The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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T .M ft ' fiMl eM Ml M IM WIW M-M
ii.-l i(M 4 M l.l a I
44 I- ! niito-4 wf MliMl
ttm a a-4 i mmm. f
MHM baaa AlyM 4 biaf.
IM Ml l. M MW m .Mm a I rut,
a- a. t4.a 1 fa biM! .a 4 1
IU MM M f f Mbl IM4m
aiMrM TM 4M M) till Im W.
44) MMM ta 4l la OEM.
. Ml 4- 1 a om Kl 441-
fr4M M) M II aWkt tnmm t,l
fM 44.4 ui o4i f IMI M4. Mry
1 11 iiM a.i m
rams mi
10 bid 10 coos
t ..W M ' MJIM4 4 M IM H'UlHil 4
r,l... M 4 "! -4 444. I 1U M WMI i.4
l..4 14-I. WM., M Mue iMJ -MI H.l 4
- .. I 14 Mft .4 4 Ml M IM
M44.M tf 'a m-0 4M44M, 44 1 14
4 M( M M-M M l' I yJani
ttS M .14. M M. .S-.44
WMU ml Kt4 U M ft .
al I I M UJft4 4IUIH 4.4 M
a.- IMM ft WM4 M. ML,, ,., ,.. M
IWIU4I4 M 4 ft. i i,i m . 4 IM
o 4. m imi a 1. 1 a. a.4
MM l Ml IV ft
ftcM cf Way n S-i- Om!j
h Vicinity cf Zustr krt
w. 11 I g4Ue MK 414iii f4
kkiMik i- m-
. IM g,iM.'lM fe
Mrfb Ma UM tMI J-
iu ami m 14 r
Hal..! M.4 44
J u mm. rr M"l
-i fw IM V I M,e.e.
4Jr ' M
iv 4.4 i .
M tM m4 m4
MI ft 4ft. t IU MI M M
b IM MMrwlM fvwe Uw4 II
M AU I.!! r4 I M'4C 4 can 4M Mli
IM aM- 4 wr,
r ia m m im mxmit
r 4 mil! WM
la m.M U kMli. 1tl4
I f 14 '
.4 j.. n K a -
1. 4 M
k fcf ! 4
MttHiH fa a w4
it t. t-4 Mfc4 ti I
mA . ni ! j rt
litjK l M , l It
it unll . I Im mv ') I
4 ' ftMl J4 iMlwu-iH f M i I l 44
11 HMUJ f-l . - I ""
WJ !- I l wll4
4 J
I . IM
k m4 IM
M V .J t-ifct4aa.
k.hl M I I
I II wmtl4
! .
Mil 1 ri. ll4
IMI v ,UJ M ; I Ml. !
UW- !. ! Ik ItJW
IM loll, IMI U4 Ml4 IMI H
k f k-tj lltM, IMI M f"ll
M4 4 IM (IIU f M Tt4
! IMI M M Ml4
H M lf4 r UM ! IMI
I m nri4 fui 4 ir wmi
M f4 4 Mr 4 tlr
Hi ftl4 lMIMr f AUMV4U4
Ctrl! W44Ui.
IkNMI M) IMM f.Ml f iM
nvwitiiTC cruPtici- 4 ir. a. im.
W I linmi I ft. WWIILUll. I . .ii. a . ...
Kmu4 ttmm ! .
m II rn 14. l4 .1 u mi
ftllal lat hlljr
fM ' MI Mr Wt4i.W M la irmr
I IM k U ! KM a. !, u4 )MM I rttr
mm "v' M4M. i mi M mum 4W rMi
! IM MM. tH 4 Ul l M HIMI
f.f IM ! MI m f IM HUMM) Tal M. K L
- Tb irw- MM IUiii la u IV IL . M ,! mm i
iftlrfwi la iia . mi a 4
fiM la a4 Imm a if a4
! tfawfMrra. f -krJ IIM
rw ai t a4 IM ktr4 la
M1 MM Tw M M
MM TMif a'l ftia i4 M
im miii ai ait. TM4 m T IM
v IMI i:i M ! M TM
trwr MI4 M fwJIW I IM
kkM M aiaM (r IM MIMk A
it m - im me imi M
4 I My !. TM IM IwaMri M
r iimtuI ara mhhiI I i4 r "
TM Iktf I ouValM la IM
a ) 7
TM vr4 rlMl" MMaai la
Vfwall atoww aaf la prlM af a
IMI aiM M Mm MreiUif Ma
iaalcai nw f Ulk.
-Cm ,.,- M a 14. WIl. I Joal
mm. 14 ata 111 pa UlUa lacv
f my aaf1 c tog im im a(
TM mitt mrf Mr4 la too4
: aiiaau lata, IM aatoiatw f ablck
a IMI Mkr la 4lr aa4 f aa
CIomt. McMmI!. la aa Iraa f
r, aa4rtook I ra IM aacta biMlf I cm. Ma M4
ir a coup i aaura. At taara la
uMratan40 fttwa IM aalaaf
a ra vrorkara (hal Mllbar will la
frla a lh atMnr wk. Bui Mr
iu a erturaj alluaUoo. Om aaadr4
lad ataly an ar watuag far lh an
gina l M ma bfta I hoy ou Id gal I
a-ark. McMuliil h4 tr4 ry ay
la tt aa aaclaar. la vaJa. la Ma
iramltf aa fll that th taa of U aIU
renfroaUev blra ih la work IM aagla
hlnaalt aclll aa atiflDaar could ba a,
eurad. 11a aa pl4 npoo aad rport4
to th union. Ih salon appolniad a
Jury la try lh c.. 'TMjr dlda't
amln M la tholr alata of mind." aald
McMaalral with a trta aad a way of
til hand la th dlrtla ( th ooart
room, whora th McNaroara trial
la proaraa. "It vu a prajudtood Jury.
Thy flaad ma I II. , I wm mad and aaJd
I would not pay It aa tbty hadn't ya
irlvta ma a cUici to UU my aid of
tb caaa." .
"Amarloa'a eld eontroyry with Eng
land again." intarpoMd hi ylallor. "Taj
tlon without rprentatloar
TCxacClr.- eoatlnuad McMaalgaL "And
o that fin atarcd oa lh book unpaid.
thy kicking all th tiro and I refua.
Mai I ikla !!. M mm! M.4at
lay Ml lmuaii. aad aaJM I 4 ain
a aa kla tltraw l-fw I m
M aM'4 Mitf i an aia. TMa aM
l I Ml ttmm J Mj llalia
M4 p a all - frta IMiall a4 IMI
a14 Hl im rM af IM -
It a ML I lold kar If MarruM M4
my Mil (m Ml 14 him laM a MM
al air Va aad a4 m IM ubm aa
It. aad iMa I d Mtxva ktm. nh Min
la k4a and I found U HU af-
iorwar4a imi IM linn avM Md IM
ultra alt im Ilia.
ataJtaalgar tif Mmt.
TU Man. Ik I tarry OrcMrd of ihU
Mr4 Ufa, U'hatavar
oa facing afceail aim aad kl a
Itoaa, lh atadoat of aoc4otr wM know
IM worktng of Ik laasorahlo law f
artroniMot. wtll Uk (horn tat om
MlmilMi la formtag kl jadgmanL TM
lory of hi Ufa Includa th trady
of Mrtr poTrtr. th Iom pt hi moiMr
wbu h wa un a Mby -only 4
tapmothar wM Md ao affactioa for
htra aad aa Mrly ramoval to hla grand
paroala. AI I, baying com only lo lha
fifth trail a. ha wm lahaa from orhool
aad Jolnod that aad army th Uny loll
ra of th world. 11 cllmhad lh long
laddr of toil ea lha runt of tba boot
black' and hotal porivr work. Than
M a packing bouM aad aalt work am
Ploy. L.r ha workad oa bl fatbar
farm and la lh atoao cuarry and lea
boatnaoa, Tba Hpanlah war rlatmad htm
aad b Jolaad Compaay E, Bocond Ohio
roJualaara, and wat Into camp at Ma
con, oa. Tb war yar. b raa a tn
eniabar nr utlwaokM.
To cootlnu la bla own word: Tha
tM rormaa of Kolka foundry In Mil
wauka. who llrad a bora my unci', got
ma a Job. I hld tola Job a rur aad
wblU at that I mat my wlf. fib cam
taw aalnlt m ay Hn.l Tt'a ... i . 4
frZWtJZZZ'l"- Chloao aubU7b7M.yTm"
uut that waa artar 1 bad a Job with th
Lat rob Btaal company. 1 I wm only
thar a yaar and then I want to th
etory Bro' quarry again at Mllwaukvo.
It wa whll I waa runnln' a bolatlng
angina for th Rldar A Conloy Co. of
iittatmrg that I Jolnd my first labor
HfilAM WhaM ff ...... . I ' ...
Xanon 'tharhVV0- Ttoi ' " & KlaS
r..'nS IS!' 'LIV" Th hr "' I took out my
to get ma for thoa xplolon Jeba, h
Mid: Xio on and pay- It Mao. Oat
aquarod up with th anion and I'll get
It hack for you.' 'How 'a that for com.
pulsion r
- Thar r two point upon which
Manlgal geta arouaad out of his normal
calm, on involving a social relation.
r IM M4 !
4 1mwI ll-aM
M twtiM I aa m i
t4 itmi tUtwMiuial o a4
iaul MIUftkMl, J V4I
v.y M- auMJ
tl M Mf ItMlMl. IMUUN "
M.4 MMMM IM Il4fcla M
a IMf immim imi liar M
Mlf MMMM4 MM f M4 f
-a aaa4 U la' k Mtuf
J - - ... t-1 iaxL" Mid t"M'
aMM a4 IM Makllla4 llMlaal'! M M4. n MM MMiMralH.
.I . . I fMSMd aa ! IMI la 4fwaval
lat tm My faa ' i4
MalMl aiaalaaii aMMf aM
IM l4 MtUM.
I wt t laia I Mg a
MlMMlMUtl . M
IM iaf- . rw
M IttM Milg4 asaia. 4 Par.
r. m mm um a . m
. w. fc imaa la l t-M Mh lal
IM !, H m4 ha old
a Mia. afr4 wll IhiM a4 a
4MM aa. Mt iMa aM IM mM
Mu f4 MI a hM M4 k44 a MwK. TMa M aM .rw-
laalMU aUt wi4 M
.1141 4 all IM Ua ial
M II 4 4a m w
4vta. 4 IM
-Mai I Mal Mag a na M) dr
twatlMlul lai," UurtM Ml
oa a .rwaMaag -
uti IM 4 al Una M faitow
Kaia-kl af C4ucnMa imi pricking w
hi paia.
arrw U1 mrlll.
-VI' 4k. IMI IM ewau pm p
Jarva Wlaiar a4 pio aw,
Mi4 larrow. ami bruiiiag.
-I am iolag M pM m IMI aaallar
... - uid JuJa Htff4wlL 'I Mil
aamlaad IM racord ay rarafully alac
IMlr4ay. I want aM jar. " iw
aoana turtMr utoilta."
Hlnur m m4 ly lha Judg about
KtAM ha aa aald lo Ma luada
aaalnal IM aalona two rr MO, aiMl.
lacMtaatally, a Hut about IM bulcMr
trtM f or m.o yaar ago. wmo
si U4 a tot of eirlMabrMf aad wm
plia4 with ag(a and rafua.
TMt la lha only maltar 1 waalad to
d4vx up." Md lha Judga. "TM eMl
ta for lh detanM M to Mr, VTlnlaf
im dUaJlowad."
Petitions With 214 S!cn-turt$
Kii Election Which W.3
Be Set Moray. .
m gvltiy af mwrdar; IUI II M
fisa4 oplaMa IMI II 4 lr
'l 4m1 of wUmm I aka kii
4Mb! h ill, imi kl ai4 M fully
4 lip MimI a Mnaila aWnbl
Ikal IM 4aaa4al WM g4Jlf -d bl
IMtf WM1
"VMM TM gla IM 4WfMUat
fair irtaif Vm y Ihlak m mMI
"A. 7l ta IM ( af aal4 I Mr
"la pli af thl Jadg B4wIt
bald M wa a fair aad Impartial rr
I try I hia mi
Aad M l th M4lal la Juat
btfgiaalag la bubbt Md aaxM a4 M
firM la bar la IM baarla f awav.
f IM liMiMtl M aSMv
ladUMpotla. IMU Oru It Tb
Cnlld UIM lodr. through IX at riot
AtiorMy Millar, ftlod ta IM co-uaiy
rurt a potliloa for tM romoval of all
lh ovldaao. impI 4aagui aplo
Ivaa, la lh MrNamara drnamlltag
raa. now uadr trial from th crimi
nal court I lh t'aliad gialaa tuibjorl
II. for im la lha Javaatlg-atlon I M
mada by lh fadarai gra4 Jury Into
4M aM M mm aW M IM
44.411. 4 mt IM IwaSMM giMd bwy a
fasu yaiiaag.
J4a htaJMr. t raw! tftxwt Ml
tl fMy at . im U
' 4-4lg ft IM M4HMB Ml Mi4 a
HM M rimnin IM bMM M
-I 41IMM 14 U44t
aM4iM7 I IM 44.4.x m M
.MM Ml M4l4tay MM mm M
f 4444 , 4 J Mai Mil M
K.4 a M 4-1 - u,i4i. k
ta M IM mMm l im M4m IM avaa lr a ywain. m gaw.
im twin t4 imb mt uum n.'nM br im My ariM im. i t
ay m i a4a - 4l inu I M .! mm, 4 fi4 ihMmi
f4M M Mm iiwmiiI 1 Lt 4 i4i iiag a4 IM iy aas
ai(gty M4ig M aw im 4Aa J I Ma Mr MiM M ar ao4. M
NXm4M. a4M hV M h MM 4. miw MtiUa M ( M iM
hUhlMiaaJ g HI Mt toUlM ii-4J tr4 IM .ll 1Vm II I
M fltaiftftl till mt IM til4 litlM U4 I IM M4HM ll Ml !
Min.i:r liuiM.uu MiMM ltt4
fMa im wn mt Mmm Iuim
via?. rMMiitMw. t aiifwu a4liiiii rtnrfr nmnrn
Hi mm a a.w i.i4 I II A LL. dlflLCI UMnUtn
iii 1 biHtuit MMi im iu femcp Munrr arriiQM
mi iMr m .iim i4. ft)ft.iii4.) uirt. Arrnui
Ua by M4Mi'tag M inaioort Um . . . J- . . .
aii .. 11 - . I Hi n tiwmiKil Mm 1 I
' I . . 1 . .-
k-n a 44. 4. I "W 4. I m '11
iaa TM t
iMMti, iM, CMC 1 ll -
M4HU4g 1 1 ly M4Tl Mil
.! liMM MftM 4. MM IM "
la m ru.1. a rl ta b wMr ti
lft4a fl'M lllllM ft 1 .4 . j
!. 4ILI . ,UU4 Mr." Ma mmM M akainaMMUal if.
r! fff V'. ilV.Tr raM ailbMi IM ail a4 IM mmmm
Ma Uta aid .iiL. VTL Mf .-m l.t Jmim- 4Ma
M mti.?.;!!? 4k.' MMff SaiM4 a U MiaiaM.
iPrU af 5m T r,'. Tm M.p m. iraat mIm, Wall
rru If im iaMrMiM!TrJl!i.!-
" 4"rnfj irM wrar -1-4.-,. . a
! Ihl lty, TM im.4 MM 4 j" A 1,111? 2?VZ?l SJZZi
Pnm a4 4iau fval ta IM 1,11!.. a i-.!!
na ml J 1 j. -. aiuvJr yMlta. wall b wm
M wm a Ami adfa' I Mfitnf Tm. ' k 4xaoia kl ml tai
LIZ A !t T: f?T f J. uimimmM aad aWMUd I aoagi hi
ira ad'tc 14 laMt ta gill 44
IM 4lfwlla f ih erlasia! mm. I P"T"
I. la IBU..1..I . - . 1 I MMI
lrt4i4ii. I. .4 I nicfT aMniM wwro IM
r ItMllf M Mtkfel im UW... i i --a '
McMMlaal at .& .., . I MrtM M MT Bvllltoa W ail
f ct1m aaalaat Ih aiala.
M dlatnci ..Mr4f 44 Ml M Ma COAST.TO.COiST. FLYER
rroMny fowad In McN.-ara. mo. HnnT TMRHttftM CPATP
w aa iai a a mt Bipipuiip fg IbTI b I y W f
Jiist Received
A dU)4 t:ij.ntnf .f (me
Scotch Suitings
In pw tfowni flt f;r) . ymtr
chekt cf them while thty Ui
Doucht ta f M it $13.
Drop In md look them over.
Nothing newer or more Joiritle.
Wood brovmi, moju fray, etc.
No troubU to show pooJi.
brM raralvora. a ahaigma, carlrUg.
MUary coll.. aictura fflma, pbola-
grapha, 11 1 ar ad mamoraadam
f Br B UMMMMaal bM frrMa.
lorra UUa.- Tm. t4. 14. B4-
gora, lh aa la aa avtaior. rw to
day from Madara I l" Blaaoa.
a 4laae f III mUaa. la 111 mlaatM
ChartM W. ralrMnka. frmr rleo-1 actual flying lima.
prMidant of lh l-Jtd gtat. la aa. I nodawr tah Ik air al 11:41 a. mv.
oad fr th Rpubttca pAmlMtloa I aad. firlag at aa aluiad af 114 fact.
for govoraor af Indiana. I mad lb tit amlla AiplM la tl j
MtlTatto gwrMla4
111 4r
! pwarMl la an Mil
him i a4r ta a 4ay if rr4.
m 4 la 4 ami a ycijt.
William Jcrremav'ftSon.
10 THIRD 8T.
A Quarter of a Century tn
labor and th other., that hla wlf ha
lert htm bcaua of hla allegad connM
tlon with thca dynamiting affair and
th prosecution.
Wlf Xnrw Ml. bUssloa.
"l ain't a stool pigeon." he aald In
regard to the former. "Even though I
did what I did to ear myself, I know
that I'm doln' honest unionism mora
good than theM other fellows," indicat
ing by voice, manner and motion th
McNamara brothers. Tv been a
union man since January, 1108. when I
took out my first card aa a structural
' Iron worker, goln' on nine years, and I'd
tand by union labor to the. last ditch.
As to my wife, she knew every move
I made. What do you suppose she
thought I was runnln' all over th coun
try for? She's bought up by the de
fense and the divorce suit Is part of
Ihelr work. The first time she ever
Third and Alder.
(Bre&tittg (mtavbs
your private Christmas
and New Year Cards and
Booklets want to be dis
tinctive this year,
send yotif friends and
relatives something dif
ferent something new
and pretty with your
name engraved or print-
; ed thereon.
the styles for 1911 are
more artistic than ever,
and the verses have been
T written by the best writ
ers. The prices are with
in the limit of any purse.
we are now taking spe-v
cial orders from" Sample
Books in our Stationery
department tor tuture
delivery. Place your or
der promptly so as to
et them in ample time,
top in and see the Sam
ple Books next time you
pass the store. .
first tard a a structural iron workar.
local 111. of th hoisting engineers. I'm
aa proud of that card today as I was
then." .
Th Burn detective men who had re.
malned In th room throughout th In
terview, made It plain that I had stayed
long enough. I rose to go and Mc-
Manigai row also. I stood for a mo
ment gaslng fixedly at him, longing
for that marvelous power of a Russian
TolMoy that seems to be able. to get
lnsld 'f . man' mind and read th
thoughts that lie so deeply hidden. AIm,
f could not do It.
Something of my thought seemed to
strike, wave like, upon McManlgal'a
brain. He flushed slightly, and then,
smiling, ha said aa I walked toward the
door, "I'm lookln' well, ain't I? I've
gained li pounds since I cam in April.
1 weign mo now."
"Confession seems to be good for the
body as well m the soul then," I re
sponded. ;
"Yes, Indeed. I use a rubber exerciser
every day and keep in good health so
that when I get out of here I can work
for those ImvUmX adding emphatically,
"They're mighty fine kids."
Strange sentiments, you say, for a
confessed dynamiter. Of course! Ha
is a man. and to quote Emerson, "Man
la the puzzle of th universe."
(Continued from Pag One.)
-1 .rftiit 10 call our attention to two
lnaiaac. your honor,' m!4 larrow.
naln. rfor4 la Mod.
"1 do not car to Mv you do ao,'
ili4d Judaa Bordwali. "1 re4 th
im-bm Mr thoroughly."
-1 ml ok 1 might M beard." pleaded
Ikmrraw. "1 mlcht poaalbly coavlnc
your honor. I think I will. 1 ak to M
beard 00 thl queaUoa Of th challenge
to Mr. Winter."
"W think ih maltar baa Man gon
lata orally thoroughly on Mih aidea, I
out honor." chipped ta th district
"1 will not argu 11 at all Mgged
narraw. Klv mlnuU I all I need.
I Mk to M permitted to ask Mr. Winter
another quMtlon or two.
Itat rata la JU.
-Thara hu sot 10 b an end om-
whr to theM anamination," snorted
ih diatrict attorney.
-That la th very point w ria
acalnst Cantata Frederick in juror
L's case,'' cam in Joe Bcott, with hla
sleeves all rolled up. "And tb captain
uld tha examination can M renewed
11 ur time."
After the oourt ha ruled T aakod
Fredericks, truculently.
n that question. . yes," . retorted
Bcott. in his best voice.
"The court ruled on yotir question
ami vou wanted another crack at it.
"The application la denied." murmured
th Judge.
"Exception' said Darrow, In any-thin-
but a murmur. "
Th court is also of th opinion that
Mr. Frampton is not disqualified to sit
as a Juror In this case," went on Judge
BordwelL "Th law does not oontem-
Dlate that a Juror should ba disquali
fied aimDlv because he has an opinion
eoncernlnar tha merits of th casa If
that onlnlon is based solely upon state
ments made In public Journals, publlo I
rumor and notoriety.
riaads for Hearing.
"I would like to bft heard, your honor,"
pleaded Darrow "heard In the way of I
argument as to me competency 01 xar.
Framoton under the law."
"The. matter may be considered as
closed." said the court solemnly.
"I except to the ruling of th court
rt uaina- counsel to be heard on th
nomDetency of Mr. Frampton," was
Harrow's Dartlnc thrust.
"i.ow. there Is one vacant chair," said
th court, changing- the subject "You
mav fin it. Mr. Clerk."
After that Darrow was annoyed b tha nrosecution was willing to
Dass Winter and Frampton without ex
amination. So th district attorney
iced aoma formal Questions and In
stantly he found that Winter would
require very positive .evidenc before
ho would pass on a man's life. But
this did not disturb Fredericks and he
merely asked Frampton a few perrunc-
tory questions.
savls Is Shut Off.
Th L Compt Davis wanted to ask
Frampton some more questions, but
the Judge shut him off and he noted
tha usual exception in in goo a 01a
fashioned way.
But finally by persistence "Da via got
a whach at Winter, who told him he
would- not convict a man on clrcum-q
etantial evidence whore the punish
ment was death. Frampton also re-'
plied In the same way and the defense
then challenged both Jurors who war
very entirely satisfactory to the proaecu-
an incursion into
ThougMts of
Thoughts for You
Daven-o Distinctions
1 Tb mlj Cornbinavtion Bed that IS a bed.
t Th only bed spring that U adjusUble.
5 Yoa bleep on a regulation bed mattress, not on a pad
nor oc tn upholstering.
4 Nothing to store awaj before you close it.
(-Don't pull away from the wall to open.
6 'You may chouse your own mattress, hair or twtton
felL f You may choose, your own covering.
8 Bed part all metal AH parts removable. Absolutely
-Saves rent by saving space. .
10 A stationary befi no longer necessary in a bedroom.
11 When you consider its advantages yoij cannot afford
to buy anything else. 1
From a Hygienic Standpoint
The Daven-o. is the first and only combination bed that is adapted for
use every..jiight' in place of a regular stationary bed. It is fully as comfort
able, with its independent bed spring and regular mattress (hair or cotton
felt), ample room for bed clothes in a made-up bed, and the bed always
open for ventilation. The bed part is entirely of metal. The upholstering
can be removed for cleaning, and it meets every" need of. a comfortable, sani
tary bed. '
n n
i i it
;;.ai.r i.aRaiaagrx
Booka, Office Fupplie and
urnnuro, t
to that question, your honor. He ha
answered every quesUon andheard ev
ery word In this room except one, when
th court did not speak loudly. There
Is no evidence In this record that he is
afflicted in any way."
"He say that he is," put In District
Attorney Fredericks, (squaring away
for battle.
"He said' 'a little bit,' " retorted Dar
row. "He hu answered Mr. Horton; he has
answered me. and he has never oncee
lost a word: The court spoke
iuw una ne BBnea once to nave the ques- j tin This , seemed
uon repeaiea, wnicn every Juror does topsy turvey land.
ana mere is not any evidence before this j Horton insisted that
court mat no has any defect in his
Ooart Ovrrnla ObJ action.
"Objection .overruled." said Judg
"Exception," snapped Darrow. "The
record ought to show that your honor's
vole 1 hoarse and " 4
"Very well, let it show," admitted th
court, : i
"Th Juror hasn't any affliction"
began Darrow.
"Mr. Darrow, I have made a ruling
on tnai, replied Judge Bord well severely-
Except what he saya hlmaelf."
sneered th district attorney. .
-uentlemen. I would not hava theM
personal talks or, controversies."
th challenge
wm not In the order prescribed by the
law. Davis promptly offered to with'
draw his former challenge. - Horton
argued that th defense could not be
harmed by Jurors who would not eon'
vlct on circumstantial evidence: He
Implied that the defense wm using the
challenge for cause to say th UM of
peremptory challenges and Jm Soott
argued that tha . district attorney had
neia me owcr way.
, eort Soars 41 Bala.
He insisted that what wa good law
yestevday waa good law today. w
are desperately desirous of getting Mr.
Winter and Mr. Frampton off th Jury
becauM w bellev they ar not fair
minded men." roared Scott. "We don't
care whethar they believe
penalty. W want to
(ret id
n th death
of them."
This Hand
some Solid
White Oak
Solid Indiana Whits Oak
Dresser, size of top 21x48
inches. Size of French bevel
mirror, 22x28 inches. Fitted
with wood knobs.
A Gas Stove With the Cheery
Glow of a
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Stewart Gai . Heating Store,
with copper reflector, is , con
structed upon an entirely new
principle. The flame is the reg
ular yellow flame of the burn-,
eri in your gai fixtures, which
may be turned as high' or low as
you please.. The itovi is light,
compact and easy to carry from
room to room. Costs less, to
operate than wood or coal.
Three Sizes
See Our Window Display
Ho lemi'mg &
Second and Morrison .Streets
Sims iBk.
frowned tb Judg
Judga McNutt, in
'It 4oeg -not
to-us that thl
iom law to lh court.
udg Bord-
mild" fines