The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 50, Image 50

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kw 44JU44 ktUMnte k
I ii. -r kKln
It la tiM 1
Daialll.. W XV. . 4taM
ka iu .. a-4 a
JUiitcd ty Mil Siuh A.
. l ka te lke
to. fw.4 M vm.
4 B - k It MWMM4
4, I I. C A I W 4 V w.. i f
i i m ,
i 4 J 1- - v ik'iwU
I.-4 r.a.ivj l MMr i, i-, 4
Ml tL ,. i l 1 14 ttttu;.!
tilu , 1 1 4i f4 1
wj u. -.. t., I (,a ,
tttM u,t iv4 (tut i r i M44
4. af -. a.- aa. aa-.
a a l i-. . ..... .
l iiuut vc.a4 r
4.4 t. r t.-ri, l t'4V
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4 t ;a k ,, aj . n-ai e4.
(- ta 4 flat. . ,irT.7 - 2 . 1 '
It I- ; . a l , aa ikwi
.i t MI KUIMtiHf
. .!.. ed M t 4 llf II OiaM, uM ( 14
i i wjii t I . . . " .,
Ki4f. witt4 $vut-U0 fw 4 : ftjL a V )4. a--4 a aav
tf - -
." .4i-4
4 4 ' .
m a- ak4Aa !., t.m .!- a- -
lHM ft fa 4"
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, . ,j ri. a V4
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. ... . .. .... v,. . ( t.a
M4I Ik
,..4iMa- tVa
axu iih i4 ks
't i k fc4k.4 IU
i.e kaw4aa4 ivaak t f tj.4. ,
U.i4 Ik l 41 IMaai "",. k4,
w Wit 1k.i-xf r Lk lt.A4
Ika . 4-kV
-tU: U-Ms I w fW IW
- IV M.Mtkv n4 tm
UI (tJ MtUMttH i k
4 Uaa1! Illaa,
A IKK I Ika xaaal av
Iw 4 v 4a g-aa tal-
mi.I a 4 I -a I km k
lk4 k 4 an ij )
L f. II via U4.4 4 I HmU
iMvMf, aa kw ad k t'-4i
tn,V ti'V a J,
.. fii t 4 w
4 1 J
riMi7 C- tt 4 Ml' U 4C A-- Pr Mm, 4
l Ik V giaaxa I r
vatM Uli al IW a --I a'aJ taivii ft aia l la a IV
ktk av 4 pre 4 r-m k
Ivtntf la iNiito l'iita I
aw i
a - - - m
v n y comi.'.q evewts I tr ir:,
f "wa .i a - a.n4, ifc,
- . rta k - - tT -
4mub y.i.-, wkaa Wa 4
ai it
MM - ' "" "
M I -
VI ! - -. iv
li -
IV. i j4 t AAtx .
i.Mf ( I I ! UU IMIfWIU. f
xt i.4 (tool .ir M '(! v- yi ik era u.
ICiWmI U ' TU m. r (wwrf rw -4 U1
)) r i .i frfi4 I i .tt4 I ) tiMi u r
M f l I f lkl Vll) M-4a)l) XIIIIN tu ) !
If. j4 l fm! I) I V ct.k lxi f a- I J1 f4l
,u4 ! I llllulto.'! r lha at(rrM 'MltM
-i j lU ! f 1 Ula. j !
t iut k l U! Italic fiMHt.M rn la
'! (kiKiI our
fiary l n ke4 fr U Weill
t IW MfitlMlkM, a4 IW wlll
(Hia M:f. l h fr
, 4 nwfr l 4 Tula
f II ff. 1 I lk u
iki iar ira; 4 v14 aar
f Ik : if mI. railf IV a
tt-lli)r, Ka la aukl (Miill
t1lr 4 ) K tftv)
fr-!( ik rn mmdt . (iva
r4r aciia 4 ) inri IK
Uatl f Tf W.Hr U a4ldtf
j4 aayiac rr fiiaata aufport.
11 yaar 1 a aionUb4 la l)ra
Ihronik ik clua rrl that aovrrai
letlllloa IKal wr raoHrtoc aula
)4 vara maktag a yinaUc caraa
amoaf a Cluba for nor, avsd la axaf
ra wr taultia II Th Jropnr f
i iaa tt44 lUi'ii. iKf it. i I AiwM ikM-mv at i
f ! ! f r Ik vJloua ( ka.aliit4 nr Htu4L
Wt A a. a i (aiua uM um It i it l.aul Uit, tbaal
a tvli4 I a.k ia awn: I a4 IJwImmi vu
httn. a4 Mia. iioaj alUiaW'a I . a
?a ral IM.-4 4a aa (
ra-a4 ika
:4 a4 U lkl I aw I
,imi 4 f !--' ! lla-44 -
fx-aa iv a(tcaiMi r ii fax
-Jk rualaa kkrfc aa 4cHI
Mar 4a4 Ik .fia4 i4 f
tk iia T)vT4 aar k4
4 1 rk4 ia r4ri al
al af "krart la Mn lata na
iUr tMMtiMaci a- al U K r
rivu ar.aa I . li. aa Ik
alkaf fcaa-t, II flr t ika i0
af raiajaa Ika U a BH'- thai
rt:-t atr aa k4k ar m a4
axrr tvfacla.
ft la aa -rata koaat. kw-rM'. I aar
Ika I Uv Of Mmlkot t Wiani
Claba la Ika aaaal aoarfl arcaaiaalloa
f waaaa. la Ika alaiav W 4 off aur
.far la 4aral la tola I af . ul la
oa ia a-HaM kcaoinpiiatiwaauk, ar ra-
lur f rtuBl !!. iJnf koa parnMa,
koavaollilfal aa4 aaciartaja. ara iall.laa af tb4 laailialloaa la a prlvata
' r aa4 ak-aorb ika tat From all aoupra
a4 krutf lai aar fli ika aaoi t
airabK rrr. af t4L raa or
aolHWa. li la a aalvaraaj aebaol vfcrr
aca work a, aiuaiaa ar arjor accord
- tat ! bar ava d1ra an 4 ablitlr.
Tlia policy of pruiraug ihia aal
Toraaaiij; ar aiiowiof aa womaa ia
Iblek ant bar am arotiara; af blo4ti
bar riin ao eeuctuntia, but aa bonaat.
uprtfhl barafir R4 avoMlnc labavr
tnoaloua aluaaoM vlih taamva bo (r
kkk to iba vark af oor arc. kataauoa.
ku aamallra)) ba ertllalaad. But Iba
vary iarl (bat r ara eiab woman alva
... aa todlTMuala, tha trlrl)a ti av
paaalnc ar aopponlna; aa aeeUif or
mwo wa pia witbont la Iba laaal
tUatvrMnr ar dab raUllona Hut if
ra to rarr aar rrrat oriaolka
tlon, aa cluba, wa anuat ramaJn irua to
Ita tradition br.baioc tba grraf fuun.
taJii at adooatloa, traJning- and rarrh
. for world bitTToaat. flowing- tbroujrh
Iba multttoolpou aaaa that ara
wim tha broad daeatl(m and demo-
rau4 training tbat club lir giraa worn.
f9n ara trtty aay lradlng tba path to
. grottar Itbartr bhd broadar flldi of
. aaaruinaoa, ana wnaa tba porfaot worn.
n. dirtnclr mad, ahall ttrp into bar
wiuniaia owa u will bo tnroagb tbo
door of tba womaa'a club., i
Taruinly rank Impoaaa obllgatlona,
knd baring aatabllahrd our rank w
must new eonaldar Ita attandlng obll
pttona. Wa can only do thla properly
by accaptlng tba pramlara that tba fad.
ration owe a aoiemn obligation to th
. "tatc Wa hav gathered Into our cluba
tha rootbrra, tha tachara. tha writer.
rUata knd nsualclana. and tha great ant
of all, tha producera tha wage-earning
womaa of Oregon; and what are wa
going to return to tha state for tha uaa
of lta beat women T Shall we create the
butterfllea of faahion. and tha price
w.uuvl. lur onose wniat, from whom
our atate lnatltutlona will recruit their
naxt ganaratlon of Inmatea. uniraa race
- aulclde mercifully Interpose ? Or ahall
our obligation be to muke our cluba
tba very arterla through which tba
Ital life-giving blood of our atate ahall
Thla doea not mean that everjt club
Biuat don the helmet of attlve m-rvica,
and with battle ax go forth to Join tha
rank of tha Cruaadera.
"Tha literary club. If It ia doing con
aclentloue work, muat. If for no nobler
purpose than helf-heln. elevai
prove the character of its public library
the mualo club will see that somethlna;
besida ragtime Is glvi-n In the publlo
park, and the art club win prevent the
placing of hideous monBtrosiUea, be
gueathed by defunct cltlzena, or grato
rul councllmen. and in doin- these
things they are rendering to the atate
as signal aervlce aa the women who
war against the great white and bluck
Plagues, or who fight for the con
, aervatlon of our resources, or take pity
upon me Helpless child of the unfortu- !
cn.. ,a, C'Ub ha8 lts own wlxilon, i
and the federation would be unwise to
ask any tlub to deviate from Its chosen
Path; out It docs ak the quality 0f
jour service, and only when each club i
does Its beat will our obligation be mot.
A. !lm'd "f the tlm':s 18 t0 a-f t down '
vi me uay Tor
superficial work is over! We no lonBer
and in the last Ka. farewell call It a
? JlsPe"tlon of Providence.
We find tha nollnti
cleanse the fountain head. Within the
J-'fu i6W 'eilrs D"sneas'haa frequently
called me to our municipal court, and
as I have watched the scorea. and scores
af Ml,tt?at pre8eiltff themes
at the bar for sentence, I hve over and '
ofTt 'nueatlon. "What is 'back i
or it all? ft,r every degenerate feature i
ktamred them the product of pre-natal '
conditions. The rock pile will no more '
.th6lr ?,,ndltl(. than the doctor-, i
', llr conclu"1' has been that i
-while club women ehould give their tlme';
and tnoney generously to ameliorate the
suffering and unfortunate, with their,
Klvlng they should get wisdom, and. ra
tnova the causes, that thir mii !
. Children may not be confronted with the
am problems. It Is the woman that
Jiiust solve these problems by Intelll
irwit atudy of hygiene sanitation, amuse
ments, domestic aclcnce, and above all
' heredity and the home environment, for
wrien an m said end dona It ia in the
.. uurao mat ine oeauty or beast Of hu
iriari Jife germinates. All honor to the
club women of the land who, recognizing-
thia fact, have made their clubs
contribute ta tbo betterment of the
luoi by systematic study along thtse
1 nm. . . ...
Next to our duty to our borne is eur
lu'y to our town and atate. and wa can
krgln this In no mora effective way
iitnu by putting at 'question mark ' to
very omo3ikatotk that is - created, or !
rorporailoa, aad all aony aollrllad by
l!in. and pot lalo property ar tatprwva-
men I a kaloaga 'la tha atockROldara.
Cluta ara aol cnoniad Inadiutloaa, and
to tbua eootrlbul) la saiaplacd charily.
and It la oflao alvaa at a aacrifVca to
tba work of th Tlub.
THir fadaratlo 4 uaa would not 'mt
Ik mnnlr.g ipanaaa If aomo of tha of
flcara war racampoaaod for aaany of
their I fill mate ipn4Uuraa- If w bad
tba mky to aad a - club argwBlacr
rr tba etat wa would double our
matabarahlp ry year. Tour of flcara
glva thrir Urn and pay tblr awa x
pna4 gladly for tba worka aak; Ihalre
racalva a aalary and aspanaaa lo travel
crar tba etaie to collact your money.
Aak youralve if thara any In
stitution mora worthy than our arholar.
hip loan fund. To educate young wo
man ta ta aJavele tha motherhood of tha
land preparing mother to raalls a
rhvaa of cttlsans tbat will not need ao
t lA.ia.
if inlll aiUtf
M-w r !. tt it. i ik
kak f Ik krtia kv4S btf Ur
ar Uiiaitkf, Mil wtaakwia atax
ia kirUt 14) i kitJI CUa.w
Uia by ka talk Ohoik TVa 4raw
lag r ia. IM ko l(MWf waa
lwak4 la Ika r mi mt m fVw latl
avaia fruavda, a kBurtiy 4
Ilk kalaaa, faewa a4 kftakl aluaaa
rlla krg atkark :! aiaaUM
Uav af ava a al ark 14. Tka
Mk4 rnaaa la aa ika arm ef Jkar krk
r. wiutaj aC.ariy. wk m
lata Ik bf Umam a kac.lag ha
gvwaad IB wnt tia wlik lakili
of ra la aad rt Irlntmlaga, aM
am) a kr af tirVl raawa- Mu4
tlaa Mofkrikr. lb ' aialar. aaad
alia J4ak4 Jakkaoa war ika krl
Ua bite kJeCkribr waa gwwaad In
4kk kail a ita4 wlik ckirroa. and aar
rk4 ptkk rav kUe Jbkoa wwa
kla Baaa)lka arr4fv4 witk bliM allb
ur a ia 1 1 a and e!lvr trlmmiaga. and
rrrk4 wklia kry aB(baaB. Itarald
Oiaaow. af kWllia, atUadad Ika groaaw.
Ana tkacmay rwraption failowwdL
Tka real i ravasa were kaulrully
4 rare lad with palmi aa4 via a. while
tka dUtlag rwoaa waa arras gad with au-
am laa va and cbryaajilhemuma.
tauair refraahnaano wr ar4- fclr.
Vlra. Cbamkrtaln lft for a trip
Ihjnagk Iba rauldl wt. aad will maka
their bam to JMrtlakd akoul ikacara-
Iavl4 C Row arm an and Ura. Molll
Ewer wr uallrd In 'marriag Tuaday
ranlag. CViobar tl. tuv. A. flweny
waa tha offitUUng minis tar.
Ra. P. aV Knight offlcUtad at th
wadding of Xliaa Loll Itarl Ball and
Clayton Royala La la SaJarn Saturday,
Oc lobar 1L Tha bride raaldad at tb
Aratoaj apartment In Portland.
- kfarrlad at tha Centenary Mathodlat
paraonaga, 411 caat Ankny alrt-
Thuraday. October II, at T p, m. Jam
E. Sparry and alary. C Roaa. tba Rr.
Dalmar 11 Trimble, D. offlclaUng.
Oscar C Flalda aad Mlaa Baulah It,
Phlpa ware untied la marriag by Rv.
W. U. lllnaon, at tba White Temple.
on Saturday evening. October fl.
w w
On TuMday.' October 14, alias Lola
Kapy Hickman and Clifford Perclval
Wilson war married at tha bom of th
biidaa parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
kal aB flika m Jt$f 44 Maka.
bin, f a tiaiiwa mU r f
ik katv4 tj ai ik-i kk
Twwlaf aaaag
Tka rlr mus af Ik Caril
f iaaua ttui k ki4 U Ika
Wttac ttlrwf k klUla HadkaaOaf
firMi a t (. ! 1
; lag I ka kwraaaa Vk4i awl,
ail fcika4 twto, wrraail a Mia. kt
! kl h4kekll4. a-44'Ma. Ja4k
It. iaOaalk," C. harta.
Tk Cklkl VtVtkta'a L aclal
U aa4 Ik Kalgkia kf CVoakM lJ
giro likllawe a rtr jwiauy Twa4y
lag la Carwaaaat i kalL Th aa
kiti I akarge ar m. WaUr. Jab
I kr, a. J VtarBlf s, tlMrl
trN.IlL T. J. !, kiiav turn
Chanbf. Hl Swlllvaa. Ida llUfcar,
ria Ho aad Carvlla UUaaoav
Tk tiat f pattwanma 1 aa fv!iwa:
bli. Jam LaUdUw. Mr. J. K. Uay.
Mra, T. J WiUy. Air. J. U lna atU
bint IX Mab.
hlr. J C 1 1 a will aalrtaLs Ik
Ul Sid lorilaad Skakar gtwdr
dun, Monday. October la, al I alack,
III Oarvihwr
A Hallow fartr will b alvM al
(-biuiiiwi kii Monday, OcUtbf la,
by the Coopwratlv aaaocutloa f tb
Malar A frank ocnpaay. Tka choral
club of tha aaaociailo hare a abort
prvgrar from 1 11 ta I.
Tha worn) of Bl PanU cartak
111 give card party la thalr nw
halt, under th nw church. Eat EUv.
nik and Itna atrwat. rrtday avaatng.
rsoxtmbmr a. Thla la th rirat of
rta of card partita to b glv by
lb woman, th objact of which ta for
th aid and nw mambara to bocome
bt(ar acqualDtad. and I bar will en
deavor I maka it a aoelal oeeaa. Th ,
commllt In charg la Mr. T. J. Mo- i
Nam. Mrs. U K. Hod. Mrs kl.
IK ralrbaaba, Mra. r. annen. Mr. W.
T. Tltua and Mra. W. T. oblr.
The MurUrk c?ubwll give Hal.
lowe'en dancing party on Wednesday
evening at Murlark halL
Company n. TbTrd tnfantrr. a N. a
la now sending out Invitations for Ita
annual military ball to b given at tba
Armory on Thursday evenlna. Novem
ber If. Tha patronaaaea ara: Mra. W.
E. rinaer, Mra. T. N. Dunbar. Mra. W.
M'a tt'.i U.aa4MK a 4a.g
a-t I'rfa kawU, ka't a. kia.
kkt "lk kkw4JHI
dauiy, CVaa f ay amu al
t 4 rkava a4iva4 tl -4 kit
J4 Ills. a
- M4 kk knar a aWatag tiaai m
Taar a4 galai'Aay VLia, kfai
Iim aVltla.
Mt Tg iuMkwilii fw
taag kaAU al kr t4Baas
augkl 4iag aaaa, CaJi ! a
saasaaaaMBBnaysafaTa aawaBaTftBSkBnBBBnTaaBBTa
Write f WgaJa ttet f 14)
aliakUr aaal naik ngkia. a4ar
aaU grwa, gOW 4 Cka, t Waakx
lg) air.
ki kM4 A- tkV kMU af
bMt M Mla k4 -t t.44 Iwa
iM wtkr l.i kaf fxaaa"
kav.a, 0a,4 p.a4. ktWk
l aa kf av luikV k
.it ka et aal fa Ik
4a4 la B.MU4 k 4W44 baah
kf, tHa.lT l,
ktuax Cfirks a lff wTVav wk
1 1 I twnif ikrwagk Cak
kana Ikrwag
fla4 kBe
TTvrCT-In'TiLIct hUVtt
ay wkaklk- ta A4 I uwr
w-tv(. iv)r a-W a4 ri
Maal .; i im aikk a4
aaaa. aJk..4 vw4. Ik vfiir
hmI mImi hav Va akia.
vaa k utit.ti aa -f ria
aU Ufa. r - iUVfiU.V Mka
er KOitM kva m fwa) wlik rU ar!wWu f kaava mm
w4 li, a4a ekaaa. a4 II 4
wmt in ik
I ! aX Cktt k4 nwi(v4 kla aj.
tl) a rU4r u kaa.4 of rw ai
kv4l Olg i kill Ik fa tk
fear-' kaMlaUa ff gakf f
4-aolk tvk44.
rawBiia ! aJ
km. . r-r iiriwia h
xk4 4rlal f lkM
iMflkta akU kaadkek ril4 aa.4
af i f4 by ,kAway-v.v avli
dr la
Different, Exclusive, Distinctive
W. Wllaon and Mra. W. F. Dougherty.
Tha commltta In charg of tha danoa
Lite Arrivals In
$16 to MO
Unusual NovcltJca
Are thrfg cew TaHorrd Suits just exprrtitt! to oi by oar Ntw
4 V.J ! -II " . IM
i or: wujcr, ovrriixioowinij su prtviout inowinff. . inty are sim
r!jr beautiful and art the truest' testimonial to the hirhrat achieve
mcnt of the modern designer of the class of merchandise we show.'
They are garments that cannot be duplicated and are not to be
seen eliewhere, or they are exclusive models. The cuti are de
ridedlr "Frenchy." You have not seen anything like them before,
and though they are worth regularly from $40 to $150, owing to
their late arrival we have put them on aate at
$2Q to $9Q
IndividuaaJity in Every Line of Our New Coat
$12.50 to 375
No. Charge for alterations Perfect Fit Guarianteed
'HI :a
A Moiisfer Sale of Sote -and' -Coats'
.500 beautiful mixture Suits in. plain tailored and fancy models selling regularly at $19.50,
$22.50, $24.75, $27.50 and some as high as $30.00, for thia special sale will be sold at
$14.95. When you consider our suits are always sold from $5.00 to $10.00 less than other
stores, this special reduction for a limited time only will throng our suit department
Come Early,
Selling Regularly at
$19.50, $22.50, $24.75
This remarkable lot embraces
such desirable Coats as novelty
mixtures in plain tailored and
fancy styles. The " fashionable
double-faced or two-toned Cloth
Coats black broadcloths, full
satin lined cheviots in black or
navy and fine caraculs. This is
positively the most ' sensational
coat sale attempted in this city.
If you miss this it means the
greatest buying opportunity losl
!;-:$1.4.t95; , :
'''" vss liii
m v - mm-
. ill,. It UhJ3: ml '
Come All
Even if you have boughtrour fall Suit or Coat you can't very weU afford to miss
buying one of these, garments at $14.9$. Tney're all 191l'models, up to the minute
injevery respect. This is an opportunity of opportunities the women of Portland
: and yicinity shpuldmA miss taking , '
' Plenty of salespeople to wait upon you and always courteous treatment. Come and be convinced. , .
. Selling Regularly at '
$19.50, $22.50, $24.75
$27.50 and $30.00
This wonderful assemblage of
the. season's most demanded styles
' that we offer at such a , ridicu
lously, low price consists, of beau
tiful new mixtures in pretty
browns and grays, as well as fine
dark navy serges and cheviots in
black, navy and brown. The coats
are of . prevailing lengths,! skirts
in a variety of panel, gored and
r pleated styles. The sort of an
offer that makes history in mer
chandising. Reduced to , '
Plenty of
for the Stouts
I -----aV7iU II