r f ) -A -N A A U l :jL lis il h COA.ST TO'nA'IU. L - ..,...........,,.,, . , , . . , . ,M .. . , ,, .... . - . , , V ! r .... - vou.x. no,n I'OKTtAJi'O. OKf-GOM. .TUWDAY fcVi.NlNii. - OCTOiiKW 81, Hll -TENTY'TO PACtl TEJCC TWO CEBITS ..V.''V-.W!"' V.'hr N'ot, X-'Int! Out It ll W.I '. -.IS f . " '.)?. a Mt' 't f ll : J .l A fc-.t.a ' : a-; - .tt Tt t'.i - r.'r i-t'iU 4 Wel-4J;' .4it.c. c-. f Y INDUSTRIAL GAINS IN OCTOBER BREAK RECORDS FOR 1910 ' OLD EXPOSmOH IS BANK OEMS RECOMMEfJDEOAS SllIHCIIEASE AUDITORIUM SITE 0F15PERCEHT III '. - & K S yv JL, i-O vv n r: n r ,i 1 r tvfek T r -l rf a't. 1 0 f v i Rebels Recapture Burned City of Hankow . ,n, ' m n m n n n i Combatants Chop One Another to Pieces Architectural Jury Rcndert.a C50 BuMnq PcrmitsYafucd Supplemental Report; Mar- at 51,660,530, Issued It i m YAHKEEARMADAS SRIHB AT ANCHOR kct Block Plan Uq Aban doned Yet, Says Wilcox. Gain in 10 Months $1 ,000,. I 000 Lumber Shipments, Crowe's Una Shorts at New York and Los Angeles, Where Atlantic and Pacific ' Fleets Arc on Dress Parade. TV f tk t plOm Kit-1 CtmmtrtUUf 4 U4wtrUtt. rw1 I Ufl t h'lMimlk 4 tiet m r Mk4 l( Nr tM rc. a k. oi. I ' T mm ij niimm f I I im r mi. r. i-f 1 tr M WVU rU to rtr T jury n4a im tvX ftr i law vtilt thf ManiMte KUk wftel i4 44 l mom 4af. lis rrfwrt ! rid(l m MpI4 tnt n4 kf lb 41leiium Clrtaat fvr lk aolk aKaw am fai r Ik canaiM. rUt ralle af Ovlttfewr. Ilia Ik I lolal far laa moaili racha k pria nnn or iik.iij.iij, aa r uii iiM.a for l1o4 ena ywar ara. la (MMtaJ rrip(a lha fer arf I uat urtotwr will t4beit f Mr raL I fttaat ll aVMkk4fltAai " lhaa ti 1 I rta.ad.- aa4 O.trmaa T. U. U iTZZZj; ZSiZ!!?. V'- 7T fV lha auJUorlum cwl4 not ba wada. durir tba moaih. At hr U uu..iln r tie4taaey to- p,miia had baa laaatf ald.' ald Mr. Wllcoi. "I am not lMLHnirii ia th. rr:T T . ,7 h raealpia for lha Mr. Wiico. far tba aifoalttow Build. I Moain would amount la allfhl m (toed laat tba dllortuoi ajr tnara ta BsilaMa rtrmHa, Jatatad. , 1 r "aoat ala-nlfleant fralura - J I 1 " --anowir.f mad la tba numtxr and ! fc. Woe had .bandoaad aa ' of saw batUlnra JiborUd by parmit ooa today lit autbocialna nw I HlKlnirlHui ia lha vl of tl alalia dtrimiaJy tactUd In my wn tnlad UbHo for Ociobar. If it. ill 'parnilt' bout lha mat tar. All wa raa da ! .trt i,iUa iua. .i n in ift iiim. cotuldoi 'lha raport af lha architactoral lng faptor IL E. riummar atlmatd Jury al lanf lb. jlhat tba tout for tba monlh aroald Tba rpvrt af tha lury. dlacuMlof tbt ca ik. i . of An. VUr mm advanlavva of tha alia and othar eoa- tbouaand dollars, ror tha ftrat It aldaratioaa, la. aa folloB: , , tnootha of 1111 iba axeae. In building '. Ooaaariaaioa'a rtmdiac. ' . partniu oror tha aamo parted la lilt la "Tour Jury that reported to you upon practically Il.t00.t00. . tha merit of tha architectural com pa- aata tlvity'aa ahoara by tha , tlUon for tba pmpoaed publlo auditor aum oar and taJua of tranafara ftlad for turn haa. In accordance wltb your ra record la practloally a at4)doff for Oe ' quaat axamlned Into tha merit of tha lobar llt and !1L Tha number of several propoaed arte -that bate bo I tranrra mad for record thla month under consideration aa the location foriwa iaia ana tna aaiua cr tn property thla bulldlnr. .Three or there altee are aold waa fl.tt7.lfl, aa eomparad with each to tbemtelvaa posaeaaed of char- f m , tranaf era and ll.40I.lll for Octo- SB wm im' m .--a ii fnj-:i i - i. i k xii a t w .v il-wJ V GZVOtV vXZl- ' V" ' IM le -q4ra will eichaa.e poata . . rKLXJfT7TaJ' .Jil. . a4 flaally raaaaaanbl. U New Trh (tvn.4 Wa la... WW I Now Twa. ivc II tl .Mimi ef tfc. a af liaad Iba abofa f Iba I M lltar 4ay iaa a aab4aa af Iba ftaeieet flbUa ftatl e fibet4 la L'atl tal a tare lead la e sarieiary f Iba Jay Merer aad Me alaae aba Iba arHcUi taapee. !, Twaaif MUiaa af aarirw r.aeV- Itl af t'aela aia a aaaai tora4 ,t yard apart la I bra jJaaa, aujna taa araaada. laieraat waa raa. tared la tba an pa rd read aaubi a. tba rtenda aad tb llaa. Itaar Admiral (Coatloued on Pate Thirteen.) (Continued on JPage Thirtaao.) B.F.DQVELLTOBE GOVE iwcmcpuicr. mm Ml iLIf I MIL UIIILI M NAMES onADnnrn HLH UUHIIU Ul u bar bar for iba holldara. Iiai aibi a Uiwmtaatloa af tha war ablpa waa iba (noel apactacular alectrV eat dlaplay la Anirtnn hletory. llbaueiiod la Iboaaaada f lacaadaaeont lamp a ild huadrede af buaa aaarcb tifhta. baamlnj airaigbt up, tba lludaoa rtver rmada preaantad a reanarbabla ceaa police eatlmaia thai the a peel fe ci a we antMaaad by Tat.ttt eopla. t Ada-air. Oct. IL Tventy-elt of Uncle Sam e wauadoaa will drp aa cbor la sa Padra harbor tonlgbt for rwmw. af their fiahtior atrenath. For foar dare thla aouadroa with Ita 11.000 ofneera and mea may ba seen la double eoJuma abeam af Point Lema lthL Ifrom malnmaat to maJnmaat tha- re lala will kaeta a ctlatane af ltta varda Massachusetts Women Open Wall Street 'Assured That No mi-YJar.oTcrt: Oraat crow da Una tba a bora. Owing to tha rovolt rn China 1t ha ot been definitely decided Juat ho lone tha veeeela will remain In port. It la almoet oertaln. however that they will stay four da ye. when a datachment may ba pent to tha orient to safeguard American Urea and Inter eat. AUSTRIA 01IRBS AGAIN UPOII LATIN DEFI TO I'AING HHIALTHPS RE A IIS FOLIO t Announce Intention of Italy to Thousands of Corpses, Haded Make a Demonstration In and Maimed In BartarcL's Turkish Waters Despite the Demand, Riles Northerners. Manner, Float Down Riur Toward ShanQhal ltad Vaa laaaad wtral TrUe I a. Uec II llaly aaiaad aad rl faaaa taaaad VVa) eTbeafc. Oct. II Capr4 afvar a GINNEl'UFEl Fight on Frothlngham; Un married Candidate. Warfarojs Contemplated Some Have Doubts. -. . i (Tatted Praaa Laaaad Wire.! ' ' " I (Tattad rraaa Leaaad Wtra.) fioaton. Oct 11. Becauee ba Is a I Kw Tork. Oct. Aaauraacea war baebalor, tba Woman's llomeetead aa-liTea financiers by tba federal autborl aodatlon has allraad practically all Oaa today that no action toward dle- Haaaaenuaatu women s orgwiona. , th, 8mtt wma with a total membership of a bundrod I v . , thousand atalnat Ioula rrothlnabam. ht'n-P ... . . -.. tha Republican dubarnaUonal condidata I w rt took tba government at Official announcement of -the women's I Its word this Urn and plaead the en orcanlsod opposlUon la made by. Char. .tttek -,,- .-harnla hlrhar than T ECANDDA TESI C FOR NAVAL MILITIA Appointment Pleasing to the Harvey Members of Department New JChief to Take Office Jomorrow Morning.; b J. Beckwith, Dr. Straw, John McrMuIty, A. J. Capron, and C. S. G under son Compose the Body." Ifkieis ajoraas af Tba loornaLI Salem, Or., Oct, II. Reorganisation : Chief af tha fir department of tha eltT of Portland. i. . TMa win be tha nrond tit la ere fixed I of th Oregon Naval MUltla was torn to tha nama of B. P. Dowell, begin- Pted - today bj ,Jwrnop WeaV com- tat . mom,- . Mayor Ruahllgbt this .T0Bf 7 nav VimiaTnTe; tb. am l m , finMlnf.J . thai i tuinnlBfr1 na I r - - uiiiiii ( .... , I board compoaea or xjv oommisaionea fighter to the place mad vacant bj thai 0ff1wrs. t it has -boon found that It la death of former Chief Campbell last not good business to have this board prlng. . (mad up of officers In active service j Biddy." as ba waa ' . nicknamed af-1 "J n raorganlsation la with a view m h , i-ai vnv. vmm I of leaving th men fre to ehooa their . . , ,.Zy I own officers and of having a board to lias Dean in w. .y. Mnduct tb buainsa affairs made up Three jevm ago nn rannionoui wriio( men not In active service and ap- aeoured for him )th position of battalion I pointed by th governor. chief. J ' ' t v i - ti ; I Th following .have Dban appointed When Acting Chief ludnklos bn-1 metnbAra om&i Hr- nounced ahortly after tha death of tha I"',.-' n. l r' 1D"1 fat. Chief Campbell that ho would Jot i S'fFLSEPS: lott Smith, esecutiva of tha organisa tion. Tha resolution to tha affect that no bachelor ahou Id be elected governor of th state reada: ; "Resolved that no man. ahould b elected" governor no matter what his party - afflllatlona, who Is a bachelor. Bachelore ahlrk their duty to aoclety. They are failures, and they always have been, aJwaya will be, and are not good cltlsena.,, ' , GRAND URY INDICTS PREACHER RUN yesterday, although In some , quarters It was contended .that, tha sssuraaea really 'did hot amount to anything as tb asm thing- was said previous to th declaration of war agalnat th Unit ad States Steel corporation. ' In any event tba financial trad waa encouraged sufficiently today to pay S polnta a share more for United State Steel common and IS polnta more for tha preferred. ' Union Pacific-advanced 1.- New Torlr Central I.. Southern Paclflo K. Canadian Paciflo 1H. A marl can .Smelter 114 and. Amalgamated Cop per 1H polnta over yeaterday. : ' (Vattad Praaa Iaeed Wire.) -. -r -Boston, Oct. II. Tha grand Jury In dicted -Pastor Rlcheson for- the murder of Avla Llnnell at 4:16 p. m. . , ' Cabinet Resignations Accepted. , f New Orleans, Xa., Oct 11. President and the roorganlsaUon ia with a view I Adolfo ,'Dias of Nicaragua has accepted th resignationa oi an caDinet members except the ones offered '' by. General Man a, minister of war, and Alejandro Canton, . minister of f omento. President, j elect Mens - la - reported 1 aa favoring a new. cabinet; - r '" -.. . "STONE AGE" ESKIMOS DISCOVERED BY :BISH0P ' ... ' -'- - r - (Cnlted Praaa Lcaae Wlra.1 - . Winnipeg,.', Man., Oct II. -A, tribe of "atone age" Eeklmoa who- atlll uae atone Implements snd hunt with bow and arrow, have been dlacoverad be tween tb Great Bear like and tba Arctic ocean., east of MacKensle. The Right Rev. Dr. Holmes, bishop of Atha basca, who has Juat arrived here from down the M-cKenzle river," mad the discovery. He aaya the tribe, number ing about 1000 eoula, are of higher, in telligence' than usual, havo broad Imag inations and are hospitable. . 1 ANTELOPE, OR., SHEEPHERDER WITH LUNGE OF - ; BUTCHER KNIFE KILLS 70-YEAR-OLD MOTHER V . . " mrtoa bailie la abkb lb e-biaaie 'a- eafiag a Miua a; a-1 hiii . pairbaa ll U b.lle-a4 Ibal ibla ul". "Z' ' . " " . " part r Iba aal daelrattaa Ifcraat. " "I" ' ' ' 01 a,od agataai Tuibay Is r.lU.U, far 'V1?1?1" tba rat THpl caea Tb actio 'TJ ' ,,ly ' la btgbly ffavtr t Aaatrta. Wtb.ed ruiaa. "a r i a aka raU of Xaakew naaaa. Ort IL -Passer ef a etaeb I alr.l.a aaaaaasa frtM lb lib llaly. wblca aaf H all Europe I Hrlllah warablp tt. T sag tea Klarg. riama -in war. ia ce.ki.ia4 ntoal Tbey aay th fiaal battle rame a -... Urnag1er la gwveraaieat circle ta-lday aad Ibat iba inmul t -r. IbaatUa aad la wild at .,. r , Tb I la 11a a revaraa la Tripoli aad las i rthtar kr-r . i. . Ibe lAfnlaeara af aatt-astllurtat aad pvblica-a. i aatl aaeaarcotal autbreaba la Italy are I -tl,t . - . b-Ueved to bav ca uead lb llallaa B la. I . , .,V- . lairy t -Vh It b-aT wim tb a..Sl..1-,? fr Wu Ch' g.r g-vat that all Curop way be em- 7"C,,r.;. IT 1 . broilX. IiT Imperial Iroop bead l . , ,. . - I "" n-ar i nil or liaaaaw. AaatrU gbaws Ceaaeta. I There iaa ai.u.hi.r ... .....n- ... .' Auatila la gravaly , coaoemed avr Ida. tbayua r K.,ki ... luiys annouaced Inuniloa t rood act maimed la barbarous faahlon, cev.r ih a aaal damoaatrauon la Tarblab a-1 boaora r ih. n- .. . . tar la opaa deflaac ef Austria 'a warn-1 toward ghaagbaL tag. It I underatood Roma baa boos I Th ham. -.k .w .. aabad i tplla. and that la case tbefaaeeed from tha nrin.h M,.- .-. asplaoatloa u pot aalUfaciory aa IU- .ln gunboats, was Incredibly furtou., . malum taay b at from Vienna. tb fighting Chinee battling like C- Wbtle African war new a so far iw-lmona with nr. a .-... . eelved bare baa been nagra. ther la ihrougbout tbe whole eltr. ; apparently a doubt that the Turfca bevel , .. 1 . . rooccupled ia outaktrta of tbe elty of I . ,. . " . Tripoli, a la reported that Ifttt Iuilaaa ,m,.r,K V7.J.?l 1 tB have baa killed and that 700t are th . T-CjM . !i!T T vVf h prisoners of tbs Turks. Thes reporu .,1 '''.I.f! XV7 ' "ot!rl1 are era. I tod bar. l.0?Kb -"".V ! nl fo' u mm if mm Hi. I from' the wat.r Ih a valnt ni.n.i A If Tripoli baa been recaptured. It ia I make a landlna. aspecied that th Turk will meseacre rinariy. whan a fore which bad land every Italian In tb city. Tha Italians ed further up .the river, attacked the maaaaered all tha Turka la Tripoli, In- impr!allete on tba flank, the royal cli ilng woman and children, Juat b- troop yielded to tb onslaught and ror Be Tursien su organ, ana me withdrew Into th City; her they main. Moslems are believed aura to retaliate ItaJaed a street to a treat and house to with th elaughtar-of every living sub-1 house fight for hours v Ject of Kin Victor Emmanuel, should I Mabels Am !. th eltyagaln fall Into tbatr b.da, nmiatoream0ntm . for .lha ...K.1. i v.-. xne uiornaia aiiaiia oi noma - in .,. : whi aicrvw 111. Tangtaa KlSng from their fortraee at IWu -Chang, on th oppoalte aide, and aoon tba Imperial troops were partly (Continued on Psge 1va) (Continued on Psg Thirteen.) tSpeelal to T mrn ' Antelope, Or., Oct II. "BUT Gleaaron, a drunken aheepharder of ; about 41 years, after a two weeks' drunk, stabbed his 78-year-old mother with a butcher knife at It o'clock this morning. She died In JO mlnQtea. . ". ' His profeaaed Intention was to kill his brother, A Gleason. next and fin ally ..hi father, Edward Gleason. Tha father and brother, who were on th premises, seised and tied him, however, before he could harm them. Th - rrayhalred mother , eald practi cally nothing after aha 1 was stabbed. When an Antelope physician arrived, ah was Just dying. : Th knir thrust struck her tn the back and ranged upward, pen etrating a vital spot. v. v : Gleason la on of H. C. Rooper's herd ers, Rooper being : one or the leaning sheepmen of tha Antelope country. .- This season he- haa. been ranging .'a band of Roper's sheep, in the Cascade National forest and returned only about - two weeks. sgo. ' He ' Immediately began drinking snd "during much of the time A! Gleaaon and Eugene Gleason, anoth er brother, are also farmers. Tbs matricide was brought to Ant, lop and put in th Jail her to await arrival of Sheriff Chrisman from Tha Dalles. Sheriff Chriaman left within an hour after tha murder and is expected here about o clock. . utmost Indiana tlon exists her agalnat th murderer. whose reputation la one of meannesa, particularly when drinking.. ' ' CHARGE CASH GOT ram of M-wm: wmw w placeohIBt New York Authorities Investi gating Editor's Statement That Jurists Obtained Nom Inatibns by Money, Use. - (Special to Tbe Jeamal.) Port Orford. - Or., Oct' 11 --Returns from all precincts give a majority of three in favor of th Port 'of. Port Or- ford. Port Orford precinct gav a ma Jority of 101. Nonresident timber inter ests made a hard fight to defeat the has been in an intoxicated condition. I proposition, the object of which la to Edward -Gleason. the father.- la a I construct a breakwater ' to protect ship- rancher l'vlng on mll from Antelope, ping from heavy winds. .'; -..::"'"';:' 1st Chief Campbell that he would .not . k 7Lu, T chiefs neit iZ. Z I tnt r-"-te ' ""tenant commander "Biddy was one ot -.neae,:.; tna - two being Jay ; Stevens and All three took the examination by the city servlc commission to cur eligible for tha .chieftaincy all three paased laat month, Mayor KUSBJlgnT. naa , i-T.-.is.ung u-"!.-.,! th. p,0lfl coast. LINE OF; UNITED STATES BATTLESHIPS STEAMING UP THE HUDSON PIVER OFF NEW YORK CITY r records of each ever since and today he i,vfT rr , -,'-- : : , . i J 1 1 ' " : T jTa&: ?7 . : - : ' : i : : 2 I mmtmmmmmmm ai.iLLaiiiiiiiiwi.ii-.iaai . ,1 ii.iiiiiai mij n '.. lfefW'MOa;.&ii."?v.,- J. :.if . ' t .. .. f . ..?' ... 5 V of. th Weus...Fargo company;1 Dreidni!::-S:M . , . .... ... . . '. s.4 . v 4 of' th Portland chamber of ooaheiw ? kfUt r it ) - ' e t . y " 7 t fc 'J" - Vi and -prominent In .; th business , llf of . Portland. y-r-: :x.-. oortallon service of the Columbia ' river 1 -..i-- iwird th tortsa- ta f'hl.f -vtl" ?l l mvv.-". - ---- -iFortiana Drancn im, united States xiuwcji. s - I hvdroarraDhlo : aervibe. with : offl.a. .f The appointment win oe a popular th. .tom house, w.form.ri.. t Z1 ttr th. a.i . . . . . i 1 JL . 'nartmant Judglnr Jrom the numbers! ... 1- . that have during tha past two weeks L-.fr,. witB offices in th AlnawTirti, visited the mayor's offlc on Dowell'. rti.nd A,n,worth behalf. More than ZOO, firemen person ally requested tbe mayor to present ."liiddy" with the chieftaincy. . Glorious beer now InncAltlao 1U UU UP ; . WHILE IT GOES DOWN . Tha price of beer is taking- a 4 bint from the recent advances in ) , sugar, and while sugar la dowa ' 10O per 100 pounds today, bar reled beer la. higher at eastern polnta There has been an ad vance of about 100 per cent in tb price Tf all materials that enter Into the making of beer, and local brewers admit - that while there has been no advance a yet here, the price ia likely to fellow tha movement of other placea, ' f, j.- building, Portland. Dr. Et .Straw la mayor of Marsh- field. Or., one or tn leading physicians of that city and prominent In its busi ness activities.' : .-,.'" ;'-.t;-vi -i-..- Th business affairs of Captain John J. Reynolds having compelled , him to tender bis resignation aa captain, the aame vwaa accepted to take effect aa aoon aa hie successor was elected. This will be done- st the election to be held bv th reserve on November .4.- 1911. Csptain Keynoias is commended for i faithful - services) rendered th militia during the time he baa been in-command of tha hip.- - in. v.wwia - - w., wca pro moted: .-; . . Dr. E. E. Straw. Gustav J. Blombera-. and William H. Rover, lieutenants ef senior grade, to bo lieutenant command- era laeutenani uommanoer Blomberg to be e-xecotlvo officer of th ahlp. Xeo man John A, Beckwith to be ensign and stgr.al officer. W. E. Bouschor, from lieutenant of th Junior grade to be lieu tenant of tbe senior grade and ordnance Ml :8a :,.: SS-f:-.::S.- " I"- - i;xj. 1 s : s ?rv- ; , .i - v., K.-. .v:i- .-: :-:. t'? ! 1 - - . . t':c;s;;'S;;:::g;f v.&fi.'! -jrt':;S-v,f :S- :;:"fS; ::fSM: s-v;- C?. . ;? ?: , - i , : fl ' - ( ' ! ' ' " - " ' j "H " "'.'"'' s" .'.. 'v-'V'V ' ' , ' " ' - " - i .,,...,.:.---.----'-. - ... ., .1 ? - ; i-o - . - ... . ...... ( . , .- .j : : S , - v : - ' r. . ' t ':'-" i-.. - " .j .' . ' t! --J-if-V "i --x :'' : ' ' ; . -:.' - -' ' ;'. - ' " t'-- ' --J.;' '-s' ' T ''" ' ' '- ' . ' ' I -, . ...' " w" . - . c --v'- . kj-' ' - - . . .r " : ".. . ' . . ' t " -" ' " v ' w ""'Tl" - - - - 5 .1 .. ' - - ; .I. . c :.: u'i'lv' " " " ; " "Cx,""-? . r-i - "ZLrf-" ' .,.--,- - w iiihwv ... ' ' ' i ... f Ignited Praaa Leased vTira.-r.: .''., . -New York. Oct 11. Tammany Hall today faces what Ita , enemies declar tobs on of the biggest scandals In Us history through an -,f- investigation launched her by District Attornev tin. wltt of Queens boroush Into i -m of selling Judicial positions. V ' Jo Doe proceedings have been start ed by District Attorney Whitman ' of New Tork before Juda-e RossIkIcv . m. trict Attorney Dewltt of Queens started tha Inquiry and Assistant District At torney Elder is investigating tha charge ia Brooklyn. . . ... " fito Kakas Charraa. William Berrt. editor of th. Dmi, lyn Standards Union, recently charge.! tha use Of money to secure th nomina tion of some of mTimnn...--i ' dates for positions on the bsnch.' wn . Congressman Wlllett. Patrick Callahan and 8. Herbert Ketcbam, th three Tam many .candidates for Judges of -th su- preme court., had Berrl arrested on a charge) of criminal , libel.'- j .- Berrl demanded trial and offsra t prove the charges. Later th thr can didates publicly apologised- to Rrrt for the arrests and withdrew their suits. Ketcham and Callahan declared they hs t Karned that there was good ground f ir (Continued on Pago Eleven.) This Is the vanj-uaxd fef the immense Icet of fighting. vessels of every description, from the .monster dreadnaught to the i ibmnrine, n--, in-New York harbor for Teview by Secretary of th Xavy BIey era" and other govemment officials. The view is taVcn from t!i- top f t' - ' r bmildlng tower ia New York City, looking toward the Xew Jersey shore. A Baby for Every Fortune There is no race suicide taint to ( the richest of American gjrla and infant heirs to millions are quite numerous.- See Journal Magazine. . ." ... Horn Big Business Balked at the Chorus The rumpus ia the Uoul.1 a-ays that was klrk-.1 lip 1 aha was fnrr:?-r!y i: .'!. ! ra..-