The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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    nix. civ.
cmrs avkwaro vAr cf cuAnoi'.a third oasc
U jib us
7 B II I I a J L B & J & f - - 1
npn Has Best Ritir.j With
M " A b . t III L
fleeter end A:be3 Read for
Wilson MUner, tui Old Tlma
Resent Chart, a That The
Feared Jelferscn; Schclas
tics Play Tcday.
CntJo and Cutihavy
Clew l?
Gotch Eih.:t;:n Tcrncr.
row Night
Friend cf Famous PiQht
er, to Act
iras m
(' i
kvxfr a bAe a
M t k--M t IV kMeit4 af
m rn CWM U. s-t
, iWVtu 4 "-Vr" IN.
-4 iu nml l
M ! !. n
j w4
fe i4 la Uaa IMS Mlf IM
im -& a- to '
im tM'iM m n
! I to- tMIM
rMMi IM b-e. t
aw4 uiwL hm4 Ma4 ii-
4 wmit Wl Me ia. CWMv
' Ike Mtw Me .. Ik 114
Me Mftftaa, W etaklk M
la aM lu auaia Me MlMkMi
fwala lfc 4e(h M
kl- M4 M Mi! M4 fS .
la. . U . -
I Ma kt lka ay eXMV eel' to
te l.s
rtoimrM wm IM Ml M s'aai.
UiWf. fcww T I-
t,.l. wM U ft. lKU Ma
I 1 1 nwww eiatt at (nrta MH,
la im r r tala a at u u
4 U i tvl a mM
ai, I aaa aui via. w u la
tai l4 aliaatf, I J U ra
AMa, IW (mm Cur IM l,
W va law Maa4 T.aA
taai.fc a4 fV ia4 fa4c afitia
M .44 a K timmn
l tl atLft tMMnl M.kaMI,
IK Tatfe- iVaivtl I IM all
U !! Vila Twhi Hr la f
-Mla t au 4 .
lka ! Mkia Uatftt.
ffil 4UMlMk la IWf.
I'M IU )tmmt4tf I II
aaay m Ma ll ala.
rAH( MtKaovl la aa II
f IM (UJ Im ll k.irl rta trkJl arodl. a it ,4
a IM IWfUM lll wi MMIUM f aaiaaT aflar la III .
CWlaJkaar IM M ai.altra, UU4 f fM fry CVurto rtr (Wlrk a
a-raai fir a nml yaaajaa law a7iSS im km Ik Uaka a i
r IIWM M toal al.
TX XffM tor Uaratltai .
-Tka kJllaf.
Wft,. Ckaalail
yuruiA a tirtxtaoa ............ I
yf alk.v. iaalats4 I, La Aanla) .............. t
Il. Var
Xat-ur. fa fVaaiae),.
4a. laM U) ..............
air.iL ara
' I w w . ................. .
Taa Ml gawara.
U. AM.
Ilaaitl, U A.. tt
Hraa. artUat4 Ill
kllaaV VMaM ....IM
4 f
IM Tan lai-tT uatt
-Vf aaatrtM. I laaar if UaAaaaal ava
t tta44 M Mil lit raw aa.
Ur - Mil ArML "Hal JM a,u ij
" ai Mil ni.l b Mr
aavvaaj a wua juUm Ifcara auur "
aoar a auaJIW M4 IM
whal I mm Ulalaf iInl
ie KMC UraJ MarrlkL xtl
iM allampl U IM II.
shaver's Football
fh fbaw vnLamnar arMof fMlhail
in tit
HI .11
III .?!
I'rlaratL I A....... II
laltr, In A...X..III
TiMlrmaan. Oak.... I II
MaAdaa. MV Hi
Ulr lat A. Ill
Taa Saal n Imlm.
OalaMw. Oaaiaa4
rtilaa. tUcraaaajil
twW. V Aajralaa
i ara. lliva ,.
Howard. Uom AafaiM
Moon. La Aacvlaa ...............
(-rllal. v
K.i. Vari ka Kranrtaoo
CMlMvraa. I'arUaad
it! till. - . -riii.i loo-naJt
II JlllUm r11 ,h lUUMAf laam vaa-
11? Ill L,rdV: 1rwo" f 14 I
l ! nM m all af aaraailUa
Cafef Wtyam of th GUata fcetsf put oel at HUi but ta ts fourla imi af tkt vrldC rtatcoiiihlp
MriM at!4 la PfclUdolphla. Tba) phoTrh how a war!r Uftker row talrd ta. Ji U Lh
I4euraj p'.r la vklrb 0Bvj(ra p!.4 la laa ImI gam. Ht oa aro4 nk e oat la
I ha dfta. . Tba UU&l vara a raa tLta4 at tfca Uma. Oaa of Itoedar'a canrM aJad4 TboaM aa4 oa l&a
hort paaw4 bail V!;era lri4 for Uiro. TtwtaM rwrofara-J taa aalt ta Uma ta Iom to Daiar, ao Uff4
taa Ittftaa catraar. Tba Madarooa Mrm aa4 tha raittvaf all4a, aat tt u treattat taio asxaiioa
bra too fir from taa bag. Mtytra aixtaiaad that tba raaaoa ba raart4l ta tba "book" Uda m to
avo!4 rfk!f Daker. vbo Ja aa taardUf tbird baM. m ba old wbaa BnoJfraja tplkad btaa. Tba
CbUf aaid tkat tba ba mnaar to aUlU4 to tba tilfct of war aad tbat Saovtraja aa4 bla coadamaad
aUda, atralght for tba bat. bacaoM ba ut tkat It aa tba oatf war ba mUbt tnika It MfI.
im -iinii. tu wttr a a
Ilia t U'4 laiU, IM aia IM
Ula 11. fc,4.Ai. Maa klUi
aial 4 IM a4. - ia -t.i.a
lal ill . f IM aM4
Ma ana latiaav. n fwtaai
tf ib4 la taa r IMI
a.ujta waa ajufaa fw. a
hi4. a4 . M 4alaua4 la
Ika l4 111. ! 0t IM !
a BhMa,
aar raif UiHl tlraM h4.
raia4 m a4 ! a
w?!a af riai M IM aaf ( IM
alia Ma M M4 la . Arwa4
III M f1aa. a raav a laa
r. a4 a 'war aaaay laalrta aa
I wa aa aiiwM a.a4L ana a aalt
lla at a. at. ' Ml MM. I4klla
IMI aiaatay Kat.Ml waa an4 laara
TM Mail at IM a4 afarvlaa n-
ar wa Mi arMa M vlaw4 IM
laaltaa r4 a IM aMaiplaa, a4
raua ana kla tola a wwa aaa (
a waalara (-ra. t(4 liuu
lac arlala) la taa a(re lb I
KaltMfa ar" awl Bara4 by a
I !.
TM Mpar faO lata tba Ma4a a
I atiaaara fria4a. wha Iaraa4 II aaf
la alsa ka alhar TM alarartahl
1 4rid4 ai aaea la a la Uraa4 Jtaataa
laa aaa aa aaaalttla la M lha aatb I
iaoa ai-acta aa u ruaplti'i araa.
Htcaar aaa ta r-aroc at IM Uma
IMI KaiaMi aaa aat aa4 kUi4. aa4
lAarafara wat4 aat ailaaJ lk fuaaral.
aa IMI M I4 aat kaa tkat im M4
I ka4 aal Maa wall tka car af. TM
cMaskiaaa avaay rtaaaa aa Hraa4wBr.
waaa lata awl ika Malaat. ar(4
Mlaaar la aat at aaoa.
Aut-tiA0 rvaawla iwaa A-!.
IM laV kX4 aaMal Iwa,
irk aaa alil4 aa Maa im J.-
fataaa kta . 4 4 hftbal Ual
Klaiap aliaraian. 4.4 aal Ma a-l
. I laa aa a4 la t4 ia k4 i
J.rrMv ivaat M aar aaia.
Ta A-ata laaaa aaa vtfMat Ik
aTTia a -. aat (Ul awi 4
IMI aaa IM raaaaa far aaiuaj laa
aa art. Kata. iM aaali
r. wa aM la im uly 4
lh M; ary I My
aaaUa la - Ika itif.
II aaa Mrg4 la Aaiarla TMI taa
laaa aaa aiai4 af IM Jrraa a-4
a4 Ik la aaa. if IM Aaia la M
aa4T. TMy awar aaaaa ul aaaiawa
m ! a hm ana im rraMa) iaa.
)4alkJM aaa Maa ai4 a karal aia r
k faav al a falaaa 4ia. Ml II la
ikaly IMI IM Jafraraaa) Mra will a1
IM Aita kik ackaal a fUM ta Ika
aaar wiara.
TM A at aria laaaa ta a fiat aaa aaa
racwallr r4 M a IM tartaat
a auaia la a fa4MU gaaaa ta IM
aarlkaaal. IM ta a.
IWatlBc Mrk.f a4 kakakaJl at:
M oYy kaaulirttf.
. i minx, -s . jil . jju i- .
aal waa atoepad Iwa talaalaa Wara IM
rtaaj whUUa vaa bUwa. Tala la lha
I iiiuMy i irmi aarakt.
Tba taama Uoaa up aa followa
Vhar roalikoa, UaiMta
tpw ...... ..n. Ri. ....... ... lioiaa
Raa K. T ' " "Ilii
Haliaaa K. O Oraaa
iiaaaar ........ ,.ii. Al
Ryan. Portlaaa ...... ..Ill
'rlial. Vamoa ....... 14
tttfaaa. Vraa !!
laniia. Mramnlo ...IM
)loffmn. Oakland .....I IT
(binn. Mcraaiaoia IM
il.y. Loa AnaaJaa HI
Krur, fAorlland IM
CuUhaw, Oaklan .....104
('hidbauraa. I'ortland. .IM
1 1 Taa Baa Baa Oaikar.
ii o. Aa
trSrllila, Varaoa sot IM
JKhlnn. Kacratnant IM 711
I-allerann. Vernon...... IM , Tit
tjiraahaar. Vamoa 10
hyan. I'ortlund II
ilorrman. Oakland UT
CliUhaw. Oakland lol
iNiley, Ixa AnirlM IM
Kru'ar. Portland IM
'owll. Bin Franclao..lll
Tba In UracMlaat l DaakvtMt Waaroa
Will Mra four ma aa Kara ihla aaaann
I V. ........ WataaaltK Waahlaataai IJu.1. aA "
llJ.TT' h "!'" blah acaaola aad PwrUaad acadany.
Akarvlk H. It .......... Laind I C. A. grwaaalom Md th laaroa wlJI
("olrla U H IavTl0P- Jaailary II. , wbaa Waahlnrtoa
Uarblf ........r. B. Wail narti tha Portland Aeadamy oulntat
i . . I Tha taaroa will run about al wak
OFFICIALS FOR BIG tei- wtu rtl rm
afraafad by tha om
Northwestern League Club
Must Break Even or Be
Will D Able to nay.
ftMlaa ! Laaar TTkra.1
Stanford UnJaralty. Cat. Oct tl
With phyalolana announclnc that both
Boaton. Oct.' It Orneiaia for lb 1,.. a uy.i.. r.K.
-a a-- a .v .-.utwuiitv! i . t-Tfaraon; rabrnarv II Jafraraaa;
. wnico janara wiu piay wita rjin, t. Wuhi.riHi fa l
R. rnntwu auiu i J. rawpaiTWir, nara j fJBeola '
1 1 I oaaa- announcao. ror thi rrmeatOBl Lincoln January II. Jaffaraoa: Jaa.
Jlama tbay will ba aa follow: Rferaa,lMIT porUand acadaoif; FVbraary
w. B. LaaaTard, Trinity; umplra, C. ail Waahlntton: Fabruary 11. Waahln
iial Wflllama. Pannay'vaala; flald iudta. I too:, rahruarr 10. Joffaraoa; March 1.
110 I "Al" Shame TaJe: . head Ilnaaman. J. n I Portland academy.
1 T I Pendleton. Bowdrtn. ror the Tala I Waahlnaton January It. Portland
iTllaame: Refer. W. 8.
I .. . r T vs. I..
W. aionca, ranr.ayivania
""" . . , I . 1. - . . T
412.1 auu .u.w .w. muwv.m.
AlLhourb ik PortUad elob lt
baarUy la a financial way with IM
North weetarn learn franchlae, Jadge
W. W. MeCredle aald today iktt be waa
willing to taaa anotbar chaaoa with lb
claa B team, aomethiag Uke I40M
waa dropped ta actual money, accord
ing to fhe Jadga and parchaaed player
Tba taaaia vet 14 baa leat a brtlllaat
player with IM eaneuncetneat af lb
parmaaeat rati rata aat f hfel Lena. wM
for Vbe paal flva yaar baa baa aaa af
the Mat aa lb ovaat. Lone aaada lb
anaauneamaAi racwallr aaa atalad that
M waa Id act Mala M aaea ta tearaa
meat play after ta dafeada bla title a
lata chain pi on, waa laat yaar. TM
match, la which ba will M aaea far tb
laat tlma la tha toaraamaat racks, will
proMbly lake plaaa aa Thankagirlni
Ijogs waa aot ewly a well knowa
player la California, bat for tha laat
three yaara Ma a ona aaat and eosipated
la aliaf IM inoartant totirn aaa ante at
, brine tha total amount oa tha wrooa
Ida af the ledger ap to rb- a 1 1 (Mbonntry. and two year aaa waa aa
oourae the playera may brtnf l Internationa', team that played tb
eoat tb PorUand magna taTXut ir U I AkvtraJUna for tba DarU eupa. Tb
hardly likely. I firet year ba want eaat b waa not
New yarn. OeV ll-Carl Morrl. th
Oklahoma haary weight, wboae ahanv
ptoaahlp kopaa war daahad t earth a
few wecM aga la bfadiaoa aVjnara Oar
aa) at tba aaada of rtramaa Jim rtyaa.
Ma aewa taatchad for a light bar m I
No am Mr It. with Jach Oeyer. IM Dan.
ror aaarywaiami.
htorrla haa Maa warklng daaearatalr I
at tke Now Pole Alhletto aaaocUttaa
awar atnea ba raeawarad from bla flgbtl
with nywav
rraak Ktraa aad other haw Mea
tatortng tha Oklahoma man. and h t
aald ta hare Improved It par coat alno
bla laat pabiie appaara noa.
Oeyer ataada feet IK lncba and
wetgha til poonda. He baa won aTrJ
bard battlM recwntly.
Tha Araananla lh. K.. 1 if u.a
baaketball team ta Ban Fraaelaoa, ta
Blannlnw a fVMia jf K. nnww.. . .
oording' to Information reoalTad bar
Bat there la only oa condition t&al rankd except la a compllmaotary maa- ra-onauia nar Dean play-
will keep PorUand la the North weeurn M. - Bothlna n.uch waa 'known ofllBl ,of?.tD.r toT "' f aaaaotia
I .w rmim ur iu. inp WIU
ha announced la a eotipla of daya. The
laaun wui iiaeiy piay game in Portland,
DMiua, imuvium ana vancoarer.
Laxrford. Trio-1 academy; rebruary 1. Jefferson: roru-i ki aur l blm or tha other California playera. in
; flald judctL ry a, Uneola: Febraary II. Waooln; l ao nail year, . wi oon i care io roaaa m Mtlonal toe ream nt tbat year a
; head Unaa-1 February ii. roruino Aoaoamr - 7 !. . waa aereatad by bla teammate, no-
ruarr IT. Jefferaon. I Jub rear." aald tba Jodga. "but wa rnrh.ln m if v.. m.tnha of
I will Mra to breaar area or th fraa- I .
Oaa Roaad Bta BoWard.
rUntted Praee Uaaad Wlral
Kenny Dole. Stanford forward, and laat h New York, Oct. It "One Round" H IZZTTi ' waablnaAw
vaar-a Taraltr eaotain. and Floyd Browa. I aan of San FYanolaoo la tba rlotor to- I '
. the Injured fullback, will be able to don I day orer WlUla Howard of Brooklyn,
ult for the intarooueriate aajn on I wnom ne ouiiougnc in a iat tv-rouna
Koramber 11. aloom haa lifted from the I bout Howard carried tba fight to Ho-
' rampua today, and th Cardinal aupport-1 gan In tha opening round and bad tba
. era ara beginning to believe that there I better of the exchange, hut th San
will be a Stanford victory . thl year I Franclaoo boy waa tb atronger and led
J after alt r--' ' for th roat or tna route.
ruary I, Waahlngton: rebruary , port.lcbiM wiu be dropped. It len't fair to 1 1 Tnrtianii i idi (joaac iin ciuD u oar nono-
acadamyi Petuary 10, XJnoolat Febru-j weetern league aaiaiiea with tha money
1 1 aaiwia i rum uia una woo aiiewi wih
"Our Intention all along- baa bean to.
make tba North we tern league club a
feeding place for the Beaver, Nick
Wllllama will have on of th beat
cluba of young- ball playera In
tn country,
Football Notes
. -
. I ar m A ii M 11 1 aa- I AW J I - V 1 r -t I
Clatakaala, Or4 Oct ll-Ia tha'flrat
game of th Columbia River Football
league Saturday tha local high echool
team defeated tba Rainier team' by tba
aoore of It t 0. -' Barnea - mad four
There will ba no dead or I touchdowna and WabMr and Meier alao
Pleard Bata Borxtera.
Pleard defeated Bordera la th flrat
match aama af th nml
tha PorUand Billiard perlore laat night
ay ine aoore or loo to 10. Pleard made
tna nigneat run of th evening, whlohl
99 mm ti. .
UaDtnan will nia T .m m m i. .v.
next ma ico on waaneaaay nlrht, . ..
decaying timber to work with. We I made touchdown. Barn kicked two
want youngatera oa that club whb ar I goal, but failed la bla attempt for
anxloua to rle in their prof eaalon. I the othera.
There la no uaa to inarlmint with thai '
. .. .. .... i raiiowa wno nave niaraa nair a ooui tu widhd junior aira m m-
poniana Dioouo neau-r ,o, claa. of baaahalL Touna Mrta football eleven by tba acora Of 111
game will M atartea uaiuraay, aner-i r-itr. u,. . I , a n,,.,).. . Th lunlora nlarad
noon at 1 o'clock. Thi a ja will n wnat w wBt of tn,y itralght football and moat of their gain
be played Mtween the Waahlngton mgn I ..-i.--. .v. ... I wr. mada h ahift nlava and and runa.
and Salem high teamed I promlalng. If we can get three or four I Alberta played a flna punting game, but I
At I o'clock th Multnomah warrtora I hm,, n.Vmrm ... rh North. I waa weak on the defensive. Taama de-1
tt. UQ,Tm mi. acJrMl fQT hlfiVT. Pr"1 Dlua WIln ln v-"CUUTCr western league who are ready to go to siring game witn tna waDsin juniors,
HOW many Unie HaVO yOU BSKCq W WlllxfciCjr, :!-,. am. .honid b,agmtonMJtbi L IMt,r w ahall Uil that w who average 111 pound, may UtephoM
and been dissat sfied ? N ext time can ior -'a';rV.u'J. n '. t'ntiV IZ" Z.JZl L-
Th admlaalon ror tha aouDie neaaerraoy money. I Manager uooawin or ma nooui w
to 10 cents. - I "Walter will hav a lot of playw on cer squa naa nia piayera o ior urai
hla hande when ha oes to Santa Maria practice last evening, over iv K"n
nini ICI C CTIinCRIT . s I next spring and the most promising of were in umrorro ana ioa a- y.
UAnLloLb OlUUtlsl Ithos unabl to make Beaver will be I Lincoln team would be contendere for
AfiriTrow tiii rr-rri ahinnad to Nick wuiinma. who. hv tha I th championship, a numner OI tne I
UntHICOl Hinttltl-.- m,- i,-. train In California. American tyl football team wr out
j.W --- m aomewher In th northern part of th with tha aoecer aquad, Includlna Pat-
(TJnltcd Press Laaaed Wire.) i I T. . i... . i I i.nnn Tu.roh. Rleallnc and RldehaJah. I
- -.- ... I II U U" UIVI. M1ICI1.1.. W ! ' I
IJaniBlB. r. UVk tl. tHUUtuH I In nllnral .V. . t. In rA mrA K- I
cKlmlng today to have tha createat all- there la tha advantage of Dlentv
of practice gamea with tha varloua
cluba and the Independent teams that
ar to be found In oar neighboring
Since 1859
W. H. McBrayer's "Cedar Brook- 8 years old
tottled in'bond It satisfies when others fail
Eight Yesun Agirig
i -- X
v j
(Twicm m long au rqutrJ iylAju);
gives It that purity, mellcrwness and ddto
ious flavor for which it is fustly celebrated,
' Tkai -KI.Va tnalntalnln- the MUM ,
. qoaliti that raada ito rapatatioa V )
id oGa mm
'Always Reliable"
yiocfe 'tcf A. SANTAELLA Y CA ; rcmpct, Ta
around athlete In th world at thl unl
veraity In Jamea Thorpe, whom th
1111 football eeaaon 1 bringing- Into
the llmell-ht Thorp, beside being- on I .
. . .w. . 11 . I. Ik. .... I
VX WAV u, jnm fc,
la a baseball , pitcher of great talent
can cover the baaea or the outfield aa
wall. a Ur basketball player, an ex
pert rifle ohot and an expert tennis,
handball, la crosse and hockey player.
h tita tha ll'oound shot 41 feet, and
broad jumps II feet 10 Inches. He alao
run th 100 yards In 10 seconds, high
jumps over six feet and runa the high
hurdle In II 4-5 seconds.
Waahlngton. Oct.. It At 'a meeting
of th board of directors, of the Wash
ington American League club yesterday,
Clark Griffith, manager of the Cincin
nati Nationals, waa unanimously elect
ed manager of tha Waahlngton team to
succeed Jamea McAleer, now part owner
of the Boston Americana. Th contract
la for three year. v
The Inside dope ta that Jo Tinker,
one. of th most famous ball playera
ever , produced In the Pacific north
west will succeed Griffith aa manager
Hill Academy Game Today.
Th . Hill Cadet and th PorUand
Academy football teams, are ready for
their gridiron batUe this afternoon on
Multnomah field at t:li o clock. Bout
teams are confident or a vlotory and
are in the beat of ahap for th game.
Th Hill team outwelgbe the Academy
squad, but Coach Wood la depending on
the speed of nia poya to down the mili
tary atbletea. .
Several changes have been mad In
the HUI lineup alnce they played the
Columbia game and when the two
quads meet thie afternoon a great
game la expected.
Journal want ada anna; result.
Nearly all of the Portland ball
playera: who Intend ; to winter
around Portland, arrived home
from ; th aouth ' this morning-.
Koeatner, Rodgera, Rappa, Peck
Inpaugh ' and Ryan came.;' In.
Barry will follow In a day or o.
Beaton will pitch at Oxnard, Cat,
thi winter. Lefty Able came
along with th Beaver to Join
th big hunt The baseball
colony was also , augmented by
the arrival last night of Harry.
etelnfeldt, tha , former Chicago 4
4 ' National star, who will visit '
'her aeveral daya .
TTrank Killer: who beat tbBavr
In the laat game of th seaaon, prob
biv nltched hi laat gam for, th
Seals. Miller" arm doea not work I
well in th coast cllmat and be la I
anxlou to get back' east It 1 likely I
that he will not report next season,
e .
Joe Tobln, who waa tried out by the
Seals laat season and who played one
came with the Tacoma Tigers, has been
.grabbed by Cliff Blankenshlp for th
Missoula club. .
e a
Jimmy Byrnes, th former North
western catcher, I trying to ret th
management of the Helena union as
sociation club.
, ...... ; '.
Al Lodell will try out for flrat baae
on the Victoria team next season, ac
cording to th bulletins Issued by Sec
retary Farrell of the National aasocla-
, ... - . '- - ' e
. Now that. Harry Sutor la married it
la out that the Seal twlrler will quit
professional baseball and enter other
business. . , .
... .
George Shreeder of th Tacoma club I
la the originator -or a new baseball
position. George baa mailed Ike But
ler, hla former manager and ' pitcher, I
s r
fi 1 1 1 ! aaa rar -aitty aaus-t
Haa bean, not only tba
. Best AMERICAN Cham.
pa'gna, but.'; tha beat
prodncsxl anywhora.
ItadaBcate f-rrer. baa-j4
Bta tkaw f-rat-a -a
bat half. aa dotiaa a ahap
freisht ta pay. .. -. . ; .
avavATA BBOB, Distributors. ,
Tea Should bow Tktri to
Ray f
The Tailor
Z the rtrrt Tailor for Tea'
to aaa. . Thar are ataay
Reasons Why
xou see ue largest eiao
tlon of hlch grade woolena on
th Pacific coast.
Eighteen hundred different
atria, no two alike Just
what you want.
Over 40 tailors at work
Juet above our atore.
The volume of buaineaa la
our method thereby . aavin
you at least 110, if not 2U,
on your Suit or Overcoat
I buy more woolens than
any other five tailors In
Portland par spot cash,
therefor making my
Lute D$connU Mj Profits
Juat out of the high rent
district, at tb corner of Sixth
and Stark.
- The only popular price tail
or that makes sll his own
work, thereby saving you all
-the money I possibly can.
My linings and my trim,
minus are tha 'bast . tbat
money can buy.
r I replace free of charge If
they ever wear out
Suit or Overcoat
$22 or $60
nit or Overooat Mad ta 8 -4.."
" Saya 'if BTeoessary ,
., The Tailor
O m. ma M ihi ate.
Wresffiaig Carnival
Frank Gotch
Geo. Roeber
Jim Asbell
" I Wblgast Coming to Coast.
New York. Oct II. Ad Wolrast
world's lightweight Champion Is on hla I at ferine- him a noiltton aa hatterr man
way : to San Francisco today. Behind ager.; Butler will have charge of th
him m New Tork he leaves Packey Mo- catcher aad pitcher. Thia doea not
Farland and Matt Walls, both eager for mean th release of Mike Lynch, a
a match. Three New Tork clubs hav Mik will hav charge of th outfield
bid for a match between McFarland er and lnflelders and tha aelacUnar of
and Walla during", the champion's ah-j new . players. -Butler has a great deal
senoa. j : . , - i , I of knowledge about nltchlnr and
Shreeder thicks that he will aid the
xto riay isi xsigni. - v ? i young twiners mat haasignad. , ,
la'the Multnomah tournament for the! " ", :'. m 1 1 "-
Ben Holladay cup, no handball matches I The Marylebona Cricket club team of I
were played last evening. It la hoped 1 England which has started on a trip to
that play will be resumed tonight o I Auatnalla are making the tour without I
tbat the tournament win be ended before a g-uarante from the Australian crick,
th nd t th weak. .. . , I t authortUea. ,
Oregon Hall, Opposite Oregon Hold
Wednesday Nov. 1, 8:15 P. f,I.