. i ... tr..iti.A. 1 !
rVlJ ",
... 1 .4
Ui , il .T1' -yrr
.-, 1 nil r
wrto. n Riitt.i rft Lr'A'
M4Ml, l III. - TTI
ti m 11.. . ni ii "Lir:
ru Mk
1 1 1:
w.r. iiiiu - rr1
i. (m llv r- "
I A..1T1 , . I I -
SV J". i v A.-ir r.i-J,
- - - - 4444 1 f W i I I , . ' N
iir III
t 1 r . r
I H Ml I"".
1 t !
Kirn". -k,t.v. . ' r T
iru.j'r. '. nrifc'
H,M - .Vi'
m.I. 444 r4 4 1 4. 4T i 4 fl M v-4 ' "
ukmi f rl Val -
HuntTExprcss & BaW Co
ti UIB VllA I'-
A. nil MarA-l lti.
Rosa City Park Transfer
rto i Mm ciir frt tui'r. n
I Vrllt ' O'f
11 Ilk llll. A-ll".
fteaRO flTDmnibus Transfer
i&iiC.4X"tIi.'. r wt room.
J..,7.Al - r.r .Mllni MMlti ill C-Ottttt
ci.. wwr inn
I "TTTI -TV' I Vi irmaLaJ kUa.
k.$-ln ra.t) lor lcr. oloi
I aoluu.; iIm .lorplaf wojh Co-
n.ilA N. Ilik. ana oil uaopi
fc A l kAH B4tk AAH fl H 1
frao. lit 1Hh at,
.iiKKK lo. f Yh'"
nan aulta: llaht AJi
roaaonaoio. anapni
mama. furnlihooL
'Z"'.' t4...l4 AlcK.n. A Llrk.
from Hurnaldo bridg aaU rteaaonabio.
pi, ir" f"""-
I.iuiii.: room with alcove, fumlkbed
for nouaepio, . wu.,
LARGE furnish houoekplng room
. or r.nt . wy -rr-
Ilth; waiaina- unuwo
ONk' to I room houaekeeplng eull.a.
in Ataii. fiv.iv ... - ' -modem.
Marshall 8212
ROOMS, cIobo In. reasonable; 1 light
hnuaako.Dina': beat. bath, phone. 41 V
4. . .....
H. 1 I. 1 l LJ LlfS'
ingl and n ault. $1.76 op.
nnernian ai
GENTLEMAN want middle aged man
a room mat In housekeeping room.
K-4. Journal. :
FINISHED lngU houBek.eplng
rooma: parue irapww. a
iv n. iu.
HOUbEKEEPING room bt in th
city for th money. 181 Itn t Phone
A-2846. Main 9621. A
JjErilRABLB ault front room a, 81.60
per weea; gu . .ii
iel n.v
i fifj nliiaint room, heat ph
( 4.4V .
11th and- Tamhi
III 181
4 CLEAN1 furnished Housekeeping roqm.
. . i . .4 . Ill .n . n , n . B . Z
bath, yard; 116
U.-U.H, w
TWO unfurnlehed housekeeping room.
Private family. Nice location. Bath
and nhone. 696 Water t, cor. Meaae.
4 1A Bl?0
EEK. 2 Urge sunny house.
k..nlnr rooma. all convenience, walk
Ing distance. Marshall 8247.
TTJRNISHED housekeeping , room;
bath. flrt floor. Rent $16. Phon
Main 777S
i'.A-iiflR front room, suitable for two
persona; iignt nousen.ruuia iiim.
ti.. XTfiS. A-7042.
IN private family, suit of two fur-
nisnea iiuuio.-f " ..a--.
ii.., nll.. a. ttalt
KOUSEKKBFINO room with kitchen-
- ette, ana, un
1T1 N. 17th Bt. - .
2 week. Larg
Running water.
Also rulte.
Alder. .
SUINY neatly furnished lngl .and
an anlta. oheao rent. 475 Morrlsoti st
FOUR nice housekeeping room, $18. 655
Terrao unve.
MJtCHELL houaeKeepltig room; light
mnnprn I iiiir inuucm. w v
FURNISHED housekeeping and eingl
9l.AU. 4th at.
4W7...P. 4"V71 i
ONE room furnished for light house-
Keeping. - "a na, cor, nani.uu
FOB RENT 6 unfurnished housekee
. .nnm, imI nj rlpn B71 6th.
. . . , .. , .
LiGHT. clean, housekeeping rooma. 421
6tn t. rnone a-i..
NICE clean furnished ' housekeeping
room, in suites of 2 room, from $13
to $14 per month. . Apply at 306 ft
"r u,. iu K. Burnald, at!
. xi r " 7" :' -.', ,4 . , i.r.
housekeeping rooms, 82.60 a week up.
Aiao -neaUv furnished rooms $2 a week-
& fa nKht mni linen.
P T. t i. MJ, , nf,.mlaheH bo ua
keeping rooma, $1 per week; gaa
rt. furnished. Ueimont Apartments,
-y- . fural.hjd houi.lleop-
UIA-A UU va -rf .. " ! aTI.
4a -4P.- vAA-i nn aTr au nil flonr xlrc-
UllClU "a "vv. f V. .
4. -4-1 om- nn rAiiiiil flonr: lire
ilace bath. 2 streetcar lines. , 772
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms;
I pantry, nr.i nwi. waiv-
-i..n . Vvrt-.A TTftsit 1243
TWO housekeeping rooms, iffht, fuel,
laundry, $8.60 per month. 06 Knott
Ij car
Aj 6m - '' , .
3rLRNIfcHED housekeeping rooms, Urge,
pleasant wu.biu, .w.,.4., ..... 4...
18414 Union ave., cor. tieimont
rm r , , -
ROOMS in private family, furnace heat
bath, phone; will give breakfast $14
Hollsday ave. -
FOR RET I newiv- furnished house
keeping rooms, light heat and bath,
mean. I9f r.. . v. n . . -
a. T ' . I. I. n f. ? .
ELEGANT and sightly hpusekeeplng
rooms OrtriooKinr is. ... ..n.
I or I rooms, $18 er $12. 600 Eolith at
"'-" ' r v. -
- "I room. 13 Tl ifr wmi jj '"
M I rM fcoot I'll M
B. u.4. Ml lit
mm. , t . . .144.1 ArteifL 4
... .-.v 4 ' ' .....
Ukao4 A... A. .i.i IU .
w a a AT .
riarrrova u zor.
Ill N lit. .1 -.' !, '!'.
fliri- .r.nUt.r l I
4... .i ,W4wt flUIIW4. ll-44
r-Ma. I-m.4,. I ..i.iag, iaal !
i.a. itniii tM.rr.4. W ro-
1 4..A, fall wl i ' io I
!. Ui4jrr e1 a 1 1 a i
ai4 wJiomnA iaiao -.1
fnr4oa tmi ui fl.
AU4i. Ill LA3aaAa -4. $-
" : , iedmont .
8UollNI I. rwo4 an
liw4 im, m '.. foia 4 fc"';
la a4 tM-Aco, aarcwon
rtoara, U'f Hi. oV frwll aa4 Ioomx
lil, ...r . lrow.l .
al A 1i.Im .a. III. H. Ill rword
mt Tr4 MJg Waiakail lll.j'-, .
rvU kLST.
llNlMa ra la ! la (
WTI City. WAO.UfAl
m oAiy III. iVevUa A rmWtisb. '
too lJ.
G.Jl .-"MIA. I Ar. . t. ""
(r4 for c.i-krfcA, row. f art.: Mew
Uiilia di.trti. I. carfAi.; I ''
a. Alfir Nero Ilia-
fA,.V kioirt t. IHN Wb fM,:
laollva. i.a( aramis nui
aoota. oc weuU ei o Py-
KTiyr BCBivtrs, rxcnAKO;
1.. A.ill.a l,Ma 1114
!Xl'TlVVi7 foo mod.r Isoooo, luai
bi UaImI Ta W.-W. car lo taal
1 1 IX. laauiro mrm mw ,
HlMIt Bl.l!woo4 lilt.
CiXL"""i "iw7odT V a rd. 811 WH.
If too waal real good all rooa kouao
eh. in aooa car aorvloo al Ooor. raooo
A-I J . I
iJTv kj roem houao. . ounduloB, gs.
bain, tUol lib ad railing l:
rol III, Apply ! Uoo. vr.,
N 4tH at. th r-nonoo.
l.'.ii tiii!.1 4jBlk 1 tfWkM kiiiial. r rTT" aT!jTw
RMMMkli iw right Ary. 111! K. Haab
In t ton.
iiiK RENT I room houa, larg
ground with sUbl II ill. long term;
on car lino and g.od road. J. I. Rob'o
on 1114 llolgat troet
6TX room mod.m bom. 141 E. Tay
lor at Fureaoe and gas; I block
from ear, IjI month. Owner, 108 Mar.
tin ve. City.
MoDEHN 6 room bunaalow, full'
moot basement lars attlo. fnrnlab.d
er nnfurnlshed, price right Phon E.
(, r- th nd Msln.
VfODTRN I room bouae on Hawthorn
ear like. Pbon Mala 2111 Or call
i-ult nr.NT Ntw I roora houao, n.wlr
furnlahed. Ill If taken today. 14 Jl
A law U444t.Hlla ear.
a kAik:LIf room oottAa-e. boAh aa4
oottace, boAb aa4
t III, Et 64th.
atn 4rt
Alaetria llxhta. rent
4.4. . -.ll 11 .1
JfOR RE.NT 4 room house, 6 lot and
barn, at -careen neigoia. fiw
801 N. 14th.
Tr'Olt RENT Modem 6 room upper flat
rm .i. rkn. ir.. nil
Key 110 Knolt Phone East 4118.
..rk. k.rnv mnn inou u r i. ajaa. .
SEVEN roora modern houae, .820; wood
in for winter. 418 Mason atroet Bu-
wooa iisb
til MONTHLY rent buys bungalow. Nl
rirt paymani nci-wm j. a
$11 KOR RENT 4 room house and
large hall. Inqulr at 861 XL 14th st
N. Union av. cars.
18 8 room house, bath, electrlo lights,
nlenty ground; oulat neighborhood.
ittn ana nawmurnu. nor i.
EIGHT room nouee, ivvxivv iirauj
aultabl for chicken ranchy for par
tlculars phone Woodlawn 1061.
. 1 ... 1 tJ m lri,""n ...... ....
fcOR RE.ST 4 room house, good con-
Qltion, mwiBrn, .,"u"w "i
Ti. 81st st W. W. car, wenwooq izo
$30, NEW modern 7
hnuii on
ava, ' furnac.
11. V.
TW6 houses by owner, between Broad
way and Alberta, reasonable.
.-, . 4.4.
jfc'OR RENT 10 room house, cor.
rV XVE44. 4 . V tuv.u " " , wa . 4..
pi., .n.4 9 t.l arrana-eil foe t fiml.
lies; gas and electricity. Phon B. 2670.
I CinnviSi ?1 r.-irrla at. aid a.
A-4862, Main 1747.
FOR RENT 6 room bungalow, ' Roe
City Park addition. Marshall 8047.
HOUSE Irvlngton. C-1860, East - 7.
nr XT uilmin.
GOOD 7 room house, yard, fruit
"ITS Q..4,.. ..P.... m-'. ...v.
ifOR RENT 6 room 'modern house, 7
Eawt 16th at. North. Phon E. 2870.
TWO room house, one tent room, one
frame. Woodlawn 860. '
FOR RENT 6 room house. 928 East
x. .,.44.f Phnni n-litl. .
. .... .... .10 KA VI. In ,K1
frOTJR furnished rooms. 1275 E. Madi-
BUII. VJ I"""- a waa. t W -
CLOSE in, new modern 7 room house.
u,.4 Kan -''
, nr.. hlgiilr frnm Air II R
XU.44.fc WV, " ' :
W) RENT House with largs rooms,
14o m 1 AhAAlf 1 1 rt A 9 R 0 A
IITjq 8 i-vi mi-a "-"'7"j -- -wm.-.
MODERN 6 room cottage, 86 Ilth. near
. Hf.rir 17.Bi). Phone Tabor 854.
HfB X tJgVt 81113 ailU PV'ivmi --vi i-ov
6 ROOM cottage.- west side, walking
distance. - inquire anai e.n at.
FREE rent and $16 per month, , for
- boarding t children. 189 E. 9th.
irOR RENT 2 new houses nodern. at
-tAA- A 111. - TUV. -AkAS DC i
NICELY furnished modern ' 6 room
house, piano, furnace, etc., $40. 803
Fargo st.; key, 107 Cook ave. " Phon
-mA.4 9nA .. ... .
V 4,. w. . v..
MODERN furnished 6 room house from
NOV. 1 to jHaron , i. yianw - lurnicu,
gas, yard, fireplace, etc 747 Everett
Phon A-8068. . ' " -
111 1 f a .-MV. . 'f -ii i , -
FOR RENT-Fumished house. 8 rooms.
bSbsb, HUO, Js. D'- avwaavauAv TV sa.Ai 1
ikinr distance: verr reasonable 887
, ,
GOOD chance ready for on big or two
nished; very cheap rent tail 746 H
Northrup st. - , ; . -
V IHtllll
135 Modern 6 room flat completely
furnished, ready to move in. Adult.
MOH Fargo st. "Would sell reasonably.
11 IIlVTfJ AAA. AUUllb. 1
' - -I
NEW modern 7 mom houae. new furnl -
ture, silver and linens, furnace, on
NieEl5Y""fHrnlshed house, fine location.
Reference required. Shaw, . 915 Wll-
llama avg. - i .v.4j ......
FOR RENT Modern 5 room furnished
it Modern 6 room furnished
w pear Jeff eron high school
. 1081 Alblna.-.
furnished modern 6 room
On canine.
hnnaa. with phone, for lease. 756 E.
IriTie. cur. 4,
COTTAGE reaaonable, opposite Baptist
mm . , 4 ( QM ... 1.1... ....
. .. .,
church. Mount Scott car.
aIODERN 5 rooms, completely , fur-
. . . r . n .4.4. .4 ..k
nisneu. an c. . m ... ...j. ....
FOR RENT Five , room furnished
- n,4 -4 ... TlM..-.Anl. ....
FOR RENT Furnished 4 room houae.
'ttyan. Jftillaou. coddi ivmi . t a. .
tttlltlSI Ivirt HIST
rial-Mil tiK ton A4UI M
nr!" k l.'l AA A, ajfttf f f I f
rrnxiTt r ; , , rrM-rpN
l.iaiiai.. etii'lir ra -ewi
4v. .4vi aik4l alio UiHk lw.Be A
H L W ...I. J.i. ( ef I "-a.
tk4uaVrg, mil '
lil A.J C KM. I"l! ill l4-.l A.A
tKAFff. I- f till r. l."f-l
r.-. i." fit v JTi'... .i.--" "a 16 i-. .
iwarni r.oAw A.. for roalt lJJ A.u.e la. iwbi lu. wo.
111. iU ta. a
llllt r.
B l.k . . 1 W.ll
IV f ii h 1 1 1' 1 . k. " a'... i
, " aV
Ai r lis: i itn a. ;
tlvMif. (kl. w . I'kMa r
). .,,'! 1 I.' t ..Tl,.... . t t IUI11 fvl
oaJa. booao faf real. r will .t '-
1 V. A Ml III nm,,.T
flftsTaiiA.t 4
'".. I aiMaa Waal!
talMtMl reowOia, l eolrAAoao. II
Ptlll I'V!. ,. v mm . ,
fOFl" "tiLAi iai "re of I tvooTe, bau.4 at aee lJr toavwa; cur.
K. Main.
iT: fura.lMte of 6 rwo ao4or, oU
. . .L.I.. mi ua. akMo for
ft.h oir ln l.ial fc-lt, Jwirtial
flCii rwu Immioo" for V.ot fvjfail
for aai. ehMiP; 111 Orawt t
fTRSltCfte efTToom for Ble cAoa.
unr.row 11 TUVVTI
111.64 TO 111.6 1-Jt MONTH
w.a e..M4i.k4wt ui 1 Mom aoart.
monta. building Just eompiott never
has been ooruplod. and I
dale In every reepoet Tab K. Ank.y.
MonUvUlb or Sandy Road car to IIU
at . i KiaekA aaaI to 116 83. Aabeay,
corner Bucbtel are.
I, 4,
6 room aparuneota.
Eloautly furnished, waikiof du
taao. rraaonahl.. Tld and Waab,
Phon Main 110.
Taoroughly modern I room linfur
nlshed ar.artm.nla, 110; 4 rooma, $11; I
rooma. in; inia moiua.o "".
beat hot and 00 Id water, get range.
private Paclflo telephone and Janitor
aervlco, laundry and dry room. Apply
on proralaoa. W Ilrd r 'W"
...a m-mt r,f al tth
J l4k..
IIC4 amibnii.Aiii . . . . .
o. i . . . a.-., . . e,M..I Krl 4vnl-
OIO. C 4J4. Bwym , .4M..4. . . -
eat and beat arranged apartment
deneo In the city; 6 rooms; all ouUtd
wVlk'nV diStSic V-Xri
wrmwr r- ii"... 4. - -. - . . - - - -'
ranges, reingeraiora, iiuimi
es, vac u urn cleaners, etc. Attend
lenities, vacuum cieanero. .n-.
. olT,B-.e. Mrhall 8340,
' ., ,
Newly opened, consisting of I room
suite; hot and cold water, steam haat.
U .uUr.A4Al I"! l-kal ATA In lit ftO
rn ou e r 1 6 cuu tpiujiivbbj "r
up. Manager Fannie Talbot late or Tbe
Tou can hare lighter. 'larger better
furnished and quieter apU. of t. t or 4
at.. IE -as aaA 1 ai Al vIOl aTrVAri t
r&omm tur i u- -. o
modern convenience, at the ,'
. Halsey Court '
' 100 WILLrAMS AVE. '
IIILI J4.A. .. 'J I .4-4 . . .'
iilolvUir tlAJji -r urniaiiou apa.,
410 U Hawthorn ave., near Grand
av.; brand new bHck bldg., now rady
for occupancy, I rooms splendidly fur-
1 4. . 4 . . . 4 ..1,1. mA... 4.4-,n.
mantra, aoaimio... v . .
venlencea, on the eat sld but cloaer ln
tnan mosi aparimaina. T.i jr iwbu.wu..
rem mu pen m .p. t.-p.
Thft Dr.7enrJorf
m. loi mt i si ta tfn m I ai n rl
A II- Jixjsjrs.ii -. a a wvm u..i u a an iiv
apartments, situated in th heart of the
city within 10 minutes' walk of the
business center. Apply on premises for
On six room apartment Ilth and
Flanders st. See this beautiful apart
ment before you locate for th winter.
PARK! APARTMENTS Portland' most
, exclusive residence district, racing tne
. 4.T 4..... 41...1 . .1 A .nn , - n . 4. -
DlTli VC1U..4U1 . 4.u . 4W.44 nrs.4 .-
ments, fireplace, built-in buffetts, cabi
net kitchens, plenty of hot water and
neai eievaivr ana - vvvrjr luiii , uiuuviu
and new. 858 Harrison st, cor. Park.
A iiu vii.-n.iiiAwci x , '4
. 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, rur
nished up to data, private baths, free
phone, moderate price, new manage-
ITlOIli, ucni .
HALSEY apartments, 300 William ave.
- New and modern 2 and S room suites,
hot and cold water, bath in every apart
ment walking distance, reasonable. No
objection to 'children, icast 473 8.
furnished 8 , room apart
menis. in.iv uv, .i.uuc., w..-
veniences. 624 Marshall it. Main 6032,
A-3191. : - - -
796 1st Bt,, l, a ana e room en ices, 'iur
nlshed for housekeeping, $2.60 to $4;
manaa-ement Coma see or nhona
Marshall 840.
20th and Kearney. .Marshall 888. Beau
tiful yfurnisnea. room apt..; rierence
require. n ,
3AN MARCO ATS- B. 6th and Couch
-New brick, modern, steam heat, pri-
vate bath and phone. room apts, $28.
rate nam uu yyvi, viu " ....
Phone East 276l"
THE LOVEJOY. ittfa and Lovejoy Bts.
jr8t class 3 and 8 room newly fur-
n1shed apartment very reasonabl. Main
! titi iT"f TVTCD VU.1-
--K rtment
Til. 11 C. A IIU 444.44.4 hlU.U,
,,0 -ingle rooms, 2 minutes from P. O.
26. 6th. Main 6582.
i.l -kt 4 room furnished anta .
modern "-convenrences. reanonable. . All
outside rooms. Marshall ZgZI.
korDICA apartments, cor. Belmont and
Grand ave., 1 and 2 room furnished
ants.; freer light heat bath.- phone.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished,
3 room apt., private bath and phone,
reasonable. Main 6436. 605 Jefferson.
BROADWAY apartments; four nice
large rooms, neat, noi vmer, minus,
reasonable. Phone East 26S6.
Modern, strictly first cla, charge
moderate; steam heat. Aiarnniu juy.
REIDT apAr tmenta, two or thre roomai
furnished or unrurnienea, iiJk in
l.n ave. Woodlawn 2379.
hew mmi
21 st and
at- i4.K..i.i1tA.i I mmtM k41ltl
.. .A..... rt.A -. .;
ihm, .. M. '' r r- .
in Arl'f jah. Mai l
" hit i imm 1 111 "f " ' ' '"" "F
I biT-a haii.h ' -
e klMin wa.a I r-
8 4 ia Ala. II H, Iti .
or It IIM 4--4.
tt UljCKTlTli , Ti a4 j.
4 I.4A4. AltMlMa arai.4 4 aa-4 I
.4M At it Al. IA. l-tMHlma.
' iron iiivt iTi
NtW, B4.a - r-t ao.y !
Al.14v4... Mr Al.aie. Ha l-a ainli. A4 .AIM l, lo.a.
. . . i I - - - 4 - . 4U. 1.1. i
Iimh. m A. . baa
I a
lu,4,i l..ili. A tt'lb I'M I
. 4.. i,. i . ha Vni lu.m ('k
era. to iimwwi ...... m A i mi .4w-4V lra froot AA ytu
... i .... 4 . A. a. (Utlal I a
f-wm Q, m-mt . - -
441 . . Ala 4,4 U IMN
ana auaota. HI lib. X, I'taoae 8aI
t j .. i ..'TIJ'I . u,,.r r..l: fa I
noiAia. aleoplaa, terp, gag raaro.
larao rooma. a.o . . .
. - , . 4 . . . ........
Vials lilt
tliUijfi."war aa4 iniiy aMTtaMOla.
Com and ta.m. VmI i
IKa botir. 811 II b ITawa A-I.ll
or Main HI.
yti, i .uf rwut r.alA. oa
a.r. ono lawr. rieoly fliehe4 Ooe
a fume re. AU14 rnd Alcove, rtll
rwllOB. 441-444 1Kb
KktW I room BvJra uppor T t fur-
nare, flrf laoa. on kner
and bain. Ilea water ". a.
Mh. Buf Er.rjt K, A. ear 111
f 1 1 Itta loom f4a.t n.0J.rn, k.olairiA
rent only I . eoraea- i.vai am
a4..w If II
n 1.1 4."-. . . - -
Sit ivf rn.4l.rn I room ucp.r flat 1 4 b
-ang lmmm iiunwuii a w. ... .
. - . .. . , a WN., , I -
1 in
l-o A liE.V!T Ss'
fkiml-hafcal fit
L llA.ll w., - '
t-4i K.t All f-Marm ooaBlno
.T I - a k.. IT..I 14
rv iA t a rv u L 1 A7l T A. iit I laVBinciAf I
Anilriaa V a o - - -
at Two nice 4 room lata, very raaa-
A- 4
iiDner flAt no cblidroa, 16
.blocks outn or MorriBon. '"",,
VDKK.vl 4 room fist Iaijulro 4i Wil
.. .f-gatftla 4 k. 1 1 4 aa
I V'Lfr.lslI W -arvooo a . -
llam ITI C-III7: no children.
. . . " j ' r . L.1TV,-T
NICELY furnished, modern. I room flat,
lOtl Oantenbeln. corner Alberta.
yURNfiilED I room flat, with piano,
" pA,V No. Orand av. Rt III.
"'Xim. , i
HOTEL PORTLAND 7uropof plan
' i . at g -
PHYSICIANS, dentists or lawyers: Tor
rent or lease,. rnoaern oinr rwM.u i.a
82 feet facing east and north, over drug
tore; also front room facing earllne on
Kllllngsworth av., new brick building,
plumbing arranged for dentist, hot and
com waier, iciw....
diagonally across from car barns; beat
growing locality in elty. Apply Palmer
A Hill, Miaslsslppl ana
. . .P.!.. f. 44.4
aV... ' 44.44. " 44..
I CESlilE to Interest reliable party to
nare rivnpuun .win ..i w.,yj
cluslvely one room or desk room, facing
Wash. st. In new Wilcox bide. t act
QUICKiy. V. H. j-H.C.IQ.a, 4.1. i .1..4 ...
NEW itori.on corner for ahoe a to re.
V11I give lease, wwra lawn iwi
FOR RENT Room 18x44 ,feet new
Bill lain A. mate ironi. main iiib.
... . i. i. n . mAlim -1 oe a room
W 1 1. 1 4 " 4..WW.4 ,4 - - - . 74
house by Nov. 1, or ooner, wet id
m 4 M... In nn ...1 .M. ,.nl
must be reasonabl, steady renter. B
journal. ,
WAITED 2 or S unfurnished rooms.
waal aide, waixinr qiiuiwi iron, x .
telOHT or mors . room house, unfur-
niahefl. waiKina- aistance. ju.-auia.
Union Ave. Sale Stables
r.i,. n.w mnnaanment - Horses
bought, old or exchanged. ; W rent
horse by the day, week or lrfonth. Beat
car given to boarder, it union ave..
, W.UNJT mV 4. 44 i. 44 4 . -4" m -.hi,.! v
I t. . .1 44.4441r V. A .C. V . . . .4411
waarons and scrapers will h sold to
n and scrapers will -bo. sold jo
highet bidder onWedneeday at
sr Wth 11th and Flanders.,
tra iu
SIXTEEN head of mare and horse, 5
not - double harness, 1 rarm wagon.
This stock ha Jukt arried from grad-
Ing camp and must bo sold at once;
will guarantee and give trial; com try
these horse will take i any .wasona be
offer 247 East ltn. iiouse m too p.i.
BE VEKAli - eaa OI mini mil iioraon,
- weight 1100 to 1600, from '4 to 8
years, also nne span of first class mar
. 4. . 4. 4 A.AA 4 ... 4 . . F
mules, oiaca, woisui ii
Everything sold with a guarantee ; as
represented. U. 8. Stable 248 Front. ;
ViZ BUYS good, true mare, -ing4e or
double, weight J100 lbs; $166 buys
tea- of mares, true puller and sound
welRtlt .auu lo",l.."" ':n ' "
wagon. Woodstook. 67tn st,, and, aa
EIGHT head of cheap horse and mare;
4 V v. iivi.w " ,
..eA innn NA VftOfl 17XX. I
roVber ti?e top 'buggies.,- 1 camelback
rrom Vi up; a .ipran VH. . I
wagon, 1 new 3-incn Mitcneii wagon
wltb gravel bed; will exchange for cat-
tle! 14 Union ave.. corner Ash. ,
iiORSEd and buggies for rent by day'.
Un-RssEa and buea-ie for rent by day.
woekaSd month: special ratesto
bullnes. "housSs?" 6th '&d Hawthorne.
Bast 72.
t-rSta ftAt.fc good light team and nearly
Trhb SALfei a-ood light team and nearly
uii TKll fT-st ftth t N. I
. . aar rkfnr1 fln Br I ITI nil nsrniiHg. A A a 18. 1
. M 4 r A
- - a- t- a Ak 4 XI i
i roNKECTINQ hoiTs'ekeeping rooms,
- , ... t..,.,-nh...
electrlo Ugnts, gae, Dim ana pnone. i
f -r, hlalc vouna hone., well
matched teams, harness and wann.
,.,4.44,..4, . V 1.. 4-.- I
irw SALE On team mares. 2100 lba
one Mitchell wagon, 14, complet. 61$
. . .... . 4 . DltfVD
NOrtn IH'll 41. PAItDl. .
FOR SALE Good, light young team,
express wagon and harness, $10. W.
Foster, uswetro, vr,
MARE for sale, weight about 800 lbs,
age 6.- Phone Tabor 1628. .
fllAVE eeverat good borses and mares
at Madison Sales Btablee. 185 Madl-
Son St-, rwr uriuy, wr-f 4 piur,
V.B BUS. sail r writ norses
rame...a Hnhert A Halt 181 Water. I
iSvk waaon for Bale. 166 14th sfc 1
r: . . .r ,1,4. -r i l
.Hughe' stable. ' . .
mm 9 li-in 4.i a-. $' U i
m liiH I f IH f I
li t. a 4.4 a .i.i J C '
I. ..4. ...,. a . . I
Am.. a. al .1 III rWn'l1
i4, I'.i. aM . . ... 1 . I
wi.m : Abl-BA. .
"1 All..
" F of Suls
Mares. Gr!j:r anj WJej
II A v 4 OiltA 6 ! I (Ml of
i. ... a. I la 6 .il II ata
II i.44 at a..-.. 4 (Mil .-4, 4-1-1 l
t 14.
All ' llNt
I-J l-t ' l
.1.1 t: ! -
IV. ila ...
1 1. W 44.. .. AlaAA.1, I 44 W It, ..I
m-f Aar IA I... Ml .
1.1 a.i I .. a4 14 4 o4 .aoAlf
I f 1 . .4. I At. SA
orr.a Aer..oSt.t'Ai
r Tiiritr"Ai.g .4 o a4 A...
IImk foe oa.k W,il I 4 a. 1 1
IWav. A 1-4 I.., 6 .
am. aiS .14, t. Ik A "14, III
1 1 n
r 4-.T-r :. 1"T ..J 1
Iwiaal wul w.a il.n, oil
1 I Aj m4 lM mt Ua fw4
kWMi 4 I II.. A I. A.I
l "i ' i r i tirr - i I
-i -i I, ,n i -, - - -n r. - -ii- -i i IJi " " " '- a . f
rul gALX g-AU dalrr. rylkU 'V h .la. I B. I tM.Oi I
el liiitM. Uriag mU1m III
acta maiuI, W I. a a. i.v foal. lnl
a, til lV!.i:er.ik -
tirr.rir"..i"u.o" fi. d i
Miuar. iio4ii..a. i - a.. 4-mr- -
lloJaiaia. Ja .i -I nr -a : iiiit soavr
tnllkae II 11 llin.
)I i i J"VH 4VA7Xil.
-for I White Kw kH".i'a. II foe I
Wait Leaboea i '! twres oAs
H. ( liWr III-
EX V. Ft T -ai; aa arko rowj
a.aa Ur eat fr r Ibt wuior al
small ml. Adire F. U bo TH.
at JnlSee r
tk Jl I Y 1C iCf Krta klVA far biaaA,
ebolro Of Ik. Ill mil"
ra.t of ItUBMllTUiO clrl be
i. i .1 Ma ma.
ItiMALii li.all Jaroay ow. I V
id. ria a-uia.r, naa.
414 KUfla4P.
fruR I1LB-II liuf 6rpltoa paUA,
6 yeaj-ling bees, la r leg. a4 bsaAao,
thaan, 'geliwood III, .
tWOfraab ooa f or salelaie . U-
wood ear to Til . a ma
BULL Terrier. TEngl'ib s!. at td ,
and for !. Boarding, Offlo
61 Oak st Mala llll, A-ll II.
GREAT lt pup. fine Pir ,
o reunf parrv. tnnp. . . . -
A NUMBER of arUolea of f re Ira re to
dispose of. Iron beds, spring. maU
treMM. ga raJiga. W range, iirj
alon tab!., sewing machine, email
eook stovo. nw chali, draa4r aaa
it a ni her roods: linoleum, 8 tent
and enamel bath tub. Ill Union av.
Ilke-Coll.nder Co.. 4 4th t
r-vVT m m at aATi tk araTa minll. foldln
U.-..4 . - - .
4..1.l. 44. .44 14.4. I4.41W . 4.
. i M..hln. IM nl WAt.ll
U1U...B 4,...4W. .
4-1. . ii,.... M.hulMlna CO- 611 V
w and Id hand; low pVWa.t.
s; saf.s opened, repalrad andia.
jrcell Bafe Co. and Portland
mmmm larvnal
V. rL. 6th et Main 6308. A-4118. f
"2; i
coal t
ifort- f
ill at
FOR SALE A new larg wood and coal
heater; heats seven pmrai
ably. Phon 8Ilwood 1114 or cl
.l Cm. . . , i - '
II .1. . .Li. .4. II I. Ilk 4TUlf. 1.
IJee.! B.WI..B iu.wuii.' -" T,. - r
. . . ailinkarav naehlll..
rented. r.paTrlng. ' New Home
WAnuu 4...
aood condition.. trmi
Tt-918. Journal. ' ' . ' '
ONE larg and on small coal hatlng
tnvea: almoat new. Phon Et 1616.
661 East Ankeny, ' "
FOR BaLe Drophead Singer aewing
machine, 818. Plerc blcrcl gas lamp.
.4. .4.4 .... ..44. .
111. Vfl Jruri .v.... -
FOR' SALta Cheap, 2 tory J"."?J7
will IT1AKA OVr IDW ...
E. 69th st
FOR SALE Fertiliser, deliver nyPrt
of city. Plowing don. , Phon wood
lawn 883. -. '
$10 Domestio wing maohln.
Hl 1 1HWI, 4.. . . -
BllY your second hand furnltur whirl
r.ii.,; M-iit la aood 208-210 Madison.
Morrison, mr w
FOR BALE New and 2d hand atoyes.
Contractors, equipment by TjnlUa
. n. aa4 irvi a no ijiwiffi ninsr.
nirniiuro. u i t iiiiili ......
i: 12 H p aolin engine com- .
VifeT 204 E. 19 N. E. 440: B-1161.
piete. t , . 1 t
;.,IICT,lllilllll.. . .,.n. .
tutinted 60 second hand- pianos, any
Btyio or make; mail addre ttk.N-114, .
Journai and our estimator will call.
, YT-ttrtTT nun0 0,t titbo year ago:..
u-tSffco immediately ; for i $185.'
klzW and sooond ban pool ood blll'
table bought and sold oa oaay y I
bowling alleys. r.frlg.rators fo t
I6Q Mornson, nen to iun I
GASOLINE wood saw, first class eon-eff
dltlon and two wagon; for ale. Port-
land Woodyard. Ith and Olin, Main
6888. ' r . .
SECONDHAND stovss and furoHui
bought. old and rpatrd. Ill "th, ,
Marshall 8223. .
". f idhci .nrf irtium aiiad safs cheap, a I
IX W...I.H4I.
4. 4 -.1 1 rW
must sacrifico, immediately ; for ; $186 i
rt.AUTir Uii umilUrVUB. l.vw J ' " n ,
cawh. 226 6th st. . tv'- l
"MEW 400 piano will tr,ado for dlav
monoi." 4VBan, journal.
wanted miscellaneous a
wNTEp.people of Portland to know .
fhat Iviy the highest cash prlc for,
oamlUd soods..' N. M. ' i
rBi 111 DihuuiIL . Hdiat 161.
r,-'Z '-r, tjiirT
... W JT A U s3 JtMV e A a.. "
4 w 4-.irfrtAiX A XT' a WITTTl XITTTTDTII
p.- th Slghest pric for vry thing;
V":. JL' " .a 2 '.a k.
.all Main 2080. 290 First : '
iww-niii"i ": v T iZStZ
farmer', maincs . loreerg toolfc
Levin Hardware Co., 229 Front M-907.8.
s wisk; get more for jrour jiocond
HE wise;; gi aiun mi ' . " "I
hn.l furalttir by aelllor- tn ford
A..etion Co.; 211 1st Main 8951. A-2446.
WANTED Second hand sewing mach-
ine, also range; state lowest cash
WANTEIV-Second hand sewing maon-
ine, ale? range; state lowest cash
a-aifAA ll -UUH
Ulivc. -a-wv
IhiiA txrnrl
t;,-A ' tv. nV 'Te. -r,.-I kAit-aVti-vli-l in
U I H O. JV m7 W '
large or mall lots.r tjjimedately. Ca-
iv iiurnuure iwo.. cmi iovb
- ,
films, gas outfit folding chairs. Phon
Main 8458. nzsn. wn- !.
nlDlL-Il'll 4lll'l'll'll. U.ll-SK
?. E. Morrison. Phone K, 1028. .pajr
f"" V"" ,, .""h. "
IIP , hav. ,44 44.11 A, f hllV
If you have to aell of to buy horses,
l. trnesses, wagons, can et corner liia"
and r lanciers. j. vsiser.
WE buy and sell roost anything.
8794. ZI 1st St. - -
WANTED Furnishings of email real
estate office chesp. Z-194. JoumaL
WANTED Id hanTfumlture. East 1114
141 Hawthorne ave. Senter AV Martin. ,
tcivT jil h. d. 3 ohase A. C motor.
Fhone Tbor ZIZT.
FURNITURE for 6 rooma oheap far
.; .