The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 39, Image 39

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    rut pit r sow sl'z.oay joiioiai, rorm-ANn. Sunday uokhikq. cctobeb t. mi
Famous Fighter Says Modem Ring Followers Want Old-Time Milling
Betters tr.e Rcrd Uiit ty
Jack icMioJi and Uiiv
- Dirr.;':a.
Fcrty-sm.i A PUjH
In Afnencxn leases Yt an
Uux5 Sects ,
Cwiwi M tk I l lJU4
keu. Mm.
It k-M
i uiiuaa M 4 m a r
I. m Mfcarf" l.a4H MeM
ri t.., wa , m m
la aM ie I "e
ar I. .aiikv IM derf ef M
HI ae 4 IM .l.4 at 11 IM
ft li A . lea
! a k, M4 IM .
111 Wee !F It
eeajee U - Se 4
sr r-a T
ai t all., it a r w Me e- ' 1 1 e .1
laa IM aj 4a a IM ell
I I I I 1 I I 1 V" "V I'M W I It f I V 1 1 1 r I ,r I s M XX 1 I M II XIV
1 V V-
, t l M a. ee, T J
I Ml If l ... ' e.
iet .! I r Tk4 eeJl e
tMl a is fret II
re I e a- TV. Wje
s rvM a. . Uk II -
, . fcaal IV V. Jle eVie. II M m
. iiw t a ,n iri aa ft4 I Mfc4 M
eeeate X II M L t f
till MM!
4'ti i lte it ciei4 ft
! It-. II. -iWei ft.
Ae.ct 1 1 Xi4 at Ijmi 4,
May fiweiatl li. t4 -stay
.lAlUiaU II. e Teak
Mar ft . It. I
May 1 -4 "aba a 1 1. UtiUtHM 4
Mr I I t-aiieaib l. Laai I
kta II si II. fewU II l
Mar II. Trt 4.
Mef le-41W4 It, T ft.
Mar U-xl II. ft.
Ma lJ-Ue'ak 14. ImfwH It
Mar 1ft fklWAeitki II. t"Wia4
Mar It L Lnu II ft.
Alar IKtMtM It WaJ ft
im l -s.twe!aai It. ob
It ft
lllftM It Hm4I ft.
lomi It f.
ft falieAsleaU li. Ust
U.Wuil It 4L tt
lb lM4re( It Ckla- It
tackiest It fC LmI ft
Jr tft r&iteaUtM. It Wektf
I t
Jalf I rkSiUMgXU It WmIi
Jalf 1 Dlrlt 14, CWvaaead 1
Jsly ft Derl It Cielas4 ft
Jsly II thrall It ril4elpkl ft
July 11 Nw Tek It I-' I
Jsly Ift nvl4 It Ka T ft.
Jalf lft rtkllaftaiekla It . t
Jalr Ift IWtrell It f.
July lft Waahlafl It Dra4l ft.
Jalr II Oi loafs It N Tart ft.
Auf. 1 Dai rail It. rti0a4alphU ft.
An, T L Luta It WMblato ft.
Aaf 1ft Naw Trk It trr!l t
Aus. Ift WuhliUM It Datrvlt t
Ami Ift ITiUa44rMa It Dtroll t
BT 11 PhlUdalpbU It Nt
7rk t
IUpL la Oalaa4 Ift. Nw Tork ft. 1
ftVpt. It Boatoa II, SL lula t
HPl. ! ITlladlphU It lrtH I.
8Tt II Trk It l Uul II
Or I. diktat) It L LMtla t
Oct ft CI. Uoula IT. Da troll t
I Alar Ift
f Ja ft.
f Mmmm ift
I Jaaa II
Laad la tloorwaJJipr.
Ororr Ind. lh formar CIvU4
catchtr. who waa aaat to lha 81 Paul
duh. la a floor walkar In a bis SI. Paul
tor. Urovtr la a racular bau brum
mal In tha atara and no ona would arar
know that no plarM tha national paa
tltna In tha lunnir,
1 MX To ii
i WeU I
i Dressed I
" - :ou khoiUd Know .Wkara to H '
i Qo . Ft
Ray .
i Barkhurstu
11 la tha rirrt Tailor for Ton J
I J to Baa. Thar aro Xany - El
La n ' rii Fl
4 reasons wny n
it . Van aami-v .,. Pi I
R a v" v l
OOtl0lf. -l
cotttn 3 un-tsi)
TVal liat Uuj IVa l4a
ft a44 akrMa ar Ua iu - l ai
a4 t-a a U.'1 a4 laa at
4l aaMWai. - M
iwiui a a,i aiiaia
tvnaMt w uk w a ' it 4
ia K T ftaf -aaiaj lal
ta aavaaa ft awi !
rttaa4 rta aaaata aaa
af (Ao tUMiiaa i.ta a4 a Aft
rlaUL Ul M U tU 111
44ta4a) avf I La on4a4 " W aM
ar tar l aiinaU ''m1h
lata aw oJalfvaa IM Kw
Ma WHA llVatr IfHM"
II will aaWJaa aaa HO ai pa
( tft akr a fat a IM
I aaai.rait ftl ' ralNiU'
bio bam ana of la.a iaaffVfla IMI bfs
batAfl a la ft abowl II la laa 44 MM
baai IM rUbl ft 4a t ba
ra4 ft Ma4 of aWfMiir otptnlfa
a axtaaana la IM a
lack Ibaa IM la l Iba ) '
Taar aSu.aa I ar IMI IM
I aUr nbl ara a4 m aa4
aa IM Ola 1 1 ara. bvl M immii l
lrk (ka b ill of IM boa
rtaaT kWtovr II r tft lar ak la
ofMr ra 4 a. Nlaa r Wlaa woulft
aaa4 llllio iIum aala( fallowa Iim
McAalirta. IXio. lrtaa a aft Ikh
aaftar Ibo alft alila. abla Ik.lf ofax
alra abllllr aM t.KK'fl prvar.aa wl4
carry Ibaas lbratift U araocal lalla
Va raaloaik aTrar.
Hfim la tha faaMvark llol ma 4a
Jim Carbatt ramouar" aaka Traear
Xoaa a4 aa la I ha aaraJablp of
Toaaa Orlffo a4 Iho wafllnraa of
Joo Ua-aa a aft IM afoul baartadaaoa of
Uacar Uardaar. Tbara Uo a fraaanl
oaf Miar aalaaa It la I "a car M-rbrta4
Ibal ioaiaaa.a Mr oaa or Ihaao aan
tlal raqnlraoiaaib la a flral rala boi.r.
11 waa rraal to aa tha fnotorork of
a of our boot boxer a aa they workao
ataa " ii l . w aaaCaW aaT -af BaT I w V 4 SVB1. . ! -4 :J . - WW - -V T "nW 1 F" T laaaaV' ft W
tVw-mt: ouuisict, ..;X VJL-J-r ft-14.-.
. k aJb m A I ff r I w Vv
- .. a iirr NU. w.
la front of aa opponent, foin la anft
out af ellacboa. Not mora lhaa ona
or two blowa wara orar atmrk In a
ollack: now rn baa olebt or laa baforft
tha rofaroo part tha man, ' That la ona
raaaoa wbr tha bosln ama la In baa
odor In mort of tha atataa of tha anion.
Undar tha old atria a tour waa raraly
oto. tAAUAa aiifttiMj Htftti rvo-
yK af f
j i v v r t jt i. i m m. i ar a
hurt Mad faw traaaltorr Vraloa.
la IM oUl oar a fta-bior 414 Ml
aal I gal lot a cliiwh uaUaai it waa
acai.arr to protacl bUoaaif It ota aa
mpaMia: kaocboot ar raiaa bka Imm
aticiti for Moaaaaurr raat. Tfcat waa
oaa of IM rtiaM iiri inua nil
rul4 boa with ouch ahtll aialnat
biar man. II amitd alar oada al
frini and lab aatll ha wot had an ooon
Inc for a kaanrr blow. Now all a bl
man haa to da la I Una a tha anallar
aiaa la lh rnnrnar ojm m la o
Juat about turhd ot J ark Dampaay
aa navar afraid to mt any on wiui
11 pounda of hla wlm. and Jack
MeAallffa and Twill Orlffo and Paw.
aon and Joa liana ard tba Mt oC thara
mm mratln mei weighing from Ift lo
I pound blr. why 1 know of lit
tla (iMr Oardnar. a jantam. maatlnf a
bit tlcht haavywala-hi and ttlnf away
with bin. Of roar lh blf opponent
not cIimi, but a ran at that you
bata to ad m Ira Oordnara aorr. Whra
III you find a boiar now who would
fight all tlma a waak Ilk Gardner
aad to. Wkar tha avaraga bosar today
Tba unofficial batting ararogaa for th
1111 Pacific ocaat Icagua araaon anew
.H.lna Haltmullar, tha big right flrldar
I of tha Loa Angalra m, and formerly
of tha nalttmore club, of the Eaatern
league, aa the nominal leading hitter
with an average of .141. Ruddy Ryan,
itha Portland renter fielder, la right
I fully entitled to the honora of leading
bataman. aa he played in nearly eery
gam, while Heltmuller-vaa a member
of th Ixia Angelr aqifad but a llttl
over two monliia.
Howard Mundnrff, the former Nick,
batted well for the two work he played
with th 8eaJ. and flnlahed the aeaaon
with tha average of .3:6.
. Twelve better flnlahed tho aeaaon
over tho .100 mark, an unusual occur
rence. Ryan waa the only batter in
tb Portland aquad above that mark.
Log Angelen, taUcnderH, had four bat
ten over th mark, including i'ltcner
Drlacoll. Madden,- tho former San
Francisco outfielder, waa In the' exclu
sive clasa, working himself up to that
mark after lie had been released by .the
Seal management.
The Villager have four men above
the mark, while Oakland nan but th
uspended outfielder, Maggurt, In the
elite. Tledemann la but one point under
the mark. Ban Francisco li represented
You see the largest selec
tion of high grade woolen on
the Pacific coast.
Eighteen hundred different
styles, no two alike Just
what you want.
Over 10 tailor at work
8t above our store.
The volume, of business Is
rur method thereby , saving
Vou at least 110, If not f 20..
on your Suit or Overcoat.
I bay ' more woolens than
ny 1 other five tailors I
Portland paw ; spot. caslj,
herefor making my
Large lftscountyflly ttolns
Just out of e high rent
iBtrict, at the cjrner of Sixth
rd Stark,; - '-u' ' i ' -'
The only popular price tall
't that ' makes all his own
vurk, thereby saving you all
he money I possibly can. -i
Wy lining and my trim-,
linss . are the beet 'that '
- loney cari buy. y ' .
I replace Jseo of charge If
"lev ever wear out. '
5iiit or Overcoat
$22 or $60
it or Overcoat Made ia
E ay If - Xecessary . '
The 'Tailor
Corner Slxt Ml CUrk Sta.
Warner, Portland. ,
Oaddy. Sacramento
Raw lings, Vernon
Pavls, Lo Angeles . . . .
Williams, Sacramento ,
Carrttran. Sacramento . .
Heltmuller, Los. Angeles
Stewart. Vernon
Jtyan, Portland ......
Mundorff, San Francisco
Stinson, Vernon .......
Maggart, Oakland .,
Brasnear. Vernon ......
, Bernard. Los Angeles ..
Driscou. Los Angeles .
Patterson, Vernon .......
muure, ijv aiik . ..r
Madden. Sacramento
Tledemann, Oakland. . .
Zacher, - Oakland . . . . .
Wolverton. Oakland .".
Daley, Los Angele . , . .
Carlisle. Vernon
McDonnell, Vernon
Flater, Oakland .........
Powell. San Franclsoo . .
Johnson, San Francisco
Dun rip. Sacramento .. .
Shliin, Sacramento . . , . .
Hobo, Vernon ..........
Lindsay, Portland ......
Hofman, Oakland .
Hasty, vernon .........
Hollnrul, Ban Francisco
Xraa-ar. Portland
weaver, Ban rancisco
Hltt, vernon
In th clasa by Mundorfffwho played a
brief period.
Tha baiting palna of KaneTtodger.
Chadbourae. Kuhn, Hasty and Peckln
paugb ware the feature of th oloalng
wanks of tha leagu rae. Rodger,
when ha returned to the game after be
ing out for about two months, batted
like a fiend and brought himself from
below tb .169 mark up to an avarag
of .11. Chadbourn and Pecklnpaugb
both pulled up In fin shape.
Carlisle of th Vernon team, leads
tha league In run getting with 111
run to his credit Shlnn I aecond with
141. and Patterson of th Vernon team,
la third with 114. Artie Krueger leads
the two base hitter and Carlisle th
Buddy Is credited with II home run
swats, although It I aald ha made
mora r
Cutshaw of th Oakland team, wu
the leading base atealer of th league.
The Oakland speed merchant atole 89
bases during the aeaaon. but waa 10
bases below the mark sot 6y" Rollle
Zelder, the former third baseman of the
Seals, In 1909. Ware lead the sacri
fice hitter.
Tho unofficial individual average for
the past season are: ,
eouwYirUNCr vi-tr urT To oDY.
figbl 111 ball laa la Ma earear. Oar.
oT fought Marly II ll la Ihta la
figbilag ibal hortaa Iba tumrt ef
bora and maka I barn chary of gain
let IM ring far a tt-nuB4 boul
pfiener llian eca a month
Waal C4rr Week,
bell a lh ring follaaare warn lo
aM rlrvar work Inalaad af Iba brullah
elblMtlona that have ben gln In
lh laal decade. Tb fearful hammer
ln( ibal Jim Klfon gav Carl alorrie
In Nrw Tork finally opened Ike ryea
of the fans aod lb aatborttlea and
Mlenad their decleloq lo abolish In
fighting. The Engllkh elyl of fighting
1 what Is aradad In A mar Ira. Outald'
of MrParland none of our Amerl-n
boaera will attempt th game abrvad.
Bat Nelaou never went lo Kngland b-
cauae ha knew the British rrferaa
would dlaquallfy him. And TH wager
yog thai Ad Wolgaat wilt never fig lit
abroad, while ha holds lh title.
"Where tha old fellow used to us
lh brain In their hed to defeat
their opponent, the present day crowd
uaa th bona In their akull for th
Mm purpoaa. It used to be a gam of
hit, block and gat away, but now It
I a eontlnual butting with, the head and
fuslladr of body blow started from
Inside aa opponent' guard, both, con
trary to (he spirit and letter of thi
Marquis of Queensherry rule.
"There waa nothing prettier thaa th
footwork of Jim Corbett. tha nimblest
borer, big or little, that ever stepped
Inside tb rope. Toang Orlffo wa so
great a judge of defense and distance
that ha would tell you where he waa
going to hit you nest and get away
with It, too. There never waa a cleverer
blocker than Orlffo.
Smpr d Ploar.
Jack Dmpaey was a pioneer among
American box era in th use of the
Straight left. He would shoot it out
with unerring skill and then leap bark
out of your way when you started to
counter. And it waa a wicked blow
that Jack had, for it Invariably landed
on th chin. Jack had a fair amoant
of footwork, but he waa hot spectacular
In. It like corbett. Corbett waa always
working hla feet and when he had you
worried to death ho would slip over1
UU dlWK,
lTxS0 lkT
a kft book or a right crv imi wi4
make a aaaa groggy I've actually
kaowa ef aa opoAel grwwlag im
trying I heap twft of Oarbetl
-CorWM alwaya feygbt rlaeer. TM
ftiitr lima I aver aaw blea wbea he threw
Kir nee to tha winds wee la Ma Jack
sonville, ria. fight with Charlie Milch,
ell. Mitchell elaag CwrMII In Ibe
mouth In Ibe flral round and II made
Jim M hot thai M sailed rlgM lata
Mitch aad flnlahed blm la tha fourth
round Had ( orbed ban la IM Mme
condition In hla ubaqoaot flghla aa
ha waa acalnel Mllrbetl nobody la the
world would have betea him.
"John U Hulllvan waa not a god
foot worker, but ha had a terrific right
hand punch, which Invariably followed
hla straight left. It waa Cor belt's foot,
work Inat daaed Uulllvan more than
bla blowa.
TM Clever Mas.
"Oo light down lh Mm and oount
tha clever men that were boalng al
tha Mme time and eee how tho Hal
compares with tha clever fellowa boxing
today. Now wa have AM Allen, rarky
McFarland. rr addle Welch and Mall
Wella. Then ther were Jim CorMtt.
Tommy Ryan. Jack O'Brien, Kid Mo
Coy, Ian Creadon. Jo Choynekl. Char
lie Mitchell. Jerk Pempary. Joe uod
dard, I'eler Jackaon, Alf Greenfield.
Young Orlffo, Oeorge Dixon, Joe nana,
Oeorg Lavlgne, Geore Dawaon, Tom
my Whit, Jack McAullff.
TheM war men who originated a
method of attack or defense. Jack
Burke waa one of the flrat to use th
left hook and others Improved upon It
Th straight left waa used In tha Mac
"Then ritaslmmons sprung his left
shift, sweeping wide with his left and
sinking his right In tha pit of th stom
ach, most commonly known as ths solar
plexus. Stanley Ketchel uaed a variatlo"
of Fltrs shirt, but ne usually aiariea
It from the right eld, mining pur
posely with hi right and coming back
with hla left.
Kid McCoy Introduced a 'porkervr
punch, but It was never used generally.
McCoy was a good arm a length fighter
and that la the reason he waa able
to beat so many heavy men, for It was
-ih. a .. et4 im i
ait. ftaaiiad I lJ WTMe
U 'e- M a4 a.
! ea a -ee im !
lie MM
il.tit tiave IVaaa m IMI IWl a4
M lied ' IM Ul
la M.I IM m lie I
ffaa MM M M 4U le III Ul
ll a Ika .iwi He a4
lam kaMMJB aM Htur Ual'aa
aj ilk Ilia VI. I eM 1 weaaeMd
u .aa aM inlMiij IMas
iu a- Vt4 amies I
IM aidaeia aa.4 w.fl H,
aM Mirta la ll as eH II a.
UitoHNi MM ef Kratla
a t.aMatal l'Mrrel refea)
r ii .nible fer a a ef IM
kvJr Mle IIIH a M a
la,ri f'waiiie al Ike Ma4a r
ailw KM Ml knem er Ad weigaai.
M la r waiaa IMa yteiaM la aia
aiiafc m IM klAMi. M la raevfy r
M Mavitel rv M Men M
aa eaxa far weeks frees a fikl Ma
IM h'4e el Meameeed, I '
eld 4a biexk ry r Mwlaad lift
im eilet ef daaMge.
BOly aemlU Ckiana.
Jal Iblak vf wMI aJaagkle1ag
atllly Heall wauld Ut IMay If M
ere la IM rood 1 1 lo af It year a
aM faolag te Ul era welter
middle Snslih aa enitM!y IM
rougMat ana a IMI eC crawled beawaadl
I he b.eaa. eaM a Mror la IM My
ef clean kUUa la IM ellacM. TM
y IwaglM Ml ba WMld d mw
ere M toe stniia or ina iw.
I am ntlgblr ft'ed I e IM Kew
York rosimlaaloaers UgUtala agalMI
the billing la ibe clli h aad I am
aura thai wa must rvvrrt to lb old
elrle of boitag again Hh ail ef US
skill In billing. blocklTig and fool woe h.
feel sure IMI the game will com
mand s higher reaper! from ihoen Ik
Inside and on Ike outalde of II with lb
new conditio. f things"
Fine Johnny Xltbane. th Clevelnd.
Ohio, scrapper, defeated Jo River aod
PrankU Conley decisively, ling fol
lower from almost every part of Ik
country are beginning to wonder whelk
er tha speedy Irishman has a chance
agalnat Abe At tell, th title bolder.
Prevloua to hla first meeting with
Rivera, Kllbsne was never looked upon
aa a topnotchar. although he did meet
Attell and gave the champion aa awful
run for close decision.
First 100 to 1 Shot.
For th first time in racing history,
o far a any one ran remember, a horse
at Churchill Downs paid 10ft to 1 for a
place recently. It la th parl-mutuel
pool that mad such a condition possi
ble. The race wae a maiden affair, and
would have been regarded by bookmak
ers aa so open that 10 to 1 for a pise
of -the 11 starter would have been lib
eral. Carlton Club, a I year, old bay
gelding, aent to the post for the first
time by his owners, who. It is said, did
not pike In him, waa ths horse.
it4eav-e v.i'we l-e
I u ad ' mi M.e I '"1
IM Swrfaewl eee ed al' ''
ate I J I I e -
la,l ed lUI Ml. t W l I .
a IUnil e . MiM
U.i Tm ij -' a
laaaAaid eai IM eeflb of . M.
Iw mj M e ,
faia iae aM 'e
tMMt ae. 11 la. a M aeeieas,
m aa 'eai rww
.1 l. ad aaal ta. l M4
a ii via seie IM re
M llaii4ak.
Ja Jaae. IM iut. WW M
eeM al I sil I'M l
ae eev ! .1 e-M ia wuai tee
pae ed IM '.in eltUalee saiat,
w ua ba ' if i-d IM g fal
tai ef re. ) M
M M Ul ill! Wka
Mia all. a e ia.g 111 gla
aae'vie C liud e aajr
kiae:r aav -klaa-- t-laaee-f
It Ueaeav m4 IMV afUr a sakMl
ral. M rM-"4 kleMaeif aa. ftlr4.-
It llM uatM I IM !
f IM Marker ! M Ma Mr
I.MM1I fee IM Ml law year.
l.llagta a ee4 Ia1 rd eavM
aa . iriir f IMS, lie.
Hieeil f ISMS. U. re III r.t
aev II. elreesib Mt. Ill paejade.
iimiM f le. Lttl as. reaklk
af ridM reread av tl. alreagtk f left
fwaarea, 11. e4retk ef iiert aad sp
a' a III!
TM espavHly ef IM ! ll Ml ia.
Uded I IM Ia4l rackeatteg. WMw
haa flrM at added V IMf gte
14 al tt I. Ill I pal L r. It, U1U la
d M IM el reef 1 !. W1I Lie
. . st ..a staaei
paaaiai W I Uardlaar inir. wiw i.ia
pertaie. aad It B. Oardaar fauna, witk '
Ll solais
Montreal will 1M Its raster leaf
Maaball fraaclJee unlee lea ar in
ana lur over lift each I tb cld maa-
aeenet.t la I Hum for eMO Ttooas.
i.aa Llchteaheln. waer f lh fraa-
chlaa. dropped svrJ thovsaad dollar
lai lha basabaU aewar imi eeaeo iry
log I furnUfc m amusement for tb
bom crowd 4 aw ba wants to sr.
lb color of th Canadian money b
for h lams down a offer to switch
bis team t f th large etem
citlM f the foll4 Utatea. "If ther
aren't tt fans la Montreal who ar
prepared t pay U tot a eo of
rlaaa A Mil. then It's tlm we movad
th franchise" la the way 4am my fig-
re It ut
Manager Bob Levy announce that ths
fall mealing of tb Jamestown Jockey
club, beginning November I, t continue
until November Ift. will b tb biggest
ever held In ths south. Purse ranging
from 140ft to 1 1 loo will be offrd, and
horeemen from all over th world will
b here. Prom preeent indication, ns
says, all of th 700 atall at th track
will M filled. Th atables to b rpre-
eented at th moating Includ thOM Of
Jam R. Keen, August Belmont, 8am
Hlldrath. 1L P. Wbltny, R. T. Wllaon.
Jr Captain E. B CMaatt. xnomaa r
Ryan. P. 8. P. Randolph. Thoma Clyde. .
Peverwyck Stables. Jams Row. Wil
liam Oarth and other. , ,
Journal want ad bring resulta
........... .238
-.ii 742
A of .
9m I :
a. e e e a e
. .,677
' ..522
" f ..
kMohler, HSak Francisco ,
Dillon, Los SAngelei. . .
Xukn, Portland
Mahoney, Sacramento
Van Buren,-Sacramento ,..
Burrell, Vernon ...... r. . . .. . . . ...... . . .
Ross, ' Vernon . .
Vitt. Sa Francisco . , . , i , , . ...... . .
Boogars, Portland
Jtapp, Portland . . . . , . . : . ... , ., ......
Schmidt. : San Francisco . . . . . . . . . .-.
Metzger,'- Los Angel e" , . ............ ,
Kern, Sacramento
McArdle, San Francisco ...;....,,
Dulin.- Sacramento-Los Angle
Cutshaw, Oakland .............. .. .
Pearre, Oakland ...i..
Cliadbonrna, Portland i.......
Kane, Vernon
,.. 71
k . . 1 90
O'Rourke. Sacramento ................. 1
Mosklman, San Francisco : ............ 124
Thomas,; Sacramento ..... ........ . .622
lxber, Los Angeles ........209
Patterson, oaklarwl 12
Pscklspangn, Portland .......... i ... .706
Delmas, Los Angeles . ............ .J78
Cram an, San Francisco 44
Csstleton. vernon .....................
Oreenwood. .Sacramento ............. g
Fltihenry. Low Angeles ' 4
Toser. Loe Angeles .................. 32
Howard,. Los- Angeles ............... .141
. .......
i i.s iinmmSm f IM
8 1 .') 0 1 0 0 0 .87911 ilgV I U7 X JX af . W W fl 1 4 1.1
3 o o o o . o .376 IV.IVL7' V oSFil ' - V r , U-'BflT im
2 10 2.1 1 4 14 6 .843 l VI IT IfeiCt J OsT JLllfcrt fill
' 2,4,9 4 9 .337 V Jzt4!L 4?V IsCOff till M stJ-kA
123 209 34 7 13 81 ' 11 .'111 : 'Jfllfl
134 225, 44 S; 8 18 17 - Ctol ' v JJ ' LITiJiIMIS'V mUiWTL'll
90 197 1 ' 7 V 4 -IT ' 11 i' .300 i JJ fefl II -V ' iWiiH AY "
, 44 128 17 , 8 -614 10 .299 f- I - , 1 lfrii& ,r
72 189 33 ' 5 ' 8 17 ' 8 .298 C-foI I V I KisnKU
'47 144 15 3 12 , 8 11 ,298 MY' i ill tilfiX ' '
101 218 2 11 6 84 35 .294 ill , 1 ' I MkSsW i
179 239 tft 17 17 45 16 ' .291 . . 4; I I I . 1 '
64 150 21 5 I 18 14 ,290 , f . 1 I'M 'T .
9 2 3 1 1 1 1 ,289 I ' 1 i 'I . V --
90 194 20 5 7 12 18 .287 . ft I , : I hlflL.
16 46 12. 1 3 .8 5 .288 M ta.lB ill I I Hi, J I Bk J
93' 226 . 88. 13 16 : 15 11 .285 111 Kjll I I fJftW
141 220 40. 9 6 65 .18 .284 IR f-Ki 11' '111 t3k
70 , 147 20 6 1 11 17 .283 ' - Wi , i3 U
22 61 7 1 1 14 .283 . T" I ; ' flSJll 11 f ' .
106 216 10 I 41... 11 .282 - !ilL 4'i iwUlMeiftPffl
, 5 11 0 10 1 .282 . ?rZtS"" l"Vl eTOn t'v' ;
23 67 ' 6 0' ' 'I t T .280 -: -! . Mll ?Tj III Iffff "-
87 ' 189 36 7 28 26 .278 1 m' l H ' !' 'Pi '
9 27 I 0 2 5 .278 - ' , it 'III W$l ' t '
74 ' 163- 22 2 ' 0 21 80 .276 . . . - V.llWt W XMll ,
' 62 162 li r- f 15 23 .273 ' ' llilVi 11 1 liilll 1
32 94 9 '4 1 11 8 .878 v . AftuAt H II
"57 141 19 8 13 : 5 13 .27; ' ' . l w. U ;f
71 177 20 6 0 17 16 .273 ViVlf I 1 WHUi 1
70 191 22 -1.1 18 31 .271- , VtVil! i")ij '
43 85 7 3 0 14 25 .270 &-m ,f)ll '
; 63 '109 '12 2 1 10 H .289 . ' - 1 ' ' ' ' ' '
' 46 101 17 X'.'4 I 15 8 , .268 . n 11 tf'
84 18.1 85' 6 ' 1 80 f 25 .267 ' . NV.l 11 1 wVt0- -r!
27 89 8 0 0 IS .267 ' i 11 j l -
93 . 193 26 5 ' 1 84,13 .867 , ' 1W H 1 ' ' . J
s ii ii i i i .267 m In. ' - . ,
98 180 26 8 I 18 . 46 .263 , 13' ll r i
27 60 5 1 0 7-6 .263 ' ' fl I ? , . 1 .
84 25 20 2, 8 89 ' 15 .261 , . AM h i " .Wf - I.
22 70 "7 04 4-7 .261 VS I 'L ' -l.f'J.
81 ' 806 -,'24 4 0 47 . 26 .260 1 . I iT I !.
82 114 20 11 I .40 S .269 ,t5J P ,M I a'
11- 2 "4 0 1 1 2 .258 , k&tfoP
57 158 19 7 ..ft It 11 .25J " . ' E"
18 63 , 6 ' 6 1 .4 ft .263 - . ff,
: 11 . tO 1 ' 1 0 4 4 .252 ' . -fey? , .-'
'86 -178 II 11 I II 7 '.252 Pm'Ji f '
43 146 17 - 6 M 11 14 .261 - V : '
- 3 ' 11 ft. ' 0 . ft ft' . ft . .25 --SVjf '
4 84' ft tl I t .250 ," Ijr'a -
;-t ' -8" 1 .4-.:, 4 V ft .256 ' -kaw-. :
1 1 . 4 ,i 0 ft .254 OcgJTrtgktHartSobattnar Mars
I - 41 0 ft 2 li .2S0 w"s-.
II 163 25 It ft II 11 .250 amwawswawswawawsBBBawawswawswrn
Hart Sckaffner
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