THE OliCOOM I UN PAY JQUKJ.'AL, fOUTLAUU. SUNDAY liOli.NJNO, OCTOIiti! H, Mil V - IN TXTT fl S? UUlffiTD v - . lJ- I. M l IV, M4 Vl M M. fftM m-a. y VV jJLfL JLvCV -wxr - -. mm - i -.. TiLT urnwyw pvty i''" LONE FIR CEMETERY CITY OF DEAD IN MIDST OF CITY OF- THE LIVING to .. r. M ,-J l J Uv e lIWf Kl1 . Btf SMM M J-.U Wi-trt, IM -. tl J MM( al Mak ' A .(! www lltti 144 I lwA M el Wrj Arte Mi f m,I, !! Ml I HAVE. la U- ! tif M YW f fctafftoM M ka l t ! IM nae-i:, ih r- Sil to IM Al IM ILM Mf. H Al Ul t.'(a-4 at IM UaMate , ,m.m.m-. 1 V.V 7' r-MVi. mil f 17 ItTT, uTI u .-. -r ru... .-m wrr r .4 .1 w, I , A-4 II M Muf K l i A L 1. - . ,. , , TlJ m i.l M M I ; -i m ui.- mm ! k-a iw " 111 lv. I r ' MlUMf 4-4 M J-4 t". IMMMIK Uw nH - wf M MMfl . . ,1 . X It IM H . - ,,m!, lM 4 M IUi. U Y Ir I I f .Uf, Ml IM I U.-. Mi J fcu II, W .W.I M I H MmLm UVIMl1 IM WM kUlM tM twM f ,J M IM H.t. 1 ,V A It J-4 M nM t :k tl IM lr ".M- .A. UMMUM. UUl MIMlM I T, i It H- ftM ! Ml, M IM I W A f . M I.M tw Vr. It kiUlu M lt mm iv ,r. ta u Vi iu MI M . j ' toui m i4 r .T i . --a .' -y i,rv UM t:i MNl.r JHII tt li M t... M-l IM MM IMM M 4tm4 fwf k4 IM fijf U "J . a . 1 1 k tu Ikal AatM . to! .il mt kl. .iiJlM Ikai M&A IM MM I A ' II UM M M IM fW M I H - ! IM Mj ,... ttr toMltl. tl- l W M U ..g.,, f ilK IHHII MM t f ' I ' ium M WM aa 1 Ma M ' aM M a-M. Hul m aii'a4 f'wt l"4 !. a wfcr im fHl4ir fciIaf mw U rtwi af al taal mmtf. Ila.r 1(MI riW.i U mm mII M , ci 11 im m at-4 aM MMiiiiiM H ZZZ . VvWaM " .T' T'" Mm.I, it iviu..) ir H la mhK Um r mm' fa iui M.t, Imm, Jlmil MoTiul r, am aatu. N frl im ,.r, aJ I w. LI.m -rl-4 ' Xuu la NiM la toaa fir. Tm iara IMTi aMa. OlMra ar. Jm m. rt M la IM aitf t Taaa. . ' "rTOB "r' tM a)ra nlanri. Ml IMm wm iu. rMr f.i la i.uii aa liui f UrMaai a 4 4iMlM4 H- af Mallki Ktola. aM U' rvaMa4 Kb4aMMi lurry AMraaa Ur Mil- mu amKa ta ... .... ... a hI M4iii a4 IM Mat W mm IM IM Pimm " M unn, u4 laMtia aM a '" n r k,-..,-- Mail InmImi M al ImiM MaiM AMI la-ta M skJ ms laaM CMMa IWWI lull IM tit ' '' ta-M-a lkM v, a ,u Ml. rM if Mm W Ua4 w t-M -rf f a iaa4 aa4i IM IM fta4 aaaMlaal rv Jr larih IM IUUI mrrr imaM IMl MitM t mm IMAaM hmmm, Ml tal pal M rM if IM 4MI II ti mp ai MM lk( nr. l Un raM ttllH akWh fMi .Mali at la IM luM Wrf. af Maia aa4 at rMa( ikawltM - Atala la fin a-JW r m a IM t'aJia im aina ivr Ml rl. m ASarm. fty aai4r aaalaA. Aatal Ma Mall tw aM Ail IM Vara t. 1 1 71. IM mIom if kmM ami toollf aWarrtMl M Mf Mil Ma aara4iitg fYMa IM bmiMm! Mf. iiinitltf hcD laral ia Jaal iMlr ax af MlaM aa-l rirai airana. IMl T rai4 arM al ptvval M M la IM vartaht if ltar im rtjkl Haw All ikrM aiMl kniM ft. A Mlallar! fiimilura aaUbllafcy. S M U. vMa HUnll WMai! . ltA41f IM fUiaaa nraal II Wfcir aM lll Mar rwM 1tm IKa liar. al I ttark HraMr' vtlKLit. MM aion a'kl daor. Iitu iMf it Krarf fallow rnf r4 kti f m. m, craa1a IM Mraal Am II a arraaa4 a4 Irtal la tflaaaMtr (rr Hmlim' Iraa rii ail la IM Mftrvf- ami- aaa aa all aaa. Ml rlkbA a Iim oil. MIU vblrfe via a lanklnc mm tiki A MwlmL Will cllakMI A Mlt If riaMM la .Ictil mlaalaa. TM Mll aa4 UUI fH la IM tat. How M lt xiaaA Kmm ml Rchalt'a Mlaoa M lhara m im iit bmw. far M IM aarth Mia if hlnai atrial. alM al IM Ml if II am It wm lairly aa CiUan Corball a Urvry itaMi M rir.l btfti aa him Mai. WIlTa aalia mmm an! IUIodm. wan mm blaaloa flarraly ajaall aal If M rllatMd im hlh II Mai a iba fir wm mivlac la all lu ivar. Tka kof wiala a ruah tor hum. lleaa ntock Aftar blorh . fall bafora lap4 lata IM Air anl inatMl kla I hi TanaA am enalA AritrurllM imwm 4ciaoaf. la M kmmia morh a annl im fall if Iba citf. AsalA Mlp acraamlaf am bitlc far IM do fa wm rlia4 for am alhMrla dilaaj u Mlttora iv.r Mard Tim aal agaiA rub4 thalr dvpart mala la M aena. IMMfniM and ) unpad al Will. wM - Thi lttor CMeaairAial IMIr f could cllatb ai AisMr without Uanin fortl Ia I ha Bt. Chart, holal. hoelnc. rm, Ml whi r.lll luallly. KlMllr. Ika 'with tbi Aid if Ih. Mmal dlalrlrl, to logi caaM, Urkld Ih boar lad om f rhark lb march of daatructlort. la Ihim rot hold of aa air. Tlv. oIImt utur draprrallOQ thay laborad, knowing wm aalck to Imllati bla mat and both lull wall tbat If thajr failad th .ollr honf on t.Mcloualjf. Ovardaar And th eilr woald M daatroyad. Aftar a b.rd bor" daarndd. mad. A alio knot With fllht, aad tboroHihlr ihanalrd. thay topm. Had tba hoi . hind Un, thn war eharrad by alng th. flunai III 4rw Mm vp by th ld of A llwib. tl.d down and tha haa4 aubald. Tba day All four faat tei.tbar ajm Mllad off lha wm won In that quarter, bat a lone Ao- A whaalMrrow waa prtwurwl. a Una if mn atrorilad on Sarond itraat .trong t w.i built and bla bogthlp to brannt i kprnl to lha wait Many wonftnaa tbarvln. . .. , or them wer rorarad wllh wat blankaii M a protactlon igalnat tbi Awful hrat, and burk.t brlcmda war Malatlog Ih. wornout yolunlarr flramn, whoaa .aqulpment eonalated of an inglni or two and mankllJlng band brakaa. rrotortlon cnglna company No. 4 wai houaed on rirat atraot. near Jeffaraon. and when It bcmi Apparant that tbi Crater Likt. ERK I. a rondltlon. Jiekann county haa juat votad to apand Il.a00.l04 for roada aclanllflrally ronatructad, wolch will probably Inrlud.-aueh a highway lo lha wait llni if th. Crat.r national forcai. H fk. 11-11 dl. a In V. haw. I.i.l " . "amoara ompietad a lurvay of roada within tba i "dK !f Cratar Lak. National par, Iff iv - f J . m'I Mrna f rata Mgtaalag to Ml My l;n. tti aMih, aia al k.k Mm atl a 4ab a4 fir .1 JLhJ!m tU . : - ( -v ' , If i '' f . IMl mul M aaraary la ami. af kla AwalAaM affair. Mr. kjorgaa'i raltar. mi Ala four, la Mad I la, wwald Sara Mm wbally Ml f laM m aarboly aaraptlAa J. ftarwaal atofgan. 71 m Mm II MaH to M mill Aid 1a paWad karwiMy wl A bla rlrhtr mala rial haa dm iMtlnn. rra)li Ih nary if Oaloa. Morgan and Iba ill board whm look In Morgan', aya. Tbal oort af wild. rltAbli .ipraaatM if Iba .raa. la Mar. (an a tm. makal II vary aaay la arvdar. tA4 what Map ana I wM Mr. Clalaa mi li Mr. Morgan a afflr to proiaat MrauM it waa ka. Morgan, that kapt Oai.i Mni iff from lha iiaal Moral Mr. Oala aakad him in a mild Mlr If IhU waa trva. Mr. Morgan. Main from Ma chair, gall: "Tan. Mr. OaiM, It la traa I am th man' wha la bping yon off." Mr. ati aakad why, Aal Mr. Morgan an.waral: "On Account Af your rapuLallon, Hr. Oala. broba out Into MroaatJo langn t.r. aaklng Mr. Morgan If ha.' Oala, had irar Iom Anything woroa than Morgan. "Dnlr." hi ad dad. you havo dono your atanta Mblnd load doom and I bar dona mln la th opan." Aa Mr. Morgan took bla hat from th tabl nnd walked but of th num. h Mid: - - Mr. Oataa. that la what doora an for, to M eloaad." Bo whan you im tha iup of Mor gan' ya ran raalUi th kind, of man who would hava th nerr to tall Joha W. Oataa what doora an for. ftnci which .noloaad thalr gravi haa bran carriad away by ntle aaakrra. lYatty' irMn vlna from a nearby lot hav romplt1y co varad tbi reatlnr "" placi of thaaa two unfortunate man, aa ... k.i.M t . T am mrmmmm .A .wn .a Im T rM. (N, nm j, . II. I. Unas n b I N MI.H. If tO hflW that MlUMI bAUtla ( mi ni companion, battlad with tha .. . ... i.b. ... . . . . . . . .... -. .n b..- . u . ..i. and .rntivi mil alika :lnT? on cond and Jafferaon. In an of whleB w) probably b from i . B c.-i. for hla kind. -ntlimanl- ware, la hen. lard. William Allen. Our Packard and city. Upon a eummer morning many In 1I7T Donald Macleay arreted a V. r V. "?PT'"V DUh "r a,1L ,uww" 1750.000 to II. 000.001. Th general T '. . .w.. ... iiom.i.. t. M.,r ih...i.n.. Joawh L. Berrr. Tim hu Bounded years Ago the little maiden hurried beautiful mauaoleum at a eoat of 111.- MJAni inrai congragi- Zawnmmnt t. fa-orabli to luch Im- r"V " ."7. .1 ' 1" . . .7 I"-" throua-h U.I. .acred .not many time.. Hong on an errand for her mother. 000. to the memory of hla wife. Thla !L?."JJ?!. Proyement. In our n.tlon.l park, and " "t" T. el Y """.m "n There ' .r. the grave, of many older Her w.y lay aero., th. old jrourth itructun 1. cha.t. mi an orr, J u I "-.Eun. Torrance who chmo rtomOrw iZZr.ot 7 Vm . A be.utSu. .t brldiV s.HIA loo uuuuni, uwraimi anrTinine in it. t. way from TamhUl to CUy .treat And l""r , d-nTnda on th. TDaoDla of Ore- ,. th of y"" from the river to Second itrnt. hrSrZ h.eet llnof h,h r,J Mr th "lone flr J - Among Ih modern akyacrapera of ff. n-,Tlonaforeat T th wUt lint of tr"' re,t th ""'" Honorabl. be -today It aeemi atrange to read in a re- ?;L0B. . ,,?r!TL:.. J ..... T..... .i Sylveater Pennoyer. once Oregon', gov- tu .upervleTon of a govern- rB0 A,""Ul'ar'her on lh W J. I? wU.h "X f h'r cn,ldr: '""l AmeHcan war. tment, which ha. no money CP,"'n. Jh" ,u,ch J" Tin "" ;"un mn of " met erected In 1902 ruction of auch a road, .o fnd "f Dr- J ,c- Hhorn are acen. h. ,,, h !n the flr.t pa.aenger elevator r.,t m, ornament etream, I. burl(1 In tnil cemetery. MTU. ....i n ,k. nrwin th. i... nn9 A. O. Chinnlnaham and hla wif aM Jamea H. McMillan, who waa greatly memory of the aoldlen of four war Union Avenue. When nearlng the hurtid In one of the larger .quare beloved for her kindneaa to all unror- tht M.XC,n tn oivll. the Indian wan northern approach, a plank gave way Mr. Cunningham cam to Portland aa ... 1 w i. .it ... ..w -,,.. Djivr.irr rmnoj-rr, um a wir.u.i Bvt- lunaien wnom ane couia aa.l.l. ilea ,i . .. k. ....i... h.r r.., .... m... nrlvala urr,t.r. 1. Ih. 1.1. n. Walla. Ml Af tha MnfllmtlA. th.. m -' ' " " A Hill. .rlh. nn tha . of V. i.v .1. t ... -Vll r . w.m.. ...u ... " T .' ' iwi.. i. .u " . ofc under tha lupervl.lon or a govern- ",'r Z. irV A . "T " Aitierlcen war. The monument was cipiuted into the muddy water be- aay in in. .any , nmlnt mot m-- ment.1 department, which ha. no money cP'."'n. Jh" ,u,ch J" Tin fOBaUBl: K?un?. m.n of " ?" ".ot.Kl In 103. nenth. itrlklng many croaa beam, and In old hl-torlo Lone Fir cemetery tba Parkin .Ir 7r T thaaa "I?11""', tot thi con.tructlon of auch a nnd. bo Jll Yrl ai !"" d " 1 ? f P"n" le:?or Here re.t many who have met tragic timber. In the fall. When her llf.le.. epitaph, an almo.t a. numeroo. a. the imkii . . i there muet be a apeclai appropriation. " V, " r,." V, ,., iL, . deatni. The grave or one young woman txHiy wan lined tenaeny mm th tomoaionea, eome maioaung aaaneea, irtmw w.tS it. ti?a r.m2nUm.ent ,0f "Then li A tide in the event, of man. r0? m?n- aKA "f w,.f! .re Dur' ?Mt. D? "ldV, , . "h0 met lth lol.nt death 1 marked water, her little hand, .till held tightly othan humor. In IMS well known glory, with It. three stories and man- ,... .t th. flood, leada on to his life by .hlpwwk during the great Lieutenant Colonel J. 8. Backenatos wilh . ,iw,nia t...ri.inn. with th. it. two email nail, which her mnth.r had character of tha town named Mitch. 1L I T . ' .. , ... a. j, s Alaskan rold excitement. Near th. of the Flr.t Mounted rifle., tha flrat . ... r. i i... v ... li. k i . ' rortune. ni.lll liw w mei a i. nem u. - ... . : . ' .era in. v. mn. wnw , tt.m vr jjm w ua. - , n mind strong enough, backed by an In- military rorce coming into Oregon, rests The frat wife and a daughter of th One of thi many pathetic sights In w" fro.en to death during th extra- Two Boys and Boar. tere.ted people, to unite tha divergent middle of November. Both aecretarle. cemetery. He arrived In Sep- it Oeorg H. Wllllami an buried "Old I-oni Fir" la a long row of graves ordlnsry .cold night of January It. His REVTOUS to 1861 southeastern Interests that predominate In thi fore- are favorable to the proposition, but It tember, i4. e. j. ana Howard North- her, George E. Cole, who was once of the Insane, who died In the old East ody w ronslgned to Us narrow cell sard roof. P 1RI i.i.nrii that nradomtnata In tha for, ara favneahla tn tha Inn hut It tember, 1149, Kansaa was tha home of going condition, and weave from them need. .om. on. at hand to pre.ent the """P. two of Portland", pioneer bu.lneas Portland's postmaster, with his entire Portland asylum before this Institution Ine Fir And his friends placed a Indians and a region little known one harmonious whole, which can be matter In a comprehensive manner, men, lie in tn lamiiy acre. ueneral family, lie In Lon Fir. Sam L. Simp- was removed to Salem. This strip of monument to his memory, on which Is to whites, except a bountiful sup- done if there 1. Immediate action. There which .liould be done without unneces- Eckerson was burled in Lone Fir more 0n, the poet. Is sleeping here among land was furnished by the county for engnved thi following couplet: civ of outlaws and a dea-rarlert la tm tlma to loae. Recommendations urv delay. Kollowlnr closely nnon recently. Bishop B. Wlster Morris, and the trees he loved eo 'well. Several thla rmrnoae. Near thla not ar. th. "Hen lies one who has taken steps specimen of humanity known as squaw- from the secretary of the Interior and such recommendation, it I. necessary memoer. or ni lamuy, are Dunea nere members of the well known Sellwood grave, of Johnson and Brown, two des man. In 1807 the government got poa- the aecretary of agriculture. In their for some one thoroughly familiar with In A neatly kept lot A .on, Rodney B. family are Interred here. M.ny will perate young men who tried to reslat sesalon of the land and the next year regular annual reports to congre.a. Is the situation to follow up the matter in Morris, lo.t his life In an Attempt to remember the' kind face and hearty officers of the law who detected them every foot of It waa taken up. an absolute necea.ity, if success is to congres,k watching every step, which save the live, of three men In this city greeting? of J. A. Strowbrldge, Sr. He In the act of robbery. In shooting at Many years before thi.. somebody be expected from the present congress, will probsbly require eeveral months of in 1871. He wa. a lad of 19 years. Hor- rests in a pretty spot near th east the officers they missed them snd - took to that region dome.tie hogs and If such recommendations are to be ae- vigilant service. It seems to be up to ace Lyman, Oregon s historian, rests driveway. ' killed A child who waa crossing the production last yesi waa nearly one permitted them to run at large. In cured. It must be before such report, the people of Oregon, particularly those here. Down through one of the prettleat street. They wer afterward hanged fifth of all th eoal mined In the world course of time they became as wild are finished, which will hi before th of the southern portion of the state. A blight young girl, Mary E. Miller, walks one comes to the resting place In this city. Every vestige of the Iron In that period. That won the applause of men: But grim death came and took a step Which he could not withstand." Pennsylvania's record breaking cost ' AS CARTOONISTS PORTRAY IDEAS SUGGESTED BY CURRENT EVENTS AND COMMENT ' ' ' ' ?UE JUmClABY BECAJ.1 " 1 . AfceVTTi-6. lT--lXVIQVWK i - HZW VQJSKPV JT ' ' '. ! "-aWA-aaBI(J V - ' .. aWV" llBAW : 1 ' "'';r'' ; ' . X ..- . . - , "