i r Till! OKEGQ? SUNDAY JOUUNAU ! OUTLANO. SUNDAY I40UN1N0. OCTO licit t. tH 11 BREAK CLEAN WILL OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CANDIDATES FOfl END POSITION'S PROFESSIONALS TO AID AMATEUR GAME HELP GOTHAM RING Vf r. t. mtum. i'.fc4 k-. klMOIJ ,4 . I IS 11 ttt MJtita I tJt. I I V- tj Ka-ai 1 t i I I wltt 1 1 a-l I a t aA 4 t'IU i - ItwA l4 1 1 lin( a-4 1 l4t - v .... . . I Wl At' .l.t 4 1 i.i fW I II li.jaa.ft la ell I ... . . . . aa 2 aw IV f l-n.i ! Ittf l A4 t w v t- - V( a.... 9fnmm-mm . aaAal ' mi a Mi I - It tat -.! JA4t I a H..-. ta tatc U- i It . lvt X t(lle .H t4aA & A lUlu .,. . A-t e4mA lta hii a t4f but at: af4 " M j I w i.tfA ii a l4...t Muiinf 1 1 vk. .i tMUifl Aw ia I a la voaaj a4 WA t' 1 !- iw..4 IM am It.ff ! t tf $4 IM a-Miw 'h il Ilia tt m in tv F .--,. YVl. WA e4.th4 a M -tfc ta WW ItwMt 1 I. II. H i.l. AliO4. I A4t, II I 1 ta fv lt iU'' 'a llai aAi. 04 M l4U4 tMJ t itk l.(i4 M . . .. . . . ... . lM (J I f'Mt WMMl I LA-r-.- ... ! ILa I FttA Pa 4 AA, Al ta.4 U U ! IW ( t ia.iwl C4 II w ut If ml l(4 (Ml A l IM W4ta-A At IV iiuuj t t I .l rr. ua lt - .l I r-- ! i -.u rM t us la iukf la Ulw I A4 UI - v aei t'al Ita ir ta - aai4 AH t4 It irtlM wt4 aft tt eVaajJ HWawit si it A Weijaal M It fealttia- Hit at ! Mall !)- aa4 IM r'-a Wia .lrai tta anavakl Ml a4 !. mtmt b4 Ull-a a4 a4 aa lal ka l fa ruila4 ate II UMIU ( ti or i4 aa4 IM Im aiaia AlaWiM mttm i ta a4a4 ttaf V IM fKlt towl toll fair I IM ! I mt Aaaarteaa Maa IMI Ma Mill P afalMai af !- rfV a, ri' IMI Ma irtnktiori IM at 4 awl! ft i uatlmUtf aaiM4 MalM Cl4lr mm aaaaaclM llflM M inidi- M mutl-imri f l yaam Tta-M Ui" C4 n. It a M "fiM faaraatf U-aW atrUna ai,v af amllliaa Ibal na Tarry I itl. rraa IM tla l waaiaa U , ttallllac KtlM. A Wla. HUtlit aiyl f aaMlU, It la MC ! l"k aa alMr IM M I w lha atlaiara raa at Mr Mr lla. If IM claaa fcraaft ! allfl I iMrUr I frma IM afUlr. WM Kaa Maar m Hullr lrt4 MM u Bi Mr4r. fWllltaa Xla M I Ita MS iaa t IM M T (. iwa Ii a4 aai: IMI aakail M4 af I Ita r- a( lt .tt.ui Maa telaa4a4 j-a'Mliaa la V lata t-t VIM Itaa M IM U IWLt IW ur ait M lia a4ry miir IW4 IW mii m4 MMI a Mal af ia Vi a4 r MM af I akJliiM. a U an a4 Ull m" 14 IM faalUll H'la ttaa.A aUl IM af lU Ul af IM ftalart af i-tfXmm fll. mffaT WW OMAHA WraiA IM. TMia la tm- M M aU ta f i af IiIm im mU ".n a ia. aalUf af rWtdMK aall 'a aa liMatlUf la tu IUI aa af lb -y Mi IMI M f4 fa la vl ! af Bkl 14 aaaf.a to. M I aa falla f mm IM H a4ic4 af M CM r f aM Mtoal-tl to tuf la am1a Mr IM rr4!i ai r ! A Hi. IM !. I II 4 fa ! of lt akatjMj 1.1 M a Iiv4 a4 Ilka aiia m km C II u4f u ti bu lU M Itlafw4 ta kll M l - la Jwi Ita t If I la rroa Wfl to r!l tt fOArAf Ar KaIIok. i:i)tr a4 WtJlArA. All Ihrom of IbaaA pUyrt Arc hewlag ' up Caa ta r'tatoafy 'prArtlc ao4 It 1tj tt 4imeH to 4kIi1a whkh o vltl t thAwm to ylar ba ItA collet 1a Us A p Ut ttotr tint big kaiba. " f rl HARVARD DEFEATS BROVN UNIVERSITY M Ara af Ifia ml4 CtUfarala AltWtl I mm ar lioa af lllaA LaaAA AM tlufc. MA MaA tlatA up ncM a tarkltac IM BrlUaA Mart a Mlr IM auJ4 MA MaA mm lUIUiai Nat- ia Mala. Il wmm alaU4 aol la Aim Ben 4 (aatall A A4 Ml(alA (Aal ha flffcllaA aMaa IM tflracttoA Jaa Uaaa, IM rula la f aa Caflua rafr. M -ai!4 M A 11m. arl4 Ma feapt la Iba fartfraat AaraUa ta a aiaaJ4 Mil tmmr. TA MmplaAA Aattl outlA4 rraoi It I tUlllrr Uouakl II a4 lara4 Al aM A7 laeraaalar T' aa4 Axllalnt I Mma. Aralttv. TMA.Aoca eJaaa MatA aparlaH WalAtM A AUIf. tot vaalA mr aawrpaA IM rraalhlp Jt. ta a war. rUiflaM I aaaalac t af th lUblwalf l Alvtalaa a4 Mil IM -(l x09 ih fa1l t Af f!hl- .Nalaaaa Aa4 lb WelftaiA aticcaaafulljr ta( arrardlcf la la4oa atatd rAa ti at Mf. I praral! la Nav Tar A, aa4 Waist I rJ ta BariaAA. I would M U IM pAatttoa hatoaa M Th awt of lb data braak ranala-1 bara Mn ta baA lb Battiar laradad mm will M Mard with Jojr ta I Loruto. toad. wbr rr nwr ragwa a ri- jr in ror ar ta nw lara r . q,. i u rrmra cot bi apuak .r. a a Til maalaf lea," aa4 dta. ni.al.a to a datalla M II ar aa t2f7ti t, fira I llm r.laila hlmlf from ellnrba WAth pa par. Tom Jonaa mr wall M Uaaa- h u ft,rn for n"1 tlm tlhlBln pd. o a IA aBlBtmlA lb btla far lb fa la af hi cbaaiploA. for hu Aaaaoa a4 rlhl amartlf treuneaA praapaci af diaquaJincAlioa. In II roana" bout with claaa AraakA. II hi 9ca tr4 to, tb Browa bear And it I not frar of lb rafarM aIoaa hmii thout h Mat Walla f Londoa fiaia rrr14ae, bf Ut aoora f It I that brAs in ma uiAiian prviaar a i wouia aa a iop-nTr ii'tnn arar I balr lncfr raaina i orvu wa-s iwum Crimson Team Displays Class In Game With Most Feared Foe. ICali4 rin taa4 Whl aldlcr nla. CAmbrldf. Maa, Oct BEAV '& DOWNED E BY THE OAKS. 94 aafaaaaaBBatBAVHBBaaAjBjBBaaMaaaaBa 1911 Champions Dron Second Straight In Post Season Series With Oakland. ii ra BANQUET Of lb I7.A0I crowdad In IM aladlum. not . a wrarlnf crtmaoa color bopd for nor than aa lUrrtrd aoora or that lb CAmbrldf lra would krp Urow from aeorlnt, If tftr couldn't. Harvard diaplayad mora football eiin Ala thAA At tor pravloaa tiro IfH aaaaoa. And It waa a dlapUr tht how Coach Houghton And hi aaalat nt hr a few aurpri that uch op ponat aa TaJ And Prlncaton, will do r)l to look out for. Tb brltht ur of th (am wr BasebantarsPick Up Loose K-JSr mrvuK down In th fourth period. 'II a balloon punt on hi own yrd lin And. dodcln; And prlntlnr through in entlra Brown taom. ran 70 yard. II waa downed on Drown' two yard Una wbr Wendell, after two trial, put It over th Una. Campbell. In the third period, ran I LIKE REX OF OLD Change Around New York Town. PENN STATE DOWNS PMLVM TEAM !t4 rtaai Lea4 Vwal rbUadaipbuv. ItC l rAyTanU Stale lb la aft era eon achieved tb o AuaaAUo af a lent cherished drA wbo Mr football warrior tram pi ad ta the duet tb red and blu AobortA f tb Ualvarally of rnylla. Ho r Want ta tba aexerior laaav . Boerai Paaa Slate St; talarlly af reaesyW ranla. f. The IaI elera paralyaad tb r4 and blu la th flrtt naif with a aerlea f whirlwind plf tMt awept tb fanaaytvanU team completely Off their feet. Millar, tb atar uartrbAcJ(, waa a wlaard At epaa flald runnlnf and truck, terror to Feaa nearta. 1a Uia firat few minute of Rlay, h made I wo iotg ran for touebdowna. one of t yard aid tba other for M yard. Captain Vrry, th atar Btal and. aiao mad a rua f T yard . for a touch-" down In thl period. Tba red and blu mad II touchdown In tha second period on Ions run by UlndA. The llneua: Pennsylvania. Position. Panaa. State. rtnhar J K Pasa I Ml ion L.T.. ...... Harlow Wolfert UO tirbout Morris Fldelssea Bell Jourdel .. Marshall Karr ,C R. O. K. T. KB. Q U If (By tb lateraatlaeal Nwa Atrvlra.l I New Tork, Oct. tl. About Ui Ban Kranclaco, Oct JI. Oakland won Chanc Nw Tork will have to aaa today exhibition gam from Portland I leagu ball player at work will be to- yards for a touchdown last big by th acor of t to 4 In easy fashion. due mostly to the fourth Inning rally. when thry knocked th offering of Kneatner for aeven'runs. After that Inr.lna the UaM wer Held Mf ex ceptlng the seventh, when they got over one run. Th Beaver mad on In the third, another In th fourth and two In the seventh. Plater being able to keep the morrow whan half a dosen accre cations, i Harvard a cored in the firat rive min ted by Ty Cobb, Home-nua Baker. Lar- t PlT br u'ck ruAhes. "ena"' Harrington It. It. Mercer, Minds KB Keferea Marshall. Harvard. I'mplre okeaon. Lehigh. 1-leld Judge Crowell. tfwartmore. Head llaaaman Tj'ler, Princeton. Clark Hansen .. Very . Ensie . Miller King MICHIGAN DEFEATS VANDERB1LT TEAM g;-srs Slow Game Won by Wolverine University Squad by Close Score. (Called Ptcm UaM Warn. I Ann Arbor, Mich.. Oct It. In a gan re ple with aaall play and char aetertaed by open football, th t'nl veralty af Michigan elevea today downed Vandrbllt university t l L Purine tba firat half Mlchlgaa eal- cltd Vandtfbllt And waa within striking distance of th south roars' goal Do a numMr of time. Th play waa largely la Vaadarbllfa territory And Wall and Thomson for Michigan ripped up tba touted V derbllt Una almoet at will, bat Mlohl- gan alway fall short of a acor. la tha aecond half Mth teams soared touchdown and a field goal. Vanderbllt made tb first ace re. Rushing th tall to Michigan' 11-yard Una by series of forward passes, Our- in. a vanaerom substitute, booted field goal. After the nest klckoff Michigan came back with rytng th ball by success passes and long end runs to th south erners' lt-yard Una, where Conklln kicked a goal from placement Ter rific Una nlunclnir br Walla and Maulhe I Thompeon for Michigan again brought Barry line Dan within striking dlstanc of th southern goal Una, where Well waa hoved through for a touchdown. ; Two forward passes within a mlnuta arter Michigan kicked off resulted la fr't. )t t fi:ts, ia4 - It A" Umm u a A' f rt'ia Aa i 1.414 al e-Ml faii. Ala ti lt iPxMia Me i 1 M al . I t. bal l.a tV W) arut4 I) ltlr taMl AiaWl 1 1 t.4 l It lMt .! tol awlai liala am r ! itMl.ea la Ita u aa4 it im a4 a.rr-f wtfiA.l i)m, aiiMlutg la aia t al laa iwtuL Tea l.ai Iaa4 p aa fha: Alt I.ik. Cuf.aa. i .aia llli!. pvtia lt.li-A ..a bMkAMl .. , . .11 . , T. SALEM HIGH DEFEATED BY THE EUGFWP TEAL! !? I - - ... r i . i 1 1 -Tt I .- u.km a.a -. Uim la'1 '4 M!i ia .f.atA lie ataiaaAitA bM lta II Ma I eta. n Aavak t.a l.t en a ta pa f'kia iai a Ml tt it . mi Tta )- faa It (iUi aa Al it f. la aiu(MUi . it . a i iia VftA Af Cw.eiaUa. Aaastaa nM tMaaa f U l I wadkr af w imh4I:. II la la ai h'! MaMil 1M It pas aval aa IKrit gea lwtiU t I ta i will M MM l l Ifuoil af ba l Tti am atU M a4 for It fr tx i e taala. Ika f M!! ria4 tt IM rtaiag raafag grarliff ml "fljia gii Mell f la f f Tbraa t rwa 1 will M raMTlad ilwlilr far IxUol auraa Saw Tfe nr I waafwllr U.ktag la ftilillle r Ita Mf ta la y It r.. tuaial .a-. Ma af tl- are rJ la Ike trl aa pier gr94 at! if IA par ! af tba faewtpte af i pefaaMaJ gamaa all4 M 44ed I all.inag tMa rwi4nuH far it mail My II mii'.l rull la goad Mia I lb romaia teity a4 atnatauly la im game. tleratofor lb lawsMkee al AIMny trgtelelK roatrttlla Ma la tb liall a Aiia day Dal IM greet fort Ibal atar. ranary proiaAlar of prtf locuil Mae. MU hav read la lh pt and ar making laday hat arouaad th tow auAar I IM aecaaajty of la ling tba part Cbealdat Ba Xauaaa. "TThy eheuld profeaalonal MaeMU M Immune from laaalloa la ihl alaler aid aa assemblyman wb looked over th big crowd at t ftrel world ae rie gam. "Kvery At her form of amuse ment has is pay a tas t lb city, ewua ty or AtAl a. TbeAtreA have to pay a llcenA f. Mslitg par Us par coal and racing had A big Us.' which brought la A larg .amouat every year to tha state and out of which th farm ra received a big Mualy t all th tal And county fair. Tb promoters tii lair. IA ... trull .. tVOTt.ll ,, IllMM tjf I Kiel 4m. r.r ta , tMt.Jt.Mail I'iia t a. 4 ...... 1 1 J. I.t.f .... H aa . - tii.r riu4 I nl..rJIV ft lUka. r..4 U K t I. M . . ., r . Ta f J.mitta. lM. wrft: nr. !, nether. iA,a. aa4 iiakaa. NO MORE MATCHES AT FORT STEVENS . . .- -. Aelorla. Or.. IV t. tl Tha flgMlag game aa far a Aaioria ar in immM. lata larrllorr to eaaceriMd I oiirlf Aad. Tb tool eatpoet of art.nl I Ho Ms. lag Ma Man wiped af f lh (nap la Cll aop coaatr br AA rvr laeuatf yealardav at Port Aiaveo br lUeolenant Coloa.l gleveaa prohibiting malrba M held at tb fert la tha folur. Aaierla not long sine was known throuchout lh aorihwt as aa open Iowa. Mberlff J. V. Bum killed off the flshl game la lh city and county aad Colonel Mteven baa relegated lh gam at th fort I the arrap heap. Tha MAtch) Mtwaea ldl K'ho and Harry Harrteon, a rt Ktevens aoldler. has Mea In4nnltely postponed McauM of th order. 1 100R BASEBALL SEASON TO START 'f First Games Will Be Played About Middle of November. INDIANS EASY A AH TEAM 0. A. C. Team Downs Chema-1 wa Eleven By Score of ; I 75 to 6. ; i Oregon Agricultural College Cer si lls. Or.. Oct !. Th Chemawa Indiana wer eay victim for th Oregon Agri cultural college football elevfo In a on. 1 .VI ry Doyl And other stars will play la th various . fields about the alt la order to pjck up a little) loos change next wek. Th member of th two teams which" competed for th world's championship will M feted by their svenin, anr admirers and Amerlcaa baseball will go heavr stickers from Portland , .,,.. . W - . I ,,... WWKI&V. from dplng much damage througnoui the gam. Th two clubs play A aouoi nsaaer tomorrow, th morning gam at ua land And th Afternoon gam at oaa Francisco, closing th series., Tb acor: I being finally pushed over from tha flv vard Una after urown aaa rumoiea. Went Point Itotx LrhlRh. (Ualted rree Leml WLr t West Point N. Y Oct 18. ThA West Th nembin of thl Athl.tlc. wUl CAmpbell whin Brown h.ld for down. hav a good tint next week, for they Brown scored At a result of whirlwind Point Cadet thl afternoon defeated olava from her own 45 yard line. In-1 Lehigh by to to t. Th soldiers out- eluding thre beautiful forward passes, played Lehigh in vry department of Mtlholland'a educated to gave Jiar-ime game and scored apparently At wilt. vard a leAd in th second period, with th Acor standing to a, ha replaced Princeton Defeats Holy Cross. Portland's aeml-profeailenal baseball player hold a meeting laet week and organised an Indoor baseball circuit a touchdown for Vanderbllt but Mor-wh'cn b" nowl a th Portland I aided contest played oa tha local grid rlson lost his chsnc to tl the-ocor I Commercial Indoor Baseball league. I Iron thl afternoon. Coach Dolaa when he missed the goal. I Pour teams ar In th leagu thl sA-1 Aggregation took tba redsklaa .Into ' ' u. inflludlna- tha Honavtnan tun I ramD by a scor of 71 to I. by aecurlnir - Sotcw Hcmod OpB Toda, Lhamplon of last season: Wsonas, Rit-J 'J touchdown. 7 goal kicks, tw plac Th 1111 oACr foatbaJl season will pert' Kschles And tha Marshall-Wells I k "na. Vr"1' 2.7.77 V t mm thl. .n.ran.11 n h r.i k... I wucaoown c real lea m in is- ----- -v...VVH vas UV VV1UIIIVU I IUlUt club field At Williams avenue and FUn- I ti.. Th Company B squad snd th Vsn- PORTLAND. will be wined snd dined until they Ar xhauated. Parade, banquets, theatr parties ana tnings or this oort hsv been Ar ranged In their honor. Aa a matter of fact had each on of them been born .a .ni tin. If. n rnnn.fi hiiak I xt t rn . m ftn.l ,11 JVI .W J ' U " r f A ...aw fc U, ' . . . J,m W I a -JO. I yaroi ana mmn me uu n.iij -iworoui ror me Dig gam wiin iiarvara I .. a ....,.VOi llu m . " K" f a kln couM nardly hav any mora Chadbourae. rf S 0 1 10 0 attention paid to them or creat any KOdgers, 30 I I mora attention whan thav mrm n th- Kappa, lb Kyan, ci Krueger, If ... Hheehan, 3b . . . Pecklnpaugh, ss Kunn, o Coestner, 0 1 0 1 0 7 0 00 1 1 7 14 15 t ToUls ...82 i OAKLAND. . AB. R. R. PO. A. ,6 1 11 0 If lb It Hoffman, coy, rr . . Tiedeitiann, Zaclier, .cr Hetling, 3b ... sCutshaw, 2b .. Wares, ss Mitie, c Flater, p 1 IK 2 1 UI 1 0 , Totals 83 9 10 37 16 SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland .0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0- 4 Hits ..........0 02200SOO 7 Oakland .........1 0070010 9 Hits ...... ...... 2 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 10 SUMMARY. Home run Tiademann. Two ban hits Tiedemann. PecklnpAugh. Hoff. man. Coy Zacher. Sacrifice hit Kuhn, Koestner, Wares. Base on balls Off Koestner t, off Flater 1. Struck out By Koeatner 1, . by -Flater ' 1, mora attention when they Ar on th streets then they do now. All of th winning teams have broken training ' with the exception of Danny Murphy, the right fielder. He suffered from an attack of lumbago all through th series and Is not yet In good con dition, but hopes to rid himself of th trouble befor cold weather sets In. Th players ar all glad that Harry Davis, who filled th gap so . well at first base, has signed to manase tha Cleveland team next season.' Although Connie Mack hates to sea him go, he didn't want to be in the way of his faithful veteran, batting his position in th basebAli world. Davis succeeds Georg Stovall, who will be traded to th Washlngtons. Stovall Acted leader upon th resignation of McOulre And brought his club from sixth plac iO miro. .. y , Pitcher Coombs, who was lnlured at the 4 last iPolo grounds came, is still suffering, And It may yet b necessary to operate on him. . . x ,. .. .: Th Giants wer given a bir dinner tonignt oy tnair admirers and torn or row night will -attend a "gambol" at th Lambs club. .Various things will Double plays Pecklnpaugh to Rodgers I keep : the Giants In town for nearly a to- Rapps. Tim 1 hour 15 ' minutes. I week and they will then hurry to their Umpire McGreevy. -- ,; homes and prepare for the atart to Cuba WHICH WUl bO SOma tlmpi In Nonmllr BATTING AVERAGES Senor Muno" ' E1 -Mundo. the leading - - - - Havana na rA 1 a ti a v at ..it FOR PAST SEASON ranement" :fr th WP. The players win itium j.ruiu iuua sDout uecem LCr l, Portland. OhAdboiun Kodgers . . . PP" jsyan . i . . . Krueger ... Sheenaa . . . , PecklnpanTli Mm -. . . . . . , Xoestner ... . , Xarkness -. . , 8 ..ton ...... 13 10 13 13! 13 11 4 A . a . .. 11 ' a ' 3 .... 4 a 3 6 1 1 a r.a .417 .100 .075 .154 3 .331 S ' .182 8 "V.167 o ASHLAND LOSES TO -. MEDF0RD ELEVEN HoffmAA ; r.nv ....... Tladetuan ' Sacher Wolvertoa Xetllnr . . Cutshaw "Wares . AUtoa pernoll - ! rlater A Was : OAkUad. 13 ......V..... T ............ 11 ............. 10 ,4 109 g . , . ia 10 m A 3 .. 5 .. .. For1, additional sporting news ree Pages 4, 5 and 6, Section 4. AShland, Or.. Oct. 28. Th Med ford iai high school football, team defeat., tha i . . . ... . 8 : .6871 -aaniuirei , nign ocuooi team this after- 1 .850 1 noon Dy the scor of five to nothin 0 - .0001 Ashland had the advantucA nf wairnt out was ouiciasseq in speed and team play. Medford lost a chance of a touch down near the clos of the first half, when the ball wss on Ashland' three yard line. The third quarter was fast Medford scored their only touendown inthfs quarter After a forward pass and arun from center of th field, Aahland played defensive through th entire-last 000 1 naif, keeping the score down by regu ooo I lar , and consistent vuntin-. . Medford .000 I woif because of better intarfrnr. .r. 00 j mor successful us of th forward I pass. Ashland resorted mostly to end 4 ' II' j23PIy-( Aahland failed At drop-kick in the first quarter and never bad another chanefc. . . ';, p.c -.67 i Jit K. 4 a : 3 3 1 3 5 O 0 0 .839 v. P.C. , J08 . .986 .873 .300 . .850 .417 Oakland Iort!and Post fiemaon Standing. Won. Lost ' tween the posts for a field goat RIVERS WINS BOUT FROM GEO. KIRKWOOD ' B tba lotaroatloatl. New Bervlee.l ... Loa Angeles, CaL, Oct 27. 4o Rivers whlDDSdi Georg Kirkwood of Ban Francisco In eight rounds At tha Ver non Arena this Afternoon. The remArk able display of gameness and ability to take punishment shown ty in ae feated lad was the real feature of the bAttle. s . Beaten in each and. every, on Of the rounds, Kirkwood came oip for the eighth weakened by body punishment and his face ananlovely sight to look upon, his nose ana mouth navmg Deen continually hammered by the Mexican's fists. Rivers landed a left to the Jaw and Kirkwood staggered back against th ropes with his hands hanging at his side. Referee Charles Eyton stepped between th boys, motioned Kirkwood to his comes And raised Rivera' hand In token of victory. Rivers scarcely fought up to his old standard. Hi punches lacked the kill' ing power shown in times past and he was alow ia Ms movements, . . next Saturday, Princeton this afternoon defeated Holy Cross by 80 to 0. Holy Cross bore out early reports that It was not as strong as in past years, and was able to do nothing with the Tigers. The Tiger line up was considerably shifted. fin gam I expected. Play Scoreless Game. I'nlted Pit Led Wire.) Annapolis, MdM Oct 28. Western Re serve of Cleveland played the Annapo lis midshipmen to a standstill her this afternoon. Th final score was 0 to 0. Beta ' teams played desperate football, but neither was able to mak good gains. Yale DffeAts Colgate. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 28. Colgate's dtsns, whloh wss th only chanc tby ton street at 2:80 o'clock. Th Nation- . .V. Z.7 . "1 ' . ""u. "? ?"" ou""f .,n" 'n"r ra- Als And Cricketers will be the opposing - i """""- . . .. wi. it or or in coniu vroas. teams in th flrt gam Of th season. " naT" "ol n",ra leagu tnia u.a piucay ji.i.e rign enu. grauqea ma SVUt I wa waa a uwiwiw mig , til aWwBATvjsgf AA aJUi ThA league will start about th mid-1 raced 80 yard for th college goal. Shaw die of November, and will continue fori mad a similar run for th Beavara, about two months. Two games will be I but most of th scores came from well played every Sunday afternoon on the! executed short plays and tha success- Armory Indoor baseball diamond. I ful us of th forward pass. Th leagu last season was quit A I Tb game, although , onesided success, but tn aireciors mi season hone thev will surpass th old record. Som fin game wer played last I season, but even peiter corneals are i expected this winter, as the players are mora familiar with the game. I Tha srames will start at 2:30 O clock I tent tha Bloakln near tha Indiana' anal eupenor warn worx or the Bunnyslda in th afternoon, ana mere win oe auoui i most of tha time. eleven or tn Archer & Wiggins league I thre hours or play, wnicnf win p ai ..rtantaln Mav. th weavanf atar ta-ki: V. 1 . J , 1. 1 . - . . 1 ..... I . . 1 . V. A . M. V. A 111,. .A I . ... ... f vu.uivu vjif7iu iv ueii i ii h rv nn hiii i arreac oaaiima lui iuuh iuv . , o w team by the large scor of 60 to 0. The watch the Indoor game. Sunnyside team played together like al Johnny Tauscher, who la managing! Duncn or veterans. Their team work the Honeyman team in place oi Ban was the bright feature of the game. Bartholomew, announces that his squad SUNNYSIDE ELEVEN DEFEATS NOB HILLS Id score, was an interesting contest Th Chemawa lads fought hard every min ute of th time but wer practically at the mercy of their heavier opponents. ' O. A. C scored A touchdown during the first four minutes of piny And Both teams were evenly matched and will line up nearly the same as they di.v.n hii Tale in tha flr.it .ouarter of when the two meet again next month did last season. New uniforms ar now tnt.v-a fnnthait rin nf thpn hirw nn a better game Is expected. Thla was on the way for th team, and Tauscher I Davis. th Ells winning. 28 to 0. Walter Camp, on ' th first games played Jn the expect to get the boys out for initial I G. Scott Jw, at right half back added to his Arcner-wiggms Amateur Football practice next wee family's football laurels by scoring ,?r'e two touchdowns rcr Tall. Yale fumbled received fractured rib, which will practically keep him out of th gam to be played with th University of Washington next Friday. . Th lineup: Chemawa . - O. A.- C. . ; Cross, Scowlale. . . .R. B. Enberg, Larson Douglas ...R. T...,.. . . . Moor. K. O Chrlstman C. .... M. The teams lined up as follows: Sunnyside. Philips ! Johnson F. Johnson . Brubeker .... Buckley .... ! Powell ...... Tomlinson . . Roth E. Muhley .. Peck (a) ... Knuff-Lak . Position. .. .C . .1 G .R.-G. , ..L. T . R T. mtm a . Xj. EI a i . R. B ::L?H::rv: i iR. Ha ! Fa Baas a WOODBURI. CLUB LOSES TO MT. ANGEL TEAM : ' ' ' 1 -.- -i il -ii i Ti i - - . ' , ! Woodburn, Or., Oct 28.-4-Th Wood- burn Athletic club was defeated by the Mt Angel college by the score of . 6 to 0 in the game here today. The game was won when Mt Angel's fullback re covered a Woodburn punt . which was blocked by one of .their own men. Woodburn had the better of it In th less today than heretofore. Football Results. At 'New Haven Colgate 0, Yale 23. At Cambridge Brown 6, Harvard 20. At Princeton -Holy Cross 0, Prince ton 20. ' At Ithaca Pittsburg 8, Cornell t. At Philadelphia Pennsylvania Stat 22, university of Pennsylvania 8. A A TTr... T .Itl.k A Am... .A At Annapolis Western 'Reserv 0, SECOND HILL TEAM Navy 0. At Hanover, N. H. Vermont 0, Dart mouth 12.. At Syracuse Springfield T. 8. 8, Syracuse 5. r At Oberlln Ohio 8, Oberlln . At Columbu Ohio ; Stat S, WeS' leyan 0. . X A Lancaster Franklin and Marshall 0, Haverford 8. - Nob Hill. Shea ..... Shears . .. Daniels Noble (c.) . . . . Elvers Blake McKensia, furl nn n noue-hertv will handl th Wwnu B- ienilnw... .. . .L, O. . X D. Sltton, this season and he has several of the ..-. . r.m - "oa fw-fA.'UAA ......... . mm uoiumoia pmjoru vi u 1 pan........ ........ .!.. i Kellogg, Wil tum Ufarshall-weiis is reponea -o have a strong lineup, and Rupert will no doubt hav a good lineup in. the indoor league. a .ffiSS! FRESHMEN TAKE ANNUAL BAG GAME Flrthme"r .., Loudus ... Lottet nr-rnn Aarlcultural College, Corval- l'is. Or., Oct 28. The. annual big plcnlo between freshmen and sophomore 9, Vancouver, Wash:; Oct. 28. In a well played and, scrappy game, the H. M. A. second team defeated the second eleven of the Vancouver high school by the score of 11, to 0 this afternoon. Hill scored twice. within the first ten" min utes of play. Forbes of H. M. A. At -Ann Arbor Vanberllt I, Michigan blocked Taylor's punt and carried It DEFEATS VANCOUVER II cu-. of tn. CC11"K ilriu WAA tl.v. t v-- afternoon resulted tn a 9 to 2 yictory for the fruehles McFarland Dunlap, Dowin. . . . Q....... . Robinson ' Keynoltla Cleroeas......... JR.H... Dwarta, Jes- aup, Castl J. Scott. . m . -L. H. .. . fihaw, Ras- . i. - , . ; - , i muaaeit ; Powers. .,. ....... .F.-. .. . ... Kvndoa M'MINNVILLE WINS . ' : FROM CORVALLIS. At Easton Carlisle Indians 19, La- rip.t . ttt tha arAm and tried - far two I layette . ' field A-oals but missed both. Most of At. Swarthmor Rutgers . 0, Swarth- tha rama eu nlaved in tha center of I mor ii. th field and was about even until the At Lincoln, eD.--eDrasKa 84, Mis- last few minutes When th college bovslsouri o. mad their scor. - 'I At Evantonr 111, Northwestern 1 8, Woodburn plays second Chemawa next I Wisconsin z. -. Thursday at Chemawa. - -,. I At Minneapolis Iowa 8. MinnesotA 24. over th line for the first touchdown. - Parker, th H. M. A.s quarter, mad the qecond touchdown by receiving Van couver's punt and carrying the ball over th goal Una after A 60-yard run through a broken neia. Rodgers, Taylor And Ryan were Van couver's stars. Byerly played th best all round game for the cadets. He was closely followed by Brown. H. Blaker, Parker, Forbes and Barmer. .... Th lineup: Vancouver High: Hill MlUtsry. McMinnville, Or.; - Oct 28. In ' a. fiercely contested ' game, McMinnville One hundred and fifty I high school defeated th CorvaUls high. men, 75 on a side, participated -In the I school her this afternoon by th scor scrimmage, which lasted a half hour. I of 15 to O.vmaklng the third game Mc F.leven boys-were placed in the center I Minnvllle ha played this season .' without 1 of the field and soon after the pistol J having her own goal line-crossed. 'Th ahot thft opposing classes lined up at I teams were evenly matched in weight - opposite ends of the field wer Into the but tho local high school had th bttr fray. The green cap wearers had the punter and excelled the Corvtlli boys httAr of the struggle from'the begin- in forward passing and , reovrinsT nlng, but1 nevertheless the contest was I fumbles and punts. Th first touchdown nirited. The upper clsssmen Acted asi was mad after six minutes f ply Judges and took car to sea that only I when Corpron recovered a fumble end friendly rivalry was displayed.. JACK JOHNSON JOINS , lv" "e7.f"A": -m . - i i n a fMra-a wm v trtiimini nv t risa wv 1 1 i . . .. " FREE MASON LODGE bHv , Iternoon by th score of lfi to 0. Thl whit' . ...... .UG-R..... Zimmerman Willamette team piayed a nn game and- tn work oi uaiioacK Brown was A foAtur. Th manager of th Park aquad pro tested Against th weight of Player Brown of th Willamette Heights team. ' 1 Publisher' Preia Leaaed Wtte.l London. Oct 28. Jack- Johnson paid a flying visit to Dundee yesterday for the purpose of being initiated as A Fre Mason. , The lodg which JohnsoA Joined waa ..th Forfar and Kincardine, an he is th second colored man whose .nam has been placed on tb rolls. After the Initiation1 ceremony, Johnson, declared Minnesota Beata Iowa. Minneapolis. Oct 18. In a nma ra-J that It was th most glorious time oflplet with forward passes, long runs his-life. It had long been his desire to I and magnificent drop ktcka. 1 Minnesota I be a Mason. His father-in-law was a (this afternoon defeated th University Mason and his wlf had Alwaya desired I of Iowa. .24 to 6. Murphy of Iowa ex. tUxa t btcom ha Icuting tw beautiful field goals. Taylor Jefferson trims Albany Team, 17-0. Albany, Or., Oct. 28. In- a hard fought battle th Jefferson hlgtt school of Portland defeated th Albany high team this Afternoon , on, tn iocai rrounds by a soor of 17 t 0, When Stinaon. Byerly I thev Uned UP for th start th Jeffer son high school naa a auDsmui oacx- field and In th first quarter me local boys bad tm pest of th Argument . Jefferson put In ; their regular back field In the second quartet and scored after a' few minutes' of play. Th Jef- .....L.H. R, Working, Clark I fersen team bad the.beat of th fight ..a.m. 1....... urown and scored two more toucnaown in tne . Rosendaul ,.' . . . . C,. ','.,. Smith ... . R- O. L. .. Galbraith ,...,R.T. L....... Ryan R.E.L.. Terrill . Johnaon merman I F. Clark , warmer Forbes Robinson Blaker ran 60 yards. White Kicked an easy goal, jn seven minute mora Whit for SVL It 8. I crossed the line for second touchdown on straight bucks, MeMlnnvUl scored three mor. . points ' in third qusrtar on a pretty place kick by Whit, After this tiv local eleven was witnm acoring I distance several tlmns but failed. Captain Fegley and Morgan at uartr starred for Corvallia while everyvnin Ion the team distinguished himself for the M- H. 8. IMm MoMlnnvllla ia eut for th valley championship and o far has mad coed.' McCarthy Capt . . . Q. ...... ... . Parker Length of quarter 13, minutes, orrt- cials: Mr. LUIn, V, Ii. referee; Jtmct O'Donnell, V. II.-8.. umpire; Mr. Emily. H. M. A Iltld Judge; M, W. Metcalf. H. ij. A head linusmaa. F.. ........ .Brings iast quarter. Tb gam was eharactei- .V I ld by rouga playing oy ootn teams. cuiimm .... .,. ilk... nlavera waa takin out for lugglng. The local high sc hool had five men injured and fir.isnpd the gam with substitute. Th J.ffersnn hijrh too fit fir the Aibajsy h,fch to bandi La Follefte'a Tony. , Tb speechmaklnif 1'Tir --i undertaken ty hanator I. I furtheranc tt his pr-i i.f.U tion wilt lait ! or r . f k will mtir'- f