The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 56, Image 56

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for mi person is que unique;
!J Each ar.d Every Pcnon Mexben Are Richest Men to
Eat Itany In Year 'II the ViOrtJ of
Rtcard Predjcticn Could Be Wex'tn Is Tco Grt-t lor
Eis.1 Cleaned Up.
NougMj to Dprt 5S In Print
If t'a le IM I 4i-l eie I
Mil t rttg 114
l ft OS 111 f. Aril Bit.
tnaW I ll I Vtavt
Xr I, tsi, t M-l i4 l
.... 111 I . f IVk MUJI WW- I ' i I
M mif -M4 v iwl - ww. .
. 4 s -i r -" . . .,
li i ihUj Is tuati4 M it a4
lit It . IM Mi .
B-i v-t I Ml a j . 1 I IM
t M UUH III eCtll Ik Hit
tof Ik. ft! .! M l -
SI1! wwailk utimafj If WMIt
1 . w 4 m.m hum te
t .4 fc. I . t I 4iii in i im
rw Is U lM U4 tft4 I Ilk el la
eele IM Ui 1 Mil 1u Wi4 r i !
i ta ?. '-.aJ a lkoai-v U nm t g r.
hi li ft)A it . l'M t -krllL I'. i4-
Ik m. f IM l ( .ir. in u ' X. 1c. JoA L
tIW II f. 1 f iWl tlitU.
rl. tlrtliruf L. k.iff. r W t' .
M4i t. Iuim . U-4i a4
l r jr W. i t f tan
mum I. t. v ixiwmn,
4 W, W. Mi:l Mwvuir,
I V. lvMif Jll . W tVvl I
I ( I h2l4 atal
IJ t (4 l Ul . II H4
i r r -m i i '
. i r
1 M
-. . ; - i -. i . -v. Huffs
..... ' f"iMiiiiHi.;niii rii
ii . r -
si W"'
Jiv.X.i.Vr' ' .... YfKr
HocU On'rJihlrg In Sccth nct I.f o.emer.X to Data Is
America Ortinj to H ghef ALr.cst DJ''e TTiat of h
Sire Pencd In 1910 Slt.
pks Cces Into Conujrr.ptlon
Ccjt cf Urs During He-
cent Seasons ,
I w.4J . tVii4 I Af
rw. i
'l -!.
II ' i
lfk..' ''UI'M Uj. l lilt l
i, la 11 nirtui. m I. i!l Mil
(. i .i Ml " MM
fcara ii f i
Imiui i.nji i- I -. nmm.
Ti:U U HHf.UI ll a-VMy I IM IMIU If (!) IM H't
f rii mmt im : a.a I m M Mhii
I uumiii .f l i ai a I ' '- w4i& r (h.
Tv NUMlUi linU, a.l I ' ' "llll al la
!!' ( M a4 aa l wwia frt la
kit Of a4 4jbiw
i i im rt of im a Imii
a tit-l m la farat. Of I
t-t : ia. alv4
f ... a '( a a m 14 f im
ftll ra xtt4 M la r--4 k
to nxl aM la Ik a :
. rrtfci c (f im paii ai
a4 U4 airvruii inataiu
i a,
Oraraa ArU rav ta
: V (.;. aa U aa IM tntll f
MMt jj kiu.mi awiaia. ara ai
Ika lad-sr al IM ll lrwa la ar
vr iiow.. im Ia a a
la - af Itxw aiala4 tar (M (mI
ottii. alack Ibat II wm1 M kl. t
mii fore i iue. A I IM pr al lima
r rwi- f tuiMi. ar a.iiii( ia im
irtua4 mrk-i at II Ml I It ar boa.
aa4 It taa larva kaaaa It la frail
ta null a La rri.
Tli a4ir arl4la ar aat rat avail'
r I,, aal IMaa all far alra araal lb
JtoK-a ara!a knaga, lhMrra It la ool
likely 1)1 a Ko. 4 rplmttur u4 b
t-iaiiM ar waaa IM aaaaaa pa
JaiD 11 a .l
r Lairat marti frefli t tfpartaail
f riTiliur (tva tha Oraai arcl
ruaduloa at I-r caat. inpf4 U
kl r fl la Ml aaj all jrf aar-
at 71 pr cbi of a crop.
Cray ( trait Slakaa.
Th erap tbrout heu tha L nil ad Vtataa
li giv.a aa foil: . .
Tar Cnt ) Tr.
HIL till. A.
(In kl
w Jlamaahlra ..... II
Vtrmont ............ II
laaaacX-uaotta ....... 71
Xboda 1.IAA4 ....... 14
l'onnr-tlcul, .......... II
New Torh
New Jirwr .......... II
I'anaaivaAla ........ 14
'-' North AUaatta Tl.l
rvuaar II
larlaad ...... ....... II
Virginia 47
Vt Vlrrlnla ....... 41
North Carolina ....... II
r-ouUa Carolina. It .
Cooraia .... II
South '.AUantla .... 41.1
Ol.lo II
Indiana ........... It
llllnola 7
Xlichlgan 14
Vlsconala II .
N. K. Mlaa. RIw7l.4
maaota ........... II
laaourt ............ 11
Fouth Dakota 74 ,
Nebraaka '. i II '
Xanaaa 27'
: N. C "W. Mi. Rtrir.ei.4
Kentucky 4S
Tanneaaaa II
Alabama II
Wl5ilppJ SO
Louisiana ....... 10
Texaa ...i........... 4S
Oklahoma 45
frkanaaa ............ 49
I Smith Central ..... 41.1
Montana ............ 88
New Mexico .........
, Utah ...
Nevada ... . ....... .
T .... . I . " mm a
rir nmieni ...... oi.v
Trl ilia la a I'll af aaaraa wit I
Ufa la aittra la U all !.
IM aaic f itatl.k i a ll Kf I
im aa M ra i. iiiimi ?
IM aaairf. If a4 a-Mii. la 1
IM -cvi. aaaf If aMoiaiar a a 7 I
kuiMM fat a faar alala viUMral
V- ' - .
"TA I Ula k- ma lJ a U m4 aaa ' ' . ' v
WCi4IVTY-. la aia-l f4 . baa TWa t i aa M "4 aaiiNUi a aamit.
arlb L -ki I ' IK af aMa oaj. la aVMWi l O a aJ aaa Mr
.Ml IM Ibm4 lit KHiii U- ;.' U.a a. gafl u Mk
rviuoa far aar f rm im tnata.L
I br u m aiwlt tKaaf lLaia Ut
aiaia af IK nab.
1 M alab baa M ralaa. aa4 Ibara Bb
aair aaf am a ear aaiaaat I aar
laXaa M IMI II
It eiiigbt If ear aaa
b!44a la ararrr. aM-JI IK alack gnarkatl
ar graal fuiaactal lrinca. Tbra
era aoot af IM lauaging aa4 raat room
(lull baataaaa I aMaullr Ukai, TMl
..rluil at at IM club la taaetaj -1
ininof Stock Brought In as I Only 8000 Bales Said to Re
orrr aaaa. aal
ra aetaajl foe- I
Experiment to Build Up
Dairies of Valley.
main Unsold In Oregon;
All Dealers Buying. ,
ttf IfBaa IL Cohaax.
Oragaa Kaa a4 aaar aaa eighth af
laa 11
f U I.. I - - I ! . I - - V V1MI1IF1 Dl I
r-aau,..? aamaaiaf M-.t-.-ara .h.Ca gfJS JiV w.Tf. .Jolit fji!al! t
ea from tt -faa e.ary t mlnai. r,B bupply Ua 4a.
la 4lliiriM bcl W U caaUUaly a "YnLcI.! I af IK. toi.ft K- a- r
lb aa af lb fauMliac af a alub aa !,Bl Lli A ". k i
ai.ttnctla a taia hwaiu. kao.a I bar !?'"' U 4ri af
.r maer tauirlaa raa4 caaraaac -v- -"r.7 ,Hf4 tK. ,u.. 4
; Ifiw p mi . ... - t
It la tbat Ihta rlua af loar N.w Tark ! ..'? iH """T.'D T
makln. aoelal arraag.maala for the aa-1 rpiu. .1 in.raia
. . nnai rau in
Xaar f tliT af Xapev
eJaa af 4101 be laa af fcopa
art tut a ti baura and l!4 balaa
for. 14 heara ar report d la tha
WDlaraette vatUy aad ta tha Ta
alma aecUaa. Prloaa paid ran gad
froca 41 ta 41 Ha far medium
la prima faode which vaald
plaea ehole atock at better Uvea
4Ie a pound.
It la bow atAted that awJr 110a
trtalt.ainl ar wna ruaia. ran 01 1 ;.:p.(:.V ',V.: ..7 1 W
the fir.t floor la im m i lauaaiT, a baJa remain oneold la Oregoa 4
tur ea la tb 01W Portion af tha l ltw '"','b,.4 JLf' "'i1
oTTnbiU.U'alT51,al VaVtSTrKr: .Vththan0 XlXJZ 44444
?iTT fILr. mriM aThel club b" brought forward to thla city Oaa of tha haa-rlaat day's boalnaaa la
Jimmui-i MViUTft VhJra ara bad- eperlm.nt and If tha plan euo tha local hop market waa cloaed yaa-
rtoT.'rthnit'aUa V.mbtra 'Ut' Ih"." JtlW: 'l' ,urtrn lh " hou
who may wlah la remain ta the clab Jf.Si1'. fj ,h. iLi.T 000 b"J" of ivapa were aold. Durln
over night, la order to meet aom en. J?lo,f 'h.rkp.hf.Ji2i !P. Sturdara trading- tha traaaactlona In. tha next moralng All the fiiJ&YJfciJg eluded fully 1000 balea In Oregon aad
eoaraalanoea which It la poa.lbla Vha ahment InSudad oowa That haVi Weahlngton. Ail but a amalt po'Uo
t0radhV'0clurwh!chi --TaV- llti W . th. WllCaatt
I VI get 1 1 v v
Wyoming ,
1 oioraao
( . u. f VI'IUI . . . .
uuibcii ouiiri ..... ev.a
41. 4
77. t
CI. 4
It la email wonder that tha waiting
lt.t alraadv la lunar and la growing
I longer.
While eomparlaona may ba odtoua.
rontraat are always interesting, .ne
Rtca club nprnta one extreme of
Well atrMt. Here is tna oior:
No corraanondlng length of repct
able street anywhere in tne woria ron-
telna ao many Dorrowera or money aa
that block of New etreaL betwaan E.-
change Plaea and Wall etreet. after 11.10
o clock Saturdays. All the human drill
that hate failed during the six days to
set -enough ahead for Sunday'a living
remain there to borrow It. And when
solvent people, who know this avoid
that New street block or hurry along as
If pursued, looking neither to tha right
nor left, and Increasing their apeed at
the sound or following rooteiepa. tnen
rou may know that everything Is poor,
a rood times Wall street people rath
er like to dlapeose food snd room money
In New street on Saturday. It gratl-
Atvm lutj.r iv m lui !! iu ill.
wit of the borrower Is worth tha money.
But when business I so bad that even
tha brokers at their Saturday lunch look
at tha prices first and then at tha food
opposite, borrowing in New street Is
hard. The borrow. ra are accommodat
ing. They reduce their demands. Ons
who never has asked for leaa than a
dollar any. Saturday In the laat five
years, now aaka for a auartar.
. 1
Prioeg paid ranged from 40 to 41 Me
a pound and the goods purchaaed
ranged In most Instances from medium
to Prime. Strictly choice hona won 11
aell oa tha basla of better than 41o a
pound, according to latest tranaactiona.
Home 11 n expected results are found by
(Continued on Following Paga)
According to Mr. Ferguson ha haa
supplied quits a number of 00 we for
the wectlons of Washington that supply
tha milk condensarlea. Tha Willamette
valley haa a reputation aa a milk con
7 twiiri uiu um rwug ii- -.. I k- ... 7i. . ii.
forts ara being mads to Dulld up Ihe -u7 " ,, f. T-i,"' , -dairy
herds here. I S!!,.Q.i lh,!i. h. ,P 0 I" d a ' n
V Vmt ll IH.II IIULFK, wm
of the leading daalera made publlo yea
terday tha Information that there waa a
weaker tone in the hop market and
that no bualness waa being closed. Th
sama dealer.was tha actual purchaser
or quite a raw iota in the Willamette
vauey wnne nearly every dealer waa
in tne marset.
The demand contlnuea to coma prln
clpallr from Euro Dean brewer, anrl 1
number of lota sold yesterday wore for
mat account.
The Iiod market la firmer evervwhara
In Kcgland the price la stronger than
ever before and reeent advances In
German hops have only stimulated tha
In New York a tat tha market eon.
iinuea exoeeaingiy rirm with only a
small amount of hops moving on ac
count of tha holding for more money.
In California the market - remains
nrm. - nut miaineas was not reported
oriea yesteraay.
.The lota reported sold yesterday la
Oregon and Washington ware:
McNeff BBros. Two lota at St Paul,
7S bales 'including Smith lot; 180 bales
in woodDurn section, including Ellison
Mt IM lawi tlia .1 kul.l. !. '' - H imiiiI U L4k-
te e.Me -.l af iuvhiim L im a.ll 1 1 Ka l.f af iaiiJa ii i
a Mai i'-r ii..s 11 a
fc4 al a Ki.fl I. tin caa Bwt mtA
u aiga r.aie aae ay a.i (ia.
Hraea ta IM argaauaa.
This la tM rti af Ike dl.
ajklaMMi la lie Mnkar af aWa ail
IM H. la IM A'g.ailM l.
a-ktt. aad erWJtf la IM ffrk
of lie aa Air. akWa Ias kiia.n
IM gr 1 1 aka af4rr. aa
rtfiwii ail ar tU l
- "rll-.; la fact f-r-
- r aii-e aa i akg
I t- IM aaianal I yaa Tm af f ttilo Ikl h-mI
-va aM i.i.s - ria
f im f alar aa4 Mr iarfoo lka
! w.aae la a.4 Ira) .uw wtLblut
Canadian Pacific and - Union
Pacific a Wedge to Force
Higher Prices,
Mkr ra ka eMi.iMi L.f..l I " w";
ilr " .' . - u',e --iaa atas. 1m a'aif aals
f.w v177kla ik TmJ-7 . r ,b ! tava ba
," .il'. ... . ' Vfc?. P ' IM year and aoaJl-
ibis railing) arr la IM fiarag af ih larnaai I tik.'v amaia 11 r
ar.-wfari.g raairMj Ml lb ff 17 "M '
ef lacfMalas la aia af Im Argw agaxVaS - - -
I'M felda. and al th mjm lime of a. .!l .fTTTt .TV"
alaa tr 1 i lkw Tbo aarl far ac.aa aa4-leUe fa.
I . m tin
ma4 for gaallaa for etaort. Kot
wukaaaadlag M diatlelaaieg aumbar of
esMp. asaiina eaters ara aa aanraea
UMir aa r
fc.oaaa af twaauiaptta-i. fw af
orwraaa la rnaj ai.lftcta, ti4 IM aaa
tlnual ao roar u mn t a af agricultural
bethsf in iha ehaaa of alfalfa or
wheal. saffVtajiflv iit-Uln the fai that
the Argvaila hed TI lTt4l 1
Mil aad aaly 17.11 1.Ut in IMI
II. i:
Tif TbomA C. aUkocwaO.
New Tork. Oct. IL t'adr tha laaA.
arahlp af th railroads, stocks recovered
eomewhet today from tha eilrecne da
preaaloa of tha pravtaoa aaoato. L'akta
Pacifio and Caaadlaa IVcUie war aaad
a laadera. tha latter having aa extran
sdvaaca of mora th.a Uraa potata, saost
01 wniu 1 1 noma epacialtiaa aa
veaoad. notably Natloaal Hiaouii A
Canadian Preferred. Kria waa higher
altiiough the report of.ooaralloa for
oaptaniber sbowad a small daeraaaa lalcreealag aro nf a heat growing lands.
Operating. Utal WM baralv ataaui Milnn in wmiriu Kr. .
did not show tha rally powor Uial waa I formerly aaknowa. Ia regtona where
eipacted after tha aevera break of Ut I Iha oultj ratios of the aoll aaa arm
f""""" . I mora lalanaa. shea farm In a Is aoaald.
Tirtn.r tatmaata ipy President Tsft erad a pnmltlva In4utry which atvaa
Mil tkwa la
It has ba rairulld lul ml of Ika
lotaj ar iee.S4l.sae af asUtlag In
airrarent r-glona or tha gioM la lilt.
mar remain at prt araroaly III,
,. i cis is au tu
and Attorn. r Uenaral Wlckaraham IMI
all vlolatlona of th Sharmaa aatl-truat
law would ba "punished, whether com
muted by capital or- labor,' tended to
worry lnveetore and twavaat anvihin
Ilka a geaaral raoovary.
eornraratlve reaalta oa lands not fit for
anyming Better, aheap ara regarded aa
hurtful for tillage of any kuvi.
Prtaa ef arataaa. .
Tha price of rau lion haa a-oea aa svan
more lhaa that of baef la lata yeare
Range of New Tor prioeg furnished I Mor? ,h" ca tba freealng establish-
wiri)Ki coos i-o. :
, -in, tugrii taw
iy tvrheck 4k
!: r I (iliun
Season Begins in the Republic
Operations Are Week j
Earlier Than Last Year.
' By Joseph P. Pritchard.
Chicago. Oct II. A private cable ra-
oolved on the Board of Trade Just be-
rore tne cioee toaay reported tne nar
vesting of wheat ae already under way
In Argentina This is one week earlier I and Alcker lots at Woodburn and Hm.
than fast year and it waa expected that SWtMt ASrSS'taft2?,jSKS
i . S . I
outtlng In the north will be general by
the 16th of November. This cables-ram
said that brokers actinr for a Buenos
Ayres grain man were already offering
wheat-at Liverpool as well aa in con
tinental markets at lower prices for
cTo.V-Se'd rrflgSVreadin",9 ant'40niincla,Un' lot
uf'nlus of 185 000 boo bLahei. P "01 Lawson 260 bales Eugene, lncludlntf
UrplUS Of 18a,000,000 DUShelS. lrr. T.onr1 md Ritmnninn Int. .1
lot at Brooks. 13 bales, H..B. Flstcher,
Independence; 160 bales Yakima sec
tion. Including .Anderson and Lundahl
iota. ' rioes paia ranged from - 40 to
410. :, - - . - r
Plncus 110 Dales tin western - wash-
Monday ...........
Tuesday ...........
Wednesday ........
Thursday .......
Saturday .............
t Total week
Year aao
Season to data
Year ago ..
i . ...........
a aaaa
Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay.
4 20 11 n it
J.. 6 t 7
s , 4 li :
U 17
... 6 18
w. . 9.2 8 .
t 65 87 88
18 . 40 14 64 .
213 939 474 984
191 , 818 417 1D77
- i Some selling of wheat was reported at
interior Pacific northwest points during
: the past week, but the movement was
; not aft'' heavy as during: preceding
. weeka. -
ronsiderlng' the fact that ships have
veen scarce ana freights higher as well
es that .foreigners were slow in their
tiiddinr, tne movement is better than
could ba ex Dec ted. i
As a rule .farmers are. disposed to let
go at tha present price or a fractional
. advance and some of the heaviest opera
tor, have been sellers during the past
: two weeks. ; ':
This week's - movement of 'wheat to
tidewater-was smaller than the same
period last year, a total of 378 cara be
ing reoelved at Portland compared with
; 91 last year. - Tha movement to date
this season haa consisted of 4728 cars
compared with 3618 a year .ago for the
Bame period. - . - . .
Wheat prices 'this week ruled steady
to firm with club at 81082c a buahel,
. the former being: for export account and
the latter figure waa paid in a few
instances by millers.
Oats starkei Gams Strength.
Market for oate gained strength dur
ing the past week. There were aalea
at aa advance of 60c to 11.00 a ton over
the preceding week. The Improvement
wes mostly in aeierrea aeiiverlee.
Yh tiewi that Minneapolis parties had
rerantly purchased a heavy supply of
oats in Montana lor anipment to the rar
outh. gave this , market additional
atrangtb. ' ' 1 ' ' I '
liai -ley trsde ruled firm all "week with
tr,d nominal owing to th limited aup
1 i !.-, Only alx cars fame forward dur
ing iha wer-k compared with three times
tu" number a yar ago.
7bara im aa iacreaaujif gaorauieqX, of
- 68
. 19
hay to market. During the week 88
cars were received compared with 64
cars aurin
The Argentine wheat will ooma 1 In
direct competition with that raised in
the Canadian northwest as well as the
Russian. Australian and Indian wheat
As the United States is out of line
Insofar ss the exportation of wheat is
concerned, condition in South America
will cut but little figure here ha ra
price maker.
. Many of the best posted cash wheat
men in mis country claim that prices
are on a domestic basis and if this
claim Is a fact little fear will ba shown
because of the croc conditions and ann-
plies in other countries with wheat for
Several of the larger professionals in
the wheat market made an unsuccess
ful attempt to force values to a much
lower level today and thev were auo.
cessful In getting prices down 4lc
from the highest notches, but near the
close there was a reaction and recovery
of MsC and resting spots showed
net gains for the day of &o for
Dr. Leonard and Edmunson .lots at
Klaber Several lots from dealers and
Verseth crop at ML Angel. , Prices paid
said to be above 41a '
Seavev Birchett lot at Mt Ansel
and three other lots at 40 to 41c.
Catlln & Linn Arrall crop . Of 76
bales at Gervals at 41c. V
Mlshler & - Orlbble Lollows crop of
100 bales at Donald at 41c
Joe Harris Clanflsld crop at Bal
atrom 182 bales, at 41e. T -
Qrarton George Ker crop, 418 bales,
at Yakima, at 41c.
- Other dealers who are said to have
made iioerai purcnases yesterday, but
tne exact transactions could not be as
certalned. included Klrkpatrick & Wll.
Hams, Harry L. Hart and J. J. Meta-
ler. . .. ; ,
4T 47
2IHI t.
cars durlna-tha eame nprlorl o voi- oo-rt t'i'r m u-y aa lor
to this time owing to the late season.
Movement todate this season was . 984
cars compared with 1077 for the same
tune in iiu.
Fall wheat sowing Is general in tha
interior of Oregon, Idaho and Washing
ton. Early sown , continues to show
exceuent growth and from all sections
opuinisuo reports are coming forward
Range of Chicago Prices furnished bv
vrveroeca et uoukc jo.:
Open. lilah. Low.. Close
juec .....
May .....103
July ..... 91
C C tJ
vu 71
Walla Walla. Oct. 28. Cool. . fl-
weather has mads wheat condition fnr
the week lust ended, littla . than n
ideal. Seeding has been pushed along, f 2- T.2
and la fast searing tha finish. Grain July 4' "'r
is sprouting in an
carta of tha vnllov I
from the earlier seed In a;s, but the later
Jan, ....
May -. . .
sown (Train lacks moisture to avail th
kernels. . .. . - .
Frosty nights brought much moisture I Oct . ....
rn in. aiif-ra. mrA I... ... L. I i.n
it was beginning to show too dry to I May
ocea. me anus were Kept moving by the
cold nights. Clear days, with plenty of
wwui .uubiiiij., viiuvuraa;oo. tne grain
that had already shown through the
uriace oi tne ground and tha fields
are taking a greenish tinge In nearly
ccry jucaucy wners. grain waa sown
I 98 97 ' 98 B
i 104 H 108 H 103 B
i 97H 96 97H
i , 3 SH 8H '
i 5 : 66 , ' IU B
65 H . 65 6H
47H 4 74 4 7H
,49 ' 49 41 A
4 6 46. i
... 1676 1670 1670
1687 1685 1685
- 888 -
902 - 892 902
Jan. '
i May
907 917
790 B I
815 I
Owing to higher prices In the rail.
fornla markets, tha Confederated Onion
Growers yesterday evening decided to
advance tna price ntrr ivc per -hundred
pounds for car load lota The price is
now si.itr Der . oenuu i. o. n. counrrv
' . '
aaiypius (lumu. -
J :. .. I 1
Rat Is Bat 1000 ' Head, Bat Sales
i Are Very Slow. .,,
Chicago, Oct 28. Run:- Hogs. 11,000;
came, iuvv, atiecy, ivuw,
riogs ara steady; iert over, 6900; re
ceipts a year ago, 8000; mixed. 85.800
0; heavy, 16.19 .45; rough.. 16.80
6.06; light $5.80 4.S0.
tattle, weaK.
Sheep, steady.
. Wheat Market la Quiet.
wall w11 "XtrK rt o Txrv.
In anticipation of a larre crop next I sales have been but ordinary this weic l-rf u..w t rwm. x-iw.i a ka.
Bummer, farmers are already beginning I There hav been many but most of them r , "
iv Brqcr ineir narvear. maenmery ror I smsli, -aithougn one or
too coming year, ana every local manu
facturing establishment 1 has in siKht
Other Line NomtnaL
about all tha business It ran handle.
Combined machines, caterpillar engines
oa aiauonary inreenere are nam- nr.
dered. even though It Is months in ad
vance, i . j. i
small, -although one' or two fairly a-ood
sized; lou changed bands. The market 1 South Omaha. Oct 28. Cattle, steers
.ivln. ha m rv n I n a . iiMnKaMVA f - . i i . -
i . ...i. ..t v. huuiuicii iu mnj cvwi, . ana nvixera, duqi.
noticeable degree, and this aceounts for
toe apainy or tna exctianre. urain is
selling, for tha most part, only "aa the
holders are in need of money to meal
8700: market ( cents lower.
Blieeb. 301; market nominal; yearlings
'Sales. Jl.12HtTl.20.
Am. copper Co..
Am. C. r, ..
m. ia o.....
I.V 1.1 U
Am. Cotton Oil, c
am, iooo.. a....
Am. Sugar, a....
Am, Smelt, o....
do pfd .......
Ana. Mining Co.
am. woolen. o
Atchison, o. ...
do pfd .......
B at O., O ,....
Mt sugar ....
Brooklyn R. T...
Can. Pacific o..
Cen. Leathsr, O. .
' do pfd
C . O. w o .
do pfd
C, M. ft 8. P. ...
V., Ob -t U .
Chens, it Ohio . .
C. P. A I., 0 .
ixho. rsoutn., o.
do 2d pfd ...
do lat nfd
Con. Oas
Corn Pro., o. ...
do pfd
Dela. A Hud....
D. dt R, O., pfd.
Erie, o...
do 1st Pfd . ..
General Elec...
O. N.. pfd .....
Ice i Securities .
Illinois Cen.....
Inter. Har...... M.l a
Lehigh Valley . ,
K. C. 8
L. A N.
M.. St. P. & 0. a
M-, K. f T.. o...
. do pfd.
Mo. Pao
National Lead. .
Nev. Cons. . . .
N Y. , Central
N. Y.. O. & W...
Nor. & West., o.
No. American -. .
NO. Pacific, c. . .
Pac. M. e. Co...
Penns. R'y. ....
P. O.. L. & C. Co.
Prs. Steel Car, c. 28
do Dfd. . . .
Reading, c. . ... 187
f ao i'pra. .....
do lpfd. ...
Rep. I. & 8., c. .
"do pfd. ......
Rock Island, o. ,
do pfd.
St U A S. F.,2pf.
- ao iota. -
St. L. & 8. W.. c
do.. Pfd .i. ... 67
SO. Pacific, .o.Jl08
Southern Ry., o.l .28 28
? do- pfd 694 69
it. C i-acirio .. ..... ...
S. L. & W.. c 19 19
'. do., pfd ...... 43 42
Union Pao, p.... 160 161
au., pia .... .1 ......... .
U. S. Rubber, a.. 42 42H
do., pfd ...... 1061 1084$
u. a. oieei, O....I o.hi 08
do., nfd . . . . . .104 y 106 U
yian uopner su 44
Virginia Chcm .
Wabash, c ......
- do., nfd ......
Western Union..
Wis. Central, o..
107 108 107
Total aalea 896,100 shares.
v -
mania of Arg.atlna have be a left with
out wethers, and local consumption has
often bad ta aatlsfy Itself with fat or
lean awea. aa to oaa might b. Wool
export haa also fallen off to a not lova
ble axtaat This haa ba duo to the
fact that every who turned
his lands Into alfalfa fields after bis
flocks had beaa decimated by worm
Immediately thereafter took op th
raising of cattle. Aa shep have the
reputation or ruining airaira fields In
four or fly years, the astancisro who
naa put town this grass will not run
the risk of carrying shsep oa It and h
does away rith bia flock once aad Sot
But It would ba a mlstak to su
poss that tne reign or tha sheen
Argentina Is doomed. Undoubtedly the
export of wool and mutton will con
tinue a valuable Industry .Tor yeere to
coma New land Is onenlna un avarv
day, which still falls under the cate
gory of sheen country, snd 11.000,000 of
naciarea unaer cultivation still leaves
ampis room for big flocks to grass and
run in in open.
Porther Available mesoaroee.
" Land In the central Pamnaa. In ti
rar soutn or tna erovtnea or nmnm
Aires, and In the natloaal territories
oi mo negro ana ratagonia, haa not
yet reached prices prohibitive for
sneep farming. m the greater part of
mi vi region image would DO almost
premature while there yet abound
more fertile lands with a milder cli
mate farther north, and Breclaelv on
account of its colder climate Pata
gonia Is admirably suited for becoming
st no distant day . tha headauartara nt
sheep farming.
Apart rrom thla, there have been for
years in this somewhat neglected re-
ion important estanclaa. of whose -
stencs the oeool In Buenoar Airaa hav
until mieiy naa no idea,
cause the . establishments
started in -the far south of Patagonia
ana tne ysiieys or ins Andes, and their
iraa was wnn umie rather than with
Argentina. . Punta Arenas wss the
shipping - place for their produce and
provision center, rather than the lessor
Argentine; ports. But the existence of
estanotas covering scores of square
leagues and soms of them carrying up
ward of 100,000 sheep can no' longer
be ignored, ,
.'i'.l-4 ' -attgllBh Bams. ; -.-v:;
'The time has Ion r rone br whun
WOOl was the only valuable nrnrlnrt
oi Argentina iiocks, ana wnen fat
sheep, mostly wethers', were oonslgned
tfl T li n trmll furlnrv wllh f.n. Aa
tocai consumpuon on tne estanclaa and
in tne - towns, xns problem or com
storage Once solved, this system- was
first applied- to sheep, because they
wero rejeciea1 oy-ioe sailing estaoilsti
ments. and their valuable meat thus
entirely wasted. Encourasinar result
wers obtained, and once the difficulties
peculiar to every new enterprise were
overcome the question arose how to
d-Dog lli peal .
si It II fvy
raa sola) aveeeataslr
pr-. la )M arte
al wr aad
4 UaM aad Miwr
ie II... I
Mil 10.714
..I ).. 814.416
111 . .111.111
liua af sk.a aurtaa' tha wk
far gralf the during IM -r4!ng
lao werka. a letal ef lilt Ml
c-d ajrlag th peat sis dart sew
(il with MM 11 wk SAd 1121 ti
br lloua ts data
NaeuiaaJ oh-p aalaea at North Pert-Uad:
MMIaJ lambs ............I 4 11
t'ltalca latnbe .............. II
( ommoa anr ., I.lltlt l
taarllny wihra IM
Old wlbra I.liai !l
Kaocy aa.s ail
Ordieary , I ul .
Al Ih cla ef tha wk I har .
ta4lnrs la tha muttoa altuatlosi at
Chicago. . .
At Iouih Omaha ahaep vara Bomloal
but siady.
ahp and lamb ruai
weak , t
Month to data 21.T.I
nam perio4 lli
Teer to dat
Itmt im1
Cattle Market Is XUghar.
Higher prices were i.ld la th eattle
mark. I at North Portland during the
peat weak. Receipts ware 1211 head
compared with 1424 jt wk aad 411
the previous -weak. With the sreat.r
demand and with' kttlsrs suppltaa la
nearby fdlota araail. buua.rai, were
compelled to pay th higher prices asked
by receivers.
Top steers sold no higher than I6.T6
during iha week but thla waa due to
lack or quality than to any lack af ap
preciation. Th atuff that brought
6 71 this week ootrid not have been
sold at better Ihasr 66.IO a weak ago,
therefor the advance waa safely 26o
over th previous period.
On extra fine shlpmsnt of ipeyed
heifers sold during the letter part of '
the week at 11.11 aad soma very fancy
cowa at 14.76.
Big Moyemeal Is Pels Alarm.
Killers have been anxious ' to show
that there waa plenty of cattle In tha
country thla being Jhe excuee for tha
low prices that have ruled here aa com
pared with tha Missouri river market. .
Truth of the matter la that ao far aSi
tha home territory la concerned, there
naa been a rar jeaa auooiy or catua than
during any similar period. Tha total
run of cattle to date at North Portland
thla year is 76,170 head compared with
ys.uss naa a zor tna same time in mo.
coton, MISL. urt. ZS. Than waa
another active period in wool trading
In the Boston market thla week with
aalea showing an estimated aggregate of
uvcr iivuv.vvv oounas. fractional ad.
vancea obtained on aome aalea and re-
rusaia to tnase concessions ara general.
The statistical position of ths markst
is strong. Never In tha reoant hlatnrv
of the wool trade has there been such
a run on domestlo And so little demand
for foreign wools. Scoured Oregon wool
haa been aelllor at 68 cents for four X
and 47 cents for two X Estimstes of
outri), .v, nifTi nvminw; yearlings i ana i cani lor r wo JL. J&BUm
tl.3k4.1: wethers IS toe i.Tfi: lamh. I territory wool aelil liuiut
66.8lftj6.76; owes, U0.5A pownda. , '
supply European markets with the ar
ticle moat liked. As this market was
largely Englislv estanclaa -naturally
turnea ivwaxa dntrusn Dreeas. lrnnorr-
ing for the purpose rams of Enalish
origin under the generic name of Lln
colns, large and fleshy, but with- coarse
wool, mougn long and heavy. -
Tliis shows sn increase of but 111 heai
In favor of this year's movement, aatjr
several times tiis amount or the in.
crease ha bean brought forward from
tho outald territory.
North Portland cattle martet ran-;
Select s tears ...... .4... I6.75fi)6.80
Fancy steers 1 7a
Choice steers , 6 60
Feeder ....' 4. 66
Common steers ............. 4.1s
This is bZl helfer ... J0
were first a.o-ya.t
Fancy bulls' ., 8.004 0'
Good ordinary bulls 2.002.60
Stags 1 ................. 4.60
Fancy light calves .......... I.002.25
Medium Calves 6.5006.60
Ordinary calves 4.00 6 00
- Another liberal movement of Montana
cattle is. expected in the local market
during the corning week. fc
Cattle run: , V '
Week to dat i 1,216
Month to date 7,129
Same perlood 1910 ....,..,,..... 6,888
Year to date Tfl.J7n
Same period 1910 ............... .76,089
tog Market is jirratlo.
Trade In the heg market was erratlo
during , the week. Prices moved from
extreme rweaknesn to a fair degree of
strength. One day there was a' loss and
the next a higher- price. Toward the
closing of the week sales were made at
$7.35 for top Btu'f. 1
Movement of I oas. during th rirv
was 2109 head and of these all but six
loads came from the home territory.
' Elsewhere lower prices ruled rfnrtnr
tho week and this had an effect upon tha
trade here.
North Portland swine trade torlnv '
Best eastern Oregon ,7.307 86
Medium eastern Oregon 71. :
UOTi vauey ..,iv 7.15
Good and heavy 6.76&6.S0
. N Money and Exchange.
London, Oct 28, Consols, 79 ; -silver.
36 1-16; bank rats 4 per cent
New York-, Oct v 28. Sterling ex
change: Long, $4.84; short $4.87.
Silver bunion, 64c
- San Francisco. Oct 28.-Sterina y.
change' 60 days, $4.82 ; sight. $4.86 :
doo 64.82: transfers! telearaDhia 6
per cent premium; sight x per cent
premium. . ,
Rough and heavy
(Continued on following page.-
. New York Cotton Market.'
Feb. .....
May .....
June ....
July ....
DIDk .... ...
Oct .... Ill
Deo. .I.. 136
Open. 'C High.
1 . -
-' a
35 .
903 04
1" Uverpool Wheat Market.
Liverpool. Oct 28. Wheat closed:
December, 7s 6d; March, 7s 4d; May,
B tut, . ' ,. '- -
Sao Francisco Can Board. -
can ivmriu nb rw
rembar. $1.91 bid. $1.93 ask; May,
$LII bid. $LI aahv i .
Cooke Co.
Ccmirnision Merchant! '
Stocka, Bond '
Cotton, Gnun, Eta.
Coar3 of Trarla BtdHIna
XCstnbara Chicago Board of Trade.
Oartaspuudenta of Logan 4 Bryaa.
Ohloag. jcw York. Boaton.
W hav that amy prtvet wtra
wng Portland with the
easHara aatehaagaa. f I: