The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 46, Image 46

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F'tr vXft. Mi4 ftM T- I
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4 mt All A4 Iftft -'""
u. Af l row ( w!ft tO
ift ft .it A im Am
Aft AfcM ir4 (mum .
tf UK - . 4 - b.4 A A Itol
AVift .aK AWM4t4 kA' k
ivpt it. rV v ft
4 a ld rA AAA A
f-t-4t AS tMA
itft Wm4 r-a4 M aW
II fA ftAA 4 M tt"
! UIM k L A A A tftA 11
A-Aft t I Ak A fo If ft r-a
1 1 W4T UI Am W
t li41K AAAA AJ IA IM ttlU IM
A IM AaA A9 A) W
kf t4 A-Ilf. J V MllkM, '
If I ftA Cal t Atmkft M 1
AA f ! tuM VMM, -. kA
k AA AMi Aftftif A I ! IAM ,
AftAUk. A r'tA ftftAAtt F ' '
Aft'fA A A
) A4 ft4A rA M lAfA
f UWIIM, A4 ft-A fW AMt '
A f IUI nr)iii, rA roAAA M I
Milf ft ! Ut U A lOTtAJVi. Aj
r4 Ak. fttA AA WlIM '
vtr IM1, Tl m wiiuiwi
i VtlAiUF ft! f A4
f ft It AtfAAft f A!ltA .
When you lay down your hard earned CaIsIi for .furniture "you otifiht to letomcthtnn MORIi than
Just furniture. You're entitled to assurance of quality and reasonable prices. More than that you're
entitled to pleasure and satisfaction inm.yinj! them and a continuance of these things In using tnem
You're entitled to SERVICE the best possible service the Gadsby. kind. You'll find our salesmen
courteous You'll find our qualities guaranteed and you will find our prices ABSOLUTELY THE
LOWEST. We meanthat-evcry word of It. This is the store for satisfaction in EVERY transaction.
Select All You Want on the Easiest Terms Imaginable
The Great
Majestic Range
WORK TO COST $500,000
CABtrftlkA. .. Ort
UtMW I tX llUAAHfc FftAfA(
C AIM A4 fI IM Kf1ton
h!m rru'- t cun
tllrA (ft fK IIOA
l Ft Ttft iwf A4 rr.Ul TA4A.
Ta rtT w::i M aJ I rHi4 Aoa. muim ivt aa4
U'r AM I " f A4 tt tAftAAAIsfv V.r. HfTMU lA AWA4 H IM
A kA. AM Ul -r T I krtA a ttt.l. tul Ml AtMft 4aU
Br.'F Maft FM4 Aft AU'iA
tM f k ft4 liAAft H Mft Alf.
U M r 4 a AT
I. It FUI TA CAwA ft4 Wltlll
:: M r ft I tnm
(rA.r aa M im ii mav.r
rr a. I A . t ftAAft
Ctrrir. Ift IM ltlT rAA from a
k-klF A4 It IfAAft A4 oo4 f.r IM
Urtt xil. I aC
TM prxttltm f hffltlAf tiT
4 IftAt Ul AlAAft t4 AAll f AM
fiAAMftrA ftf ftAftftr !,, rtAAUOAU
If All ftf IM) rw ! M Aoaa ftrl
AUa4 UMr. ftftj IM) ftk4!trA ftf ft
frAl A am Af Kvr AAA III M
a4aiaa Ift tfclA Allr. Taa w rllt
Mt mA4 AA4 lrar( kr1ef nt M-1
rift ftl Hfk SwrA1at4M AtMft aaa I
FvaiftA4 tfcftl wr a IM av A.nn I
(r 4rol vtll hrta witMn IM i
Aelh A4 A WAAtMT BrIIUsi, wlj j
f V Ia Mr. f OfAft la ctaaiBllOA
lkr Mla IM 4lttfte Al4 AprAiiA I a pA)AA4 A A4
climalle aaaaoai ftrrA Ift IaM rftrft Af.
a4 im At..iiF ftf ACAAAmr M-1 Lamb IVfiOAfttoAj CVaaa KTU.
maa f lh Ior.ltAAl prleft a rxxJI T ftl .4 ft. Or. Oct. II. TM) Fir A!
LutMr eoATipAar'ft lf f1r.(
fen4 VI 11 1 Kava aha. 4arm far
Act4 f Alrr. ClkAft IkOAAAft ft Aft BDAJA tn- arlnlar. Tkif aril! al.v Laa4 Aaara
p(a n4 4 nip. oad ntaArA fr tklBBui thA Hrat of MarcD abIaaa OkA tarn-
Mr bttAlnAAA plcM ttiv
. 11. -k - !
ff IM. aid of IM KocklaA TM Cry tprac
ftal f Avaas.r A1 Ift M IrftRipft
afttcka. Tha Aamik. et.lUr. rainy AAAAon
rttTft km. Ilihl. elAAA. rtiafxii
a.aa, llh alanty ef atraw lltl.r
.ndf a AcrAlrh la or lota or dry ftAndjr
ftirt Ift roll a he tit in and.r ah.'i.r, Th.
Urlav mint t. aa4ft eornfArtabla
An4 roe(nl4. or lhr will AAA-tpoA
tixir Urlnr tstl apring.
TM MitaBr ft art In vtUl Ma hm
ar.a haioft haa tha prob!t almpjlfud
for wlot.r. Ha haa aaa4a4 out blA ftoca And fAitanad IMm la eoop tor
tha ubi. Ana baa onJr blft llttl flock
ftf pull.t Ail oha brA4 And ft bra, Ift
cr. for tbift wtoUr and to atdy at
abort raaf a I would ftdvtaa two rood
is4 drrred toAft, prAparad oa
ArrlbAd la Artlola Nft. 4. with mftrftbla
roo.La, and fliad op for wlnur al
rwadr AertbAd BaaU AO 4 ftlL Eaeti
Pimples Removed
The w CAlclom SoJphWft Trrftt-
mcnt Dorw Wooden to Errry
Kind of fikia Empdoau
Trtal rftAkftC rroa U rwft tl
Tou don't wftnt to wait forarrr and ft
coop ahould tiara al or ftaraa ,kta .ruptiooa. Tou wftnt to t rid of
thatn rlgbt now. Nat w.k yoa mar
In And throA bos naata on abort auiu.
TbtAA ar .a ally mdA Tba wlr run-
wart ahould b mad of f rajnaa flTA f..t
wftnt to ao. Aomwhra you
ftVN 4 fA-MM WAA A WW A av ov AH
, ClAAnllBAAA BlAAAttaX '
Tha runwaya ahould navor ba alio wad
to att too maddy -chantA thatn to a
a-raiy apoL ' Clean out Uift bottom Of
th. houaa ftTftry day.
Ntrar naAct lu Dirt and filth art
Juat a bad for tha ban aa for you Ilea
and dla.aa will cut out your proflta If
yor bana bftTft dirty bouMA
A elanilnaT roof - ahould bo mada at
tha top of your coopa, with th tar papor
on top. to ahrd th rain; a Stw board
will do tha trick.
Th Idea la to hava your ban a natural
ly warm, la eoty coopa, and yat having
. freah air to brtatha. Th oxygan ab
aorba tha dampneaa cauaftd by tha
breath from : tha hena. bcaldei bln(
good for tha bena to braathA No van
illa Uon ahould Avar com from th top
, or through eraeka In tha -wood; nor
ahould tha coopa be artiflolally heated
,mf ... B "ix oot Bid of Xt Mmolaa la a
w." .v' ' . ) With StnarVa Oftlolum Wafer."
An yuur ircurg fair ma ir ui win i . . .
. tr houalna will of couraa bo eztendad to M, rla ot utim u,t ,a t,m
meot tha neada of loo. to Coo or looo by takln Stuart'a Calcium Wafera
bona. Thia aublect will bo treated In a I Thaaa wonderful UW1 workera have
aepaxata article on poultry ranchaa of cured bad botla In throft daya, and aomo
, alia. ' .. . ' 'i -' caaea of akin dlaeaaaa In a, week..,,'1
Having your pulleta well houaed for Thay conUIn aa their, main lngrdl-
tha winter vou chanaa . vour aifmmar ant tha moat thorough, quick and Af-
feeding to ault th damper, heavier fctlvo blood cleanaer known, calcium
weather of the lata fall. Pullet do not laulphlde
moult, but they shed a faw feathera ' Remember this, too, that moat pimple
and grow new onea In their place, hence treatment! reek with poison, And they
they require mora oily aubstancea in I ra miserably alow bnatdes. '
their food to xaclutata their growth; I ..Btuart a calcium wafers , have not a
they need more whole yellow corn at I particle of poison in them. They Are
night. i r1 I free from mercury, biting druga- or
The best regime la fine grain In- the I venomous opiates. , Thia la absolutely
' morning with aome oats (not rolled gnarantAAd. . Thy eannot do any harm.
oata). xna nana nave empty crops and but they aiwaya do good good that you
keen appetttea when they get out" at ean tn the mirror before your own
ur.nse. ii.eep inem Duy wormng ror l ayea a row aaya after. ,
Their breanraat. so uia they keep warm . Doot be any longer humiliated by
And do not mopA Give them freah having, A splotchy faoe. Don't hava
drinking ' water; on freesing mornings strangers ataxe at you. or allow, your
warm vne ww gwiivv new mai me rriena to Da ADhamed of you beoAuae
grit and ohareoal and byster shell' aup I of your face '
VU ia MJOir roana cigar oozes will I TOUT blood makes yOU What yon ATA.
answer the purpose. , In cold weather Thi man and women who forge Ahead
feed raw meAt, out up about 10 o'clock , those with pure blood and purft
,- .vauv iww AA WW v.ick WTCI I (ctkCOaVV
v m5' f ? VT. 7- : J BtUArfft Calcium Wafara wtll make
Mid-day feed Jhem tumh. . Winter you happy becauae your ace wUl be a
VL " . . , . I wtlooma aight not only , to yourself
irueil vrD. IDIUUIUIP, CWB IDU maro k noil Innlr nn .. -1
in exiual quantltlea. with sour milk or rvVrybody el w ho known vouindtAlir
kimmt mil w- nr huttprmiiir m... I ftVftryDOoy wno knows you and talk
i Krm swa 14. ' N otbrr Xa
co in pra nib k i yoaj are roetftaa
platinf I ha pAdUM of a Hi era. fri
our lift book OA Ktegt cocneanaoat;
yoo ran then lnu!nia yoorttll wuh
ibt Rang quaittoo; $10 down aad S3
pr moAtsj. Aik lot oaa 94 oat fr
cook books. j-
' 1 ' ' ' ,
Great Sale Handsome
Bed-Room Outfits
$40 Leader Steel
Range at $27.50
The bfJ rruv tc. hid In
sever il finishes, just like
cut, vith continuous posts,
Urjce sire tubing, i hind
some vet rkin desJjrn. The
Tlve Dreuer comes In oik
.'.'.S 12.50
4 The WtuKsUrvdL llso in oik
The BJ nuy be hid In the crcim finish to mitch miple dresser md vashstind.
We hive Metil Ddsin all sizes and all colors of enamel We're Q Q (f
famous for the values we jive, $1.95 to . .0 1 OeU U
Tr i!; raw
m rV IM vV'-A
i .suj .iiM v.u ran -r i
r . f :
- ;
Ecraal to any J100 Raaaa h tfe
markat, orra ancbAa. aaUft-
toa Iin4 tbroaghoot. Yea cannot
bftak tfct Uia. SpocUl Cy 50
650 Different Patterns of Room-Size Rugs
Fir. neks like) yactara each carried US pattarDa. Rufg froot Utli to 6J f tot en diaplay. - Angle
Prrmiana, Indiana, Arabian, Royal Woritada, Baxdada and Taprao- all art kara at bottom prica.
av A 1 aV a, Cm Crjrtl Rrrraln
TONS. 912 OaWeOU
gravy or aoma fat liquid, makes a good
mash. - Olva them' green atuff In the
Afternoon; hang a cabbage' up in, the
runway eo that the pullets can raise
telr beads and pick at it. Lota of out j
grasa and onion tope ahould be fed to
tnem aatiy. At- ntgnt .whole ? . corn or
wheat, as much aa they will eat.
Wft want to prove to you thftt Stu
art's Calcium Wafers Are beyond doubt
the best and quickest- blood and akin
purifier In the world eo we wilt send
you a free sample aa soon as we get
your name ana aaareaa. send lor it to
day, and then when you have tried the
mm ' baaaa, . - i -i d a i t ?T. , t i.
A" I 1 VI J riill . J' F all i J i.VX
i ' r 1 J C-r Minaita M. vwtvw
-. VTP-T15 01? iJl I iUU
SELS, 9x12 ....... iplA-eUU
High-Grade Dining Set .S $58.00
. M..-. ' , I
Remitnbr, rhat f ami tar
buyinf la an bTitmn ot
t mere axptOAa, and that tha
UctUf th ' grad tha batter
and tvora parmaneot tha i
reitment ' Here 't a . fat of
aolid quartered ' oak U a
htndioma dealfA.
THE TABLE fa pedestal
ityla, 6 foot axtemion. nice-
BUFFET, whh larga mJrror,'
handaoma design, solid quar.
;?.,i"i.k:..s $25.00
six chairs to eo nn
match; low price. pOJJ
THE" ENTIRE et priced
for thia aala 5S.OO
Buy Your Heater at Gadsbys
We have our Fall -Heaters here ready for immediate deliv
ery. Don't wait till everybody else needs theirs and suffer
a day or two for delivery.
Gadsbys Mission
Rocker for S5.50
Tou never need fer va- fiir ampla you will not rAt contented un
your pullets If you will water them t--y haya bought a 60o package at
three tlmee a day, glva them graaa and yo"r 5ruor,Bt"' - ' " - .
greena daily, with charcoal and oyster .Ben u" your name and addreea on
ahell and arlt. and axerelae in the morn. th coupon below And wft will At once
Ing. Let the pulleta tell you what food e?a y mail a sample package free,
they .like beet. And In what quantities. IAd.dreB F- Stuart Co ITS Stuart
by riving thera tha choice. Find outlP'Q- Marahail. Mich
for youraelf what your breed needa par
ticularly, but remember that wheat,
oata ajid corn and greena, with oocasloir
al baj-lev Are atapla foods with the hen.
If you want her to lay feed her meat
at laaat thrice a waek and green chopped
bone evry -day.. ,
VAgetables that grow under tha aoil
need to be boiled for ehlckena digestion
.uch as potatoea and , their parings,
turnlpe,-etc - - j ...
TfcA fowl Is aa omnivorous eater. If
aha roama promiscuously aha will eat
.Ttrrthlng In Bight, and the ;g umial-
1 v will taste of what she has devoured.
The rruxJera ecienttfte, way of feeding!
lv!ng hena aa rnMtloned above gives!
a f.-a, ta.ty flavor and plenty of "mat"J
ta it. MK, which la aaually at 1U fioeat
Free Packsge Coupon
a, a. bttvabt co. '' v " V:; Y '
' ITS tnaart bldg, ararahaa, acoh.
Esnd me at nca by TAtara mail, a
trial BACkage of Stuart'a Calcium
Wafers, absolutely free, to prove Its
remarks Die reauiiA
Name .............................
Street :
City ...
StAtA ........
Junior Airtight
Cast Top. with- Lid. ;
.With cast top and lid, sheet
steei Doay, lie ei unincs.
T. h r e x s i z e s, r $5.o0,
$6.50, $7.50. S arte
with plain steel top, in three
sizes, $2; $3.50, $4.50.
Hikia'amw.:WrUi kfa,Jtm
Ncw Melrose Heater;
p i :,vCast 'Jrcn-JJtdnga.tji..
The principal feature (of this ,
heater is slow combustion.
One fed aldayis all the fuel
you need ; has large front
feed rdoori r swing, tpp with
lid, nickeled foot ( rails and
ornaments. , Price, . 18-inch7
for wood '.. '.V,1 .......$9.85
m. n in i uii
Again - we offer thia, iarjre $10.00 Mis-
aion jRocker Hert'a' where you- aava
the middle tnan's profit', Solid Oak
Rocker, exactly like cut, made of fine
elected oak,, with , large upholstered
Boston' leather aJait on " steel i spring,
high back'flnishtid!" either weathered
or golden oak. . : Regular price $10.00.
Gadsbys, price . only . ..... . f 5.50
?mmmrfi- solid Comfort -
I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaJaaaaaaaaaaaai I I I , , t
This Parlor Suite comes in three
different designs, with; mahogan-
ized ' birch frames, and is uphol
stered . in highj grade yelour." It
the kind of furniture that graces
any. home. Nowhere. . but here
'wofild you see it quoted at so low
a price. One of the reasons why
we're . busy " nowadays.-" Elxtra
value "at $25.00. ' -
Great Sale of Extension
D e Ei i inig. 'Tables
All in Solid Oak
An eastern table
m a n u f a c turer, i be
coming overstocked,
gave us an opportu
nity to purchase 200
Dining .Tables , at a
discount otT 25 . per ;
cent off regular
prices. We accepted
his Offer V and ' have
theni : on sale 'i thia;
... . .lr ' QK T5T?t V
W.W.Af 5.-J" '. AW . A;j,. jj
(Oedestaf .round:)? .IdfoTables, extend six feet;
regular; $18. saie price:;
pedestal, round top, SOLID OAK, 42-inch dianv A A
r ; extends ';ieet ; reeular,$14J Saleprice;; J) 1 Ua uU
25 pW,estai,i round, t f AA "
feet ong; regular '29.: Sale, jtficej . . d 1 0UI
pedestal, round top, solid- oak, iwnthr-tliameter,' jffi Q mtC
it., extension regular $25. ; : Sale price.-. . .1 OkOi U
75 square five-leg Tables, solid Oak 42-inch, 6-foot ex- ( 7C
tension; regular oaie price. ....... viMm f aj
AM U a 11 rAVW m 1 1 a! it 3 1 1 : tTit s7 1 1 J
No :Mcttcr.Vh'3t A'cu Vaht In Fiirnituro
These splendid white cotton felted ;
Mattresses," weighing, 40 pounds, 1
are compressed down to six inches .
in thickness, remain soft and elas-
tic and do not wad; equarto the
matjtreses, so extensively adver
tised at $15; absolutely sanitary, '
durable and comfortable. ; Special,
- -: i