lilt. RAY Wm IM LEAVE ASnUI,! AIIO COPLEY ASSERTS ' I1EHEARDJ0GULAR TALK OF JACKPOT RUr.IPCONVEfiTION . MAY BE JMMED EFFORTS HADE 10 SCONE LEASE Oil MAY BE CALLED AS FIRE CHIEF CO JO BENCH AMI recall i mmm B. F. OofttU Wi3 Be Appointed by Mayor, It 1$ Celled, Councilman Appean at l.!ect Er.cLsh Eyndcata If Among Brik Stodhclden IhlrM He If So. Sho Vi3 Prcbatly Peti Congressman Gives lns.?de PvL!l:al Have It That tion County Court to Don MxVs Clothes Acain, Which She Were fcr 20 Yean. tho RfputLeanSU"attcn Ing cf Ministerial BccJy, but Those Seeking to Bjy the Has Money Hidden; 1300 Is H.storyH cf Pc! Ileal MIxup That Tesijltcd In Election of Lcri.xer to the Senate, Committee It Hoi Ready to Lease, cn. Hotel C.vr.en A3 He Haj Paid to ReaJ W.3 Net Abide by the Dtct Consider Issue. Waiting fcr Price. Money Into the Bxk. Primary PUfl. THE OWEGOM DAILY JOUltJ.AU lOKTLAND. i.ON.UY EVARS. RESEIIIIHG ESPIOIIAGE, CAUSE OF Ol'll ARRESI Kill FAILS TO SEdEACll Oil EH' Yi 4 eft. b r tw I Au.-tl It.-. vl-ft .n u it at e4 li JW A4 I ltw4 fta.a-4 ee. WM.A e ! ten. a " .r - -- ... . MitM la ....... iw 4 ll U0 ft a M' e.amr - . AIIA uve4 Ift " r im U e.lfteft fti4 trt, --- - 07 U-i4 ftf Ws I Afl'f erfallr le,tlf attftg tba i m rr rtr. tr4A f it ttr tigit.M rr the tnlMMN Awfts- IkMiiiu f ftr cfcuf Mar KaahUtsi . ... il. BMtkUtir f tftIL A4nt4 fti : M' M ..fT - 1 (Ll Ik It.-Ul arr. II U b.la4 tIIe im t(U mW.At it -.h wilt 4 ftf f rLsg I lfc. eftfcft IK. be4 f It fif tlki4Mli lli U MM MKlk.ltl IV I -t U ' l MMMI lT IM (w.'J f i1b AMir 1M lmM. tt Um4 L nl ' l f M Mh f IW4I U M4f Mkl"' laj) ( Ik McUU9, ! IM M Hul U (l M M f Ifc4 u. triituM IL rjr 4 tea tiVt4 if ft W iffWK l44 IK tin mj a li. kM lit a f. ia( lm l ft v ii tar lUti t YLi la Mikk4l a M 1 Ly at ari f (l aft taMii4i Mati ? Ttft lii M Krv. X. I ftuaia, ft litl . af Lft. AU., mUmi, h U It Trttaftla, m I ft, . arri ry fttul r uMt I U It K IwvalL K. TaftM . miiM H4 rrywft r4 Jf W. Ua U ar. !,Jl aVter u artaai af Ua ta- aii.!i k.lj U.l ! rara (iit4m tr tn ritu. AU iWaa N Tafl wmUlaa null ltb l4 anatM M Uft aaafftf avaiaa aWUi xlayip!a wUla im auinarur ya a4art ftof a ftfTarrft la r at wiinacF. aiala IKal IWft trTMI ! B lba in. Aft ft Ift Kull f I ha aiamlna- i Miii ataia iui i w c t u ftolair fa ro(iJ 4ft ha frt.iwla af cft Zltrr af rwl T0. II I a l na rraara aft .at ftJl.ra JawUr Ift Ift kt(r-atra Ifcft anr. luitallaft lliiaf TL ft tT lh! iT.7. ft4 iU,V.k. .ft. U Uft OUI of Ih. Ihraft U Pot"! f IT!r;,... h vCc . rr tu pouuci f rto4. Wf af Ika camhlM UI tfcaft ftft rallH U Hakar. f rrmlaol T to ftiftft la ahow bit cxl f.llh. "rThn' raaala4 "A. .f mirMlHt arlllh"" Tocftf fcft if an ha catft4 oft . ";"; It aa4 thai tfta nilrwrliara ta bft ae(bUUlle Ift ala-ftlft f ft"4iJejr Of JftJ ta. a - ft AABa .Hkaa.1 A Ika I Att ' ,fc'r " rrtandft of txrwall ar atao vary . I (I a ft4 la ha aul tw ar Ihraa ay Kaf VAX laT. ftaftilT ! flramaft MraenftJIy Ialta4 Thr ftra Uhaljr Ift priaa)i that th mayofft ftffl Ift ftak tbftt Dftwtllb Tft thlft tha raplf ftf tftft prof raaia 1 that If I ha commit! U tft earrjr nr Unac It fttuat makft ctMr lu Jbrff to lh dlract prima ry fti4 tha rorrlal4 laa ftf Lba Oroa ajratam. Tbr cootand It Ift nacaaaary to elaar th commUtN from lit chart now taint mad that It la ftut ftf ayiapUiy with th paoplrft law. Wbila th protraaatvaft capturad con trol of tha romintttaft at tbft inaUa for rrataatloft Ut waak. aft far aa th election of offtcara la coBcrti4, It la probftbl that th oonaratlvaa bold ft aaf majortty, and will bft fttU by fore ftf annhar to prftrant tft ftdop- tton Of ft raaolutlon that frill put fthata on rarord for th Oron ay at em. Than It will bft op to th pretrcaalTftft to dor Ida whether thay will ramaln and nr aftar thay have bn tomad down. Ntnr of Ift ftjotela. a4 ttaft. (iaa aaat lafrma.!f, bt Ift prV I aiaima. ad tU4 l ur a. Catiattlftti ftlattr Mwr4 )ftl aa lr nalaftft lir ftlaruaala. ftail Ikay 0.4 ftt t (alft ft ftvallar Hft fttfta, BaartrUaft i aVft4. At ft ftiwial aaallaft af U MtfttolarUJ aaatpiait tft rMif aaltoa mt lia. Jb II. tMfaX atM waa atpomi4 cftlraa f th Uw a4 ftHat efnellt". waft r4a4 ftlad, flat. Xr. IKf 4 ftlat 4 hie raM for lM!tnit Ift bft ftlft arttaaaft far ntch ert ftrfti4 b r4Uirl of I ha rotmonld. II ai4 ! tu ftaw Ift 1-oflUaJ a4 Unoraat ftf eoftdltloAft bar and IKat ha b4 Uaaft for tatltallft- Ha aJ4. baaever. that bft waa la ermpftlhr wtife Ibft wort f th ftaeoclaUoei A(lf lha tMarftl maatlat ftf tbft ftft rial to, tha acUv boaro anat Ift Appoint bla accMor. R. T. IL Walk HORSEMEN T MAY BE EXPELLED DELINQUEN ALLEGES CHARACTER DEFAMED; WANTS BALM flult for defamation of character waa tartad thla mom In t lo tha circuit court by Sarah V. WUklaa atalnat C. ' E. Plalda. Th plaintiff, who Ift ft eteno irrapher, a ta out In her complaint that . Flelda wrote her a. letter requlrtnt that ah writ Mr. Word letter making cer tain atatementa which aha cayi ar not true, nelda cloaca hla letter to the woman by aaylnt that If ah doea not writ th letter, that h will Inform her rmplorara what dantreroua peraon they have In their employ." JJlaa Wl!k . Ina aaka for 115.000 damatea. ftft tba , letter haft been exhibited to other per one, aha charge. h m - Lonfr Cftfte Ia Ended. ' The car of A. S. Fortlner agalnat tha . raclflc Railway A Narltation company before Judsr Morrow of th circuit court ' waa cloaed at noon today. Th caa ' baa broken ft record for length aa It took H day. There were 10 ex hlblte offered by the defendant , com pajiy, and 60 exhibit offered by the plaintiff. The ault waa oyer the con Ktructlon of the railroad known aa tha Tlllirmook Una. ... Derelict Ia Sighted. (United Pro Leaaed Wire.) Cordova, Alaska, Oct 80. Captain Durke today report algntlng a dere llct achooner of . unknown Identity 20 tnllea east of Cape Suskling. while en route to Katalla from Yakutat. The vessel la about 100 fee long and la floating bottom aide up. Ho veaaela are overdue here. Unlike an Abstract of Title A Certificate of Titie requires only one examin ation of the whole title succeeding transfers being made by merely extending the Certif icate down to date. The expense is reduced accordingly, v - For this and many other rea sons the Certificate of Title sys tern ia displacing all other meth ods of transferring real estate. Ask -those who have tried jit. Ask ' your banker. Investigate before you make that real estate . deaL . Call for booklet TITLED TRUST CO. LEWIS ELK, FOURTH AND OAK Several prominent racing borsemto taad In th ahadow of being ei ape Had from th National Trotting aaaoclatloa Oft -account of not paying their entry fa at tha Portland race meets tha laat three year. The Inventory filed In the circuit court tola morning by Q. A. Weatgate, receiver for the aftrtland Urea took a Fair aaaoclatlon ebowa ther ar f 1421 du tb asftoclatlon from delinquent boraemen. On of th rule of th National Trot ting aaaoclatlon provide that no delin quent ftntryman shall be allowed to par ticipate In a racing meet until all hi back entry fee ar paid. Tb local aaaoclatlon baa notified the national organisation each year of tb delln quanta, but nothing haa been dona. Tb receiver wui. now. make an effort to collect the amounts due, or force the boraemen off the tracks next sea eon. The report of the receiver ahowa there were $1491 unpaid by boraemen In 111. im la 1910, l41 In 1909. and 12067 in 119a. These feea wee for entry feea, but. th horsee wer not entered. Under th rules, th own era have 14 daya within which to pay the entry fee, and If It la not paid then. the aecretary places their name on the delinquent Hat. which Is aent to th na tlonal secretary. The horsemen are also given a chance to withdraw from the race and aave their entry fee, but this must be donft three days before the race la made up. f- The receiver further petitioned the court to allow him to borrow 13700 with which t0 4ay taxea and Insurance pre. mlums on th property at tha exposition grounds. . - , . . nut.lil IhMl IM riH, iui 1 : . T. 7.TZ: I llo4 nia4. frot lb 1". V'Z" -,".hTVJ r saaiorlly ftf tbft - w. I K. . . .iimmi.. 1. did not bavft lima tft eftftftidar bla chart than, put Otat tb cpmmltta pallta. TftU yaaalft la la ft ic bft uftafti ae ift St. Br4at la ) graftcie a4 WKft aa- ara i tft Itlia-lanioa ati l F f ik big can f ift arwfta. TU a rofxs 1 1 mai waft aiaft lrt-4 aWwa. B4ft t-aSUaft fty4u.t eraau Ift) Vft tfta rfHn" aa wU aa teh a tft loaa a-d wui ftvt ei4-r tft viiMtl Ik ftiftav. 0 f Ik rafreuft' Ifttlraa ftf tft Kngtlaft ar"l ftft ba a-r-ft ftkaat eo-H-reid la tft a- liatlaea la W. W. turmwl. f ta- 4 aft. Mr. llarsnoft ftUta-1 Ift Mr. fblltf iWtrftrta, ftf tft asaabVavft af Ift balding eoaapaay. Iftal be b4 l la ft-arly vcy part ftf thft wvt4 ftftd Ibat bft waa a ' hlf pWa4 lift Ift isuftltaw a ad ftallch ftf Ibft Mellaauft botel aa bft b4 ftver Ve) wnb ftr MHT boalalry, a Jttill furtft ftagetlfttlewa bar ea4 by la Norma tiraibara. f p pa- part UUraftt I tftft Urd aa ttnft fttoekbobi-ftft. anftkft ftrrftntft ia for SBMilag wltb the botdiag eoapftay ! order tft make prepoftllloft ea4 ft tfta Wa4l C-r-l-. iaf. t. 4 J ---. !ij4 rii4 ftf la i(HftM rv ft at a ftvaa.ft t 1iaIK at ftl ftra av4 aa 14 Mft m ftftftAl tft ftWa bail. Te Ift s.t;-4 fta4 s.tJwfc!' ( f 4 k ia aw 4 .'(toft. ftVMtrf (iaila4i lkUM I- ,u.4 ftl Ift m4 af ftial a)fail.A af t.A Mfct Cialft tnrimi tl ftitftl ftla j uft aatr tl t a. taiaa4 tkat tt (al lftws 24, Kft4 ft4 1 .4"r4 ha muli-til ai( . i VI I r k-a ful wile to eat aift a gavj f 4ivra Iftal (? fta4 aa-vaiag Ift tlfttftaatoaft ft-air. aftawaiaa Iftal tfta aWa ft4 t ftlal-4 tftr-ftft frft4 Tft iax t-a(i af 1 ii la tft f Vft X-4 Wa4 tft bar fa aag ftalUf I a Ihim t. tftaft ftat4 ftt ftaaa I Jtraa Kvar ftft fttaia fta4 tlteft wllft ftla praaoai ftl rUtalk Tftaf ftftta ft Afti Lara. ktM aVU Klft AftU saabOa. Tbft ftlft ftlftakftaldarft ftf tbft Wrwtfcftd llatft tftat ttvftrft a4 Iftaf bai a- rug trat lifti ar.a t baa bits vftUtftoift toward ft ftUft) ibftt wui wftt- If Mr Ift VfKllrft. At ft raraal bjmmI leg Kar did a4 Amw IK I ft b4 flaaaelai rMaHtrra. be I ciatsa4 tftat b wft4 bft fftctftg cftftrgaft ft4 waa 1 4 a4 It bla aaaaay for bla ftafraa. II a44 bla alarastllft few day ft tft. ft4 atala4 tftat bft b4 bi piM caafe. but lb Siuxbaaa' laiar saadft wra aula- saaftt Ift tbft affect I bat tft pore peloa, lite. as etlU aloft aTvarft. It baft bewtt 41acrr4 that wbtl Ever ad wtf wa tl af to fcaak's aiocb ftf lb lata! capital t l.tft tbay ftctftftlly paid tft only 1 1 aft. yar (Mdft HP Ibft bfttaftc th 'books by alertsg up ftf tbft f vaift of lift, baartag, ftigftftturftft tftftt bare ft Vftlftft. Tbft bul l toM ea tbft ftreacaery loaaa will bft About 1 11. Ma. It I would b r..d, le m.ft. a. tny.l ijr I ' Vnaaa of ib. U. iron ai-r " -W, da ftot InUftd to mU ftur Iftftft " itT"Tr'.'" r. r: tb ffar. r hut. ogii 11;,-, ik-. in manor imi im a -- I H. - m Phltla (lari. I ' . bft v our pHcft, hewar, ftad wbaft It Is I - - - - - - - - - raftcbftd. Ifta-Mftal ft TM 4WaU Laftaa., I, l-l. ik -ir lmti a ftV-Mak. a fttxp la Iftsft 4ly 14 l tvai ! ft feat ax a ft4 rfM4 ftatU ft waa aga ftaaj AM aa tfta I n I . )! ftl ftla tft a. 4 I ft aift k.fcr4 a' 4 la ft ftaw p-a l-4 tftat xa r4r lm la IM ftaftt fii ftw left nhm4 ft.MtMjf ftft ftaaltag Ift ! Ift - (ItlUpf, aa.4 II la fM4 ftftft J Ml11 -'ft I cwwAir ea-rt f le ftt !: f 4ia tag 1ft ftas ftltrra a4 ftt'ft tft rva . aft ftft) m lraty. , ftft waa ft fiM eoAAIaa. a4 If ftftft fte ! tft tftftaa I4 ft gat ail be am wixajiU baft ftatft' ftftft U ftft ft W ft aft. ft, -in" i ua rr Afeawwaaaaaa8aa-aa 111. tft IU tassbftf -aiM-ir, ft a. ftrft raa4 tftft ftalUift Utaaft tft If" raaT. Ktftrft -4 bw wtf are t:rc(v mt lb fta. Tb girvefta ar J. K 1 1 . A. i. Wil liam a4 a T. Wraii. ail t-l t-tkUaaaaift aitlaiaa fttrr ftrvaat was rrtMaia4 by bis ri intlag alaaat ftf twpvir ftartff l1Kka4t. ft bft4 ba 4Alto4 M prevaat bla ftswapa, I ft) MttUaft 4aaaft4lag tftat tftft ftr41laft a 'Pr4 ftla ft a iy ftl4 ftftw aagai warraal tot ftla art lea a. Tft. Atr barWa tba baftft eltiait Rvarft lltftftrrw lift tft cash - hla ra eoaat. aJtkoftgft tftft 4plift f eesaei tftat day ware Mt eles4 tip bwt wer kept m ftaparala ivlpa. Ta tb' g!rtrft rjei4 hlra ta ratursi tat at. fttfttlaC Ibftt It was tliegftj ftrft- frsal. bat rM raraaad. Ctlftrat ArrftJgwM. Cbtft Wftk. ftftr-4 wnb vtolatlftai ftf tb wftllft alav act. will b ftrraJgnad bafor I'nltad gliftiM Jftdgft Uaaa till ftfirfto, Cbtft Waa .ftft relet low will b deport today by rdr af lha t'atted Utataa court M a ftltaa Illegally In lb L'altad Stfti. ftVstaJ rwa UJ Wv Cft-Uftta II v-MMfrf a XIM ift ImU IUI-ij f 1 1 ai. Mfcal aUp !( tag kft IV eWtlaft) f kuiua Lataaa. tb ViAe t f CVlaaaa. tft IA t'ftHe tiala avaala, Caaimwia lift CUfXaa IVyUa, Ha pvMWftft rtMlall fraftft Uitftaftft, ft44 Ift tUM'Jtftt b laftay to Ibft eJetl la Auue a tva (A-4'eft tAl IftfUaaf aft aW44 ftrt4ti b Ift ary, OfttVMisaaft) CVeUf gria4 I bat Ift ! be f!rK ( 14 tftat Lawtajka 44 b ai4 Lfttt4 iaU fti IXaft ft 4VrtM taaUiiUai f I "' ft RbaftA tataftftv lift taMlfa4 IUI ftl Ifttft ham ftft wwa fftvftt mt fty ftbft awU Aafaal Matktaft, ft east bft ftMaft4 M fw ftavaift1a." Tftft wltaaM eiiaA lftl fta mvk aa lie 114 tna eaftaa. bl Iftftft. b tl4 tfta lutMU ftial b iatr b be Ms,aUaa4 liaftklaa aa, CM. ' OMttafttftgL Ot4y Mid IUI fta b4 baarw -ruir li- a.ftt tM fsaia SC LMla )aftM ilt4 ftft bft ft) ftUi4 ? k-wr4 II til, tft aa. bft SMgftftl. bal tftftt b kftg M tMwt. efttft ftf ftwch ft pvt. ' C-rl MM Ibftt ftl art -.(-fta! b ftftrd ftf ft swftaca af tft faiaotaf fee tftft fticO ftf itapftlaa. ftftd tataadlat. If look fttapft ta blarft IL lie rre4 I apraa aay ftplalo m U lilftar ibar wm aay vomit-u ta aavacua Willi tb elaciloa ( Ivartsaftr. f tb MlnlaterlftJ aaaoclatlon. Zveport trUrs KswUaff. Tbft meeting cf tba rortUftd Mlftlft tartal umcUUo waft etlrrad over tha report mad bv Rv. Albert Ehrgott which ftdvlftad all tb antniaurft to o tlnu thalr ragutar Sunday night and mldwMk prayer mMtlng during the arii of Olpay Smith' mMtlngft, wbloh will begin In this city November 10. "After Oipsy Smith is gon, .your, ehurcb ftn4 my church will auy en the Job, ald Bev. Ehrgott to tb mini- tara. "It la up to ua to gat into tna TN Uaoaj Lrftgwft U MrwC tfaltag rt-aft Uaa4 tKI ertuaaiv CftX, Oct. sft. AaMaaoa- t Ift eaftdft bar today tftat IM Woad- row wiiaoti iMguft r aarthera Cftllror ftU wttl set ia this city m Kevember t, wbeft parmanant ftrganlsfttloei wttl a perfect d. ITMldeat J, X DavU will bar returned from a vialt with th New Jersey govaraor and ta i part's! bare ftwrftft Important ftftaounoetnenit to vftkft. - rill ALL AMERICA NO. 2 SPEEDS VESTWARO wom lndivtduftis nd gftt our ppift Rja Balloon Leaves Redlands Into It- i . . i f- . . a-.i lor inp 10 los Mnyeies LAFfERlr DENOUNCES PORTLAND NEWSPAPERS Congressman Abrahan Walter Laffer- ty delivered ft warm' 30-minute speech before the realty board at its weekly luncheon at the Portland Jiotel today, during which lie roundly denounced the Portland newspapers, declared that lie would support Senator La Follette for president, but would vote for a Demo crat if a nonprogressive Is nominated by th Republicans and said that As sistant Attorney General B. D. Town send had been sent to Oregon" by the department of Justice to help the South ern Pacific railroad retain its hold on tha land grant lands.. In speaking of the Oregon Taft cam paign committee Mr. Lafferty said that under no-circumstances could herb in duced to, become a member of It. Mr. Lafferty explained the provision of a number of his bills now pending in congress including the bill requiring the interior department to expend more money on' irrigation projects In this state; the bill increasing the - site of homesteads In eastern Oregon from, '160 to xzo acre and the measure giving the states supervision of all forest re serves with the title to remain In th federal government - The meeting of realty men was about nan tne usuaj sua, quit a numbr of thft more, prominent members of tha board being ftbsent f Knife Points to Suicide. . Aa open knife found under 'the' skele ton of tha man found : lata Saturday night Bear .Burlington leads the coroner to believe that th man- committed sul cide, but there Is nothing on th re mains by which they, can be identified. L. C.-Campbell of St. Johns, who made tha discovery, led the deputy coroner to th place wher thft. remains .were found. , A hat bearing the Initial T. J., F. and an old plac of newspaper was all that might be used to identify-Xh body. It is thought the remaina have been there' sine laat winter. The .clothes Indicate f at he waa a well dreeeed man. One of tbft way bft ftdvocfttad for Accomplishing this waa to hold thft reg ular church servlca wMl th city, was ftf Irft with W aplril Of thft pay anoat In a a. ' . - ' " ThfyrfrJortWftt denounced fta a giftat mlatAkft by Rev. G- W. McDougftll. dis trict superintendent of tba Methodist church. He Mid th faithful cnurcn worker who ftttend th prayer meet lngs and regular aervlcM were thft one needed at th VftngUtlo meetings tft help car for thoa who would by aeek- Ing th kingdom or ood under th ai rctlon of th great preacher. Dr. Benjamin Icung Mked for unity In tha matter. Tbft minlkter spent more than two hours this morning In hearing reports nd working out plans for the big Gipsy Smith meetings. Severs! made plea for greater cooperation In the work. Ushering- Plftns Outlined. "I believe the meetings will be a great blessing to everyone In tha city." said Dr.. Toung. "I do not regard them fts to what they will do for my church. X do not want to be that selfish In the matter. But I regard them aa a cooper ation for the extension of God'a king dom. We are broader now than per- hapr we once were. It doesn't matter If the man gets to heaven In ft Methodist carriage or a Presbyterian coach. We ought to plan to get the largest and best lasting results." . T. H. Walker outlined th plan' of Woman Aviator Aboard. -' (Fnlted Prea- Lasaat Wlra.1 Badlands. Cal.. Oct 10. With Loe Angelea M thalr goal, Oeort D. Harrl son. piftsldent of tb Aero club Of Call' fornla: Eftrl Remington, president of the Aeronautical society; Aiuwr rnui. Champion and Miss Myrtle ueniuson, tha first woman aviator to rclv nllot'a llcenae In California, cut th balloon "All-America No. I" from Its moorings her at 9:46 a. m. today and aLartad westward. Tbft balloon ftroae quickly ftad ftoon became a mere apeck Inthe air. It was Mttmated that the huge craft reached an altitude of 7600 feet before It struck an air current which sent It on Itft way. By 10 o'clock the balloon had puiw out of sight, n ushering, which Is to b perrectM so that th big crowds will b handled la a way to best get results from thft serv ices. Hs said only the main doora of th nwudltorlum will bft used lor ftn trance. The eld doors will not be used. n n. Perkins, chairman of thft per sonal work committee, reported wai is groups of personal workers wftr now K.inr aneclallv trained for service dur ing the meetings, and that he wanttd to Increase tne numoer u iuuy. CHILDREN TIE YOUNGSTER TO STAKE, PILE SOME , SET FIRE T RUBBISH AROUND 0 RUBBISH DEPAR T (United Press Leaaed Wire.) " Seattle, Wash., Oct 80. Tied to a post gagged and threatened with burn ing at the stake, Carl Justice, age 10, was rescued here yesterday front boys and girls of his own age by a neighbor. The torch had been applied, real re volvers were flashed about his head and the fire had begun to leap about his feet when th children departed to leave him to hla fat and the neighbor found him. ' Young Justlc told his fttory to Pat rolman Watson last night H was at play when seised by six boys, gagged and tied to the post. Girls joined the crowd. . Brooms, old newspapers and other rubbish was piled about him for the fire which was later lighted. - WOmFUBOOS O'CIock, Tea ' Blended and Packed by RIDGWAYS London Since 1836 In sealed, air-tight, dust-proof ' packages t - ' : - 75c per pound 40c. per pound ? - 20c. per H pound May Now be Had in 4 Town at Best Stores ' Big Talking Machine Selling of Last Week to Be Repeated - , ' . , Entire Supply Intended for Seattle and Tacoma Now Included in Salo to Bo Continued at Eilers Music House 1 The biggest record taJking: machine buslneu erer done by Ellen Music House was occa sioned by your last wtelrs extraordinary offer of a new latest hornless U Iking-machine, includ ni 12 latest double-sided records, all for $22.80. Hundreds of people called and were delighted, not to say astonished, at the commodious and extern! veness of the new quarters devoted to the talking machines on the second floor of the big new Eilera Building. ' . We want everybody in Portland to visit them, and to make it thoroughly worth while com ing, we have diverted to Portland all tne maenmes and records intended for Seattle and Tacoma. nence, we repeat last week's wonderful $22.80 offer cash, or pay 10 cents a day, and We shall also continue to sell the $20 cabinet for $12, exactly as announced last week, i" Get one of these fine Talking Machines today. They're simply splendid! And 12 latest double-sided jecords-24 selections go with each machine. You can even select from the November list of records now, at Eilers Music House, and carfare pays for It all, .10 cents a day. ' . i' m asi ii i wsj ii 1 1 1 1 m jm m.snms twnrw . i -.jaftaw .-s- r . . , aftJaiiBJBat'' SSa- aft This Is Jhe machine, though the' drawing does not do it justice. , 1 " " This $20 Record Cabinet Now $12 These wonderful machines have gone on sale this Monday morning at this extraordinary---revolu-tionary unprecedented price $22.80, " on "terms of Ten Cents a day an achievement made possi ble because of the magnitude upon which our .(Talking Machine business, like our Piano depart ment, is conducted, and because we want you to, visit our new Talking Machine salesrooms, of which we are so proud." " ' These are the latest and best machines see de- ....' ...... .'if scriptionr and plenty of records to choose, from. Come in right . away or telephone for one- there are now plenty of them for all comers but remember such a low offer has never been made heretofore. It will hot be made again soon, if at all! 1 ' ' " A Genuine Talking Machine Surprise Eilers Music House Selling the Latest Hornless Talking Machines with Twelve Double-Disc - - 4 - ' t , , . Kecoras lnciuaea xor , r ONLYv$2al80--PAY CASH Ais UTTIE AS 1 Oc Ten Gents a)ay 1 Oc v AT EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Biggest, Busiest, Best Oregon's Talking Machine Headquarters, Now at Seventh and Alder This Is hornless talking . machine of the very latest modol portable, compact and. com plete. . The sound waves gathered by the repro ducer are led through the tone-arm . to the tone chamber, In the base of the cabinet and magnified-by tha construction of the tone-arm and tone chamtoer, so that the muslo Is exactly the .same as that from . which the original records we re made, without . "cramping"! or distortion. In some instruments the jtone-chamber (upon which the naturalness of the reproduction largely depends) Is left out and Instead the sound waves are pro jected through the working" parts of the motor, losing much of the accuracy " and volume of thft recorded music, ' ' -" . -The motor is a powerful, noiseless spring mo tor. . It plays either. 10-Inch or 12-lnch records of any make, and can be wound while running. Convenient adjustment of speed, which allows the operator to obtain the best results possible from the record. Is provided' fori Eilers Muslo' House, now at 7th . and Alder. - . All cars transfer t Oaks rink.