The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 47, Image 47

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Ii?.-7m T'
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CluLs. Music. MnrLcti
V I 1 Mk
There Hie Various Oilier Gas Ranges Offered for Sale-Bui the
See Our 3-Rcor.t
Outfit tor $127
On Credit
Essy Terms
- ,'1 All Sizes ' For Annrtments nr Private Homos FVSrtjr?-ir: r-r "
. W w w - -www-, vww w aw w w w e ej eaw -w w www -w w m w w v
; How can subatantlatc) such a awrtpinf claim for tho New lira Cam IUnr. yon xk7 B Hcmonitrullnf lo ywi
that it ACTUALLY 1LAS tuperior features of cotutructlon which NO OTHER Gaj Rij on the market can show.
V urjr you to Tint to e!ewhr tnd Inipcct carefully all other Gas Ranres which aro offered1 you for th aarao
.t lk a. .ft a mm a mm.
tmc as the new idea, fiats Ltitm expumetl thorourhJy and shown oil to their beat adranUrta -then como to ui I -" v-vl J I
7 ana wo wm ccmomiraio uo new iaea ana snow you leaiurts inai wrrfl nerrr roenuonea or inotijui oi on -t fr-J W fj J J j IrZi i V t1 1 V"
any of tha others. The following are . , f'MJfP fT?' f IIJl
Six Points That IJo'Other.Gas Range Can Show
1Durnm uhlch cover entire bottom of bvenrmiUn.v 4 A anopy which carries off U futnes'of cooling and
t perfect distribution of , heat . , gas, and ventilates overu :
2 White enameled broilers and clean-out tray ' 5--Mlca doors, ornamental and of genuine practical use,
3 Solid black enameled body, enameled top and Iegs , 6-Stands' higher from floor than any other range made. ,
These Apartment Houses Have Installed the '7eiy Idea" in Preference to Kny Olher
i Siztccatk Strict I III ApartmtiiU. Cor.. Fifth and Uarfctt Strti
. tad Datrta 8u Uaxor Aprtronu, at ElgbUi and Coach St.
Uath and Stark Pttunnlajr Apartmcau. IUiincworth Anns,
nd Talor Sta. Cumberland Apmnnt, W. Park- and Columbia
iMftmanu. Founb and Uacela Strta BijaOaAd Apaxtmaata, 234 North Siztccatfc Etrt Ilala Apartroaata. Cor.. Filth and Marktt Btrta HirrUoq Apartraaata. TVtlfta and HUTUoa sta.
Acartmaaia. Trtatty rUcm Jackaoq ApartmaRta, Ualoa Ava. aad Datrta BU Mar or Apartroanta. at Elfbth aad Coach Sta. lioaaamaa Apartmaata, Cd aad Nortarcp trta
Wolf A I
Trlnirr Acartmaai. TrUuty i1cm
Baxkar Ararrmtfita. Twm-t irat aad IrHnr 8n. CrowWr Apart maota.' East Thirtaaath aad Stark PaalaauUx Apartmaau. Kiliinraworth Avaaoa. Aanarkaa Apartiaaata. Twaatyllral aad Jobnaon
Graad Oak Apartsatau, Grand Ara. and Oak St , Urowa Apartmanta, Founacnth and Taylor Sta. Oombarlaad Apartxaanta, W. Park aad Co!umUa , Enrttt Apartmcara, Laxratia and Evaratt Straata
CarnaUu Apaxuacata, Tbirtaaata aad Jaflaraoa Baau Apartmanta, iwallia aad Salmon Straats afabr Apartmanta, 229 North Twaottath Btraat - Stavtaa Apartroaata, Nortbnrp Btraat
Wbaaldoo Aaaax. Cor. Tenth aad Salmon gtraata
Roberta Aparunmu, Twelfth and llarrtaon Eta.
Itano A Baia, TweicTr-eaalk aad Northnrp Sta.
i t r .1 1 - . - -- M - -
gwaak flats, MS aat Taath S,trat
li 'i
You Can Get Instant Knowledge of
"fei Wea" From Vlndov Display
We want these Ranges to talk for themselves, so we have placed I
them where the largest possible number of people can see them, s
We think they offer their own best argument,', and we know J
that once you have seen them you. will feel that the claims we
, have made for, them are fully, justified. ThereTsa beautiful
-display of them,. embracing all styles and sizes and If you will,
come In our stove department manager will be pleased to show
you the superior-features. 4 ; ;
From 38 Jo 460. Votes in Pipe Organ Contest
17 U XI
.00 VJeekly Pays for This
Peer of All Gas Ranges
We know absolutely that the "New Idea" will meet your every
requirement We know that when you once compared this
Range with other makes there will be only one Range that will
satisfy you the "New Idea We know it is the Range you
will, prefer above' all. others and in order that you may procure
one. we have arranged these most unusual; terms of selling
only $ too a week. . .These, liberal terms are only additional
proof of our confidence in this wonderful Range.- , v V
Prom iO toMO Xlotes In Pipe Organ Contest
These Six Patterns Represent Tables of Which VJe Have Only Tvo or Three Left and TheyMusf
-:-:-; 'Jot
Close-Out Price $33.50 '"r Close-Out Price $15.75
. ?::.'MTaI oa S5J)0 : r - T.m- h. ' Waaal rloa SS4.00 . ' v" '
Six-foot,' i 54-Jnch ' Quartered - Oak . inch . top. aolid quartered bale. Oak Extension Table in B-foot
Extension, Tabid in golden finish. . Plain barrel instead of fluted. , - ; size with 45-inch .top, golden finish.
' 3 Totaa U Vlpa Orgaa Coataat ,
Ui TotM ta ripa Orgaa Ooataat . 199 Taaaa to Mpa Orgaa Ooataaa
' - f
To Make Room
for New
Patterns of
Which Vie
5e This Week
.! ,4' .
Close-Out Price &t 8.75
vauat mo aaaoo ClOSe-Out PfCC 516.85
Handsome quartered Oak Exten- taro .
ion Table in. fumed finish 42-inch Q"'0".?'- J'JiiJ
j. a pictured, la golden Xlnlab, foot
top, extends to six feet. j 4 Inch top.
. 79 Totaa la Hpa Orgwa Oeataa ; . t7 Totaa la Flpa Orraa Ooateet
'I-'.. .
Close-Out Price $9.95
. Vnml Frtca 15.T5 r.
Oak Entenelon Table, aMahtly dif
ferent from cut, foot else, 41 Inch
top. a-olden oak finish.,-. . .
40 Totea U ripe Orfma Conteit
If Xou Are Looking for an Idea for Halloween Decorations
tour window dresser will be glad, to lave you come ia and consult him.1 He will maka
uggestiona that will carry out your own ideas in a novel and interesting way and lay
ut a scheme of decoration. fpr you gratis. V m . '',.v-
Come an
We have gone to a great deal of pains to make 'an Interesting Halloween display, and
the result ia the most' novel and attractive window in the city.
We Ask Only $6.95
For This iron Bed
Elsewhere you will pay vl -3 as much more for a
value as goodiThe design is exactly as shown
with brass filler rods In the head and foot. Firs V
class white enamel ' finish. ' Head measures 64
inches, foot ia 45 inches high.' )" . J ;
aa Totaa la ripe Oxyaa Ooataat '
Wofi i the Beautiful Lines of Jhis Sheraton Bedroom Suit
The' construction, and finish are of the same bigh character
as the design.;
jM: .
This suit is. featured by us in both Imitation Mahogany and Golden OaJc. It is of
tiiflrtic -trrAm in Amniern cnn.rvt fttstn art A finic mnA t. Gnta1lv rimA fhi. ivjil fn
call attention to the balance of our high-grade feedroom furniture. The.
regular ; price is $115.00. - Special
. ' 339 To
Totea la ripe Org-aa Ooataat
...... f4.T5
Every Chinch Member Should Help nie2htS
The $2750 Kimball Pipe Organ
the possession of which would increase the influence and poVer of any church one hun-
area loia, ana oe a lasting monument io ine energy oi us cungrcKauuu. mt cuun in
quired of yon is trifling enough ask for your tickets when making purchases in our
store. Every 25c invested here entitles you to a vote, whether on a charge or a cash
transaction. ;. ' '': ;5" v-.?
Value in Portland
Cash or Credit
Terms to Suit
Sli.50Js the Usual Price of This
Handsome Rocker This Veek's
Special Price is Only
S r- d
Nil "S
A Solid Oak Rocker of the
very attractive -design hereT
with shown is offered by us
this week for the unusual
price of $6.95. Has a genuine
leather Automobile Slip seat
aqd is finished fumed.- Very
roomy and comfortable. j
Cash or Credit
Terms to Sult
87 Totea ia ripe Orraa Coatee
You. Can Buy Axminster, Velvet and Brussels Rugs
M a Big Reduction Jhls VJeek . .
Our buyer Jeft fpn the, east this week-and, marked these patterns for quick; closing out
REGULAR $25.00-9x12 C17 Qft I REGULAR $30.00 SEAM- (PQQ OCT I REGULAR $22.509x12 C1C ! Q A
A new-design of excellent material, attractive de
sign and most superior . finish. .Made of solid
brass in continuous post pattern, with five filler
rods, as illustrated. , Only one to a Customer;
Four patterns to select from,-'Oriental
and floral' designs.' , '
' M Totaa la ripe Orraa Ooataat, " "
Your choice of two patterns 9x12 size '
t8 Totaa ta Kpa Orraa Ooataat, '' -
i Seven patterns for this sale large aad
small designs. , , -
1 Vv ST Totaa la. ripa Orraa Ooataat,
& -jf:
' ; t
0)W I
it: C I r J : ", C'
Heaters in All Sizes
at Lowest Prices
Your needs for heating can
be better met with here in
our extensive . Stove; Depart-;
ment than anywhere else, in
the city. None but reliable
lines are represented by us,
and our range of prices cov
ers the possibilities of every ,
purse terms most liberal, if
jou wish them. '
a i mr t u if . u -Lj" a t ti- ia i v - ia r. i
vjt a ink n-un a . n-w ct? v. i r
It has a solid cast body and V 1
is all cast lined. Is highly H - ' '
polished, and ornamented )' .
with . two;-nickel foot rails. fi 3
Your choice of two sizes at ''"
this ' special - price 20-inch
and 22-inch.
SS Totea, la ripa Or-n Con t