The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 67, Image 67

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    ' I I laiaeaeaaaviaasswv ' . . -w.
i acN JUXX' X ' X.
i f till' . . - , v . i i y - . . v i , i . . -n w x a
V; '.V: W X . XC. V:
V Yx'X; -f
rlbi itaa iht II -tni I mt
fQp. A wlt-kn donor
r. tbr a far woro IblBga
than lytn- awtk for a f hour In
Artn, Hn(lUU4 room, om with
ont'a Ihoui hla.
Vtry few ra of o-rlll Inoointila,
ro roaltx at bat aa thlr proud oamara
prtnd (hajr r; Invomnla aa A baallb
d'atreytiia; d!aao la really quit rara.
vn In thla nauroile at. Whii It dooa
occur, II la uauaUy a symptom of aotna
othar JUturbancv to tho ramoval ef
whkb tba doctor ahouU ba eonoultad.
If you cannot alp, nlaht aftar night.
And yet you know thera la nothing
phytlcaJlr . tha maitrr with you. , a
whMhar you ' ovr-rextrt mntkIIor
phyalcally Juat bafora going to bad.
rind whrthar your room la proparly
aired and your tl clothlnf light yet
warm. A irood plan In thla connection
la to kerp an extra qnllt At tha bottom
of your bc1, and to draw It over you
whan you waka with that "won't-aTo-to-aleep-agaln"
Going to bed oh an empty itomach la
Another rauso of aleopleaaneaa; a glaaa w
of hot milk before retiring and tha
cracker Jar kept by the bed will do
way with thla aource of trouble.
A too high pillow la another; always
leap on a flat pillow, or without any
If poaalblo. A amall nop or pma-neeui.
pillow haa omttlmea effected wonderful
Very often Irritated nervea are. at
fault. One way to aooiho them la to
gat up- and bruah your hair, gently but
.... .11 . . . . V. . 1
droway. A light-proof and aound-pryof
room Is, of course, absolutely unnecea
sary; but If any sound, like the ticking
of a clock, annoys you, remove tho ob
ject, or in some way stop the noise.
ejiould you find no rest by Any pf -these
rpethods, get up, make a light and
read yourself to sleep, choosing soma
sedative and unexciting bobk which will
yet at least partly hold your attention.
By the way, don't Indulge In the
puerile devlcea recommended by our
1y l&tltly'&u'
THE other day I heard A discussion
about politeness and hypocrisy. In
the heated debate there were sup
porters for each side. Some women said
that politeness frequently Is hypocrit
ical; others maintained that it is not ,
Let us discuss 'the question.
Taks, for a beginning, the littla
phrase. . "Not at home." ; Most authori
ties on . social questions consider-that
to mean that the hostess Is not receiv
ing at that time. An Inormnriunn dis
turbance of tha Dlsn to recelvs 1 has
cropped up; an indisposition; to receive
sary. It is sot required to explain fully
to the caller, who merely leaves cards
and can consider her social obligations
paid.' "Notst home,' then, means that
the hostess, through ; some Inability, .
cannot receive a caller In person.
- There ; are ; some little formalities,
-though, that, are' emphasised by some
women ana not meanc - An invitation to
. call, ; without . Informing the person of
one's residence, is decidedly , meaning
less And : hypocritical. ' If you do not
wish to continue an acquaintance, you
can terminate It without empty, seem1
lag cordiality, t '
pll. A wU-hB doctor rtT.9.rmmmmmm,, , n. II.......I.,, ii i ii M llf '
Advice on Social Customs
:rx-- . :-x-.::::':;... . v
i -r ;.:'V:-; ;. I. . . f ;.-'' ? j. r . '.'
..-. ' -.l v - J '-fS1 - -if f' " " '
Ms? 3 Low Pfbv?
grandmothers, such A counting sheep,
ate If you really want a little trick
that will tlre you out physically, try
taring hirj at the brightest thing you
tan sea, forctngT your eyes open every
time tlier eloaa. until you fall aalaep
from Aheer weariness1.
It Is a imttcr of great Importance to
train younehf to sleep regularly. All
medical aulhorlttfs of today concede
that for the maintenance of health
eight hours of sleep Is the minimum
required, A bralnworker requires mors
sleep than a manual laborer.
HUbltual deficiency of sleep will un
dermine) the vtrongsnt constitution. 1
am smpbailtlng tbls, for I know that
many women do not fully appreciate
tha value of sleep or tha harm of In
somnia, even In its first stages.
A few minutes spent In breathing ex
erclaes, or t hot foot bath or plunge,
will help considerably In closing the
eyes. You should take no coffee after
breakfast If there Is the slightest tend
ency to IniomnlA. Late suppers ' should
be avoided. -
Generally ipeaklng, you should try to
draw sway tha blood from the brain.
Brik exercise, hot bathe, light massage,
cold douches for the spine, and cold, -
On tho other hand, an soceptanc of
ad invitation to call ought not to be
made unless you really intend to do so.
If you are busy, or your plans be un
settled, aay so. Do not promise, with
All tha sincerity of manner that some
women CAn pretend, that you will surely
call within the next month, etc., If you
do not mean it. Nothing can ever bs
gainsd by that; much is lost.
In acknowledging gifts or Invitations,
don't gush. Don't "lay It .on with a
trowel," to quote Shakespeare. Be sin"
cere, dignified, and always remember
P.P. C. Cards
EAR Mrs. Adams. .
Will yon kindly explain to an Igno
rant one the- meanlner and uae of
P. P. C cards? ,.. A READER.
It is customary for persons wlo are
leaving the aeigfriorliood ' or crty of '
their residence for the seasorv.or for a
voyage to leave cards on all those with
whom they have - visiting relations. In
order to acquaint them with the news
ef their departure. In this case the or
dinary visiting card is used, but with,
the letter P. p. C. written in one of the
lower corners to Indicate the fact of
the intended departure. The use of
these letters spring from the polite
French custom, of . a special call mads
pour prendre conge (to take leave) of
one's friends, t .'
P. P. C. cirda are very necessary
when a member of society is In debt for
hospitalities received and finds It im
possible to pay In person, before going
away, the mtny calls he or she owes.
It le permitted to. drive from house to
house, leaving cards so Inscribed . with
the servant who aaswera the bell; and
If there la not time to do this. It ts
mi: (n i .u.W M.'MiAV JOt.'tXAU ilJMJW .aOk'.JI.O. 19,
C oncerning Health and Beauty
well ventllited rooms srs ths mechan
ical aids that must bs used In ths self
treatment. I know of many women who are
mads very sleepy by lettuce,. Why
not try a diet of lettuce before going
to bed? It ts light food, easily di
gested and will help wonderfully. So
will warm, not hot. milk.
Above all. do not Induce aleep by
opiates! The smsllest doss may give
you tha required aleep, but without
the advice of a physician you ahould
positively abstain from the uae. The '
habit la formed ao quickly and the
system demsnds ths artificial means
ao inatatently after the first few
doaes that you will be facing a Ufa
of Insomnia or opiate-taking.
Attack. Insomnia at ths root. Find
out If you hsvs been defying ths
laws of nature. Givo yourself a
thorough, truthful Investigation. Ask
yourself If you are giving aleep a
If all things fall, consult your fam
ily doctor.
And now I hope that I haven't made
my talk too long. At any rate, if I
have put you to sleep I shall be
the will that prompted the giving.- I
cannot understand how soms persons
can ridicule a gift, hold It up for much
unkind merriment smong friends, and
then sit down to write an effusive letter
of thanks. That is hypocrisy.
Tou know as well as I when there
is a -ring of sincerity in' your own
words. If you have written something
thst does not ring true, tear it up.
Think before you speak, and then speak
without any falsity to , your ideas of
what Is good and true. There is de
cidedly no eseuse for hypocrisy. You
can be kind without beings-false.
even permissible to slip the cards in
proper envelopes and post (hem the day
before going away.
To Assure Him
-.Dear Mrs. Adams.
Several times It has been Beeeasarv for
me to decline an invitation offered by a
young man whom I like very much. I do
not want him to think that I wish to drop
his acquaintance. What caa I do to assure
him that I wish bis friendship? EDNA.
Under the circumstances tha kindest
thing -for you to do is to Invite him to
dinner, giving ths invitation In the name" '
of your mother. Or. If thla is not desir
able, you. could Arrange to entertain a
few friends some evening and send him
an Invitation. - t u
Title on Cards
Dear Mrs. Adams, - -
May a woman doctor nse her title on her
visiting -cards? " 8. S. 8. .
A womsn who practices medicine,
should use two kinds pf cards. One'
should bear, her name thus; Dr. Emily '',
Smith Blank, or uilv Smith Blank.
I'd lia'kZK '
Mrs. Henry, Symes
V. t . with tier address In one corner
and her o.flco hours In another. This
would be for professional uee only.
Another, for social uws. should bear
her name thus; MU Emily Smith
Blank, or Mrs. Thomas Ftaadolpb bat
ter. wtUi only her house addreaa In the
The Knife and Fork v
Dear lira A4arne.
la ohlrli band ehnuM a fork t held
na hum ans bat I trie Jprnprr ay
m oij a aMr ana larar - jUH.xxir..
When conveying
ig food to ths mouth
be held la tbs right
the fork should
The first Important thing to remember
la that tha knife and fork ahould not
be held In a vertical position when cut
ting food. They should be a I moat flat.
The fcric Is held In the left band with
the palm over the handle. The forefin
ger is extended a little beyond tha
handle. In the aame manner should the
knife be held In tbs right hand.
A Perplexing Point
TVar Mrs. Ada mi
I hara been a freqiwnt visitor at a newly
married couple's bomi-. Tbev Informed me
that a youna; woman Is to vUlt them.
Would It lie prop r for me 10 put In an early
request for taking bar lo tha thrater?
The proper thing for you to do flrat
of all la to call on tha guest. That
you msy offer her your hospitality.
The First Call
bear Mrs. Adams.
When a brlila ha move Into a vicinity,
eliouid she rail up-a her neighbors flrst or
they on her? What are the proper hours
forcalllngT ANXIOtB.
BrUiCM and strangers newly arrived in
a neighborhood never make the flrst
calls. Formal calls are paid between
3 and S.30 o'clock.
What to Do
Dear Mrs. Adams.
I am a constant reader of your social
problems anj will appeal to you for ad
vlc. I am a young married woman and
thrre la a young man who was a friend of
mine when I waa aingie., I broke an im
portant engagement with him and never
saw blm after thot to arolcglte. 1 was
bashful about writing to him and, there
fore, neglected to Jo the proper thing. '
Herentiy I aaw him at a distance. In
caae I must face him at aome time, what
would be rroper for me to do, aa I know
I shall feel einbarraaeed, for I .thought a
great deal of him during oUF friendship,
Thla happened several years se-o.
The only sensible thing for you to do
is to act naturally, should you meet the
young man. To save yourself all em
barrassment, do not refer to the broken
Asked Her to Write
Dear Mrs. Adams.
Kindly give me your advice In this
matter: I met a young- man in another
city and he came here on busineea and
asked me If he could call, and he did.
In leaving tha city, he aaked me to write
to him. Was it correct for him to ask
me to write to him. or do I have to wait
for him to write flrst? With thanks.
The young man should have asked
permission to write. Your granting him
this favoi would signify that you would
keep up the correspondence. I advise
you to wnlt until he has written before
sending him a letter.
Address on Card
Dear Mrs. Adams.
Will you kindly tell me throiieh vour
"paper whether It Is proper to have one's
address on one's visiting card snd where?
Also, on which side of card Is written ac
knowledgment of letter Of sympathy?
1. One's sddress should appear on
the lower right-hand corner of one's
visiting card. ... .
2. Ons's card should not be used for
such a purpose. Letters and notes of
condolence should be answered by a
brief note. ., --. . ,
Dear Mrs.-Adorns.
:, Will you kindly-advise ens ss to the
length of time a granddaughter should wear
mourning? - . A READER.
When mourning for A grandparent, all
llack without a touch of crepe is worn
for three months.. Ordinary Jewelry
that lg no, conspicuous may bs worn
with this dress., -
' Paper Napkins
Dear Mrs. Adams. -
Will you please Inform me If It Is good
form to use paper napkins when giving .
a rather elaborate reception T This waa
done recently, and I ou-tlnned the taste ,
1 At an elaborate affair paper napkins
are out of plseel They do not seem to
fit in with tha formaUty of ths occjlon.ward the celling ae possible: then. -
f -1 1 rin. t" ri in 1 sJ :,.
EPLIE3 to letters sent to ths
writer of this department will
be printed In regular order; but
no repliea In print may ba sspacted lnN
less than three or four weeka.
Correspondents desiring Immediate
replies to queries may get them by
Incloslna- a stamped aelf-addreased
envelope. Personal Inquiries will re
ceive prompt attention. If accompanied
by a stamped and adireaavd envelope.
Care of the Hair
Dear lire, gytnes.
Will you Lleaae tell me the proper ears
of the halrT My hair is very ling and
heavy; should It be wathed often? Will
not freournt shampoos spoil the beauty and
life er the halrT Can you tell ma. of a
good dry shampoo? UEKALDINB.
In caring for the hair It is important
that clean brushea and combs be used.
We have not the space to give a
lengthy discourse on the care of the
hair, but If you remember the three
most Important things, your hair will
be kept In fine condition: First, the
scalp ahould be massaged with the tips
of the fingers every day. Second, the
hair ahould be brushed for Ave or ten
minutes every day. Third, the head
should be shampooed once every four or
five weeks. It is not advisable to wash
the hair any oftenar than this, unless
there Is much dandruff or there Is a
disease of the scalp.
A Sty Cure
Dear Mrs. Svmes.
Will you kindly tel me what to do to
cure a sty? FRANK.
The best thing to do to cure a sty is to
bathe the eyes frequently with warm
boraclc lotion (6 grains to 1 ounce of
water) and apply at nltfht a piece of
boraclc lint wrung out of boiling water.
Cover with a piece of jaconet and a pad
of cotton-wool on top. Fix with a band
age. Request for Recipe
Dear Mrs. Symes. ,
I have greet difficulty In making my hair
stay in place. Some one told me that you
had such a aplendid formula for brllllantlne.
Will you kindly let ma have it?
The brllllantlne is made of the fol
lowing ingredients;
Sweet almond oil g fluid ounces
Alcohol , 4 fluid ounces
, Glycerin 1 fluid ounce
Oil of rose geranium..... 12 drops
A Lip Salve
Dear Mrs. Symes.
Some time ago I saw in your columns a
reelp for a lip rouge. I have lost that
Saper, and ahould appreciate It very muck
! you will reprint the recipe.
I believe this is ths recipe to which
you refer!
Cherry Lip Salve
Boermaeetl. ointment................ t ounce
Balsam of pent IS grains .
Alkanet root 15 grains
OH of cloves......... 4 drops
: Heat the alkanet In the spermaceti oint
ment until tha latter melta and the whole
ia a deep rose color. Paaa through a
strainer, then slightly root, stirring in the
balsam. Let It srttia for a few moments,
then pour off the clear part and add the
oil ef clove. Four Into small pota. It .
. Ia ready lor us as aooa as cold.
Thin and Colorless Face
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. - '
I am IS year old and 'measure- I feet I
laches tsll. What can t do te become taller
I think I am In perfect hea th, but I bave
ao color In my face a ad rt I very thla. .
Pan you give me the recipe Joe the qul
ntne tonic, for. my hair la thla and short ? .,
A. M. - -,
Tou may be able to increase your
height by exercising. 'Try this one:
.Stand erect and raise tbs hands as far
r T1IEMI to
rr MW1 M
( IS fclf. A"4
n ixi ik r u
ro!4 Att4 4a(M of
ilrml II n4 il wl:
.j.;.k. 4MrW T .J -'. .JTu- io.
Queries Answered
with a sweeping motion and without
bending the knees, touch the floor with
the hands.
To make your face plump tnaesags with
cocoa, butter every day. If you will take
long walks and exercise in the fresh air
dally, the blood will be more perceptible
in your face.
Hers la ths recipe you desire:
Quinine Hair Tonic
Bulnhei. of quinine 1 dram
Itoeewater f ounces
Diluted sulphuiie acid U minima
Rectified spirits i ounce
Ulx, then further dd: Glycerin. H ounce;
easenc royal or essence snuek, 6 or min
ima. Agitate until solution la complete.
Apply to the roots every day.
Too Stout
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
I com to you with my troubles. I am II old and weigh lis pounds. My height
Is Ave feet. Can you trl me anything that
will remove the superfluous flesh from my
It you will taks regular exercise you
will get rid of superfluous flesh and
cultivate firm muscles. Indulge In all
Athletic sports and get ths walking
Skin Is Oily
Dear Mrs Bvmea.
Kindly advise me of a remedy for aa
oily ruin. I bave been advised to use
pulverised alum In distilled water, but it
seems to me the alum would cause the
skin to shrivel, INQUIRER,
follow the advice given to "A
Subscriber." The constant uss of
alum would have a bad effect on the
skin. .
Oily Skin
Dear Mrs. Symes.
Can you give me a cun
cur for an oily skin
e? How csn I In
and a shiny red. nose?
crease my height? A SUBSCRIBER.
First of all, you .must -pay attention
to yoatr diet. Do not eat fried foods,
and avoid the very sweet ones.
Bathe your face in water into which
a few drops of alcohol have been
To avoid having a red nose you
should touch it as little as possible.
Very frequently the nose is red on
account of indigestion or by tho
wearing of tight clothing, t am giv
ing you the recipe for a lotion which
I advise you to use:
Powdered - calamine ,.; 1 dram
Kinc oxide 30 gralna
Glycerin H Oram
Cherry laurel water ounces
This lotion should be well shaken, before
It is mopped on the nose. It may be used
, both morning and evening.
Many persons have increased their,
height by stretching exercises. Prac
tice this one several times a day: -Stand
erect, with the heels together,
liaise the hands as far toward the
ceiling as possible, then bring them
forward and touch the floor with the
palms of the hands. Do not bond the
knees while doing this.
Kentucky Cold Cream
Dear Mrs. Byrne.
Klndlv publish your formula for Ken
tucky cold cream. Will It Increase the
growth of superfluous hair? la It a good .
cleansing cream? Recently ' the skin of
my neck became full of goose akin pimple.
What shall I do for that? ANXIOUS. '
Here is tha formula you desire:
'- '.Kentucky Cold Cream
Roaewater ...... .......... ........... 4 euncee '',
' Almond oil. ....... ................. 4 Ounce ...
(Spermaceti .t.,M.... I ounce
Whit wax.. 1 euac
It will not Increase the growth of hair
if it Is applied lightly, but where super,
fluoue hflr is growing great friction
must be avoided. - The cream will
cleanse the skin as well ss nourish It.
- Bathe your neck with very warm
s . - - -f .
Jjrpy fcrflttf.
Against Deafness
THte lapcsJlerM aggraest U tts
great (
Kever paaa Asy Hsll late the ear,
tiWas it has ft"" e-a warmed. Neveg
peer eai er eadlk er aay greasy SsV
laare tale It etth the heee e retteetaaT
lt erhaa swTnag rreea earecbe, AO
grease beesases rearid sad tacreaese
Ike laasmeiatlea.
Never strike a t'd ea lae ear. The
tympenuM inlgel thus be reptered aa4
leewrabis daafneas be tha result ef the)
brutal a i-l
Choosing Dentifrices,
DELICATE lips are liable te be trri
tated by A tooth pe4er er mouiA
wash, net because the pewter er
ash Is toe strong, but because the Dpi
end skin around Are so unusually de l
sale that they are Irritated by powders
end wsshes that are Veil borne by h"H
with es delicate ektne.
Thla la an additional reaaoa farhavtns
tooth powder an4 mouth waahea spe
cially prepared, ao that ths nature and
peoportlona ef the Instedienta ars
known. When thla Is done, a denliet
er doctor, If anything has csused the ir
ritation, csa reduce the amount or re
move sny ingredient tbst Is cspabis of
Irritating even tbs most delicate Jlps,
water and cleans the akin with a good!
sosp. Aftsr rinsing and drying It, rub
on cold cream. Wipe away ail traces;
of the cream with a soft cloth.
Superfluous Hair -'y
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. t
I have superfluous hlr on mr face, eeW- ,
elally on ih uppar Hp. Would buttermilk4
have any effect on It 7 Bl'TTERMlLJC
Buttermilk would have no effsct, I
Advise you to hare ths hairs removed
by electricity If they are very notice
able. j
Puffy Eyes
vmr Mrs. ay mas.
1. Will you Dleaae mibllsh a earned fn
ruffy yaf I have tried oold water to ne
A Will cocoa batter fatten the neck Bear
the collarbones? If not, please publish ait
sercla that will help to remove them.
Will It remove hollow from the cheeks T
i. I bave very large hips and lags. I ant
not at liberty to take rapid walk nor can
I exercise every day. aa I am buav with
noiiaework. what shall I dor If dieting-
will help me, pleas tell mu what I may 4
1. The puffy condition' of the eyes '
sometimes indicates kidney trouble. I
adviae you to consult a physlcisn sbout
the matter. It would be useless to try .
various remedies without knowing the ;
cause of the Trouble. - .
j. Tes. :.,:.!'
S. Exercise Is the only thing td reduce
tha hips and legs. Surely you can make
an effort to arise ten minutes earlier
than ia your custom and spend that time 1
In exercise. Any of the directions for
exercise to reduce the weight given ot
this paie may be followed. -
Olive Oil
Dear Mrs. Byrnes'. ' i
Please tell me If olive oil- will fill out ths
hollow Pisces in soy neck and make my
arms ahspely.
Will vaselln make tha eyebrows and eye
lashes grow? ptioar. i
Olive olL If taken three times A
day, will increase your weight and
thereby fill up all hollows.
' Recipe for q Rouge ; l ,
Desr Mrs. Symes. . ''
Will you kindly print your recipe for
bloom of roses, a rougs? MAGGIE.
Following is the recipe you desirei
Bloom of Boses
Rose nil In 77 grains ,
.White wax 1 ounce
Ppermacetl .... ..r... ...... .... M grains
White petrolatum ..,,.,...,.980 grains ' '
Alcohol t,. H fluid drank. -
- Perfum to'Stril.
Diaaolva tha rtva In alcohol, add this solu
tion ta tha fata nraviouslv melted, and In- i
- corporate tha whole together, continuing ths.
stirring until tha mixture baa cooled.
Arms, and Neck i
..'.Dear Mrs. Symes. , .
1. What will make my arms fstT'
. If I masaawa my neck With cocoa ,
butter, will It make It plump? . ,
S. What will make my eyelashes Jong
and dark? ' Does vaselln anas the; y- '
brows darker or heavier?
, 4. I m Ave feat snd a half Inch tall
. ua . poupcA. rZ".
I. Procure dumbbellg and exercise
.-With them every morning.
r Ven. .- . .
" V Vaseline is vsry good for the
lashes and brows, as it will i.icreA
their growth, but It will not tlarki
them. The tise.of a de Is ths et
thing which wHI give that effect.
4. row we;grht snd bHuht r .
very good .proportion, atthfu.g'i l
dition of a few mott pi.unis v, 1 t t
be considered superfluous.