The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 45, Image 45

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:oii Cam Get
and Keep W e
Without Drags. With the
di LI
Oxygen Is the greatest life-giving, life-saving principle in the world. Give the blood plenty of Oxygen
with which to burn-out the oolsona and traate matter which are dnilv noured into it for nurificntlon. nnd
sickness cannot extet in your body, nor can disease germs gain a foothold. Perfect health will reign.
There is only one way to get a plentiful, all-curing supply of Oxygenthis is with the OXYPATHOR, It is, therefore
the most important and highly successful disease-destroyer and health-builder in existence.
No matter with what .disease you suffer, even if it Is some chronic trouble which the doctors have failed , to relieve, you
can reach the very scat through the OXYPATHOR. .
The Oxypathor Charges the
Blood With Oxygen
We (iuo( till Ik whole story of the Oays athor
here. How tb body U made i etroof attractor tor
the free oaytes which abounds ia Nature's great
storehouse lit atmosphere. How the life-givieg
U fairly pours into the blood throegh the loon "4
ih 3,000.000 port i of the kin. How the purif.rd.
freshened, enriched red blood Is tbas enabled per
fectly to perge and pnrify tb poisons of tb body
and becomes th real enrreut of b((h that it
should be.
, We cannot esplain fully in tfeie article bow all
dktcaara art quickly overcome by the gift of oiygsn
through the aid of the Oaypatbor bow it eases iha
artgoisb of the rheumatic, quiets the brain of the
fever-etricken. corea appendicitia without the deadly
knife, aootbet tired, jaded .nerves and brings new
health aod happiness to the sick and discouraged.
But you owe it to yourself to learn the complete
atory of the Oxypathor what it doea and how it
doca it It ia all fully told ia the moat interfiling
and vital health book ever publiahed, entitled "Oay
pathy Nature's "Royal Road to Health." Jte a
beautifully illuatrated 72-page book worth ita weight
in fold to you. but tent free upon request.
Tie OxTpi&or Cam WkW Drap FitTerf Dedw Bis
There ia no expense connected to treatment with
the Oxypathor except the original coat of the In
strument. It insures the health of yottr whole fam
ily for life, at a lower price than a specialist would
charge for one visit ' '
The Oxypathor ia always ready to be applied at a
momenfa notice. It ia quickly attached by two
clasps to the ankle and wrist, aod at once gets to
work. You feel no sensation whatever nothing but
the gradual revitalixation of the body and the tingle
of invigorated red blood as -it oxiditea the germs
and poisons.
.With an Oxypathor in the house there ii no fatal
delay when attention is needed for the sick. It is
always ready to be applfed ready without time
wasted in examination ready without the guessing
and the other dangers of a wrong diagnosis, because
of which the lives of thousands have been sacrificed.
No diagnosis is needed with the Oxypathor. It
hits straight at the cause of the disease and gets
busy uprooting it.
Surely such an instrument will be welcome iff your
home as a worthy substitute for the disagreeable.
pcisnnuu aniRs 01 an ineincient medical system.
Some of tie Diseases Waicl tie Oiypalhor Cms
Bhaumatiam. . Astbma.
BUlouaoeaa. Haadacbe.
laaomnla, ' Oonatlpatloa,
Varvoaa Dlaordtrs, Colds,
Catarrh. Comma,
la Orlppe, Blood re la pa.
ruos, '
' BroachlUa,
Soarlat rivti,
BI004 fiumtara,
May other
I ' V- , I
s Two Small Clasps To Adjust Nature Does The Rest
- i
BrmgiHcalti to UieWIioIeFaxnily
. and Keeps Them Healthy
Happy ia the be bere the Otfaihor ka
bruvghl Uf Som hum sUkaest. bt-ef ! from
dicgs ad dxtws' b41 It wiH Mlarua'4 the
health of yoar hoU tamtlr frvsn the oUl lo ike -toaegrtt.
If yo have growing children the Ojjrhoe is
real angel ef gtod health, hoeneg over lher bts
to make them wctl and keep them we!. It takes the
danger and the suffering out of the diseases of child
hood. It will save yon aod yours anaay s'eepicsa
night many hours of aapene and anguish, and
many dollars in doctors' bills
It rests the nerves of the nrrd mother, be'pi her
through the trying days of motherhood. Irecrvee
llie health aod strength of the father so that he
goes to his day's work with firm step, with the
glow of health on his check.
It is a friend indeed to the agedsoothing the
pains and aches which torment their worn frames,
eating the anguih of rbeoroatirn and bringing joy
and peace to blesa their crowning year.
For consumption, pneumonia, asthma and a!) the
pulmonary diseases, the Oxypathor has a most mag
ical effect.
Yon Snrelj Want to Inrestigite
. the Oxypitlior
We rraliie that the Oxypathor if cew and ftranga
to most of our readers. Hut it is already in use in ,
no less than 50,000 American homes, and the nam
ber is rapidly growing.
You ought to know about the Oxypathor. It will
cost you only 2 rents to mail the coupon and get the
book "Oxypathy," or simply mail a postcard bear
ing your request.
It tells all about the Oxypathor tells you why-
drugs which make a well man sick cannot make a
aick man well. . .
If you would like to see the Oxypathor and try
it before you buy it, we will gladly arrange to have
you do so. After you know about it you would,
not care to be without, it if it cost ten times , what
it does. -
If you have any of the disease mentioned at the
left, or if you know anyone who is not in good
health, give the Oxypathor a chance. Write for the
booklet before you do another thing. When we send
it, we'll also send a copy of a magan'ne which we
publish, called the "Searchlight. It contains the
record of many cases which have been treated with
the Oxypathor. Even if, you are not ill now, aend
for this literature. Remember, the Oxypathor ia
preventative as well as a curative. It is health in
surance. The certainty of getting relief from" pain
for all time to come ia surely worth a postal and a
minute's time, even if you are not now ill. ' " ,
your neighbors say-Words of praise from a few of the many users of the Oxypathor
"Blood Pokoning Annihilated
by the Oxypathor"
Portland Or., Sept. 21, 1911.
The Pacific Coast Oxypathor Co., City.
Gentlemen: For the benefit of others
I am pleased to tell you what the Oxy
pathor has done for me; Several months
ago I purchased one of .the machinea for
blood-poisoning which was considered in
curable by M. O.a unless they amputated
my foot six inches above the ankle. I
had heard of the Oxypathor'a merits, and
concluded to try it in my own case be
fore submitting to the amputation. After
using the Oxypathor four days in ice
water strong forcer I realized that it
had ' saved . me from an operation, ' and
afters six day', constant treatment with
the machine there was not evena aign '
of blood-poisoning left ; c ;
To" say that .1 appreciate this ia not ;
adequate to expresa my thankfulness. I 4
absolutely thank the day that I heard of ,
the Oxypathor, and you can depend upon
me being a lifelong friend of it. : '
' In addition to the Oxypathor being a
positive cure for blood-poisoning, I have
found it to be exactly as you claim in
other ailments. About three weeks ago
I took-a very severe cold. I applied the .
Oxypathor. packed in ice, left it on five
'hours, and it completely broke up. the
cold.' There were no bad effects there
after, aa la usually the case by taking
I value my Oxypathor very highly.
The cost of it is nothing compared to
what it does. Concluding, would say
that ten times its price would not induce
me to be without it. You may use this
letter as you prefer. Ill be pleased to
verify the same, if anyone asks me.
Yours respectfully,
(Copy) i . ISAAC LB FAIVE.
365 Stark Street-
gone now and I am free from rheuma
tism, free from all pain and can sleep
fine all night. long. I aimply feel that I
am doing a great lot of good to pass on
the good news to humanity, and the fact
that the Oxypathor has done for me
what it has, I give gladly this indorse
ment, with the hope that it may be. the
means of helping others who auffer as I
did to get one of the Oxypathora and be
7311 35th Ave, S. E.
pohoning in the knee. It became so bad
that the doctor said his leg would have
to be amputated in order to save his life.
The Oxypathor was applied, and hi 24
hours the inflammation was reduced and
all pain stopped. We know it saved his
limb; and today he is as well as he ever
I can heartily recommend the Oxy
pathor to any one in ill health, and we
would not be without one for a good
many times hs coat. Respectfully,
igned) MRS. B. 1L SANDY.
LhJpont Street
You can print all or any of this you
may wish.
NOTE This machine was purchased
September, 1910. It simply shows what
people think of the Oxypathor after hav
ing it a year.
"Sciatic Rheumatism, Insomnia
and Nenrousness
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 18, 1911.
The Pacific Coast Oxypathor Co., City.
Gentlemen i ; For seven years I - have
had sciatic rheumatism. When I began
using the Oxypathor I had been in bed
.for about five days, but after using the
machine locally .for a few treatments I
was able to be. up and around. I contin-o
ued from then on to use the Oxypathor
constitutionally, . and in . about four
months I waa completely cured, of sciatic
rheumatism. -
No one only those who have had sci
atica can realize what a person suffers
tfre insomnia, nervousness, etc., that
goes with it. Many nights I could not
sleep at all, and .hardly ever was liable
to sleep more than two? hours in any one
night. I cannot explain how I suffered,
but, thanks to the Oxypathor, it is all
"La Grippe Colds and Hearing,
Blood Poisoning Cured .
, , and limb Saved"
' Portland, Or.. July 28..19U. y
The Pacific Coast Oxypathor Co., City.
Gentlemen : I obtained an Oxypathor
from you in February ..and have used it
with entirely satisfactory results in cases
of colds- and especially in la grippe. In
April I took the grippe, which settled in
my ears and affected my hearing to such
an extent that I thought I would lose my1
hearing, but ten days' use of the Oxypa
thor cured me and restored my hearing
so that now I can hear(better than for a ,
good many years previous. , I used no
medicines at alt
My nephew, who lives fa the State of
Washington, had an attack of blood-
Ilheamalisni; Stomach Trouble
and Tired Nerves
, Drain. Oregon, Sept. 20, 1911.
The Pacific Coast Qxypathor Co., Port
land,' Oregon.
Gentlemen: ' I, Hke so many others
who have used the Oxypathor, wish. to
say a word in its favor. In the first
place, it has entirely cured, me of Rheu
matism. I also had stomach trouble,
which has troubled me for years, which
the Oxypathor has wonderfully helped.
It is excellent for tired nerves. Go to
bed tired and nervous and awake jn the
morning feeling, like a new being. I
would advise all suffering from any of
the troubles mentioned to. try an Oxy
pathor. "Your doctor is always handy'
except for accidents or some few things-
that are out of the ordinary.
la Grippe and Rheumatism
Newberg, Oregon, April 12, 1911.
The Pacific Coast Oxypathor Co., Port
land, Oregon.
Gentlemen: The Oxypathor which I
purchased from you early in January has
done all you claimed for it.
As you know, I was completely run
down with la grippe and rheumatism aid
fully expected to be shut in most .of the
Winter and Spring.
After a two weeks' treatment of the
Oxypathor I have not lost a day of act
ive life, and since the second treatment
have had no trouble from rheumatism.
I would not take for it many times in
cost and be without it
Respect fully, JESSE EDWARDS
Constipation of Nearly a life-:
time Cured m Ten Days"
Portland, Or., Aug. 18, 1911. '"
The Pacific Coast Oxypathor Co., City.
- Gentlemen: On the ,12th day of July.
1911, I came to your office and pur
chased a "00" Duplex , Oxypathor for ,:
constipation, which I have been troubled
with nearly all my life. Every day, for :
the past several years, I had to take tned
kine to move ray bowels. After using :
the Oxypathor , about; 10 or, 12 nights,
' constitutionally, I was -cured of this ;,
dreadful ailment,, and now my bowels are " .
just aa regular as a clock. I am 75 years
of age, and I consider it wonderful what :
the Oxypathor has done for me.' My re- ' r
gret is that I did not hear of this machine '
-..years ago. ' . t
When I first got the Oxypathor I was
a little skeptical about its merits, but
now I am conscientiously convinced that
it is all, if not more, than claimed, and
jt only gives me pleasure to recommend
it to any one troubled with constipation, v
. for if I can help others to a better state -of
health I will only be glad to do scv
Very truly yours,
(Signed) LEWIS DOWK.
500 Columbia Street
' 'What the Oxypathor has done for these people it has clone for
thousands -it will do for you. '
Write for 72-page book and learn how yoa can be cured; or
CALL AT THE OFFICE, and we will, without any obligation
on your part to purchase, agreeably talk it over.
Representative; The Pacific . Coaist Oiypsithor Co Inc.
A. eJOZTIOa, Trmu a4 Sea ,SXgfc- ' : - : If." VlUOlr,'" Aawt, OeawXgsw '. J wtCXOiAS XCKSOOTZCK. aaU Tma.
Z 1 9-721 Spalding Building, Third and Washington Street; Portland, Oregon
The Oxypathor Company, General Office and American Factory, Buffalo. Branches la AH Parts of America and the World, lerature and Correspondence ia Srnish. Portu
guese, l-rench, Uerman and Italian. Hours 8 to 5. Monday and Saturday erening till 9. Phone Main 3375. (REPRESENTATIVES WANTED FOR UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY.)
Tne Favelfltf Coaat 0ypathr Co., 71-7tl Spaldlne B)la.. Tortlan 1 Cr.
0fltIrmB With thi tmdtrstandng that U iI- m ni1r fi r
ration. sni rn jreur T2-pac book, ,OxTrthy,M nd our i-
Una. to "Searcbliaht."