TH1! CUZGOH SUNDAY JOURNAL. FOKTL AH D. SUNDAY SJORNJNO. OCTOntll t. Hit Portland's Chief of Police Leader of Prayer Meetings i at m n m Penitent' Kneel at the Mounter's Bench in Officer's Home Settlers Stmcjqle Against Odds E. A. Slovtf Misses But Six Rclioious Sessions In Seven Years When on Beat He Read Testament Five Times w A rSWf f tu wbe Use ft MI4 M4Uf Tw af nr r m-it i im tmt tfcel )wt4Mr j f IraraJ IM tailed I A DIRECTS SINNERS Q IU lULUUII UIL T- X" ' '-iV X- . . . I I 1 J FT . WXti'wl" . I ! ' UNtSUSCKI .I f ; -, syi- : a . , Wi J i 1 JJ I T tZ-l I i I - I ! ' ' V -V a - j Cb!f of Poitc K. A. Slortr. 1 1 tb polio depart meat for aply I aneii ttWUA ( 0d- frr! f4 11. H4 K. iii ha Tmu4 Ma VU Xi4 fr U4 Ci, iam lb tkloa drtK4 with lh et4 f M Brrlrtl ArriVM IKa atrMt h I rl l hona wl(t iba uniform. Mr falhar la aataji tfca Nw Tor B poilca forea. Ll t vt Of Int. " "I navar drink." tit tMiprtw! rtpif la lk InvtiBltoa. -Wall, you amoka and IU crtBfc." "I don't amoka, all bar." Tha ao ef tha Naa York ar(-at plainly ahovrad hla aurprlaa. The polloa mu'i ayaa l1akld and ft fain I arella haarad a round loam wbaii ba aaJd: "I II o ftad prar aim yo if yo want ma to." Tha Kaw Torkar taokad tha cfflcar atraight la I ha ayaa for room ant. "All rie-nt." ba aald. rrajar la Offarad. Tha ofnear lad lha war In ft llllla room naarby. Tha to maa dropped on inair Imaaa and tha poltcamab II ft ad hla volca la ft farvaat prarar. Thara no morkarjr la It. Tha prarar waa from ft brt burdaaad wlin daalra to laad Ihoaa about blm Into ft hrlirhtar war. Itofora tha prarar waa flnlahed taara wara etreamlng dowa tba Naw Torkar char. Tva aara moat of tha dtla of tha I'nllad Stalaa and niaay la othar coun trlra, but I naver bafora mat ft pol tra in a Ilka too." ha told tha offlcor. I m cUd ou didn't go drink with ma. ..Xha -tftadan - na.ppaad nuuty- -yaara (. Th of f Icar who waa than on tha depot beat la now chirr or tna rortiana pollca dapartment. The praylnc police man la Chief E. A. Hlovar. And hla derotlon to hla rallglouc bellefa haa bfrom fttroncer with tha paaalnc of the yenra. Krery Tueaday afternoon for tha laat lcht yaftrc Chief Blovar haa beon lead- Inc ft little prayer meeting fti nia noma or tha home of eome of hla nelghbora on tha eaat aide." He allow nothing to Interfere wltb the meeting. In ren year, during all of which time he waa amtmber of the Portland police force, Jie mlafted only alx meetings. . . work Xnplrd. k It t probable that not Another city l In the United rTtate hae ft man at the ptead of Ita police department with aucb record. It 1 doubtful, even. If there 1 Sa another city In Portland' clas whoae rhlef of police I a much at home In church work ae In handling tha criminal clause wltb which he baa to deal con itantly. I believe I waa a definitely caned to be a policeman a minister are called to preach." ald Chief Plover, when aakod to tell something of hi experi ence "I waa led by God Into thl field of labor. Thl may aound Strang, but lit ha ue for .worker In rtry walk of life. ' . i r-- "I wntr converted while out In the wood don in Coo county.- It wa joly IJ, 1S97. I remember the hour and the day aa well as V It were yesterday. I came to Portland in September or tne name year. For eight month I worked ta the L Tbla va la tba day before etrt! ear- vlee ruloe w baa it rquird pull I cur ft poaltloa. Mr. Hlae raeoasanaftd m la rsaAfttor Baft HaUla-. Hv. Ptabar bacaa I ue bla InfluaaM for me. Ilatrl-t Atlornrr ueorga Cainarea, who wa then council m&n. favored my appolatmeaL Tba reault waa that 1 waa appoint ad oa tha fore July It, lift. Twm rekad at tdm. "Before taking the appointment I went ta Sena tor Belling and told blm If being a police man would Interfere wltb my being Cbrtetlaa I didn't waat the job. "During th II yeara that I have boaa oa tb force I waa an nleht duly all bat about two yeara. I'vo been called the "pealm alndng cop," tha "Bible bark,' and have bad all aorta of fun poked at me, but It baa never looaerted my bold en Christianity. But temntation have been terribly atrong at tlmea. Tor tha first four yeara I waa en night duty wa were too poor to hire anyone to alay with my wife. She had to stay alone. And many time aha ha walked tha floor for hour at night praylnc for ma whan ah knew that 1 waa being beeet with ' temptations. There were times when I thought I would hav to give up my Job because I couldn't stand It any longer. I would CO bom and ray wife and 1 would nray over It. Thl would strengthen me and I would feel Ilk renewing the fight. ' I found then that I must pray with out caaalng that I must alwaya be in touch with tba God whom I wor shipped. JUad Testament ea Beet. "There ta only on place I know where it 1 harder to live a real Chrlatlan life than ln the atmosphere of a police de partment that 1s in a dead church. In a dead church the members go throuRh a form and think they r living Chrla tlan liveat but they are not "I read th New. Testament through five tlmea while on rhy- beat. I would read a chapter every day or night Many a time I have stopped under ft street ll-ht long enougrh to read a chapter. "Because I did not drink or smoke or tell obscene storlea I waa ft atray heep In the department I waan't able to mix much with th other men. Not many of them poked fun at me to my face, although some did. 8om of the men told stories and said thing which they thought would embarrass me. If they had only known I could have told Ood first raaebec sa I waa aw fall r deep in eta. Naw aaa aa ar of baevae) aa If 1 wara tbe, Wa will av battle to ficbt bar, bat ! over (bar they will aaam bat lut n ifl cast eoatfllrta. "Are T LlrUf mifctr , "I order bow mar of yoa are frail bearing tree beating eplrttaa! fruit. A baarlnc (' and a winner of soul are on and the earn. Tea can't ba a out winner tin lea you hav bad a definite eipaviene of Ood' a lavasloa of your haart urvl aaa you know that your alna ar forgiven. Ar yo helping yeor pastor ana tba evancl!1T Ar yau vis iting your neighbor and telling them how eaay It la ta find Ood tbao days? And ar you living right brivMa time? That la the Question, ar you living right? I want to admonlsn yon about ana thing. Jf you haven't beo eon verted aoyoa ran look, Ood In tb fao and aay yon know your alna have been for given you haven't bean converted. "I tha judgment day there will be a lot of dlaappolnted folka. They bavo been going about doing good work, but nave not aearcbed tbalr hearta to ae how they stand with Ood. -Tou aak how can I aay tbla. a man In my position and who haa lived the life I have. 1 waa an awful wicked man and when Ood lifted tie lead from my heart I knew that it waa con. I knew there waa a change. I used to think I could find Ood by studying. That he would give me a sign to let me know I had received the Holy Ghost But when t We t tM. ., IIAel aa v ra ,4 ix iei Ua--4 - free.. ta - J4 te.ejr.i4 4 " fr.eOea.ftB e.a. i v(. eetad U eW a axw eU-4 alaa I lj t ub ftui l U4 oaa -- f- ftt rJr 4ia at 4tu4 b-M Ul bM - ttkaj akf, I famvM fwe it aed ri4 a n r. h aa (atEka ta tee aateaw en af Matr ,aaaft i.y Ma in J A wrnt U a4 H levttt aa.4 enu l.a We J ! aaw iilaa, A !. fe SM fee) f4 4f l-e Iaa4 M I U Iteeo ! aal la of laei tm tm p Ae aile j oir rt it-a ja raarft to) )' kia fai'r rte e a eWaaiat tetM aa.4 Mr. a4 ft arf lee. take aui rate a aaaa) taa rter baafe rat fewia a a Uvea la a ieoi Mr I eeryaa Ma til. Ue a fete)! - I , lletag eel ftla M a aaarr l at rvelAeancb v II aeeao aaaja4 e4 Bla 14 la , laaA peaT a ad left N gaat, a a fW aiaiaa area leteX, CHff ta atenedA. W. K rervebo) baa feeMec e Ua a" bte elate awl IBl fea-rlag lew I IU aalar rvaa4 ib 04 vwiat4e at la aalf of al. Ileail. A saae eaaawr! atary to 144 ef I. f r . Ka gud fr wire feetrei a boe lel. a eUery aad a balf hi eed flo ia aad bay Pl ea ti arvee) m4 Ik laad Oala. tatora. 4 alfalfa "brliMllr ar re- 1ed tba tialea of U R. ItoMa Ale VValiee baa Iftrv are f a la I aaaw f e aia lakae. "A It MeoaeiKall ba eboml M ftra ef bit featred." aae Ibe ro1 lie Waa e ) eoe aiKoe baildlag aai lb ly aad I waiaed over Ike entire rb llaled are, aad failed to find aay r deara ef gardea.- r A Weotry la repoMed aa bavlag bl imgaiioa aitbee rea "" aad ctowa btir- enroiig bl reltlratad are. A refreablag rMre la gveej la a faw ef fl II. rtareaortd. who baa "71 la rvlllvallon. eooeletlng ef e. rallaait grwwteg crop ef elove. oala. potaloea. email orchard, hue aad aav eral email garden He Hv iber wltb hi family. Tb entire to fanced aad ta eirellent redlUon. lUrhaid mtler ba eight r elaared bat no emp. no fenoe. and a "small abaatr." On of tA oaenpanr Ulerala pa a aearly tbroagb tb eenter of bl piftrex Im raJaOly aVa4 "Kaeaell True ha good fencing and good Irrigation a ret em. lie and bla family live there continuously. He and bla family are living In tent prior to tha erection ef building Until Rillngaoa la another men who baa mad a cheerful horn for bl fam ily aa th eontral Oregon project John T. rrrl haa a place watered by ft -ete ditch, ha It under cultivation, and good crop growing Harvey Whit man. C R. rVape, V. O. Cole, and A. O. Rldenour a re making rapid progress toward good home. Victor llm I located on a rim rock, part of bl farm below and part above. HI hotiee la battoned and hie Irrigation eretem I practical. rlcr u. Kimner. Iin baa put In mor work on hi farm than oa bla houe. and as racult, la bi u kale tetK) d rw M U rUea lleae) fta -4 to 4jkAty iiud IV Va4) N WtO. 0 I, .., a lit aeeo oti ul ) d all ad toia a bt t4 Mii4 ft bj4 4faato la b IU Ifwa1 eodi Im iniij . v ' e iva a4 a wl u Aeoev - I ft aeot heeiM la U V fco !. aa.4 bVaf Bm ad ad i , tie 'vv IAt loex ! aik la WM4M d ia BKttatkn eietea b a-ta j4 lea teaviia mi t l f taa,4 oa m eM I !. aat la eatieaied le o'.aallat lo lm v l m a. la U 11 bulaw - J vl ' ai ieieM ir a.i v tt ee Ke V . ilia "e p( l . ,...f 4 limi - ' a..,.-.. aei i m . - aa ,1 d ' 4 l tt t-i 4 ive I a., I t ''f ee Mae - m$t In mat ie kaa.4 ik 9 4 aa e aJ - MkleeAaa. - . fi na Vt. ul ! t"- to He eoJf a- bh to w4 - - lk a t -e .4 It a,e wai I -a twuont Vou Can?. Buy t 5780 Orifntal Ku: for $400 la a baadaoaa KlrMabaA rr. aiaa II r'r beaatif al aaaBie ef lb b-aet ta OetaaUia But ck o.aifkljf 4n't 'l for torn luikUr td pton.pitt buyer m get If Coin down br tomot row, fl, drirrin.ned lu get our slttr of lb phenomrntl lu we rr gluing in our frrt! Closing Out Sale of Oriental Rugs Atiyeh Bros,,, Tenth and Washington Streets Largest Oriental Rug Dealers on the Pacific Coast TOLEDO,' OR., MAINS NOW CARRY MOUNTAIN WATER 1 did receive It need any sign." I knew It and didn't RIK AND FILE - 10 (Special to The JourneL Toledo. Or.. Oct. SI. Toledo' new water system is ft neertng completion. The pip line, which la five and one half miles la length, la completed, tha water waa turned Into the city malna thl week, and water conaumera are now suppled with an abundance of pure, mountain water. Tha excavating for tha reservoir I also completed and th cement and concrete lining I be ing put In. The Jacobeen-Bftde com pany of Portland la doing the work. LEADER Democratic National Commit tee Favors Presidential Primary In Spring. Washington, D. C, Oct It. Prom inent Democratic member of for tha Standard Oil company ft war-J them of alna which they knew nothing who ar arriving In Washington to take house man. Then I worked one month of. I waa wild before I was converted. n r0rnmitt work .r. . I had worked In mining and logging camp and in fishing camps on the Co- as section hand for tha Southern Pa clflc. I worked for th Troy laundry for $1 ' day. ' , v-' .. j :.' Join Polio Pore. ; "It wa . during th hard time and money wa mighty scarce. My health was breaking down .and 1 wa hardly able to make a living. My wife and I were at the very bedrock of existence, I didn't have money enough to get away from Portland And I didn't think I could stay hero any longer. Finally I decided to writ to my nephew at Spo kane and ask him for -money to pay my railroad fare there so I could get out and work in the harvest field. "About that, time a man by the name of Piles, a shoemaker on the east aide and a friend of Senator Ben -Selling, tasked me why I did not try to get. on the police force. . I had never thought of such a thing and did not pay much attention to hi question. ,S ;"'It is ft rule of my life to always "discuss any important change in my life with my apastor. So I went to tell him of my plana, to write for money to take me to Spokane. He wa Rev. u. 8. Pisheri'of the Free Methodist churh. 'As I approached hi home he saw. me and came out to meet me. I. told blm what I Intended -to do. - W talked the I progres for several week. matter over.-: He urgd me to tay, I church, which was but up committee work are unanimous In th declaration that when the Demo- lumbla. I knew, meanness and win from H0. nat,onal committee meets in weeningion next January it will rec ommend a presidential primary next spring, in order that the. rank and file In the Democratic party may have an opportunity to select the party leader, Th Republican national top to bottom, "It 1 customary for policemen to work In pair, but I never worked with a partner. I thbught, I could get along better alone, and I never was in a situ ation which I could .not handle. I never struck a man with a club and nevorl"111 meet in Washington December 17, lost r case in court Neither hav t I several weeki prior to the Democratic ever been called on tho 'carpet, " , ; I meeting-. The Republican oommittee- jgany Attend Meetings, I men win ne caned upon to decide wheth- As a prayer meeting center thar. !L-Pi?"' T0?? th-ho.ut, the i vi.. .i I tuuiiLiy Biiaii nave tne same riehta an.. like Chief Slover1 home at 1676 Hodelde1 them the,r Democratic breth- Senator Jonathan Bourne, of OreroA. president of the National Progressive Republican league, has already written to the members of the national commit tee, demanding that they give the Re publican voter an opportunity to ex press their choice for president before street The prayer meetings' are not largely attended affair, although some times as many as 60 and 60 men and women ar present" The chiefs homo sometime resembles a house of con fesslon. Men and women come to him from all parts of tha cltyMo . tell their troubles and Seek encouragement mnA advice. The chief and Mrs. Slover mottn national convention meet; them mor than half way and ar ready I Th,s Question Is certain to be the most t pray or counsel with them. " I important to engage th attention of Laat Tueday afternoon Chief Slover I ln" Kepumican committee. That the de led a prayer mettlng at th United m&na ror a presidential,- primary is Brethren church, 446 Mechanic street I growing dally is Indicated by th thou- where revival meeting nave been lnlanas or letter being received. at th The little I Progressive Republican Campaign com- recentlv dedi- muiee neaaquarters. Thla demand. Buying the church did not want to lose I cated. waa nearly filled with worship- I from all parts of the country, waa large- alo. Then h offered to do what he JGould to get me on the, police depart ment. His 0fer eame as' a surprise. It -was the second time I was told to look per l suppose I ought to be more faithful than anybody else," tha chief said aa ha stood before the congregation ."When Portiand Riclihg Academy '.Announces the opening of the indoor evening1 glasses Monday evening, Octo ber 30, ;1 911. - . r COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS. ' ; PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN. Johnson Street, Between 21it and 22d.. V Phones Main 973, A-4761; ' C -i . " -i' a a Iy .responsible for the Incorporation of tn presidential primary paragraph In the- resolutions , which were adoDted at tn progressiva conference at Chicago. That paragrapn reads: "We favor th ascertainment of the choice of Re publican ; voters - as to candidate for president Dy a direct primary vote, held in each state pursuant to the statute, and where no such atatut exist, we urge that tne Republican state com mltteea provide that the people be r-lv en th right t expre their choice for president . v ;, It Is now certain that one ef the progreasiv memoer or the Republican national com ml tie win ask th com mittee to Indorse th presidential pref erence plan and to) urge that th com mittee make a recommendation to th several Republican state committee! similar to that mad by th progreasiv conference, . ' -" , , , Journal wanj ad bring results. A. G. Churchley PHOTOGRAPHER Formerly 145 Third Street Wishes to announce to his former patrons and friends that he has opened his ' , nw STUDIO In the New Northwest Building Corner Sixth and Washington' Streets. Y A II I IJIII I mm. 4Trrji .ttJ'ta J.'Jiztt m FOR SLENDER AND MEDIUM FIGURES With Supporting Band of Laatikop Webbing across , th front; modish long skirt, FOUR MODELS ha. Ma. SSI low SJJ Ugk bust. , Six from 18 sp . -MSB rQR SLETQE New York, October 9, 191L Dear Madam : Don't judge a corset by its looks; for a very ordinary corset can be "dolled up" with showy laces and ribbons so that it will look very much like an expensive one. , It is a deplorable fact that of late many corset manu facturers are producing large Quantities of these "maka- believe corsets. Look out for them I They are sold under many different names; and the names can be quickly and frequently changett-every season, if necessary-7-for the maker seldom puts his own brand on them. These "make-believe' corsets soon ftretch out of shapes give no lines to the figure, and are unhygienic To buy them is simply to waste your money and spoil your form. , x Better 4tick to the Nemothe name that slands for corset-perfeaion the world over. You can never buy a Nemo that hasn't the Nemo trade-markwhether in New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong, or anywhere else. And that name is your safeguard. You probably know that Nemo Corsets are world famed for durability, no less than for comfort. They're just as famous now for Style, In Paris, where no other American corset has ever been sold, Nemos are having a signal triumph in the , Iargeit and most fashionable corset department: in .that . city "Fashion's Capital . In London, the leading Department Store features -Nemos to the pradtical exclusion of other makes. Don't think that Nemos are simply health and comfort ' corsets. They're also the acme of correct style and there's a Nemo that.will t you, , s 1 For instance: If youre of slight or medium form, and want to be still more slender, you'll find Nemo No. 331, pictured to-day, the most comfortable hmg corset you ever wore -.Too elaitic bands across the front give such firm support that, no matter how tightly you pull the long skirt in, you run too risk of injuring your health. No. 330 is a similar model with a medium bust; No. 332 has an extra-lueh buit; and No. 333 has only a little girdle top -an ideaTjcorset for athletic women. - Ii none of these sintvou perfaly, ask your dealer to ' show you Nemo No. 504. ' kopsbros. I50i (O