The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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OCTObilB t, Jill f
DEAD EDDY s'''''' Magnate Keep W Stoice
!; MS ilfii COSIiy f. S. Marshall Finds Rockefeller "Nice Man
HMUciilM, tt a4
till U IM
Pcllce Puzjifd at
OffiCaJ Part ta Come to
Strata Dorder In Rccn
Where tfe!u!ns cf Little
Actress Are Found
Ita ) T1
Male Plans tcr 1912 Ccn
ent.on; Financial Aid Prom
bed CanmJttcc
i lit taUi ' M La
a-f IU li aaiiM
MUi Mf al lialr IM i
tiw al Ttia aaui
Ml II bfW to
llta." aaU Biwtff
ItMawM llfc (atlaa, "
He Um4 W
-.,, t.vM -mAt ft
unr.t . eM a.u.
a mul wimf
l(f al-e4 el
A ml4tm f-MMn 0oaa (Ual H -
j4a f, ;uaa 4 er tt4 Is
au tSUr at si b.4i i it
a m4 l 4. na
r. M fvatta ta ail
lUuir lmm 1 1 la 1 i-ili kill
i 1111111 1 ' in " i i
0, Or r ,
" I itlYt J V m h.' t: m' 111 III1
t . ,11 VV
ee4., fw IM Oaie .t.
, IMtM ( ,
IlltMU ! ralty
Nt1l al baJ IUIH4 V V
r'Miy MWie4 la at
M iv ,ei4
IM 4el nxiM.f lewUy. bJ
Hf M U bxeab ee Ita f
Me imi I . TVaf rw4
14 Ut. HMUf U4, Ieg alf
i , a u ei th
e.jie, aa ta t ,, .
Ikrew. fertlar-aalv .
MMif iMkM f aa'tag errWua
TM MM Ut f lk u
la Ika 4 irf I
l4Um Um la a nwa(t laa I
IM Iiimmm 9wr4'rf hf laaal.
U aa
a Muaa M ITuaar.
If tktia a nfNUrt Ifca 4t
i4 la acval far a iMKjva. Jr
lj tla al faaa4 f aJlar
Uttc la rUia ttrw aa Iba i
J (! racily rica rr
4aa ciila firr. Iaatinclla vat
I fllal MlitluM r " talealtaa
. U4mn(l la ' HUxM lowa. Ill
Viu afu. CblM" Taaj
vtnaa ia(f4 al la aal4 I aar
t aa Twt Ww4," but a tomti wita
bent ha tarrmmrit boat 44, loalfbl
lillat)r idranfiaa tr aa Iiuactal
Toaibt la po'lc ra orUo oa Iha
Iota moiiva for lb myaunr; (bajr Ihlak
ll nl leal a cuoa girl, ballfat.
(pafattlly wuhrul rixaaelal caraa.
houtd ha taninUtlad (ulcida Tba
ctai dirdr In lh room hinta al
tructl. Utouib Intra U no siiana-
tio al ina prrail llm of Iba locked
nutov aa4 doora.
Cl.tcaio, Oct. II. Urm. but fa. widow
of Krancta lion, (oral manacar of
iha raclflo atudlo of lha Sella Motloa
I'lctura cotnpaor. who wit fatally (hot
in Loa Anla yaatardaf by fraah
Minnlmatau, a Japaataa gardanar, Ufl
OiK-xo for Loa Angalaa a bring bark
her hueband't body for burial la Qraea
land crmelarjr. . i . . .. ,
"Thla Japaoraa hu alwajra baca
known aa trvacharoua, daclarad Mr.
nogsn. ua receolly nred . aava
noi into a gaaonna lank ana waa
diNinleiM-d. I aunpoaa ba abot my,bua
Und la rven."
ilale j limi W The JoaraaLt
Falun. Or., Oct. II. Among tha ra-ri-nt
communication! from different
burti of tho atata regarding tha road
nUiiHtlon waa a latter from W. R. Walla
of OUIla. Or., to Governor West, asking
for SO or 40 con vie t to help build a
good road from Roaeburg to Uyrtla
Point, and benca waat In Cooa county,
(t wag stated In tba latter that Cooa
jounty waa building; up thla main trar
ilcd thoroughfare,-and that It would ba
f general publlo benefit.' Similar re
lueata have coma from other eectiona
and all Include word of commendation
if Governor Weat'a method of dealing
ltfi prisoner.
. IlaJf Fare on Way to Road. . .
(Special to The JoornaL) ' i
Medford, Or., Oct. 21. Tha Southern
Pacific company today advised the
Commercial club . committee : appointed
to work between ' Governor West and
r tha county official in ' tba -matter of
. securing convict to work on tha Crater
' Lake road.' that they will grant a half
fara rata for the 15 convicts. Who will
arrive the. first of the week. .This rep
resent a, saving of 100 to - Jackson
county. ' ':' j " -
Fowlie'g Slayer Gets Attorney.
(Special ta Tba Journal.)
The Dalle, Or., Oct. 28. The coron
er's jury that . inquired into the cause
of the death of John C. Fowlle found
that ba came to hi death in The
Dalles at 6 o'clock on October 15, and
that the cause of his deatk waa a gun
shot wound inflicted by Del Howell at
Shantko, on the night of October 14.
Howell la being held in the county Jail
here, not being ready to go Into a pre
liminary hearing. He has , employed
Bennett & Slnnott to - conduot his de
fense. ' f'.' V.,-,:'l:'.Vv''1',ri'V -.
I . .. ... . ' 1 " I
A Lifetime Piano
A Piano if
rightly chosen
will last, a lifetime.
It isn't neces
sary to pay a big
price if yon deal
with us , We're
We sell direct
from . factory ' to
yon. You save the
dealer's profit
(By Ike lateraatteaal Kewa Rerrlea.)
New Tprk. Oct. It. Steal trust mag
na tea of ell degrees and factions main
tained today the rigid alienee that baa
characterised all 'of them alnce tba gov
ernment filed Ita dissolution suit at
Trenton. . Thus . far , tha Gary atata
ma&t isaued lata Friday afternoon 1 the
only utterance that has coma from any
steal trust source. That statement
waa decided upon oaly after a lengthy
conference at tha banking house of J.
P. Morgan A Co. between Mr. Morgan.
Chairman Oary and George P. Baker,
a leader or the dominant Morgan fao-
tlon In the board of director.
Not until today, however, did It be
come known- that thla pronunclamento
of the giant steel truat, sounding aa It
did a stern note of defiance to the gov
ernment, was formulated in the office
of Chairman Gary only after he had
held a conversation liv.long dlatanee
telephone with Francis ymle Stetson,
chief counsel of the poratlon and
who framed Its charter and by-law.
Statement Over Telephone.
Mr. Stetson left New Tork a short
time after new of tba filing of tho ault
became known Thursday afternoon, for
hi country place at Starllngton, N. T.
From there today ha ' said in- response
to a request by telephone for an ex
pression as o tha further course of tha
steel corporation:
"There Is nothing for mo to say at
present The chief officer of the cor
poration spoke very plainly in tha
statement he issued Friday. I sup
pose I shall return to my office Mon
day but if I feel then a I do now I
shall remain silent."
John D. Rockefeller was tho only one
of tba 60 big financier named aa de
fendant in the government' suit who
was served with a summons today. The
process was Served in the morning by
Unite a states Marshal Henkel and Dep
uty Crofflt They were met at the
Tarrytown station by a double, seated
carriage from the Rockefeller' estate
and were driven to . the great mansion
of tho oil king in Pocantlco Hills. This
was by arrangement made the day before-
through- John D. Rockefeller Jr.,
when tho latter was served with a sum
mons at his new office In tha suite oc
cupied by the Texas company, supposed
to be thestanaard Oil company's-chla
rival la tfte Whitehall building.
Tha officers had no trouble in find
ing Mr. Rockefeller. They were imme
diately ushered into the mansion-by a
uniformed butler ' who conducted them
half way down the splendid hall .way of I
the nrst floor. Then suddenly turning
to tno ngut, tho butler tapped gently
on a great oak door which was softly
opened oy trie on King: mmseir.
"Step in, gentlemen," said tho richest
man in tha world, in welcome to the of
ficers. I have been looking for you,"
ho want on. "and had my breakfast
little earlier than usual la order to be
ready to meet you."
Tho summons was handed to Mr
Rockefeller by Deputy Crofflt. After
glancing at It hurriedly tba master of
th Standard Oil crumpled It op and
tossed it on. a labia
I am much obliged to you for roar
kindness la coming away out bar at so
early an hour, ba said. "I euppoee you
found the air crisp and a little cutting
aa you cam up tha bill to my house r
"None too cold, volunteered Marshal
Henkel. , , . -
"Oood TisM oa Oolf ZJ&ks"
"Ah, ah." Mr. Rockefeller granted,
tho while striking his band la front
of tha middle of his tightly buttoned
breakfast coat "If it's -not too cold
for you. then I shall have a good time
on tba golf links this morning."
"By th way." ba added, aa an after
thought, "can't ou gentlemen Slay
here a few hour and let ma shew you
over the place? Or have you mora sum
rooneaa to serve today, that demand
your liamadlal retsrn to tba cl t y ?"
"No mora today," responded Marshal
HenkeL "but we've got to get back
Tha officer were driven briskly back
to the station behind ths sani pair of
Rockefeller high ateppera that had car
ried them out to the mansion.
"Although Mr. Rockefeller forcot to
ask us to sit down while wa were In
the bouse," explained Henkel. "we
found him a mighty nice man. ( be
lieve bad we accept bis Invitation 10
remain and be shown over his place he
would bavo gone with us. I'm clad I
met htm." '
Uaa4 SwKMif
'ao-s uu4 aatak
Tta sane mut !
IUe mfMt tta Va t la
4 It l aa.Mat fae hi aa-M
Waa . axt Jr, aiotiA
a i4 a wmtti m-m
u, twaxai ia a4 aei
MUa tm fttotg iaa 04
i4tf ail aja ni"'i al lata iuu
swa a laa aa4 4 laa ga4
ee lwa
la hw f ta -! laal iba M
aaM4 rWe it pit0 ba bee el
i-e itae f koaar vl 4j
lkt Mi ewr ea4aaM a, le
t k aa at taauk4i latlla ia
la ia ita I a4-aa
Al la twiiii flUw aiaai of Ibe
flaaa fas iHi tkl a eWMiai.
wktrft are i aaataaa lae ally I
e lltbea a waiy la saake
a tae laa4 mt UUrM raalr I
liaaawa la a4 tmm I taw a iJ a
raaaaaealaiMa -( II aa 4
J kkUl a aawa f'aaai M
ar or TMaay ia iaec ii taa
ra e4 ia lUiaaia vmm mtli be
( aa llk rM441aa ft ataaa f
laa aaaaaia, 7e fcra af ia
aab axaaHl a a ay alkeaialt4 j
4te Ike eta af faialag la faad .
wiiaia a Say after ihy etart
bl It aieiaiary. bar fwwiiiij I (tr
a ! Oaia la Iba aotk.
acriary McAlllatar f ,lb llJ
lira kaa nwmj lelUta frWal
ptaclfaily all af lit (, niltvmtta
valauraia riomlli ibat tba
ill rwl raiaa Ihdr ptu deriag b
eaaiioo aek
TH arlloa af te rotl ) lo b
eel hihly raonfv)d. a-rrv
tary MrAiiielrr. vd am r4taa4 la
th errrUeiia nejil of Ivrtiaai Thla
111 be teilly aoiueobla la iha Clka
etetal ut Iha prloua roavea-
ttone lb. teal baa bea uaed aa a
awoey making ethtm and baa doubled
or more the prlrte charged
(intra. Wa are, i ay in
piea4 ai lh la actio en ih tart of
the Perl landers
ily taking ibis stand Ih liutal aai
reataurant people will do a areal tnl
loaard advettlalng pDiitaitd aa pople
will tear lha city amglng It praiae
taatcad of codemalna It"
acre tary McAlllater Islands ta
suggest ta tba publicity commute that
a prise Of lit or tl ba offered i
the person drswtag the brat daln
a poater. He spcta to sac aome
d at other
ret. aril
Don't Put Off Buying
That Piano Another Day
The Wiley B. Allen Co.'. removal to Seventh and
Mormon street u worthy of. very close tttention on
the part of those who want good Piano and those
to whom a aavinf of quite a turn of money U an oh
jert. We will move to our new home December 1,
aivd we are now offering at our present location the '
moat conspicuous Piano bargain ever offered on the
Pacific Coast.
Aa Opportunity like This Is Rare
Think of the doubt and uncertainty you avoid by
dealing with a fine, old reliable firm, whose business
dealings have always been clean and honest, and
whoae ambition is to excel in VALUE-GIVING.
We have no Mdead" or "decoy" instruments,
which are manufactured expressly for so-called
"sales. No fictitious prices marked up, then down,
aa an excuse to cry "great reductions. Every in
strument shown on our floors is from our regular
line of High-Grade Pianos and Player Pianos, which
we have handled for years and will continue to han
dle in our new store. We also offer you values in
slightly used pianos of practically every famous make .
that cannot be surpassed anywhere.
Especially easy terms of .payment may be ar
ranged at this time, if desired.
ibis rneaaa aa well
excellent Idea by
I he prise design.
The women who ar XDcUn Inri-
taUoaa lo the banquet to ba given No
vember 8 are bacomlna ar r much en.
tnuaed over tba prospect of sharing
in ms entertainment or tha visitors.
Their role aa boateaaaa will b to ea
that the women aooompaaylng tha Klks
enjoy themselves lo Ibe utmost The
banquet la to be bald at Lha PortUiul
botl. Short talks will ba aivan there
snowing tne pert the women will h
invitca to take in tbe Drenaratlons and
entertainment and telling what has
been and will be done for tha whole
weeks celebration. After tbe banquet
tha Elks and their a-uests will attond
reception and vaudeville entertain
ment In the club roonia.
Pianos and -
. Medford, Or., Oct J. State Railroad
Commissioner Miller and W. M. Wells,
assistant engineer, of tho commission,
are in Medford ascertaining tha value of
railroad property embraced In the right
of way and terminal grounds). In Jack
son county. . The commission la ascer
taining the physical valuation 'of the
railroads, Us La , Folletto ascertained
rnem in w Hcrnixin. . . . . , iuu urmn
Really1 youll bejwhichto figure rate and taxation. It
nas laxen nearly tnre years to com
plete the estimates on tha 0.-W. R. -4
N. and since last spring the engineers
have been engaged on U Southern Pa-
clflo. Practically all counties have been
completed except Douglas - and Jack
son. .'-
' The work of tb commission is very
Ij a ri-ivi ' lure taken and compared with acta
IUilH J I ' valuations on adjoining land and a
kmer rvSw I basis reached designed to ba fair to
lboth people and raUroad
surprised to see
what a fine piano
you can secure of
us fore only $195
on 'easy payments
GotWc, pzabethan,. Charles II, William and Mary,-and
other classic periods, in Tables, Consuls, Mirrors, Chairs,
Settees, Davenports and ; Dining-Room Furniture. It is
impossible , to speak too highly of these pieces, and we
Fashion Says Oa!k
In many of the finest American homes' today the hall, living
room, library and dining-room is furnished in oak. - Not, of
course, in the debased and cheapened oak furniture: seen every
where, but in the real thing beautiful, distinctive, richly em
bellished with carving, cane and fine old tapestries or velvets.
A few years ago you couldn't have bought this sort of furniture
in Portland. . You would have had to go to New York or Boston or
Chicago for it Today we offer you a selection exceeded in variety
by few stores in the country, and not approached by any other
store in the Northwest Our windows this1 week will give yoU ...
an idea of the quality of this furniture and of the extraordinary '
stock how on hand. Beautiful reproductions are shown in the '!
urge you to see them. If you contemplate furnishing
an oak room, we shall be very pleased to offer sugges-'
tions for the decorative treatment and to supply you with
sketches or estimates. vv . -
Fifth and
p -:
Fifth and