The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Accused W.ffi Murtfftr Writes t
JUbrVta AiiUt Attomeyj
in Prtaariflo; Slate
. x, J. i i rJ,i
a aIj wr' ;
a it I M I il
l. t r m i i-k't f :
. bl aUIaui. MmIV!
U ei 4i4 i-r imi ,
a I h al t f-a ! j
a.j aa.
1M et.i. e.-ett. all
M M kL ll i ! ai
It i4lf pall !'
,ti- It I
m UI4 f af Me H kkcA 1U M
( si f a r'
I v iimi AUar a. a !
It IIMM la 141.1 ! '
i i bu r rie ('") . :
Ut. tit tf la t
aj toll. b I b.
M orm.'l Ml ll IMnf f I M i
! raat btla lrar ! (! ,
I rtrita a4 rw.m M taltr" I '
e. bat aal f .'lw) AT !
ari.a Hit kt.
MUwmM eal ta 14 1 af
Vt.l!rj ffif. a a of a dlteeee re
! fc-. ft 4J4 l ik l ta rfft-M4.
iw Wr. e4 Utt bla r ia4
. baa iwuUtrtti a dive hi rra
rM : i f ia iairr lb
t:f Mrr f M(rrlaa. t
'.rr Maai t4fir la
aU4ia La Ua f alrrla4
anM kit ikm u4rrr aaa tuiM
Mfa a Mik M a4i4
rnwciw r nwir. II u '
spct4 la K4r ast
ICaUa4 from fa Ota)
l Irarb aa4 H latprtJ
troobm taaa alr4 lh aaliv rllr
TH n4 r ( n mn I fMifht at i
in -o t nd ara ih ru
rore4 frota ltlr Bliiaa yl LI
CM taarla Thl t4 th f for
ntrkf ia Ih lttr dlTlalon of
2 tank v an aMhouih too
ur4 Uai !fhi ib cltj a ol
KfrpUd until todar. . .
larf quapttdM af (una and ammu
nition ri into tb hAixla of lb !ra
rriJtta. Tl rrolutlon'l har
t illem tk act th lUa rivr Into
llaa Tanc -
TWfrary May lfairioaam.
It majr ba einKlcnt thai this flrat
riexorf tor th rTraniot u coln-
rida with th nnouo(-mfit thai
1 uaa Bhlh Kal ha rtclrt4 tb full
I-owr f a dictator. All th form
r th amplra art, vndr Ma command
and U rroyt of all Ih provlnr
ar uUct to hi! order. Ilia appoint.
, y mam to urn a powerful rvoat la a la.
dioatloB of tb atrali Into which tb
aiaocnu tovrnmat found lurlf.
I uaa Bhlh KaL who U claaaed aa tb
Wickenhsrn fj Lesd'rg Player
cf Oty td Edcar ium
ten Tenth.
Oo.'ie Players Will Net Meet
LocaJs Until NeU
T. tVta. iti aa a al l .
ft"- ia.1 aa a
mmt4 a w a (tax . Vt CI aalt
a la a t.v a it ll
Ufc -!- i ta AJtL
v 1 1.4( at Uia
ft iwt44 )i aa. 4h r
n k.4 MU, Tr UI M
wM ! Ik r. -u
M ta ! a44
) My la
TV Hwta 4r aui4 llt iWl
Mm ia n a ia aai I It af
t. .... ! ia to! ia (. I
I J'
r:-: t.t- :',
S ' ' .. I ' I i "f v' ;
r v - ' III
" "' ' , ,
...... ' ' i: ; ' ' '. : : i
. . - r ! t . . !
, 11 r.f- -e: 2 J r:.- - . -. i . '-. i'r-:; '.1:'.' :,-" Jl J
I V 1 r r--rm lTa
imMi aa Mt v la aa4iiMa i
at Itl
iaa& will lu.lf ka aaaa la
aflta la riua4 la a la
vWr-) lwaa f ti4 a.
ia m iMa r v- - t vmi.
mm.-4 a tb li4w a. a.
Mt..uJ TMi ilK '
4Ui. t4 l.lMt Ta
AU f aillM (W ) f a.
I Mt il atu..l.i.a
d Ihmii I l l'iit k
a. la imM H V , lw
a ik it 4 4 n..ia.
tk M.t ik i tr iaa
la fl'K
I ttiI Mk
4 Mr i
a r) arwa
Jan r tU4
I. A- l Maaa.
a imr ai4ia
a. fr .
I a. Ja -
, li :.72Zr. "I- T- wa itai -r tr M
IT. 7 . I aaltw 4 A. J I !.
lu aita M w an'
J Laow -4 fMirr tawta
a- K4aar aai Mra
iwnr aa tMittu af taa rt
v. i a. i wata a iWfUl la
l rtia at'-a Mntnxl aa4
U)4 a I im a4fa wtta Jaa
t ) tr I la laijllaala
tMrul Ml nkWMia ta taa fa!l
lotr a. i at Irttagiaa.
tau ai Aaar a, Kataa twtaa ia
WaiMaaa, II ! Ml la Wataa.
Unl: a4 Wtrawwaaav
ttwiaa Mai WakMaaa a4 Mf ta a4
a Laala l.k. mA Aaarwa aa I
MrTiil-rtna. . I " r aratai iai(n
Ua Mai alrCaUMaa a4 Jaraaa
aa4 Mat la rr a4 Hlcaarabaav
Aa4r Mat MTaaaaaaa aad Cwlaa
a4 Mat to La la aao aa4 Uofrt.l
Ooble's Men Unab!a to Srrp
Supposed! Weak Gem
State Eleven.
H0.WN. Y. G!Af,TS
Kw Iwl (ml li. rwa aurtdrad
4r4 ta-lha-waoi fa. wK aida va
Mm Maart Mcaaaa laa OSaaia Ml t
Waaaaaaa Mat ImIi a4 afariaa aa4
tat la Kwiec aa4rw aa4 twia
Man Mat flaT aa4 aatllh aad lat
ta VTaaaaaaa Aa4rw, Lawla aa4
Janart Mat ttar aad OtrMrt a4
I a ( ta Law la aa4 aUJaa.
I4gr look aaa at frsaa WlrkarabaoL.
Tna raiia vara aaa4a aa at too ma-
ataala. tha Irrtnctoa Bprtnc kaadloatx
MttliaaaaaA rwatvd rabla. Orra a tat a.
lalarnallaaal, Braaktr aad IrrlBctoa
fall aaadteaa. -
Waahlartaiv OeC . rraaldaat Taft'a
t aailr tha toAa drawa oat aoa
trwrwray batwaaa ta dtlaa af BaatU
aad T ace ma ar tb bam ta ba ba
towad oa what la bow offletailr knowa
aa Mount Ralalar. will, la all probabilltr
bring about at aa aarir oar aa attampt
la parauad tba Unlt4 Itataa vo-
phlo board ta rra ita ftnoloa
It Ih4 laiMrval al a baat tva ta
laa pUrar la ra-aJlta af taalr
arlaaart la wtaaiiyi tba Kailoaal
U lb UluU war Ikar aaaapt
Cbrtatr Mathiwaaa. wb to la Nanbara
Haw Tara. aa a bMaaT trta. aad Jaba
T. Braab. waar af tba alua,- wba la
artaual HI la tba waat.
A ataaaaaalb ataa aiaphaat avarrkad
liraadwar bartlr Mfora tba baa
t 4 toad a lu ataad la f mat af
lb batat, bach laraa (aibarad laal
pollca rMri bad la ba rallad.
Tba -lrhaf wbwa takaa tola lb
bajMt ban aad latradurad aa J. rraak
lla Bakar. waa acaardlaa'tr rtd aad
mt BUI- Edwarda, fproiar maeatea
foaiball atar aad aw airaat elaantos
raoiMlaalaaar at Nw Torh. waa tivan
lb Job f ntekUtg th alrphaaC wklch
tba OUata tbinaala ad tn It tad Uay
eoald aoi da.
Job Had- aHad aa teaatmaatar. Tb
waJtar war crmm aa ballpUyara. A
faaiara af th baaquat waa a Baortn
pietara asbibiuaa a ha win ( tba flrat
Tama af tba aoHaa. wlUck tb OlaaU
won tha atbar fllasa would bT boaa
palafUI. .
Aboa Looklnt; toward tb euitom bnlldlnc at Hankow dortng tha fraat flood of Aogaat. which wm fol
lowed by hardthlpd that brooked tha dUutlifactloa leadloc to tha outbreak of tha preaent rorolaJoB,
which baa bena amoIderlDt la tha mlnda of tha paopla for year. Below Rear of tha Brltlih codio
lato at Hankow during tha Auguat flood. Durlag tha flood tha city waa tamed Into a regular Venice,
but lead damage waa dona at Hankow than la other parte of tha flooded dlatrlcta.'
reopea Bala Lragaa Alarmed, '
Tba Paosla'B Rnl laania af laurlfi.
radrad abaot Id rare ace la favor f alarm ovar tba poaatbl outcom of
lb aame Mount ItaJnlar orar tba name Una auit oandina la iha
Mount Takhoma for Taooma). Whathar Uf tb Cnitad Stat a attacking th Con
or not tb board eaa be parauadad ta laUtutloaaJItT af tha InitiaUva and wt.
act aiala la a mat tar of coatrTarr larendura. la anDaallna ta th aiiam
among tb mamb-. Thar are praca-1 (anaraJ of all atata diractlf lntratd
daata for a rareraei ef the find In fa of lla prepare brief In aupport of th .
tba board. ludllv of thla tbeorr of.aovernmatit. "-
tkl a TV anai
alt mt h..i..i .. .
-tl.a4, a a.a- a4 oa4 la
laaba a art ia tuU i v n.
-4 iMtr I-U4.I aaaaa i aLa
tn aaia lit n At iaa mI
af taai n. i. a. il i a
(a a a.lihit. j a 14 .
aaiaf Ula la Miiia.lw.4 aa a
cb laiaa a a fiokC It wat a!l a
aaail. f itaik f wai.1,1 .ait
t laaaa .
Uaaa re a. a la la a4 Mt4
' af U ait aa aa. a.
Ma aaajlag .ar a ua.r4 a , vr.
4 ata .r iM MaAalfcjt M
Mataaltf. r.iik.r aalaa a lit. tal
aaala In ! ju aai&ualaalM bl.
i laair r la aattl aal
Ha.aiaLaa falUj la ww ml. a a.
HI tba la ahJalM aut - -
at baeba ur Maia a.aa j,t iiaaa
far a . aad twM(il ml
a rwaali lb aa44 If la a
or lata llaa IN I Jab laaia
aaattf war 9uH Mia. aaabla I
ana M j. a w.igbl aad lb Ma
mt Waabtaalaa bat tal lb wara
fiahUaa bravai aad arataaiad aavaral
tHkar eooraa lial a..m.4 rat Lata.
v aUaaUaa waa Idak bara. laadtaf
I be laaaa la Iba artee ravaraal af
foraa la tbe aaraaJ aad third panada,
lla oaiaajnad aad awtblckad IM raM
Uvtaa pUrara AH ihrvaab tba aieiad
ptu4 bta p4atoc offaaaa waa Ua fa.
are er lb cam. waabUaioa fauad
M lacar a bora at ear Itm darua
ba eoaiaa. tba awaiite laaaa plariag aa
00 avaa. .
Co Orimih acbaaaVadcad tb a
racutioa af !la tba aaaaa aftar tb
flrat parted, alalia that WaablaawMI
waa taa baary ror fela
' Tba Haaup:
Wa.hiaaioa. - rVaHUa. IdaMx
Onmm. 111. H..... Or. I Ida. Ill
tiriiiiiBa. 11a ..i. 1 t-Miiipa, 11
Ikavlna If I. f II
l-r.aaia. IT ... V. Kaanlaoa. 11
Andaraan, 1M...H. O..P. I'wrklna. lit
IVlaa. Ill K. T..fiufnntoa; in
Maaby, ll 1L C band, lit
fori. llb ..Q....H farklaa. Ill
waad. Ill ,...L. II....Knudaoa. Ill
frara-ar. l7.,...r,, tll'.lmaa. 111.
Mucaiaeton. II. tv II Hum, III
Buballtula' WuhlnttiM 11.
Q '. b-raltb III. R. II ; Kohiar III, T l
Aaatall IIT. U JL I-allon, lit, S. T..
Uilaa 171. U T.l Jaan. ill. T
Maabiagtoa 1IIIJ Ida-
Waahtagtoa ITt.
pabaaa, rafaraa;
Total wala-hL:
ae lll.
A vara r a arale-M:
Idaho ilk.
Offtrlala VaraalL
Allan. cUatlle. uraplr: Caiboun. Oarflald.
niq juac, 40, ruiiroia. aeae Un-maa.
81 am. Or Oct. II ThraaharmM at
Oregon will cnt ta Sal an Daoambar
T-B. Marlon county tbrhrna mat
thte afternoon and arraatad ta enter
tain tba convention. Three hundred
dlegato are expacted. Th . board oC
trade aad bualneaa man will cooperate
wlta tbe eoanty cornmlttee la Dlaantaa
for tbe recaption: i .. ; . ,
atrong eat man of bia generation, la not railroad, but wholly on the fact that
in rarer aim th Imperial court, but I the runda would be admmiatered oy tn
la th preat crlal h waa th only I Mf nchu ruler of th land.
available man for the leak of puttlnal "Th paopl are afraid." b aald. tbat
tfowa tba rebellion. II ba many the official will divert to their own
friend among the antl-Mancbua and ue th greater part of thla money and
many believe that ecrt!y h aympath- tnat China will have little but tbe debt
iMim wild in revoiutioniata. I to snow ror ua oorrowinc.
Owing to tha peralatencr of tb radl. I Other paaaengara aay that the mar
cel lenient In tb national aaaemhly In I chant claaa In China la Jn favor of tbe
. eemanaing me Dffceadlnr of Hhena I revolution ana mat vn 11 it ia not
Ilauan Iluat formerly mlnlaler 6f com-1 PoeJbl I tabliaU a republlo at thla
muntcationa, who waa recentl dla I tlm th form of government will be
miad In diegraca. It ha been decided BTeatly modified along popular line,
to place a guard at bla dlapoaaL Thla A" W that tbe Manohu dynaaty la
force, which will go to Tien Talen, at aoomad,
one, will b commanded br an American I '
officer and will conalat of two aoldiera RAY HITY PF1 PQTFAI
from .th American Hrlttah irni, DM I I VLUbO I IHL.O
:m".';, ,ea,'0B r?' .GIVE PLAY TO RAISE
aiu win wwmyao onrng wnerover n I
fTJaltad Praaa Uaaed Wire.)
San Franclaco, Oct 18. -For th ben
efit of th revolution In China, local
OU I lini a ' nminwill 1 .are raniina a piay in a
OnANuHAI DUUdTFUL Chinatown theatre which bid fair to
run throughout the time of the revolu
tion to atanding room only.
Being under the auaplcea of the pro-
greaalve young China association, the
play la only four and a half hour
long, althought the uaual Chinese play
laata several hours- It haa a love plot,
hero and heroine, and the obdurate: fa.
ther of the latter. The father casta
the hero from the parental home and
then the heroine attempts suicide. A
chair la brought upon the etasja, labeled
a river. The heroins sits In It. and.
with a good Imagination, one can see
that ahe Is drowning. Chinese '"supers,"
with paddles and ropes, enter.
Head Brakeman Is Arrested as
Responsible for Fatal Union
Pacific Wreck Near Lara
mie, Wyoming.
(By Ike In ferae tioniil Neva Service.)
Shanghai, Oct. 28. The dispatches
Tailing or a government victory at Han
kow are received here, even official
circles, with incredulity. The situation
around Shanghai and along the lower
' part or xangtaa river continues desper
ate for the government There are pen-
Bistent report mat Chiang Klangr la
about to fall Into rebel hands. This la
about ISO miles aoove Shanghai and Is
regarded Here as the keynote of Bhang,
hai'a defense. If Chiang Klang falls
It la conceded that all forta below there
a far as Wu Sung, will qujckly fol
low. Wu Sung, which ia ten miles
above Shanghai, mark thla: city's last
The wealthy city of Suohow. west of
Shanghai, la alao threatened, whll above
Dkl - TJ" I .1 . , . . ... '
Guiana ajiok mree important. Clues,
Nanking, Tang Chow and Wuhu, are be
lieved to be In dane-er. All or lhaaa
plaoea reported today that while the (Continued from Page One.)
situation waa quiet on the surface, there ted during the latter part of tha week.
,,. ,., w ui. reoei oann when first exhibited there were 13
!L .Jt Pi? "i"" 'fect Y resistance plans submitted in competition. Two
""7 w.y.iy . ic wnen more were received and placed on exhlb-
(Dnlted Prwa Leased Wlra.t
Laramie, Wyo., Oct. 28. Thre par
sons were killed and a dozen seriously'
Injured when Union Pacific paaaenger
train no. collided head-on with a
freight at Rock River today while run-
ning SO miles an hour. Four cara and
tbe engine of the passenger went into
the ditch.
The dead are:'"
8AM BANGS, engineer, of paaaenger
train..---..--- - -.-
WILL S. FRYOR. fireman.
PAULO DB SOTO, , Greek laborer.
i wo unxnown ureeic laborers are I
missing and believed to be burled under I
the wreckage.
The bodies of the dead were brought
here tonight. A special train took the
injured to Cheyenne: Sheriff Fraser
also brought Head Brakeman Robert E.
Lee of the freight to Laramie - and
placed him in jail on charges of being
raeponsioia lor ins wrecav ue is al-
lecrAil In hav. kwllitiail tk.
DESIGNER UNKNOWN tha maln track " pu of
tajey jyaVBaatjaKOr. ' V
Th report that Canton had fallen Into
the bands of , the revolutionists proves
erroneous, but there is much uneasiness.
. .The city has declined to contribute men
or money to support the government. -
(Sparta! to Tba JooraaL)
San Francisco, CaU Oct 88. The rev
olution had not broken out when the
liner Mongolia, which , arrived here to
day, left China.' but there were Indi
cations on every hand' of approaching
trouble. Paasengera oa the steamar.
among mem people who have .spent
many years in China, say that th sen
timent throughout China la so over
whelmingly in favor of the Insurrec
tion that lta speedy success is a cer
Tr. Robert C. Beebe. who has lived, in
Ranking for 17 years, says that fully
0 per cent of the people of China are
united In a common distrust of the
llanohu government. The present trou
ble, he aay a, ha been brewing for years.
He bllve th foreigners- la China
ill be In little danger dhrlng the rev
olution, aa both aides realise the Im
portance to China futur of th abso
lute p.utrality of tb power.
. ' " . . . UJBI IIV
' mt th four power,
tVIiroad loan a aa not based on any ob
Jwlei' to foretvn parltrlpatloa either
la corutructloa or operation of th new
it and the sixty -fifth arrived In the
city too late for consideration.
The site of the old exposition build
ing, which burned,' will be probably re
commended by the Jury as the site for
iua jiuuuu auouonum, irorn comments I iXneM.l a Tfc. T.1
maae last night. Architect Willi Polkl Rosebur. Or.. Oct 28 nMtr u.r.
Inspected a drawing of the exposition I tin! was accidentally shot and killed a) I
uuuuidb sue last mgni ana gave nts xxvney vreea, su miles east or Roseburg,
professional judgment that It la wonder- yesterday afternoon aa he pulled his gun
fully well suited to public auditorium fromnder"a pile of harness. JHe and
purposes. This approval of Mr. Polk his brother-in-law were hunting. He
added to the favor for the site which unhitched his horse and threw the har-
was stated yesterday by Chairman The- J ne"" on ground on top of the rifles.
oflore B. Wilcox of th auditorium com. I wnicn were loaaea . as War tin! drew
me gun- rrom under the harness the!
trigger caught something and the gun
waa discharged. The bullet struck him
in the breast and he died three hours
later. Martini was to have left for hia
old home in Switzerland in a few days I
m neip setue up his lather's estate;
mission is expected to have larara la
fluence In a final decision.
-Mr. Polk carefully Inspected the-dimensions
of th exposition sit and
gave it as his judgment that the audi
torium may there be built without in
terfering with tha proposed extension
of Morrison street, also that there will
Xeatitht'beaug'of JffiJ JURY" GIVES . LANDOWNER .
tonum setting. Tb mem
Jury and Chairman J. R. W
ka nivu Tn. . i . . .
w.,w uivi.imiii ja&ue, aiienaea i a ik n r- -
th dinner of . th Civic council last I wiiK'a ,r-J? Oren
night a guests of Postmaster Cnarlea f, . ri co"Jemnatlon suit against U
a Merrick. aecrtarv of lh1 h Cooper . verdict waaendred after
Of tho audi- '.'VJ iiaw.aniiiwiiiiwi,- I'S 250Q; HE ASKED $12,000
Pay $20.00 or $25.00 in Uptown Stores for a
When You Can Buy One Equally
as Good at Any of OUR Stores for
If you examine the windows you will frequently find identi
cal garments in other stores at $5 to $10 more than we ask;-
For years we have been giving the best clothing values in
the city Our reputation has been built on values. That is.
why we sell more clothing than , any other house on the
Pacific Coast.
When You See It in Our Ad It's So
the jury had been out six hoars, and
save jj. ai. cooper zsso. The Oreron
wanted about three acres of I
xianoy invaiia a cnair. . I laectrlo
The Invalid s chair that a Kew TorkerlMr. CoODar- nlaea tor a -l..
has patented Is especially drained for land Coooer asked 111 ena -
w uuwn stairs, i iy. i no uregon ciectnc, thinking the
--. B iim mi inirpm on topipric aacaasiva, ixgan suit.
' - oca ana near ui bottom at tha
rroni lege. I It ,mm a-Mm.tad tv.f v .
fly eaa dJeeera- aa ol.Jaet n n.
I billionth of aa inch la diamten
87-89 '
" m " "
eurnai waat ads bring reeurta