.DAY HVENIh'a OCTOI'-ta U lllf. WHIPS GATHER ATIS AIIGEIES; Vessels of the Athmtie Sauadrtm in NetD York AirAiHHANKOW duiwino: 4i a-l t.i it .'Ui i4 i i..u t .. .... t t4.a M- a .4m4 ., 1 i...a.4 ii m ,uu4i. a l44 iti it t.i lit, .4 . M4 !. fM ta w a4 Hi Mia af ia a-4u f u ( iiiia4 i iaj 1M .i.iImiI 1 1 . , afxw aa.r It i hi M I IMPERIAL EDICT la i4 M Ituiutl v.a Uai r,...t ATsLt li... rrn.i oss 11 . GRANTS fEW RULE aaia aa.aa ! I- .. via a a4 a a. a . . r: l(Wii.Ml rM al a-M a f-aM a4 J t . au a ii4 AiatWj ) iktuitHMi, itlf i. AiUiiat tires. aei4 ts hew Y .v t-M 4a a.4 OIY DECORATED, 2 i.ttM i-aaawa at riM4 . ai MMiil wa x- a a u . a ia i li tug ,a, Ik. Ckkik . IU 14 l KU, t4 li tUi.!s httft . I ..Iim ta w)m aad mi iw TtK e.'4 wtJ - k4v4Ul M Is 11 fitw 4 at.- Utl p .( It I m4 -Mif W Ua fewm w 4 ia aaaa r at uI.j w awn . a4 M A4C A ci - a4 m1' t.t4 tl sIAm. M ai. t a aWiikM a ... fiwaa fv tt. M,4UUlkMa 4 I f Iwil l K?. ' IWaa y ial rtt aa atoawi ai4 im an iaf i.iMa ia, $m h44 1 1. Maaxam iw m , lum axil a-a Ua 4 aaaiavol aima aaiaaia 1 1 ia Las! Craft cf Pacific Fleet Ar- M4 If 14 ll:iu ltl,llwUI tea I lUa euaa M aaw m Im4 I a. 1 ai. a iaa i.mih taa. awaaj r.aw l IV I.IW.IM art.a Aal. a-4l i a s awi away aaa ir.'4 t IM a-U rivM for Naval Review, I la uNrtM ta ii aa. aili ar tM.4 a ia r ft ttm ! 9t ia u Ww lui H UX tut 1:U4 aa. 114 .aa4 la rUy r,i K A. ti ala'. aa 4akM, s Ja.Aa I fwlil IMkial dv'tkf tJta 4llia a4 l a ttik4 aaaiiua, t 44a la a. a r tu wau wauaiM a rn ft ti a a ttaua aaiir la au It.e-r 'n tMiu vJ HM ata . t.ay. bl ui M la 4 aa4 . A lai aaM ea taal IM ,.. aai t . a.a .:4 ia tfi.ai 4 Wa ta r" ! ia IKa 4ia4 ' " ia ,i.iWtaia A nwi aa4 II. a a ka Wa atala4 ! laie pikMt a4 ia I pi ia -- iai (Mi fata riaa frtM Scheduled in Southern Wa ten Small Boats Dot Bay. a4 aa awaia f IA laa- wal l IWI eaHUMk4 . - - 1 15' tata int.:ii la Waw4 aa a la ti arrf r ia Maa ,-nr m ajij tiM-f La tu. tu aiaj 11 -T. v r.fk. i-i J ikMk Mim 4 la ta4a.a ra fva a4 immi f laa a atia aim ia ri .Ma f! ' I I ' ' ' - r ' ' - J Li ' ' ' t M4 ' aiiay aU.t THK OKEGOJJ DAILY JOUKN'AL. IOfiTLAh'O. " ....... . - I . . v s -. v , , , -. I'M jmm at al ' '" , fl ,M.WJ I- l - -" , ! ! W ft .4 ,u " ', t m !.. ' " ' , Wa . V'- -'" I iwu ik at- iw T Ta t " ' T 1 r . - - ' - t ii.f afta ; f rm-irw l 1 ' ! fll " rtwr tr u- limn W ir. Tn.lH Haul JwH PW. 1 rwl lir-. Mi!. htMt bol rrril 4 Riu; ubwarln Ormmruj M n- AMitJlarlw HarfU MrpoH). I Cllarbf IIUMilr hlp). hWHhMl 1 roillr): louU . ; AMERICA'S MOST POWERFUL FLEET LIES OFF NEW YORK OryitlBH4 from Pin O.) ; dlvlatoa will rmaia a WWl aattl U con4 Nk JoufT. . rmi f Amy rtfil Th pr!ctota por of Ihla Brim . arrar la fearful to roelMnpUta. la II mlauua lbr could blow Nw Tork off tha map. Dark. eulUn. InprMatv. Iba ' apociacl of Iba btf a mooalara bf miht provlda tbrtlia for Ibouaand of fclatihattenlua an4 vlaltora who ' throncad toward Kir raid diiv Ihla oronlnc and florlad lir th plr of archlUbla, la tba rhug-chuc of launchea aa partlaa of bluajatkala loft ' their floating homea on ahora laava ad i in ooraalonal abatchaa of martial muale V.. .! I ; . I ' ' . . ' 1 ' 5 -v All", .'-1. BOYS'DEPT. SPECIAL Boys' Russian and Sailor Suits and Reefers, large variety of styles and pat terns. Your choice of any that sell regularly at 6.00 or $5.00 Special for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day at by tba aaJlora band waftar ova U watera by tba wind. Tba vaaaala ar groupad la tbraa dlT- lalona and axtand northward frota Kirtjr-earattl atroat la tUa Hu.laon for a dlatanca of alfht mile. Tha ft rot group ia oomprlard of , battleahlpa. rrulaara. armored crulaora and eolllara. They fao New Tork. Tha aubmarlnoa are Juat a tern of tha battloahlpn. Tha aoeond group oonalata of deatroyera and auilllaiiea. Tha third group la made up or torpodo boata. XlflOQ Offloera aad Kern. . Tha fleet of battleehlpa mount aiactty 400 guna, manned by about 17, 00 offlcera and men. Tha total dla placement of the fleet la 677.111 tone. The ancretary of th navy and party win review tha veaaela from the deck of tha Mayflower tomorrow. In - th IN 1 SLAYER KliSWRONGMAN Mistaken for Another, Avila Walking With Arm About Wife, Is Shot Dead. See these garments at once' and dress your boy, any age from 2 to 10 years, at this great sav ing price. Ban Pemardlno, Cal., Oct SO. Uliuk en for another man, Santiago Avila waa evening of Halloween night, tha whole I "hot and killed early today by an unl 10S ahlpa of war will be atrung with I dentlflcd aaaaaaln while walking to hla electric llghta. On Xhe day following I home with hla arm around hla wlfe'a Secretary Meyer will Inapect one veaael I walat When within a few feet of hla In each dlvlalon. I home, a afranirer accosted Avila asking nThere ara II Datueahlpa and armored 1 "Is this Juanr' crulaera In the harbor. In the dea- "No," replied Avila. "This la ndt Juan, trover olnee l of Unci Bum's total 1 1 am Santiago Avila" fleet Of S4 Valisela ara In Nw Tniili I ThrM wordt arpra hardl mi nt hi. Nine torpedo boata out of a flotilla of M, mouth before the stranger opened fire, ana 11 submarines out of II owned by firing six shots, all but one going wild, the United States ar alao here. These The last bullet pierced Avlla'a body, smaller boats will play a prominent causing Instant death, part In tha manauvera which will mark Mrs. Avila fainted at tha flrat ahot, tha mobilisation. falling unconscious Into her huabanri'a Xnterferano Flannad Against. I arms. She narrowly escaped death. Great care has been taken by Rear Pedestrians found Mrs. Avila unconscl- A dm Ira Osterhouse, ranking officer of ou wlth ner husband's arms about her th fleet, to sea that tha shipping of l,n death clasp. the harbor la not Interfered with. I ' Much Interest la manifested as to the Unions Are United. exaot nature or tha manuvera that will For the first time In mora than two oe unaeriaiten oy ma rieet. Dut ao fir vmm. all th hniMinr tr.rlo. uninn. lima iigni nas oven anea on tnifl feature of tha mobilisation by tha navy depart ment 'It la probable, however, that the maneuvers of th destroyers, torpedo boats ana submarines will be aug mented by experiments with tha larger vegseia. of Davr, OaL, ar onlted la on oen- tral body, known aa th Aaaoclated Building Trade Council of Dmtot and Vicinity. i - -1- - -1 KODAKS A Good Xmas Gift Brownies $1.00 to $12.00 Kodaks . $5.00 to $65.00 THE MIROSCOPE Postcard Projector $15.00 Size, to Close $lO Blumauer Photo Supply Col 111 Sixth Street Laat Assembly of Warship. (Br tha IntarnatJooal Vtwt flerTlea.) Washington, Oot SO. Deductions made today by those well versed In naval affairs Indicate that the coming naval mobilisation at New Tork and Los Angeles, October SO to November 2,- whi proDaoiy be the last assembly of warships that will show the United States of America standing second on the list of great maj-ttlme powers. Ac cording to the present rate of develop ment, the shipbuilding plana of the powers will bring Germany into second place in three years. Naval officials state that another mobilization, of magnitude to compare with the coming one, wouia proDaDiy not be mad within that time. It is thought in official circles that this ract will play a prominent part in the "greater navy" advocates' camnals-n for more battleships at the coming ses sion or congress, to keep lta lead In ine race ror ranking place on the seas. congress mum aouDie the present pro gram of warship construction. Quarantootf r'fflOalfey LION CLOTHING CO Ous Knfcn, PropT. 166-170 3d St Portland Printing House Co. Ileok, C a 1 g and Commercial Printing ok miadinar aad Blaak Xook Making 3SS TijIorSt: ?hht?. a223I;M 6201 Father and Three Song Face Trial, Jarkson, Ga.. Oct. 30. A unpflnl sion of the Butts county superior court convened today ror the trial of William Turner and his three sons, who are charged with murder. The four men are accused of having fired from am- ousn upon a party of Butt county citi zens returning to tneir home from In dian Spring, on the night of August 25, killing one of the party and seri ously wounding another. Everwear Hosiery inforced at toe and heeL Yet no unusual thickness is noticeable. This reinforcine) gives the hose remarkable durability. So much so that each pair carries a six month's guarantee asrainst holes. It is 'shapely, perfect-fittinsr. brilliant in its I varinna' AnlAncra en1 all-in.all Vi Mnni iwivua wivAuigti. cut-iu-nu due uiuob ' satisfactory that aimilar prices have rar paid for. The Box of 6 Pair with Wtittea Goarant FOR WOMCNJ A Crop of Early Cabbage I" ,. aa?VTC ViT? t A crop of early cabbage, followed by one of later celery, will produce enourh on three-quarters of an acre to pay for your PARKROSE tract in three years. AV ERAGE yields of cabbage run about $200 per acre, and cabbage is a good crop, be cause it can be stored to advantage if the market is not favorable. The rich soil of PARKROSE is particularly adapted to the growing of all kinds of vegetables, and the location just one mile beyond Rose Gty Park offers the added advantage of being "close in." Establish your home in PARKROSE. You could not choose a better place to live. L You will. have, good tar service, electric lights, water, phones, modern city conven iences, and you will be in a good neighborhood. THINK, TOO, OF THE INVESTMENT POSSIBILITIES. You can buy a whole acre ia PARKROSE for $1150 up less than you would have to pay for one lot a little closer in. And PARKROSE lies in a straight line in the direction of the city's most rapid growth. In a few years PARKROSE LOTS will be worth the price of a PARKROSE ACRE today. Come to our office and we will tell you more about the money-making possibilities for all who invest NOW. We will take you out to the tract and show you one of the most beautiful pieces of property you have ever seen. Come "while the weather is fine. Phone for an appointment ifvou wish Main 208, A-2050. "v Har team Si Thompson Ground Floor. 4th and Stark Sts Chamber of Commerce BIdg. A GLASS Another opportunity offered Portland lovers of Cut Glass to secure handsome Water Sets, Wine Sets, Berry Bowls, Nappies, etc .Our usual low prices are reduced a fourth for this week. Best selection to those who come early. - , f . Water Sets Consisting: of pitcher and 6 glasses, either Star or Sunburst patterns. $12:00 set ....i..i.. J 9.00 $16.00 set ..........$12.00 $22.00 set. ... . ..... .$16.50 Beaafifui Berry Bowls Extra fine cur, handsome pat tern. $15 9-inch bowl.. ..$11.25 $8 9-inch bowl. . . .... .$6.00 $12 8-inch Bowl. ...... $9.00 $6 8-inch Bowl .7. .. .. .$4.50 $5 8-inch' bowl ..... , . .$3.75 $4.50 8-inch bowl, spL .$2.95 i Wine Sets ' Consisting of handsome decan ter and 6 classes, Star or Sun burst pattern : - V $11.00 set $8.25 $12.00 set ........... .$9.00 $17.50 set . .7; . . . . . .'.$13.15 In Nappies 18.00 assorted pattern beautiful e-inon 12.00 6-inch (2.60 6-Inch sneclal. . . 11.76 6-lnch handled Nappla Kairo jajPAZTEBil EtaVirD WABHEX TXX UTTXiB COHTOBTXal . . Carry It In your coat pocket' or your muff fin for the school chil dren. Take It with you when auto- mooning, driving or skating. Relieves toothache, rheumatism. In flammation, etc. aro Smok no ' odor. . Begnlar prloa 860. Extra Special, Including 10c package of fuel....... ..Ill is 4 1 row MCN Miners Observe Mitchell Day. Hazel ton. a. Oct 80. The United Mine Workers throughout the three an thracite districts of Pennsylvania to day held their annual celebration ot Mitchell day. In honor of the successful wnniimuQB or in arreat atrlka coa. 'ducted by former President John Mitch !H ir, lona FrrpMan Cotton 11 JO perk Egypt! an Cotton $2.00 rineiaanmer x.uuaviai WiausJ SilkLitl 5.00aa J.00m Cara Wave every five minutes to Oaks rink from nrst andlder streets. ColiSt1)i.ilS09r Eorptiaa Cotton. 8 aad larger, 2.00 per box iaCaaluBxe.siiesSt7 2-OOperbox eCaaamc(e,Bisea8andIargar.(3pbs Pure Silk, Cuarantaad 3 Months -Ilea's Pure SUk, , $i00 box.) pair Womea'a Pare SOk, 23 M bax. I pelt V " . ; ' A T A L L ' ' ;;"';V BEN SeilNGand M0YER STORES Special Low Prices in Our Sundry Section OPvWHICH WE MENTION A FEW AS FOLLOWS: 90c Foldine Look'? Glass 48 $1.00 Hand Mirrors. , ...48e? 60c Razor Strops..... ..28 10c School Pocket Knives, with chains. . . . ..,..7 $1.75 Corkscrews with genuine boar s tusk handle.. .. .28? $1.50 Bean Pot Casseroles 98 $2.50 bristle Bath Brush, with flexible xubber back....98 $1.75 Toasters, Alcohol Stove or Chafing Dish. .w. 8 $8.85 , Auto Chafing f Dish" for 1 ravelersv . . . . . . . ... .$4.48 $5 Zinn Safety Razor. .. .88t 25c men s buspensorV Bandaee for .....lf $1.75 Tattoo Junior, Urm Qocks; while they last ' will i: be -sold for. ...... ...$1.17 $2 sterling tipped men's Walk ing bticks $1.33 W0QDARD, CLMKE OUT-OF-TOWN FOLKSSA VE MONEY BY MAILING US YOUR ORDERS V r