The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 55, Image 55

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OF 1907
--4 4 4 4". tl.4 . I 4 ft -4
4 444 t .u.4 4- ftft 4uVft 4 fti
NtH 4wv- ftv-4 4.
..,... ..- tft t
ftf 4ftft ftoat t, 0
44.ft .. Ma.-... UU4 4 ft)...
4. ft ! 4 4,.4 ft.a.J-t 4ftJ4 i-4
M to -j ti w 4 4-4 V.
iii JI 4) ?V i4
4Vft- v. U.4 4 44-.-- 444
444 r44 ft I4i ftftftft 4 twft
! 4xlf . JtW4 Mrift.ft ft4
44 ftft.i 4 ftft44ft ..., I 44 ft.4 AMI 4 ft ft
4fti 4 ftft ft.44 4i
t-oirtfc) f ft Mill 4mi' 4 4
iif ft.4.4i W4I. 44 t,ft4 4
ftX 4 4. ftMttty -1 4
144 ft 4-M x4 ft
ft- tv4 141 VV
W1W 44 i ., ftvwft 4X.4 4
fti4 4V 14) 4' Mi l4 4-hM4
.A4 44. ( 4 w4
C4 v. . .ft 14 ft 4 fe . e,, k l
4 f4 ltt .4 t! i i
44 4 ft4 lut f4 14 m' 4 .
4 ft) 4 ftt ft M t
ft I 4. ft ftuAaft 4 . ...
1 ft 44 ft ft4 44!f
ftftft ft ft ft.4ft . fta4J 4
W4 ftft ft 4wMft ft4 ft !
uoaips PEOPU BUltO
41 Lmm to .i ft. !
I -k4 ti-uJ .-.4
4-M4ftia - ft4 4ft.4
, fMlft ft,' 4 ft4 .
It Ift M4U 4J !.
to M.H4 a,ft l . .a0 44
ft ftftHl 44 4-1 444
4 ftft W t ft HmM 4 4-
HU 44. ft ft,4 wu4iy ftf mmm,
U4 141 444 $' ft.044 ftuV 4M
4ftUt m U4 I4 w4 UH
III ft4ift a V 4 ft 44 44
l ft'M ft 4.ft"l IMK -ft-ift
fttfttiUbu .. tn-cft ft 4
KM4 -wft"! W fllftlOft. ft-
u-4 . 4 '4 4 .. 4
' 4to41l h tft 444
ft 41 A 44 U 4 Li I)U
44 ft 4ft 44) 4m4 fc4 I.i4 ft
It4-r 4 ft (ft 4444 v4iftkft
ftaBiil 4 r m mt
AW.- toft, ll,ft 144
tftftft 4ft U4 40 mt 4l-ft 44
4 44 tl4 ft. ft rvft
M4 I ft 4 44 r W ftM J i -
..m ftftts, l4r la f-4
f 4 .'ft (nA4 144 4'.-i4 Vi lft
4 t 4 W 4,-i- ft W4I
mI 44 4 I 1 mm
Um ft. oft k i i iv 4
I 4 -l 44- 4a 4) ft t 4) 444 t44)
I4 ft m S t.4 m 4s -
' M4 t-4.4 .-. . itll)4 444
l-u Hi4 U -4 ) ft 44 14
14 IJ4 H-4MM4 IM Tf
. M ,M t-- 4
4J ii4y t.t ft) )
'MftM f 4 4u l 4ft
-1 ft4il1 ft44.A J l I x 4 4
4ft4ft m444 W a. ft4 44
4 iii1 fr 4Hft 4 ' 4-ft ftwftO
t4.MT i. ftftJ M 4U4 4i I I I 4
1 4-l iiU 141 . 'V"4-
4ktt-r" ft J4 4 1 mft 4 i ' ft 4-4
iv ft I 4 4
4a ftftw4 4 IftMVfttlft,
4444 V4V,4 ft-4 4t4 4vftl ..
ft t.1 ftft ftft 4 4 I 44J I 44 4-. i
4.1 4 ftxt.a 4 4) 14 ) Mi
ft -1 4 444ft 414 4 4
t ftftft 44 Uw tokv4 ftftl ftftjftjft &4
14 4 ft4 44 ftwftft 'ft 4ft4) I .
4 aM4V4k i t-VV 4ft 444 444
ftti 4ft t feM l4 ft.1
tM44 IWaft 4 44 ftt'tft.) 4 144 ft4.
I -4 Xft ft. (UHI 44 IwK
144 ft ift ftUft ft J1 rft 4Kft
I nt 444 4tym i 4 v.ft it ft X t t
an) ft4 t4ft4ft44I H tB ftifli4
4)y) 444 ftl ft ft, ftft 4
4 ftv ftK fti1 1 1 i lr t- ft, ikj a
4.. ft ft-4 lefttft It-ft ft til ftft.4 ftMftft
ft4 ftl ft. toy ft4 f ft ftft, 4-4
IVM ft -- ln) 444 ft4, fta 4w 4
toft4.ft ftftftft 444
tvl ( ft M 4-4 l 4
.a4 m 4 44 r4) toftft-ft
" i4 4 4 4riMft4l !
U l 4y 4k. ft44vft
Till: OfcLCOH
. . ro ' 1 ' ft " 1 'J
i " ' ' -- i
i ,
I.V scalp and
I matter.
1 color,
ii -wTrx 'J I
y4ftas. n4,4ft tn4 fci4 lft
MKfft l44 r.ft i ftfttftf f ftftirtftftM J
ftlftlelft It 44 wJ M,ilft
ft ft444f 1ft flat ffti4ft-4.fl Iftft
toi444 4 44il ft-i4 44 444 '
4444 ft-J:4 fttlft 4X441 ftft j
44 to4 4i 444 ftJ!Uftft toft4ft ftft!
r(ft4 44.44 44444 TVtft totoftil
ftftftft 1 41 ftftftft 141: f ft'l '
Uftfttftaft 04 ftftft4kft ftftkr44.
1ft ftftl ftft ft .- ftftUft
T ft fftftftl ft -- ftaiftvi w
U ftft 44 ftftlfftfttftlftftf f ftftlfft 4ftftj II
ft44i to) v4ft44 Fftft lft iftiiftl i 1 I
t 44i4 ft4fti amrmrtif 4iW mf I
14444) ft III 1.1 4 ftftft ft ft4f
ft4 r J. t ! ftft ft4ft.nft I I
r. ! Xv 4 4 4ftv ft 44ft J
H4f s , ftlftftllftj II
W.Q f(f .1 MiU 6fl4 r 1MI.
KV f ftfH, Or, ft TM to-144-ft ft Oft
444 444) Iftft 4kartftl Aftkftfftftftft ftft
ft4ftft4. Cft C4ftftft- , H41. Cto
I toft ftft fttof 4i ft ftwkft a4 ftftj Or
Iftft It, ) 4 T. ftftftft 14 4ftft ftrlMft
f . Ift 114 4f4ftftrft ftf 4
to444 If Iftft 1441 1,4.ftfta
4 ft4ifti4 ftUaVfti raf
M Iftft ftifttftry ( aftfttfty fti I a,
Of Iftft Iftft ft4t Iftft lftllft Ift ftftkftftftft
Itftftl ltfttr Orvwer IWotrrrd ! Ih
la U Jftlcft of TropAcftJ Khrat.
HflfJ FftlUft If air a4 Ilrhlaf
HcftJp U Oft ATlkUo4: KIIU
lft4Mtrmrr CftTRM la Thrtofl ft
loftTft Color to Ore- 1 1 air la Hrrtm
Ut M'lLhoftt Ijrft.
1(1 ft eft
wft4 ftwft1!rv4l4.
Ift ftvftftr ftftlft ftftlVftft 144 Vf
Iftft) 444 ftrDclftU 14) ftftftiftl lt ftft 4 ft ft?
ftftfttlftft- 1444ft 4 r(ft 4ftft4ft4ft f4
iftft ft i I f ftftftJk. Tft-ft4ftiir
ftftkk t4ift mM t rrft
I 4 m ftft ii M I oiftf
fc-ft ftuftftwiu tft ftH r iftftftivftftMrf. tnilM
114 ftftftftlftf ftft4ftftlftft4ftilft ft ftVftftfl
14144 aftl ft44 ftlftlftftnaftlft ft ftft '
prlrftift ftnrftft(4 l U ftftftft torrtuii.
I 'ft f iftftftft Ift r4 It ift Tftftft
r Iftft ftftafttft ftf ftftfthftrft ftft) ffftVftito.
441 ftffVlftlft 4 trvwii tMt Iftft)-
ftltftTftl (ftcfftfftlft 1)11 41ft 4144 ftf ftll.
Iftft 4Bl fiftftUf fttftMn4.
Mftftt ftf Ik "t4 fftftftfty" 4ft rlr4
ftfiftr ift hftfttftfttft of 1441 ft) ftf.
fair ftum4 Lheir ioirI war. Iftftu
ft ftvalft ttkf mr r4irtrft4 livaa '
blrh Ihftf ftftj fu!loft4 fttor II ft-1
ft. Tft QftftaeUI fttftrt Utl r Ih4 j
fftftlft ' 44 fttftftf ftf Ifcftj
toftftftdft ha ftft. ftl feftftlftd Tftft !
l ift fftftplft ihft ftftuftiry ha ta
ftMftMvi Iftftl ftfiooa ftitfttnei l
ftfnpftift lift ftilftftl ftr feaa ftftftft mad.
Thftfft Ma ftftftft tnwrt) Dilftgft4rrftiaft4.
aM murh Trirrfrftft.fili)nn of th!
ftftalft r HIT. II bft dftfttnlMMl
44o aft . Mftry. TfttftV
Attr T ftftftft Awfft raifft. katft,
tvlftftftftft ft aft Talftft Kftlr. Th7 in
fttftklaf Tftft Bftlft. Vftft ftlttftftL 4t
oaift B444 Kftlr All Tftftr On. Xftftk l
Mr . A rU jTrto rft-fttft f tii
1 Tftlrty Sfta."
- - 4h I ftftM V4ft ftTV ft ft Vftl m
Knil FlffV dnt PaclcRtrt P4ialo wblch tn procj)dlng ftl
" - i o I . tremftndouft Tt to
liMftftftif ftf c4 ift laaiiftft-a ift iftft r
ftf4ft ft4 Iftftft. fftf V 4.114 Cftlftb
ft ft ft! itkftijr ift 4if44 Aftv
4lft ft44fttft4 4 4Vft4 ftft ! 4ft
ftft ft t;irf4 ftf Iftft 4ft4lUftr
1441 ft4ft ltt 4-Uca ifttift r' Ift Ul
to ft' toiftfti 4iftVftft it laftftft
fctftftii r44 rftpU'ir 4 la )
rftftftftiftft 41af la ciftftJif ft oa (ha
lilt 1 4 ftf 14 AftVftiaftftftftftU !
! rft 4 IK ftftvirftft 4)44 Ift lft
ftiiftaBfti 14 fttfty it ftftftrftft r nftftftwara
klrlarr 14 Iftft) arft cil Iftftft frftfc
t.y ft4 ftro la 14.144 14 ftfttrft
I ha I Ihft 4r-rJft ftf Iftft tftll4 IUU4
ft ftr rarrrlftft) tatOi ftf (hftka taftl
ft 4nei ift uiur rr of lT (D
ubftiiiuUft for M-iiftr ftwftl) fta ft 4 ftftl
ft ! fttftftr oouftiry Ift c
lrr. ftf ihfti left prftfAlutft mm ftolft
rftftft4 ft tiltltftr ftfttat Iftftft II ftvar 4)4
Ift Corftftft la toaodara lift ftiepl oa
xftftiftft In rrftft") 4riftT Ihft Commftftft.
Frw fticftst r4idfta of u rftelfie ftoftt
ft ftft-ar thai ftft aa iBCldrnt ftf lh4
ftftftle Ihft pftoptft ftf Cftilforaift bad a
oftallDUouft holiday of ator Ihaa ftftvfta
to ftftftft. Tbftftft l (, )ldara ftrvrt dftClftTftd
from Octoftftf l to Dmbr II ta er
dr to ftBftftift lb tftoka ! dftclioft pr
ftfttil ftAd lo ftrtftftftl h fordnft- f cot
IftcttDftft Ihftl weal- drtftoa maar
u4ioft4 bouftfta roto bftJikroif r. la N
vftda ftftd Orftsroa Imllar aetldftjra 4r
Jftclarftd for abortcr pftiioda.
In PUtftbura IIT.C44.004 of PT cbftckft
tor Uftoftd by Tftrloua ftoneftma and
Ibroughftftt th Cftunlry Il40.tl4.440 of
panic iponftjr waft Uuftd macb of It rftftl
rlldcfti currnc n4d4 uftoful only by
oommon cwiftDl of Ihft pftopl. In nftr
ly ry Uri city of U country bank
Bftynvftftta war portly iuapandftd aa thfty
mar In ( nnmbftr ftmallftr elftpftft.
on Tlllx4 la OftoriU of only 400 pp-1 . "f ihn I1 a
alatlon rortlnf to tha Uauo of crtlf- iB0V1 h" ceJti, from
M) in H... r..h . I "nlch 4tT tubfttftacft ood. A fthort
. " M . . . . j I lUBft ftfur, bia ftrms, aaoulden and bra44
Up to U4 middift or oetoDor, i07,
bualnftft altuftUoa of tbft country wa
rtiardftd aa blft-bly ftatUfaotory. Wbllft
tbftro had bftfta prftdlettona from finan
cial ax porta of a arioa rtefts'ioa la th
"Cross" English
Gloves for Men
and Women
AtuAiur hlpmtnl
Jsit Ul. ICeaTjr hinj.
ftlilcbtd Wtlklir
GJovti it) tin ia4
troaj eat o4 to
button tad cJm j ir.
Whllt Chamois
(w4tHl!e) Glovff,
very f4JiKill fv Hffrt raftr. rilf
UiKuit Oviatoia, very dufat't, lo tc
worn with ttilorf J tutt. one button ao4
rtuatiet tt lrt. l'ir. 381. SO.
Gny Mvh Drni Clove at 152.00 anl
52.50 the ruJr.
Every Day Needs forlhe Sick Room
A cVTj!cte iwrt.
meat v( irk room
ftffJt A.'aix loth at
aanttary rnamUirt?, Hri
14114, Iffiiiting Ik)Och4 Caa.
Waih lliimt. Funor!i. etc..
alo Lbrtffti.ry n.J Hotpiul llcimcl
fVil-nf Ctspa H54
CriJuilcJ tilti G!4 4ir4...1,0 UP
Thmii Uru4ht. up from 10
Sprninf Cop, enml..,.50i ao4 75
J'lKkct 5jmioir Cuja, p4cVp 35ft
l-rvrr lticrmomtff....i,..75 to 5
IV! Table at.... $7.00. 158.00, 510
Sick Room Necessities
Fool Arch
Trulorm Back
Support Brace
u p rn7r i nn
mo lull
cema Begw When. Thrw WmIi
Old. Arms, Shoulder, and Breast
t Solid Scab. Boils Broke Out
During Teething. Used Cuticurt
Soap and Ointment, and He Was
the Picture of Health.
SpfxuJJy made from ptajtrf eat e(
our loot by oar expert foot rcuIiiL
et ui attiit in relieving your tired, ach
ine feet. Initep arch lupporta at 51.50.
52(1 53.
'Dr. Young's
For piles. Guar
anteetl. Set of
i, 53.00.
Aids for the Deaf t
We hare every known device to assist
the deaf to hear. Acousticons. Audi-
phones. Hearing Horns, Conversation
Tubes, Artificial Ear Drums, etc
cn,i tm tv.t.i., i a i Am . .v. . n..i'
PVtV4 IVI m)Ullll.l IIIU4 IUI UlC UI1I.
For the Invalid
Wheel Chairs sold or rented, $3 month.
Correct! round ihmiVJe r, ent.
psnds the cheit and pnxiuces
erect and graceful carriage. Price 52.
l ou should i esr one.
Susptndcr Shoulder Brwcts
For boys 50 For men 75c
Dr. Gray's Conet Brace.. 52 and 52.50
riiin maple, pair 91.50
Maple with patent tips, pair. 52.50 53
Maple with patent tips and leather iwinr
tops, pair 55.00
Rosewood, with patent tips and iwinp
top 58.00
Woodhrk" Mcdlctt BUttry for '
Horn Use $6.00
for tbroft yara thr
nil Doming in ti?w w uiihi m m vr- t
dloary mfto any sraatar llbftllhood of aa i
DtOD bftlna a Bald Head. immftoifti. ana "u. ,,,-rnipUa
t . . a. ftiautattaijirv v m fti pi inam . nan rtmmi rnr aa
Ninn B4pairn nri t i vir4 ) -..w-w-- - 4
PtoD nulUna out hftlr by tha haadf ula rftr or mora barer. In fact th bank
with every comblnr.
Stop hiding your poor acanty treaaea
with dftad balr. wlaa. ouffa. awltchea.
4 trftnaformfttlona that novar fool ftny-body.
Kill ror one and for ftll tha deadly mtit
Danilrurr nrm that una tha vltalltv of
x. your hair roots and oovtrs your hair,
coftt with dlaruatlnr acaly
Stop a-rowlna old nd arfty. B
ftg-ftin. HftVft hair Ita natural
Bftirln today to and all hair and ftoalp
troublft and haro a thick, gloaay luxuri
ant naa o
hftlr aa Natur Intended.
L. is ma moat wonaerrui
automant at tha bf Inning of Beptambftr,
HOT, waa allghtly mora farorabla than tt
bad ben ft'yaar previously.
In th old fftshlonad school raadera
thftra uaad to bo a story of a loo 44
tons thftt sat an avalanch In motion.
It was so with tha panle. Tha aton that
sat It going was a araJngly unimport
ant bappftnlng ta New York, aa avont
that ordinarily- would hare - caused
acarcely a percoptlbU local flurry.
A wall known copper speculator bad
been trying to engineer a corner In the
hair remedy In th world. Not ft mere (stock ef ft copper company. With his aa
Jieaftanur mnumn.i wa. n tiao m i0cltea b contrullod the Mercantile Na
f:iorw,.1,vrtK,."?d. IVZ'0, tlon.1 bank, a relfttlvely .msll In.tltu
Inal aelentlflfl dlacovfti-r that ftenulnehr ! tlon. Four Other banks. Of which
nd actually a-rowe new hair on the largest waa th Bank of North Amerl-
baldeat he
tally destroyed. In thirty days or leaa,
and quickly ends hair and ncalp trouble
of every form and dnacrlptton. I will
prove thlft to 600 readers of this paper
by sending tnem a run aise 400 pacKage
or 8ALITHOL absolutely free to use on
tlielr own head.
The SAilTHOL treatment has as its
bsse, the juice of the rare and little
known Fernambuco Shrub of South
America, which growa new hair with
utterly amazing rapiditr. Hundreds' of
people, living In every corner of the
United States, testify to Its marvelous
One lady writes to aay:. "My hus-.
band has oeen bald for 25 years and
baa uaed everything. The first , week
after using' your treatment his hair be
gan to -come in and what hair he did
have is turning back to Its original
color." A lady user says. "I have been
terribly tortured with Itching scalp and
dandruff. Tour treatment stopped
them quickly.'! Another user says,, "My
hair was coming out in haudfula with
every combing. Ono application ended
all trouble."
I want 800 readers of this, paper to
step forward and send me 1 the free
oeiow -reaaers wun any xorm
wlr?Kir10tar noti to a, were held In speculative control by
men associated In one way or another
with thft Interest dominating the Mer-
cantlle National. As a result of the col-
laDse of the copper-corner, the withdraw.
al of depoatts and the fact that their
funds were tied up In unmarketable se
curities, . these banks were unable to
meet their balances ftt the clearing
house. The total deposits or tne live
Institutions were only 16,0010,000. In
response to thel requests for assist'
ancft a committee of the clearing house
examined their. affairs, enforced changes
in their management and raised a fund
of $10,000,000 to tide them over their
difficulties. At various times many
banks have undergone similar reorganl
rations without any unfavorable after
effects. Thess events took place in the
week following October-14 and It was
believed by bankers thftt the disturbance
was at an end. The general public had
given scarcely any heed to it.
On Monday octooor zj, men in tne iin-
anclal district wero congratulating; one
another on the "clearing up" of thft sit
uation. On the very next day a sharp
of hair and scalp trouble. I want bald.
headed peoplethe balder the better
folks wno wear wiss who uumk tneir
hair roots are dead and that nothing
ran hem tnem.
die and merely
broke out alio, and la a
few dart became solid
scab. I bftoame ftlftrmftd,
ftftd celled our family
physician who at once
prooouacftd the dbfcfta
ciftma. Thft little fellow
was under ha treat man4
for about three months,
by the end ef that tuna,
he seemed na better. I
bacftiDft dlamuraxMl- I
Topped the doctor's treatment, and con.
menced the DM of Cuticura Hoan and Oint
ment, aad In ft few days' noticed a marked
ctiatiffa. Tha eruption on hi cheeks was
almost healed, and hi shoulder, arm ana
breast were decidedly better. Whea he was
about sevan months old, all traos of the
csemft W44 gone. ,
" Purine hi teethhur Derlnd. hla bead and
fare were broken out Tn boil which 1 cured
with Cuticura Soap and Ointment. 'Surely
he must have been ft great sufferer. During
the time of teething and from the time I
dronrwd the doctor's Irratnuml. I ud tha
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Olntsient,
nothing else, and when two year old he was
the picture of health. Ills complexion
Ma soft and beautiful, and hla tired a mas
of silky curls. 1 had been afraid that be would
never oe well, and I frel that I owe a great
deal to the Cuticura Remedies.'' (Signed)
Mrs. Mary W. Jtamsey, 224 . Jackson fit.,
Colorado Spring. Colo., eVpt. 24. 1610.
Although Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment are sold by druggists and dealer
everywhere, a liberal sample of each, with
82-pape booklet on the skin and hair, will
be sent, post-free, on application to Pott
Drug a- Chem Corp. Dept. 6B. Bostop
We sell and abip to every part and
pott tn the world.
Obesity Belts for Fat Folks
Belts 'that, constantly worn, reduce
your girth and relieve that exhausted sen
sation experienced by fat folks after ordi
nary .exertions.
dbesity Belts are "also valuable for
safety purposes after operations. Satis
faction and fit guaranteed.
Do You Wear a Truss!
Our expert can fit you perfectly from
our large stock of Trusses. No trouble
to show and advise you.
Single, 91.00; Double, 91.50.
Elastic Hosiery, Dells, Bandages
Knit to your menttre Ours Is the only
loom On the I'sciftc Coait and is operated
ty an ejxrt. workman who knows bow
to "knit to fit."
Send for our latest Elai-
tic Abdominal Supporter,,
I older and beJNMcasure-1
rnmt Blank.
Anklets $2.25
Knee Cap Tiece S2.25
Thigh Tiece .......$4.00
Carter Legging ....S2.25
Knee Iloie 35.50
Shoulder Tiece 88.00
Garter Hose 53.00
Half Thigh Hose...S8.00
Elbow Piece S2.50
Wristlet 91.00
Experts and Graduate
Nurses in attendance.
All purchases on charge accounts dur
ing the balance of this month will be
charged on November account
Raphael Tuck's Private
Greeting Cards
Place your order now for Xmas and
New Year's and have exclusive cards.
This is without doubt the finest collec
tion ever shown on the Pacific Coast
Do You Realize the Holidays Are Swiftly Approaching
Soon you will be anxious that provision has been made for the members of your
family or friends in the way of some gift or remembrance. Don t forget this you
can make a selection NOW much more satisfactorily than you can later. Already
we have laid aside an immense quantity of gift merchandise for customer! who are
thus relieved of much worry usual with last moment purchases. : :
Out stock of holiday goods, weelieve, is better than we have ever shown, con
sisting of Leather Novelties, ransian ivory, jewelry, imported rertumes m original
cut glass packages, etc. We invite you to look over our stock, which as vet has '
Guinea Pigs
We can supply physicians and others
with any number of healthy truinea oitrs I not been on display, therefore assuring first choice as well as exclusive merchandise.
A.r;-A cu: i 1. I . i.. - t m u:a
utaiitu, uiuucu cvci y wucrc ior in minr instances wc utvc imir uuc vt iwuu.
I - " V . ! w
money by mailing your orders to as. Take
advantage of our cut rate prices.
W' I,r. r,'"r. " 1 1 .. ' ,. " ' jfli . . ... . .. . ... j-,rrA
run started on the Knickerbocker Trust
The hair roots rarely company, caused apparently by tne Dusi-
11b dormant beneath I npRs relations of tho Tresident of the
locked roiicies wai una- ror a true stim- (company with tho nan in control of the
"'""J -t"Y- rV:' IVOU w nen lo Bank of North America.
work sprain
Here is
the test
that tells. Use
eek. Then take your
and note - the countless - tiny
that have sprunr tip on every bald
lis irS that have sprung1 up
mmA 4hln mnnt Wa f rH .im rrnw 4)
mttjk ...... " ' ..v. ' -
careful not to appiy wnera nair is not
ftsirea. v , - r
film and send this coupon today, en-
closing' 10 cents 'in. stamps td nay' for
na pacKintr ana ft luu-size
e of 8ALITHOL will be sent
?'Ou free. Do it now and tie one or the
ucky five hundred. Address me per
sonally. Everett Wood, Hair and
Boalp Specialist Bulte 1020C, Clark
Millclinr, Syracuse, r. x.
' Enclosed Is 10 cents to help pay
postage, and packins; and to prove
food faith. Please send at once a
ull-slse BOc package of 8ALI
THOU absolutely free. I sin under
no obligation to buy more. . It not
satisfied,, .my 10 cents Is to be re
turned on request. 8AL,ITHOt
must rrow hair on head aa you say.
Name , . . V. .'. .
Address ..........................
In three hours
the Knickerbocker, tha : third largest
trust company in the city, 'paid put 18,-
000,000 and then Its doors were closed.
The following: day a run was started on
the Trust Company t America, a still
larger Institution It paid out I1J.O00,-
000 on that day, $9,000,000 tha day fol
lowing and during the -succeeding two
weeks It , was steadily besieged by
frightened . depositors. -and - passed out
$34,000,000 over Ita counters. r
- By this time it was apparent that a
serious situation was at hand. Buns
were started on banks in all parts of
tha city. The aavlngs banks were at
tacked and had to enforce their rule re
quiring 60 days' notice of withdrawals.
Leading bankers wero in almost con
stant conferences devising plans for
meeting the situation. ' There were hur
ried examinations by threatened Insti
tution to determine whether aid could
safely be extended to them.: Day and
night long lines of men and women ex
tended for blocka oniUIde tha doors of
certain banks and trust companies wait-1
lng their turn to withdraw deposits. -
At tills Juncture the weakness and
danger of our .financial system which
this month,
m-m "Per
We replace Heeth which cannot be told from your own, without plates.
If y
our artificial teeth to fit.
you laugh, .and you can eat anything
keep in force the special
Cent lo 50 Per Cent Discount
on1 dental work. We are doing; the
highest grade dentistry in the city, .
even with such special inducements.
Better com4 in the first of the week,
as this .offer -will positively end No
vember 1st. i t ;
Crown and Bridge
; Work Our .Specialty
We give you absolutely reliable and
te dentistry, which will really please you. not only In looks, but in active service.
If you must have false teeth, why not have teeth that look neat, attractive and natural. We guarantee
They stick to your mouth and feel comfortable. They do not rattle or drop when
with them.
Porcelain Crowns . ...... $3.50 to $5.00
Gold or Porcelain Fillings, . . . .$1.00 Up
Silver Fillings . 50c to $1.00
Full Set of Teeth . ... . . . ; . .$5.00
Bridge Work SsTOcT1". .$3.50to$5.00
Gold Crowns $3.50 to $5.00
We also treat decaying, hollow, rotten, diseased teeth and save them' for you, which many other dentists
would extract. Hundreds and hundreds of satisfied patients recommend our methods over all others.
Don't neglect your teeth any longer; when they start to go, tbey go fast. Wa have tha largest ang best
equipped dental parlors la Portland i aad, remember, this redaction la prices will last only aatil sTorembsr 1.
The UNION DENTAL COMPANT is incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon, and the com
pany. not tha operator, stands responsible for all work done. This aloo Is a guaranteevof satisfaction against
poor materials and poor' workmanship. Soars S a. m. tUl a p BM Suaaay till la, or by appointment.
Owing to. tha many raqnssts for portraits wo have decided to oom.
tlnno this exceptional offsr for a short Urns. Sara your . coupons
bring la joux photo at onoa. ,
All portrait coupons will expire on JTovember X, 1911, aad positively
none will be aoosptad altar Abat data, so bring la your photo and oonpona
at onoa.
The Plan
A Special Portrait Coupon will a p.
pear in all edition of Taa journal
ahd will ooatlnne until October 15.
1011. Cut ont the oonpoa and after you have saved TBTO TWJlJI'X'x
JTVB (of different dates), bring taem to The Journal Art (taller? and
we will have made for you a beautiful life-else bast, black and waits
oiled portrait, roui any photograph, absolutely PBBB. 1 Ton furnish, tha
pbOto, we furnish the franis t SI. 98 up.
SOTS Subscribers having subscription receipts covering tb4 our.
rent month oaa pros sat then In lien of tha ooapoas aad tha ooupoa ap
peering on Bundays, Is good for four coupons,
Tha Journal has mads arraagamanta with Its advartlsars
to givs with aaoa framed portrait a msrcnaadlas order good
for 500 in trade, redeemable at any store advertlalng la Th4 Journal.
avajgpxais op THzs aiaurifui. woauc vow om bzxpivat zsr ova
The Journal Special Pcrtrait Cc:;:
Oct. 29
No. SO
These OoupOBs, presented t Tha Journal portrait Department la aa
cardan oe with taa terms of Tha Journal's frea portrait offer, will ftotlt,
tha holder to .
A Lifc-Size Bust Black and Wfcite Oiled Pcrlrr i
Out ahem out aaoa day aatll -you hare taa reqeired scrr v.
" : tsis coirpcar' zzpzaxs voTxarara i,