The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 42, Image 42

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M lit -Ut 4 1MB ik i
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UM.a It M4 4 .
Twenty -two Special Trains to
L. M it Mi 1 it iii
" M fl t -wM. fioa
Cany 2 COO Member cn Big
Excursion Undertaken for
Plewart Onfy.
IYcvcj Crtat Event f- Mo
torijts Many Ccrpcted.
MX, tm m4 kK.) I M
4 '
M Ml turn
l H(f Itiu to HIU j
I II I Ml tMAf lk V. I
V f I ia rW
tat, M Ik 4
a Aliaatl i .i i ItllO
ViAf. 4air I, al J.all-k.
O- tit. " '
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4At Jt4 It tm nl lla la
1 1 I 111 l, M4
J IMM ","' ' - . I ail, .r aJ :rlxa4 Mi M Ha FM lUlt l IWI l
lMtt !4 - "-'IO Mr ktaal a iiia ! ( Miaa
lla) P iVaw J uttaM I Ntu I HUnM Ml - Ual .a4 hM - ai-T If
l !.( niv ,M m it iv. iwiif 4 air I ta It
Hiim tawa a IU a!f la I M , l a : . I Ml ttk la Miual la nitMalt
fca flat " " 1 l-..4 ivl a a imiii. I .t HrM ft ialt raa.
m:U mum m "4 M ! I t i latmtu MM mi ta-M1 k toi-xi lai-I
la Ia MUiUM a aa i i.a u (, I Mft 7- MMttllM M,aM I
IN r-Jal f imaiM -fft I i, ka tl JUrw4. a4 Mal4 fcf IW krttafl af t
Ula t- ! ,k I Iv at awiirUf a.4 I Msli la ml la
llaNM a MM Mil w I ! (ten Is IV tl atf ua.aa Mr I - ' aai fMi M IU kiaax
la laa aa' l alai mii I llM tot4 I-4WI a4 a4 1 U ll la Iral
t Vila la acW aa4aa ! M I v , aat. l.t M M aav I la "-- Ha ta Mlaa4 (a a -rlk. I
f'a laal. la ll. iMt it. a m.Mi a4 It aH laal I Taa liala aaai4 af r."Ul Ml aalf. !
M aara a.a4 trt Jm I ar r -1 ta Utm r I alaiaa car aa4 a Miff! '. la4
laa ltt U:ilMi b-M frw
Til rirl OU44 laf '
atartaal fia h t.
1H1. a4 IV Wa a a !
kaoa-lU ! t Atncrara. I
la IM talral4 ta 11 a.
aa at Ik ! af Ik factory.
4l Mi akal laka a In. "H al Ik rt A KM
a4 aaa f Ltaaaaif laal kal aw. I M laaiaka r awlal faklara.
mm. tin f k aaiaLiHal' tunr riuM-lc4
mmwm k I Ik va.iart im lk rty
a a I tatiafl aailarialfcMMil rlar
lWa Ik rf af Ik I I tM UllWU Wal. kr MHF. I ,M
arrl aWaraao laal fwr raa iU ra- I i aia far Ik I'ai M. k mo4 I Arttvai I tlaal
!l Ik I rat ta la ttaa Ikal I fraM t aha a4 VI r 4av I TW tlaaa af Ik l1 a arraa4
an a kl Ik MVta a I a IV aMa. I nira. mi a Ik I Ikal Ik arrlvaj al Ika faMorf l4la( I
l.minil 4f1tl-a ail ; I tarwal al ririMalk W aak-1 la I "l fl I rr aarlf Ik Ika far-
Wraay mt ar4'Malalr lit aUa I lalaa Mr. THUkil) MM kl Mla I kaaa. Tkal IK tfaaiaf al f
lirtaM. K, 1. Tkl Ika raa "a a Ik r a Unr la Ika laal af4 a4 art4 la a nl af car.
") TkvJa" aa4 la imik lrmkbl ll a-v lim nry far kIM I krBV la lla Taa aarna af k
rt a Ik calrantna af Ika car I WlMiwai a4 markla aba a Ikl I ktra af Ika fa'lr k ka r4 1
kva a-kaa kl ft lk ataftar i m ar la Uk r af kl kal I kk4 a4 aark rar baaia a laita kite 14
fa4 rtaravalr, ll Mile eaar f fl I rva, I card, alalia k aanvc af Ika tlallo I
tk iitn fil Al tkia aaial Ikal III rarrf. Tha raravaa hUk la
rtrl laol lanalMia4 M lMtr I H. D rtar. MrlaJ fwiuUH aMoaaiara la lax-haoa al aovalova ciakl
14. I Ml. a aoroual af lk aaaaaaiaaUaa I lk Oata UMar far Maar. kaa ka I room aa4 raaualn la aliarwlajvr
af fraaldaet McHll. Thai Ik III! la fWJiar anc Ika kaal al Ik I lkraki tkr tU af I a oar.
taor vu a yr rv4 ta iIm abova kacal ! Nrkli cri. Mal a) I Ca a ttff laapanio af lfcl
kMi ll U lata lilt natijmiu IMI Mirilir. Tfcla la Mr. Ankara fri Pna a It kUata would b lmpo!l;l
aaoa in ear ar imw at iuau, iau ia rwiUM a a a aiaraaaaa him- I ia isa aaori lima, a ika viaitora aoa.
V v. T7 aLrhU Ortokn It, Ifcr I -tf ta tlaf a4aaall taran al In lblr allvelloa la Ih wa lrtai I
ta rrara m lark, til I aa-l ia af ai lrm dir. II. I !" kA I. whf lh B-M-r II"
rait aavarfrd. kul Iwa laam af Ih 1 1 1 a uk Ik tutar lkf aalaasablta man I nl riandara IV rprilrl jr art fa-I
1hl ba Ika ourny OrueT II ar I tni kva al4 rrt)k4 a vlall Ihli I P'"1 I-oafhaoa la arT4 kl aaxh
akta t ihibil Brfn aror. whll oflaar. rla ikal Oroa baa a arl f. I rUal tad troop pboiocrapb la aJ-
Ik taa uaiaamad eomiKHliont wbaltar la lb aaioeBtUa bvla. an4 1 kft ralar vlih Mr. ru4rt alm
tlvrlad. e7 thr rUin4 nklralb4 1 a b will aa aarprtaad la aa I ia Iba clr. A ba)ut at
rtoerda. I raor eara anld ta Onroa during lh I downlawa baial tlo a eh day. Tbtl
Oararaar ta OoaWa. I Itll aaaaoa Ika bav kaa aeld all-1 protram af aarb party aJao l&cladaa a I
CarTMr Ttok mUb, af Oaorrlk. and I - krUfr. I boat rtda b rtrat of a llfaiUna for
VtiKad Lata aatialor lart. and M1M I I maty of Iba da!ra fram lalvad tulaa
lUMIa Marka. of A than, Clv. b draval J. M. Ittll. faflary urfHnlndat af I "4 blr party.
hr lckt-Btat4 Columbia roadtr. lb Oarford f-lory. a la fori land for I Plaar Trta Omly.
tlod al Andaraon. . C far tha tropby a vaah or lot day a, for Iba purpoa la hta lavluilen to lb dvaUra. Mr.
arrr4 by thai city for tha kaal In- of -aulas hit car bfor tha publlo Dtndar aoaclfiad thai tha nt waa to
dividual aeor mad to thai point. At and MiabilahlBg aaania ibroutbout th b a plaaaur trip only, upplmntln
drawing bald by th towa paopl It atalt tf Ortfoo. lir. Illll wiu work la Ihla witb tbt atataraaat that th aala
d arid a Iba wmnar. irm nvtmor waa in I roniorcuon wua hi loraj aaarL Air. I dveartmant would b nra.ant aolalw r
lurky wlnnar of lb haadaoma allrar I Indf. of th Lavndy Aulomobll conv I antartajnmvat parpoaaa. tod thai th I
trophy, th car catTyinc orr ibia noaoripaay, ana tipact t b a llv banrb I ordr dvpvrtmct would b a k raca- I
binc a Itll MaswtiL Th Itll tour it i or maa rpraauag bit factary la Or- I Uon.
coAoadad br all aotomoblla ma ta btlgoa within m abort wbll. I -I am taklnf thla maana of tattlac
lha raoat atranuouo r bald, and hat laoqualnlad paraonally with ary on I
coriaiBir rraaia wiaaapraM inirraai an I in ran uil eotnpaay ar racalvlna I or you. ha told th flrat train load
var th aatomobll world. Ery r-1 thla warh what la purport ad to b th I "and to ahow you that wa man what
let y of waatbar waa ncountrd and I Urtnl hlpmnt of automoWU oil rf w aay whan wa promt you 19.000 1
it M thousnt at on urn inai nirtniTii id rortiand. Thay will bavtl aulomobll for th aaaaon of 1111'
would b Impoaalbla for tb tour to eon- la - rtrlaad. contalnlnr Brly 4t ri. I Wbthr or not tha vlalta of th daal-
tlnua on aoeount of tha terrlbla con-1 Ion of oil ta b uad iclulTly by tbt I or ar to b cradltad with th fractur
dllion of tb road la torn of tht
aontham ttataa. Tha winning tMint,
with thlr drlTera wer aa follow
Flrat. Maiwell taam of Tkrrrtown. K
T, antartd br 17. & Motor company,
And driyvn by it KL Walla. C E. (lag
and T. Coattllo: . aaoond. Bttrana-Dur-
ya team of Atlanta, Oa-. In chart of
their ownart. C. H. Johnaon, C Wheat
Iry And B. Morgan; third. Capillar, of
Jurkrionrllle. Fla., ' In chart of their
owner. C. Nolan, H. P. McNeil and u
(I Denmark; fourth. Ford, entered aa
Atlanta team No. I, In charct of their
owner. M. w. Venable, J, M. Orr and
J. O. Toaaley. j
, Tha record between Beattlt and Port
land for tht Chanelor A Lyon trophy
waa Again broken Thuraday, October II,
hy R. P. Riot, the- northwett repreaen
Latlve of the Ford motor car agency,
and A J." Kdwarda, tho 'local airrnt of
the Ford company, in Rice model T
ford known aa tha "Cannon Ball." Tha
Mart waa road from Chanalor A Lyon'a
rtor. At . Seattle Thursday morning at
r:0 a. n., and after encountering good
rolng to CentraJla, tha record breaker
irera eoroe IS minute Ahead of ached
lie, Th road from Centra.Ha Into
Vancouver, tht checking point at tht
md of the trip, were In very bad con
I It Ion, atlll the record waa lowered 19
nlnutea, the machine checking In at tht
It. Elmo hotel, Vancouver, at 4:14 p. m.
'he record waa established In July by
he Buick car driven by Roy Wilson., of
he Howard Automobile company. Sev
ral wet k apo George Johnson, Mitch
11 agent At Seattle, lowered the' Bulck
Beord 80 minutes. It la believed that
he record made by the little Ford will
tand until next year at least, aa the
ds are now in such a condition be
reen Portland and Seattle that It
til be almost Impossible for a machine
i make record time on account of the
ind encountered. The Thursday trip
aa Edwards' fourth attempt to lower
le record within the past two weeks.
Ire trouble waa the great drawback in
ro of . the attempts; tb loss of hit
ank waa responsible for, failure once,
id In the fourth attempt, the rounding
I a curve at too high speed cam near
automobile dealer.
Failc Nasaaro'a long standing auto-
monii record or T4.I mil par bour,
mada by him thra yrtrt tgo la tht
norio cup rao In Italy, waa brokan
twlc at Santa Monica. California. Mat
urday, Octobr 14. flrat by Hrrlck' Na
tlonal In th SOt mil free for all. and
again by Marta In tha National with
which ha won th H-mll 8hltr Tro
phy conteat. Uerrlck averaged 74.91
mile per hour, while Mertr a rent g
waa 7.t mile per hour. All thre of
the racord-breaktng cart were
equipped with Mlcbelln tirea.
Roada ' through weatem Oregon art
in apiendid condition. Going south from
Portland on tht weat aid of th river
toura may be planned, contemplating
nytning : m a hair day to a week'a
run with tht aaaurano of mastmnm
comfort and convenience aa. far aa mad
conditions are concerned. If any other
trip is contemplated, maps and the lat
est reporta In detail from all section
of the west are on file at the Diamond
Rubber company, and Information la
gladly given by lta department Of rutr.
aonal service.
It Is remarkable the number of ran
thAt will run throughout th winter
anon week-end trips. A careful
canvass among owners Indicate that
at least 90 per cent of the automobiles
m -orwana win be kept In commission
all season, as a matter of necessity and
pleaaures derived from a car.
The United States geological survey
and Maine authorities art working to
gather to produce a topographlo map
of that state that win ba 82 feet high
by 20 wide.
of all existing production record
th Flandar planta la a mattar whldh
Mr. Flandar say la not germane to
th situation. It has, been obvious, how
tvtr, that ach dJr Uft with an In
oraeeed amount of enthusiasm for th
"Big Chlf" whom h had met and
grown to know paraonally.
The coat of th special visits Is a
matter which has not. yet been even
estimated. It will, howavtr, be soma
wher between $116,000 and $200,000.
When the Olidden tourists headed
south from New Tork on October 14 a
fleet or no lest than 14 Cadillac cars
shot by the starter on the flrat lap of
the long journey to Jacksonville, Fla.
Never before In any Olidden tour, haa
one mak of car been so. well renresnnt.
ed. On one tour, aeveral years Ago,
three cars from th same, factory wera
among tha contestants, but tha record
do not show, a greater number than
Every one of the care In tht tour
Is A privately owned machine, and each
peing anven by its owner. These,
men are all southerners, and all but
one of them are from Jacksonville. The
single exception is ar Fltigerald (Oa.)
Eleven of the cars are 1912 eara
Which the ownera never aaw until they
were delivered to them In New York
just before the start of the tour. A
number of Jacksonville men shlntjed
their cars to New Tork by sea in order
to mak the tour; but the 11 machine
ownera ordered new cars, to be shipped
irom me iaciory to mew xork In time
to enable them to start with th other
This 1 th flrat time tht Olidden
tour ha Invaded the eastern section
or tbt soutn; and southern motorist
rJl - , mo
1 "
x ft ift
' " t
pa L S. " " - I . , -
.'Bty D. Tlncent at wheel of his ntw 1S1J WArren 30, and J.pi Maxoo oX WAxrTO-Detrolt AvtAComisjl
:--v I I
e (glMteiToffi3 7
The three big, powerful, handsome Maxwell Specials
that have been the feature of this year's Glidden Tour,
reached Jacksonville with a perfect score, repeating the
triumph of the .Maxwell team of last year and arc
'Awarded the GKdden Trophy
Think of this great journey in the Clas
sic touring contest of the world.
Think of the sustained speed and unex
ampled reliability required to make this
journey of 1450 miles from New York to
Jacksonville, arriving at each control on a
time-table schedule and with the regularity
of the world's best railroad train.
Unless the Maxwell car was perfect in
construction and properly balanced, it could
not have survived such a journey. Not on
car, but three cars finished this long journey
with a perfect .score. Unless the car had
great power, easy riding qualities, perfect
lubrication, efficient transmission, and was
constructed properly throughout, it could
not have completed this 'journey and won
this world-famed throphy that stamps it
one of the . greatest touring cars in the
world at any price, and America's
Undisputed Leader for 1912
HE MAXWELL SPECIAL is a big, powerful,
stylish, ; 36 - horsepower, 5-pas3ens:er nnv
touring; car, at the remarkable price of -wvr
There haa never been offered such a car at such a
price before. Comparison will readily convince you
that the Maxwell Special is unequaled by any car within
$500 of its price.
Thirty-six horsepower is abundant power equal to
that found in the best $1800 cars... It means more power
probably than you will ever need -plenty of reserve
power for emergencies.
The handsome lines, stylish 'appearance and rich
finish of the Maxwell Special make it the real aristocrat
of the road the peer of the most: expensive cars. If
you saw the Maxwell Specials in the Glidden Tour
yon realired that. Note the new, ventilated fore-door,
flush-side, vestibuled steel body, with inside control, tha
Columbia Honeycomb type radiator, new designed bon
net, attractive light gray body and red upholstery.
We want you to come and inspect the Maxwell
Special closely ride in it-compare it with other cars
and prove its extraordinary value to your own complete
satisfaction. We also want you to inspect the other
Special Touring Car
Mercury Roadster ' -Mascotte
Touring Car
Mascotte Roadster . -Messenger
Free Monthly Inspection Service of, all our Cars for twelve months
534-536 Alder Street
y. . f Phone, A-7171, M. 4337
MAXWELL SPECIAL, $1280, faab. Factotr (Top extra.)