The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 40, Image 40

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Australia and Gfrmany PrcM
Or.fy Thfte Ove-H.t Games
Pitched This Season; 13
Ust Season, :
ThrouQh Killing of Sport
in the United State.
a MV II I lJ JI 4 liO Ml j
(Was V MMUf SU M J" I Saa ml W t4 a
. : , a i mi nam .ii n i
. -- a
M t 5 Jk B. aaw ft a ,m M g
III,. I ' - li.'V f4 - ir I
.1-' a M :
In wVaa i I Ja Ma, J
- ai lllaali al-1 ! W mew tmmm a e
I vvLwdAM Mt a - "
. . . . l. - ca-al a M eaia
LZ. a asaai.e u r " 4 aa a ' '- MI
aTT We 7 . M .U aa IS muM
tS IM fW 1-W, 4.a. . ta.4 If S KM4 f la f-a
. - t.,- ,,1 aa) I la e l a-a M Va I
i TuT 4.H- . r- a- r- itM .
II r,T l l4 Tia M a.ali. f
aa4 iL-aM Ul- IM l 4 l ! Ui
T aaaMa aar (raa U
. 1. "J Vvia ama f1aa M aa I . fVal. l la ttl
" k .nM iku I a i H mt liaatf aia IMIM. "
TITa. a it. It ra. I.Waa a4 W4. I Urn -U aa-aa
a ! aaa 1 MM M Ik a-l !
p aw a "a ' i inna i a-w iftMiaf iw w
fa f-l I aaaa aaa aa wM arBllr 4aaJ . II aUJ fr laal la.
la 4aaa a taa H"" , MalM la Vaa. IUa IM
(I aa la 'k aaa) raa a.tay I ,.tt f. a arJMl M k
a. i .aill raa ! katliag n.Mv I a4 a NaaawAa aaaal ft !
! 1 Ma ! a ftanaiv atari I aaaair aiMMt M aa MM I
iaxUr laiaeraimi
ar II M thai W4aa lfl M
liailll a Will la M a
luatlf ! I rl"t
iralB t ' rlfc
)! m la ataa
4a fa Mil H-Il4r
aaWl ta. Ia(taa at Aaaarvt.
Aran Wtlaa Maai Falal
U vr M( at t-ala
fif aa a a Tafia ! r
fair' aatr ! Ilaajtllaa.
I mmII Wiiiuaia ml litaa
llrkitao (a. riltalia mm MraJI
I l'ari!i
Itarri4 ra. rrlaralaa Mmim.
Italy "ru .rlral4 T. ml
. IAIafe . Caarfar4 Ilarfaa4.
.V. C. A. m4 U.'rm. N al Ammmpm-
rraa piata r. Ht 9ircla t ttal
' rvllrsa. '
flaltar a. RrM It I. l J Uruaa.
Mk-hfa . VrraruM at Ann Artr.
faarltan!a a. Carlta) at nuuaal-
ivvaiaraa va. wiinama ai Miaaitiawa.
llt t. Nw York at N lia,
Umm rtiWr aaary.
TO ataolul naraaaJty f kaTlnf a
roitalairtl)r food punir lmnoa4 npe
tna modrf fuatbail r b r
iart rod. aa rtvr ta4 mora ttnk
Instr apcarant than .!, la a rcanl
,. cam, not )Tn. hplaaa1r lcUa4
by a baavtar, faatar and brtlar tfiilla4
fTPonani, aarp-(l com pi la annihilation
ly kl klrg altnoal Imjnalalalr vbacw
. rer It w fortunatt iafb to cura
tha ball.
la approximately mlnutra) of play
tlia Irani la quaatloa tried only thrao.
, lm to adraneo tha hat) ruihlnt. Tha
rt ln mm laaa tbaa a yard. Tha
onpoaiiioa, oa tha ottar band, foond It
, anmparativelr fr i"ka hla flrat
downa. On tha a l (ark It cut and tora
through tha waakar Indi'i Una or
around It fianka almoat aa radia aa
It atavad off tha othtra puny attaropta
at offenalva play.
I'ndpr tha old rulca tha aeora would
probably baya run up Into tha alttlaa
or acvantlea, yet tba ram waa not an
- tinlntertatlnf ona to tha apart tora. aim-
pry bacauaa thara waa ona drpartrarnt
In which tha two conlaitlnf laama wrra
piay. ,AVtaa mm laraiaa.
imwm mt liaJariM
aaa aaa laaia aa ra4 aa laaf
Ika mid ilia
Ka ariar tb baQ to feUbad tba at-
taaiaaa la wbtb Ita ia taa
laalaaa afflkM tha araaad MHa IM
aaaitral mm a piay a tba tuataf
ida Ml mi ba liUally ar.4
na aul mm baa aa t yarda wr4
iia uaa af a-naMl Tbta raid H
aaf aabaa Wa baaAliaf mt 4
ball laipayatlta. wllkj ika laaa) af It aa
ia aa praaia aMarwaara.
A laa paaalta a atraaf fraart la
alavaal eartala lba la l Ha mtc
aaar la gud ardar. Ta rata 'a taa
ad m flaar irark daw Ka r.aid aiU
thay bata iravaiad mm far fT-at !y laa
eppoatrt ba ba alaad bata-aaaj tbaai and
laa rvaaar. t'adar wk r1rrtiaalaa
aa taaaa mania bavck wtll ba a aaarb
mora diffvlt aat tbaa It b
kaaa bafora aadL aa nataral
aaawea. far aaara aputilar aad thrU
AH Kara 9Mmwm.
Moat. In fart all. of tba big aaalara
Irraaa ara aaulppad with blrbara
along la tba fairly gwd cUaa at tba
vary lawaat rating. AU baa faat, Ura
ly barka. tbamgb PaaBiylTaala a anaay
raadldataa hava not yt ahown that thay
ooaaaaa aauch mora than rpaad dad dodg
Ing kl.Uliy. Thay hara not yot raald
iraptSoaal faaiball anaa." tbovgb
lhara la armr raaaon ta ball ara It la
tbar. only waiting t b brwught auL
- Tba Hera, fcowrrar. ara not up la tba
aama atandard. and tha gaaaral run af
anda ara not af aurnclantiy him eiaaa
ta maka If 11 a yrar ta ba raraaanbarad aa
ona in which groat fUobara run fraa
OTar aach and ovary grldlran. Thara ara
good oaea. but bona now ta algbt I labia
to run tttt with tha laurala won by KJ1
palrlck. tba Tala arondar. or Walla, tha
Michigan pbaaom, laat yanr.
Waraar Xaa TrUk rUya.
Carllala baa a graat taam thU yaar,
Olan Warnar, tba Indian a" coach, wha
Invanta mora trick playa than any tutor
la tha country, told tha writer the day
tha (ram arrlrad that ha waa not afraid
f Oeorratown'a Una, and that bla baeka
i . K W.H ,h mnif if will and
ovum aw --a- " - l li.l m ...
thav AA I uwaianvaaar imaiu unf wui pa
Tbara la not a taara in tna oountryi" iiinmiii ima miuiuj mw
which can atoo my backnaid. inn. noon. Tna waanmgtoa High acaooi nad
of almoat If not quite, aqua atrangth. I aylvanla's and Harrard'a forward will I tha Salam High achool will play tba
Tl.a loaer'a ponta avaragad almoat .aa I ba unable to ohaek ua. It la ona or flrat gma, and tha Multnomah club and
long aa tha wlnn-r .and hla anda, I greataat toama tnat vruaia naa ?r ,h( Tint Infantry eleven of Vancou rar,
"ai m wr i nun. win dibt ina nocoTia amnia.
xna sal em liign aonool aouad la a
faat ona and Washington flgurea that
thay have tha acrap of their llvaa in
atora whan they meat thla bunch from
tho caplUl city.
Tha Multnomah-Flrat Infantry ntoi
ahould ba a corkar. and nambara of tha
club who wlah to aea ona of tha boat
football aggregation that ha a repra-j
aantao: tna wingad M in recent yeara
anouia attend tha anair.
A 11 I I
I I I i I I I I.I I
III ft ,1 V -v I'll
ii ; i i ry i
i i : ims i
. ' :
i i r i ImII ii ii
. . ' 1 a 1 I r
I L .ill )
ll . I t II
I f
e- . 'n i 1 . v ' -XaJ-4,
fe'b. . If lua 114 Aa
aa lf la al-l la a ay aaltafaay
I a-a. I a fiaaa af la Aat,ana
Uaaaa-4 I t'eUl ataWtka4
baa awitaata af I La -a aa ta.
lag a(U rai taa.a a-l aa -aA
ate ft4 a ry aaa4 fa u.g
I aaaotpta br fa I atiiaa
ti at Jea It UmmJUm baa dattaad ta nM
I af bia taMWagMaa) - uaa
Awaarali aa4 lual ba Witt g ta laat
aatry ntia tkaaa. i la piaMlag ta
teato bav la twraaal ar. tta la aaw la
rtaaaMk4ra wtl fafox ta aktp
(tag raia
A;i.a v Mi a I aa a Aaat
eava laaf a nitM wa bara wnttaa
lK b4 d faaa -!
taiaa aaJf gaaia la a laava
baa baa kail a a I IM '
laa' a ag I We m a baa I'Mxarf a
avJk Wf at bit mwrt anaaarai
aa ta wta-ar raa ,
giaa lg a dlfTlaMUy ipltawa4 F
il4aa ! baUie laaa la Um a fa.
tu W bate bea iy
avaa Ikla tar. iiu II af
taat a't II Italll aaakaa l lilt '
ait l af IVaaa la. ad !
II gaaaaa M abt taaaa mmt m4
i aa ana. mmtm Wta mnt It n
Mil Tt'blaa. Calaaby Waa4fa4 a4 Uat aaaawa Aa4 U la uaa
a. .la. a a .i . . . .1 1. alai a a a l ant aV 1 1
JaAaaea) X taa4 al a&akiag
arfritoa-a la aaM aal tbra t
taawta af liaaiaagutwada la Awairalla, It
ta ibty Ibai ril Cbiaa will aaafca iaa
trt l'b Ike. Tty ara, it u at par
ad. la ga la Kataaabar
fob bla-aay a4 0fa Miltar. aba
aaty ttuiaat la h. T'k fraaa
Oarexaay. whera 1 add iae gad
Uag trm Klmaadorf rum wara ald la
aaiataaat far aa atoraga ll
kaad ara bare aonavll wllb Mr. Hag'
gta racaamg lb abipanaat of all Hi baa mm mmi aM mm aaa alaa gat ta
al aa faaaaabia f
TKa aaaaaa a4l to Iba a k.1 l l
Ibid ear ara tew mmmm baialag M
aJaa af tba Malta ga aa4 t
Uaaa) af tba Had Uaa, la aua mt bxa
raiavarbabla w aa laa alaa IW yaa
watah aae bad aaat a i !
at ail Mtil a aa a ad mi lUa aaai
Va Augaat It '-t C4 biaad
lata Vllavaat a afe kit a M aewa
tlhlai aava Ml mt laa twill raw.
ttajty la tba gaaaa mmm Had wg gt a
waaallaga mow at Klaa4Hf ta t
Uad. It la iba Han ta aaad tbaaa
jtavaenbar and bw Ibaat at a piara
aaar Nawnxarbat until July, wbea ibry
will ba ald aa yaarllaga Tba prpaa ka
aaadmg than tbla faU ta ta baa Ik em
Ibareajghlr alieMiad by aala liana.
Tbara ara uncart 1 Had raeaaro la taa
affect that Krk Paad and a band af tha
firul baaa. 1-aae tbaa a fatik .
fara Waleb abat ewl ttatrwit wiia a if
bit la laalaga ad ba ilal
atabbed Ibal bit MauMif.
bla aa blt gaaia agataal
i r l.
Twbw thla -yaar Aaanaaa
alikara tut altowad aatlr twa bJia . '
alaa laalnga aM . bate
Waatd pMV I
t laauka V 1
irtaaa laagaa
r twa bJie 'a I
fcaaa bawV
U.. . T. a-. ..iMraN.rwrrlrd ad Urwrfcatt. balweaa taaaa. naUb
. . T. " .- . '11. Lali to laa bile and ta wrauaa
I awn by a aaara af ta I CVakhMi w
Two Games Scheduled for
Multnomah Field Next Sat
urday Afternoon.
, Tha Lincoln arcond team will meat
the Jefferaon high second team on
Wednesday afternoon on Multnomah
fit-Id. '
a . e a
Tha Portland academy team and H.
M. A. will play Tnraday afternoon. Tha
game waa to hava. been played . laat
week, but waa poatponed until Tuaaday.
:.- .- a a
Olion, of Lincoln. ia aUll out of tha
game and Korrell will likely' ba quar
ter against tha Jefferson team. Ty
aon, who is limping a little, will ba
f .; -J,;..:
To the man that wants t ,
every late "lank'' whirn
of f a s h i o n, together
with perfect fit and
-' complete satisfaction as
to the quality of fab-.
. lies, coloring, etc.
Is the only positive so- :
lution. It is difficult to
get all this in ready
made clothes. I will :
, make you a suit of
CLOTH ES or an
will embody all these
features, and you. will
,- be correctly dressed.
It Costs No More
09-10-11-12-13 Rothcluld
Bldg, cor. 4th end Wash.
back In tha game with tha aama pep.
a a
Tha Lincoln high achool team la out
for tha baseball championship ag-aln.
Tha Lincoln nlna will Una up naarly the
same aat did last season. .
nuaoal" Paturaon will ba out of tha
diamond fUM U he haa been la school
athlc-tlcs for four years.
PrOTOst, a southpaw from Tillamook,
Or., now attending achool, will ba da
ponded on to take Pat's plaoa aa tha
Peteraon, who . made . auch a great
ahowlng In semi-pro. circles, will be
back In achool and will don tha pad and
glore again.
.-. is' '
Cobb will be out of -the gam, too,
but with the many freshmen hla place
ahould be Tilled easily. , ,
Ikay Bchllt Is planning on holding
down second again, althourh Ikay la a
classy third baseman. , , ,
Tommy Btarr is captain of the team
this season and Greer la sealng bis nine
win games already. " . :
, Tha lnteracholastlo baseball season
wfll span la tha early part of April,
a a
The Columbia university team win
likely play games against' tha Taller
high Schools this season and may play
against same of the local teams.
Manager BlocH of the Cardinal squad
may take the Lincoln ball team for' a
two .weeks' trip to northern California
next season. They may also touch Ban
Francisco. ..
Manager Goodwin will have hla soc
cer squad out for practice Monday, -
The Lincoln High Glee club, with
over a hundred members, haa several
of the athletic stars In training. Tyson,
Schilt and Goodwin ara some of the
bass sinters who are stars on tha field
a . r . . - - 7
; a a -
Washington will battle with the Sa
lem high achool next Saturday on the
Multnomah f iol 4 Lincoln : and Jeff er-
son will play Friday afternoon.
The Washington team has had but
two points scored against It this season
and these were scored by tha Pacific
university team. They have scored 101
points off, their opponents.
: . .,: ;e., a . ; '"r:V:'-''
'Work on the Washington high "gym"
Is " being rushed and It is planned to
open tha building- the first of tha week.
The "gym" will ba ona of tha best In
tba city and will occupy nearly a quar
ter f a block. The building and equip,
snents will cost $100,600.
. e : V , .
Twenty players . turned out la " the
first soccer practice of tha Washington
team. ., . - .
. . a a ' . '
Waahlngton'a basketbaU team , with
Fensterra'acher aa coach, win. ba . mt
after tha ehampionehlp again. Tha play
ers who were on the quad last season
On the) left ! Dudley Clark, tha
gtar printer of the Oregon on!
versltj team two teasoni kgx. mnd
on the rifht la Carl Wolff, former
O. A. C star hooter, who will
help Clarke In pontine for the
Multnomah team thla season
Both players are atari in their re
spective position and will be
seen In action against the First In
fantry team of .yanconver next
Saturday afternoon on the Mult
nomah field. Clarke kicks i
spiral and Wolff a flopping; ball
bat one has littlentbe other for
and whs ara back again ara White, Mc
La ran, Foster, Irle and Edwards.
' a a
Portland Academy's soccer team will
be stronger than it was last season, ac
cording to one or the school students.
They have nearly tha aama squad as
last winter and with a fine turnout of
prospects the eleven expects to win the
a a
Maglus, one of tha Jefferson first
team subs, Is some football player ac
cording to those who saw the Wash
ington-Jefferson second team game.
a a
Class teams are practicing and soma
lively games ara expected when the
rivals meet.
a v' , ,.
Skin" Woodworth. castaln of tha
Lincoln track team, with McKay, Brem
ner, Tuerck and Newhoff on his list,
expects to have a fast aggregation. :
a . .. ; ;
Irwin Is captain of tha Lincoln cross
country team, and .the yell leader ex
Coach Veatch Going After the
Coast-Title With Track
' Athletes.
Coach John Voatoh of the Washing
ton High achool track and field team Is
Cut after the coaat lnteracholastlo cham
pionships. ' Veatch Is aura thai his team
will be able to . win the championship
next season and a number of the boys
have started to rut themselves In condl-
pacts to have his team gallop in ahead I tlon for tha events already,
of tha other teams. , . 1 .The Washington school haa nearly tha
Will Parade City Streets in
Fantastic Attire Next .
Tuesday Night.
Tba Lincoln UtgH School Midgets da
freted tba Reservoir Cuba eleven yester
day by Iba score af II to ta a bard
e trug la, Tba I- 11. a. Mldgats eoorad
la tl.a first minute of play, New
boff cirri ad the and for a touchdown,
Melver kicked goal Tba Mldgeia again
croaeed their opponent a gnal lias In the
nJrd quarter. Line buaks prougni tna
ball aaar the goal, when It waa finally
mil ever the Una. Tba Cuba scored In
tba third quarter after a sensational rua
by R Canter. Nawhoff sad Melver
starred for the IJocoln High ftcbool
Midgets and Worthea and Levy for the
Tha teems lined up as follows:
L. H. 8. MldgeU. Cuba.
HMelver ....C........ A. Canter
McDonald R.O L. Margullaa
Harry ....L.O. Ooosey
Oscard ...........R.T. ......... Korrell
White....' LT..... M. Margullaa,
r Had man .....T..R.B.... lake
Webber L.U........ Ooldatono
J. Mclver Q Worthea I Louis.
Graham-Harold ..R.H. ...... ...... Rica I June
Hunts I-H. LevylLoula
beaten. I ta . by tba Wblie . al
tbeugh th.y ssede owly ta-a aafattaa
aff bias. Tbara bar baa fear gessee
la which a pltrber was basis, with
Ihrea hi la ebaika4 dawn against bias.
Jim aaolt bad that essaHac eg alaa I
Detroit mm aWpiaasbar a.
Twa Qatsaae tba niid.
Wood bald Kew Tarfc la aava kit ta
eight laalaga aad Jehaeo af Waahlos
ton, sllawad Fhiieaeiphte a loaa bit la
ale Innlnga. but lhaave do not qualify
for tba reaorda. Tba low alt ras as af
tba Amerteaa league season foUeae:
Juty II. Wood (Boatea) vs. tt Lea la ,
Avgast IT Walsh (Chlcaga) va Doa-
t osn nrr oamem.
Jans 11 Coombs (Philadelphia) vs.
8L Louis .
July I Wood (Boston) vs. BL Louis.
August 1 Walsb (Cbloago) vs. De
May 4 Wood (Doe Ion) vs. Ksw To fit.
May 11 Ford (New Tork) va De
May It Toung (Cbloagr) vs. St.
II Krap
Nawhoff F.B.
(Clevelaad) vs. St.
(New Tork) vs.
The Portland Motorcycle club will
hold a motorcycle parade on Halloween
and will ride through the principal
streets of the, city dressed In all aorta
or rantaatio costumes.
The members of the club will assem
ble at thf club rooms at II Third street.
between Stark and Oak, at 7:10 o'clock.
and It la planned to have the parade be
gin at I o'clock.
All members of the club ara Invited
to take part in the apln Tueeday night
and soma very fine stunfs will be pulled
off during the evening.
Several motorcycles lighted up with
electrical bulba will ba In line, mak
ing the parade, tha first ever held fn
this city, a novel affair that ahould at
tract a rood deal of attention.
field team which did
In the Interscholastlc
same track and
auch fine work
meet last season.
The athletes that will try to win tho
championship ara McLaren, high hur
dles; Dick Grant, 10C and 220 yard dash
es; windnagie, hair mue; Wilson, mile;
Edwards, half mile; Krohn, pole vault;
Moore and Hedges, weights; Nelson,
half; McLaren, a former Salem High
school' htar,' 440 yard run; and Adams
220 yard daah. '
This bunoh : of stars will doubtless
make the other teams hustle to win the
championship ' and Coach Veatch will
capture tha honors If snergy means any'
thing. 'V;.,
Y. M. C.v A.'S T0SSERS
The T. M. C A. Basketball league
was started last Wednesday night and
three gamee were played. The- 11:11
business man. Bill! kens and high achool
teams were tha winners la Wednesday
night's play.
Tha 11:11 business men defeated tie
Cubs by ths score of 27 to IS and the
Jewish Boys suffered defeat at the
hands of the Billlkens by the score of
17 to II, after an exciting game. Tha
high school squsd defeated the Tigers
by ths score of 11 to 10.
Three games will be played eaeh
night beginning at 7 o'clock. Fifteen
minute halvea are In order. Nine teams
srs entered in the league, which will
bs continued until March 17. .A shield
win ba presented to the winning; teams.
Brooklyn Meets St. Louis. -
Ths Brooklyn Juniors will battle with
the St Johns team this afternoon In St.
Johns at .2:80 o'clock. ; The Brooklyn
Juniors ..have strengthened their team
since they defeated the East Bids club
and their backf leld - squad Is a little
heavier than the old one and a great
deal - faster. ":'':,.! . ;"
Just What You Want to Know About the Players
Name- Position.
John J. McGraw. Muninr L
Lawrence Doyle..:...,. t'pt.-2d base .
Christy Matliewson. . . , Pitcher
. T. Meyers. ......... Catcher
Richard W,- Marquard. , Pitcher .......
George R. Wlltse. . . Pitcher
Leroy K Ames. ....... Pitcher V. ......
J. Otis Crandall... Pitcher
LiOuis Lrucke .......
Arthur E. Wilson..
Grover C. Hartley..
Arthur Devlin......
Charles L. Herzor...
i red C. Merkle.
Arthur Fletcher. . ,
Josh Devore. ........
John. J. Murray....
Fred C. finodgrass. ..
Beals Becker, . ......
, . Pitcher .
. .Catcher
. . Catcher .......
.. Third base . . , .,
. . Third base . ...
. . First base ,-'
..Shortstop v.iw
..Left field .i.;.
..Right field
Center field ...
..Outfield :
(.04 (
6.01 -
6.104 173
5.11 175
6.11 '185
6.104 10
6.01 .185
6.114 161
6.07 J60
Tear of
Wt. Birth
1886 ;
1880 '
1882 . ;
170 .
f Born at
Truxton. N. T.. ...
Casey vile. 111.. . . ..Left
Kactoryvllle, Pa.... Right
-Riverside, Cal. ... .Right
Cleveland, Ohio.. -.Left
Hamilton, N. Y.. . .Right
Warren. Pa.. . . .. . .Right
Wadena, Ind., , . , .Right
Waco. Texas..., ... Right '
Macon 111.. ...... .Right ;
Osgood. Ind....... Right
Washington. D. CRlsrht-
. 1S87 . r .Baltimore-, Ma.....Ktgnt
, 1888 -Watertown,. Wis.. .RiKht
"1886 , Colllnsvllle, 111.. ..Right -'
1888 . Murray City. Ohio. Left
1885 : Elmlra N. T.. . Right
1887 Ventura, CaU . . . .Right
.1886 El Dorado, Kan, .Left
Bat- Field- St'l'n
ComelluVMcG1Ilicuddv.Manai.'er ...... 6.01 165'
Harry H. Davis First base .... 6.1 1 .1 80
Charles A. Bender:.,.; Pitcher ....... 6.02 175 -
John W. Coombs..,,. .Pitcher 6.00 180
Edward S. Plank..;. ...Pitcher 6.11 170
Harry W. Krause..... Pitcher 6.104 165-
Harry R. Morgan. .... Pitcher ....... 6.00 10
Harrr Martin. ......... Pitcher .-.....-. . I ll ' 1U
David Danforth....... Pitcher .v..... 6.00 180
Ira .Thomas. . Catcher 6.02 : 196
John W. Lapp ...Catcher 6.09 ISO
Patrick LIvlnarstOBrtrrCatcheri-; I M tan
John Mclnnes.. First base .... 6.09 160
Edward T. Collins Second base ...-6.09" 160
John J. Barry.......... Shortstop 6.09 160 -
Frank Baker .....Third baa c itu ita
Claude Derrick... Utility ........ 6.S0! 170
Briscoe Lord ....Jyeft field .... 6.09 4 180
Daniel Murphy. ....... Right field ... 6.09 181
Reuben N. Oldrlng. , , .Cnter field ... 6.10 178
Arnoa Ftrunk.. ...Outfield ...... 6.11- 165
Fred Hartsel. . . . . . .Outfield . 6.05 119
Wt. Birth i
.1905 .805 .948 19
1897 .193 .979 4
1906 .324 - .976 . 7
1906 .167 .927 0
1901 .169 .965 : 0
1903 .092 .940 0
.,.1907". .243 .967 2
1909 .090 1.000 0
1905 .288 .966 ' 6
1910 '.221 - .980 : 1
' 1901 .263 .962 ' 9
- 1907 .285 .929 48
1906 .277 ,. 986 , 46
-1908 .208 . .929 21
1906 . -.282 .919 ' 64
1906 .278 .990 ' .' 49
1908 .279 ' ,960 - 80
' 1906 .264 .973 JS
Born at -1 : :! Bats. ' Throws
'-Providence ; R. ' I.v-. .....
Philadelphia. Pa... Right Hight
. Bralnard, Minn.. ..Right - Right -1
Lerrrande. Iowa.. .Rlrht Rleht
Gettysburg. Pa. . . .Left .Left
San Francisco Cal.Left . Left
Pomeroy, Ohio. .., .Right Right -.
- Roxbury, Mass... .Right Right
Granarer. Texas. c. Left Right
Ralston. N.- X.. . . .Right Right
Fraxer. Ps,. . . ..j.Left Rlght
.Cleveland. Ohio.. .Right Rlsnt
Gloucester, Mass.. Right Right
, Millerton. N. T....Left Right.
-. Meriden. Conn.. ...Right Right.
Frapne. Md...-. . r, .Left Right
Clayton. Ga., Right . RUght
-Phltadelphla. Pa., .Right Right
Norwich. Conn.:...RIeht. Right
ivew lork N. T... Rlrht Rlrht
Philadelphia. , Pa.. .Left
Bat- Field- St'l'n
. -Left ,
Lef t
Playing ting. Ing. Bases
1883 .... . ..
1894 .196 .979 I
, 1900 .162 .985 . 2
1905 .317 .941 6
1899 '.192 - .988 ,0
1905 .262 .949 0
1900 ."..1 60 .959 0
J910 . .214 .898. 0
1910 .167 1.000 0
' 1902 .264 . .976 4
1905 ,349 .957 6
1905 .264 .979 1
1906 .321 . .969 23
1904 .356 .953 '40
1905 .255 .918 33
1907 .334 .932 36
. 1909 .133' .977 . 7
-1905 .304 .963 . 12
1900 '.833 .95 , 1 21
" 1906 ( .294 .980 21
1908 , .207 .94 13
1897 .211 .889 - 0
A pool tournament ' will be atarted
Monday night In the Bowls & Caldwell
billiard parlors and matches will be
played on Wednesday and Friday nights.
Rex Rankin, R. W. PI card, Harry Bor
dera and C F. Llstman have entered
ths tournament and 100 points will be
played each night The tournament la
attracting a great deal of attention and
soma fine matches should be played.
veV '
vs. )
vs. : i
r !l
The Multnomah team will meet the
famous football squad of the U. 6. S.
battleship Philadelphia, which Is sta
tioned at - Bremerton, Wash.,' on the
Multnomah 'field, November 4. There
ar several all-star players on ths Phil
adelphia squaa ana a rine game is ex
pected. It Is expected that several hun
dred sailors will accompany ths battla-
ehlp team to Portland when tha same
Is played, ' " ".V, y-:-'-
Mar -Form New Golf Club.
Eugene, OTJ. Oct. ' 28. Considerable
talk has been heard this fall concern
ing the reorganisation of the Varsity
Golf club, .which proved so successful
last year. , ' A canvass, to this effect.
Is being made for members and plans
are being laid for the securing of a club
house near the old Willamette street
Coster I jane 1 Fisher
July 13 rord-Breckatl (srr icrt)
vs. St. Louis.
July II Collins-Wood (Boston) vs.
St Louis.
August 7 Groom '(Washington.) va
St Louis.
August 1J Plank (Philadelphia va
8t Louie.
August 23 Morgan (Philadelphia) vs.
St Louia.
September II Scott (Chicago) vs.
September 12 Cashlon (Washington)
vs. Chicago.
October I Mitchell (8t Louis)
April-12 Vaughn (New Tork)
April 21 Coombs (Philadelphia)
April 29 Wood-Karger (Boston)
May 9 Worka . (Detroit) va. Ne
May II Powell (St Louis) vs. Was).
May If Scott (Chicago) va. Philadel
May If Laks (St Louis) vs. Waah
lngton. May 19 Harkneas (Cleveland) vs.
Washington. '
May 24 Pelty (St Louis) vs. Boston.
June 21 Morgan (Philadelphia) vs.
Washington. , .
July.6 Nelson (St Louis) va. Chi
cago. -
July 11 Whys (Chicago) va. Boston.
July 20 Lake ,8t Louis) vs. Wash
ington.'' '. ' '
July 28 Summers (Detroit) vs. Phil
adelphia 111 innings.)
August I Becker (Washington) vs.
Chicago. -'f .
August 4 casnion (Washington) vs.
Chicago. . .-. " ! - '? - -
August 14 Mitcheu (Cleveland) vs.
St Louis.
August 14 MorganXPhlladalphia) v'
Boston. ' . '; -
Sep nber 9 Scott (Chicago) vs. De
troit . ;
September is Flank (Philadelphia) .
rs. New York, w -
September 21 Krapp (Oeveuujd) TA
Washington. y
September I. Scott ; (diloaco) vs.
Boston.' ,, ...''
October 4 Works (Detroit) vs. St
Louis. 1
' According to reports from Monte Car
lo, Mlsa May Sutton, ths .ex-American
and English, tennis champion. Is to visit
the Riviera : this winter " and . play In
most ., all '- the big tournaments - there.
Managers of the tournaments at Nice
and Monte Carlo think they will be able
toynduce Mrs. Lambert Chambers, the
English champion, to play.
will be
terest centering oft this meet, as oulte
a successful event Vas held last season.
A handball, tournament will be started
about Nqvember 6 at the Y, M. C. A.
The entry list will be ready in a couple
of days, and the7 tournament will likely
run xor. a trout a month.
Y. M. C. A. swimming tournamenfV
e started about the middle of No-
r. There i, a great deal of in- s' j
Buddy Ryan, probably set up a world's
record this season . when he made 253
bits from ilarch . to October. . Ryan's
mark la 10 blngles better than the rec
ord made by Willie Keeler in 1897, when
ha batted .432 for the season. The near
est to Ryan's mark made 'In the - long
seasoned Coast league Is Truck Eagan'a
1967 record. Eagan made' 237 hits in
that season.- Another record was hung
up in the .Coast league this season ly
Walter "Carlisle; . hero of the outfield
unassisted triple play, who acored 179
runsi The greatest number of. runs
madetn the Coast league heretofore was
in 1909, by Rollle Beider. .The former
Seal tallied- 141 times. -.-"
Ooast league beAtlng-leadenr since
1907, follow: . r, . y
' r "' - G ' Ah . R II 2b 3b
1911 Ryan. Portland ..,,189 , 758 I! 231 81 14
1910 Shaw. San Francisco ....'..15S 620 6 14 in a
4909 Melchlor, San Francisco. ... 1 9S 2 Tf 206
190 siattery, Oakland .,.,.)...-. .123 s n ill u j.
1907 Eagan, Oakland ,194 7i8 96 237 . ..
Hr Sb .
23 39
t 2 24
Miller led In 1901, but played la only CO games.. Krucger tied with Shai
me, out piayea in games. -
.H09 -
r -