.1 v. H , O Tf Gvr Xv Atfrcv From the Parlor Stage to the rrotessidnal Footlights Is Oft but a Step, as Is Proved by the Careers of Noted Women TpyERY season, as the big lights go up ri over the theaters and the names of ' the headliners glow in e fulgent, glory io draw the multitudes, like moths, in eager throngs, some new "find" in the way of het plan genius springs into sudden fame. ' Usually the find is a woman, for of the making- of the female stars there is, and ever shall be, no (nd. I ' Nobody may have heard of her before; but everybody may as well expect to hear of her again and again, and again, until she shall have accepted the honorable dowager ship of old women's roles, thirty years from now, or has reluctantly consented to eface her self, like Mary Anderson de Navarro, in the happiness of marriage. But even marriage doesn't always bring oblivion; an Edith King don Gould will revive her triumph at some j gorgeous private performance, or a Fay , Temple ton: just can't help returning to the ; footlights. These lights have an almost irresistible lure, after' as well as before the woman with the least of mimetic gifts has been in the fiery heart of things. Agd afar, in cities and towns -where only pale reflections of their brilliancy are seen, their influence is felt. ' Scarcely a great city but has its one or more coteries of amateurs, and scarcely a town but contains a few ardent spirits who long for the life of the stage, and feel con vinced they have the talent for it. It is in those amateur theatrical societies that the solution of the mystery is often to be discovered. Nominally organized for mere diversion, any of these little groups is liable to contain one woman or man who has the true vocation, whose destiny is the glare tif the professional boards which, once basked in, seems to hallmark the votaries for ever and a day. a w-n HIS season has added its quota of amateurs I to tha ranks of the regulars, as tha last took , j away at least one who was deply and sin cerely regretted. . Last winter the people in New York who knew Ilea Mildred Bergrer, from Milwaukee, the daughter ; of the late Dr. Henry C. Berger. all agreed that ona H whose singing and general cleverness as an amateur equaled hers ought to be on the regular stage. Tha '.'eunimer had parejy closed when their previsions wera ; lusiifled. ; 1 s . The announcements of the cast of "The Kiss Walts' included the name of Miss Mildred Manners, Q who when the curtain went up and the Impersonate f Mme. Rltste appeared, proved to be the phyai rian's charming daughter. Klie had passed through no harsh and cruel apprenticeship, such as the stock company of years ago required, and with such excel lent results; she simply emerged from toe chrysalis of the amateur .into the grandeur of the actress in a ainsrle night ,y-,- a So It waa with pretty Edna Baker, ihe niece of the lata General Lew Wallace. Her startling rlaa to leading lady In 'The Arab" Included no atage intermediate between amateur work and the promi nence1 of th profession's heights. She left her home town. Ashevllle, N. C, aome yearf agro upon the death of her parenta, and lived-. With-relatives In Indian- ' e polls Last j ear, her ambition backing her courage, aha went to New York to study dramatic art, 8he waa thus amateur and student when, a few months s so, Henry II. Harris believed he discerned in ber the gifts that make a leading lady: Right from her . school ba took her. and she carried the leading role in Margaret May o'a play. "Behind tha fcVeaeaf whan - Tin: ofcjxo" gf?aAV jouiu.au rmcruu.t), su).!a. i f 4 V II waa predated la Philadelphia. The manager had. In Edgar ftelarya's "Arab," play thai called for an erlraee of youth an 4 especial teiaaL bepltin ear caw aad iha iclitii waa aiUI lacbiaa. Thea Ml a Itaaer aa eeot lor, aa4 la thfae weeha -aba aa facing Mar Vara eudleneee la a play entirely Straus t her, ai4 making good with Iha aplomb af a veiaran. an ifca aa or Bar uicK ck4 loriuna rolaaaloaai alaaa lotl ta acob Waadall. actor bo waa typical of what la tha vary baat amoaa antataura. Ha waa o( an ol4 Koiekar tKkar Unuly, waaltby, coilifa and a club man. Ilia plaaaura waa In tba t.aria ho took la taa amataur parformanett of Iha Now Tork ComJy Cluo. Tba graat manaaara tha mairoaolla uaaa to da ntand of blm, ary lima wblla. that ha aln a rn Irari for a on; bat hi aoclal tralnlna rabttlad. whlla.hja aa rt aravlnaa rt4 him to comply. A i-OQDta of yaart aao ha concluded It waa vain t flaht aaalnrt a :nina ajlina lo tha la. and ha Jolnad Iha Nw Thaalar Company. Tfatra waa ao ona who tkouaht'-o ao - rich amaiaarv lakln nrantlco laaaona htrai Bf rlaht of talaiM and thor ouahljr afflclnt aklll, Mr. Wandall waa 1rnad promi nent rolaa from tha vary baalnnlar When. In April laat, ha waa epanlnf iha play. "Whal tha V "lor Ordered." with tha Aatnr Theater Company. In Tren ton. N. J., hla aaddenly fatal lllnaaa atmck hirn down, tba whole theatrical world lamented Iha Jo4. not of an aaplrlna amataur. but of a capable and honored profeaelonat If tha real btnarraphlea of all tha multitude In. eluded under tha phraee. tha nrrtfeealoral eaa. cniM be learned, there would probublr be found few whrt daahed In for tha take of hoer" end lodatre;. r "urd." a la IMaey, aa the hind lr of a mule, or ehot up throuah a trapdoor aa rhorua, a la Morv phaw. Tha eparlr of aenlua hae Howd. for moat of them, flrat In oraranlaatlona of -kindred eplriu, and. Nrs. t fmeriGm hbmert VAa Scared ffo TMfWeU SLUM L ITTLE wonder it is that the caar haa placed a ban on morganatic marriages, with es pecial reference to American girls. 3 f . . The Romanoffs, as a family, have never been accused of overlooking prejtty women. What ever else might be said of, the men, they have proved beyond peradventure that they value a smile more highly than a throne. Grand dukes of the most approved lineage have been ever ready to chuck the royal game and go in for real happiness. . T IHERS waa a reason. Mrs. George Lea Thomp son, one of the loveliest of Americans on for eign ahorea. had captivated, the. Grand Puke Boris to auch an extent that, about a year ago, - It waa rather more than rumored that, the royal rake waa' going- to turn over a now leaf. Nothing cama of it, ' for tha time . hAinar. at leaat. hu thica was -always jfW-WlfraTWaftaa '"'swas , , V(JF - ' , J0Kr ' ' ' 'aw II ' " ' """"" ." ' 1 a mm t 11 III ' Georde leeTfroTrrpsox.Offe or Jj- ( ' ' ' ' YefKfcta 1 II 1 III M 1 II J W 1 III V j V L. no, vary afua, uldea tben to aotna efhool af actlaf wbera Ibay may ba truly tirellrat proft aaloaala wblla they are atlll rated aa aludeat amataura. Tbara'a Elala Jaala. Krom tba hour whea. aa a cbUd I yaara old. aha couldo't b raatralaad from Sivtua- iitbtawotte vt vtr fcvsiy arvund bcr. btull tba tale fraaldaai alcKialay url ber to go a too prv Iteatuoal a ta a, aba bad oaca daauaaa lur (nimeuo laaie. la direct contraat with auch precocloua develop ment waa tha rlae U atallar graatnaea of Mr a. Jamaa Brown Hotter. A aoclal belie, iha dauabter of Colonel liavld Urquhart. of Mew Orteane, ana had married Mr. f otter aad takaa a. prominent place la Now York eociety before aba allowed any particular Internet in tba dramatla arc Hut wban aha did. aha waa Ilka a meteor In tba reodeat yanka if taa .amataura with whom aha waa ftrat aaaoctat . ier avna war tonaplauoua for tuatr ai'Ufidor; bar beatitr waa In ktanily racoanlaad aa balua of the type that faacinatea " . rraat audloncra, and bar laltnt waa tndtaputabla. 1' ho year e -of humbla rehaeraai 'and painful drllllaa that are tha lot of moat amataura for only a few are , choaen by native endowment rather than ardent aspiration were not for her. Within a abort time aha went atraifht to tba regular ataf a, and made her debut In London, In 1h7. at tha iiaymarkec. in Wllkle Colllna' "Man and Wife." Colllne hlmaelf con raiulated bar, by letter, on her eucceea In tha rola of Anne flylveeter. When aha returned to the United Plate ah appeared aa a atar In a repertoire, wltb Kyrle Bellaw aa'her leading man. Tba atory of Mra. Iealle Carter'a thrilling- expert eneee as an amataur learning- under David Belaace. with ber magnificent red hair aixl equally magnificent etaa presence her only dramatic naaela- until hard drllllner fanrad Icto flame 'thatlw twinkle of talent . ehe dtaplaved. la a atory oftew told, end again denied. But thai ehe waa tba tyre of the atudent-amateur who --f ' Scarcely a member of tha wiirniriff hmiAA but' ovarteiy a memper oi xne reigning nouse out has, at one time or another, indulged his fancy in r tne way of lovely woman.- borne, nave been content with temporary affairs, while others, like his nephew Michael, who married the Countess Torby, have gone into exile rather than give up their morgan atic wives. . ' :. - Now Nicholas, imperator rex, is tired of , tha; whole blooming business, and has served notice that he will have no mercy on the next offender; ' danger when such pretty women as Mrs. Thompson," Katharine Elkina and a, host like them wera adorning. ' Paris. - . ; - .. - ,i No wonder tha ciar had an attack of serves with reference to the morganatie-peril. No leas a personage than hla only brother, the Grand Duke Michael, had made an -effort to Jump -the tracea. chuck hia royal ha" ore and light out with tha lady of hia desires. -Tha yp'ng woj3jli.1j 4uestiOG wonderfully lovely "saw M .aaamar ncn.u.a ccic: i:t i ir.x S3 Jjwj Grostt aaag laa taawaeacw free tba Brat af bar aaae. aa M a aaatiar of ata tif, s ' ftmlmmm a I laia aaeaa afctrt. a4 crttK ibaa wera B'Prty aba aaai4 aaa atajg draaaatia aawut Mr aitapc bar ba'r a4 bar Mvra t a 4 U aibila aftar bad ba waartajt tba Mf laoreie af a atar. Tt Hit. Laaila Carta fought ba ay ttroub la aa aataptad poasuoa aa Iba aiaga d awrvlvad aiuaila taull-Radiaga aaul tea af iba vary rtllk ba Brat eoa4aaae bar aa tba . ra gMiataur aaUe4 bar aa a pnse la tba prafaaaMa. ' . iiiabcba a.au. aa aa amaiatr. a-aiaj.y kark4 frow le liar f.Kver waa aaMrt laara. &a eat ta tba pwltfie ac avaa by day and draaawd of laa luuutctsta aj a.ai- Ma aaa auly 14 eara aid. rarta.y eu -tf a.ou and la loog ateeaia, aaea ee trade hr Brat amateur apiwuaacj at a baat perlormaiM-a In the vy Indoor fAaetef. on tba Hoaery, a yoang aa lr4niona aa blaiomal accuracy cwuld Coeatbly rUla lur tha aaa aad taa ttajy waera wademona e auppoaed lo have lived. . aba waa ana af Ihuae amataura who couidn l ba kepi away from tba regular etaga by all the wardna aad ntanagara ta Christendom, and aba waaa't It before aba waa acting wKb Tboroae McUonoug b is (bat belly aid naiadraaaa, "alberta." fcdna Ooodrlcb bad a similar rlaa la alage pranil Banco, bat from Chicago, alia waa acarcaiy aut of iha Hyde Park fk-houl when aba waa glinting gayly through occaaional amateur performances and long ing ail tha wbila for tba larger opportunlllea af tba raaJ ataga. bba could aea the Jlgbu of Hroadwey aa far off aa Chicago, and they drew her etralght ta them. LuckT Why. aha became ofe af Iha Tloradera" saiteL although aba waa too lata to land among the original an. Her career baa btn a eucceealoa of comedy trlumpha, not tha leaat tmonc thrm being ber marriage with Nat Uoodwln and her whole hearted grip on tha Uoodwln fortune. . Tha raat af tdna. and the marriageable Nat. la currant newa. Heaven only knowa bow many actreaaaa amataur companlea have been responsible far. but one 'f I hem waa Mabel lllte. who caught tha glamour af tha ataga at tha early aga of II eara. when sna plsyad tna Lord Chancellor In 'lolanthe.' Mhe proved a true comedienne, but went on to atellar heights, until aha acted on eiusl terms with John Hlavlo In "A Knight for a lay.-. 6he la almost he aole esampla of a auo cessful actress being overcome with a paaalon for any ether art or, science. But baseball proved the rival of tha ataga, and Mlka Donlln baa her now. Ha mar ried her. Tbla country la not alone in the amateur com panlea that contribute their nuota of regular erlreeaea to tha boards, for England has always cher ished Its Utile societies of actors who hope for raat trlumpha To count them all would take a book. Olga ff tfe Cz drris circfe. Vs a matter of courae, rejoiced In he narna of Ekate- rlna and a family of high and noble, though not royal, I'neage. The grand duke met her. became Infatuated w,th1ieP, butjcould not marry her without the consent of his brother, tha czar, in other words, he simply couldn't, becauaa tha brother would never countenanca a matcn except with a peraonage of duly accredited regal birth. . The marrlapre - question was somewhat simplified when the young woman went to the altar with a man named Mamontoff. supposed to be the richest man In Moscow, the ancient and Honorable capital of the empire. All should hava been ended.-but It was not. Mar riage : was out-of the question. JSut love persisted. Mamontoff waa not pleased. Younar and handsome himself, he saw no. reaaon why hia wife ahould not be aatlsfled with him, and him alone. Forthwith ha besran ' to acquire the disposition of an Ot'-'lo Like a Turk ha watched his wife, an army of servants keeping hirn fully informed aa to her comings and golnara. If the reports of the affair are to be believed, tha husband was not only Jealous, but brutal. lie Is said to have dragged- hia lovely wife around her boudoir by her. blonde creases, demanding all the lettera that tha grand duka had written to her before her mar rlavare. That-, jot .course, wa.' Bflt -calculated to males tha life I hi it rtxrrfsf Netbarsola may ba cited aa one af tba moat conspicu ous of Iba graduates. Educated In Oermany, socas tooted lo tba coraforte and reOnementa of auch a bema aa bar father, an English barrlatar, could provide, aba bad la fend for bereelf when ha dladT aha bad played Lattice Vane In "Harveet" In tba Theater KoyaL at lirlghlon, and aha believed aba bad talent enough to fit bar for tha provlncea. at least- She had. And aha had enough to taka her, within a year, ta London, at the Adelphl. and speedily to tba leading role in "The naan'a Daughter" at tba St James. The popular paaalon for amateur theatrtcale. both here and abroad, la acarcaiy ao universal aa II waa thirty yeara ago; but It la on a baala of much batter organisation, and additions to tba players' ranks may ba looked for aa numerously In Iha future, from thoaa modest eoureea. aa they have been In tha paat Some times, matrimony la an aid ta tha ataga, aa la tha eaaa af Jack Barryanore, whoee bride could not be aomptately happy until aha began appearing- on tha boarda with him. proua beauty forget her royal lover. It was not even t even So. ao- effectual in making her glva up her lettera. So, cording lo tha choice morsels of gossip tha t hava been floating about In court clrciea. Mamontoff t pciu a used S ho ret r. ; ally -beat har Ilka a moujlk." In other worda. ha her Ilka wa would a drunken -cab driver or tha of a tazt who haa exceeded hla cargo capacity Having at laat acquired tha missing papers, ha la aald to hava harried off to St Petersburg with than) and to hava -laid them before tha caar. Tha cones quenoa waa that Michael waa hauled over tha ooala ao hard that he promised to hava nothing more to do with tha woman. -.. ... Such promlaea hava been broken before, and It la not strange that, on the conclusion of a hunting trip, Mamontoff la aald to hava found tha grand duka com forubly anaconced In hla homo whan ha arrived rather unexpectedly. After tha uaual melodrama. Mamontoff tna?.? R'y n which the curtain anould nave aioppeo. . , wj11, hUch n' to a curt." ha la asserted to hava declared, "and laah her through tha streets of Moscow according to tha old cuatom"" . . thJinJilZL9 , ck; getaway, with VV -in i. Jrr.w, "1U1 ms, declaring ...j L7" d0 ftotninB- ' the aort. and tha ho aynod will give you a divorce frou -Ekaterlna." " holy rc? part OI 't-wag prophetic. Mamontoff hJA1 aBd th rand duk hd womanTn hla handa whoaa wrong he could not right. Tha situation ZaI eompromiaed. It la aald, by hla giving over tha i.l0. fcutnant to mrry. The yoking officer waa to hava a handsome Income for aettlng; Sn an aataS hahment In Orel and keeping atrlcUy to th? Iput menu assigned to him inside of It TOO MUCH FOR RUSSIA Jrnar,',.aB..of form 'o'lowed . 'BuVit la not strange that the situation should become irksome to tha two princlpala concerned In It. Only the lieutenant, with a anus; lncoma mrf hiiKtun. m,..t... 'r " " comDletalv nuflHrt - in Jacv It waa too much even for Russia. One daw Jl2r2$l0,lK c.Mman8 the lieutenant', regfrnent de clared that the acandal was growing too great, and ho would have to go to St Petersburg- and report 2 tha czar. That was (inuih ia ,JTf. m.;:.,".! ------- ... a monvuiY. n nn vne report which waa exactrv what .vVrv -"lV,uV""?iv5' IRA maaala.. Jl. i" - ; a a . r vvu Uilii m aa iim Micnaei is aaia to have Immediately bribed an ortho dox priest; to marry him to JEkaterlna. v ' Evrythlngr wenVlovely unMl Michael tried to get an extended leave of absence. For once hi, royal pull availed not. He had to report to the emperor, who la said l to hava suggested to him that ha return to Orel to take leave of Ekaterina, who was therL in the cloister oftha holy trlntty . - ' 'T ln ' Nothinar loth Michael hnrrled n Wk. .. applied for permission to converse with Kkaterlna. tha following: dialogue is reported to have taken place : "The g-reat ainner, Ekaterina." aald a repreaerlta- i'" "L.r.'"' 1"" 7"" mm, "will have pra uu nuumiii, Aiicrwara ana win be allowed to aea you." . w u J'?1. ",f rL8Jnnl ana yJ"i JPOBlnaT of her edV ii.a.w. ua, viiv (rum OUKO. - ' "Ekaterina la not . and never waa your lmrerlt highness' wife replied the personage. "Head hTr con fession and her submission to tha decrees of tha holy synod.'' . - , --. . . "infamoua! shouted Michael,' ba he crumpled U th: paper handed t him, "You have browbeaten and de ceived the poor woman;. but her confession and sub mission aren't worth the. paper they are written on ; v -Kkaterlna may speak for herself,' aald the prel ate, emlling, and thereupon the .young woman was - led out. ..- '-) '-: '.:.-,' , , , , , But what a changer Ekaterina was arrayed, ilka a penitent. In a coarse, one-plec garment tied by a string. Her hair waa shaved off. Bven her eyebrowa bad been taken away, by the remorseless rasor. r Literally stunned, tha grand duke stared at the .wreck of beauty. .Tben. in utter dismay, he turned aad fled aa if from the plague. . r . . . It may not be true, hut yet It la as novel a tale as aver cama out of Kuasia. , , ; . , ... v 7