The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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    tul: in..:
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no YiEoo:.a eras
t-. ) M tst.
l au t. i 1 tv u.mi
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U.Mktt 44tMA(. 1
'iMIMtt' H -'-
t4 M I'-felt 4
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H iim 4 Hauwtl VI If
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ta-a aAaa m 4 U 4
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Great Cites c!D.tbE5 Vis.
cf 1'eautft Reccr.r.frdfJ
Ur Pan::?.
tV I
, I nvwa fmm taiimi a ai
il I -3. is v
l W4v, ,vi.i4aiM
ui -tJ 14
1 artier ffem u. - fcMtr. f
te t-'-.a (, M, tMa4.
4 IV ,-. jf II , Ml.
ll k4 t -" fall kM fcM4
.11 Wi .- t -
k frt4.e4.l4 fueaa te totMfUwl (
e itHtM , J li... Vit ta
44 l.a: .A4i !(
cm, Urt l 0 -l y . f.l
tag ) NtilUI 44i
IVW I.4iaeia4k l,Ua,- Oa
UMU C: ., MlUtatf, littiif
bvf, toit !, flu..
)UK lf IMI R.4rx44. (Ml
CMlllJ ll. Atlaaf CfclOM 4
NUWII Ai44F. L lb. $), twa..
, .i. Cle--!, lNt. Ue4
K4t.k. CVMm. T-le wtil ! I.
ri.u ii i it
rviaaga Ik algal f MftHr It. 44
4444) mmmIim IU flll4
r. r.iurai u c ral ) U aft-
f I.' It.'
r w r4t May Uiwr mU
lajt 44f ffl 1 .fTI.)
. ! affKI 1 44 lMtM cUi.
, ' a. f 1 44 nralaa a l iM IMl
tartlrvlar any r lliir villa im
Ik. Ml
f ea-ire) Ifcal .artly
' -!. ...
r l( l(a MMr lr. I
Zr-rK tir ana aii f
aiM a4 aJ
4 C trM i&i
k fir iannrui i f Ik i
a.7 t. 4 H, lMr. aHk i rti4
lavluiaaat t aU fxrtiMi, aa ar
kiM aa la rai t aoma
4 tkaaa. I hava 4ataia I row twf
aiUa tba itMMra atwti4 41 lb
aaau artU t atl aa aaa.
-I amar nuiaa u ar Ju4iaat.
ftat I llaa tbta gwntMt prll U
Uka miU1b 4 ! atoaar aa4 awllaf
rataUawa I btk a buia aod a aaeUI
war. taajt tva tara avar awfera fcMtrs
aatwaaa laa aaat aa4 I ha araaL"
i Lm4 va.
OU4re, Oct. il. LHapulMi
ratta4 ra
raai mar eauaa tba atrlka of H.a
or ja.aat aboama eo tha Itock laUiid,
ta Wabaaa. iaa Tia tacina and tk
Xllaaouri. Kaiuama A Taaaa railroala. a
rof4tn( la aciinau mad a atar todar
. , Il a laain4 Uia a rafaranduaa haa
kat takaa ay (ha aioilora af Ut Rack
. IaUa4 rad. aal orrrrlr U racaxd va Ua
quaaUoa af Ik arcptaj)oa of m a
aol. bat lnoiadiuc tba aJ lama lira
btkr, la tha arot of tha aar aoJ
not balnf a oca p 14 a atrtka athail pa
Karo nation batwaan tha cfflcJal of
tha abopman aad tba 'onion ar
'tlnulfls. ltk aa oranrhaJmlnf majority
f tb ahopman faTaria a atrika. Saras
thouaand nook lalaad bop mas ara la
Tb qaaatloa of racoimltlaa af tha
ratm fadarattda la not Involvad.
ball lot
of Chi
diet Moart
tba prtmlai'
T ta-a atf t"f -
aart amnW) jwaiam i m iA aa4 s4
t f im ai aj.) f'ir n in i If
ata i athta, a ai a-vvi 141
f aajta iarU4; f at.o
tV)lwr 4 aa4 a
rlu-m4 aaaaM la a1
aa la Aaa U,4 la m -'
af 114 4UMk, a. ii4 af wi!f4
Im 4j aaaa m aU
Ui4m t Hiaatit UWI Utt'M a
i4i If . aa aattrt!,
ai-&aa aa4 f UM ta 1
a W r ara
a Hi)uarr fr laiauii (
U Mat aaU a lA 14 a-4 M
la ircxaia a4 .! a-Vl
ua i aa aawii 44 aan 4i Hit.
karavwM af i mi a i w
aa-ia4Ml!r -t 4 M last )
taml af aU t)wl V at Uaailai
i a aiaa 4 mimmt, a4 a4
4 aaua4 araa,4 aaMin4 taaaa af
; will f all raai ) W
law I m a Ua af ia aHr
a44i aU antia aaajl a aii.
aaia a4 4a4 frvaa laari I aa af
ik tfmm vtl ) aaa 4
aaaO!. tatwiam aika al a l
(Vr-) ff Pri !la
Tacawav aiu, c-.c 1 1-A IiuU ff
af k44) aif taiaf ifca aiaaa a4 tu l4
laaajH. aa4a4 f Aala rataf
l4r. r ta ciaaaa af fela m14
ridar araaV'a tt4 la- fraaaaa4
ai IM t'aJraJlr AlkialU n4. aUI-I
l4T 14 IM Vr unto af aat af tka
ruaia 44 Ut raao4T af kank Ua4i4
1 ! ara4 Uihtry M af4 14
ratlr 44 la aia aakt la uaa la
a4 Taraaa U Ia4ar fa WlU
a a. Ana. ka aaywaia la
Arui H4-a, M la aaakiM
am try fuc&ivia L4 Al
Xry Ma G to IMm.
rCaiM tVM ta 4 w
TalWK Oal. Ort, 11 a Q alalia I
irn tha bf4 af far Oark
J. H. rUar a4 Cktaf Taatna llaatrr
lUtiaala. ( ftavaj affVoac aail
la tar 4 tkra raar rwitliilr ff I
aBsiapt. Tka aluj ara ta.
ad la aonac(o vlik tka trraralarV
Uaa la kaadtlaf M aat af l r
ealrlar akt' jdaa4aaa. ryaar
A. U. Plftxa 1 tul aaralll- Mi
Abo la TboroaJ V,.IUcheon. fath
er of tb Ev. Claraoc V. T. Rkb
etoo. cbaxgad with tb poUonlof
of AtU Llnnall of OoctoD, la order
thai h might maxrr Vlolat-Ed-
manda, tb daagbtcr of - a Can
bride mllltonalr. Dalow ta At
vaaa Twiina an i mnwmmia, phihi1
UunlKar-kUsr Oa. 114.
f. I14k. wart IW-4try fria4
alllnr, Haawd atraat, kalwaaa Wo4 I
katwaaa Twalftk and Ttlnaaatfc; WU4-1
ad Orewi kvlUf. CaU H. Mill!
a C CI aet I-atry fram I
dw!or. rarttalh araoaa, l4
Hath and riflr-ltth; butldvr, aaoaa;
cboi ritnt wo. l. araei l-aiorr I
rfvi m
Is the time for emy woman by natural means to make
,hcrult happier, healthier and mora cheerful No
woman b golrgj to feel well or look well If aho lets
herself con timid to en Her from headache baelciche,
miserable fatigue, extreme nervousness, depression
and worry.
But, really, what Is the use of Buffering this way?
Thousands of other women have found that any time
Is Woman's Best Time
to take the perfectly harmless, vegetable and reliable
Bcetham'f Pills. They bring immediate reliefthe
stomach Is toned, the liver stirred, the bowels regulated
by the timely ttso of this aid to woman's health.
, With better digestion, richer, purer blood you will
have brighter eyes, a clearer complexion. To-night
is a good time to start and you will be surprised that
you feel, look and act so much better, In every bodily
way after you have tried and secured the. quick efTcct
that comes once you begin
to take
Ai all
14 XS.
Ira -LAtJr wan tvtti
f imiii amf miv twmir
I i.l.ita4i a4 tl-' '
iai aMi:tei awl k-a wl
M af i la i.
IWf a. a
f r ikmii at f& .
iuiMit iai ai l 4-a . rw
l. f MUtl aav4ilk4, iiwl
iij r ai a ,m
I a iv mi ir f aaaa t..
I M I iwV UlL..I Mnal
I mat oa lf II fi.4.
La a4 laa aittaui. f
0lali I laa' a . itmm aa J
aa 4a l kav t
ll r-aJ4 a Ma.'ia 44 mw(ti
a-4 4 aaia 114-4
i aria No
Qt'ibrti t'jrriu
VHTttL itljrirl.ia
rur atamlula lar ( ; lnti.
!. akiaalt- a4 Auomi
arrucrn a, W(r imiu,
. . t ; f Uiwuom
amlxi, ui ika aa4r.
ra4 aaallf aad 4Wllv I -.r
rkta aa af VAkucoi
1 iiDioviii iii aara a.r,.
f a a-anu,
I MOW artt. .
ITIOB rta nUi
'arncirto plood re
lra I au4 aaiiifn 4tKj.
l4 r"''i aar.iTb
PiaOITT ai
aiM 1 rienino, uddci 4
IIOflT TrtallMi MlTUPTlS 41a.
r4ar MLB. ECT4J am4ajl4
a4 ail ailaaaia af aa
COM TO Ufi AS1 Otf If- Oa
t4r any trvatmit. ram will .w a
ly raal'aa how pimpU a bias II la la
IM la lha kanaa af a iNtUUil
ha kaaaia lua Imnui kl w)
add ot nly yaara ta Ufa. kmt IKa
la yaara. I j Br o.f cy Ua
arroul bavllaa.
Of flea hnra. dafty. ta I; ar.a
lata. t 14 l( Su4ara. 1 t L
Vaakiaa-aa BX. Part Wad. O.
torn PbUIp R. Dunbar, who win
bay cbarg of tb clertjrman'a d. fl buiidin. rt . f'1 fl?f
.t Quick .
sortie Cure
rSVJor Piles
Trial PadtAgw Abaolatelr Freen-WUl
Too Spciul Poat-Card for It? ,
If you ara a aufferar from pllaa. In
aunt rellaf U your for th-aakln,
(nd a pady parmanant cura will fol
Tha Pyramid Dm, Co, 10 Pyramid
Bid..' Vfarah.ll Ulrh. will n1 mm
f, fra, In a plain wrappar. a trial pack
8 of Pyramid PI la Cora, tha wonder
ful aura and certain cur for tha tor
ture of Jthla draad dlaaaa. Thouaanda
br already taken adrant of thla of
far, tbouaanJa know for tha flrat tlma
.In year what It 1 to b f4 from tha
W!. '
Pyramid Pll Cure rellavea tb pain
, and Itchlna tmmedlataly. Tha Inflam
mation foe . down, the awelllnaa re
duced nd aoon th dleaa J gone ab
solutely. . . , i ,
No matter how deaperata you - think
your caae la, write la today for tha free
trial treatment Then.' when you have
,ued it in th privacy of 'your own horn
and found out for youraelf how ef flea
clou It la, you can ret th f ull-als
package at any drug atore for SO cent.
Every day you suffer after reading thla
notice you suffer needlesaly. simply
fill out free coupon and mall today.
Calt4 raa Uaaad hl
Bo4ton, Oct. 11 Pal4 and gaunt.
howlng much arldnc of tb Barrow
trala whloh b ha baan undar during
hi conflnemant Rar. G. V. T. Rlebeaoa,
ehargad with th murdar of all Avis
Linnell. waa taken befora Pollc Judg
Mtchl Murray today. Through hi
IlrtrLan: llluo.
Hchocl Il.lrcl No. J. erect t-atorf
frame building. Powell Vatley road. b
twaan rorty-flftb aad Fort r-.aiLb;
kutldar, tla A Bartalai 111.
W. W. Butanachon, aract 1-atory ord
inary alor. penlneola avenue, katwoaa
1 la I lock and WUlla boulevard; kaUdar,
Ij. A. Whftcomh, eract lH-atory frame
dwelling, Denver avenue, oetween pom
I attorney. J. a. Punbar. h made no plea fff and Emraoa; kuuaer. w. r. nan;
. t. - Aa w . w 1 . 1 1 ua.
to ma cn.rn 01 uiarair, f.uv 1 mai I if .
mm. ! .-' w
poatponed by previous agreement until
November T. Today waa th day orig
inally et for th wadding of tha young
I clergyman aad Ml Violet Edmanda.
Building Permits
J. L. Smith, eract two atory frame
tor and hall. Eaat Forty-cond atreet,
between Fortieth aod Forty-flrat va
aua; builder, L. EL Palmer; 11109.
E. p. Murphy, erect on and on-half
atory fram dwelling, Buramtr atraat.
between Thlrty-Mcond and Gleea ava
ttue; builder. George W. Taylor; -11(00.
Ovarton Fuef Co, repair 1-atory frame
woodyard, Overton tret, - between
Twelfth and Thirteenth; builder, same;
8. P. A 8. Railway Co- repair l-atory
brick offlcea. corner Eleventh and Hoyt
treet; builder, IreDouz A LeDoux;
2K5. '
3. P. .Morris repair fram hotel. Park
street, between Alder and Washington;
builder, li. B. Boice,
. Fits A Ruaaell. reoa
aaloon, Second and Burnsid streets;
builder, James Direjo; iau ,
A. P. Turner, erect H-story frame
dwelling, 1106 Vernon avenue, oetween
Sumner , and Emerson; builder, aarn;
gar A CO.. reel I H -arrory
fram Hw.Tllna Kt ThlrtV-vnth
atraat, btwo Itanoock and Tillamook;
builder, eame; 11000.
W. T. Stacay, eract 1H -atory fram
dwelling, Wygeat atrt. batweaa Ntne
teentb and Twentieth; builder, 1L
Heimo; 11700. ...
Mr. N. Zimmerman, repair 1-atory
frame dwelling. 111 I'nlon rnua, ba- '
tween Hawthorna and Uadlaon; builder (
W. Oroae; MOO. ... li
Palling Ratate, repair 1-etory bticfcr
building. Ill Stark a treat, between Flrat
and Second; builder, R. J. Stewart: 1100.
Stops a Cough Quickly
Whole Pint of th Gnlokeet, tor at
Oougb Bamedy for 60. Moay
B4f ttuded Zf Zt Tails.
Pyramid Bldg., Marshall" Mich. Kind
ly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile
Cure, at onoe by mall, FREE, In plain
Name . (,,.. .........
Street .
aty stat
If tou have n obatinat. deet-eatd 1
Muaseii, repair a-aiory unci 1 cun, wmv in.n iv u- , 1 1
home-made sugar syrup and start tak
ing it Insld of 84 hour your cough
will be gone, or very nearly ao. Kven
whooping-cough la quickly conquered la I
thla way.
A B0-cent bottle of Pines, when mixed
with home-made sugar syrup, gives you I
a ' pint a family supply or th rineet
cough remedy that money could buy, J
at a clear saving of 13. very easy to!
preparefull directions in package. . I
Plnex oothe and heal th Inflamed
membrance . with remarkable rapidity. ,
L in - yici.ii, in vnifiiujr
laxative, and has a pleasant taate 1
children take it willingly. Splendid for
croup, aathma, bronchitia, throat tlcklo,
cheat pains, etc., and a thoroughly auo
ceasful remedy for Incipient lung trou
it ..... ... .
D. ParaueL repair 1-atory brick store.
J91 Morrison street, between River and
Eaat Water; builder, Parker 4c Banfleld;
Rufu Mallory,1 erect fireproof con
crete footing, 'Lownadal and Yamhill
'treats; builder, Leonard Construction
Co.; 18000.
8. R. Cllnton. erect 1V4 -story fram
dwelling, Albina avenue, between Pip
pin and Stafford; builder, am; 12000.
Bessie G. Nayea, repair 1-atory fram
dwelling, 400 Eaat Eighth street, be.
tween Lincoln and Grant; builder, earn;
uoiumoiavjuievaior wo., repair a-aiory
vuiuuiuiujtj. .v"., --- I jfinex la a special ana nigniy conrm-
fram shop, 254 .East- Sixth .street, be- I trated compound of Norway White Pin
Vfa t n n1 f .tiiann buiMp. fl.mA! I m 1 t t 1 . ,
1 E
life Insurance or Death Insur
ance Which? v
: People willingly pay large sums for
me lunumiito, wiiicn is reaiiy aeam in
euranoe; but real life insarance frequent
Iv fnnfllHta In rBkinir Vlrrr, an.
tlVe.: ; .' . ' .. --f j
- Can any "lung sick" person afford not
to taKe tne Alterative? 1 v ;
It sharpens, the appetite, make life
I00K diirerem, Drings better health with
greater earning power. Often persons
are so much improved - that they can
work even before they are finally cured.
investigate it, ir you ara broad mind-
enough to believe that there can be
cure foe consumption, which haa not
been sensationally exploited, or which is
uu, w:4 uiwci vii vnuiaiwo. or aiev
restriction, Mr. Webb report fol
low:, ; , . ... !. -
1.. - -V ....... nMm ..Til- i
' "Oentloman: During 1905. mv nhnl.
isian aent .me to Texas, from there to
(joioraao. 1 oecama worse aad was sent
home to oift. 1 neara 01 ckman AI'
terative,' oagan treatment, i and - was
cured. 'I earnestly recommend Eck-
man'a wonaerrui cur ror consumption.
t. (Signed Affidavit)' ARTHUR WEBB.
Fuller detail of thla case upon re
quest. -
Eckman'a Alteratfve. is effective In
Bronchitis, Aathma. Hay Fever; Throat
ad Lung Troublea, and in upbuilding
4. ha eystem. Doe not contain poison a,
opiate or habit-forming druse. For
sale by Tha Owl Lruir Co.. and other
leading droggtsta Ask for booklet of
i-urad- and write t Eckman Lat-
oratery; Fhllf auhiaw Pt tar- mdixiaaaX
6 Jb, East Eightieth street, be-
ex tract, rich in guaiacol and other heal j
ing pine element. - i 11a unen oeen ;
liriltatMl. fhouarh never aueoaaaf ullv. for .
nothing else will produce th eame re- 1
aults. Simply mix with sugar syrup'
or strained honey, in a pint bottle, and j
it ia ready for use. I
Anyone wno inea rinu wm quicmy 1
tween Main and Madison; builder, eame;
1100. ' - ' -
Alfred) William a, erect 1-atory fram
Shed, Lexington atreet, between East
Seventh and Ninth; builder, Mr. Pool;
j, - in, . jvia;miii.-' .uif wivi A.aiii
unc...,iB, w.w,.-- . -.v-rr:"-,,V k.,7iVl I Anyone wno me nnex wiu
tween Klickitat and Siskiyou; -builder, n-ae'-t-n,, why It 1 used !n
fSi !'xAvMir iv mMi. Yn . ' . home In tha U-8. and Canada than any
,. rm,Bl ZSPtlL.:?0!-- ram other couch remedy. The icenulne 1
V-auTrfA "jZkii.. ,iid.V ruarantee to-giv abolut .aUsfac-i
tween -Kelly - and Franklla; builder, f, OP m0nev rlfnndad. Certificate of i
guarantee la wrapped In each package. '
Tour druggist haa Pinex or .will get It
for you. If not, send to Th Plnex Co,
Et. Wayne, Ind. , , , . .
Plnex is fully guaranteed by Laue '
Davis Drug Co., Distributors, Portland. '
If raj READ WHAT OtTR PATTENTi SAT. Tha original, with hundred
Mail of othor on fil In our offlco No namra or addreaae revealed, aa
oar dealing with our patient ar acred ly confidential. Theae and
many other MEN have bean eured of WEAKNESS AND AILMENTS
peculiar to their aas after other pclallt had failed to even giv relief.
READ and b convinced. ....
Remember, we hv been hr for year, ar permanently located, in-
corpora td and lloenaed under tba law of Oregon to conduct and oper
' ate a Merical Inatltute, Sanitarium and Hospital for the treatment of
Men' Ailment. Tou take no rlak when you treat with ua. Our ataff '
of phyalclana ar graduate from th leading coUeree in Europe and the
United State, and have been in aotlv practice from II ta 11 yaara,
and ar duly Qualified and lloenaed to practice medicine and anrgery in
thl and aeveraj atatea. Inveetlgate our record a and atandlng and oom-.
para thera with tha other eo-called speolalist who have only been la
our elty a few week or month.
dm, ygadloal tnstitnt. Portland
a.nimn; It Is om tlm alnca I
fnd at your offlo. At that tlm you
mid I waa cured, which I am. I owe
you tl and would ilk to aettle with
you. but cn't now, out win in a ween.
Aom did a nlc plec of work when you
made me a healthy man again, and I will
gladly recommend you to all weak and
Buffering man. ' (Signed) B. B.
' Heppner. Or, July 11.1111. Or.
Medical Instltat Gents: I have fin
ished th last treatment. 1 have Jm
nroved arreatly thl month and think
Inother month will cure me, although I
wa in a twrriDi conaiuon ai iirni.
'v !. , ED. ft. C
.. , m.v.iit wnS TVtr Doctor: I am
eured' up now. I don't have any trouble
at nlsht and my bladder ia an rignt.
' In fact, I feel Uka a new man. I am
not tired in th morning andjf h dark
circle under my eyee are suma
. f , (Slimed) o. M
Dunamnlr. Cal.. May !. 1111. Dear
' Ttntnr T am feeling better than
hav,for a year. I can dlacover n
trouble whatever now. I . have nothing
but prala for your institution
I AO. M.
TTdl.hnMi Or' Anrll IT. 1111.' Ol
Jtadical Xnst--fhanks to your skil-
full treatment 1 cannot nonce any ma
Lih.i'nii,i.tkji4l i.)' 4 j'.iifa
n Pendfrs: 1400.
Oeorge Thompson, erect 1-story frame
dwelling, 1888 Broadway street, be
tween Glenhaven and , Seventy-fourth;
builder, same; 1750. . ' ' - t, '
. C. I Large", erect ordinary store, $21
First street, between Sheridan and
Caruthers; builder, James Grant; $2000.
Henry F. Swartout, erect , 1-etorv
frame dwelling, Marion atreet, between
Eleventh and Thirteenth; builder, Mr.
Wllber; 11060.
Tate Investment Co., erect -.1-atory
frame office, East Twenty-fourth, be
tween Knott and Stanton; builder, aama:
. .
utto uraemer. repair 2-aiory irame
dwelling, - 243 Cornell . road, between
Marshall and Northrup; builder, F. C
Livingston: 1S00. - f . - ;
a. H. Morgan, eroci i-eiory zram
garage, 498 Eaat seventy-rourtn street,
between Brasea and Thompson; builder,
McKensle Realty Co.; 1600.
A. L. McKeniie. erect l-tory frame
garage. Twenty-ninth, street and Re-
rents urive; ouiiaer, ucivnui fteaity
;o.; 1509. .
. school Board, erect l-atorr flrecroof
concrete school and gymnasium. East
Twelfth etreet. between Twelfth and
Fourteenth; builder, Galbraith 4c Felao-
der: 160,000. .
Rand Investment . Co, erect 1-atory
frame dwelling. East Thirtieth atreet.
between Taylor and Tamhlll; builder,
samel 11600. -
Mr. L. F. Johnson. : erect' 1-atory
frame dwelling. Eaat Fifty-ninth atreet.
between Fremont and Klickitat; builder.
me: inowo.
Cal CervrrL erect 1-atc-ry ordinary
pboto gallery, 411 Washing too treL
I Core Men
Pay jrba Outed.
r Oeaaral DbU
"Ity, Weak Mervaa.
Znaaauaa Results
or exposure, overwork and other vio
lation l Tta' laws, Diaeaaea of
Bladder d JKldnaya, Tarloosa
Tiiai, ouicxiy anr pezmaaaatly
eared at amau avixnaa.
- 8WSCXAX, ULMEHta-NnlT onn.
tracted and - chronic cases Cured.
itching end inflamma-
4 bourse Cures ef-
tlon stopped In 1
f acted in aeven daya. - Consultation
fre If unabl to call, writ fvr
list of question, i
orric noura A. M. to a p. m
Sundays. 10 A. M. t 1 P. M. only.
rawno coiiT vmrcu co
aa,a Washington Bt., Cor. rirat,
- Partlaad. Oregon
t avrantom. I again extena mi
thank to you all and ahall always re
gard you aa my greatest beneractor.
- - v.-- - . R. 8.
Salem, Or. Or. MadloU oXaatltnt
I received your letter. 1 am entirely
; well and need no more treatment. 1
thank you very much for what you have
,done for mel and the .way that you
, cured m. : ' K. J. M.
' PortlndV Or Dear Doctor: Tour let
ter received. Doctor. I think I am
cured. Th trouble haa srtopped com
pletely and thank you for your kind
nesa. I will call and pay you as soon
as possible. y C. P..-.;
Nehalem, Or. Or. Mdloal Xnstltat,
; Portland, Or. I am sorry that I have
troubled you so much,- but I am entirely
cured and will not need any mora treat
ment Thanking yov very much for
what you have don for, m. I remain,
. as over. W, F. B.
These ar a vary few testimonial w
bar reoaived from onrd and gratarnl
men who bay bean enrad and raatored
to perfect health by our Spaoiallat af
ter other have failed. What w nay
don for others w can do for yon. And
Jon oaif pay n Ilk th other hay
one, after yon ar "Ctmu." CAJT
zxAJoifATZOir rxsx. -
ta not a dtaeaae. It 1 a symp
tom of disorder To stimulate
activity by th use of power
ful tonic la an eaay matter,
but auch reeulta ara merely
temporary drug effect. Most
doctor treat weakneaa in thl
manner because they do not
know how to 'our th real
causa of th derangement, W
employ aclentlflo and success- .
ful methods.. Wa use no ton
ic' at all. Our treatment la
a local one entirely and cor
rect every abnormal . condi
tion of that vital center. Our
cure ar real cures and ar
ar usually found on left side. .
Symptoms Aching or pain in
groin or back, nervousness,
weakness, loss of vitality,
lack of ambition.
I cure varicose enlargement
by one treatment in one visit,
without a severe surgical op
eration or suffering, or keep
ing you away from business.
Obstruction,) Straining, Pain
in Back. Enlarged Glands,
Nervousness, Swelling,' ; Ulia
Acid.'. .
I can stofe these symptoms
right ' away and 1 they won't
come back, . because the cause
of them is done away with by
a eur being effected. I don't
use strong, painful. Injurious
injections that do great harm.
My . method . cure 1 without
pain, gives immediate bene-
in buu joahiua vine.
Specific Blood Poison :
Cured In One Treatment by
tb Carman Method, "006" In
jection. eratst Discovery of '
tb Age, . Ton nd not now
tax Injurious ' medicine for
yara 7. ... v i - , '
DE. A. O.
Tb Xadlng Spaolallst,
I am a registered and licensed
phyaiclsn. confining my special
practice to th ailment of MEN. I
have more money lnvaated in my
eatabllahvient than all other post-
land specialist oombinea.
I nse my photograph so that when
you com to see m personally you
will recognise me. Inveetlgate my
personal standing before accepting
treatment from a doctor or unknown
Identity or reputation.
Are You
being treated in a atiafactory man-I
nor ifjr yuur vmeni uuvwi ,
carrying out nis promiaesT Ha he I
cured you in a reasonable time, and I
lived up to his guaranteer Are you
paying him exorbitant prices for
-r.HIrlna. rtna h. amnlov thorough- I
ly up-to-date and scientirio metnoas.
wnicn wouia De epprovea oy ui reg
ular famllv : doctor? If you cannot
answer these questions favorably to
urseir. come ana nave a connaen
'al talk with me about your ease.
It will cost you nothing.
1 1U l t lor MtlN
I am a graduate of Pharmacy and
Medicine, legally qualified to practice
my profession In th Btte or Ore
gon, waahington, caiirornia ana Ne
vada. I DUbliab my own photocraph.
practice under my true ana correct
name, personally own, control and
manaara my office. I meet, treat
and ooneult with all patlaota at aU
tlmea. I employ no hired aubatltat
or illegal pracliuonera to eonauit
with or treat you and I davot my
entire time to th treatment ef
branch offlcea and am not connected
with any "medical company, .'mat!
tute," or "muaeum." -
(Signed Affidavit I J. J. KEETfi
My sworn atatement i your pro
tection against incompetent ana in
ferior treatment
Come. to me in confidence ana let
ma ahow you the wonderful reJuven
ating and curative power of my di
rect memoa or treatment, iou are
under no obllxatlona to take treat
mant unless my charges, term and
arrangement ar entirely aatlafao-
tory to you. No Inlurloue medicines
used, no detention from work. .
Tb following ailmaat ar nooa.
rally treateai vanoosa vain a. nr.
drooal. Karve. Blood and Bkln AIL
menta, Kidney and Bladder Tronblaa,
Blood . Poiaon (German Blsoorery
naed), Waaknaaa, Xruptlona, xm,
rutala. , , ,
'' 'WRIT15 If you cannot calt '
to 5. 7 to 1 Dally i Sunday, 10 to X.
J. J Kccf c, Ph. &, M. D.
eixtk, rosTUJis, ua. . .
pltitton "orn OcnUon! SQUARE OKAL4
' TOV.OAV PAT B.'WHBB, CVBX9. ' " K . - . . '
HZV. XP X TBOITBXJi. OOBaTDXT TTS TODAT. If' yon cannot call. '
writ for free book nd aelf-examinatlon blank. Many cases cured at
horn. Hours a. m. to 1 p. m. Sundaya 10 to 12.
Bo Ptntlon Prom Occupation,
- ramiiv or noma
I Invite you to come to my office.
Fiwlll explain to you my treatment
for Varicose Velna, Hernia, Nervous
Debllitv. Blood Disorders, Piles, Fis
tula TCtaiM.i TTlftn.V PrnstaMft nil
all Men's Ailments, and give you
FREE a physical examination: if nec
essary a microscopical and chemical
analysis of secretions, to determine
pathological, and bacteriological con
ditions. Every person should - take
advantage of- this opportunity to
learn their true condition. A per
manent cure is what you want, 1
My orrices are open an day rront
a. m. to 1 D. m- and Sunday fro 11.
AG Smith, lVLDl
mornaoa gt., corner ad, .
- Portland, Oregon.
. A. mT.
la what yon will get
. if you treat with me.
Resulta ar quick and j
n o i 1 1 v . You ar
-benefited at once.
Men w bo b a v
dragged their cases '
along for month:
with som other sue-,
cialist are astonished
nr. in nnimiu prrariR
of my r a m a r k a ble f
treatment. 1 cure -'
V.rvnm Tta Hna i J
VaricoBO Veina. Piles, Vi? t"T W
Ruotur e.v Rheuma- l--V
tiam, atiff and swollen joint, Kidney.
Bladder, etc. . ;. -. : -.,...". ; , .
Blood Ailment oulcklv " and ' aafalv
cured by a famous and wall known Gar
man remedy. - n
Consultation Pm, Writ or CaU, -
Th Old Bellabl Specloliat. " r
Corner Alder and Second streets. : En.
trance 1384 Second street, Portland, Or.
Office hour 0 a. m. to Id. d. Sun-.
.daya. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
At rewTarniifrVv;' .
It. llhtniwiMM'l ,
MtRVl LlM mm
hnertd aod aboald
w aboat Ui waadrf ol
Tka tmwmT V.rinaJ Krrtnnw II wt fonr.nt.nV.
11 eiMUk
tK- tnlandnunl llIorTmc4 hook aralxt. It
it fall rarttciar and rt)r
Imas uvaiaaoi e
aal hf MMawn Prat C- Wa-l.r. X,",r",!
(aaxk4 Oa. aa4 Laae-Park- ra4 ca 4---a, -"ilk'
1 aaa at. itw Teas.
'I f0$) rl li
f 1 1 a-iiiii 1