The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 19, Image 19

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    s'ai, i u..u an... 7ri -....' ..
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Willi i n it IsU.
aS At
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t iitM W. 4i t.ftk Wi4
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0t- 4VA.4 tft.4 t .- if
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44. .4 ift !. 44
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Wi; . ,ftft4 abatttoa
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4i.. l k.ftl lw si 4ftt4
4aftftk iUI 4t4 . f
Wft4. 14 44 ft J
' (ifcU 144 II.II41.I4 4I4.
4'ta. rvM TtftW 4:
41444s. Ij4fe iU
' 4. 44 ft, t.
. s,
Ht roa .ULje--t. 01 at
CIoso In
'S24W .
Smafl Payment Down
kAiftfttwcx ifi i'K XftJtm
1'l tiu TklM I4t
li4vM ti4r4. t tk4.4 frw
44 4lv irl.liknvi.
44Jii M'S t4Sl 44M
ltW r4. M4.I44-1.
ItaNI 4il 4 M.t f tV tftWMI tl4
!' M W l.4l. 14414. WUt. ittlll.
lt4U4ta mn 4 it
. (Ill ft. tl 41 tft Ik.
r f i.i,fta r ii a irMl
444 4A 4f 4..M, 4111,44 4M fftfv44
? , 4 I a. . 11 1 fft , 4 . ,4 4 . . .. .1.4) i :; j ill
ierJ id us ic.l.KJ sU'-t it. ti , -r'-.irV''l ."J".""-.r-.T.rf:rr:-i
I U ' "ft ft .Ilk !'4...4 ft -4 -.. r--V4i4. I. ..if . . ... .....
Tir?'-" TyK' tl!S i LACtil- , rr'rk ti -TIISTr-yfiTW-Scrs.-ti" L 4,--i"'" .. .--..4
tftfti.hl.Hft.tftft.lw4 4ft.ll 11.31.1 JJj3 Ui IftHfti. Mr I... ............ 4.H4 4. 4 " r1- -
! 1 lHWftft4. 4 JkMfVlMi. llMl 4J4V. 14
I I e 4 4t
' i 1 im I .inn. ...i. .i r:t iii:.if im ;.lwl1T-lrril1lJ
' I ... ' I H 4 'r' W U-M '9 14
44 t4..ft 4l. I 4f 4t4ft vJ 4ft4
14 4 tft.ft.4i .4 41 T4 4.
! . ft4 Htftft,
W, L li.ish, 0ner
114 45. I,
ft. -
w U 1 ft-V 1
S5 tot ""mt
CM&4.. f44V4V ISi 4 k4ft4ftt4V
H4UiVi ilil 4 ie 4.Ulivfti4
414 ilulUWK rt il
FRurr -
Mt ut n4 ratft
44V4ftS tS4v4 4 4.k4ftv; ... f f.l
44. 4.l ...,. tftft-, ,Wft,
4-4 . ft.ii, 4ftTft.j;
k-4 4 4Ul 4-4XM. 4..ft4, , 14 4fti4,
4i4ftl 4 4ft. 4.ft 44. ! S 41 II l
ft4 .4k4 t 4, 4 4 i,4
444 4 t 444 44I44.J 1-4 J ft 4
(MI4, U(f tMMt. 4V IW444.4) f .44,
f w(ftl
m M. 4-4.i-4 rr-fti 4f4ft.i JjniLalr i7 .'1 fc4' -
f- 44 .-.i. 141 i4ft.4 4 f4. . l"tZf illft? a!ItT-
44 4444,ii iti i a iAft.T-1-T;.ft. 4. .V'1
4a,lr 14 Htai.!' tmr m. 44 1 v4 bi tft..1
4.444 C44 4f 4ft.,
4-4. 44:ri
44M44P4V4vI ftl4l
t lk 44l
41II 44 4a4)4 4-4ft4 l .1114,
44P4V4VJ ftl4l .4M4. 44i:4t4 4i
f M l4i 4144 I (,a4i. 4-rtf
fftMttra. I 44t4 4l444l4i
I 4h,A44, 4V4V.. t'V4 4l4lft.MV &4,44
4 4,4.l4ft44l S 44,, k 4..,,, 4t
1114. tft4ft4 4k4V l4t lit JOT 4V,
4t4i: i 4ift4 I.. 4W.4 To I44 44ra,
l IV 4xtl 4 rvft4 14-rm.
4 4v4 ftt4ft, A- 4fc 4.ik 1.4r
14 4 .
I rim tva, Ail ta I
in ia tftru, tiiti. 41
1 U 4U-4V
tlaa 4fti fral
(hftrTT. I 44vra. 4 rlunt, i ),
WT14-. kl h ai4 loc44h4rTl44, Hit U
"l. !(, a 4ra.; Mil
ti ft .1 rir iiiiina
i.i .in i,. i ft ny 1 1 4iL
- Owner Must Sacrifice U4d ! nr room Wir!. I
AftWitha ni am lt.rt( elir: tnual twll
I txvo Tttla la a haritJa mu4 oa mull
aH'. IWlxUra, 1 fclork front er
f 4ry 4tn ivrma. I ti,4w jrM ttVMa 1
i W. IL riflLUIPS.
" r. Ifh V. or lo Htnl of Traita
I. liAVE on mora i roin luri 4lor
n4r lb. ML Tabor r. ii. tUai I can
aU ea Uva rarr mjr larma mt
l A Mo.VTIt.
Orand of Ml. 1Im4.
tont a. AXVKtimm.
Houses in Alrov
pltrttv., Tbry ar. tha b4 1
ualv. d-aJana. On. block I
or car Una. Irlca rich 1 1 ia4arti 4 rvaa eaacalot
ta.f MM arlla fiatlnma a4
fut l4fllt ailrrar. .larva u
l". Il.lnc rvwa arlia fuaaaara
an4 IftiMftkfaaa, anal. nnu aMh
tm ciiit.. i! valla a4
ptiiit iS t4i:.i, iiCft4 kiictwa la
hHa MiniftL lhr thanlra,
a444aott la aatlax oalK an4tla
er.i a4 Ham rtvaot; f,aot4
aM 4U.'4rftl aui nplnt porrh,
rt.aa rl4rt. rat4at tutor la
ItaawttMaiil. Uaft4rr .fara, caxttanl
a:k arua4 tvoua.
Price $3300
$300 Cash
Geo. A. Ross
lit Oarlinaar Itttfar
14 ana Aldar. J huo. Mala lTI.
vftia TvikiI. fait, aa 40441.4.
r4 r4 Vila .! 1I t4 l aax
l4 tail vaj j. la 14.. tun liiaaa la
awn faa. tl it 1 t I Vwqtdfi
Apanmcni bao
rttra 41144. 44t!-4. -Xaat ai!4tva aav
l4 lua aM Mitv. I'kVaa. a-r, I
Oft J 1 4 (t g T t I,
fl'at.a-ft aiJa. 4uJ .lt4. Vta
I laiilaaa. A aaiUa fhm riif 4ft li.
11144 tt aota. 1 'I 4vU. a44ta.
It ta4 4iiia 1.44 lai aa4 a.
WA?4Tri ra- t- aaf a
44M ( la 14MI4U. fill .l4a. BIftft.
444V 4tf lM,..llft tftliM 4.. I 4
I 4j-ar a III .' .
Ui.UU4X ft 44 aWiakiVi
4Aft4U 4tia a ran ta i aa
, lW44ar 4a44, ftf.tuaa 4Ha4.a. V.
4 l. Jrl - ...
a fta l4
4f 4,
Il ClaAtvar a ftVjtaa
LIwo Fine
Of Chll4V 't.ftn.
. . u ana.
1 K.
lOih at.
BOa; crTT pars..
a 110. CA81I.
Kui . v'Mi4, uuiii in Dune, and doob
Efa.a, Dutch kitchaa. fumaoa.
olid oak floor and mirror, dvra.
t4. .iuunpr 01 (.ommarca mac
Main 1114
,'(iuM "TE-T V BTTBTC-Tl
- CiAlAJW.
Solid oak fumltura throuchouL Dan.
iy riraplaca. Baamnt full drr wood:
00 quart Jar fruit. Lot 60159. In-
1 1 una iirytninar. Frloa 11000. 1751
iaan. wuii ro to canrornia. sa own
$500 CASH $500
Going East
Muat u. I room hungainw,
nvod.rn. buffaL baautlful flra.
flac. tM-amra ana pant-lm din
ii 4T room. lolch kltehti. foil
porrhaa. full ramaat baaamont, I
bfMlraotna, trt ImprtivrmonU
paid; located 110 f-t off flaw,
thorna avmua. aioal)nt llirhl
flilura, rrlca ItllO. ft04 eaah,
balanra 1S monih with InUraai
pr eant.
Chas. Ringer & Co.
til Xa.trla B14.
i ilil
I flaa Ma. ! II 1 4' limi ff
laha a.. I tlara fraot ML Ila4 rar. I
II. aaetft, lit. Mdf raaa. Titaf l
l olHiftl , "Mrartaoa - All imprav. i
i a la a4 fala rr, ta. . ball
(Mr ar tiH ra 1--4II. iourmal.
1 f aU T)UKs KAYKTi lf.
141.4 4414. a4 IUllwra. raoaal
44 1 4M raah Ta raa't 4l lola.
OaiMfi 14 KltM tM
Ll fs 4-ft4 rx a. 4at. 4l. Ittipravi
maul la. rr aaJ. tj var. Tarata I
ratal UUaaa .L J. B. kV, W. Pimoaoa
air l. .
K.K iU-I lota. Hall, facing
ral. aa Vaaoouvar aa. Saa owaar, I
1411 Vaaotiv.r ava, and .a a com en la- I
a l en.
I'iKR bualn. Int. frwnliua two a trivia,
epaoeiia o eiir iclioot rra orpor
lunhr. 4 alhar alara. r-lil. Jur
II 4a aa4 araak. I aa
HLftf ''. oaa arra af
r4j aiara ar4n ai. aa rock a.
a4 jlr autut-aiioA; 4 ralnai
l frata -(r limlia A.i4a
.4ii4 rar. ar i aiauMa
Alaa t44all lan of lmbr n4
II44 -r acta at lh atwva
twna. f ra af anr. tll llt
fili bid, 14 aa4 Waafc.
I. f. and II acr trarla. aeft
ra and onlr 4 mlnulM rai af
IHr land. I ra ear linaa. (od
rd and 041 aaf Itrmt, com.
avd aaa ua
The Shaw-Fear Co,-
Mala II. ii im ,t A-lill
Quick, tVcM Free, Free!
Ii v at I- a .daaal. 14 4 a fc.t4a.
4Mftf. Mai. I au4 fra K 4X4 aaif till
uiv-aintth irTTi inriiAwiin,
tit 41a at. l'M til Itail
UaK d4li ! 4iw. 444
I llmtftM. ta. at. fiM 4 Mail
land, awl a., (aa. fcotv4r aaf
ft-fcaaol. It. JV 4 rl4, Cra lf Oak.
hftom II.
AviMfcTiJi f..i:l..a4i44ftftU will
rrftma aar rallaa fan. 11144 a4tiara
rvrcoa rw fail tafi-44iara IkIi.
W U44! HI. AM4II44 If 1.!.. ft.ft ftLift L4 .. ... 1 1 ..... 1 1
lir-LlSol IUMllSt H t .ftf'MlO Witlaa iraa HU cl aM 4niJ- il
rt BMata aa4 I v lltl.t (aataa !
fuiaal Mlaraa far Ika lavaaltaaati, Um k
i 4
U'aVtTTTa-l ftft4 I44..1. H ! -4.4-
mi lia ft 4 4 - 4,4v 1-4 ...r-t
ltiwiat It .( .i4-t-4a, 4.'.
SfffX, 4r4'a4t 4 4 l 44-.A.4 1-44. 4
( .t.' 4ftft 4 -"f
1 i
' ft I,
ft,. I
, f -.
. t ,ft ,. ft ,
-..... , . , , , ..
14 fft. ft 14. 4.4. t ft ft
! I, .'v. ft , ,j . , .
a 4 t. i 4 .ft . ja v. . . '
1 ST 4 a. I J . .... . a
tftift... 4 i . . , ,
a. i 4 a a .ft.44 ; .
4 4, 44ft 1.4 4' . . , ,
" till ll ft It. , :
ttilt-t-t 44 , 4ft 44t , ft v
44. it 4.1-44
IV. I 'FICT'J- iT Ti ., " .
-. 4.t4 44 t a. .
a 1 fta 4. 4 1 ft t .ft.. 1
1.4 4.V iftul 4. ...
ttoauixa ttutuM ten Mt-tt 11 L,a
inw ffnm run rni
It 4a tt -fte
Jaffa a4. 4 aia
a. I 44. I,i' j44,(
14 m laxatk. I aia kaitft44V
4a UiV aiaa. i. 4t I lf 4--4
4t4 4.a I4 aaa'. , l'9 4
4wa. .,
14 BVUai.
fVaM ftla, taa la 4al olf
114, aaaav.. U a I t, 44... ,
l I4.V4WW -
Invti Willi a f aiaiuia.
l4ft .ia ( 4a tfta ft4i.
ld 4 4 444. i, :i44. I..
14 4vv m
faiaa. kltlt a. .4 all. 1 4f'
ta4V ! a:f lfk 4aita jlS
aa r lavaaik aW tM l4aa a
tit r f. -4t.M a4 4. t.
vvavi.nAT.. 4. Ai.rx co
414 Itaa.r 4. 'I
4 ! 4 : 4 4 I -44
t!l. Waa aaa 4, a I
44.4., l.44l.a
'', !.,
"T a 44 a 4 "-44 .
aw , ta li-4 I !
ia a toWittui iau.- -
lay k4i ,4ft tft(t4( i( i f
. riiMU fi.aa ail. . 41. ,
a(lnl 4t4U. i4la tun
fti''ll tUU. fk'ft
l4 44.
1 .4.
I4.1n l4 l f I , ,
, 4 4ft4 tlo.4 tmm
Ii aaf a.ia..
Here (TYour Chance
It n iiaa I raaiM a fa . knrtWa
a4 fcaufal ta IWM 1U
iiMtla4lft44r. 1 faaia- 44. 441 If
IM a ! If aa at. 1 fmh In
la,taaa af II fmm a ill Ma lfc
ka4ttt 4a'ltsa la (ba 1
rilr! 1 1 4. Ik4. 41 II. at.
Ra!;h Ackfey I an J Co.
II riaa.a. fal fit. a4 laaa. laaalad
i.sui ittitMi:
ra (lf,
a V-444. J
aaBMdfaifta liairaa-
wAv7.rfrrir-i' i tltT fZ
l-f fc-l-i. ,. 11 .ft4V
lt4 av 4.4,4. ti.ia i iM'if 4..
ft.. .... pe, laMsift 1 .?,
4;u4.l.g h. ifi.'M r : t.rf o-4a taa, , p ta :
ti. 4;
SUcon for sZq
.laaa aoaa la inr.'.-1
.'v4 . Ia la. Bill I m. ...
lar arlara call at llk A.4x.....n
WIU. Inrata tarllaa ea timhar cUlitoa.
juaMvit4. Jwltna aad lMMiffla etna.
1.1: lorallon aad rrttiaa auaranlaad.
Vrdla. rar f l.taull t.fW tttartl at.
rfon Main aova, 1 10 a p. irv. err rc 14
144 fp-
Ralph Ackfey Land Co.
t ill ML
Hotel Snao
II room. !. Irk r!rta- 111! .
ir, a itt4 k.r at i: ona at lit 4i
!. 4nrkl; mil raan. iae.
at ii.i ran 4i
on 1 mi
IM t
Live Wires
1 acur iii Towwim:
..p.r inonin. ?tennt anil. P.
Etrhanc. room bunfalow on E. Ilk
L N. for II arra Intel rt of Port
land, not or it mil out I .tlh.r la.
Tk 4rr r'4i la't It;. 1 dtatHrt.
full 444 44l.r kru full; tuaa; I..
ra i; tnatikftfttal K.I air ar
.(at a laikftl444; id ufc. t4 a fait
lj''yft' 4ra. ift qrwi. .
AYho SafcfBoardinc House?"
a hava ika bl Utiia h.aa ta ha
Clljr fr lit. lm a
m 4h at . a, H)t Hall.
mrTT: i 1 Mft kit-. f.-,t kcw; rt:
,vK JJTI- two .mint fu-iM..
fSlf. owi.V Hfrm. iv Tiiviv.
fMAit, 1-AtwrvT fM-n-K. iiAfft i t k ti
ltAft.NV CHAM, it F-HT, HEAVi.ItTu.V.
SftCiS I Kolr l. for araat aid. . 41 Itallwaj Eicnana bld. kaln or riaaraa .ana- ,
t.roirlr, virtual daira m wal ll. 14 acr oruna orchard for bungalow
aid. raalir. OrouM floor. Cbambar cf s ' i la cily. ........ MLKKATtta i ,,"rr!' "T,H"" Und- 11 mil trom
giSlrITyr7Xi htL lU'ft.ltyka''ftS - - - OT1f- f AIftJIS 17 Coralila. f"r bungalow.
ftrrlmpSniy nil IjZZrl tAmT btt" "lock WP
a44444.444444444444ft4.44l4.444444ia44 II - 41 ' 41 I ! I ta 44ft444a444t4il-4.-4 4
5 Acre Tracts
t aid. and down
5100 Per Acre
Including All Improvements.
livar, juat aero a from St. John
' and IH tnnoa back, mtotfttm road
mti 44i ., .nuuft u ftftuiftftvr v .
mint Iraol. (a par for land la
oordareod; 1149 par arra,
eaan aad lit par monin.
The Shaw-rear Co.
Main II..
101 4tk at, A-II44
r. P. & W it 404 Rr. fit Thlda-7 Main Vi" ' V? ',.Z1Z'Z
.... . i Mwiiwnn tanor
1 acri at Courtney aU In fruit, 4
block to car, ha la oca $10 per month.
nirrrai per ccnu Baa MOO I'onklln,
UuP krorn 44 to lOOi acraa. H
to 1100 aa arra
FRUIT LAND: from 401 to 1101 aorta.
Ill to ISO an acr.
improved rARNai JTona taw
era; 11 to lioo an acr.
STUMP LAND: From lit ta iota
ra- is to iio an acra.
t am handling my own land and will
mika tha varv heat term a.
101 MCKty iWQg,
., .. acraa, 44 ara lamlirw
tlon. balanc oak tlmbar; fair 4
room houaa. fair barn and ail noo.
outDuiiaing; no aipl.
traa.; 400 younr pruna traea, I
horaa-a, a og will weigh too
riunda each; ,t olilckana, 1 cow.
.r01?.; hrrowa cultivator and
all klnda of amall toola; cr
In kala, ona acr In corn. Thla
RfPfrty 1 located 4 m Ilea from
orth tamhUL 1U mll.a from
carllna, mlJ. o church and
achool. Face on main county
road and all I.t.I. Water la plnd
Into houa and barn; prlc 3600;
4i. Hailing ma, uatn ill.
Punrtaya and Kvanlnir., Main 1001.
FOR HAI.K OH TRADP BT OWNER, landlord, ItJVa ti at.
1 arra uf around with houa. atom I .
fead barn and 11400 Worth of gt(ral I "' KX At J A 1 -A
itirrchantllaa doing good ch Niatnaaa.1 ZU -nUUMo ZJ
iinTi.AND Bl'MNCBH ExnuNns,
Main 4114. 11 iwum btdc
Muffclay. and rrolrn. Main l4l.
11 Rooms on Washlncton
vr r ut houa in ana oat. looaiio l . i i .
I ran t V brat, fin carp! aM furtil-1 . CAI HAM
lur. alwaya full f fd ppl: ewnar I , unuvuil
ll4 lhara for I yat; wnia to Mr 4la or Irada. 4Td ranait bo.
M niri pnc. cut I root ink ta iiiao. -. u
114 Oak at . l!,?L-,. , ' :
OirZ rlTZZ TkULft lB.CKi.MlTlf oulflt; 111 Jb. a.Ti.
Ot0D-H.00k--ininlC rk. frg.;w1tiirtrad:
4T roomt, t r taaaa, rat 111, ft.";,.'0"". ' ") U 4
poaltlvely rlarlng 1 per month. If I Pl !XJ .'L
you want anmathlng raaily good, Ufconiral Ilf TAUIIANT If ." ba-i
1140 and 1104 and man hn.ln., -mrt
I ahow oti a good ororMMrttloti: inaii.
gala, m W. 4tr (., Van-mifr. WmH.
ltmll4tlr4 H..a.a. tn torlt.04, I , a. .Mm. nn.4 aid laraHmv
moruag or 11000 on abolulrl!rilarln Hid month. chaa
I alao hav
110 arra of, wheat
ixid in I ..-a .-a . i .... .. i.
U'.ahln.ln., I. 4. n.4..t.l. I. .an. ... I i'V? a . awn. .4 " -4
.. r, 1 ira ia riaaia
m.nts; nh piac waa aoid ror 114, lot. I n I u a ..I 1... I I r.
I will aoll or trad, alth.r for good In- Ralph ACklCV Land CO.
rriiit. riPAiuiiiv. all wlr tr mar h ai twl I atk At I r .
r" 7. ';rr"'l " "yv. Z... .i I ! am nu
iBi'iaBit ii in tittnra ptrim pi imvi fsna
cnurcn. A. T. Hrwr, i-aiirr-, ur.
30 Room Hotel
Rooming House
For aa). or trada for Improved trfty
orepartr or acraa a, a bar a In. coma and
In T a CO ma. clear. I Teara laaaa. rent I aaa IL Fhnna A. 1144. Vf.ralvall 41 ar
only 110 par month, fin. carpeta and I rail at 44 Blith t
furnitures baat location In that town; I r 0 i a
ror oaitj uy uwner
II or" i
... , ATtTISTIC ,
Complete Petal la and Speclflnatlona.
p inaia innrprii rhaw vm.
12 MonawK rnnr.
ft . . " ft" .IUIMW, ft 1. lfl(,' I
hardwood floora. furnace, . wltn all I
built In modern convenience, near car-
una, an air... improvementa paid, I
imminiy pnjrmco plan. -rovincni jn-
veatm.nt A Trustee Co., 101, SOS, SOS
Board. f a Trad bldg. Phon .JJainhaU
.(. A-IUiJ.
;, ' . Mttet fea fe6tb. .
My I room houaa, South Mt Tabor
Mlat4ift4f nilllf VMM m ft a 4 It A A
Incumbranca 11000, at T per cent; wlli
tak any reaaonabla offer. A few hun
dred down, balanc aa rent Hartman
ft Thompon, cor. 4th and Stark. Be.
Mr. Hartoy, room H. .
, .' f Save Money
I hva I or I'fivt room bungalowa
juat, couipitiveu ur win ouna to ult you
on your lot or will furnish th lot and
mak eaay terms and interest at 4 per'
cent, and th. prlc will be right Ta
bor 176.' ' '
OWNER For gal, modern 7 room bun-
or B-S171.
$3500i-Bunga!ow $3500
N.w. modern, S room bunga
low on Hancock street, near 13d;
haMwood floors and every mod
ern ronrenlenoe: easy terma.
Ill Lewla Bids. ,
A Splendid Chance
ralow on corner
lot 60x100.
Call Wood
A fin new player
places of music, i rooms ninalv fur,
nlnhed for th small sum of only 16601
ina piano ainna cost !UU; partlea laav.
tug ivr iauioroia, cnan or term.
, W. C. GROVK.
Cor, B. 80th and Oltaan.
Fhon Tabor 8S4S.
, 15 Minutes.
From busltiesa center, by ownar and
Dunaer, nandiome 6 room bungalow,
Just Finished
A snap at $2260, only 1300 down and
balance any way you wish. (This canU
taat. . ioi m snow you.
Best But Cheapest "
B and 10 acr tracts, ll to Ml an
acre, aaay terms; deep red shot soil;
well watered: Ideal for fruit vegetables.
dairying; fin vt.wj soma buyers al
raadv llvlna- on DroDerty: Income oro-
auctiig ail winter; acnooi on grouna; on
county roaa; rioae 10 iiv. town on iv.
Il and river, near Portland. Neuhauaen
A Co., own.ra, 70S Lewla bid.. 4tb and
Ten Acre Farm
Ona and one-half miles from Bewell
atatlon, near Hillsboro on Oregon Eleo-
trlo, acre Clear, i acres in orcnara
(tn veara old). baJanc. In oak rrub:
Piano with SI rich black loam soil, no building. Price
Brone-Steeie Co. '
Oround Floor Lewis bid.. 1ITU
.Oak Street
will trada that and soma cash for a first
rlaaa place her. Call at one. Sll
uan st.
1 116 FEET on EI 80th (West ava.) with
K room houaa to ticninira ror rarm.
Ur nlaca la on O.-W. R. 4k N. aid track
to Twohy Hro. machln shop; food
location for manufacturing plant, or
store ana notei or rooming nousa. b.
r; 550 'Business Cards $f
. . .? ciiy rrtnury, iiih id .
A RKAL flAftflAl.N. Rrlng this ad
ITa teapot caib for cigar, ynfecil.rTZ
wry, noiion a i or, uiv run partic
ular. K-t90. Journat
' HELP WA.TrEP--3LiIJ3 1
' T. M. C A.
tmploymant membership gnaraata.
employmant or refund of membarahtp
fva, rfvea two months' fnll mamhanhu
privUegra, 10 months social privilege
rr?l. ri , ' ' and undertakes to ka party employed .
r,r -iltru iTf: l.V I JI? f,?Zrl? during full term of member. hip, with-'
ner, eiectrlo lights, gaa. good lurnltora, ou. fnrihar rharir. . a
good leaaa. l art ; rash. alnoa l.rma p,ovmr nt denaAment W f 17
or trad. l H Holladay. Eaat 4871. TTCTr-rcT :
n " riTl ' UMfKO KTATKS navy ha opened a
V. Full.r. SI3 E. 10th st N.
1 11R5 net acre: 1900. cash. baL 8 eoual
annual payments at 7 per cent.
' 270 Stark st
JIIICKEN ana fruit ranone near Porte
land, walking dlatanc. to good town.
running wat.r, beet soli, fre. wood,
splenSfd fruit district vtew of Colum
bia river and snow peaks, I acres zt:
acraa 1400: 10 acres 1700: 10 per cent
! cash, eaay payments, other tract near
railway station 126 to 840 Der acra
aw x aon Diag.i r-oriiana.
Got to Sell
I aore all In bearing fruit 8 miles
ua to
from Vancouver. U mil to trt car
. . , ... i inftivin. tnnn Tor . llKfln aAtn.
hard pavad street cement .Ida- ,n"an riSwtK terii Cieat bargain In th. trnVur.
walk. . Amt I860?. Call Wood- lVlJl?"Vll.rJ5::, "I.m,l"n n owner at Oilman hoteL 14 IH . 1st
lawn 1417 or Jail at .si in a?27 conveniences beautiful lawn and roses wner, .'
' itTl. for trm. takifS loCAtio on best carlln in city ft., room 11
coft all improvamants in and paid; lot alona NICE) Urge
lleo t6wV(.
worth over IXOftfl. . nam., -m.. v,.-.
money and will sell if taken at one for This is about
suburban bom and ohlckea
ranch at 87 per monin; pnoe itso.
if It ralua. . Owner
Balance a rent My 12800 house; S 1 14800. cash reaulred. 11800. T.ogs I la moving away: only 10 minutes from
reara out, in Houm Mt Tabor dlatrlot; Journat - down town; 4 blooka to oar.. Thla Is
iwm ssfe
h 4t i 44a., . WW1 I
" ClioiciiJ t-Akkf In" addDjMHi '
An 44..1 iaa i aw. .
fWinvnci titi i n AuV.,,', ri'A" I TO EXCJlANOEEViultlaa In bouaea
Overlookln th Colurhb ariv.r Tnd ln L for " '. farm aad
per month. Han
Chamber of Com-
uveriooklng the Columbia rlvr and Ink lpr -,""Iunl,"' '
plain view of both the O.-W. RT 4 N. and I J?" ', a or alVe."f3
Vorth Bank railroads, combined with a onV$2wTiln4875
charming outlook of nlatn and "on & Roawell. 487 C
tains; soil unsurpassed for deoth - Imerce.
prouuctl veneas. A tin . i r, , ,k. I . a i,,i,tt.v ...... ..... w ... .
property could be utllixnd for Irrigation I 4 lots, trade for farm, tock or would
unii. eapociauy auitea ror all trada equity In one ror stork and 1m-
ainoa ui iruns ana particularly grape I plemants and rent farm. Phone Wood
and almonds. For fteneral farming 1 flawn 1128 or address 1646 Ononta at.
vii uc4 ipr , nounurui and I Portland, or.
e".lft.productlonB; Tho ownar la away - ; '
and tha rrooertv ia narlacted . T,' I WILL TAKE GOOD EQUITY,
on wanting a farm can get a bar-rain 10 acres fin fruit land; main Una
In this. Would consider soma Portland I " cloaa to Portland, will tak aa
property . -. . , tha first payment a good guity in city
uail at Big, Ry,. Exchang. Phone property up to iuu. . . w
Marshall 82 " B rnoM Railway Exchange bldg. Main
Removal Notice
On November 1 w mov to our new
aaartara. 1006 and 104 Wilcox bids-
corner 4th and Washington.
OH SALE or will trade for large
plao and par cash 20
room rooming house, alwav full:
clos In. So Johnson 'A Johnson. 148
10th t.
KmtLANb WiOkiNct ii6usra Co.
411 lienry bldg. Marshall 144.
Hotels, apartment houaea. rooming
nouses oougiit. sold and exenangad.
THE best moneymaklng 10 room room
racrultlna- atailnn t ti if .11 .
Chang building. Portland, where fnfor
mation will b gladly givan about navy
onoort unit lea to young mn ovar 17,
"Th Maklna- af a Mun n w...n
a book telling all about th Bavy. will
'-''' tr to anyone who wants It
WANTElKor th United 8tata army-;
able-bodied unmarried men between
ages of II and 86. cltlaens of United
Mates of good character and temperate
r"'!? who "n apeak, read and write
th Kngllih language. For I "-mat Ion
apply to recruiting officer. Worcester
mag., an una .x Sl.. Portland. Or.
ciiy urai iiiuiiviiiMffiniK iu rwm mom-1 ft.!-- 1 r r ' ' '
in house In Portland; new, bright WANTlvD man with expert
close in, 1780; , aaay terma.
quo i eon ping,
SO room rooming house, housekeeping.
oood location, i-nce 11400,
Everything . first .class
29T. DOB Alder.
condition. 1 A-
ence to onon branch nffln In ritaan.
for Iarg corporation. Apply 3- Lum
bermen blda;.
SALESMEN to sell subdivision; good
commission to live men. : Also good
in c 11 ii, nnutes.
.i 40 Acres
IH tnUea to R. R. station. 86 mllea
Fine-Clear Lots
P. fl. West, 401 b.ri..At ...."4a "j : r-t-r-rrr I CO-OPERATIVE realty rnwpivr
In Qfl.A1 1 I PAvniijivrj aaio i "mil, uii'v rva I .. .A -t t ' .......
in any 1. 1 V. n .1.... ? . V..k. I ' , 620 Railway Exchenire.
ft. iff 11 ft . vs. 1.1C.1 . . . 1 r ia, iii..fiftft. '
I WANTED A few 11 v aHlemen In ban:
diet North Alhnnv fruit anrf .ifi.n.:
In a new live town Of tha Deanhntaal; " . ': . ' v llraota. ain n atiraxllv. .....
!!?.. WBA 5. WmSTco": "S4 valley; Oregon.! w railr
ft"-"1- " I d.d an Vnn hid. , . "'"Kv : '
r wishes to lave city: 11200 cash
flown, phone owner, A-136S.
ther particulars see Anderson, 810 Oak. 1700 BUYS good 14 f room boarding
nous., inquire, srocery store at iven
ton - Mrs. fttcrtinnis,-
wica.1, 40 Keren in crop, roiling. Spring I j.oiiu.fiii, iiw uu amau . im , v.i.-
water Dined to hona.' h. tE.' roomlnr house Or business. r. I owrd, 606 Yeon bldg,
Pricea T" yun trees.
,;...v,x':29.. Acres .
1 miles from 4 P. 1 tnti. -.1...
trio R. R. 44 miles from Forest Grove.
20 acres clear. 10 aoren tn oaf and
''i ib ror uiacn 101m sou, well water,
f ood country roads, prood 6 room house,
air barn. HA miles to achnni and
churoa. Prioe 18260; 13000 cash, balanc.
v jBt veil. - ; , '
SOS .Jorbett bulldiny.
harm Lands
' Must sacrifice ne, 9 rooms, 3 e!e-
J'antly ' finished, oak, blrdeiy maple
loors, choice fixtures, modern, fine lo
cation. Irvington. . Alao some very
.k..n knrna tlA" r?.1RflA vi v.
U agents. W. H. Herdman',
FOR BAjjiii or owner, . room house
and lot 80x100, 1 block north of Al.
bina postofflc. house number 648 Gan
tenbeln ave-l 12800; terms. Address 890
Vancouver ave. Portland, Or. Phone C
2478. .
from - MontaviUa car.
Cloaa in and very centrally located:
ONE of the most sightly lots tn Fi ' acre nice for platting Into lots; also
lllie. LriUfJ SDUll II lAKPTI & r Allrla). Anl "' vr0s. -.-. "v- r-ft--4. 4-uf.. a. tivv
$300 catih tiered. J-992. Jmrnmf ' 15600; V cash, Daionce l year, per
- l " i h I ...ft Intiii,..! M M' III-irTTTl: uiirita. in
A RV1P n l 1 V" f " f
Mm uft. K... . W
w . vw.. .. UVU.W, we. fi una , JL4 iniB in
ftwuu, una jj loia in
Inquire 410 Yeon bid. . J.
5 room
nisneo, including; piano: house and
furniture In good condition: s hinir
YOUR opportunity to be your own land- ttt'- ""rnai.
plastered cottage, fur
llng piano: houaa and
lord. ; flmall 4 room house on cornr
... (n In wm. Ih.w O ...
I- JUL, wi iftftft ft ... 'J vi.., , w ' jic VCT11I,,
iXhi blocks,- from -Alberta Car. Prioe
jlOOO, S300'down, balance monthly pay
r merits. Inquire of owner, 308 Burnaidn.
LOOK I : have 2 houses, one with 80
apartmenva, aii iiiu, one or iu rooms,
all full: cheap rent; cannot run both;
want to sell one. Owner, 498 Taylor at
Consider some trade. Main 7343.
BEST BUY In Portland, room modern
: nearly new house, full of good furni
ture lot 68x100. 848 E. 46th at Price
18000, terms. Owner in .house., Com
and see n. ,j . . , .. -
yoti SALli 8 room modern house,
Hawthorne dtstrlotv A bargain and
on term same aa rent Phone A-1668
or Marshall 819.
ONLY 82260 Beautiful
modenr bun.
fruit , rosea, cement
C. I Parker, 1269
low. furnace.
, walks. nar oar.
Igrelerv: ---.-- ; :
VF.RNON Modern
aacrifleed. 11960, pick up 600, finan
cfat compilcetiona require 11200 cash.
Woodlawn 2714.
12660 i bungalow.
HOUSS of 6 ropme and barn, HS00.
Ooaaett 1 W. KiUlattworftb,
ATTRACTIVE new 8 room home, com-
plete, modern, lawn, roses, native
trees. Phone owner, Sellwood 69
FOR SALE by owner, one It-room and
one 6-room bouse. Easy terms. L-
iroa, Liuriitti.'
8 ROOM, house 12500,
near zzd.
72 R. fltarlr 4t"
Owner, fsn tn.i.,, ....
43U C, .1 1 ft nor "-, . .
ft f lIllt7 PCII W JJiJ X I OO. - . ' S
NEW modern 7 room bungalow, by
owner, good location, terma. . Inquire
7l6fith N. Tabor 1618. "
Aiiticnia . aireeft ousinesa lot near
iJth, heart of buslnees center? i960:
another 26x90. 760. Woodlawn 2714
OCKIftKY GREEN Two, lots on Omaha
ava. near . Aiiiingswortn, 8460 each.
Easy terme. Kaet 840O.
$50 down and 810 per month, fine lot
4pdcft,if 00I . APP to Geo- W Tabler,
48 N. 6th st.
CHOICEST 'corner In Lad addition,' &0x
ia. piargnail i.t, A-iftoay . . il -
J676 60x188 lot, terms, 810 down " 4UifI
111 per monui. weodlawn SOS.
168 ACRES unimproved land at Man
nlnr. close to P. R. A N. Co. line to
Tillamook. 8 miles to Banks. S mllea to
Buxton, fenced: price only $65,- cash or
terms. H. B. Dickinson, 1012 Chamber
of Commerce.
It mllea from Portland.- good trans
portation, rich black . loamy soil, very
productive; $300 per acra, terms. Fur
ther particulars at 407 Merchants Trust
bldg. '
THREE acres cleared land at Oresham,
best in county, $437.60 down, balance
easy., Northern Trust Co.. 370 Stark.
These acres can be subdivided and sold
in lots; can also arrange, to build for
purchaser.- ;. v-". '. ' '.. : "' ' ". "' ;-"
25 acres of orchard land. $i mile from
Eatacad&T price $160 per acre; long
terms, or would consider Portland prop
erty or general merchandise. Lock Bog
4, Estacada. Or.' - . .
g acraa. 18 miles from Portland all
cleared; must bav money. S-99L Jour-
naL - " .
LAND for sale. 160 of central Oregon or
bu acres or van ay oruBn land (Hup.
A'li.) vmii. ,
20, .'.ORES Hear Vancouver,, Wash., ax
..iLlenVftfrt'ft truck and poultry land;
$ 1 000. Krablll, 260 12tft st. M ar. 206 8.
FOR SAtE 1 ' acre, hon aounfy road;
$! down, $11 monthly. -Lenta Real
Etat Co, Tabor 1199.
Mexico- Loo kin IT for chean land tut.
are the largest wholesaler in Mexican
land In the U. a. Prioe sr. ......
m sr ami it.. ITa. ... ...a. i.,.. 1
4VA ft..,,'! """uiviae ana
" " - i 440 per acre; 82 tract,
containing over 27.000,000 acres to se
lot from; . excursion parties every
month; read excellent report in R. o.
. ' s ftftviw. eeptember IB, 1911
ursunuing innui oi Americans and
5i. ..." ",""7' .,LauwWTt p.
un uimifs uiij.
For Safe -
bo acres level land, all In cultiva
tion, 40 acres in hops, which are worm
i?5Ac.ftPr jxn; location gjod.
$10,600, half cash.
SI acrea rolling land, IS acre fn rnl-
i iuuiii House, ana Darn, on
Viilametta river. This Is a snap; $iooo,
R. M. Gatewood & Co.,
183H 4th St
MUST sell mr ranch 4 mlla Vj
berg, IH miles from Rex station. 400
peach trees, walnuts, apples and 4 room
no-use and old bop house, at, th ex-
remeiyjw-price or oo per acre, land
selling around this property from 1160
to $200 per acre. L-98 Journal.
IS ACRESj 4 cleared, 4 room house and
out buildings, creek running through
place; Just the place 4or dairy or
chickens. Take O. W. P. oar to Gates
Crossing. Aak at the atore for Mrs.
Clark. - -i
A good farm. 140 acres, 41 clear, 4
miles from Oregon City, good buildings,
chattels and crop, all $10,000 $8000 caeh!
balance time only i for 10 days. . R.
Buetikofer, 265 Salmon.
17jS aci
t an
1ii sal.
tf $10.0
W. W. Church, SSI Taylor U
THIS 1.3 acre farm, a bargain and
i muat t sold; everything on farm
go wltn sale except household goods
isocm to 110.000-will handle. Inauir
8 beautiful lots In this addition and
Twant a modem Portland home. P, S.
Went, 404 Railway Exchange bid, Main
CLIENT has some cash ani some Iota
WANTEI-Experlenced specialty aalea
man to handle, the beat nelilng novel
ty of the year. Room 17 Hotel Nether
lands. Call 2 to 4 Wednendav.
in thriving coast harbor cltr to eir.
change for roomlna; house or business
to maKi living- at. . uoaaaro, ouo xeon
Members Portland Realty Board.
1108 Yeon bldg. Marshall 8888
MAIN 446ft.
AN ALL improved unincumbered Wll
, t.tYiAtt a vaTIav iarm for 1a t.R n
ae, or wta traae ror good city prop.
erty. M. renerBen. ny union ave., w.
FOR SALE, trade, or rent, a 9 room
mndnrn and a five room bunaalnw
opposite Arleta school. ' Inquire Arleta
Tin enop. jviount booi-i car,
WILL trade house and lot, Seattle, for
small ranch in Oregon with some Im
provements on It. V. , P. . Bake, 7804
ltn ave, ph. w ., Beting -. x , .
NEW bungalow, Mt Scott line, to trade
- for rooming bouse or store, $800. EOS
Yeon. oia1. -
HAVE good 16 room rooming house, 10
minutes irum mt. j , iu exenang ror
Santiago property. main o.
HAVE equity in 3 fine lots at Gray
crossing; win iraae ior horses or
sell cneap. ' t -, journal. "
WILL exchange automobile for room
log nouse, store or something X can
uee. euo i eon oiag.
GOOD real estate to exchange for 6 paa-
sengw . automooiia, i. wii ii corbett
BEE us for real estate tradea anywhere.
tut ttoarq oi iraa. nio, - -
WILL buy, sell or trade any thin.
H. F. Lee. 1018 Board of Trada bldg
trade ror lot
flat: sal or
tet 6001.
CITY lot for typewriter and a little
cann. iN-a, ftiournai.
VACANT lot for ood typewrltetv
Failing bldg.
WANTED t or 7 room bouaa, modern;
must oa rvasoaaDie; ui exenang
good lot a part payment; full paruo
uiara. P-i.4, JouroAi. .
; STOCKS AND 'BONUS 68 WASTED-IHrst class commercial sign
-.n-, ; ,,,,,.;;i.-, writ rs. Apply Foster A Kleiser,
LV' October 18. uy f'; ,,7",
denlrea to' tiurctina I W ANT Bhlngling.- CHroflntnrln; Uhnr.
The undersigned
bonds of the Home Telephone and Tele-l rlnB.JathIhg. Give dandietry. 207 Allo
graph company of Portland, Oregon, to I r blng. " .
Inveat an amount not' exceeding $9900 WANTED At once. 2 men to learn id
all lunmalurtMiA Interest; coupons to ae- drive and repair A-tomoblle. Call at i
company the bonda. Submit offer in 113 N. 6th at.
wrltlngf not later than November 4, 1911, 'hxiitrftmhMAnB"rlLTm i. .i...L ' . w
at 1 o'clock p. m. W reserve th Hghf ,i winm tiESt. S& vJSTmii U:
to require that the bonds offered be de- in f YamhiU. ,nxt
posited, or In lieu thereof a cash deposit ' x," ' ,
of ten per cent of tha amount bid, W WAN1 ED At' once, a men to learn to
also reserve the right to reject any or ,T,Jrl repair automobile. Call at
all bids. Address J. F- Jack, Trust Of- Hawthorne Parage, 446 Hawthorne.
fleer. Title Insurance and Trust com- WANTED First dans mill man to tak
yuny, tv. 44 w xiieu anirci, jvi "utciua, 1 wmi jru- 01 imw; 40UU cash required
S-995, Journal.
WHAT can I get for 10.000 share of" 664 COUCH Cl(-an, ' capable- man for
Black Eagle Mining- A MlHJng Co. 'a
fNorth Skntiam)' treasury a took? Must
sell: the best offer will tak. It. Wm.
Hofer, 210 Morrison st,, Portland. Or.
kitchen and lanltor worn In nrini.
boarding house,
WAN 1 bu 3,.-.collectorB; salary and
, commission., . Bond required. Apply
402 Washington st. 1 '
WANTED i canvassers.
Apply 40
ft!v-it ..i. r I..... a hitnrv.nd Washington st.
ft- Vi VM.V ft... - " - ..--. ..-ftft..Vft WWUI 'ft-,. I I , - ' , ., , , -I, l, . , 1.
hall in a' furnished rooming . house f "i1.6' ui'caiiea for iallorKmacIe suits.
In Estacada. -Address the Progress,
Estacada, Or. , . . v . , . ' .
CONFECTIONERY, cigar and statlon-
$10 up. Harvard Tailors, 308 Hurnnlde!
WAlVTEDAn -.experienced shoe sales'-
mnr i no otner need apply. 146 22rt if.
ery store, will Invoice $1800. yours l WEAR a Kenshaw 82. hat: all TyTl'i"
for 8800: long lease, living rooma God. 1 169 4th 449 Wanhlnirtrin.
oar a, ouo xeon Diuy.---
OR SALE Cleaning and pressing es
UNCALLED for ti'llor made suits, llio
up. Taylor the Tailor, ?- Hurn t.
tabllshment good location, doino- irnoil I rrrrswsrrr ;.t: r-rz . .- r.- ;
hualneaa:, owner, leavlnv rltv V:-il iu-- .u"-i- il ""'i'.it ior iiour mui oiiice, ii-
Letter Heads, Envelopes. Cards v9?Mou,-n
Acorn Press, 611 Buchanan bldgi M. 6564 I ERRAND, boy wantud at Watson Pririi
lni? w.,i aia rainnri rx.
OR' ' RENT Store,
lease.' M.
1 -W ail-- a i I
central location,
Lee, 311 Corbett
BAYING theatre for -sale, or Will trade
for grocery- tre; , gooa reasons. M
16. Journal. ' ' - .
20,000 in profit for aecurlty to right
anv iimL win uui in a i uuiii, fin ia-
gltimate proposition. R-997. Journal
SALOON, good business. ' close in;
term, soma exchange: must
away. J. v. swamt, 17 Harnilton,
PARTNER with only $100 for lhalf in
" teres t in fine paying business. 42
Union ave. S.
CIGAR, fruit and, candy stoie ffir :,i;
fin location. Apply K'O -N. f"i n.
BUaiNF:S3 man, -.-t $::n, t
vice t lavttt, i.-i-j w
. . 1
"ELP. V ANTEnwanSC. 4
YOUNG ,JlEN. ' WANTfm to I-hit
wlrt-lt-as and R. It tltrarh: .-,.
tlons guaranteel. Call or !!, ,.
TelPisraph iept, room too Cou. i-. j, .
wealthy Hid?.
7lOUri(A"Mi. l"i 1 """"" "
ipg, etc!., uav Of mx'ii
dl!.Kiil l"-r- 1 1 -" I i
!' H V , 'T r 1 '
' : " , j j i !
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