The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 61, Image 61

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KING. INLAND .V . - WL-AIW . ;. 'r '
(Conyrlght 111. . by WlilUm "L. Alt has bn irolnr atcAdlly alone carrying
' rfnrfar 1 out him idvaa fur lha iriHHl of the runn-
m)II8 la a atory of th natlraa of try. Flrat and forrmoat ha bean tlio
- I laaka (b Alaakan Indiana and Phcj or eaucaun ma nauvea. iia
I Ilia Kaklrooa and what Uncla Sam ork at ftrat waa carried on under al-
X 1 doing for them. Everybody haa moat unaurmotintable dlfflcultlna. But of the public achoola In tha atatea; ea- waa no other place gravitated under
heard of tha Alaak coal land, the natlvea being of a receptive nature peclally to the extent of aonklng the the beda. Tbla waa before Code 6am
the gold flelda at Yukon, the copper after fully underatandlng the mo- heads of the parents In kerosene, the Inaugurated his crusade,
mines, the need for railroads', and moh- tlve of the government, were not averse mtsxlonary work waa always tended Since the work waa atarted, however,
opolles endeavoring to grab the whole to being taught to live like the white In Alaska. More trouble was found n many of the villages the natives
territory, but little If anything haa been man. j with the women than with the men, as have been taught to clean and Improve
aid or written of the natlvea the or- Haircuts, insecticides, and sanitary they usually refused to allow their their bouses. Since they have come to
Iglnal Inhabitants of the vast country. training were first taken up. This waa heads to be touched. understand the reasons for sanitation.
Uncle Sam la fully alive to the situ- necoaaary because of the universal la- But this was merely the beginning of they try to keep clean, and there la
atlon, and while doing his best to ward norance regarding even the simplest the good work. When Uncle Sam got now some attempt made to Isolate the
off attempta to grab the territory, ho rules of hygiene among the natlvea. The down to tacks with the natives, he aent cases of Infectious disease. Some idea
- children were the first Jo appreciate a number of bright eyed teachers from of the work of the teachers may be
y 1 1 . . irwimtui, viikw n w uvue .m mi scciiuna or me siaies 10 Aiasica, 10 gained wnen u is aaia tnat os teacners
I H f I innrnt (na cnuaren it spread 10 me parents, carry out 'his desires.
and the Divorce,
i parents, carry out 'his desires. And the auall- rendered medical assistance last vear ... ... .. ....... .........
After a while there was a board on fleatlons he demanded of theaa exnon- I4.ik time.. Thera .re 77 irovrnment ",oruu" lr"m,".,n Vn" niecnanicai tension or me scnoo servjee in aissks prentice shows proper aptitude, he re-
cleanllness appointed among the 'schol- ents of the rule of three were that they achools in Alaska, with more thap S00 training bun been given inc.uae in. sys cmauz n : ana extension ceivcs six reindeer for his own uBe. At
ars in many of the schools, and when should be not only well grounded In scholars. the Eskimos In carpentry, bout building, ft " Indutrll training of the lia- the end of the aecond year he receives
the teacher had a,' dirty scholar the arithmetic grammar. . history and eo- rin of the fir.t thlnr. t.nrht in etc.. while cooking,- sewing, dressmak- tlves ao as to include all the Industries eisl t more, the third year 19 more. anl
(Continued from he First Page pf This case was submitted to the board.- graphy. but that they should also know the achools was vegetable raising. To ing. and basketry, are taught the na- 10 var,ou "r tnat tne rourth year 10 more making a total
Section.) Often the choUrs would bring their something of flrst-ald-to-the-lnjured raise, vegetables In latitude 65 degrees tlve girls in many of the schools.. In countrr- ot " der- y,'d'nr! ?J" 1''
se.. . such as accompany or create S&-T StZ rin.Wl!i uffi JSLi Sitka and other place. In southeast Meeting Social Demands: SVST, .
abnormal sexual .conditions, be M TlyLVZn 'the'currlcufum SSoSSfw." "1 lnl"Ctoll There U much social work done by " gJl The on.y.xch.nKo
around, for divorce. Six per cent did . . . M i x. ... - " ', """'" "'r' been replaced by neat frame buildings T. . Uncle Sam asks for all this is that the
siuuiiu. uiYu.i-c. . a rule in that far country are few and the native school children have been .voin.lviv hv nativ mrnvntitrn uncle Bam in Alaska. The com mis- hordop mmi in tnrr. ,i,, ,. ,,
no ."n.wrrThTeo"uestionW" ' th'Wmdlvi55 t W At."a and' .ifflK SS, commenting on th.s part of .tNn'oZWSSS '
not answer the question. women. And there were 68.104 divorce teacners are the only persons In many tables. And from all reports received, ..,..( h. hPn iven in buiidlnir the work said: "There is DerhaDs no factor In th xtonmnn f th cntnoriM
The latest census analysis, of Arneri-, l.:Kt "J -matte" " , b'? tUo& bj" while feature of the eduittoni? ayem for knuearanr.klVs'forSTn"
.can.iHvore eontoM .declares that p.,,eB reapnIbliln . per wnt of tbern., W nowldge; ,f medicine.,.,.;,.. .... ,,. .ueceMful with eold eltmat. In many nm th nat,VCs have met with equal the native. tf Alaska that has been so are In great demand In the towns W
parently the divorce rate, like the ve- j.Mtrm.,.m ... mM pmj.M....(i!.!.'. of the schools the teachers made hot- -ueceM Jn the construction of these encouraged and so full of possibilities mining camps of northern Alaska. Tlio
locity of a falling body, is constantly in- ugUOn tor women. - - vruae Manner OX laying'. . - 3-. window sashes from the school build- font. At Unalakleet may be seen the as the social work. Bringing us as it total Income of the Eskimos from tho
creasing. Within the period embraced There Is some small mitigation to be Some of the houses consist of only one ,nS8 anJ with these frames they were unque spectacle of eight small schoon- does Into close relation with young an.l reindeer Industry during the yjar 19D3-
between 1887 and 1906 there were 948,- made in the :, reproach attaching to room. In this room from six to 18 peo- abl to atrt vegetables that would ma- er built, manned and managed entire- old, parents and children, li gives us- 10, including salaries earned by service
625 marriages that were dissolved by women for the comparatively large num. pie cook, eat, 'and sleep, usually with , ture out of doors during the short sum- ly 'oy Eskimos.. In many Instances an Insight Into their home life and In connection with the herds and tho
divorce, 72,062 of them In-1906, against ber of separations in whichthey are several consumptive cases among them. mer months. . Alaskan natives have shown themselves enables us to establish a friendship and proceeds from the sale of meat and
27,819 in 1887. Two thirds of them were proved unfaithful to their marriage The windows were kept sealed all the . . . V competent to run launches and to op- Intimacy with the natives that no kins, was $24.656.0.
a-rnntari to .wive.. Although tha law VOWS. The Qualified exculDatlon doesn't tlm anil th mtnv hnt. Th tnnrm w. Trainine for Work. " niiiiu in utvmin. mlnu amount of routine School work could .' ' ''
may make no distinction between the apply to the women actually convicted, fathy, and everything for which there In addition the natives are given a and canneries. The plans for the ex- ever accomplish." Strange People of King Island
parties to a marriage in respect to the but it does leave the sex in a. little
grounds on t which divorce ' may bo better light. When, the offense Is corn
granted, i the government statisticians mitted by the wife, It is much more
point out tne zact tnat there are certain JiKoiy to d aiscoverea, ana iar leau
" well known, ' comparatively common . likely to be forgiven. ;
griuinds, that apply to the husband It Is these official returns that Mr.
rather than the wife. ., . 1 lach believed to be superficial and
For one thing, there is the ground dangerously misleading. He finds that
- Of nonsupport, which, any husband the physicians who have replied to nis s . .. ., nr. n,,V;,l c....
would find mighty Blippery before Judge, searching , questions refer, as he sua- -. "WONDER who really made'uD that
Jury or master in divorce, ; although pected they, would, the vast majority offfT. orisinaI 86xtet we' hear so much
there turned up half a doeen cases In the million and more divorces, to which aboutf. ...
Utah where the husbands got divorces the number has risen by this time, to J v..Tne orig1naI. sextet was com-
for the wives' neglect to provide. Then origins that have been carefully kept poBod of Heien of Troy Sappho
egalrt. crultyjsirelatlvly rare as a concealed. He has supplemented the c, tra Madame du Barry. 'i.ucretla
charge? made by the husband; for one estimate made by his medical corrc- jjor(fia. and ' Delilah They were all
. divorce -obtained by e; : man on. that spondents with an analysis that em- trouble makers "
score five are granted to. women, - phaslies the horror of ; the conditions , ' .
Out of the total number of these di- under which he believes the innocent
TOrces, there were 900,584 In which the party to , an unhappy v marriage must
actual duration of the marriage was as-, exist. . r '
iMptdna Th.M fl.d K7t 71 9 . f hat MTn fl A.Mlf vlncr Ihpi. .nn11tinnfl.M ia
:' in' vonra. anA 3S Kft that Imlnl mmirkl. - "vi find, in th first nlncft. " time to weigh his words, doesn't he?
.six years. - ' . . . some persons wno ougm never w nave ' .' . a
When It comes to the causes that married at all, it being Impossible for ? them to weigh anything, you know.
i served as in a leicai .ruunus iar an mens uiuu tur i iu oubhuiuij uihict .,
nurtlnm. th flffurpa nuotwl hv Mr. for inr one. : Then, there is a moch Either Half.
' Leach are wholly at variance with' those : larger class of men and women who From the Philadelphia Inquirer. . -secured
by the comprehensive census, never ought to have married the persons - John S. Sargent,; the eminent painter,'
Out . of. a total of 945,626.. divorces - they did. To use a common expression, was being discuss-d In a Philadelphia
' granted, unfaithfulness was responsible they are now mismated, but might. If . studio.
In 153,769 cases, 40.9 per cent being the married to other spouses, experience all "Sargent," said a magaslne illustrator.
fault of the men, 59.1 per bent the fault the superlatives or
Weighing;. His Words.
Prom the Yohkers Statesman. .
Patience He' takes an - awful long
i JL . jl . I
hW v If lb(.rOfl THE 1
01 m UrlOSSAKE
at Kake, Alaska, have shown ehcourair. T,rnh6 s"mmeP ,of . I)r-' Hllam
Ing results. Here It seems both the men Hamilton of the Lilted States bureau
and women are very Industrious. The''.0' education made an extended trip of
work of the women along the line of inspection through Alaska, and he cnll.M
the native arts and crafts is especially the writers attention to the unique and
good. When it Is compared . with that peculiar huts of the, natives of King
-.1?y i?" teL"?"I! W2Tn. A "ta-n1 snd, south of Bering straits. -
r-. i- J ri. cleanliness. The skins they tan and
casins and other curios, and those they
her husband without letting him know it.
This island is mass of basalt about
a mfle in length, rising more than 890
feel straight up from tho sea. It it ona
That's the Way to Lie!
From Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Yes; I'm saving for a house.'
fn. hoin- tVnn o' the most remarkable places in Alan
mink, otter, etc., show they realize th- ka- The rock8 Tls, , PrpendIoularlv
market value is increusod according to 'f?1 the ocean- x-ept upon the Kouth
th n.iiv nf tha wnrir thnv rin w, nm where a ravine rising from thj
i can i save any money, wow-ou you the sale of curios, including mocca- " ,
manage It7" . . . 8ins, and baskets, these natives realized fears the cliff Boeide thin ravine clus-
"By getting my wife to go without n,0re than $2000 last year. ter about 40. huts, apparently hanging
things. She thinks we're saving for .... on the side of the cliff, but really rear-
an automobile." The Reindeer Service-' t ing on a ledge which has been partly
. i ne Rexnaccr oervicc , t excavated in the side f the; bill an I
North Dakota Weather ln add,tlon to the work of educating partly iuilt up with stone walls. Aero
- rhii ' the natlve- a novel and promising in- the top of. these will 11c poles of Uriiv
a" lit iZ.h. J., iti,,.H. dustry has been introduced Into Alaska wood. or. which hid.'s and grasn ar
flrit trln?hrouNoSrth Uncle Sam-Jthe reindeer service, placed to form a roof. ".These huts' sr.
VLLSmintA-TMa industry was. started, in 1893 witT, ..the winter dwellings t-f the natives,
ihi to Jft hT I. l4r hv gI??2" tne "P-tatlon of 173 reindeer from In rcaking their summer Iwnw 1 1.,
lTJ ? ?.k?d th ro.i rt Slber,a- The ovrt"nent continued to Islanders use the roof of the tird. r
S!h lX mur !t:''lmn reindeer until 1962, when a total ground house as a floor, ui over It
cuntVr' "1 aon't know'- replilS the t' ad tK breught from Siberia, .bullet a rectangular tent .efrwslru. hl-1,
clerk -I have been W ere 5!ntv 1 1 1 rom email beginning the enter- stretched over wooden frame. - Th, -oicrs.
i nave neen uere -only 11 h trr.iwn unt l it now fnf.ii.rt.,u ,, v, ,..L-a i
u w iiw ". ftrirai.unnuii.uw; iriu,w - vw.k.ui.1 ,.vuv.oViovo w ii piuu. rjj., I VtJtC3. II I 42 nerS. opera tea rrom 31 :. stations, hides to nrovent them boln a- Llou n imt
of the -.women.. . -Cruelty, eaused, S66.22S ; Lastly., there. la a sail larger class which Well, one dsy when he-was la American I f .'v-ViVSO U I .. " '"L. ' . with a total of 27425 reindeer, repre- to sea, - On the opposite Hit 4f t
divorces, 83.9 per cent blamed on the Includes those whose marriages were a deputation waited on him and "asked JRIL' , ' ISi'l - - I Foolish Question. ' - V ' tenting a capital of more than 880.00. ravlna la a cave into the m'-ut) of
husband., 16.1 per cent on the wife. De- satisfactory in the beginning and seemed him to paint a certain colonel of voldn- - l w ' 3 J From the Ocean Gazette .. Th. Mm of th rovernmont n th. ..u, k- .t.. ,-,
eriiuu jjnutu aoi.uua pans, i.b per m viviurj mv iu.igo.iu. njjjjsjyum.ui. iwci..,. - ... ; . 1 . a geniieman wun aeciaea tendencies establishment or tms industry is to dls- of the cave is a Imnk of i.e.- fitu.ti -
cent of the deserters being the men, but, because of Ignorance, discretion "Tor thlsxwork,' said the spokesman. ' Skeptical. . towards looking after everybody's bust- tribute lie reindeer among the villages On the side of the mojnti. n H a .-' .-.'
42.6 per cent the women. Drunkenness or actual abuses, have been turned into we are willing to pay you. Mr. Sargent, ' "I done heard if read in de paper." ness but his own. saw s furniture -re- as rapidly as the natives can be trained, from 80 to 100 -feot in rt-.-j :h, l . t
was the cause In 36.516 cases, with the verlUble .hells. J250.' r said fncle Kasberry, "dat some oV moval van being loaded near his house, by means of a system of apprenticeship, down tothe snow In tlv uv-. i ,
men drunkards 0. per cent, and the ' "The conditions included In these " 'But the painter began. deshere flyin machine gemmen says s "I say, carter." he salt bumptiously, to care for and use the reindeer. The' cavern Is ued the vlih.-. m-.n-
women only 9.4 per cent. Neglect to three classifications are not recognised ;The spokesman, however, Inter man kin do anything s bird kin." "are the peoeple unftairs removtagr enterprise "is practically upon a self- Wulrus and seal m at sr. , . i i j
provide gured distinctly In 34.670 di- by the church, the law or the general r-pted hastily: ': -Thata what they ssy.--? The carter looked at him scornfully, supporting basts. . the -shaft -and Mor.d In t
vorces. the men, of course, being at fault i public, although physicians and those . "Of course, sir. at that price, ; w "Well, when any of m sees a liaman and. wiping the perspiration from his , At each : station throughout Alaska natlvrs ttain aon m t H l- . r
In all rTtOfTt th fpw T,ih rm mtm rVlm rxts rh1 n tr snitil'l m.n V a bwmiM nnlir want lialf l.nirth ' . mt tmm ..Wn h.MI.' . .. Hnlll.. t.lrt -.. .1 . . ..... . . ... . . . ... i .. . i .
... ... - r - - - - - - - - , . - .-. ...... .. .. ...... - - y " - . - . - - . . . .j . . - q . . v i 1. 1 ii wiau . lit.iii J ui u . , icytiTU. , uilil3nii w -i v niiiu.nmuo j uuiif IIUJV TB I J ' 1 1 1 ' liR i.' i ' j . i .
binations of these causes were alleged ' believe that they are the inspiration of '"Oh. very well.'- said Sargent 'And branch "wif his feet, I sbo' wishes dey'd "No, sir. we're Just takln' the fuml- are selected" for a term of, four rears. , t anj cn a ii I .1 . -.a. ! , ,
is 11,149 cases, 82.9 per cent of tne men a majority Of ell. domes tlo dimcuitlea." which half would you preferr" call me to have a look." ture out for s drive." At the end of the first year, if tlie a- ti e tn o u.A.nn r.