The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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pfiirK two rfHTi ?..
!. 4l,
Portland Auditorium Prize Contest Won-by Firm of New York Architects
Chinese Imperial Edict Grants Constitutional Rule .". .Hankow Is in Flames
A A. A -A i i A A 1 1 f
11,11 ' i, II V) - . ; .
AoA Editor Passes
Second Pri;e Wen by Uiirus
& Lejan cf. Portland Tint
Third Prira Goes Also to
Local Designers,
. H. Frcctfander and A. D.
Seymour Lucky Men Cost
of Exhibit About $30,000.
Yflnlcsi Dispatches Say Im
perial Troops Have Set Fire
to Cily Government In
Proclamation Surrenders.
APOLor,f7F: rna Fin iirf
Constitutional Benefits Practl
caL'y Promise Emperor's'
Power Greatly Curtailed.
Tl lk M (!' vaJtsvte
im 14m mr f cMuau 4 1 I" Wt U ttwi tmn
J. IL rrwrfUMUr u4 A. D. Bn r
rf N.w Tf U ftr frlMt, L
uirlti ImnUUlt cJk r.l f
!!. Mhr IIMI I p!d poem.
4 lUUta pplM IM urtWlwi
rmmUk f per vAt far Unalaf
4 ufwfvtftluc IM tMlrucU f IN)
Tl imoM 1x1 M f UH
tr Umiw A I fa. of ronU4. Tin
firl third rrta f ! by rlaU
p4 ttu4 (! of tf 3. Mil
Pttr. of Clmliiut; lh Ihlrd third
pr'.i. of lift fcr Job Or bant, f
MonortM mention merer44 th
pinna of XV. M. HomarvaU. faaltl: Dm.
nlxm. Illrooa A DArbrahlr. of NW
York: Kitvard 7. !nilk. of Aaa Frma
rtaro; Olrnn A Bdf or4 Brawn, of
Wahlnfton: Ir4. Itwllll A TalMt.
and r.rrr A Claa. ar Milwaukaa.
Aa ivpuir Auditor Wtlfaod pn4
th nv.lpp In Ika room vharo tha
iblblt of plana had baan ma4a on Iba
cond floor of tha Srtllnff bullawc,
lotraat aRpraaard by tnambara of tha
aulttorluwcotnWian -waa laao ln-
tnaa than thr Intaraat of tho axehl-
lactural Jurr that, without harlnv tho
falnlrat ldr of who tho oontoaiaau
wrr. had ma da tha ward.
ralr Xal Aooordod.
Wlllla Tolk of San Pranctaco, mam
lxr of tha Jurr. aa.rted that fraquanttr
It la aald that rrift or pull Innu
tnern rontaata ao that tha aaatod n-
rlopa ara onlr a-mlnc of coneaalad
Identity, but that In tola raae, from th
beginning until tha announcement of
ward, fair deal had baen accorded
every contealant. Mr. Polk aleo' aald
that the fact of two Portland architect
figuring In tha award altnlflad their
ability to dealirn in a way auperior to
nnun pimim
aio WraJa Kaa.aaw, Occ Tb lajpartal
ladar taaaed IU iprld edict
IiaalUf obat oottoU to coaauiutlotial
rule In Cblivft. It la alao morta4
ukta bu offer lo awriaia foreign
(overotoaaia for aid la upholding lb
FLU 11 1! pVe.Todm.i.troUon. " ' TfiSttTO
(Continued on Pag Seven.)
v .
UlnlQAj p4r, thm riOMliniily of the
HinAltnkAAl A I Ika kAaAa
Ait t - t in j I " rwW
"uon oi Journ3 ism ' AiiacKca
i... ii-.-a a-.ti. t i.--i-- . Tfc rtag
dy neun raiiure in wurncs- rtjiur oonr
I t9 Ika kajirU bk.oahI.a A a -
ton Harbor He Came to Jnoii" from the ew cabinet.
America an immigrant coy.i n buard that E.und and rran
mrw n. pvw.ra vua wnirn tne much
governmmt I oegoUaUng. It la ooek-
rrahw Pm wtmt I ing a toon or rrom uao
New York, Oct. 10. The body Of Jo- 1 Coontrlea. The American and Oennan
aeph Puiltaer, faanoua proprtalor f tho I gotornment aro oapected to ' eapraaa
New York World and of tha Fu Iaiaihlr dlapatiafactfon wltb tba baraala.
yoat-DJmalca. win MoTot ft Tall-1 If ouch deaf goeo throafh. - 7
ur on fata yacht In Chaxleetoa, will bol It la probable. In any evnL that ouch
brought here on a apodal train which la loan oould do litU In ouppreaalag the
will leave the South Carollaa capital all rebellion. Tho rebela hare notified all
: O'clock tola afternoon, klra. Pullta-1 rtrvemmenU that If thev win. thev will
era pnraie car win oo nooa ana win Ml repudiate all tho Imperial govemmenfa
or. pro a runeraj car,
(ail- ' I I
aX ' " V W. $ lAf ' . I I I L .
W J aJ ' - r X 1 LI aaa V4-" T' " ' "V .Ml. Bar T -.'" Av
' , nil' riir-jtg
i.t .-a r-r-
irnnii nrrT
uLOurr iLii iui
Greatest Gathering of Yankco
Warships In History of tha
Country Arrangements for
Review Tomorrow.
War Vessels as They Ue Now,
Could Blow Up City in
Few Minutes
e. V','
A av a
for the gororn- i WMVrVtXvin' . ' t
.oner to the will smkViii
. to eaclud. the .UfMy' 'tSM
t f
flood of telegram and cabled of
condolence are being received by tha
family of tho dead roan and every Now
York newspaper carried today tribute
to IMllUer- peraonal worth and ability.
After considerable dlacuealon It waa
decided by the dead publlaher'a family
that they would agree to a publlo fu
neral from St Thomee' EDlaoopaJ church
oa Wedoreday.
Mr. Pulltier died at 1:40 o'clock yea-
terday morning, while hie yacht wi
(Continued on Pago Four.)
(Continued on Pago Eleven.)
Dr. Cantlie Gives a Personal
View of Character of
the Rebel Leader.
(I'ullcd.Preai Iird Wire.)
London, Oct 80."Sun Yat Sen I a
genuinely enlightened " reformer, well
qualified by talent and training to be
the Garibaldi of China."
This 1a the opinion of Dr. Jamea
Cantlie, famoua London surgeon, and
probably the best friend th republican
loader Jias in tho world. It waa Dr.
Cantlie who was the means of releae-
ing Sun from tho Chinese legation in
London in 1896, where 'ho had been
imprisoned after being kidnaped on th
streets by three legation aitacnea.
There was a price ' on Sun'a head In
China and It was tho intention of 'tho
legation authorities to smuggle mm
aboard a chartered ship for Peking,
where he would have been promptly
beheaded. Sun got a note to his friend
through tha medium or a coal souttio;
his case was brought to the attention
'of the British foreign office and ma
release followed.
Giving his impressions Of the or-
ganixer of the "first Chinese republic"
the United . Preaa today, Dr. Cantlie
anti-foreign about Sun. lit Sen'
scheme. Herein la where J It f differ
from numerous' other uprisings In
Vf . . . '
I ..: .
I , ? , i
I "
Monetary Specialists, Headed
by Congressman' Vreeland,
Reach Portland $300,
000,000 Capital Planned.
Delayed Returns Only Add to President Makes First Conces-
Totals of Favorites Small sion of Possibility of Repub
Vote for Taft Comes, as a
lican Defeat in Election Next
Year Says "I'm Hopeful."
Twenty-alx additional .vote In The
JoumaVa at raw ballot for presidential
cholce.have been received since the tab
ulation printed In the 8unday Journal.
Tha most' of these coma from Coo and
ft'olted PrM LMted Wlr..l
Chicago, Oct. 10. Concession of th
possibility of Republican defeat In next
year'a election waa the feature of an
address hero tpdsy by President Taft
Three member of the United States
monetary commission. Congressman Ed
ward B. Vreeland of New Hork, George
W. Prince of Illinois and Jamea A. Mc-
Lachlan of California, are In Portland
today to meet bankera and business men
and. get from them ideas to be Incor
porated in the Teport of the commission
to- corgrer on the establishment Of a
national reserve association. :
This national reserve association, pro
posed by the commission, is tho central
ized bank that liaa been the dream of
financiers for year, and It is to place
tha plan before Portland business men
and get from henv auggeations upon 14
that the commlsMon is here.
The commission "left New York two
weeks ago and has been spending a
day In each of the more important'
cities of the country. Thja afternoon
they aro conferring with business men
In a meeting at the Commercial club.
: " . ; Flan Dlsncsad.
Tonight they leave for Ban Francisco
where they Will be Joined by the fourth
member ' of . the commission, Congress
man Robert W,' Boynge, of' Colorado,
and vlHlt Lo Angeles, Salt Lake, Den
var, Omaha, Kansas City and St Louis.
Cities already visited . ar,. New York,
Chicago,. St Paul, Minneapolis and Be
attle. A sub-committee will later visit
Curry counties, and revised figurea are I he Hamilton club, Chicago.' big
therefore printed today to enable nrooer I Kepubiican organization.
credit to bo given to voters In the moro "Even If we are beaten next year there
remote parte of tha atate. is hPe ror tho future.'"' was the way
La Follette, on t ho Republican aide, tne PaWent put it when addressing
and Wilson, on the Democratic, are the ln C,UD l a mncneon. lie aaia in parti
favorltea in Cooe and Curry, a else. " m hopeful that the people of the
where. La Follette- total I Increased
by eight and now stands at 890. Wil
son gains 7, and get a total of 828.
The overwhelming sentiment shown
by The Journal's atraw vote for the
progressive leaders In both parties is a
topic of, absorbing Interest among the
politicians. That La Follette and Wil
country who know a good thing when
they see It have only chastened ua a
bit In an off year ao that we may be
better hereafter, so that we may im
prove, but with no Intention of ahlfting
from those 'shoulders which ' are fitted
to carry them. the problems and respon
sibilities oi government to those shoul-
CMatperaiiva atratk of the
for groat Meal ajo4ltaalloo of
1'aii.d gial.a rertaw
at Loo AareUo a ad
New YOfkt
I)aitlhl(o II
Arntorad iraiMrt
DaXreyee. lorped
boa I a, aubmarlnaa. gva
boat aa4 aaafllaiiao. . 91
. Tola!
England" ravU
g pit head:
Armored emiaora
paatroyora, torpedo
boata, aubrnarlBaa, gan
boat and aualllanta. .111
Germany review at
Kiel: r ;
Battlaatilpa , ..
Armored cmiarra
Documents on File in Noted J
Divorce Contest Indicate J
Philomath Banker. Is Man
Long Hunted by Angry Wife'.
Deatroyor. torpedo
boat, eubmarinee, gun
boat and aualllarlea. .101
French review at Tou
lon: Battle hip tl
Armored cruisers II
Doatroyor. torpedo
boata, submarine, gun
boa la and auxlllarlea.. 41
While this table ahows the
German mobilisation to bavo sis
moro ships thao the American, 4
tho American Mobilisation over-
topa the German In tonnage, and .
ranks second only to the Eng-
llsh review at S pithead on Cor- 4
onatlon day.
(glm Barean ol'Tta Jnaroal.l
Balem, Or., Oct. 80. Substantiated
by a comparison of slgnaturea,.by affi
davits on file and by the parallel
careers aa banker, the report la gaining
circulation that J. C. Evars, cashier of
K. f.ln..f1 First Mint. II. n U I, I Trt
m.fh Of tAr nn,lr irMMf nn a ith.r.. S " ' -
of falae atatcmenia of the bank's con-
ditlon, is the same man who, under the -. nf riiur! Rvana. hm k.n in. I Br lb International Kes Bervlea.)
volred In divorce litigation in Claoka- New York, Oct 10. Th most pow
maa county and In -the supreme court I erful fleet ever aaaembled under tho
ror tn past lour years, ana who now ' Stars and Stripea lies ancnorea in ntw
stands, by roaaon of a deciaion of tha I York, harbor today. Tho vessels, nuirw
son would lead was freely predicted by port new theories which we do not be.
"en iii&umit;u gueepctR Bfc Ills UUISVb, I Jfve in.
ur. un ist sen, wno wann ro tee th lara-er southern cities and a final
Is nothing bloodthirsty or j,e Cliineso ' people rule them- report will be made to congress this
selves. . " i
This morning the members of . tha
rnim - huuiciuub ' vmioi uuitDiiii.ii jii 1 ' -r-
China. His wbolo' soul Is wrapped up J oughly ripe for a- republic In bis
in the Idea of a' government for China I opinion the different provlncea of the
by the people of China. . His principal I empire are really more Independent of
aim la get ria or tne juancnu. aynaaty. each nthar and of tha central ' aovarn.
4tin himself Is a Christian, the son oflment than are the, different states of
& unrisuan eonverx, ana you may real i the American union. AJtnougn they aro
assured that In th present, revolution (governed b. viceroys appointed by tthe
ry movement xoreign reaiaenis ana tne Peking government they profess little
Christian cnurcnes win oe respectea. I alleiance to the emperor.
"His friends here In London laughed I ' Tho viceroys merely report and send
when, he first mentioned his , plana I money to the Manchu ruler. At Present
They aeemed so bitterly Impracticable. they ' are really self-governing. - All
But San persevered and before long he I they need is a central council consisting
obtained plenty or support or, a sub-I of an upper and a lower bouse la place
atantiai cnaracier. previous revolts of tho Manchu dynasty, which Js thor
(Continued on Pare Two.)
" (gpaelal to The Joornml.)
Washington. uc,t.o. The supreme
5curt ha allowed tho. motion that tha
had failed for lacK -or ammunition, so i oughly hated by all true Chinamen. Sun I Oroe-on Telephone comnanT caaa 1 and
the first thing Sun set about doing was I told mo that It was the Intention to V tho Klernan caae. Involving the conatitu-
to capture an arsenal, this he did at I retain the preaent vlceroya in the event I ttonallty of the initiative and referen-
most tho i first day or the' revolution I of the success of tho reoubMo. unless I dnm. bo. heard thia week.' -brohahl-
ana cow inen i muocnance or nis I iney, snouia prove to oe -corruut or in. I Wednesday or Tnursdav. Attornev Oen.
ammunition running ahort Hie enter- competent ;V".,,- ..: .',.- -!-. eral Crawford and Oeorge Fred Wil
pris Is not so hopeless as It might , VI do not think Bun would accept th Hams of Boston wilr appear or Oregon,
seem, for of th 180.000 trained troops presidency," concluded Dr. Cantlie. "He City attorney Grant and Deputy Ben-
which ar nominally at the govern- 1 too modest and retiring. But ho has bow for th city of Portland. Th two
trent'S command, quits two-thirds aro many powerful friends who mar tt- caaea ar to be heard toaether. aa thev
disloyal. I suade him that It Is his duty to takallnvolv much the earn issuea The at-
-8un believed that China was' thor-1 It If elected." ; - 1 tOrneys arrived last night
but tho small vote caat for Taft and
the large number for Roosevelt and
Bryan; who are not candidates, waa a
surprise. '
' Zscludes Delayed, ifaturns.
Figures below show how the 'corhplet
cd straw vote stands, revised to include
tho delayed returns:
For Bryan 32 Republicans. 115 Dem
ocrats, 27 independents or party un
known; total 104.
For Clark 15 Republicans. 70 Demo
crats, 6 independents or unknown: -to
tal 91.
For Folk 7 Republicans, 15 Demo
crats, 4 Independents or unknown; total
86. - :
For Harmon 4 Republicans 29 Demo
crata, 3 Independents or unknown; t0-
tai 36
For Wilson 58 Republicans, 240 Dem
ocrats, SO Independents or unknown; to
tai szs... .' ' -V
Including three scattering, there wer
698 votes cast for Democratic candi
dates, nearly half of them for Wilson.
Th New .Jersey governor Is given a
lead of 124 over Bryan, his nearest eora
petltor and Champ Clark la Alrd, l 1
Za rollaUa Strong rsTorito.-J J
Th vote for Republicans: " -
For La .Follette 808 Republicans,": 61
Democrats, 29 independents, or party af
filiation unknown, total 890. ,
For Rooaevelt 1 25 Republicans, t 53
Democrats, 29 independents or unknown,
toUI-lM.'- "-' S'".
For Taft 47 Republicans, .5 Demo
crats, i independents or unknown; total
16. - - - -
For Hughes Republlcana ' '
For Cummins 1 Republican. . :
Including three other scattering rotoa,
the total cast for Republican candidates
was 619. La Follette received consid
erably over half, and Taft almoat ex
actly one eleventh. - La Follette is 134
ahead of Rooaevelt, his nearest com
Th total ixumher or Republican vot
ng was 404 and the total number of
Democrats 185. Seventy-four Democrats
voted for Republicans and. 117 Repub
licans for Democrats. i
"However, If they see fit to make
such a change we will loyally support
tne new.- government while it Is in
power. But if the people choose later
to 'come ' baclf to the party which lias
borne the burden during tho trouble
some days of progress in the country
iney win rind mat we are ready and
willing to reassume the reaponsi-
Dinties. .
More than 1000 members of the Ham
llton club who were present at the
luncheon -cheered tho president's stats-
frial No. 7 tor GategJ
Waxahachle, Texas, Oct 80. Tho sev
enth trial of Barrel Gates, the negro
accused .of tha murder of Sol Orenoff
at Dallas In 1904, was begun hero to
day. - uates na Deen ' rive tunes sen
tenced to death for tho crime, but each
time a now trial has been granted.' Holly
Vann, a white man, charged with com
plicity in the robbery and murder of.
Arenoff, was, hanged. ' X
upreme court, subject to arrest on a
charge, of bigamy.
Cashier Evars and his present alleged
wife Own much or the stock of tha
failed bank and ho signs as president of
the creamery company, although there
are no records showing that he owns
creamery stock,
Charles Evans obtained a default de
cree of divorce from Angellne Evans In
Clackamas county In April, 1907, and
married hla present ' wife. Angellne
Evans in 1910 learned of this decree
and filed a motion to have' It aet aside.
This motion was denied by tho circuit
judge of Clackamas county and an ar
peal was taken to the supreme court,
where the lower court waa reversed and
the case opened and remanded for fur
ther action, leaving Evans possessor
or two wives.
Marital History of Brans.
Affidavits filed say that Evans -and
his first wife were married in Colutn
bus, Ohio, in 1889. In 1904 they were
Interested in a small bank In Felton.
Minn., where his wife gave him 8500
to Invest in it. She remained in Ohio
with her mother, who was 111, until she
could get away. Then . she went to
Minnesota to find Evans living with a
girl named Lucille Guineas, so the affi
davits recite., , . v
Evans- told his wlf this girl was an
orphan to whom lie frad decided .they
(Continued on Page Seven.)
November 30 to Be Thanksgiving Day
Chicago, Oct. 30, President Taft issued today his Thanks-
1- . A : .f ' ' XT nn. . i" il. . 1 . r T . t
giving pruiutuuiuun, luung ivuvcmDcr as tne aaie ior me od
servance of the day. In his preamble he mentions the rich har
vests,' our industrial prosperity, enlarged markets and freedom
from famine, pestilence and war as particular reasons for Thanks
giving in the ypited States. " ;-" . . . .
- t "Our national cpuncils have furthered the cause of peace in
other lands,' the proclamation reads, "and this spirit of beneven
lence has brought us into closer touch with other peoples. Strong
in the sense of our own rights we are inspired to a sense of right
in others, and we live in peace and harmony with the world.
Rich in the priceless possessions and abundant resources where
with God's unstinted bounty has bestowed us, we are unselfishly
glad when other people pass onward to prosperity."
harina- 102. the fighting strength of tho
Atlantic aquadron, ar decorated front
stem to stern with flags and bunting,
ready to be reviewed by Secretary ol '
the Navy Meyer and navy department
officials tomorrow. Counting the other
fighting- ships that ara grouped ' oft
Lob Angeles and will be reviewed slm
ultaneously by other navy officials, tho
present American mobilization ranks
second In history only to the great Eng- ,
llsh review off Eplthead during tho
Coronation. " ' '
Following the review nd maneuvers
the first division of the fleet will put
to sea on Wednesday, but the aecond-
(Continued on Page Four.) .
United States Circuit Court
Will Pass on Plans of the
Tobacco Trust. . . 1
(fnlted Pr Leaaed Wre.) '
New York, Oct 30. The United States
Circuit court today began the work of
passing upon the reorganization plans
of the tobacco trust recently forced t
dissolv through the government's in
vestigation of it under the Sherman
anti-trust law. But few spectator
were present when court opened. ';' ' -
Judge Lacombe, presiding, announo4
that the attorneys for the trust will
first announco their plana, after which,
the representatives of the security
holders and of the Independent tobacco
growers will bo heard.
After this the American Tobacco eow
pany chiefs will be permitted to anawar
objections to tn'i" plans. When e l
arguments pro and con are en-l-d. At
torney General Wiekershara will have
his,. final iay.
Lla C'aaa I.edyard. cot,f!sI f .r t?
trust, waa the first tpi-iit--r it.!.w b ' -
Juie Iicnmbc. Jle nr.;' i a -
reasonal l" rl 'i ff
preilfi 11 tl t t;--t-r . ' I '
appointment vf a r- ! v - :