The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 43, Image 43

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AVm JlupmobUe Coupe Embodies F.iwy Comfort luwttn to Manufacturers
Ulsute cf Warning S!crul One
Causeof Complaint Heavy
Ftna for Speeding Being
Assessed by Judye. -
- Jaaw A.. tattta ef 4ia-
t im r
rb It U le b M.y f IM
b.,(f kaorr dim a Ul,
t f lirw a ally Ja-toa
I a: i. k u .ku . fwM
ta-i lai lb . f Uc t'Jt4 4ix
ti f iMitu kij a .
- t:it..- ai4 J.4.. O I 'la. I. 1.
rit4 omiii c.jiia Maai !
fJjr fa I a.. . f
.: kt4 t . .k I tm aalt f rW
iw a. M Ikef :t
" 'b. l!t bole I to. .f'lfc
'" M.aeJ HWW to rttet,
l tkMbiuao. (i4ib ! . i
U k k. fit. Ik ;.
lHi Ifaawjbl.
tl M ik iw raauli mt ik fan
lb I Ik ?u liuwli far atorlta
t M4 by adtoa af aad.r j
ti rr r ..
ttotou. 4 rnllM.
Tiff should b. rri er..
to .gnat, a abrupt aoie,
' win k ril M (Bisa
f Stnt.r Hill ii M a a
.aaor.a.trtly 4 r fia. aa oaiy
fc waria ar iwitr. Tk. U xmi
ttot ! mi TftU U im aoiatloa
I .
Spd King-ViTvd Tales Title
From Otdf.eU to Show
Wesiemen Hi Gait
Tl Mlvr iWti m
tlupawtUU tMit lb )all (fMlloa f
Ika iurt rrr. ali!K rf
fan kva l Ik klutu Murv
larvf. Tku cat ku rinitW
U r04 IM )wa IV t4.
mi A l'k. At Ik kl to X!
Tiw4 Ckfl, k ka y.l 4
f kr n i Hr
kU( U Ik Hf mt Tm. W
0Mr to ikMto 4rt
k4 k kk) mm,Hi b kiai
1m 4 Wri ! Ik kM4
ik Hnti r ku B4r4 kr
ik t .
f Ik troklvca.
I T M KWUllr
i J ik f hw-b hk!l
ut f t litiui
Scafc People Dubious About Dig Skyscraper
framlaj k lt
f ( in
Ulur. WMrkl
"J rqir r 4rw f mturl
r l Uk kJBiftkiioa 1 4noa-
ui kkr r mK n ha lb kMliif
i an a ef. aurk MrtN to I
Announcement of Construction of 42-Story Smith Building Not Taken Seriously-1 loot
Building. 17 Stories High, Ready tor Openlng-Clpsy Smith Stirs Seattle ;
lvtol to TV- I al I "
kValtl. Ort II AlthuH 3.
P. Marh41 fprt-iltii lh WWiaf-
0ta company, of Nw Torfc. vbka hk
1vfj k lleA If k tM irv iaanl-lk cxmlrarl for lh ffllofi f lb 41
aaiiaav aa4 a ra hJt iruM I tor. Il itl.N efflc bulbllnv for la
a Uea vb to aa4r II rn ! . I U C kmllh lal. baa ra4 afnc
Tk drivUf af a motor car pV by I la ftttto. br ar otaay aal a
- k. -1 4 1 t . ... . I ai I .Li ikl Uha ihli.
F"ww aviaiM urtlVf will, in OO I ' V w w T "VI wim vwrii "r "
)uae, boa a auiutorr orfn. I erpr. Tb artua that m i ioit
Artaaaamaala will t ia4 brby thai b-JIdl! I aul of Ika qailo
law mux mot work a hanublp pea lour. IcUJIy la lh part or lb city Mfi II
tola. -I1 rrtt4 I rt It. Th lt la al
' f-Tin Tiaillj lltocoBd araott and Tlr Way which
nirikm..-. i... ... . I ra a rromlnonl bualaoo romir In
llc.a violal h .lalui. th Clark h "r"f ft ' "7" '""."i LP,!'
ik court of racoM h.r eonvlcilaa f"1 to . lh
i. ki.i. tn . i.. . Iklkfir HatU popl cannot lh
.t. t- .ki. land until lhr It cofftpiiw nd
lar.rK.lto. lb .r..ry of .tot. .hk.l th,, ""L?- "LiS
rvnf IHivta- av"ww, a -
itoZ h. V.m i Kt th. contract k. b... award! and
in t?n?m tt la rut4 that th. rrrt of th tl
mr JS tT amr- f " h.r. in Tha work of
my torn or arnca of. , , n- tk- Mrunnrwa on lh. .It.
notify lb roflvlrtad
turn I. hla llena.
do t h la, hi arraat
1 tK 1. - .
tZ";.Z'."ZI S tearln, dow. Ik. atruct.r cm th. .tt.
law ,.d Na. 7lr: " brn Mn,U bOUl M
i'iriri,2B.n..,nii',sd r:1; NotV.,h.undm- th .u.pici. that
I piarta It 110 and coia, and tha nrwa- . ,, bu,Mln wl), ...v.r rcacb a
P par. tomim m. ror nt m.kinc it Kj7,hf , .Ioli... othar butldlna- op-
rnoraw Th .ccond yr I mad U 110 I " ... n.r nr to
contemplation. Th Bnral Mai .it
n,... ia tiv aavaral icnl
th flrat of February, lilt. I propoaa to!,, ,', glv,n p. to a mark.t that
inak. lh fin It . roll and coal.. If h n srMlnc for nany month and
1n?"'1 '4,PKl,n " "" n ho-f h local bualnen. mm tniat that th womt
win p inn uiu avuuruiui 10 of th- ir.vauln dpraaion naa paaaaa.
that ratio
Thla la th only way to handla th
aperd and th autoanobll warning alk-
naj problem. If I find, th flna do not
Mop the nulaanr ao far aa th pmk1
Injf la onrprn.d, Imprlaonmrnt will fol
low. It make, no dlffornc who tb
off qdrr la. All will (tt th aam treat
nnt fotn me."
xoaa Buil&laa riAiabad.
Nt week th nw Ho building. IT
fir, a ll M elrr far Ua Ika aira-tf la ptl it aiy ml
I ! lermTaal rna al A ban. k-la , mmpnt fr oktoiaug Ik
la Mlito a4 Tafia. A tor- ly Ml aa4a
raajadbaaaa. anackiaa akaya. 4 Hkr
ItrmlaaJ bulMlr.a mill b kuIlL
Maty fkaMft to ika Saw.
Olpay amllk. tk avaaialtaa, kV l
ll to a Ua ft ha fra4bd
aw ikl wk th. aay (Kar paras.
ad hi ttoJty utawiiara ar tk talk af
th. my Tk big Mammoth rtak
fllle-g twlca a ttoy and lh. ftot- praack'
ar to i pound la th gapl la mar. I baa
1. dallT- Th rlng mltag
number about and ihlly kg
drda ar waabl. to gain admlaalon. It
la many a long day a lax- nVaiu rail
oua aplnt baa kwa rod. rao-
m lha trl ar. talking about
Olpy mltb and buodrad. who vr
hav. b. known I. allaad rMloo
aartip m to tab plraaur. In lita
tag I tha nt4 Kngll.h wilnlalar
Olpay I not backward about giving
hla opinion to plat. language. At r
ral of hla maotlng ba ha bad tb
church mam bar on tb grtU and ha
maatad thtn to 4 brown turex cbatla
tng them for tblr lack of rvllaioua rig
or and holding than rvaponalbla for Im
moral condition. Olpay ballava in
re pan tan ca and work aa much aa to
faith. On of bla famona aaylnga I.
'Th darll bellva vn trior than you
do but ha rpanta not." It I rportd
that at on of hi flrat night meeting.
tha conectonca atiick. alaaera placed
14000 la th plate
Moor Xom rroai th Bast.
Jam A. Moor, pre I dent of th
atorle In height, will b opened. e- "ira oiaci carporauon, ana on 01
, h. .truotura wii half completed I Beat lie moat promoter it
all th
I m-m I
aunniied with ud to date offlcea. Th pletcd axrangementa for reorganisation
Uklnnaw b ai a t 1 Vl 41 tt rORtm enced
atructlon of a U atory office building backing to place tha Irondal plant In
noar Marl on atreet and poaltlon to raaume operation. Thl
. fuw daya ago announcement waa .tat.m.nt la mad... notwithstanding re
made that . lot On Second arenu. near mm i"w m aBr. mwr
iV-i.riiv. m. to be Improved With a received a chilly reception In th big
w !T. - . .... . mal. .1. I flnkHnlal .1 A. lAf.k. N . V.. 4
ffirm DUIlainc. inn w w i "'wi viw-w, wwj-rinim
An ' increa.e of 10 per cent In ahlp
ment. of car. over the lame month laat'
year la ahown In in September traffic
the United State. Motor com
. m .i. M
I report Ok
pany., .
V Tha onl
outbound .hlpment. filled 1090
carloada of Maxwell, Btoddard-Dayton,
Columbia and Bru.h car, and Sampson
freight and delivery motor. Eighty
five railroad, ahared In carrying thl
record ' breaking tonnage to alt corner.
of th world.
Every carload flgured-ato, th atate
ment : carried f lnl.hed . automobllea to
owner. Con.lgnmenta of raw material
part.,; acccortott, or lnter-factory , ma
terlal are not counted.
:i. 1 L- '
Simon Wolf Congratulated.
Washington, Oct 28. Simon Wolf.
whom President Roosevelt once de
scribed a. 'Nan of the best American.
on this continent." reached his seventy
fifth? birthday anniversary today and
was the - recipient of , congratulations
from friends throughout the country.
Mr. Wolf .was, born in Bavaria. October
28, 1(38, and cam to the united States
with his grandparents in 1848. After a
brief period spent in Cleveland he tame
to the national capital and lor a period
of nearly half a century he has been
recognised as th representative advo
cate of tha Jewish people here.
Mr. Wolf is tha founder of th. At
lanta Hebrew . Orphans' , home, for
which ' Institution he raised, single
handed, a fund of 1160,000. Ha toured
the United States twice to raise money
for ' the Roumanla . mlBSlon, It was
his , conception to have the Klshlneff
meetings In Washington and he ar
ranged the celebrated conference with
Roosevelt and Hay.
In 1861 President Garfield appointed
Mr. ; Wolf consul general to Egypt. His
was the last commission President Gar
field signed before his assassination. As
consul general to Egypt Mr. Wolf gave
the first George Washington dinner. In
the old world, on February' 22, 1882. ;
Sullivan Will Retire.
Friends, of Roger C. Sullivan, Demo
iratlc national committeeman for Illi-
ols, understand that he intends - to. re
tire from-- national, politics after . tha
canipalKB next year, regardless. -.of.
whether or not he is victorious over the
HarriFon-Hearst faction. - .
in .Inn nffli
tha Nestor building in th new wi riiairtrt was sold for 1178.000. It
" ug9 a - 4 . -.
! tmn atnrv Structur wim i iwi
fu on Weatlake. wnicn la in
main thorouxhfar to tn. norxnem pan
of the city, passing through a .action
uiviniK raa-udea. i. J. neiwr, wuu
aold this property, stat. that ha will
ract a modern building on. another lot
in the aam vicinity. Th deal Is one
of the largest recorded la local real
estate circle In months and has served
to revive Interest in th market,
jtlotunond sotel toi Jtoad.
About January 1, th new Richmond
hotel, built by R. C- MCCorrolcK. a lo
cal capitalist will be "opened. This
hostelry contains S04 rooms and Is nine
storleB In height. It to located near
tha new Oregon-Washington depot in
the wholesale district, tn which neigh
borhood several new hotels hav late
ly been opened.
This wele th : Northern Paclflo
awarded th. first contract In tha $1,-
000,000 improvement which It will make
in building a belt line around Lake
Union. The contract calls for- the con
struction of a portion of the belt line.
The announcement comes after many
delays which made It appear that th
road might not take . advantage of tha
franchls ? for ? Ihla work, which th
council granted about two years ago.
Th. road has also awarded a Tacoma
the steel trust ha. ud It tnfluenc
'jnwyii aa
r Tk Waal
tot. .leal rf ao-ratloa 1 la
racwtv- ka4 aa4 to a44 I
Urg suss af , Tk. pual haa
. u4 r.r mm lint a4
pt.r. ttv k.4 bo aar iIum ik
rntodU of toai moatK. f Ur. fcl
cm ucaa4 I. gvltJag lb Irwadal
blast e It f k will raes lb
Ihaaka af bun4r4a who liiwitj la
Iroa-oai ral tal. and of maay oibara
ho purcbaa4 Slock. Eutlnaat blao
. lt I bat lb propoattloa I faaal
b: for lb rorporallo. baa larg bold-
leg of coal an4 Iron Iaa4a thai piac
II I. . poaltlo lo gl ail th. raw ma
larial II wtll require for yeera. It ba
imply ba hard pr-e4 for many
and Mr. Moor ha a b-ai la lb aakt for
many work, atumpung I ebiato tb
Oacaaaary flaaartol barbing.
Xaaaktaa; tk Oak.
FUproatatlv. of "th Inter!'
hav bo, busily Banding out raporta
from AUaka elating bow locanaad th
rll.t. of thai larrllorx ar. at Ike
4attl. Commercial club bacaua Iba
latter body ntrtalnd Olfford Ptnehot
and atooaior kill Ioindatr laat weak.
Tba looal organisation atnd4 tba
hoapllallty cuatoroary In caa wbar.
maa of promlnwca visit this city. Tbr
waa do political algnlflcance tn lh ao.
lion of tb Commercial club, although
opponotita of conrvlloa ar attempt-1
Ing to mail morn capital out or tnia
small matter. Juat to ahow that th
club la not taking aide In thla contro
versy a. a body, th Commercial club
has arranged for an "open hous" for
II Afesksns to tok place November
II. Thla is being given aa an expres
sion of th debt that Scat 1 1 owea to
Alaaka and It la e pec ted to b an event
of great importance, as hundreds of
Alaskana ar wintering her and many
others wtll coma on the three laat vea-
ala from Noma which ar yt to arrive.
Tb lmportanc of th Alaakaa situa
tion haa bean recognised by the Cham-
W vA a4 kW4 a Iko -M4.
It i va a k-- -f is-, ra-ifia aiM
tMata a4 . trj to l
. M ik -fo" to i-i
mm is-l a !-. I -i. I-
il.l kwak. 4 l-a W Ikol a
tata-l fiw. fci-a tt.i. a ta
. - a-oat aaJki. Ja efctuk
a-,-) -- a li-aa m a ava. f .-
i.l a. allM! la ! I La lii.-J.-l-
T la. a-r ! -a
14 a4i. to ll-a 4 i4 Ua
l at-..j Hoik uf Ik
Ika Wl.kt.aa Aar4aU 'W-4
ki la en -t.JI-." Ik. fitl
- al Ik ai ikt-a a-4 af .
ki-i t. II 14 miiiib k ar to Ik
. J UN ka. -- - . It
a. e :r w-- a aai ar im,
'taaa- t kia kl I
'kt iwm-4 --aiLf foal a ka U.4
i t tan a a ( aa.
tuta. Siliaf.
toU. fiwea nt4a. k tltt-f-4 a
ft aff tiini4 suit al
I a.4i aa -U ly aalilag Ib-a i to tt It
la raw 4 tut la Ml la. kaal M ka. alM
k'4 Ik atllll c If lar 4t'l rak
forr far Im tia aa4 to k4
ap .Mill ik ilea. ky Ik jauag HaiUa
la !-!. '
Ktory a4af.a. f tk grval pui.t
ka kaa . eo.uet. aa4 bi work I
aaurk Br arajalaal Ika. I bat af kt
l-4io. tt baa rawj4 Ik al-(w-.
of a ir ka-.Fo. .d who. k
eaka hie llt M lb. Iaclfto oa-aat
bo aaaa. ftoraaaa will b win voraac-
akanaa- aa. iaa aravoarea m
Mlaraws fo $a4 aa4 aaaaaltoaal-
kav its. II to al Ui 4y to Ibla mo-
lUsa f Ik. coaaiy.
Wvi..a. tb , tb.4. It -(aik aoa
kw-t. a-a4 a 4 l Itwr-t m .-
ua klf-. I t b aaWtn- 4 tVam
kt-a ii i (h.h.i aa
Cj.4 .a !-! aa .a-a ta
to -. li. . I 'a IV4
-rtl -- .- , iaV -
IU - . (bar 4 a-Ma4 IUI
aa . ej2f to fcn4 keock aa.4
. la Mat iwit
ti-l J ay lie.
aas to ." a-4 kt'. -uff
ru - ia- mt la. y i a4.a-a ka.4
wwtx " ll l i .l k4 aw ib
b-a ti lua b
a-lua aa4 - t .ii aa ! 4- '
aa box. a.. -a Vl e..., . i..
a-MI MM. I til .
t.lli. I . t-4 I . .1 t'. - I
kia-a fr. ,-... .
a-ra, tw tuiivj u u- . j
b4 --. bKvk .t b.a
4 ej i 4aa
't a (tobi, fxt v" a .
ku. a-h4 i .imui f .-'.
l--4 ti at. 4 a .
4 - I1U.4, hwW,
? ) a a. m rk -4 .
a4 aa abt lt a .itaJ j M aa
awoily laa4 4a4 w4l-r IM
-f .la-a kaaa-axa-to to -a4-t a Oa-vi a
m-4 baa ta.-4 a--4 . -.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
Now IUro Your IJcJ of ft
Non-Skid Tread
Cyb W "j Caji
IkO 4 awtyatW ItmMltoatwU.
Ortar TOOjOOO Uf aJrawaty
TV. lt tkal tWy
t-oo Va laotflagj tiro
, at f wials W-
prf4 H. tr-ataa,
Th" Winter" Tiro
Mr .f ooeBitvarr, Vhlak ka or f a a toed
aa Alaaka. bureau. Thl. la for IM pur-t-o-a
af acublailrg lb. world al larg
itk tha lint ajiOoa I. IM honk.
v4 by Aoaa of IntoUlgaal aiplolt.
Ilua a.4 dla-f-aaalo. to help reach ao-
luUo. af IM saaay problem coaca ra
le, thla t larrliory. Amoeg lh
! tr4 or wintry waatbor rrrrr
tool of car 4rrr dfmaads aoo-aila
dlc4. Bom road, ar Impaaaabl.
sd all ar na(. wltboal H.
Cbalc. ar. moat IncoBvooWst, aai!v
broteo and rnlooal to lira.
Metal prolcikD. wrck tk. tlr
troad b the cooKact (rktioa botwoo.
th rabbor aod mtal.
R.bbor protoctlon. which ar abort
or soft, too quickly wr off to b prol-
anal ara waara ibis trta win taaa up : i..m
.rw ! w vi in v-w -wu , mu w I
quel aid to aavtgsiioa, laod eurveya I tnro yoars o.r ipoTT. na v.
aid to laiaraal Iraaaportailoa. location I worked to tSMt tb obtoctioos. To
)ut air roa tb atmoat la 4 iSoD-oktd tlr.
of aalmo. Micberle and mora adq
tnaaa for th administration of Jua-
Woaaon Taror ObtoH to Mkiag.
Tb old .uoatlon of tobacco amok
haa Mn ralaod Mr lh. women Juror a
wM have b-oa called to aorva on King
county Jurt, Th council or woman
volar want on re-cord 4 fw daya age
against msls Jurors who ptrrlt la In.
d'Jlglng thlr tobacco appetitea to aa-
11 I hem la arriving at a verdict. When
h. matter wa put up to th county
com ml al oner thy Miked on lh ro
quaat to prohibit smoking but they
compromised by granting other reform
roiutd by tha woman, the. Includ
ing tha appointment of a woman bailiff
for each of th. Jury department, aep
arat retiring room for juror and bat
ter sanitary arrangement
Tha exturta hava mad It eatv to ex- Non-Skid tread
cue women from Jury a.rvtc. If thy wear off, after
ao daalred but a f.w Intropld one. have thoutandt of
persisted In doing this publlo duty, miles, yon gtlll
r rom a amiaii w ta wumau navw oven gv4 tb ranil4f
railed for Jury duty In September and mooth tread
liriODVI, Ilillll "ci .
month. They hav complained that, the
male Juror hava filled tha room with
amok ao thick that It waa Impoaslble
to think. However, the commissioners
sympathised with the unfortunate male
Jurors and refused to out off th privi
lege of amoklng.
jl v yon
Note the Result
f!r U a tlr which combine
the advanLf: ,
A doubl-thick rraad
A wry touch tread
Dcep-cnt blocks, widolng oat at
tb. bottom. '
Count tea. edge, and as g lea to (rasp
th. road.
This tread 1.
added to oar
tire. It la vul
canised ontotb
I tli-M Whan tha
No-Rim-Cut Tires
Wltk or WlUtowt Notb-Skid Troads
What It Mean
TfcU doabW-thkh troad. I adJUlo)
to all iIm, rdoc4 daaar of paacimr '
by X) pay cost.
Th deep-cat block. With tbaif
coaoti d4 and atiKto, rfv. ntr- ,
rattnc to iklddiof lhaa aoy otkar ,
cVrvJc that It knows.
Their w(4 haa pravoot traakln;
off, and tbay dlatrioui. Um at rata ovr
at Urg 4 u'f j 44 tn 4mootB-tra4 ,
tlr. This U lmnnaty loponaat.
Th gfooasa don't fill up. Th air
rushing through l&am kaop th tlr '
Ona glanc wffl ibew yoa that no ,
other boo -a kid drric la xltoc ran i
com par. with thl. Cooxlyoar craaUo. -
On No-Rim-Cut Ttr-
And thla dovico com on tint (hat i
can't rlm-cut tlr. 10 ovwrtla. It i
come oa tb. tlr. which hav saved -raoiof
car omr taiUlon ol doUarg
thla jr4r. 1
It la another reason why man who
know ar demanding th Goodrjaar
NoRlmCt '
, i
Oar tir. book.
baaodo) twvo ,
yar f tlr
with fact. oj .
hoalti know. ,
Able M t a 11
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio ;
Andaman lalandera .how respect for
th. memory of droeaaed relative by
preserving their teeth and wearing them
a. necklaces.
Portland Branchy 62 Seventh Street
. PHONES MAIN 2190; A-4046.
The Working Test Is the Only Test
Read Wliat Users Say About
Min 6374j A-7577
694 Waahington St. Cor. King
r -
ConKoIibateb 9uto Zxudi Co.
260 East water Street
la-rmmi -j .27.2
Bogaaon ud aT4rxoa,;Iao,
Portland , 0r.
' Saplylng to your nguiry of the filet," would adrle
that af,ter long toad serore working t88, w find your MoToRo'L
to utht oylljodor oil poet ealted for ue In our Truoks..
, IT ud aoTcaral other high gTd oils with rying
amoooBB-ut found M0T080I to he th only Oil enabling ue .to
trudk our hoary loads up Portland Heights without th engine
ererheatlng end the water holllng out (whloh preTloualy had oaused
as trouhle on every run).
le also fbund K0T0P0L to he the' only oil that no iked
atlafaotorlly in all our trucks- Paokarde, Grama, Eroa, Zlaaels O
and Thltea. and without oarhonlclrg. We therefore consider,
JloToHoL to he the hatj.oy Under oil far truck ua. '
Stop and See the Vew
Reliance Trucks
Tours truly.
Consolidated Auto Truck Co,
AoXoRoI-, a nd No n 1 Itul 1 d O i 1 s
3120 Ankcny JStreet Pact Agcnt
Advantages Possessed By Motor
Under the Seat Type of Truck
Less overall length for a given length of loading space. ' , , .'
Shorter wheel base for a given length of roading space.
Greater facility in handling in congested traffic and narrow streets..
Less power required. , ''',
Lower cost of maintainance in fuel, tires and bearings.
Less storage space required. '
Less space required at loading platforms. .
Less space required in street where vehicle ia moving or standing.
Better distribution of load. t . ' . - -
No danger of front end tipping up when climbing steep grades.
Dulmage & Smith
46 and 48 Twentieth Street
Corner 19 th and Warhm'c: