The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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U fctil .. St aa B-4
t t.4 aa a4 M etw
aaa aua f
UM a..4a H.4 -4a a I
eua al l eaa4 kttMtt
IM Cm' ea4a.g ""
a-taaa a
aa? eaa4 m WB-
114 ta (MM 4A- at.at44)
e a 1 444aa la Saa4ia.aa ae
a 4Wta.Ut. I
e (Md k
eaaaul elfa ea at aaa M
MM aa-4 W m4 r aa.
ta. IM a4 l. awe
a IV Stela.
ftr4r.aj Mm
letiiaA Ba ar ' faae-
ttWflMt at !wv l"4 Bea.
4aV al IM It M- ttW!j a..
k-rry af tM eae
tl IB 4MwMWM4 f I
lay Baafca-I aiai al l Hate
feaa.aie if . iMr ft
eat a-vitaaaiatta. Ba af fiaa fUi
mm m im aiy i
Bir. 4 Mm Jr laJ eUalt
, a ate tea af tvr a-alt rw
ruittuf el flw.taa4 ttta
HnUU H eltel I l4a4il
trm rwT aeiu f isia
aaa irarala ttw auk l-a It - a-
Via. Vr rwtey aa e44W aa
Mr. etv air K- r llr. f t-klW
ateBte u4 aw Ta II
yer tW4er. fUaABtd ImIip, Mr,
SWf U IUrr4 M M (
tmnt im lr !' tr t Mf
f, f. U ilmiD MnMte
u i:4if ku. Mr. hf.
Jr. M ir ti Ufl Mrt
frMr4 ll4 ! mV
, Mm Umim ta Mm tWir rnl
Mr. foif MM Mrfi rrr4
frM )t4 fllMf IkU awtlic Mr
fWIr m imm f M M, M.
a4 Mim ManuN t (
" MM NrhIL U 44ia lU UM
mmmm ttm I lJraibrf,
BridA- IXmmt.
Ur Wrr K. MTM4 k UIU4
rMii far rvd 4iaar l mm 1r
taiarraw aaUiff at Mr m
aa Fr4 trat.
Xrw laa.
If Mambar at I ha friUa4 mart
at tnmy aa airrlad la r4t?w ika UM
af lta aaat, mmd ay a rrajwtaoa,
anf ay mar vtUiaaa Iba apaarra
af Kairana ana axaMa aa ika atraata
aarrrl" Hmntf alkla allrka. Mlaa
Amy iol. aa af laa iut Olr'i
aroalAaal youa waman. baa roro4
from laa (. vaara aha aaaa4 lh
unmar. and baa brou(M wlta ar an
f tba "Laaa" oaaaa. It la a dalntr
affair af oark vaod rilUaJty weoa
Tanwao. Miaa Bawlaa, waa ta aJ.
vara vb4 ilka a faafclaa) plaia, la
Brr aaaa without H. Mlaa Kataar
Dnny ta awMaar af (aa rtaaeiaea'a
aatlaa wba fcaa adopt4 tba "!rolr
art' Kara ta a aararal plala caaa!
ooaatrvctad aa dctda4 aitlliar It Baa.
Ira. Cbarlaa Taotptatsa Creckar, f or
airly Mlaa Ilalaa Irwin, haa aat tba
outbrm elty aro arr ana of bar lat
at toUattaa. a tailor ad ault of baary
blua malarial that ataetly raaamblaa
Turkiah towiltnx. taata4 of tba cus
tomary aarfa or twaaa. Tba I1UU
fJuffa of whit a at tba Back and alaavaa
ara artnlna and tba ftaary calf aboaa
ara tappod wlU whlta. .
1 ' .
Luacbooa Iloateaa.
. Vra. TrmAtlA T. Hyakatl oatartaiaad
at InaehaoB today la hr apartmaata
at Looratla eoart. Tba labia waa baau
ti fully appotntad with an attract!
oolor aebama of rroaa and whlta daral
opad la tba tfoeoraUona. Placaa wara
staraaa ror tan.
. ConBcfl of Jewlah Wonwt,
Tna rerular naatlnf of tba Council of
Jawlab woman will bo bald at I o'clock
Wadnaaday afternoon. November 1, la
the SelllBa'-Hlrech building". The pro
a-ram, wmcd wm do la charre of un
Jullua I Louisa on. will eonalst of tba
readlnr or a paper on "Currant Eranta"
by Mrs. Samuel M. Rothohlld. a rlolln
aolo by Miaa Elate Lewla. aocompanled
: ay Miss jfcEiroy, ana aa addresa on
-juaaa Benjamin," by Rocoe C Kal
on. A
HalloweeB Party.
' A Halloween party will ba flven
Jointly Tuesday night by the Catholic
Women's League Social club and the
Knights, of Columbua In Cnrlatenaen'a
hall. This la the first of a aerlea of
, partlee to ba riven by the two organ-
laationa, and promises to bo an enjoy-
aoia arrair. The following ladles will
aa patronesses: Mrs. James Laid
law, Mrs. J. D. Sullivan, Mra. D. Moh
ler. Mra. T.. J. Patterson,, Mra. J. R.
Wiley. .
r Uy-AAV w w, ' -:
Random Kotea of Interest.
. Dr. and Mra A. K.
1 - V
.iii mt tmmf aa tka f , a fea4
Mka. a Kwr l 1
o 4a a m a , a
a - e - a
a im as a mna
w aa , a a a l 4w-
A. 'Clearing House for Women's Skill
' ,. mm. aa-4 4
4 kt. j VM..a aal'
m 1 a at u uiut
t toa4 1'. a u. t a ! 1 Ma
4 14 i.tapg a4aa a-.MJ
aiixa m bv oaMMea ai
fttt,t mm a 4 aa a
aa iaAf a ta a a4
km. m4 f 4 m4 ta -
atJa SAtM-a. la atwa! I l4 V( a
waa a IM tk l
a a a Mttwiawl ta a -Jl-
at t&4 woUit
II aa a uw. a-. taa Jk
! fMi M a h, t
'a i4t euaar a4 - aa
aaar. a' la l-m . - - m r
iat. s4 a fee Smi
wt uaa'A a -aw a4 14
! e a a4 at ii-a aaA
It st Ititj h4 !
la ta ! o a -4 a axaa4
t a. ta im aa um at few
aiaa a aaaa4 4 foa ta atat4
a ItsaaM ie a wt.f la it
a at a
tit iMawa ( &aiaa aa aM l
Mi4i a4 tf ai eea.''' a r a
at la taa ! aas al IM raA
M. It !- a aw, a a I ((itkatt
I Uaa a a aati a Ve it, a
ai w t 'itv
V J raK aaaa4aa aaaa af W
aWaao aa aeoavataj) a laa Aee la lia
. a at la. a
I ba. vita a4 aaalaaa af !
fW, e aaa.taa a aja la taa
a, gaaa ai tea Caitla
t i.a 4
'H an aaaala la ia I. a
ai laa Ian ua.
( a t jaaa af ia, ta a
I ttatM la ia r, a aal al iaa Hit-
la it
n Mi? Kitcha
Mtf tt aaaVa It t .laVl
IU.A aaa. Mk. a at" f a-a I - a4 a a.
iai aa ai aa U-a iaa .f Maaa-f aa-l laa
a.ava avar attWMa lw 4 m iiil a la4 e aantoa mJm aa Sfca-Vs
T U Vaa Ha, a laaaaaa af ta
itaav ta. la aa laiiag a fa Aaia ta
t a f. a laaM al la t
I J I. 4r. k m lata a laa
; mt ta-e Maa bi aattair. la la laa
I'm mtt4. a in at laa fra
U B faM(HI. o falraav4 -aia aa?
iaa a ! aaia aa laa
(Ha, a fMM al ia I -
i l"ia. a " atr of aaa
fraaiaax la a laainaaa trtiar aa (
ant. a at la fMearao,
I L M Mla ta af aeiiie la a iMar
ta ka eily f a fa oeie. a gaaat al
laa laawaaa.
Haawrt WVIa. a awaieaaa aaaa Of Mlat-
txaaviaa. la etvtvaiaa: a fr aia la iaa
tr. a im at laa ha
I. R aaiaa a IU aaglA af f afl
WU, W aaa, la a lallar ta
Ika ellf. a aaaal al Ika a.
ilitaw J. WiUaa aa4 wife af lUaiila
aa mp4 ia a faw aaia la ike city.
gaaaia al I ha xia
I Mra T- V. Harballb af ragtawaal
H. J. la la tba rty aa bar eaawal lail
aa aaiaaaiva mmitm ia .vfiUaal are la a fl al Ibe
r. 1. Maraaa aaa a K. Parleaar of
"l mrmom n rn rwaialaai aia la Ika -ll aala al IK
alia Oua nl-Uav Ika aifa af li-a om
baary eiala'jl a-giia4 oka I
oroaab eafftea'rtla Oka kaa III
ihm ty aiaxal a'-aa af aa4Jiag
arrtta( aa4 aralllka ealMta la
Kaw t itir la ralaa fa4e f" Ika
KkMll fiafanx ttaillue! Iraaata
af akua aka la Ika aSfaaiaar Mra
Kaktla baa etelfe4 baa lalaalaaa af
final mm af Ika aaarrtaf eifclM-
lta al fWat aWw ta Xo-
lac Tbaradar far
e.4 al va a attk aiti
l a t ana a-a..i aa
ha biaC IM M aata.. a4
aa 14 at ka ta kr
oak fka a--a, uai la M kr
taae af It a ake. la iMtiw
Ma I've biaiai 4aaaaa effee
$ aaakia aa ifaMiauif
laa a t..ta".a.a aw .a'ia aaa
aav-k 4a I e ai
tia ai aa-l IU a -. oaia
laaJaal. a4 la. kaa a. .
Itaol a-a-e -a a -
a4a4 la a aaw. kM4 a-M f
aaa; I4 4 aa-'M I tea e-
JttiJ li.lax
f'-.a ItJaa ea I.J auwAaa ta I aj
taaoa.taaA aa aa e . t-t 141 aa tA
a a j. ika l a -..a
i w a 4 ata4 1 a-- a If
M a a a
ta aa f a. d ..- a
M w a a -"al " a-t-4 4a
Ha aia aa aa. aaa .
ta u a. -4 ..i. a 114 ti
1 . a 'ail' a i " - ; a-a 4
Haaa ka iva f.4tM a-l l kaV
t ka a - a anitbajMa a
w f
a-fl ll at a- a a
tf a,4a.4 4W.t4.a f t fa
0 a4iff aa4a la l-i w Maa.a aej
uitt aa aa:ki.a -aa e l ia lJ
aa-ataa tkaa la laavi faA i
aa avaaa ki a aa ai a 1 I t-jj 9. 4
taai 1 saaaa, a4soa a 1 aaaa iaa I aaiii.i. , a w
k -4ia to 4aa aviais I m ..e r
rafamatlai Oraaa Wlaa wm Ta lali'l.
Health and Beauty Ansvvcn
14 f la)
U-a aa '
. , a 4) ' t a4 a-a aitca
Mlf . ataali l ituai ui Ibai IUU f sa ' aaiJa-ia . .a
iae aa aaaa a ta la af . IJ-a aaiaa a' laavaw ea aa.a t a,a ta a
Lai af Ika fwiiaal latkaaa a aa rf tli. 4 aaaa aia Itaa aa laa la-
f k. aaif ika aaxaaaga nk a-l ai44 -He4.e alHa aaaa. aa mJf ar4taa ftua Mba i.i
ml .11 .it ..1 ml iirt r.k H aalkMa raallia la al ' a a tkai aaiar aia a '
ajrVl .- t. ,aT a!-Tf ia: fa- a Jko. a.-a afj
-a aka .aakaa 11 a a-iaia e.a. ka ka. y4 f-a aaata tkaa It . , ia a-aiw at, ..1 I ill!
a, aa na aa la aawb ail anwaa aaaaia ika ..a.-a a iaTT w a. , V,
ka4ka aakra. aaaa. knal a Ia4w f" tbarab af akWa I aa I aabaa iwa aaia t4-ai aa a.j..4. a.4
aMua -..i riu iu atiaxu raaa IU ba aa taatikUli a of fallal If lav . - .
e'aae a aaaa a faaoi'niaa fa
, eeeata aaaa ta gasaiil
. 4kfk, at.a"
a.-i, aaa a a'f
a ! ti4.
Mra. rraarkk Ala Jarat left fYtt ewai.iaa ata 1.
aa ta Jala Mr. Jarwfce la aaa rraacarav ; lajriat
1 aay viu araatair aa ewoa iaa iirai 1 -
af tba aaaa. 1 - . . . , j a. . r tv..L
a ( wuhtp waui intra n tiimr.
Mra. rwidmg Kelly aad bar daugb- .O agna aaa aa laa aaa eida or Jyaa,
lar rilaaKaii. rtlnil Matar4a frM " ."a--c.
a moaib aaaal ta Taraa aa4 atber
aatata aa the aoaad.
a a
Mlaale J. ftiertlag baa arrirad
Aad flow ara af Juaa
Ta ranaal rival far one bour
Urlebaro brth blua weethar.
Wfcaa load Iba buntbla-baa taakea baste
llalalad. Ibrlfllaaa aagrant,
And aeldaa rod la dflna fast.
Aa4 lanaa with grapaa ara f retreat ;
Wbao gentleaa rail I hair frlngao tight
To eeve I bam for lb Biomlna.
AM cheetBtila fall from aatla bar re
' Wtheul a aound of waratng;
In a.
an old stone walla
of woodbine twining;
I Whan all I h lovely wayside thlnge
Rockey ara leay-
Thalr whlia-wlnv aaads ara anwlng.
ran ana
run low, aad oa tha
And In the fields still green and fair.
uaia aiisrmaiiis are
from Belli Creak. Ml-h and) la a fueet
af Mr. aad Mr, atigfrid M. I'aaadar at
Carmeteta aparlmaala. Mra giarllng
aad bar aoa. Doaald J. MtarllBg. will
take aa aparUaeat a little later for tba
w wtttu. n e,.. ..4 ...waaa an tna ground rd appiea lie
daughter ar the gnieaia af Mra. Rraeet'And raddar al
Kuppa af Fend lata, for aetreral aeaka. I Are laevaa
' I
iBTiiaiiana ara out ror tna veading
of Mlaa Ann Elisabeth Mld'am of Or,
goa City, aad Vr. Fredarlrk J. Zlegier
of Portland, to take place Wedneeday
evening, la Weetmlnsler Preebytertaa
a e
Mlaa Ella MrBrtde haa returned ta
Seattle after a fortnight a visit la fort
a e
Dr. and Mra E. A. Mann of Pendle
ton have coma to I'ornand to take up
their residence for the winter.
e a
Mr. and Mra. Aaahel push. Jr. (Miss1
Margaret Boot), ara home In Salem from j
their wedding journey. I
Mr. Ia D. Ramho and her daughter.
Mra. O. M. Kldredge, are visiting ln
Hoqulam with Mra. Ram bo a daughter.
ara. cna jLsneiman.
a a
Mlaa Edna Slater of Pendleton haa
coma to Portland for the winter to ra.
sums tier vocal studies with her sunt,
Mra. John Robert Stiles (Mlta Mltvlena
When eprlnga
In Idle golden freighting, -
Bright leavea alnk noleeleaa In tba huah
Of woods, for a Inter waiting;
When anmradea aeek aweet country
By twoe and twos together.
And count like misers hour by bour.
wtvw, wfiena uiua wtaiotrj
0 auna and sklea and flower of Jane,
lount an your oaasta together.
Love loveih best of all the year
October's bright blue westher.
Helen Hunt Jerkaon
a -
(ka Ika altar hae4 tba aaMfcaaaa ta
a baaaa tw et-aay Ille4 aaaaaa oka
aaa aff44 ta bay kl aeaiar baat
aa taaxa. aia tkaf raa i a
akal la aL If Iba aaaaa
a4 ke 11 a baa.4. aa e4 out ka
a4 far II ana aaa of tba ragU
aaaal a a aia af Ike eaakaaaa.
aaae af Iko aaa gala waaae af Ula
ni-, a ka eoaaig la iaa eabaage aaaa a
1 ara aa Itea aad a . 11
I aweaaia aa Ibelr oalefpnaa aat tba
auklity f k Ikiage tkay aaaka.
wfu gaoda iaa ba aiaaad aa kale
at Ika esiKetma, cataaiaoara ar ra
-ul4 la fiel awbaalt a wrlllaa raf
rm trmm aoaae rel taaikle aoraea
li tag la rrtla4 aialiag Ika I IMi
ix-oaaataaoao eaafce it etfnttry fa
liMtai 10 4 leprae of tbelr baadiaorlL
tbia eUaaiaaiaa Iba aaaatbltiiy af Ibe
eeciteage baxeg iMpoead apaa by ear
aaa aba aivonkd fiad elkar saaatva fat
aterbeilag their aerae. fiaarti a leamlra
aaeat aaafloaa tba weak f tba escheage
ia lb balplag of Ike peedy.
Tba earbaaga I aat eelf aopaartlag
If It wee that waa 14 ba aa charity
ta It. Tba dafK-lt U tba aspeaaa aa
eoaal each year la aaal by eamtrlb-illaaa
ft'aa aonaa af Ibe laadleg aaclety wa
rn aa of iba rlty aha ara la I area tad la
pbitaathropia warb,
Thta 4efKlt la re4ra4 aoaaawhat aaeh
year by ateaaa af Iba lanebaoaa aad aft-
ra aWaol .Two aaaa ara aaaa). fa
ami rear ibraa4i. ey avi.a.
L.l. -". -JL-. X. ...,,.4.. J... I. li..
How to Sofcly
PeI Your Fc
4 b f 1 aaa aaeiraeg eaa ar
Hiatal liuag aaj gaa aa mmmmvm a4 a.
laaa kila ifcm a aitik eaia ka a.
Ika kali a e4 aa.4 aliae laa a4
U' aaiala -.k mtt, Ika a Ike
akta, a ai l ra.4 avakawa le aa4
aaitafaaay iklag ia , t -4 t4
iC baUa, a4 If II aaa
a a-r aa aaa. II la Waal
Mat Ilea lb 14V 1 ka ana 1 Ik.
a I
Ma Iey ka'law
aieaeat ta 4a la la
rraaa Vaaaiy Otllara.
If yea baa a B4f r. aajlew or
bliHry aaenptaalea, tba aanal eeaafkle
thug la aa ta ta reav II ralkar baa
ta yatrh It avay ar "aeciar"
kl4 fa ft4 af eteiaa af iWaa
ke af 111 ba4ia, m aaa fla a ik
lag klla4 Ikaa ilu eU f aaiaw4
avaaa laaa. HaaMte a a-l .a e.aai
a4 aat aakM kaiOaaa la a ka.f .al
a It aao aa tiai- it .,,1 ... - eae la iktit a
a It avay -weciar-rtaith aar I., , ,.,v taaa a iaktaaraf. a,
la, toaga ar Mlaa, Tba e)r foa aa aaaal. a4 i. aa ar.
ay ta really raaaeia tba asialaa
fteta rat art lag ta aa aaaaaiva
aalafal aargieal ae-arallea ie by
aa af aefiaarr a4e-iia4 aaa
aprea4 tba wag aver tba 4a-
waald 44 eraaaa. waahiag It aff ta Iba
aiag. Tbla gr4aHy abaoraa tba
lifeiaoa a4 Iba ball-daad aatar ahia. la I f
aataula. a 1 aaaal t a visible penKiae e4 I J T
grsaaaiiy iaa I rwmn rwavg aaitt saaaaia
baaiita forth. Tbea y have a etaavr.
aeaaoth. valvaty. haalthy-haed eaatplaa
laa, each aa aa aabaiwral saataad aaa
paeeJbly pradaca.
urfarw da feci dee ta weather, fll-
haaltb ar tba ravage af Una, af to re
diaappear with Ibe 4ierr4e4 all a. Aak
rta4 at Ika aaaaaWfal kaa:ik.wtaa
eaalllUa af Ikie lat. l aijl ana
rgr. a ga4 ataa-llia a4 blg !. k
tf.a law ex miimr avaalia I
tuieat fw Tear waah, I If a-l del)
eyaa. yaa aeaa eraa)iaia
laat. ir y wi:i rraa yr atw.
let aa taart ag rrvatae aa4 aiaaalae 11
pint af aeier. Ikaa a-i fra 4ie
h aia aaca oe I a ara a aaf. r-f
till aaaa b tUmr of all laDaaa.
ualia. feoJ tiraaf tt4 ba IrtiM a4
Tale I sale la alaadl4 for
M.i t-a faa4
vary eaaxklaa iaa aaa ar iki eitneie
laale baa aaaUed enear la glaaaaa 0 lib
earirg g
eaafblleg Tbia la
taiaia4 eiaiida
Taa ara aaly aata af tha aatl
7 - : I tloaa aka have waaiad aaaay
iaa an. met ir ar oiioc oi por anar. , parfaaaad balr laakre
aoiiaadj was; tbia l aeuaJly avrnrtaaL laa ga4 aatwot ta eerwa Ike anaaufaa-
4alUr a
bach 4l4
ij-4 y.j 1
r, ail a, ta.
k-4 a.'.i -t a f
a a a i4 aa-a tt-ea i,
n aaa a 4 f a-ai ivi aaua laa
' " al It'e a-ki a a4 la I .a
a.. a ai 4 aa a '4 I a t I a
' wa lwaali mm ik 1.411,4 it
a J a I t er a a. a . la a
k.itr e-aviia a 4 m tu ika la
te. 4g 1 wa4, ta-aapaa ait lui
a t--a4 flM4a mm - -m
bia'a T a4ea m tata,
aa4 ai aa-i tt-l 1 a
aat4 la a taa . .w4 4 .al e-4 lall.
la. aaaia, aaate f vt a ae-e af
iM.a la a al aa-4 a kf af b4
aaiae aa. take a laa ...! U kaf4a
4 I f a.4 I ta e-- a, aaaia
mtp eee.aur aakaa alf fal iai.f,
a -4 I i-'m-m aa at K.4 II laj avt II la
a a lal a4 , aa II a a i-e
a a a4 atua4 fa aava
gat eia4.a aaf 4tag HMt
Me; Ta aaa b-aaelal bai aa4 a
kaa;iay 'lla fa Saa4 a mmm e e-aJ
aa-aa. A-l Ik ka iMl.a aaae Ika a
l i aaa keaa t 4 kif 4a4 ea la
k.aJiir l-ai ll- tt.Mt f akaaaa4
ftaattr aa4 1 1 g . f Vtkaa oaak-
a a I kail.
aa I a otaalt
ta ay
II ettaaae ava4
4i:i 14a lair, cava II I atil tal
I a rataa fllla Ka llua ym 4araUaat I
I Bate r a a gia-e iba lair tal a
iaa fla'rr a4 kaaHkr a f fmm. IM B4
a taa f al af eveiMof a.ara,a4 la a I
rwe ef Bal aaia Tf.t a&eka Ika ttm I
al al.a mm I m f tal la aa4 Ie ta
ai -a natiM a. I lri aa.4 4aa.4ra(f,
m aaaur. Oraaa aaicalf aaa aaaa a 'i
uiifal Italia la Ika kalf Ika I gaJk 1
aai aaa ana ear r aaarn-mm 4X
watllil II Ibe teltarl eiaaaawa,
r T. W 1 fa raa gat ft4 af fbH 1
Me4bkae4e. fiaxklae a as la' fa. I
faliaxliag paf a ywar faw ay aeieej
kta craaaB-lallej BUr aatr aavg Ia4
load ovae fciiM aaa tattaca af aiaaataia
wo laaaaawalalg Slfearlaa aad a half
eaia aia Trie aaaae a gra
! ia a tiMa Ikal eilli aaa avaaaale
rwwtb af lair aa Ike la I aa l fee
aaagiag la rleer aaa aariaa yaatr
aaia a-4 aUI tana ka va laal a fla
atv4 eaaaolB a reaaplealaa ae enat
na aaaa ( rear a rour fuaier, rar
aag frawklaa laa aad el bar ekla
laraliMai taaa. 11 baa aa aqvtal.
m u.iaiia'.i aaxw 1. ia.jam.ii'.aaaai
Pan Murphy. One of the owners of
tha Laurelhurst tract of Sestti. la
business visitor In tha city, a guest at
the Portland.
Charles E. Doll of Kaat Paleallna
unio. is a yiaitor in the city, a guest at
the Portland.
P. W. Qreen and R. L. Bhennard
buslneaa men of Lawlaton, Idaho, ara
visiting in tha city, gueata at tha Port
land. ' f ' '! ' I IB
Judge W. tJ. Wood of Seattle, la a
Written for The Journal by Darra Mora.
. ERHAPS those best qualified to ad
vise the ambitious, the careerful,
are those wl have "Been and
done." Many aiflfl. write me about
"living; their Jtsn. livea," and being
,'trua to the beat 'ithatTB in tham." All
the glrla aeem to be Inoculated with tha
aame germ, they are not satisfied with
the normal woman's life, but they want
t "do thlnga." . To all such girls my
advice la Go and do it. It is the only
cure for the "divine llama" that burns
within.' '
Chicago police atatfot., where ah ia be
ing held pending word from her father.
weii-w-ao rarmer of Crown Point,
inaitni. .
Another girl has "gone and done it
She was a college girl fairly awamped
with Ideals. It la always that way, you
know, when you aie Juat out of college.
She had . taken a course In sociology, in
tending to enter settlement work. But
someway, the world didn't take kindly
to tier or her ideals, and the other day.
the water of Lake Michigan looked, -no
restful to the disillusioned girl, that she
Jumped In. Somebody saw her leap, and
sin was dragged out and sent to the
' : nr- aaa
i o maKe -a ury ohampoo
r . Dry shampoos ire all the rag! now
mpngst society ladies and the more
prominent stage beauties. Here is a
formula much used in the east. It
cleans, invigorates and stimulates the
hair and scalp, while removing surplus
oil, dust, dandruff, etc. Obtain of any
even stocked druggist six ounces of
pulverized orris root, also obtain two
ounces of vilane powder. Mix thor
oughly and keep in a tight box or jar.
Sprinkle a heapingtablespoonful over
and through the hair, distributing with
the" fingers. Do this at night. Next
morning comb and-brush thoroughly
vntil all tract of powder is removed,
The results are a wonderful glossy,
clean, soft and fluffy head of hair. .
. Men user it daily. Women one to
three times a wee V -
When asked why ahe tried to commit
suiolde, brokenly sha told thle ktory;," sne said, "it will be a
warning to other girls who have mora
Ideals than knowledge. When I waa In
nign scnooi 1 imagined my mission in
life was to reform the world. I read
of the sorrow and misery which cam
to ao many. I thought I could help to
relieve it. My parents didn't. They
wanted me to stay In Crown Point, get
married, and settle down to the aame
life that ray mother1 had led. I'm sorry
I didn't
"Finally, I persuaded them to nut tna
through the college at ValDaraiao. In.
stead of getting over my asolratlnna
iney oniy Decani e rrrmer. I could hard
ly wait until my graduation tn mm. tn
inicago ana go into aettlement work.
Stomach Misery
Quickly Ended
Sourness, Gas, Heavlncss,Htari-
burn Go in Five Minutes
Eat a hearty meal if you want to.
Then take two MI-O-NA tablets and
you'll wonder why that old stomach of
yours ia ao quiet and oomfortable.
But if MI-O-NA was only a qualler
of atomach disturbance, it wouldn't be I
auch a good medicine for you to put In
your atomach.
MI-O-NA tablets do more than give
rener, tney clean, renovate, put atrength
and elasticity Into tha atomach walla
and build up the general condition of
tha atomach ao that you can dlgeat the
heartiest meal without fear of distress.
Guaranteed for Indigestion, disslness.
biliousness, sleeplessness, sick headache,
and all disease arising from a deranged
stomach. Large box 0 centa at drug
gists everywhere
Free trlkl treatment and booklet from
Booth'a MI-O-NA, Buffalo, N. T., who
aiso 1111 man oracrs on receipt or price.
!i 1 ! ' 1 I'll"
Don'tBe Bald
Almost Anyone May Secure
a Splendid Growth of Hair.
Fashionable Suits That Excel in Style, Quality and Value
A long-delayed shipment of Suits' from New Yorkpty has jusf. arrived. J .vi
They were made to sell at $20 and $22.50 and .-comprise suits that are seen . ; -
only in exclusive shops. Included in this shipment are black and blue serges, - . " , " v - v : , .
mixtures and mannish materials, strictly man-tailored and lined with guaran- " .
teed satins. An excellent assortment of sizes. . We offer these at the excep- ' v
aauiiaitjr iuii uvb ui v si -'.BBBa. Jt " u i '
"I came. After two week of ta.
uon i joined the White Cross mission.
I found everything Just as horrible as
I supposed it would be. but I riMn't
una tne worts or betterment ea t
Also, I discovered social service doesn't
pay enougn to live on. A. good many
timea I went hungry. Eventually I de-
Kiuea w gei outaiao .work.
-.."l knew nothing of stenography, book
keeping, or any other kind of- business
work. I could tell tha exact amount of
munev spent in Berlin for philanthropic
work In H10, but that was. about the
iimu or my accomplishments. ; I went'
to wora in a box factory, and couldn't
Jlva on the -wages. One day" I woke
up without a cent ' That afternoon I
went to Work In a restaurant, rt att
one a Uvlng. but thafa all. I ddn't know
Of I tried to drown tnvaalf. - T
JuBt tired and despondent, and that wa
ter jooKea restful.
It would not ba fair or lust to hold
op this eas a typical or prophetic.
It Is merely Illuminating. :
V ' ' '"' ' " . --'
Tou can easily find out for yourself
if your hair needs nourishment, if it
is thinning, getting dry,, harsh and brit
tie or splitting at the ends. You simply
have to pull a hair from the ton of
your head and closely examine its root
If the bulb is nlumo -and rnsv Ir la
all right; if it Is white and shrunken
your hair is diseased and needs nour.
We have a remedy for hair troubles
that cannot be surpassed. It has a
record of growing hair and curing bald
nesa In 03 out of 100 cases where used
according to directions for a reasonable
length of tima. It will even grow hair
on bald heads If tha scalp is not glazed
and shiny. That may eeem like a strong
statement It la, and we mean it to be.
and' no one should doubt it until they
nave put our claims to an actual test
, we are so aura that Kexall "93
Hair Tonio will completely eradicate
dandruff, prevent baldness, stimulate
the scalp and hair roots, ston faiiina
nair ana grow new nair. that wa nr.
sonally give our positive guarantee to
refund every penny paid us for Rexall
"93"; Hair Tonio In every Instance where
it does not do aa we claim or falls ta
give entire satisfaction to the user.
Rexall "3" Hair Tonic la as nieaaani
to use as clear spring water. It la per
fumed with a pleasant odor, and does
not grease or gum tha hair. Wa have
It iff two slsea. prices 50 cents and 11.
Wa urge yoo to try Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic on our recommendation and with
our guarantee back of It Ya'u certainly
take no risk. Sold only by Tha Owl
Drug Co;' Store In Portland. Seattle,
Spokane, Ban Franclaoo, Oakland, Loa
Angeles and Sacramento.
30 Clever New .Fall Suits
That Earlier in the Season Sold at $30
This Is an astonishing price for these suits. They
are faultlessly tailored and reflect the snap and
chic of the'made-to-order garment. The new Fall
colors" and weaves are well represented. All suits .
,are lined with guaranteed satins, and every detail .
in their tailoring is up. to the standard of the best
custom tailor. '
Black Taffeta and Messaline ,
Silk Waists
' - : ,n : .. '. J," v.: 1 '. if. ' , : a, . . " ', " .
Oiinarily Sold at $6, $7 and $7.50 . ;
A sample line of , taffetas 'and messalines in fancy
s nets and plain silk . shirts,: a large assortment of
sizes, -waists inai soia ai Trom o to s.u ai
the astonishjngly low price of $4.15.
Jr. 1
ill ;
Tn n n
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