The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 49, Image 49

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1 . itMtl - .- I tw ttHi Star, M
4-aa Jia' I .. -
I tail a a ra i W a. W a
- ll
taw... aw4 fqr4.a4 a4 iv -Wi
Mi, J t saw-
aa-4 J.J-Ml.a-- a4 tJ-.t( aa4
s u Hi 4i4.
I' - -, aJ la -!
ti 4 al I. . -
t 4 al.i.4 (tdt W
A fV.--UM f M rwV
V t-4a4 ww ' M J
K w-mi m. far tia,.
tu tii -r ii.t r xMit4
aaarna, t, M' IV w niiai. v
ta. a.,a. an. . t. aua,
W. U fVa.t!, Mi I l-.
I C T v4. . H 1 K W'a
mm r
Mr 4 W OaUty Wa
NUtUll fey frts M
Mt, rurti U Wm44 !
trli4 v fr 4 UmIhim
WiMtr, rt' 4 rvAr. Tk
l-M mtuIUh KilUl, IttNMl li
4 Imt ! (tl 4r4k T Ki
r Mtt it ti)). tvt4
riffh (H U 1
r X'- Xrr J r rwktt4 kr
H liArl.l, Wit Ivtr Tk
M M:m Mm UrfaWMili rl
lBtol i. 4. U Tl, M
Mr hl.iiu. M'v Ray
Mr. A. U Ti, Mir fljf
vk M'.m ir4 rir. MiM Mary
JiMok Miaa MarW Ul! a4 Ma
XtUM. Mr. 0ftv4
la a - f My mia ItoatfckMli
Mk (rliari af rr 4 Item. Tk
la 114 ruaala 'of Wa4aajf Mr.
I Jaa4 Uaxs Mr. Jwtli MMI Coo,
Mr WUHai II4, Mr. Wuilaa T.
Mart. Mr. CMii r. nr. Mr.
Jak J. Ka44Mlr. Mr. Dr4t 1lck
'ha. Mr Ct-ala fj(Bsaa. Mr.
Ha'ak NVkuav Mr. '.TIllWu L14Uw.
Mr Warra Kcir. Mr C C rail.
Mr, r. a Horn. Mr, rtaana r Warlnc.
Wra ALmm lira 1 W frl H
Mr. H U rtaaln. Mr. W. S. llofmaa,! A rrattr pink and klua 44lnc aol
Mr I ma It Ilaama. Mr. t4wi M, amniaU at hifti noon on To.dr br
Hh.e. Mra. O. A. lUHmaa. Mr. John p- tifcar lyM at Iba horn of ha
- -
"- a 1 aai BBr
k' kta 'ai Vtrt.a.-v
4jw-'-a44 -
Mkh aa Ak VaJ. K i FwatWa., k
a a
IVa MklMliW 4 a M t.M-M
0 law 4 lVa
r .a. i aa V ' a 4 1 f '
fexaa tat ft . tja4.a
rtWl( tl) Wllla f-4 M 11.
. "
Mr H M MaJTW Mm it
al a4 ta aa4 aa faa at
tx ittitlalt aialV
I it iMa ia liaal Ui.a, V 1
fcatf il 4tvi,. ktaoa. a
lr4 ra41 aaM natalta laaa
1 1 ar a-afa, a4 fli la-
Ilia g a WMaila af a ata
au. 4.a4 1 a I va af t
I aa rVaaa. W Ual H k4
I Mill a; x allla 4a't
Mr. 4 Mr fWf W C'Iumi M
kat Uii aaafla ia
aiita 4 VaMt. kV i . ava t
! kaia trm
m 4
Ut. M f;!W4i R. rwVMi
Ui4T far uv ika n4 aaVika
mUr MatiMla. Mr. It T. Uurafr- JTiV . . a"" .k .
.r. Mr. A. La Mr. W-ar4 rt- l"? " A"fcwVJ2',,t?. L?
IT. Mr It O. T..y. Mr. Oarf a C. 0rf V" Dr hLyU Y,
ul u i-.. n . iJT w IllBa-io liandrlcka. T allow chrranlh-
II T. Or.
Waldv La III
Mr. Jama
Waa Waa Wra I mum 4 tum lva war vad all
C. Camaroa, Mr. CUraoo I Hit. TLf brt.wt
.f: T,'.. ' Vi.a:hIU forai dacorUona and pr,Uy at-
Vri lairii A rmarV t1" fft WM rrantad back-
raJ,.- i rrouna for th wedding- party. Tha
n Ur. waa cowna In wblla marqutaatla
Ira. John Bropttj. cvr wUh ibortlona of baary
'V0";, "' rt '1 . Kha wor lonr vail bald In plac
Mr Hoy Thoajpaoti. Mr. Arthur
irani4. Mr ilaorca A. Kmary.
Mr. Oaorira
firama. M
Jam Clarkaoa,
Mr. Rllhard StHcht. Mr. D. U.
lor7, Mr. AW-s Nlblay, Mrs.
Cbarl A. Coolidv, Mr. Jamas
f"atllo. Mr. Oaori a B. Ilovandan, Mr. ... .
i-... w r.M..n u nti.rt am. I Waloh, Mr. J. C. Bryant. Mr A. RHtar,
rich. Mri John B. Hoaford. Mrs.1 Huby Archsmbtkn snd Mlas Balln
Mmjanln'.r. Waaw. Mlas Marcr I MJinar.
l'"r.,M aT.p'"' On. of tha pFattleat Prtlas liven
Ol?L . aJ-mZL.''J ,V Sr.V- ws that of tha Knlihts Tamplsr club
Mr. jrVrvT. Mrl wrKinlaV' aiiioh-iL th Ms-onlo Templa Ut Thursday
t' -Jlaarr laa. Ulnt. Tha bsndm. uniform, and
Mri SusuV. Pfund7r Mri Fr lUr- ?hXla o7 tb
law Wra rtanlal Mavnaa VI ra W n. With th. bright COatUma 01 104
I w' Mrt;.I',..H',r" J::. fC Udlea mad arr Dratty alsbt. Jh
jniiiaon, jura. w. ai. v. laraa, airm. iMpn ... - . J
rioaaat. Mrs. William J. Lyons,tMrs. r? 21! Thrtita
Bluford 6lKlar. Mrs. B. T. Van iloni. " "tS'iST Pnotb
Mra R. . Pirua Mn. Charlaa F. Bunk- to M w' won I Robb
7r. Mr C. O. WUton. Mra Byron Millar. ' fSS. Snf- wtr Qor-F
Mrs. Frank a Wood, Mrs. H. O. Hlcko. Zm.? Joh W
Mr Baonatt riackansteln. Mrs. Alhart m. ' M tIIS Vr! O J.nt
Cuahln. Mr. John O. Bwannson. Mrs. HJ A K La and Frd O. Jan-
Ambroa. Hsltlna. Mrs, Cor Puffr. -tag; Th. clubl. com mon Knl.hU
Mrs. WlllUm Boyar, Mrs. uatnanna I " - -
i .t, .. .--i oJL vr.. i....h of Oregon eornmandery. They will
1 Hr Mri Qaorsa "w , BlrTpaoiu Mrs. karlas of card and dancing p.r-
V.TMjnnlW during th. winter. Among those
Mrs. Bart M. Deilaon. Mrs. John Toft. P"'nt w.r. Mr. and Mrs. E. O Craw-
Mrs. Charles F. Brown. Mrs. Erneat
Merges. Mrs. Frlerlc 8Unson. Mrs., nd Mrs. H. T. Hutchinson. Mr. and
tleorge N. Dvla. Mrs. M. C. Banflald, fra. r. rxwrnan. r. nu r..
Mra. W. I. Hrraurh. Mr. Aa lirtCn. 1
,, a.. u-.T.-r, ur. ijwriM Mr. and Mrs.. Chsrle E. Runyon, Mr.
M. Hubert, Mrs. Clifford Marshall. Mrs. nd Mrs. Hugh (-Boyd, Mr. nd Mrs.
Fred Qrares. Mrs, Nina iarowa Mrs. ' ' 7
Hdwln D. Whitney. Mrs.-O. D.- Rush- Hall. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Ball, Mr. nd
more, Mrs. J. a Robinson, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Sherman E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
R, Johnson, Mrs. William Osdsby. Mrs. W. H. Monroe. Mr. arid Mrs. G A. East-
rt ii,niTAn Mra rrai Tfeinan. man. Mr. and Mrs. A. H, L. Mr. and
weber. Mr William Pearson. Mrs. Ros- Mrs. W. I Robb, Mr. and Mrs, A. M.I
coe Qlltnar, Mrs. Adrian Oaks. Mrs. El- Brown, Mr. and .Mrs. George W. Akers,
bert Hendershott (Evelyn Bell), and Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Jennlng. Mr. and
Miss Tlllle Cornelius; for Friday: Mr. Mrs. J. E. Nelson. ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Leon Peters. Mrs. Frank . Motter. Mfs. W. Bronn, ,Mr. and Mrs. A.- C, Adams,
Talmer Fales, Mrs. Henry Foster, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rich Martin, Jr., Mr.
Uolph Taylor, Mrs. Charles Jennlng, and Mrs. George , I" Baker, Mr. and
Mrs. - Frank Bruhn. Mrs. Edward R. Mrs. I A. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. l. D.
unnr u, nirniii Mnaer. Mrs. Charles Freeland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. Rey-
Smith,' Mrs. WUUam Peer, Mrs. Henry Inolds, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cleland. Mr.
Jennlng, Jr., Mrs. Paul Wagner, Mrs. I and Mrs. R.Irv McClung, Mr; and Mrs.
T.urian Backer. Mrs. R. E. Menefee. Mrs. I W. A. Leet. Mrs. A. McMullen, th
H. K.; Finch, Mrs. Raymond Steel, Mrs. I Misses Charlotte Patterson. Sally Ster-1
William Jessop, Mrs. ueorg w. otapie- i ren, jessie joecuwiin, juhuci xjaivcr,
ton, Mrs. Fred C. Knapp, Mrs, Wllltam J Jpsle Stapleton, Arabella Preston and
Groh. Mrs. George M. Hyland, Mrs. I Ines Neville, Messrs. George A Love-
Joseph McClelland, Mrs. Harry M. Hal- joy, George F. Robertson, H. C.Thomp
ler. Mrs. Morton S. Boss. Mrsi Joseph son. ' V. A. Avery, James Hlslop. J. R-
anni. itrra T W Haffarlln. Mra. J, W. Pn f. r Smith. I". B. Willis. Henry
Latimer, Mrs, ueorge weoster, jure. ii. I m. uusn, jxoDert a. juiaer, juiius ti
BC Adams, Mrs. George R.-Dodson, Mrs. hey, F. A. Bushnell, Joseph 'McClelland,
Tandrup Nordby, Mrs. unaries- f ieia, jc. F. Wiagana ana Frank m. xucjury." r
Mrs. John B. Frem, Mrs.' Henry Von k.airaa,w... - q
Groenvald, Mrs. H. N. Randall, Mrs. C. ) . .,a...,M
H. Webber, Mrs. James foully, Mrs. a j GARR SON NEWS
A. West. Sr., Mrs, W. F, Hubbsrd. Mrs,! J uniinwwii iiung
Charles F. Jones. Mrs. Charles F, Read, J g--- - .-a
Mrs. John McCue Mrs. . N. M. Dean, . Th. Informal announcement of the
Mrs. Henry--Berger, Jr., Mrs. Frank engagement of Captain Jordan to Miss
Young, Mrs. William McBrlde. ; Mrs. Carpenter of Los Angeles,' following
''Thomas V; "Carney, MrsEdwin H. Bell, so closely that of Miss Klauder and
'Mrs. Louis Sheik, Mrs. O. F. Keef, Mra Lieutenant Spencer, has aroused much
L. A. West, Jr..- Mrs. Thomas Brumfleld, interest at th. post, as Miss Carpenter
a- Tr.Kta A a. aa TUfvtm : WIllfnvM TMH. I aaw a aa 1.. - . laAaaSSa . nW M 1 at . t'llwd.
ilira JT raUA AUUl BUHi 1U.b if imaiu awi- i WO, SIOV liuuov U a, V viido AJtuiat-
aid, Mra. Coleman Wheeler. Mrs. A. A.
Ur. Ljl. ValHocton H.ndrkk (UIm E. Crye Abdortoo),
honor wm Mlaa Mabal rUundrs of -aula,
wbo wor bli Btarqulii car
foundation of blua and rarrt4 pnk
rose bads. Tha brldeemaJda war. Ml.
Ta lMt 'and Mlaa Janlt Jon,
wb. war. bo(b In pink rtor with
touch, of bio. Thalr flower war.
pink ros All of tha brtde'e attend
an La war., former students wltk her at
th. Nw Km land Conaarvatory of Un
do la Boa loo. L'.ttl Ml. Dorothy Rob
arts was tha ring naaraa, tn a dainty
wblt. frock. Connrll Dyr of Balam.
attended tha groom. About It relative,
and rlo. frtenda war. preeent at th.
wadding. Dr. Hendricke ts a grsduat.
of tb. Philadelphia College of Phar
macy and has located I MrMltrarlll
Dr. and Mrs. Hendricks left for wad
ding trip on tha sound.
Mr. Woolvern. Mrs. Clarke. Ml.
Lottgbborougk, Mr. Ale. Mlas Taylor,
Mrs. Morrison, Mr. Ruttancutter, Mr.
Lastar, Mrs. Reasoner, Mr. Jones and
Mrs. Afflay. A profusion of swt pa
and farns made tb. room, very attract
ive. Mr. Morrison aaaietd In serrtng.
Colonel and Mlas MoGunnlgle, Cap
tain and Mr. Tbomaa, Captain Towns-
end. Lieutenants Burnett and UUo and
Eugene Tales attended th debut dano
at PortUnd for Miss MacMastars. v
Lieutenant- Charlea J. Taylor, who
recently arrived at the post, ha been
assigned to company F of the engineer i
corps. .
w N
Flrsr Lieutenant Kneeland 8. Snow
has ben assigned to company D, First
infantry, from th. Fifteenth Infantry.
Mr. a4 Mr Ab l mm ta
rWr itiaan w usUa. asi t'
ail H4,
Ml rrWI fnii mt TVIarta. M k
a im baka ai f Mi staikne
MMair U1 w mm rtUf I mm w
fci iaaaal'a Uauld far !
Kaia ralaraJag I. .
K at
Tb. T. W. C A was IK. tn f
aalrr Mail- party U4 Utt -
paia M aa.4 14 gau .atkaewd M
)f la. vla. TM iarta. w
(( Of 'laK'y mmtmt 14 4 IK U
m rt by aaaata. A prtii wt Ike
taaUag . aaaaa la karamla. a-
alla4. Irtg fart, piajrlag fu
ll as sama 4) folk da, by tb
"trm" turn im gbt ctui. Uwugn
Hats d sw4 rl4r, are tram
14 wit. war ar4 for rafraahaaaala.
anagisg d gkat .lory by lb rtra
pla wtlk tb. HsMa tr4 lew,
ra44 mot b. .TtaJaf a aajoyanL
f Kmaar W. R. C No. 1 1 aatrtaJd at
tbalr Ul aaactsg I Ha dprtaal l
pacaar, Mr Jmtm Willoushby of I3
g. Aftar the ele of tb eorpa work
lb. asatabar f buninar poet O. A. R.
and tbalr snaay friends war. tvlt4 la
to wits tb. ehrltatng f tb lafaat
ebtld of Mr. and Mr. Wandllck (UIm
David), tb another balng rnarobar f
th oorp. Th. nv. W. T. Krr. ebap
laln f th. rdr. performed th. cara
mon y. Mr. A. J. Jackson, a former sao
ratary ef tha eorpa, and a prominent
m m bar, la aooa to laav. Portland for
ber nw bom. la Mull, Idaho.
w w
Mlaa Lalab Tompkls. aUrtalaad tba
Friday Bran Log Muair club at bar
home, II East Seventh streaf. Oacn
and mualcal numbara war tha fator.
of th. evening. Vocal aoloa war. given
by Mia. Olady. Roblnaon and Miss
Bonslyn Mcintosh, with Miss N.tll
Mann at th. plaao. The prent
war.: ' Mia. Ford Bangle. Mlas Nettle
Mann. Mlaa Bonalyn Molntoah. Mlas
Gladys Robinson. Mia. Minnie Ih
mann. Mlas Anna Krnger. Miss Ella
tawa a-4, ia.4aa to a .av laa-Aa
" .Wka. lirM
.. , 4.a4 !
-. HU J ai.itaaa.aa.
t tJa f'af aa-4
miii4 iai
A aa wj 4fn a4 - fiai
4 4 iaala, W. mm ta'
ia-a 4ltl n iiiii a. f '
v4a . at i atdaaatf aa. -mt l
kauai . itfrUaa. 4 -
l "i. It u. A, tlaa. a4 W. brta.
ta haaaaaaf, fmtm, i 4U!,
laaiU, laa Ml HUH U a4 ,
mttitt, tt a4 T. ati I v jaa , miiwa, ,
kvaa'r, ua Sm4 k aaai-
. . i- tl. a4 Siajl, SL U. Am
M4 t.V4aJt a4aatf m4 Ut. Laav W U- ,
. S-aArtal, It U Maa, aVaa4, a.
, J 1 X.a'M
a- . kC 4 t" . Iiaaa4
Htia kti tlaak bvjvjvi, lata'
IS :i-4 a4 t- aa t4f. 13114 aaaa.
mm klaa. ftw fSMUaa.4 aart
Yfc ft Ii flrJiy - I
Iaaaa4 Ua4 aaaa4 I A l
atwaK4. aAaaaa
, ataavaa, svaa. a-"vaa-fc.
a- la Jaaat- j
4 (Maii H IHaaa. i
Sterling Silver
Toilet Set
CaaalUa rna baa a 4 llta
rumal; 4 !- I y a (
MUf I 1U V4 a.
Say. Ubav It. M kaa laa
aaanA T"aa wiaatfatf I la a
a aw at-. Iaa a. I aa a
fa!. . rtaa4 awV a4 Wait M.
Cl anui mt r.t !. W Uaaal U
fllaata aiag 4 Utaf UlaaU a. Uaa
aaaia t4:y . Mr a
fraa f 4 4 w Ula4 la
taavi4ra 4 ta bi. a4 ib sriii i
!. MM. J. JT. MiMea, Ua ka. CA
a M. .nsa Of 1. rv4rrtM
karx mtth iau. Tk. Mfc-e r4r
I rM.ia awaaay bal I ha er4 was
aiSa4 fi all a. raJeU. a4 a
1 taa4aM rtA. 1 . Tb
brUa la 4 a h lav af Mr. O. M Irarr
f La Aaaa 4 gra4akl4
mt Mr. 4 Mr. Vt. M. Uaakaiy, a4aa.
af fi4eii mt t'aauiU i y. r
Ik yr aa. lll I rrti4 4 a
r4aai4 fraaa frujk4j jj atL
4 ta Ika fall mt IHI aaiarad th.
Laivarstiy 4 Or. The w f.
rvwlag yr aa iid4 Ika t4 rar
ity f Maaklavguae) waar. a, was
jBia af lb. Alpk XI Dal i a rrHy.
Uvrtag tb. past yj aha kaa ral4ad
lib bar gr4pt U fNMadiat. Th4
groom U a gt4ai. of tba tl. a
rliy. (Um of l a ad w. anam
bar cf Ut ttala Tha it rrtrity al
thai coll.. For in. t la rra
baa baa ta raaU-l wbar k
city mewmT mt Ik. Et OrsU.
Tba ya ewusl. will aaaha Uair
bono. I Ua ea4ir Oras-a city.
W w
O Wdday. 0aobs la, al I
"elock. Ralph Aids WUh room b aad
Ml. JMd Isabel Mann, both mt III II-
bor. Or. wr aeltad I mamti by Rev.
Andrew Carrlek at III East Tbiny4iftb
M. only the Immadlat. femlll. be
ing praaot Mr. aad Mr. Wlihyeamb
ill b at bom. after NTBbr if at
DtrMomb faraa, ar Hi lis bora.
A. lt borne wedding which comas
as svrpna. t. Tr many rnenda, l.
that of Mlas Amelia May and Jobs F.
Robertson, aolaranlaad Thoraday vntng
at th boot, of tb. brld'. father, Sam.
ual May. Ill esntaath street narth.
Tb. earamMy was par-formed In th.
reveae only of relative, by Judge
Henry E. Mofrtnn, Tha bride wor ber
going away gnwa. A em art tailored eult
blua with eoraag. boquat of vtolats
snd orebtda. Rh. Is tb. ldt daughter
of - Ma. My. k ta- wtl4y Known and
vary popular In tb. st . In which ah
meva Mr. Robertson has for many
NfvuU exclusive In drsifHS,itl of them the ihlnir.ixi
els, lom: ilr-ome HinJorrivfdirvlhanJtcha'i,
ire no- on JispUy. CiIJ in4 enrrJne thrm. The
pika will Inteiest .
Silverware and
The very litest creations for )vur home or ts tUts
to the bHJe, for anniversaries or birthdays. You will
flnJ here Just whit you want it very moderate prices.
E A 3 Y T E R If 3 TO
Marx Bloch
Lavrft4t Duxnosui Dctlcrt in Ortyon
(Conttnaed o Following Pag.)
10th and Stark Streets
Main 1290 ;
Baldness, .LossVof
Hair, Scalp Disease
Pandnift Eczema
We will examine you freehand refund your money if we
fail to do as wc zgrte'. Come -inland, talk-with us.
Gentleman and Lady. Atendants.
Take Advantage of These Exceptional Barged-hs
Phenomenal Price Concessions in Every Dept.
4r '
vife of Captain Plerson,
r yf.i r.ii viiriiiif i
betb Sears this summer.. Mifcs Carpen
ter is on. Of Los Angeles' most accom
plished and ; favored society girls. Cap
tain Jordan has Just been detailed as
oommlssary at Chicago. : Tha wedding
will take place In jHnuary. , Dame Ru
mbr has it that Cupid's bow and arrow
mad. a triple perforation and that Miss
Sears has also capitulated to the lucky
man. ; ...
General Maua. accompanied by Lieu
tenant - Whitley. aide-de-camp, left
Thursday evening on a tour of ,lnspee
tlon of coats on Puget sound. General
Maus will visit the Bremerton navy
yards and accompanied by Admiral Cot
termab will tour th. sound on th. mine
plantar Ringgold. - vtT"'
- ir
TJantanant and Mrs. PhllllDson entel-
talnaj inforraallv at cords Thuradav
evening. The guests were Captain and
Mrs. Thomas, Mra. White, . Lieutenant
and Mrs. True. Mr. McCoRnaclr, of
Portland, nd Lieutenants Burnett and
Ullo. : .,- ' - :
v. .
a Aaitviitful . sftemoon te..Frldav
given by Mra. Lloyd afforded tha fol
inainr women much Dleaaure: Mr
Mrs. Plerson, wl
has returned from her camping outing
at warm Springs, Or.
w w
Mra. William Fitshugh Jonas gav. a
delightful bridge luncheon Thursday
afternoon for Mrs. McCleav, mother of
Lieutenant MoClaave. Tb. tables' war
arranged with bouquets of pink carna
tion and pink place cords. Tha gueata
were Mrs. MoCleav. Mr. Foster, Mrs.
Morrison, Mrs. Stuart, Mrs. Aloe, Mrs. I
PhlUlpson, Mrs. Thomas, , Mrs. Clark,
Mrs. White, Mrs. , Yule,, Mrs. Woolvern I
and Mrs, Axney. ' ,
Colonel Stevens of Fort rTtevens, "and
Inspector General Major Mauldln left
Friday morning on their annual 10-mlle
tiding , test. - Lieutenants Mitchell and
Ladd will have charge of th. necesasry
arrangements. '
.1-, . - m 4r ' , '
" Major Frank G. Mauldln recently re
turned from, an inspection trip to Alas-1
ka, Is at present Inspecting tha offices
of the Starr pincers in Portland.
The second series of lectures given
Sunday evening by Chaplain Lloyd, on
the Philippines, brought ' a crowded
house. A collection of Filipino curios I
was shown along with-the lecture, and
excited much Interest. . ' Corporal Fran
ces Leigh gave an excellent rendition of
th. "Holy City" with Illustrations.
. E battery of the Second field artillery
will soon be transferred here from San
Francisco.. Captain PulIIo and Lieuten
ants vawiey ana Kucicer com. wiu in i
'Tuesday evening Mrs. Lloyd was the
charming hostess at one ox the pretti
est dinner parties of the season. The
dining room was beautiful with large I
bouquets ' of . Richmond rosea and red
- Raincoats
, for
Men ami 'NrVomen
K- S. Ervin, Co.aLtrl.
araUlna Bnndinr, Seooad Tloo
Kixtb aad Aider atrts '
APC1 Entire Line of
Urr Women'and
rV t a m o '
4!r Coats, Suits,
Dresses, Skirts, Waists,
Raincoats and Sweaters
This is without doubt the greafest offerini:
of cut prices this season on clean-cut, de
pendable merchandise. Every woman should
take advantage of the extra bargains; The
stock consists of every Staple and Novelty
Coat, Suit, Dress, Waist; Sweater of the
Fall 1912 stvles. Come tomorrow
convinced of these extra bargains. Remem
ber,vOur entire stock not only a few here
and there, but everything U flFF
quoted at just . . w. . . . . . wr
Great !2 Price Sale
Millinery, Plumes and
Your unrestricted choice of the entire stock
of fine Tailored 'and Pictured ..Hats in , every,
conceivable shape imaginable in both Amer
ica's and Europe's rriost stylish' shapes. The
plumes are in all sizes and lengths, in hand
tied and French styles. Trimming1 of every
thing that is new for the fall hat Come Mon
day or Tuesday. . Remember the U PJ?ZZ
entire stock at. . . . . . . . . . ........ I I nte
( r i,
The Greatest
1 a off
Sale of the Season
With our nrices beinc much lower to com
mence with, and the great discounts that
?revafl on - these garments Monday and
uesday, many women should partidpate
in this extraordinary sale. Prices quoted
below will give you an idea of our great
selling power. From trapper to youthaty
why you" save more. Every garment u
manufactured at home, which saves you
the middleman's profit
BROWN and GRAY PONY, Beaver Trim'd
$50 Fur Coats.. . $37.60
$ 60 Fur Coats'. . . $45.00
$ 75 Fur Coats.. .$5625
$100 Far Coats. . .$75.00
$150 Fur Coats.. $112.50
$175 Fur Coats.. $131.25
$250 Fur Coats.. $187.50
$300 Fur Coata.. $225.00
All Other Fur$ Reduced Proportionately
14 OFF
Children's Coats, Hats, Dresses V4 Off
Handsome trimmed and untnmmed velvet and felt shapes m
a great profusion of styles. : Wool mixture coats, all colors
and newest styles. Vel
vet, caraculs; near seals and
corduroys. Dresses in all
colors and whie. in French
Ginghams, R e.p s, Galatea,
Lawns- and Batiste. Mon-
r,ndT". i4 off
"J -a ....... - .
' ;
$2.75 to $3.50 Silk and Wool UnibnSuit QO
Mentor and rarest Mills make yttW: W" r
fthis isano lot shipped to us for special sale, but our regular
'. T' " " ' ' ' ' -i ' new fall stock, made of best
Entire Buiftttut Cor fourth nd ITlorrjon Streets
MsKNvrsKOTU or. rAf rums
try r jX r rrv
quality bleached yarns,
trimmed in silk lace and rib
bon drawstrings; good form-
fitting and best ta
Monday and Tues- r
yday at
wc 2 r.
I Rodger, Mrs. Tof f en, Mr. Newman,