The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 57, Image 57

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    ihi: o;tu;ojj suj.dav journal i-Ohii-Axn. sl'.mjay liou.n'WQ. ocrouiu t, Jill
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The Expert Specialist
j bto.V.. 4 ,- A4) At t
l .! to.. . f 4 t - -- - '
. A .
!... Haiti.
t1. tt T. IM f.l
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A Ha
rnn n
rnrn llHCAT r---v.r2rt:.r
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LI I LI l II 1 1 Li 1 1 1 t ..- i '- '
-. X taw W4 4 . . - "
I 1 1
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) .'! -
Icciir g ta Secure Prcper Ccn-
tcrl for Bluestcm Mear.s
4. 4 . -
liJ aM... a ....... 4
. 1 - ... fc. . .
t-a. W a -. I 1 M M a - I
I- liltl I .4 4", -.
4 1 V U t. li It I . i- It.
. V ... I
J -a a , .
toto ..a .. tl to v4to
M M Hi il
I a.
.. It. llitl-4H4 r4et,
tov.v4 tib Ml ifl
. t
tut nr au Lte4
M yjuk ii
t f M MMi - l )
IfflM Hit-
tit, tV
til . J k 4 1 . .tl.
11 if
I I i .
& I It- 1 -" t ftifa teM4 I AA P
MUH 4 IUMM U.! titiuM .'
"4 '- - --t l- -.un . tM to fc.lM rlWW4l !- I I .........,...) '
WUi towlir i i Ml Imm U.. .. n t-4 I 14 (Mlii
u 1 w - .--). ii ililll i t44' i I tlC
i tt.. w(4 1 - it ;lfi la I I If .,,,,,...,,,,, Il
I V ..1.11 W IL
I iia to -. ta k4M
r. m m.m i i
to I, 14) ka ,
Ttuy KM ktw! a U MaU
wa iva ki-m ;4a I iauat
lIWI S) (M.i.111 ftitk lit MtlKI.
Vl M.k.4 i ., 4
4 i it . i-a a-1
I am kintal ttito Ma. !& MS
Uit. I t-al lw ! . i A.ia.
): 1 tav rvi:rt to to4
at.a ar iu ttM . a.
iav I It
la r. t Ik
. a-aa .t, Mto l M t4
" ( .i.aa ka. U M
torf to fcH. u kr-lcii
ml ra to ,t.H
KniU -aiir.
Irflr J .-. (4lMta IV
nwia. 4;a4 nrkr-tM(s
t4 kU.ll.J (I Mal (UV
a H 11MII4 llto I I
. a 4fcr I aa r to t H4.
Jki to trw Ka) f MkM a
k Mi aWtwvi-! i Ik ut r;:.
I Co I ta4 tram Tc4l ra.)
ar. till - to I a -4 -.-l
! WM .4 k m I IS MO
to to -l a4 .Wto ,
ttttto4 ft f-WMluj ft.)
a I IU to lk W4
IMwlk PM Ck - IMI
I kk Ml Hl l
II na2 ' '
W .!
Hik i.ji
m4 lit I I'l
IhiU UI ..... I
a pm4 lilt ..MI
t to
III al I
i u-to i
4 aiiLw lit
I ...... Ik
' .. f .. f'J
I - ................ J!l
4 a- ................
I taua.
A I tax
a imb" I" toJ
faUaaf Mfnibg l
i ftitv r
tr M t4
M '.
t M :l
1wr ... ...........
i llM
.li.UiUf in totoll4 ialuail f
lf Avfual av4 IW
T lh currwol (1J
ILJla auajk. a a
kbola, r cmitolBla ( boo aLal.
Inal bj wllaok. Cm
rvmla iaruv official, vlut IJ
vaa f nil braI. darur4 rvoeaily Ual
t aii l how utiac rould (l
llirb rrlalal. h atolaoiral
)ut BMltai4 ! Ill mmpmitf aa dla.
cwtrlna; bul lh tnkloa fad la Ikal
aoltor fo4 Mwniliii in (b mom tar-
ruorr oj lacrat In boi
and nc
fcurh romfarla-ana ar by no
pv uiiar 10 lh lw oa In oaralloa.
tor an.ple, Nar Tof h tVniral (M)a
larg nrr to gtvaa for Augual and
tifin nun in whlla
-rnnjini rPria haarr 1
lor ih him prtMj. rn a aiaian
Im ihoti gain in roa, wbti II
nghbor. talllmar 7 UlilO. rrporl
luasra Tb aam I Iru of Reading
lhigh, and of ec laul and NorUiwaal
la grouping ih road g-Afrahlea.
ly. U found I ha I all lh auulhtrn
llna ahow autxIaalUI galna In Bel, a
II aa gross, la lh w(. all of th
roada Ihiw drraa; la In aaat th
""Hi r apoltjr. Of tt rprMlaUf
hImhi ' taken ! ahoar . nrrraaa In
groM for Auiuat for th flacal yaar.
II ahow galna In groa. In rlw l
1b fari that lh railroad wr report,
lug record arnlnga a year ago. Chat
.lowing a anything but what wight b
peeled from in pmalmUlta attr
aara of many railway men.
. "Whn a man order a pair of or-
iin out in Colorado a New Kngland
mill baa lo U notified. o that It may
tart , Immediately to manufacture
them, remarked the bead of one of tha 1
tl eea
f rt
ItT Umbe tf
it miia in
til wibert Itl
Hii bead to be gold at ta.
, re4ara Zrfwvaaa Saiea.
Ag. WgU
( 9itr0 1 1 91
l ! ioi
i iiwr Itlt
1 lie- lilt
1 clear 0
tl rewa lll
tl cowa ttt
tt tout toil .
II row loll
I cow
11 cowa t. ..1014
1 cow ...... .ft?
t bulla Hit
1 bull itlt
100 lamba It
111 fat awea tl
101 old ewea It
4t old awea il
17 old waa.y... 14
t II
4 M
4 tt
tM Hi
I ,,
t I . t e.. .a...... I'll
4 fe4 ., Ill
If 4a .............. I'll
I ) ...........lit
I ......ill
W ............... Ill
toe 14
If am llf
awwa !
I - ,. ( iMe
e ............ ....ii
I yt- , ttt
II Ulfera T...lii
ImMi til
1 tbdk:-iu
!f !!!
II jm
tt bo Iff
I boa
t i
i t
. 4 I
4 ii
If I
tJ . i. aaf I'.m
ii M .
4le fv
eaaa a.. 1 1 4 Mj
a - a.MaaV lle Ik
: p r b ..imi - .... a4 i to Kt
r...4.l fc . i.. , 4a)to a ,J
to. a 4 e . ' lall.. .-
.. IV. iim
4 9 IM it. a
1 1 v
ti.., I to toti
4 0 to. -
I fc. . av lite to eue
t. lw. vm. 1 . a
Tl calTea
4 tt
I It
4 44
. t
4 It
4 tt
I tt
I tf
1 Iti
ronruiXD armrtrfo micxi
rata. aad Xar.
Tbtoe to-vrva ar iheei al iktj wtveia
el.r all ta twtallera. itor aa exbr-
wle ea(ai
WIIIAT-rro-terarw trie: Trarfc a.
nvr. elub. Ill II: Meet. II It I to:
fonrfotd. tlae: trnMamell !!.
Illiirr; rd ttuulao. tlulk; Tarbey
red I!9IIQ.
eAlif-Kr Pr4rr aHeeawltlt-.
rd. I4a.tttjia.tti ratieo. mi ore w Lag.
OATi r-moiw-erw jnt inwi rra. 1
bile, IttQt tt; gray. 111.
bf I I.UITC - ffMlng tHeo-rraax
It It; ralH.1!ir-a. HI.; thorta. Itttt;
blS Jl 1
IIATrrodaoerr pnoe 1111 area
Valley timothy, fan-?, lit: ordinary.
II; eaatera trg-. IITfllT tt; railed,
ta. ml.M. 11. Vu . It. Mhul 114.
.... vivi.ii ..w. II . .... " ...
alfalfa. tllQIt : oeta. 111.
ruutH Helling trir Patenta.
14 It; Willamette. It I r barralt loeaj
tralght 4 tl4 It' bakerg. 14-ltO
.It; Tport rraae.
nat. mm om run7. .
BUTT fc.K K ra ereanvnr. ub and
tuba. Ho: print, lt: ord tnary prlaUL
llOMc: dairy. llWIIV,
BUTTEH FAT Profl ucara , prtoa T.
O. b. Portland, par pound, lie.
RQG8 Loral eilraa. lie: fancy. Ite:
a a count 14011c; apt hor4"? rrtca.
It Otic f. o. b, T-orUand; aaatara, freab,
- POuT.TRi' Fancy heaa. IITB: OrW
a mm mm a mmmrn aaaaaa)
RiiAMK cures
MEN READ WHAT OUR PATIENTS SAY. The original, with hundreds of others on
file in our office. No names or addresses revealed, as our dealings with our patients
are sacredly confidential. These and many other AlfcN have
Deen cured ot WliAK.lMiibb AND UlbiiAbiib peculiar to
the"ir sex after other specialists had failed to even give relief.
READ and be convinced. '
Mehf Consider These Facts
Bemoiabtr, wt bare ba bar for yeara, ara parmanoatl 1 00a tad, lnoor
poratad ul lloaaaad unfltr tht law of Orafoa to oondoot and operate m
Medioal ZarUtnte. aBltarlum asd Xogpital for tha treatment of Ken'a
dlaaaaaa. Tou tokt bo rlak wbam yon treat with na. Our ataff of phyal
otana ara g-radnata from tha leading oollafaa ta Xnropt and tho Pal tad
Utea and. bare been lm aottra praotloa from IS to 86 yeara, and oro duly
aallflad and ltoanaod to praotloa modioliio and rorfery la tbla and aararal
atataa. ' ZaTrUrta oar reeorda and atandlog and compare taam lta tho
otbar o-oall4d apeoUUata who hara only bean In oar city a fowwaka or
' It la a fact that aa hlrhelaaa. legitimate, down-to-date advertlsina: are-
clallata for men only, we hav no competitors In Portland. This ia a bold
statement, but none the less true, and any interested person, can easily
verify lta truthfulnesa by a careful Investigation of our superb and unex
celled equipment for treating auoceaafully tha most complex and compli
cated ailment peculiar to men. ; - ..
For yeara wo have been locateWight her in Portland and docena of
tne moat prominent business mn win iaaiy voucn lor our cnaraeter ana
ability. We have no branch offices. For the ailing' man In search of a
Ik. nat I'iiiii
a.t I ft; . a ito Wto I tmm tto a'.li tot.
t. Iil ill --; ''.
a- ito i .
Mil, M .'.' aav M
a. aM .i. i 11 ii
II to 4) I It mm.
faam lll, HglH ajtoti.a.
I, lit eMM4 ito tiva.
1 jid.
flUAW-M tw Jb, i Mt 1
Mi. I.V,. aria frrrf il
11), 11 MU . Ilttttll.
Mlrrtt pitla'-l-T
wt if n 4u
Itlt tat
fy eitaax
"'(tJaaW,4F K9i4gsV-aaT
to. vrto44. I tt
. II f Ira,
ft ra 1
S3.50 Recipe Free,
. For, Weak Men.
a aymaaWaTaWawaffaMtM
Send Name and Address To
dayYou Can Have It Free
and Be Strong and Vl.orotis
I bare la
y Immitai a
Itoo fa - . Ia m4 lw.
toaaa. A faJUa iairy
4 kaa bavca. w( mm if II
aalral rlaa. to Ito) r4lla
MIA. Kl. rd a) aaa y wr
a4 MTtw anaal nl la laf wa
tl-wl aay a4niaaai avals to
4ine-Kl I Ifclaa .y toaa w to
ira to tola bi avaaly wf a4
tlrUllf. aektAly aa4 ajiily, 4
a rmpf- ttimaal I
4 a er mt lay f aaerliv ) fre ml
car la a alaia toOiaarr aal4
.ii I any avaa wui wrtv ave
for It.
Tbia toerfptvil oeeae rroa a pay.
trian a bo he mart a 0pyrlmt etvty f
aaa and I am raavia 11 ia id aur
a-lB eowiblnallMi for lb mr mt V ananbeod and ft- fallaro
pat teibr.
I think 1 owe tt to ray fllew toaa
lo ad lba a ropy la MOd
that ul eaao anywber h to weak
and iaeeri4 wllb repaatod faJlura
may up druacing blmalf with harm
ful pa I act anadiclare, emr wbal I b
have It la Ih oulrbt-e-tln tootera-
..V.ilUln. kU()T.TI IHOllMll mm mm
dy ar d. vleed, aad e car blmeif el
bum quieuy arva ajuieaiy.
, llo Ilk tnia
III Lttrb Hulldla
wiu nd yon a cpy or tnia apianoi
if in a Plain oral nary . k p rrto
rhara. U art maoy tVaetar weald
ham II 0 to for merely writing
out a prcfiptloa Ilk tbla but I ad
It eauraiy rrea.
i r itoi
V,f ., aaa to amy efrto t'Wf
OMal-au) a, eikiaaatlto al
aatr n. im tHtol W"S to a 4
. . Aa
mm irwuuit w cvaaa.
i . . 1 mmm I l itol
y aay ev4ig4to to take l.alat,
aatoa I tor mm mmmntm. wt4 aaati
iM a4 -.i:rv HiaiHliM
.4 - l. ai hm atotg. aa
aalto lbl I mmmmimm yai
rmm aya(4 eAittoa. WIL. a
MOtoife ar iiui tw are gag
m Ik. aata. 11 im aafe toa
trwalak! -' t4ltot,l to, r 1 . aa.
ul ab I wm wby It lai.aA. Kry
ia Mmiaii a ii
bi tvaaiib aad 4r1 a
a. 4 praavarr lu awr aal rt-e tod
Qt'ikClt IKTll. aATUriEl I
yHtr INni. pmwiw iniii.
ito. aaaaaltoltoa ad d-i fr
irmoTn vvw. wr taaug
if as-i4re y,
1 WL.1
aaa afcld
Ma.nlly immf bto .
ito. ave r wU evt'tto bla
tot rgia M tvaaJib aad 1
for Men's Diseases
A Straight Talk by tho Leading Sfccia! 1st
C K Hohman, L D.
I a tor m'4 " i-
4 I
r all.u .t MMl a4 -j
Mi.a,4 . toM.I -. "
l.aLaVM4 .4 I u to
Ito immm Itof a av I I
I Hi-, a hJ mti aVta..4w a
I-mm to f a a...t..4 Wa ai
Mi't ( b4( to .Lg A
t .4 y iiuau to Aia.
.. 1 a. lltUat t-mw - I
laa..x I'W tr mt 4 it
I ! to a piaaaul to mm H I 4
'- 4av4a
4 4ft.g a. ( 1 iri a be rw arnbet,
i--4to toa.1 al it tm-mjw' iirMN.i I
'.! a, 1 a -4 atoi-a H
baarr u t b4 .rto bi
M to4
r tol to bf a i laax a
to.. mm 4A4 I as at' ll, mm,
iy a-4 imr 4 t 4 tt a-.f
Ita4al to ,.. ito v. .(M
l.-al I to I Va trvfi . al f aaVA a-aVA4t
Il l v.ta.w ta -Miaa- - I
ai- 4 to . avtoai4 la
Itol a to M. Wl.
am.OT.14 t I- IKMal Wk avp1 4
mMI to Hi ai;i mt
A Itoeiraab U.HtlWa
-ato by .ry aiiiag tmm to Ito)
wtUl b a ii-lia. tvy M ga-
liay I mmil It 1 a It. aa.4 mfmmt
m a.avaag Im toto laaiiatl ltoattow
I b iim i?ily a4 jt l yw, ibi
a y I Via fa Uval aay 1
wtto a a nmm mt tmrntrm a to fA I a a
a r a.t to or a-ta a..U an aaiutoaav 1 aiall liaa
itoal If yw wui i-aj, to aa a rto'r w4N ii baa am.
to toiaaai lat f. wataa to aay aatDIr,
awiatia. Uam oaeta Utolamami
& Mm KOlaUtAaT. bC tt.
bi garttaa f ba )r bavf4
toaa am y b 1 a I a I by mm f a
amlla.g tolamaa lay It.
rto to
to -vi-
aMDIy, it
mt avtai4l
a. lmm ta to aadavr.!
b-w avail aad eabtkty I rnmrm
ail aantw Of TlaiWMl Valla .
aavt r 04i;l. wtibt to' rg.
ui -aava-raavaj. iitivu
VAPUOoaa vwa
f dafty iMaatu rat thai Tart to
Vaia ca b rf4 la feaviy 4i
to by ) t'MlaawV. ia a
al-rlry way Lbal lb lll part
ar to a a.4 aav air gtbaai 4. tLa
1 in 1 1 wtiia ei-l4a. a baali
etrutle t rrdiy rtimilnaaj
ImaiMvA mt lb dtrtag a .a iiitooa.
gto'toil a I otay wria4,
TrT a bydrawwi aftrd bt
leapwry rb4' aavd lb w0ia
mm ratoraa. Uiger I baa be.r. la.
to. I lag i.rwU acid, tod la aad tVb
toaMaaltoe. or cVMt pl
Ibal rly rtoull la aiwiaaal
ur My a4bd I dirtot, ii.
aa car nimii i
quickly. Juit drop v
lr. A. KV ftblaoa,
ig. IHtmlt bllcH.. and
rioaa nknl aitu.r bar-alagt
ritino mimOOn FOI tow wtvb-i 1.
tmto arag taod) abtiiral-y aamiai.
l...a V- 1,1 alll 1 , lilt (kVITAL
baaXXITT wtUtoa ottaaakati geaat
iimi raoarrATia, lap e4 ;
KIOaTaTT Trtobto! 00"TaVACTn1 law 1
al HUB, VaKTTAJb pallet
mm. mA - 1 J t a. aa.
COMB TO bit? AWl Orf IT. On
ade- my Itoafateal. yo wlU aalch
ly rlla bow UmpU a tblag It I te
1 .1 well la the hand of a oetaltt
woo baow bio baaJito. Uf ajra
add il totly yaar to Ufa. but llf
I yaar. 1 pot w eoerry ta
worneal bed!.
Offi boor, a any. 1 i a:
tag a. f to aandaya, II I L
Wavtijurtoa an.Xi-Oaad. Or.
plaa?Bi atotoM eaaw
I 1 lia. rai laai I ar ba
II aeBamaaaav H ! auy
mmmwk .MiMbM ba t to
! 1 1, a 1 . mmm II III
avtew raaaa wab OWtoO tmibb fcrr tUAA.
I a p . bat bmaja aba ag kam.
nnlaM A avt Aeiala t
fmmr rratla kvaMta, bad I g1
rva) Bay wold aad ibMlal gve-ranl
Nat il ft eel a radioal aad pmrm
avrat awr.
BDurcrr rmaAnorarr roa
Tbet dtrdr aoaamotUy braowa aa
ihti na rr yr aad a .
lien bam d lb ffTU mt pbyab
clan, yvt I thl ry day a mo
My of dctr trIJui tot a
evpted. ar atteenptiag I OTirooiaa
It bv snethode that bav bna la co
ataat ue and bav alway failed for
balf a ciury. Tbey do tb oya
tm wllb powrful tlmulant and
tanlra ralculated t ror nrroa
fore r tragtb that t aot aad
bvr ha ba lacking, with Ih r
alt that th fuactlooo ar tacnpor.
artly ie1ld. to th poaltlr dlri
mnt of lh tvallant. Wakaaa 1
oaly a eympiom reued by raaay dta
tlnrt loral oondltloaa and la rorabl
by loeal traatment oaly. I lEHblA
KBNTLT CLHB ry raa of
WKAKNK8H, wllh aay NEW STB
TKJ4 TRKATbt KNT, without giving
a alngl tntaraal do, which dm
onslrate lb abolul aortiraey of
my andarataadlog aad tratont of
Ibla d'urdi. la ar 1
ea4 wttb a eiagi f aitara. a4 I -
aiir arvAto la mt talliir
rtaia all aa. Ibal to. a ta am 1
UmlaMl I aa a(iaw, ertua 1 1 al
a Kaavlam! HtaT tto Ito I wbM a
I iaar (aartad aaa aa44y
paaaaaabiy fwetor teaavgut
With tbaav. dtttton r OaAy
vsl aaaac!!. tbaa to
ad by aay art dtnatot . I' V
my vrala IUat4aattoa ml lto
tiavddto I 4Wtrata ameal4 tb
tl. aa a aad by ami 1 re . atoaj
livaitoa aad brtoal ,ava I aaa t a 4
bly wr (to mlila of tb bidaara.
tbua iaytag fwaaaati tmf aaleoUf-
1 tri t.
jracxno atxtvos otaoaT
ajtotolUks lrlnve)t mm..T a Mai Id
b mmmi la otoabaltlag Ctia toatb.
laa aa. I car ilatod leiaia wllb
lb aw Ovramaa torn aty by iatr4-
ag It 4Urly 11 lb b4c pwriry.
log II. atrajatag aad apUiaf
poiao) fra tb lta. Kw himi
Ihu forad ppUe aad rwbul
lb tl ia aara a way IKat.tb
naltoat rvwvr bl aarmal a la I f
health lieanaib ae nnndr
to MOmmr avQUTi to OOV.
hi aay pall. at bav au orkdr
ta ibafr doctor baraoa b mvnde
pay barer a r bav ba ffid
and lhr ar maay wb bav hmmm
misinformed about lb4r road It low or
through onnc fl lratntat b
bacorn skeptical and think tbr I
a vr for tbm. I Waal nj wppor-
ea m.
tualty t treat
ao dlfferaao a boat
It natal
part, aa 1 accept pay for aay rv-
lca a baflt ar drtvd, wbe I
ei aallaflad th patUal ta reliable.
Health la eapl'al at ltrC 1 will
prov my ability I cur ya bafor
baking pay ror my awrvie.
Ore, Mdioal Zaatttat, PorUaaJ
Gentlemen : It la some time since
called at your office. At that Mm you
said I waa cured, which I am. I 01
you til and would Ilk to settle with
you nut can t now, out wui in a weea.
You did a nice piece of work when you
mad me a health v man araln. -and I
will gladlv recommend you to all weak
and suffering men. (fiigued) . 8. 8.
Heppner, Or., July 11, 1911 Or.
Mdiobl Initltut Qenta: I have fin
lahed the last treatment. - I have lm
prove! greatly this month and. think
another month will cure me, although
I waa In a terrible condition at firat,
. -1 (. ED. xv. &
Chehalla. . Wash. neitr Dootorar
ara cured up - now. I don't, have any
trouble at night and my hiaaner ia
all right. In fact, I. feel Ilk a new
man. I am not tired In the morning
and the dark rlrolea under my eyes ara
$oing away, tsignoa v. xa.
Dufismulr. Cal.. STay 8. llllPear
Doctor: I am feellnir better than I have
for a year. I can discover no trouble
whatever now. I nave ' nothing out
praise for your Institution. Signed A,
Hlllsboro. Or.. A Dr.-17. '11. Or. Had.
Xnstv Thanks to your skillful - treat
ment I cannot notice any-baa symp
toms. I agnin extend my sincere thanks
to vou all and shall alwava ree-ard you
- ... .
aa my greatest Deneiactora. xt. e.
flalem. Or. Oragon Midloal Zaatttnto.
I receivea your letter. 1 am enureiy
well and ' need no ' mor ' treatment. I
thank you very much for what you have
done for me and th way that you cured
me. K. J. M. .. i - -.-.!
Portland. Or. Boar Doctor: TOur let
ter received. Doctor. I think I am oured.
The trouble has stopped completely and
thank you for your kindness. I will call
and pay you ai soon aa possible. CP.
Nehalem, Or. Or Kd. Xaatitnt,
Portland, Or.- I am sorry that I have
troublei you ; so much, bat I am en
tirely cured and will not need any more
treatment, Thanking you very , much
for what you have don for me, . I r
main, as ever, W. F. B.
The ; a re a very few tatlmonlala
wa hav reoelvd from onred aad grata
fnl men who hav bn ourad and r
atorad to oerfeot health and manho"
bv oar Spcialiata after other had
failed. What we hav don for othera
wa can do for vou. And Ton oaa oar
aa Ilk th other hav dona, after they
- . TODAT.
- sxAimrATzov raxx.
ICinretl io Five Days
baa ffb
aw,w.W.fc.i, .iiMggf a ggT'3! lill'"aJia-aTlaaajii uf j - hgj
Varicose Vein Nervous
Debility Blood Poison
S Xtotontio rrom Oocapatt.
genulno specialist, who eagerly scans tha advertising pages of tho dally
f apers; estimating tha ability ana reputation 01 the specialist solely by
he sis of his ad. or the amount of palpably false and brasen misstate
ment ana misrepresentation it contains, or wno is inriuencea dv tne
promise of a worthless guarantee, or'the promise of a refunding of th
lee 11 tne prom 1 sea curs is not erieciivo, we nave oniy a reeling or pity.
Every day alllne men consult us who have been "un against" IncomDe-
tent and nnrellable specialists and bemonn the fact that they did not ex
ercise common sense and prudence before parting with their money.
. Theory- and Practice . ' ;
Failure to harmonise theory and practice, particularly on the part of
medical talent adorning the advertising pages of the dally press, that there
la annh a larira' number of uncured men in Portland. There, are hun
dreds of men walking the streets of this city who would sell the shirt off
their naci to get curea 01 tneir ailment. .
After a man has been fed on a lemon diet for several months and itls.'
covered by bitter and expensive experience that On alluring and smoothly
written advertisement often conceals a' chyslalan of verv ordinary ability
and questionable business methods, he 1st very apt to become skeptical con
cerning all physicians, particularly those who' advertise. ,
It la to this large class of disappointed and discouraged men who have
lost faith and quit trying to get well, that we appeal. Our clean business
methods, our new and unexcelled methods' of treatment, our 'offer to let
vou oeraonallv Interview a number of our cured patient bv their kind ner.
mission, our absolutely bona fide offer to let you pay when well, and
our offer to car anv SlmDle. uncomplicated esses for 110. are certainlv
excellent reaaona why you should call and have a friendly talk with us.
This will not obligate you In any way to tak treatment,
those infallible specialists whose loud boastings art aa the Bounding brass
nDai, .na aone more man anyimnjr eis to aiscreait aaver
s for men only In th eyes of a discriminating public.
Th cynio naturally queries; why - is It that;' the bright array of
: , Varicose Enlargement
On man In every four has some degree of varlooso
veins; three-fourths of all eases of varicose veins hav been
up against doctors who advertise to cure without an oper
ation, whloh la an absolute Impossibility. W hav been
curing this condition in men for years and . can ahow bus
iness men her in th city bv the cor- who win b mor
than glad to tell any man wno is afflicted with varicose veins
all about their experience with our certain and absolute
cur by our strictly painless operation.- Now we wish to
ask any man who has varicon veina If he would like to be
cured. If so, will he go to a specialist who will intro
duce him to any -number of . first-claa leading business
men her in th city who bav been cured, or will he hand
over his money to a would-be-specialist who carries a
bombastic advertisement aying h can cure without op
eration, and who cannot ahow a alngl reliable man whom
he haa cured? .Read thla-orcr and think about it,
Hours, I a. m. to I
The Only Cure for Weakness
' ' ' In a pnbwO announcement of this kind It I un
necessary for us to explain' in detail the essential points
of difference between our modern, down to date, scien
tific and eminently successful method In treating
weakness and those In use by Imitators and would-b
specialists. . i
functional weakness aasociated with loss of COWT
and prematureness usually symptomatic of some ab
normal local condition In some vital point In the pelvlo
region. - Congestion, inflammation and enlargement of
the prostate gland t varicocele, hydrocele, rupture, n-
. mimi or imonfmr t ireaiH cihh 01 Bonmcira mm-
orders ar the most common causes of weak nee. . To
attempt lo cure weakness by stomach drugging or by
wearing electrio belt Is Just a aensibl a It would
be to wear a aet of harneaa to cur corn on th feet. -
If you cannot calL writ for our rUl XXl-XXAJaTTjrAT10V BXaAR AJTO BOOK.
vningv i to .ay eunaaya, it 1, m, w 11 m, eniy. . - ;; , ,-; ,
AnrtrtM TJ-i;a-.-tl lT-bOTTV.-4- 29U4 Morrison St.
u at a. . a at 1 vn w a a a a .ar j. a n a itili aaa a a i
mw a. a. uvrm,
Th leading 0polallat.
I "am a registered and' licensed
physician, confining ray special
practice to th dlaordor of MEN.
have mora money invested in my
establishment than all other Port
land specialists combined.
- I publish mv ' true rnotograoh,
correct .1 name, personally conduct
my orrice. 1 am tna most success
ful and reliable, as medical creden
.tiat and press records prove. 1
make this statement so that -you
will know you consult a true spe
cialist, who sees and treats ' pa
tient personally. I possess a Kin
and ' experience, acquired in iuch a
way that no other' can share.
A 'thorough investigation ahould
ha made bv every ail Ins; man aa to
tne specialist he consult, jjuty
and destiny to self ana those wno
depend upon you .demand tha best
medical attention. I havo th abll
ty and I can give you this service.
, I have always charged a very rea
sonable fee. so that my service
may be obtained by any man who
sincerely desires to 'be cured.: I
make no misleading statement or
unbusinesslike propositions; neither
do I desire to be ' particularly inde
pendent, and I would like to have
you for a patient If you will come
to s on a strictly oroiessionat
basis, and tha Inducements that I
offer, which are my ability and
twenty years' successful experience",
time-saving treatment and guaran
tee of cure Of certain ailments. .
patients have no - confidence in
their doctor because he demands oar
before a cure has been effected, and
there ar many who have been mis
informed about their condition. or
through unsuccessful ; . treatment
have become skeptical ' and think
there -is no cure for them. I want
an opportunity to- treat uch case.
it nwKei no airrerenc aoout tne
financial part, aa I accept pay for
my. services aa benefits ar derived.
irnen 1 am watisnea tne patient i
reliable. Health 1 capital at inter.
est I will prove my ability to cur
you before asking pay for my pro
fessional services.,
ramily r
... n m . .Bcm ifmvl
unar TTUIf.llVl Vrt. MOST NAT-
t inwit. vou to come to my office.
J will explain to you my treatment
for varicose vin nrruia, ,,iu.
UeOllIty. Uiooa M uimvn, ""I
tula. Bladder. Kidney, Proatati and
all Men' Ailment, and giv you
FREE a physical examination; if
naoaasary. microscopical anu
chemical analysts of aeoretion, to
determine pathological and bacter
iological condition. Every per
aon ahould take advantage of thla
opportunity to learn their tru con
dition. A permanent cur la what
you want.
vAmxoosa Txnr.
Impair vitality, I daily demon
strate that varicose veins can be
cured in nearly all casea by one
treatment. In such a satisfactory
mmm-m that tha vital tart ara Pre
served and strengthened, pain
oeaaea, awolling subsidea, a healthy
. 1 .1 I .nnMltf ..I.Kll.h I In.
Cirouiatiuu ia . ii' ...
stead of tha depreaalng conditions.
I guarantee you a cur to atay oured
or reiuna in uran.. , .
' (Th sequel of thes affliction
ar distressing, nervous reflexe
aad painful condition. My treat
ment and success ar th rsult of
years of experience. 1 cure you witn-
out pain or aeienuun irvm uwuyav
tion. I give a written guarantee to
cure pile ana fistula.
With th allront you may
hav mor complications that are
presented by any other ailing pr
nnK. By my Searching Illumination
of th bladder I determine accurate
ly the aliment ana Dy microscopical
examination and urinalysis I make
doubly sure the condition of the kid
ney, thu laying foundations for
scientific treatment.
Cerebro, whera the mental forces
are lmpairea. epinai, waere ins
aplnal oentera are involved. Vital,
where the sympathetic nervoui sys
tem and forces that roVern the or-
gana are aerangea Dy renex enect
of ailments. I treat these conditions
and ail weakness Induced by ner
vous complications ana excesses ana
put you on the right track to health,
restoring th conditions essential to
your ruture uie ana nappineaa,
T use a famous new German ID-
Clfic for Blood Poison which cure
completely. This wonderful remedy
Is far aheaa or 01a style mineral
treatments. , Call and let m explain
it to you.
I Treat All Ailmenti of Men, and Cure to Star Ccrcd
I Offer Free Consultation and Advice
1 Invite you to com to my offioal will explain 1 yea my treatment far
van to vaine. jirarocaja, iiarnia. iMarvou Diiiiy, uwoa raiawv llto.
rietuia, iaonr, ivioaar, rroatau aaa ail aia a Lnaeas aad gtv yo
STIEU a pbyaioat axamlnatlon if acary a mleroeoploal and ohnitrl
anaiyal of ration, to.dtnnla palhologioaJ and beotartologloaj eoodl- 1
ttona. Every Praon ahould tak advaatag of tola, opportuaity t leara
thwir tru condition, a prmaant cur la wnat you wanL
If yon ar suffering from any of th abov di . writ t to lm.
madlately, giving m a deacrlptlod of roar eee la your own word, tty r
tara mall I will and you absolutely fra a diagnoal of yoar aad my
bt prorwtiionai aavio a to now to procaaa ta oraar u corrvot your troub.
bty efflo 1 opaa all day from m, aa. bo p. m, aad sraaday froaa 10
t ia oaly. Ailing mn out or town who oaanot call ahould od la - th
coupon biow xor vaiuaoi aaric ana mrormauon.
zost Txxa ooirroa: roB taxvabzji zbtobjcatiob rrnxBl
O. K, Xolamaal Plaa aand m fr on of your Qutioa Blaaka, aa
T dalr to dBcrlb my ca to you for tha pnrpoa of taking trtmat.
If I dacld you can our to aad your chaxg 1 low anougii to auit m.
221 lz Morrison Street, Corner First, Portland, Oregon
p. m.
aVmb Portland, Or.
StTtrTTXIT OUAAAXTXX Dr. gmlth"! written guarantee meant) a euro
or no pay for ervicea. I guarantee to cur certain ailment, or refund
very dollar you hav paid me for my service. " My aerrloea cost you
nothing unlei I euro your Varicose Veins. Hernia, Pile. Fistula. Blood
Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cur. My term' arraonabl
and no mor than you are able and willing to pay for benefit. - -
TRUTH for 1V1E1M
T sm a arraduata of Pharmacy and
Medicine, legally qualified to practice
my proression in -tne Btates or- un
ion, Washington, California and Ne-
vaaa. . x dudiihii my own unuivKrvviii
Dractice under -my tru and correci
name, personally own, control and
manaica my -office. I meet, treat
and consult with ail patients at all
times. I employ no hired substitutes
or illegal practltionera to consult
with or treat you and I devote my
entire time to the treatment of
branch offices and ara not connected
with any "medical company," "insti
tute, or museum." ;
(Signed Affidavit. j, j. KKrSJTE.
Mv sworn statement is your pro
tection against Incompetent and in
ferior treatment.
Come to me in confidence and let
me show you the wonderful roiuven-
atlng and curative power of my di
rect method of treatment. You are
under no obligations to take treat
ment unless my charges, term and
arrangements ar entirely satisfac
tory to you. No injurious medicines
used. No detention from work.
Th following bllmasts ar ue
fully tie tad 1 Varicose Vain. Sr.
drocl. Mrv. Blood and Skin All-
mat Xldaay and Bladder Troubl,
Blood Foisoa (German . Discovery
naad) Wakasa, Eruptions, v j?ils,
WRITE If you cannot call. .
to S, 7 to 8 Daily! Sunday, 10 to L.
J. J.Kccfc, Ph.G M. D.
I Cure Men
. Fay Wha On ted.
T 0nral liabil
ity , Wak Barva,
amwaaiamaaa ' anaomnia- una
r exposure, overwork and other to
itlon of Batujw' law. Disease of
Bladder aad Xldaaya, Yariooa
Tm. auioxiy aaa permaaantly
ourad at am all xpni. ,
FEOXAIi AlXbcmTS Nwly con
tracted' and chronlo case cured.
All burning. Itching and In flam ma
tloa Btoobed in 14 hours, dire mt.
f acted fn seven days. Consultation
free. If unabl to aalL writ fur
list Of questions, '
orrice noura a. m. to P. '- ar
Sunday. 10 A. M. to I P. XL only.
vaoxrxo coait arxoxaAXi co .
34 washingtoa St. Ooc, riras,
roniua, orsgoa
Offlc hour I a, m. to I p. m. Sundays, 10 a., m.
to. J. p. m.
dr. -mm smith m
Vjp, . Tag iAbtirs MXAjra, yi
mimi rear mrmawtmSmt fA
hi abaa l.r'. MaaWkrulAX
J-Ula ia U4 aa waiicV
baiam, aaaje with Bla biuaaa. T
Tab mm emhar. B. f jmmm W
Prm"i. Afv( iU 'M m-Tr
Iiamn aaAba rii.La.toia
yaantoawaaa Ban. Satan. Aimn ki
is what you will get
if you treat with me. :
Results ar quick and ,
d o al t Iti.' You ar
benefited at one.
Mn who hay
dragged their case
along for month
with aom other eo-
cialist ar astonished
at the oromot effects I
of my. r e m a r k a blft
. . . . . , - j
m m . ix. uv. X ounf
Nervous Decline,'
V.rliwt. Vain. m.. t
W. WW . ...ID. um . . ,
R 11 fl t 11 r a Rhaiima. , 1
tism. stlfr and gwoUan Joint. -K!dny,
Bladder, tc . .
Blood Ailment ouickrr and aafeJv
cured by a famous and well known Ger
man remedy.
Ooasultation lr. - Writ r Can. -
Tha Old Bllabl arpoialit.
Corner Alder and Second afreet. En
trance 1J8V4 Second atreet, Portland, Or.
Offlc hour I a. m. to p. ta. iuo
daya, lb a. m. te 1 pr m.
fo.i vcrr.n c:
Lr. bafl lo:
t- a v in a n -1
2 i rivtu ait- t. ' . -i -i '
I , ' ) 1 h tea: ( c - i
1 f -ir -r 1 ' i
J f C'i Cor. t t
r v. i. ii j i i.
f-r fc"T, tr I r. I . )
Journal Want Ads Pay C::t