The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 44, Image 44

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' .. M 4 4-a, "" .- H a 44
(Mt 114 f-1ka) aJMJ4 '
1 1 A4 aM
. ii a aa. a--.
,iw 4 a- a-MaW. at
14 IM lwtM4 f 4
Xhlld U'iMm? Exhibition Aid to Character Building
Cvtnfltnk U' t'rpm )U t-aj I'jjf Cirf fo.-u 'r ja.W IS o Frat.
0ju'i Ctiv to MM Ciirm C4 nory. Vi4 I J A UU
fwlm H UtterW WMh ht Met' Conjuu
4mI 4A f 14 4iai frt44
IMI a 14-a f a ai. I
M lt.ii la Wa 4rM. T4 lfaL
IM la4r. U It iUi, 44 af
IM ja 4a 4n.iI na t awa
ta:M4 f aa.a 4 tM Mll44 4a4
.!.. 4i-a -. MH
iMIa ll '4 a-f IM
.. IM i4 IHI aWM4 4aa
tMHJI t f M 44 I
- 4v. kt.! 'f 4U M.4
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IM i.at4 a-i It
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a i
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4a imi
a f IM 4aa 14 MVia4
l IM a.- iM f Am
ftl a4 aaa ' lt I4
taa.taMkM. -al IM fwat a"aia4a4
.l wl -4 IMr aaaa4 IM
wm. a4 IVH4 lu M IM aak
V. MV . A. irtM ataavVar.
t-awal T. it I A W aia 4
t 4 MnKl ajhMla 4a
4f4 a4 4ila4 l-4 Ml a-
IM (lw4 M
sM rta - m
tk.4 ,. ia ""-
T m aM -m aa
l"M4 H'.4 4.l4 4 aaajM -
a ail a4a a-a M
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ilk i; t i ' ; l- ' ' J
IL i - 4 -mirr
fjl Altar .iv jt
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tv ui 4a iv rv I .it
llikl -J , iM Lfc4 M ...-- TM I 4alUt l
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U4i ur ! 44
llM )rf f4M1
A nf 4 f hmU tkiUN yiWi4 CSmW H rUi.
mi B(4t r f 4 Tm I t te'ii t rwitM frvul
iMf 44 itU Ur vruliW tAtwif tf -
kv r4kr4 frM l lkr iMih4w4 rfV4i
11 rUrMiMNrf 4 MIMlM 1 Mm lAl 4l I-I14
4(4UI rK.l IM ,! frl Mtl I I 11 fll fll M rl
k cir for tytrlSr IUMihIM IM rl M Ml
M4kr Miwl. I rl VbfUK wt- U m4 f rlk-
t. atfMktli MwAbMMl trti I rr r'l ry fr
kmuMw fr 4 tvMir a I ft i akiii M
; imp mm Mail ilk rtt4 tM I Nim la
for Mt a4 4 ttur i nyimm J r4 a ta 4Mfc U hw Vm
far aiaam trnic a4 (mti. I mji4 i m Ik Vir T
II, far Iiiw mr urt U
tbftklpal m MI 4H 41 Ml I "
rvM ti4 I4r iarg sMUrtM 4a4
.4l ai a I4a I"
aaa" 4j-,
Aflat iwttliU It MJa ii'
iia im w4 ifn ia
Matt. . 4 4 M ik 4a t4
tt ( at 4W4
laaAa laM t4
na a nw4 laf 4 (
M ! ! al4 4M 91
IM altar aa.4 IM 144, 4l M
- ar ka a4 im rail4fl
Mt Tte't ata fvi Ht4f.t
Ma m4 4v i-mI Ii la.
tar I mm air r ua
riaa it ft Waa 4t -
tfwiM . Bafe aaar aa arM mi
41la al fiaa f a-4
(Va 4wllaa 44 n aaaaaaiaa
Uitiw wra aart.4 aa Um !
Tair fM( r iruaui
raii4 14 awta IM ftraf aa aa ml
Mvaara urtt UrM rtVl
taa VaJla ataa awara.
l ftut a! II la laaMl la t
Miuil aiUka(H l 4a to t faal mt
alar, TM ajiaa aa aaAl IMah
aM 4aa ara aaaat 4a tair-fa ll
ktul T jMaHaaa Va
Aa aUaavi aMTilalU wUf a Ia4
Bar 4a a Haa aa-af 4aa 4mi
atataa ta a Mai ati4arlla a rtafa
aawaia Irau44a ar Ha trawi 4a fir
14 Ava ru W 14a ' aM
4lli'.4. TM aaaaol raja Mi 4f ta
im a ml f!j-i r ar at
laaal ta aa w M mj 4a
mM ! t.a f!la 4Mla4af a.
My aa aaakl ahaa af 14
aMte, 4ai Ml-1 l4 a-l- 4r i
IM taaAar la IM awal Mr aa
a aa Miaai ranrl'l aaaa4
iKatia far IM 4 tM 4t Ma
4a4 anf t.aaaa a Mar 14a atual t a M
aa Ma TM ar a4i4 4a"-
ttallf 4a(na4 4atMaM UUiklk.
if aamaafai a4 4aa atlrarlaa a at 4
ail4la, . " . '
Wai4 Alwila Gmr Amaiar, OfTua.
rwtra mhiii aaaiaii la 14 a
Uat Mialar r raal a Nir'ttlH
i.f M4 rvr !( aitjaal I4 aMiiiaaa
af 4a cvaaly aJii.ra affkc 44 IM
aaVaiiiaitaA at ooita af lAraa
la a IM vartu Tka auffaaika en
fn Cavalf Traa.aafr lk4a4 rMaatAv
a 4a itraaa IMI IM aawaUaauoA iihH
4 la aar ta 4U a aaalUr. '
'II 4a tatfwaaJ4i for aaf aT la 4
riy-arl oa aiMnaaa. 4Ha m 4raa,
traja, Jawalr. f ' 4 aiaar lAlmf
IM II I aaraaairy far tM Miimf V
I !, aafa kiaala. It la lay 4ai
IMI la fa aaaawat af kmit aaill
4a Ma4 t MitM b4 Ibai a
itMiaalUl iiiwmilM ri4 a4
faei4 if l4raa raraoaa wara 14 ac4A-
taC fariam W ail aaUtara af IaaaUA.
a bat a a aooa af 4rut44 Taaa taaa I laiaa la UM!ar4a 4a H) ttar
aa aa iwtf II aar 14 arar ta, I vtj tantftaf w put A '$ a4
aaaua aaaj mi 1 4ar aaA
aVaQva Tt4M AtalaatflA, - I 44, CVaaAiaaA flraa A ta4 aaT
l, Ta raltaar iiiUmi tm (Wrmaa I aar la i4a aritaf aba IM
HIA -mr udoa lUaaaa af mu a4 I maai alakiir 4Ht!ag m Mai Ra.
nnrm.1 aarraaaAaA 4 halala AAA ni lMUM 11 lia 4r M' avat i
nlrlaat btflldlnfa aa AraltnaA 44 ta era. I IL. tra rlra that alt afTKA A4
Aura A ioU arrh!Trriur) affaetf. I Kuaa f real a al-all ta frtlAHf ra-
44, Bartt A. rVaa4 Aa4 4l4r OannAA I Mlral At rala4. aa I4t 14a aUaal
Hilaa aiudr 14a wind an4 rtfuM la 11 1 aball arar ai a4 fraak.
faclarlaa lala I aolfylnf ntalHrial . t la pfantrally all 1-wroaaaa cilia
haftr amha Of Odora Bilctit MtaaalA ara aH CorvalaAlty ! tea
blown Into lit t4ir
It. PuaaaMorf Ma rorlMI Pt rara
lalatl I ha daalgna for faCiartaA. Cfflra
btnldtngt and dTarlment atoraa, ai4
I4aa ara araamaaiod wild atatnaa. traa.
eor and raoaaJra.
It.' I"rla and Bmaala fear tmpraad
advarttainc atfna ty offerta prlara for
th moat aninitc. . .
BaaaUfml aUrar Saaka.
lraHt I. TW laaraalt
Or r ran Atrku)niral CWlaa. CVra.
III. Or. Offt. Jl Tha jrar worn aa at
Walila loll tha alrla Anrmtlnrv ara
r.. iraiita I at lining A pin of rlf-f araramaat
mod clad npoa tha ana In oparatioa at
rfrrra aa aaaata of brautr and anjoy.
Woman who ara working to maka child walfar exhibit aaccaaa. Top, left to risbt Mrs. Thomii Hiwkei,
Mia. WlllUra Hayhnrat, Mra. R. H. Tat. Center Picture. tken daring progreu of child welfare ex
tttblt ta Oollaeum, Chicago. Below Mra. W. J. Hawkins, Mra. Fred L. OUon, Mra. George W. McMatb.
Tha chlld-walfara inhibit ta aa bald
fa tba Armorr Norambar 1 to 4 In
clualva, la Ortfoo'a opportunity to ahow
tha quality and Integrity of hr Inter,
aat la the wolf ara af har cblldran. Tha
exhibit will have to do with ware and
ttiaana for tmprovlnv childhood environ
aient which la autb a rltat f4ctor la
taklna- character.
"God aanda ua tha children, pure and
' lovable, with tha 'germe of truth, hon
aety, lova and optimum atrong within
them," aald one of tha leader tn thla
wonderful work . to improve tha living
eondltione for children of All claaeea.
' "Then, la tha common vernacular. It la
up to ua to aea that they can get a fair
chanoe. , -
"It la th birthright of every child
to have a welcome Into jthe world to
have a home, however humble, to nave
wholesome aurroundlngs and an clement
of love to help thr-oi grow, to' tha full
tature of men and women. . ,
raraatal Zva Btrong.
- "Parenul lova Is atrong In tha hu-
aian race, when vlciou condition are
, removed or even held in restraint. Pub
, Ho paternalism should be exerted over
parents and guardians, compelling them
to maintain wholesome and reasonable
home conditions, then th home In
stinct will be atrengthened.
"Children have a . right to an oppor
. tunlty to discover themselves and their
. Latent posHlbllltlea through education
and directed . observation, then to be
' helped to expand and develop along
aome Una Into - skilled and efficient
; workers aa well aa desirable cltlsens. ,
"Thaorlilna along these Una la
common form of philanthropy tn which
maoy comfortable people revel in opu
lent luxury while the poor little waifs
still remain In vicious .environment
handicapped heavily in the very begin
nfng of Ufa, warped and distorted In
mind and aouL The spark of the dl
.vine that la Implanted within them must
be vary atrong If they ever grow up Into
the light with any semblance of aym
1 sTew Tork Take Xe4, '
New Tork took the Initiative In th
child-welfare exhibit and the result was
a revelation to all classes. The dam-
onstratlon of better ways, possible -even
to tha poorest, and the comparisons
that were shown between conditions ex
isting and tolerated and those Improved
In waya open to all who would put
forth hopeful effort, were most potent,
Inasmuch a they were egeriy tuaien
by th very people who needed them
most For II days the "explainers" led
the throngs of people from the tenement
districts, tha crowded factory settle
ments and the -haunts of the homeless,
through the Seventy-first armory.
Light gleamed through the "chinks"
aa these people saw better possibilities
within their reach. Ignorance Is to
blame for much real poverty and de
pravity. Anything that will let In the
tight of truth and guide those groping
blindly in the dark to better things or
even toward better things, la true phil
anthropy. : v
The Oregon State Congress of Mothers
has worked for months with unflagging
faith and energy, enlisting workers In
th child-welfare activities and systo-
matlslng tha material Into a homaa
gonoua exhibit that will bast show con
ditions ' as they are- found, then haw
they may be bettered.
rxtlblta ead peakara.
Following Is A full list of th ax
hlblta and th specialists who will
give their snrvlces aa "explalnere":
Funllo schools, trade schools (Exhibit
annex). Neighborhood house, Council of
Jewish 'Women; kitchen gardens, little
housekeepers'- class, weaving Industry,
Poople'a Institute, chairman, Miss Pri
chard; achool gardens, Lery Park;
Portland Library association, children's
reading room (story hour), chairman,
Mtsa isom; Audubon society, chairman.
Dr. B.- J. Welty; Oregon Humana socie
ty, playgrounds (park board), chairman.
E. I, Mlsche; consumers' league, pure
milk, health board. Dr. C. H. Wheeler;
Visiting Nurse association, care of In
fants', food, clothing and Bleep, chair
man. Mint Oirlttlngtjr; infants' layotto.
Montavllla Mothers circle. denUl hy- J Haumann prefect of the Seine, built
great boulevards and avenues by the
hundred, laid out diagonal avenue be
tween important point and constructed
engirdling boulevard. The sum of
1240,100.000 was spent In this work.
and last year It was' decided to devot
inatrt. London haa tha Victoria c baJU "Ian fori aatrareity. A
n.nirni upun in l nwnw a down- .kalnua anil Im rflrarlnra ara a la-lad
!"" r'1:1! ''-rl for aacb ef the three corridor aad the
tha Sajna with atona quays and fad Lfncar are made rasponalble te tha
1 , wjm Knioiiv puimmii mniM pmiRCffi I jun Af, ImIaIhIh at a He. rvArtmAril
l oiogna nae ocrupiro naany an in -f tha hnlldlna. At a martin ef the
niuna n-r irunj v wayi atona ampana- I ,. T,nrai, alaht lh fallawtfla of-
mania ana tr ooro.rea mni.4 bus. ric4ra ,r atactad te direct tha gavar.
areat haa It Hvar front atraats h ghar ,nUj fffJr, tor tha Jwar and CArry
than thaqusr of th Pan d be a ad thaM (ha rUo Through tha exparl mania!
f rT,i!r" w,tl flM pubUa Plvat BUlV: First corridor. NU ykaa, .It,
ir."- .... ... . 'V- aalanv' ehalrmaa; Paulina Vaaaa. ll,
il. The maritime cltl of Europe In- and dna narrla. 'It. St. Hel-na. dlraet-
......... . or, fiaoond corridor. Delia Maya, -14,
with beauty o their harbor front, ijiishore, ebairmAa; Lucy Crawford. .
Hamburg and Bremen hav handsome A,hlanil and Rose Maaoa, Ml: Jaftar
warehonsaa In a modified mediaeval j tractor,. Third eorrtdor. Helen
atyle. The waterfront of Antwerp aad ax . 0ra0ta Paaa. chairman, An
Stockholm la wallW with cement aad tu xxAgi. 11. Corvallls., and Oare
.tone. The quaye of Havre are recrea- p,,, -il, La Orande. dlractora.
tlon oentars and th building , must ' . "
conform to a general architectural plan. nl(,'llftn nnilPFrOITCn
-4B. Ilambiir tela Its drinking water BISHOP CONSECRATED .
from th Kibe. In 1181, following th . miai ' or-mtiAr
cholera outbreak of 1112. It installed th IN UUML dCflVIOC
greatest filtration plant In. tha world.
a system of subsidence basins and fll-1 Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct II. The dual
tera. Water which before entering these aervlce of consecration of the Rev. Dr.
basins contained millions of cholera 1 Philip Mercer Rhlnelander and the Rev.
germa to. the cubic Inch emerged af I Dr. Thomaa J. 0arUnL the first named
near as a mountain siream.
18. Stockholm, Paris, Liege and Bud
apest have bridgea .with architecturally
Imposing piaxa approaches.
17. Dresden, Vienna and Amsterdam
hav Introduced: sculpture into their
bridge with a monumental effect
The City Beautiful.
II. European cities are discarding the
checkerboard street plan, Parla led tha
ay la Nupulean lire time when Huron
as Beha 4fatr aa4 the taat aaaad
aa aafrraaftA 4iae af 14a diar.aa ml
NasarMaU taaa iUm bare leday ea4
m 14a taaat aajaale ear aaaeaiy ef Iba
kt4 la t4e Maiary ef the elaoopal
rearrb ti rhtladstpbta. ft waa It
e'alark bafara Ihe f-reeaaeteai ef bt.aopa.
etrgy. layaaaai ar4 eaarlatara wme ware
te lake aarf la the eawtee reached tbe
Maeaarial Cbsrrb ef Iba Adeoeala.
Twaaiy-rtve epeeuiare fllVad la baaaV
omalr dareraiad cbarrb. which ta aava
af tbe targael end eoaUiaal la Iba elty.
Tbe Right Rev. DaaUI a Tattle ef
Mtaaeert. 1 aa praeidtag biahap, eeea-
Dtad the cathedral Ihraaa Ilia aaatat-
aaia. til.hop aLaaaay-aoilU ef raoaayt-
rente. aa4 Rlaboa 'Wartabaad ef ntta
berc awewpted lAreaiaA OA allhar baad.
Tbe biahepe-elaot a U4 ba tbair rebae.
at aad at tbe rood-acraaa, atlaadad by
tbatr Breebrtere. Tbe ecaar laadlag aa.
tlripaot ib the eeraaioiilae baaladag
trtahas Lawraaee ef IfsaaaibanitA. ,
Hie bap JCleamAA at? Dale ware, UUbap
Thamaa af Wyaaata- aod Btabo Laeyd,
praaldaal ef tbe board ef w teetotal,
Tbe eoas plate rtroaj ef tbe Abwreb waa
earrtad eel ta tbe oou.agratara eare
montaa, bagtaalna' with tbe prnaaaalaaal
hyaan. Bad the ordlaaUoa 4a-
rtvra4 by Rlahev'Brawstar ef Cearaae
Urat. and eadtag with the boly Baara
raaat -
Take a little Dltpepeln now
and your Stomach will feel
fine fire minute later.
As there ta often aome one tn year
family wbe suffers an attack of Indi
gestion . or aome rorm or lomaen
trouble, why don't you keep soma
Dlapepala In the houee handy
This harmleee bleealng will digest
anything yon eaa aat without the
llahtaat . dtaoomfort. And overcome A
oar, gassy Stomach five minute after.
Tell your pharmacist to let you read
th formula, plainly printed on thea
10-eent -faeee of Pape'a Dlapepaln,
4hen you will readily aee why it make
Indigestion, Sour Btomaoh, Heart
burn aod other distreee re In five tntn
utea, and relievea at onee auch mlaarlee
as Belching . of Gaa, Eructations of sour, '
ndlreetad food, lfaoaaa. TTaadaches.
Dlnlnaaa. ConstlnAtloa and ether Stotn
aoh dlaord.ra. ,
Some folke hav tried ee long te find
relief from Indlgaatlon aad Dyspepsia
or an out-of-order etomaeh .with the
common, every -day en re advertised that
they haveabout made up their minds
that they have something else wrong,
or believe their Ib a ease ef Nervous
neaa. Gaatrttla, Catarrh of tha Stomach
or Cancer.
Thla, no. doubt, la a aarlous mistake.
Tour real trouble la. what you eat does
not digest; Instead, It ferment and
aoura, turns to arid, Oaa and Stomach
poison, which putrefy In the digestive
tract and lntaatlnea, and. besides, poi
son the breath with nauseous odors.
A hearty Appetite, with thorough di
gestion., and without the slightest dis
comfort or mlssry of the Stomach, la
waiting for you aa aoon aa you decide
to try Papa's Dlapepaln.
giene, chairman. Dr. C. . H. Moreland;
Eugenics, social and moral hygiene,
Mra Edward Eliot: luvenlla court T.
M. C A., J. W. Palmer; good roads and
country schools, chairman, C. T. Prall;
educational 'exhibit of moving pictures.
S;, J7.,i.t more thereto,
slon, miniature day nursery, chalrman,tT .v' T ' . . ' .i,ii ..
r... r.. r..t 49. London has done a similar but
Mrs. -Chester Deering; rest room, Wood
lawn Mothers' circle; W. C. T. U., ideal
outfit for school girls, Bunnysldc, chair
man, Mra. II. A. Andrews; ideal school
lunches, primary union, three sections
showing graded work of the Sunday
schools; pictures, ideal pictures for
home and school, Mrs. George Welster;
candy booth, Irvington Circle.
What Cities of Europe Can Teach
Portland and Others in America
Greater Interest Is manifested in city
building la tha United States at the
' present time than ever before and more
attention la paid to the infinite details
" of municipal betterment. Problema of
. municipal administration and manage-
ment ar coupled with questions for
, the "city beautiful" and tbe awakening
. of a civic pride Is sought as a common
means for their solution, in the fol
. lowing paragraphs the New Tork World
" mentions several features prevailing in
'' Europe, which could be adopted to ad-
; vantage in American cities. ;
Lin Berlin, Frankfort and many
-other German cities, street advertising
. is practically confined to corner pillars.
There are no clllboards erected on va
cant lots.
Z. The German - capitals require that
newsstands and atreet booths shall con
tribute to rather than mar the vista.
8. Belgium has a national society for
ma iul.vuuui.iuu vi an m iub sireeia.
, Particular attention Is paid to atreet
fixtures lampposts, street name signs,
house numbers, . letter boxes, . fir
alarms, etc.
A. PrartlA.llv all flarm.n pttlaa -a. v.
Hamburg hav strict regulations to pre
vent offensive Illuminated signs.
6. The sewers of Parts are also pipe
raueriea, carrying; telegraph and tele
phone wires, water pipes, pneumatic
tube for -letter And pipes for com
pressed air service.
.Glasgow haa iron bins with hinged
lids sunk along the curbing and into
these the street litter la brushed dur
ing the day. . t v'
7. Vienna use covered ash, carta Cur,
tain attached to the frame are pushed
ildt while ashes are emptied, thus pre
venttng dust from littering the streets.
t. The German cities hav ordinances
wbicb suppress . most ef the street
noises the flatwheel, the blatana auto
mobile horn, tbe scissors grinders bell.
the peanut vender's steam whistle.
D. Trafflo regulation have been bo
skillfully drawn and firmly enforced in
London that traffic now practically
regulates itself. '
;. 10.. Cologne, Hanover and other Ger
man cltlee are well provided with waste
paper receptacles. They look. more like
vases than garbage cans and are made
of Iron strips fastened to lamp posts
or trolley or telegraph pole.
11. Paris is cleaned and scrubbed, ev
ery day before it awakes. Between 4
and 6 a. m.- all the streets and side
walks are swept and many of them
washed and disinfected.
.12. Paris fines householders who do
not take In the emptied ash can by 7
o clock.
13. Glasgow sweeps Its streets at
14. Berlin has done best what most
Other European' cities have ' done well.
At a cost of $30,000,000 it has -con
structed a sewage farms system cover
ing- an. area almost equal to Its own.
Barren heath land was acquired well
beyond the corporation limits - and la
being- reclaimed by wastes which are
pumped to it from central stations. The
farms return a considerable revenue.
afanlolPAl Thrift Abroad. .
15. Amsterdam convert street waates
Into fuel briquettes. These, are pro
duced at IL1S a ton And sold at 11.40,
making a profit of over 120.000 a year.
Heretofore thl waste has .been - dis
posed of at an annual loss of 114,000.
II. When Frankfort lays out parks.
boulevards or docks it condemns land In
excess of .its needs and pays for the
whole enterpriae by reselling the sur
plus and thus reaping tha benefit of
the sew values. There la bo "Zwueat
graft" from "Insiders' tips," as to th
land to be 'benefited.
17. The cities of continental Europe
consider beauty a municipal asset With
a tangible cash value In that it makes
life more enjoyable, elevates the pub
lic taata and brings in tourists.
18. In Dresden and other cities sur
face cars do not stop at every corner.
Stopping places are about 1 220 yards
apart and are marked by a post and
shield. This permits tha making of
much better time.- " V
19. In Berlin and most other German
cities lf you jump on a street car in
motion you are required to alight .at
the next stopping place. .
20, Bremen does not permit the street
cars to carry passengers in their aisles
and strictly limits the number on plat
21. Hildesheim and many other Ger
man cities have clocks in all street cars.
' Polities and Administration,
23. Such is the dignity of London's
county council, such is British public
spirit, that cabinet ministers do not
disdain to sit in It.
23. Tbo police of Plauen Inspect th
moving picture theatre twice a week
and a majority of the school teachers
assist them. ,.. ,...,.
24. When A policeman brlnars a pris
oner before a London magistrate ""the
judge treats htm as an impartial, hon
est and fearless- personification of the .
law of the land practically. ' consults
him as to wjiat he thinka should be
done with the defendant in minor cases.
Here the policeman is the man
on trial."- The worda are those of Will
iam McAdoo, former New Xork Dollce
commissioner. .
25. London largely separates the de
tectives from tbe uniformed force. As
Mr. McAdoo says: "They ara not even
known by name and cannot ba located
by tha uniformed policeman, and their
names are certainly not bandied about
by crooks as common property. ' .
Z. rrha honeaty and good character
of, as enU&Ary London eorntsMe." 44;
smaller work In King's Way. The Ger
man cities are following neither the
checkerboard nor the radial avenue,
ring boulevard plan. Their new streets
wind perceptibly so 'as to open fresh
vistas and permit of collateral effects
of parking and statuary.
50. Instead of locating their public
buildings at random, the capitals , of
Europe arrange them with relation to
each other and to some park, open space
or boulevard, so that they contribute to
one central effect The 'finest Is the
Rlngstrasse of Vienna, and other not
able examples- are Berlin' Unter den
Linden and Lustgarten.Moscow'a Krem
lin. Dresden's Zwin;er, tha Louvre re
gion of Paris and the Grande Place of
51. In Dresden cltlsens have under
taken to Induce every landlord and ten
ant to decorate yards, buildings and
casement with plants, vines,, shrubs
and window boxes. The authorities
have cooperated by decorating munlcl
pal buildings, and at a small expendi
ture the summer aspect of the city has
been transformed.
' 62. The -color sense has been Indulged
In all Russian cities. Building exter
iors are of plaster to protect the brick
from the frost, and every year these are
repaired and repainted, and red. blue,
buf t,- green, white and gilt diversified
with mosaics are successfully employed.
53. Every important European . city
has regulations restricting" the height
of buildings,' the width of balconies,- tha
projection or cornices, the sis of -windows,
and the character of lamps, signs,
awning, fences and doorways,
y Schools ef Town manning.
54. Ancient Athens and Rome set us
an example of civic centers in the Acro
polis and the Forum, v '-.:.
61. Frankfort purchased a number of
mediaeval buildings near the city, hall
and restored them to the original style,
that they should be In harmony with It.
66. Berlin has a school of town plan
ning. - ' , --: -r. '; -v 'f'i
67. Munich has a group of exposition
buildings comprising an , auditorium, a
theatre,' a hall for exhibits and a sum
mer concert garden. .
II. When a new street Is 'opened In
Brussels ' or Paris prises running; aa
high a 14000 la Brussels and equal to
one-half the streets tax In ..Parts ara
offered by tha authorities for the mortl
is. Vienna remits a . percentage of
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