The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 54, Image 54

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ria' oxtoau sunday iqvhhau
111 1 " I
Gipsy Smith Has No Desire to Be Called "Reivrvnd"
mJ M fvtts faaaj ta. 4 tta4iei; K IwM "?V4 He I Haa arfearfi tWa
t aJ tkni aavfWaJl
Scorw 0 Unfortunate Persons '
Gtvi 'Vtv Maifa n ai omc
r.M.U L . -OX
r- ' . - -
' ' ; - 1
t "
v : if , 1 , ! 1 ! . n
XP pW-Jur Kiterlor of Glpty Smith labrsacU comiJM. MtddU ptrtar. t Ufi Olty Smith. tt
; noted nirlUl: at right. Dr. Dnjamia r. Touug. p(of of 1rt Utho4Ut Kplarotwil church, mho
) lDtrjlw4 aBelUL Lower plrtar etrlor lt of taheraacio, tm4 th 700 et.
fif orws th trr ef haM pvr I
4ir rutloaa ami turn ihooaaM lo
k!twr ronrp(Kfi or IIN'a ntcalng la
k)o4u! dtfroiion uch a man la Glpr
Kmlih. Ihn rld'a grtt rnUt.
Mr 1". Btnjimln Teuag, rhalrnisa
at iha Olpjr nintih utlv rmmlti
And factor of Tartor 8lrt Mvtbodlat
church. '-
Lvh (ha gfpay, for ha la trpr la
PIoarnr and by parntaf, waa la
Hpoaanai, Dr. Toung wcitt thara lo con
Trr with him. Tha Portland paator told
yoatardajr hla paraonal Impraaalon of
lha man and la a war highly Intaraat
lug lo tha Ihouaaada ef paopla who art
looking forward with Mitmwi to tha
. . hrrtnnlng of th rcmarkabla etrtaa of
Ol pay Smith wiaattnga Nombar 10-17
. That tha auditorium la flnlahod with
71.00 aaota, roady to bo - ttrtlllantly
Ijrhtad, with a choraa of 1009 trained
vol era, and commlttaca with apaclal
(futlaa rapraaontlng ovary local church
Ht work, la taken only aa Incroaard aa
miranro of tho anccraa and Influrnca of
Uia Smith moetinga Said Dr. Young,
yoa tarda r. deacrtblnr hla mrmory or tha
fc'pokana meatlnf.ylth Olpay Bralth:
riaaaad With Tow.
? "Recantlj I went to Ppokana to In
trrrlew Gipay Smith and to atudy hla
mothoda," aald rr. Toting. "I mat tha
ITT Pr in tha Waatmlnatrr hotel oaa
afternoon raating aftar tho noon day
inaetlna. Thla waa at tha beginning of
hla work la Rpokana. I had to Inter
view him with reapect to hla work In
rgriiwa uu 10 aaa juat wnat waa
needed that wa might have the fulleat
aucceaa in worklna out our nlana her.
I found that ha waa fully In accord with
what wa had dona and alao that ha waa
ry much latereated In hla trip to
jroruana. I think perhape that he haa
m mucn iniareat in hla trip to Portland
; aa In any city of tha alz on thla Jour-
mini inia comes irom the fact
that Dr. W. H. Foulkea. formerly .r a
ir tpr of - the Flrat Preabyterlan oftSrch
or thla city, waa the flrat m!nStaf? to
take up with him tbia plan forka-Uftur
Mate 01 th-fd
i "Many wlU remember that when Dr.
Foulltea went to Edinburgh ho waa re
quested by the milliliters of the city to
go down to Cambridge, Enrland. the
aone of Oipay timith and lalemew
him. and aa if It were aot poaiU ta
get him la 111 to make a )orwey lo
our roe a I clll-e It waa there thai tha
rJana for I'ortland were flrat made.
Dr. Koulkee ame hark and reported la
ua tha tleetra of tha aangllat and em
seated plana for the arhtma and lha
general mlnletertal entered actively In
to the acheme. The upon arrival la
thla country at New York city, the
gypay preached ota morning for Dr.
Koulaee la tha Rutledga lreabyterlaA
church. Of course ha learned a gret
deal more about Portland and her
need a and churchee la convereatloa with
Dr. Poulkea I Intra hla Interval la
what 1 had to aay the moment I aald
I wa from Portland.
Xa a Boat Oyyey.
"After dlacuaaing our plans I waa
much Intareated In atudylng ,J he man
for Jtalf an hour aa ha conversed with
me about hla experience and over hla
work In the weat. Olpay Smith la
Stocky man, walgha about 171 pounda
and la I feet I Inches high, swarthy
complexion and raven blark hair. Some
one asked me the other day If ho ware
Ily a gypay or If he uaod that
for advertlalng purpoees. It Is only
neceasary to see him to understand that
he la of typical gypay parentage. Tha
man is Intenaely Interested in his work.
He Is preeminently a man of one Idea.
For Inetance, while in Spokane, ho had
a very cordial Invitation from the man
agement of the Inland Empire Pair
association to visit the fair and to
speak one afternoon, but he decided
that he could not do that because It
might subject him to adverse crltlclam
and then It might poaalbly Interfere
with hla work as an evangelist In that
city. He is not coveting tha applause
or the multitude. Ha ia simply giving
nimaeir to thla one work of evangelism.
He Is a man of force and on the plat
form or in the pulpit Is of striking
appearance. He la a veritable dynamo
of energy and when he speaks Is very
active in all his movements. His ges
tures are perfectly natural. His voice
has a high tenor ring and his whole
frame Is greatly animated. One can
not listen to him without being Impreaaed
with the evident, sincerity of the man.
This comes out in his conversation, but
especially la It revealed in hla, address.
I said to him: "Mr. Smith, J don't j
I . 14 kMS !
jiVM kje a tve fr
ttM iw itei a a e
t m 4 e,e r -
: e4. Um i 4 4 I tie 4ki
je,t 4 1 at e 4l ta
tt 4 a.a en tvte
' e.ii e 4 't a eJ aw
t i -f ak Sj4 et4
lM f .. e mu M
e- li IW Itet-e - 4
Iw,a4 .wt a.eaet t l
' . i e tve w
1.nw e 4 U aa f
, fwit a' .
Ill gwaakfeaa.
I eteeee iM III eax aea
tf4 at lie Uee
a.a( it ee44 ana emu
. ... l t I l atae 4
1.4 a., a ate ee aa ta I
, a iwna a ea
swe are4 m a'e a4
ana an. 4 av ua ! aad fva
tie ,lu ee a "a s ' (
eAa4 le tae t a I'M e
4 I ee Maa Mat aa IW tfiata4
im a ift af ta ae
ptmf ft aa4 artee dtaaaa aa4
ee a.i wi'i'wi awe-eaiea a a4
, ta aa eeaaa waara ae at
: ta.4 fcr r ' r al iae
1 Txe r4a Mas a aeaaM ef Ike
. etA4t4 l r. at Vek.aM a
! I, jt4tiK a twa eaaia aaea ta
koiA 4 le aaa aee
aaa a-t e-e a taeal
l4. lMue4teUr after le elaaa 4
IS te etee ( te..4ie( Ike flee wU
ra4aa eMvtaa Baaitaf.
I. Teakeea ae4 kta fe4iewa Wheva
i fe eMHvee taaaid lk(
faiia tMi aaa ta V (tutl
m, a r I'vaiaraKM, elite all IMaae
e la iteitMi am t.ll aaa kiS
'jit, 1'f awit la aM Mettle
IM le eaeU4 ea aucii tell
jee lka It It. ftahl CKarlea Deaa.leaa,
.. Kee (keiee of lle aNrtlual pert
j -4 ih 'k Tn teal aaia. tVhea
fcilme-t iKe lane. l e kilad. aa4 I hew
JeKeli te b!eet. foe they reaaal
taae far I Son ehell be
paed at the rirrertia af tha laat.
"We have had aoena waaderfal enaae
featatlaaa ef (Jt e bieaainfe aa our
of k here." ha eaallnuad "The lama
a ad tha atok haa kaaa Kealad. Prara
'five ta eight nea are oa their fcaaea
t0 a4 Ut k ta.a e-a t a-4
. i i i.a k a aa-4 .aa tve
mi eit.a te tte tvk.e4 aa
tt.e r. e.a e-te t aa ae a l-
4 ev i-ia Heal '.mv ek
a.e eAemd 4 ti-e a, wa 4.
tie '4 aa aae 4 tie a (e
-4 tawf le taa m i a
- ta Itae eaJ lti ae
a4 eji k aa a-a4 e-4 a tMtM
4l !. U im4 la l-e fed a'
ewe4a,a a-d faux4 e ef t erf
kteaee iw mi a ao'efa t e-e
(4i ea la ia ta k
4i. ea a t w f aa . aa(ea ta
?t4wd. aeaie a-iae a-e la t-jfe.e
e-e 4 1 le I e la taue f l-twa 144
coy fails cut with
tuchiju'iO nuns aw At
ttMix at hamwil 1 t aa' at Ue
!, letM a t'-te tree a-e-
. kaa. 1 1 e..A
ttni I'ms W-e s.i . ae
u4...e eJv.-. a- --a .4, e
, i , ti4 ae a.
iu t.u)( l - 4 'a
... t - a '.-'t w i
,..., wl e. It t
t Se -eea ....r-u.4 eJ'. axl
m -e tk,4t -' ta b4.Ht e-i.a
t te MM two aa 114
i .ji.a a eMa-a !
Alveolar Dentistry
Doc Away Entirely With Partial Plttci ami
Ordinary. DiJgework
af ar
ta we
aiaa al a ImI a aula ia
a eaaaaa4, H aaet a a.a4 1
miH ta im aeedie aw t'a
a e- la la Wa . letta
taaaar la avtaata ef U4 ta4a
eaataxy a4 4eeM a uiit aa avaA
e aaavita (ii'iwr eeM a a aaia a
Te44y l.antl la t-a rw4 eaataey
aM aaeaw la auoialt aaat'rO ef
at awae. w
t t Hi
te t I a e e
we itji4 a ee wi
tea iim aa it. a.4 iu .4
t-e mm ta 4t4 I a.a
UH I . - -.4 It Wk
a I aH.t4 a4 t . - itna i
er lt.i a e-ei4 ,
-trtt aa a ea eui 14
lM 4 a, a ! atteiee ta 4
W a-et e i aHk 1 -4
laa ee a e iw
f e CMaa WatkaaV e. a" 4-,4 MM r." a4 .. a ra ..e. I
111 1 '1 ' " www - - I ...... 4 iie ta a-e tiiv aa
y Af? jTV.y..'. 2a e4 a' f . ti la aa a. a aeaa ta M'r aaa iw a
a Ttrw vTTTk.-I.aTti! kTeT.Ua i r ? t. aa N i- aa ta aaa aa W a
OmV Caa? lata WfcL l-na atea raaa 4a fc.a at- fe a.4 Mkl.t la. eir wat'
Li.J.- miJ a leiataeet lei Ika atal Seteaturv waeU. , ,
LVfrr' TV . ata aaa ka ta se aVva4a Twata Vlr Ba4srrrwrtj U
taew uat who yoa ara I read
eaarh iteul va Are et a mleleier'
"II aald. '?e sir. I am )uet a lay aa' aaeklag tha farglvaaaeaa
ataa. I am aot a mlnleter. I ha r elaa,
never k-eea ordalnea. I hava aa line. I "eie tix-iaeai or tnie aatara
I da rwt want ar. and perhap I cauld day tha flrat of thla week,
not wear 11 with - if I a4 1 lit cnrra a chauffeur, whoaa home Is
I WQ aVead Tale saakle te Taw al ttj
am )uat a plain grfey aarad by
grara tr (kxt
aaaarkakU aaaalaUaa.
"I went dnan ta the tent that even
ing and heard him for 14 mlnutea be
fore my train left. I ateod away bark
of tha great rrowd of teoa and heard
the atotenlranikt street.
9rmalaa Ia Cared.
nia stano: ia at lha depot. He waa
la the habit of drtnklnf. Ha bacamej
beeatly latoslrated sad lost all hoowl-
adce of what ha waa dolna. Ha sol
m jot op trnii rw
My friends ware charltaMa and they
called 11 lv others referred ta me lienor. nav
aa being tiTlU f. but I know it waa tuet M"? almature atUchad.
plain bulky welahl. I waa mtaarmble Hon Invite."
1414 wil fceea tei-tk 4le4 a4
M(fiJ taa faat4e af aaties a a. 4
I haa kea a a4il im. ft graa
I Ml t 1 a f tea fraaa l4 la
Iter aa4 aietlee la sC ll e ef ha aea.
eeer ta eat4 ee ai 1:1 ta m. aaa
I.M I tk lteM af
ihta"! a Mail aaawtlla, laa rtat e4
I 11m4m. tale hi liMIt e niir I
t-lle ef Ik amik. aalffct trr
I Ike aa r laa IM4K. aal Ike aaaaia
Iiaalava lataet. r"e 1 lla raeaaea iaa kr
a4r af la Aleaata hltfc4 le latet-
I ear Me. wk4kee II I aeiie4 I IKe
Itaealletk evalery ar ta Ik tit. iki
leir a4 aiik wnaia a
Iaeif. Ihe law ef ar era I la, la tkaaa
early dM-aeee af klelsry, Kea IKa Btaae
af Itaaliet waa ar4 ef, aa4 taa te ia
eif hi ell a) e-raed taea er le
fatateaa af a 4eartlag leotiv.- aaa
aaeleat Vetera or taa Ark na
I hla ahlagta "ALVBOI.AH 1'KXi ia-
TfttV there mlfhl aa aat taer great
ereet adJ4 I Ik aaaaie ar kiaiaey
With the traireai af a4vl!laatlaa Ikeea
nee eet ne cvnnniq vtwhimii
levers' akewtlrlam. W aaaal ae bwfara
we bllva The human rae will aat
erkaawledfa will wat admit wllhoal
the eraof. It aa give yaw the eraaf af
the aacceaa ef ear work, tho teatlsaoay
ef thoee who ar wear lag ear leata. the
huadrvds imI kaadrada ef them, e tie
fled with them, thankfu: thai Mothet
Netara deemed It wta to offer a eub-
atllote for her own handiwork.
Thla latter with a atbers of a like
lenor. ae have et file, with in1 au
lu hi
ou. too. ar eutialiy mleerable If yew
ar too art oat.
To reduce your weight you must find
If eaiy wear fvM teata a4 V)f aa I
!! ee f-- Or akeee w te e e
1 It e Ikal . Uia tM a n-ta
e4ea m4 a k, alia 4k4 A Jtaaltf
leetk, Bkl-et e a -:a aa l
a-aeitU ei If a aa e.4 v ar lea
leetfe ie tta ka It re-a a aaty
I m-m lehra leeth m eea, eal
raa er-tr a'l taa tr 4
ai e a 11 a kt ir V, e
tteta4a tlfaiia A'-mU leaia 1n
aetata a Miaf k kr ta bet 4 a'
a Am M Mueeaaea ta a
iki ke la a - e4aei l
laa. A r lre eeeie r ar
r le tekeg e. ttlteei m,I
a tiititti illr tktsa-etee Mtiee
roriaiKa it ana ika airl ae-4
let ke An eutl leh. Aa. akia (
rata la a (!. twaKt, II la e 1. i
the, wvet betes eaaaL wketk wwa4
yow efcaaaer
OwrUg ryarraaa !! leetki. a da
mm alrea aa t ataer aealiei ae la
curable, t er cwr Ml:lie
W a mre 11 aKaolatelv. II a rl
stalaaneat ta saahe, bat wa caa ti
1 kin. ihi I I Aealtetrv mm
aal wa ia aiwara at in very
et eteea Our aankleta. Alveolar ta
tlatrr. ara free Write far aaa If r
raanol rail W hate aaatplea af awr
work 10 show al all tit, im ta very
beat af rvfereexwa. an army af aaa I
thla Hly and stat.
rerUaaa, Ablartew lllf. 10H M at.
aaatght Mfi aa aaa rua
Terrae to reliable people.
11 1 . . ."a
Into hla automobile and drove reckUeely I the rauae, you muet get at tha very
word uttered with perfect r.M. 7 '.:. ' " ""u
a enunciation is remarkable. Kvrrv!,or c"urr": ' e nao eaen one of Ik rvvmo i wuie-iu but
rork la cut Ilk. . c.m.nd bis speech lY. 7.T TV" lT' Tum . . . ff7 .
'a simple end Aniln-hion In character . ,fc.', -iV-TLT . . -iViVi- r-.r. .71 -,,me :',. h.
The plalnral can understand him. Half Ah d? 1 c"mbHl u na lorched TJl 'lZ "d eome things beyond
h a m-.... for man. I pc-'l ctm." Tad tJW "cTr,.
as Mack Fewer. '77 eJL.i kl 7. JL, rtr 4 I h e waa to remove Ihe
"Althoueh 1 on It 11.7 . ki ? ' h,, for epdlng. W emum. and I awaar under oath, that by
.fci- a-J Jli k ' b 7? ' T officer to lav htm with ue my almpl method, without druga, med-
In 1(1 Dlirf IMirlOd I hffrl V ftg. at 4kUakwa aa wa.jk...1. k. 1 a. ... a I a.- ay. .a - 1 ! .i
r v.
Onlsrlo. Or.. Oct, ta. The bodr ef a
Influence of roosevelt and
as ef death throavhout the vast tent,),
so inn 1 couia not question hla ability I
a vary easy p lac to attempt to con
trol or manage a crowd.
"He la apt to break out in tha mldat
Of hla MMUfi InlA n n .
w "- ....v wrvnm. VI I 1 1 UIIF.. ( . . . -
and very frequently at the close will "! "
he Sins- one Of his favoHt.e ..kin. " - n ma laiano
- .. "" wi, i.ia 1 nuraaav evenina.
seen by paaaensera
bound paaaanger train.
nridge aa the train
n.a rfn . . . . . T biiu
not suit him. Eenect.llv I. tht. ..... " -"" ."af maae. mil aark
n .tha alnalnr. II. .111 ... .. waa not recovered
take the place of the chorister rlsh ' m " na D'n ,0,t-
Im 4.I.Ma . A aa. 1
in iiuni vi mt ronrrviraiion anri
Kaa ahr.1
aew . nvii us VVIIgtlTBiaillUn ID If II n rum a. e
in aom. ..... -hi-i i. ."T. "e oooy was aiso
... i-pnuiir p- nn tha late m t
prODrlat to his thema lie la nerf..l- ' .t .
natural on the platform and wi braak .rVT" Tl.
in snywner in tna service If thl
lead In ona of his popular hymns.
a inion paper has said that
Olpay Bmlth is a master of English
speech. John Bright was known aa one
of the world's leaders In the use of the
English tongue, and Bmlth la compared
wun mm.
(Doited Preta It(.d Wire.)
Seattle, Wash., Oct. Z. Gold ship
ments from Alsska yesterday reached
wnen 1 lert him. he said. 'Mr. Toung ''"""""o 'or tno month, an unuHual
I am coming to Portland to try to help k"0""! for October. The steamship
you and every minister to do his work Northwestern ycaterdny brought 1100.-
a little better. I believe I have a mes- 000 trom Nome and $100,000 from At
sage for ministers and for churches and 1 "" B- c
for tho whole city, end I trust that ' '
coming to you will mean a
to every movement of rlrht and In 1
ery Institution that atanda for right-1
'The secret of OIdst Smith'. nA... 1.
absolute devotion to his cause."
diet. I reduced my weight Ir pounds In
nvs weeka. ann guarantee mat 1 can
do tha eame for you. I do not uae
medicine of any kind or wcrthleee stuff
to rub on the body, but a simple home
treatment: even a cm in can uae it with
nut harm. Throuch thla marvelous com
bination home treatment. I succeeded
because I had found the rlrht way.
ran now climb to the aummlt of -Pike's
I'rak with eaae. I could not do that
until I had taken off IT pounda of my
ponnerou wrignc
If you ar Intereated la your own
hnppineea and health and figure, you
win permit ma 10 i.ii you now to re
duce your weight "Nature's Way.'
I have printed a booklet for you entl
tied, "Weight Reduction Without
Drugs," which 1 sm riving awsy with
out charge.' prepaid to you, so that you
may know of my aucoessful method and
be able to permanently reduce your
wfiajnt any amount up to o . pounds,
without harmful exercises or starvation
diet, drug or medicines. ,
Bend for my booklet, "wetent Red no
tion without Drugs." It is yours for
the aakln. and I win be arlad to send
It to you, poatsge prepaid.
1 have round that the nest war to
know happineaa ta to give It.
Hlncerely your rriend,
alts 1738. Central Bank Hnlldlng,
Jm mill H.W Jrt 1 1 . rt . viviilvh mm w ' H ' " .r
how miserable and uncomfortable you ara from oonaltpatlon, Innlf ration -Ml.
louanaaa and alugglah Intastlnea you always get tho deelrcd reaulta Hil Caa
caret a ; .
Pon't let yeur stomach, liver and bowels make you mleerahle another mo
ment ; put an and to tha headache, bllloueneae, disslneaa. nervauoneaa. sick,
sour, gaaey stomach, backache and all other dlatraaa; cleanaa your Inalde or-
gana of all the poison and effete matter which Is producing the ml eery.
Take a Caacaret now; don't wait until bedtime. In all the world there la
no rameay lino hub. 00 means health
happineaa and a clear head for months. No more
days of (loom and dlalreea if you wit) take a
Caacaret now and then. Don't forget the chil
dren their little lnsldes need a good, senile
cleansing, too.
1 I I V. "waaa,
" '-iiriv ikZ
g etara 1
wsRcccD-Ktya ki?ew sicken
10 sar
Alto Mean
oa bexta
By Ralph M. Whlteeide,
(Publishers' Prats Leased Wire.)
Washington. . Oct. 28. The Proa-res
alve Republicans at least have the cour
age of their opinions. They have placed
Senator La Follette squarely in tjhe field
arid are very positive in their assertions
n at they will nominate and elect him.
The gentleman from Wisconsin Is go
ing to camp on President Taft'a trail
from now until the nominations are
made and there are gloomy hints that If
the big chiefs are not able to get his
scalp before convention time that the
young braves win Jump the reservation
and pull hair In November.
'These claims are not taken seriously
by administration leaders so far aa
some economies. The first section of
the report will be given to the president
about December 1.
This body waa the result of a pet
Idea In the head of former Executive
Secretary Charles D. Norton. Before
Mr. Norton left the treasury he had an
insatiable appetite for economy and
during the few" weeks when Secretary
MacVeagh turned the department, over
to him for the purpose of effecting; some
money-saving schemes. , he almost re
organized the whole department. i
Arter leaving the treasury. Mr. Nor.
ion s smoiuon- 10 rerorm the govern
mont took on a bigger phase. He told
me president he could save the edvern
ment millions arid was allowed to ask
me renomlnatlon of Mr t. !
- - - wii- cuiigxeBs ior ezuu,uuu 10 create a com-
ote is a to work 'out the details The
ipe vote is taken In the Republican eommUalon niv., ..... ......
national convention it will be found that
Taft. will have at least three quarters
of them. Provided there is no truth In
the report that one Theodore Roosevelt
Is likely to permit the use of his name.
iury a;oes mat 'Mr. Roosevelt Is
' convinced that the spilt In the Re
publican party Is so deep that neither
Taft -nor JUa Follette has-any chance
for election and that ha has consented
. that his name may be used ae h.
Republican who can lead the party to
, TTiiiiw inia report is discred
ited it doea cause soma worry, for Roose
velt Is to the Republicans as Bryan
: la to tha Democrats.
In the meantime the beat opinion of
ucn aiaieamen aa are in Washington
"-1 awpi in uyea-in-tne-wool sup
porters ef one of the other candidates
is mat ran win oe named by an over
whelming majority by the Republicans
that Wilson has tha edje for tha Demo!
oratio nomination, with Champ Clark
in eecono. place with about aa even
chance for a deadlock and a dark horse.
Ecoaomy Oommlssloa te Seport,
! Pirealdent Taft'a once famed economy
end efficiency commission la about to
rrtura. a report. It haa bean at work
rar than a ytar. and has at last
reached a point where It raa propose
commission waa duly created and bus!
ness begun.
Just what will be recommended Is
kept secret Many Jobs, of course, are
involved In the report, many salaries
will be regarded as too high, and many
changes In accounting; and bookkeeping
win oe proposed. sut nothing of a def
inite nature-can be learned of the re
o X.earn American ways.
Count Guy de Buisseret. aclnn of tfc.
Belgium nobility; and eon of Count Con
rad de Buisseret, minister plenipoten
tiary or me Belgium court to the court
of St. Petersburg, and who la Just eight
years old. is going to be allowed to slip
unuer me snacuea or a too strict
t-unvenuon ror the next two years, and
romp with the Democratic little Apieri-
tn a private scnooL
' Few. g-rown up folks have traveled aa mucn as the 8-year-old noble
man did In getting here, where ho-will
live with his rrandmnther - urn T...
.rjr' Wlre or Major General Story,
8. A.
There was nohodv a
tba little fellow and an fe t...i. . .
atoLr-J tha ocean aray hound Kroonland,
at Antwerp, all by himself. He was
by himself an tha lanr .u i
.nearly 40 of tham. and when The
towera of Manhattan in sight
Monday he was way up on the forward
deck, alone and watching for his first
glimpse of his new home.
Mrs. Story has taken Ciuv tnv i.h
her to her country place. White House, !
near Annapolis, Md., There he's going!
-u ouijr umu BDuur. me nret or Novem
ber, and get used to the ways of the
Americans. Then he will enter the Force
acnooi, ana take up his studies with I
me mira grade class.
rorernnner of Heat Plaa.
Ensign Guy K. Calhoun, who haa heen
on duty at the naval observatory in thte
city as the nation's time keeper since
" graduation rrom the naval ncademv
i Aim.pous in jaws, nas just entered
the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology. He is the first officer of the
United States navy to tak
-. . . .1 . ..... . 1
bianKcu muuy or electrical engineering. ,
i uuiei is pari or the plan of Seo- J
reiary Meyer 10 nave a corps of highly
specialized experts for the navy. En
sign Calhoun's study of electrical en
gineering win fit him for the promo
tion of the Meyer plan to have all tha
great, warships or ,the navy operated
entirely by electricity, generated aboard
enip wun great steam turbines.
Hillsboro, 111., Oct. 28. Ther ' wera
about a hundred saloons on the rout
traveled dally by A. A. Warden, rtlxfri,..
agent for an Insurance company and
now he's dead and his wMnv in x,i
. . , . , . ' V llCii x
ujl .nerseit ana ner two sons, is suing
iiunuicu eaiuon Keepers, collectively
for $55,000. damages for the loss of her j
The insurance man waa a hri.v
"iiwi no iraveicn nni h.
shops caused him to make ton m..
tinm 1. 1- n ju .... ... - r
--"v, miTuru. oi oniy that, but
he g-ot to be a chronic "souse." and
'ra vi ailments due to drink.
When the. trial comes off the mM. '
room, the olaintlffa umi ..... I
lv i, 1, . ' wIU
.m .in. . iiviuur men s Convention.
We will rent jfou an elerant new ni.i
ana at 4 per month, rent to .i-
on purchase price if desired , v,i-r .. i
Chase, 175 Washington street-
Best cdaTTAIblna "Fuel Co.