THE OREGON SUNDAY jOUft.'IAL fOKTL AND. lUllDAV MORiUNO. OCTO Jlt tl. IU SPORTING ' DOI NEWS. CD FROM Eh3 ALL Immia SECTIONS BASEBALL HUB BIG STRIDES IN 41H OF CEIIW WORK ON SUD IN sir SOON GOOD NIGHT! DOUII -SliffiS FOR IHTERCtUD FUYBtS 10 GIVE SMS M'CfiEDIE; MEET OH S0 Hemes Tanty-.Ii Years Aqo Tctal Beaver Maonafe Returns From Boicrs and . Wrestlers -Art fVit.TexTi Men Rc.'csated to Rece pt cf World's Cham East With Practical ideas TraWnj for Honor ot Rep Scabs In Effort to Put FjQhtina Spirit Into Varsity FcoMI Eleven. pjonih.p Series Were Less for Portland's New Baseball resenting Muttnomah Club Than Plajer Males Today. Park; Order 6000 Chairs. Acalnst Seattle Wov, 17. eo a nm al . ;! t mm I I i i i V,1 r m. i m . .... t f... M 1 . . ..... r kll . . . J . ... - L. II. .IHI l 1 I . - - ' " - . ' " ! uMlla la 4 mt iu a,.w . - - .. eitak - u.... itl rw ta lnw m la bm.4 I., r44 r 'v tl a UIM I'jm at .(. M -i w nis4 r.-i i gV I lry ( Mtu it r-va . ----- ' r ' a- w . & r y - t av v ... . . . w, t 1111 ArM waei " ia met la I ir ra af, aara4 inti mt Ml af H Ha mi la 4taa a. w Wa. ka tra . I :a lor rra yaaa. aliarMllag la.aaj L LU w4 Cfck Tii a4 Ik Haas la ! IKa la la llll!. aa4 taaai raara II all lilt.. Ill I. ka laial aaiowai to far tfca all aM af laa rarl CI la at a" !!. Mia aatlaa. Owl of I Sal amaJI forluaa, INa aUyara aa iba Itra rluba aUI IUI. af vairk ar ral aai ta ' a Iraara a4 la IM ataaa. Kaca aw tf h -Mia4!hU Urra realva4 lltttll. vaJia aara aaa af Iha Uuaia t IUHII far ata li a ar Mora llaa all Ib rwln If raara am ia lilt, InHommg m diapaia avar ha artaa af Mil, kicb aooad la a ita. tba Iva rluba-dartdad lo tlay for lha rhanplaitihta oa a 1aaarlaJia-ll baaiau Ta Hrowaa took half af laa llt.tja a, ar l Ml. which m 41144 among- iha It raraa af lha laa, vlrtoc aarb anabar 1118, which waa col ao bad for lhaa 4a r a. Chria Voa dr Aha. lha club vwaar. porkaia4 lha rat Tha Chi-c-oana rvaa b4 la pay Ihrir awn ri MBaafc Baiatff Tari4. rro at llti lha raoalpU ar14. Ia HIT. II asea aUotl4 lha baaabaU po ala !!. Ia lift tha rM-lpla vara I1I4II. whna In tha folowing yaar ihry war a IIMII. Tha Tampla ctip awriaa la 1114 and llll ll,0 and 111. Tla. raapacUraly. - Thar war no ir from llll to HOt. Tha Amarloan leama waa or anla4 la Itoo, and tt raqulrad a coupla f yaara for tha two orranliatlona. lha A marl ran lrarua and tha National laacua to rot tocatbar. Finally In 1(01 tha two laafuea play ad It out and Uoaton of tha Amaiioana dafaalad Ilttaburff of tha Nationals. ' From that yaar tha rlral eluba, tha attaadaaoo and raoalpu follow: ; CI aba. ' Attandanea. J o Boiton ra. ntta- burr 100.121 If 94 No aarlaa playad. 1106 Gianta va. Ath laUea . 11.711 llai Whlta Box ri. Cuba y 11.141 1107 ChlcatV ra. Dt- trolt 71,061 108 CWcaro Ta. D- trolt .II.ZIZ ra and la aaUM wUt a!aa4 vaaa) f m mi j tnM ta p tt far a IM faal ar a la rUhi n.U. wfckh wiu rvaaariad wl'.b la nikl mui n14 iiir ay a brl4a foor faal la wuih. HMla la Chtcara Jmif McCr4ia taa a coairan fwr lha furauhUg of ira enaira. jtf Ka t'raoclac frfe belda tnaey aa lha ra-w fm ArW i.ra iia pairotva T at about ! paopia. rort win b tha abaaoa af all pool acM aoa row. flaoad tl faat apart to aupport iha roof. At taaal boita will ba prarldad. n aalraar will bo mada to tha graadataad And biMrton, and four lick I offleaa will supply tha faaa. Tha antraac to tba taraatllaa will bo ao arraairdTlhat tbara wtu ba crowding al tbo galaa. Wblla la tba aaat Judga XcOadla lnqalrd alar tha playoro rortlaad drafiad from lha Trl-Htaia laagva, a ad ba aaya that rlr and WrvJl ar lool- d aa coming wondara. iudga McCrdl had aa a fallow tra. alr non olhar than tha groat Cy it . J7A lHr?rriZiC m ioa . m w m r s . . r a l vri n v II I v,i vn Dl ih .s, 1 ! 1 u'miMfrvs a 4 . l j r i H I owaaaiaBvMBK .i a, or w. - w k a iiwa !. 'ai M.if ia -t.ti w iLa sl Graduate Manager System Is lilted at Varsity Geary Trying to Lift Debt From Student Body Wllb tha adopUoa of tha gradual a manager aytlaaa al tba Valvorolty of Orogoa, all of tbo eeafaroaxw oollagaa af tha Dorlhwaal and taaford and Barkalay aa wall, bar laa aaava fona of aaporrlaloa of atadonl body affair. In aacb ooUago or aalvaralty aoa waa. iwaya aa alumaua. la latruaud with tht handling of lha laa ma. lha blrtag of Toung. tha wufnral of baoaball. who got ooacbaa. tha buying of aupptlaa. Ina ar " Ch VM ? raoglag of achdulaa. and lha autaaga- Klgin. Or, with tha tonlaadar. Young haa a brothar who la aogagad la farm log at Elgin. Cy aaya bla pitching arm la good for a eoupla raor yaara with Boaton. and aftar that ba la thinking of oorolng out to Oragoa to ut. Racotpta. 10,000 1I0 Plttabura r. Do- , trolt 145.206 Ilia At blot lea ra. Cuba 114.221 llll Athletics va. Ol v. anta 171.111 tios.tso 11)1.721 t 94.171 lilt. 102 tl7t.H0 1142.111 HOLLADAY HANDBALL FINALS THIS WEEK - Play In Multnomah's handball tourna ' ment for the Ban Holladay cup con tinued throughout tha week, and aeveral flna matchca waro pulled off. It was hoped to have the finals played In tha early part of .the week, but the prelim inary games will not be completed until Thureday night, when tha aeml-flnals will ba commenced. The finals will likely be played on Friday night UNKSAND JEFFS F 0 tm M Y Crack High School Eleven Will Settle Differences on Multnomah Field. What looka 11 Ira one of tha bast games hi. a!..oJ X Tin- bll for di "ch thinks .oily of bis own this aoakon Is tho bill for Friday after-1 kr..nh f .ihi.n man l of all game. coocrts, daacoa, and 4abatas In which bis college lo financial. ly concerned. Nominally, at least, tba graduate manager la under tho control of aa aUUetlo council or board of con trol compoeed aaually of a mix tar of atudent and faculty mam bar. Three boards bare tba choosing of tho gradu ate manager, tha auditing of his ao counU, and la soreo Instances tha stip ulation of lha salary which tha man ager Is to rocetvo. Ia all tba college thee boards bar reto power over tba actions of tho graduate managers and on thlnga Important are generally ap proached before action Is taken by the graduate manager. The advantages of- tb graduate man ager ayatam are many. It does awsy with tha Irreaponalblllty of student man agement and when rightly worked out prevents tha chaos and disorder that each new atudent manager muat face whan ho takes up his duties as manager of eorae one of tho anterprlaes In which tha atudent body participates. Under tha student manager system. Kid McSIinne Coming. Charley 4Ktd) McShanq of Medford, Or., Is the latest arrival In Portland boxing quarters. McShane has had sev eral minor scraps in Medford but had an easy time and did not have to extend himself In order to win. McShane may be put on one of the cards that .will likely be staged here this winter. noon, when tha Lincoln and Jefferson teams battle on the Multnomah grid iron. - Both lineups are tha strongest that have represented tbe schools and tha game ahould be a great one from the first whlatle until the laat. Manager Tyaon of tho Lincoln team places lils confidence In his players and thinks- that tbey will be returned victors over the Jefferson team. Tyson expects Quarterback Olson, who waa Injured early in, the season, to b back In the game against tire Jefferson squad and he will strengthen ths Lincoln back' field. Tyson has been limping around lately but expects to be In fine eondl tlon to go up against tha Jefferson eleven. Captain Anderson of ths Jefferson team Is pleased with the showing the school has mad In the-garaes already played and is confident of a victory over the Cardinals. 1 Whether Jack and Os Pay will be per mitted to play against their former school has not been decided, but if they are not allowed to play it will weaken the chanced of the Jefferson team. The game will start at t:16 p. m. particular branch of athletics and csres only about tha aeaaon that ha la man ager. Thus, the different enterprises ar mada to suffer on account of lack of cooperation batwaan tha managers, each of whom Is trying to make a, rec ord. Then, too, the apparatus and prop erty of tha students Is not well taken car of from year to yaar, and a baavy financial loas la experienced from continual change of managers. When It is realised that $3000 I .pent on the ooaohing of tha football teams at most of these colleges during October and November, that nearly 11000 is spent on ths equipment of tha football aquad each fall, and that another I100J goes for first class beefsteaks to put the final touches on physical strength before tho big games each season, It Is seen that in a year1, time considerable saving can be made by an experienced manager, who is not In- lha business for tho glory to b gained, but ' who Is paid for his services and is held strictly ac countable In a business way. The money to be earned jfor a student body by the graduate manager system is not all in the saving on expense. The field at best Is but limited In this 1-dlrectlon, for winning teams demand i i i I M r 1 m I I lltfl ' I llll II If I II I III II 1 1 II flfejfl I 14 . la. f4 UJ (IMMtll iirla m Ku.M aat iila, tk u k aM la U4 4 iir KaavU It IW ifck i-l tm 4WU.4 al jvve kw i:i I a aU . e4a tig. iM laa baw sm. e"a. -a aa asa la g l aitt. l fisitiai wiMiiaaa. waa as g aa'4 fr la-a a,ia ar ljm I l tkar rtaaua T aa4 W.auaa Yk fr iwu fweaa a iM lai tul la 4 i b-l. a4 ia aiaMf f i trywwi m L-a all aaaiaai paiita Ht i t atawrta A r Tvauaa. Tao tbaaywuala M ar lealalag ar voaiaai. Uittim Oeaora aU a viat-wt. fvreaarly of paaaa. Tryovis ( wbhra) or IM big saai artiaia IU ra i a slab ut N ImU4 alaag silk la BjMweUbt laaL -rwiy" Urtiaa Ui Ug Waabiagiaa attrti y fe4bal a tar, wb wa laa A- A. L. caaplalp -al rwnteM la I U. will rrl lha gaxiua rtab la IM) baarywaigbt wraaillsg 4lH mily ryaaa. will rprl 'IM 14 "M- club ta lb III a4 bet 4!vtlea a4 Jaa gwala. lha buahy pa4 oerappar. will tackle eiue twal kat. tbe baa sat ba lta4 as yC Moor looks Ilk lha bt weli af laa lil alsb. aa) It may b that IM lively ot FonUad boy wlU M pilled against Moore. CraMall Is a be wing lb boat form la tba 111 ootiad elaaa for Saallla aa4 II I rwrtUad aalU a tba Ilk. lib asar M lhal Ereenaa a ad CraadaJI will 4 "a ar priabr ang lo arreage tb M raalcbad wbea Ike club mot faaXbalt. baaaaatl. irark. and baskalball I November 17. rtsw) atsa Awy Fra afema, Mulioomab first naif f tba Isler elut mats will M bald awsy from ' "?i,U Jlf . b h sr at least, working well for I ho pre TL, OraW oompUiad Ina remainder of her meets ent " 0 b held In the "gym." Including lha P. N. A. ehamplonahlps which was awarded lha club I hie aoeeoa. Tba first tntarclub ml of Ui llll- lilt P. N. A. HtMa will M bald to- rlgbt at 8ttle btwa the (rattle and Vancouver club. The Bast, tla aquad la rated the boat that baa vr YACHT RACING IS -OVER FOR SEASON Arthur' Geary. the best of outfits, ths most skilful coacHIng, and tha safest of protection devices. Tha largoat financial returns to a college from efficient manaceraent Is la tho handling of ths big games and meeta. For Instance In- the coming' gams in Portland between the football elevens of the University of Washington . and Oregon,- it Is -estimated that 11 MOO or 115,000 will be taken in at the grate. Ths proper advertising' of such a contest will make a difference of several thou sand dollars in the receipts. , ' Another advantage of tho - graduate manager system is thst It makes possU bla the forming of all the conference college schedules at on meeting of the conference. . This year ths plan Is to call a meeting of the graduate managers rhedslta fr th roaalag yaar. Tba graduate sxanagar sysiaas ha baa-a emiaeaUr saeeaaefal la Ut oot lg4 of lha Paetfla eoasi. ta baa ajresdy baw tried oat Maaagvr tVadnlek of tb University of Waahlngto) baa beea able lo make etadeat la of II admit lb student to all tb rampas gam, student body tartalamanta aad coarta ' Oradutta Manager Durtrnk of Dtan- ferd oBlverally has ba abla to salt down over tt0.N0 for bla constituent during the lhre yaara ha baa managed reproaonted that dub. in Biiajr n in aiuaanta ar buui- ford. Oraduala Manaa-vr Jon of the Waahlngtoa etate eolleg ba broucht tbo atudent body boa! area af hie eolleg lo a aalf supporting baste. Da for tb tnetaliatlon of tb a rat em, Pullman' affair war n a bad way, financially. The fin bbc of """Whitman eoilagai aaother of lb confrno eotlegea, rchd ao deplorable a slat tbat It was thought that some of the poorer psylng branches of athletic would have to be discontinued. But oader a plan similar to tha graduate manager system they hop soon to b back an their eet again without a aacrtflr. 'Whitman collese haa a board of thre. an advertising manager, Virgil Bennington: an equip ment manager. Holla B. IUI1, and a cor responding manager, Qeorg B. Col, to look after student affairs. Arthur M. 0ry, a son of Dr. E. P. Geary, a prominent physlcaln and sur geon of Portland, lg the newly Installed graduate manager at tb University of Oregon. Deary wa. a member of the graduating claaa of 1110. Ho la alao a member of the. Sigma au fraternity. When In college ha had valuable expert- enca as student, manager of the. Uni versity of Oregon Qiao club. Besides handling the affair, of the Oregon stu dents Mr. Oeary make, a trip to. south ern Oregon frequently and looks after the management of his father, orchard, which Is located flv miles out of Med ford. Oreduat Manager Oeary face, a stn dent body Indebtedness of 11000, Incurred rrom paying last year, bills, but It Is hoped that this fall s remunerative foot, ball schedule will put tha financial af fair, ot tho Oregon atudent body high and dry. ta a AtH IViWa. t. . lll a -jus at,iiM f im 4 wa al im ix.g a rte!iai :,' tw.4 ta'.r Ml 4 af vtl MaMaj lha I td ar ii tir .aauj-uS. a4. aa II la alU ! M v 111 fol awf f th aMI far IV atia la'a kta, MiU mm IM I aggt4Ua 1 - lllr T 4ftai w aw.iuu4 IAa '" by IM "m mm at Mad. y T.4y Tiaga, im ri by a .- of I 4 IM ara4 II I 4 All f IM rd.uie bet 4iUiag a rarktv r.Mii tini ai ia. e of IM ara4 lei brvsM ai e iBipr4 rMagae.ia tae Pr uartip. CarU. M aniaa Troaaa. PieMVty lb grai mfmIm r the wb Cb I-Ua a I Car a-, im Mull iUk vta. "Wl easeg a4 4laia4 M a iualar. laM kta iaw at Atoag wlib Cariaoa M KtraeUe. e wiaara- quarter or IM pe4 ie aa bj retNaead noc-la. IM haadf apBl yr waabiagtee high acMol Moor, the big rrba lachla. aad Jaeaup. ! fraahmaa. WM waa mm. Ilv4 to. have mad gd st halfback. are a la oocopying poalija a the wrrub' Jeva. bavins hmrm reoiaaad Ir Cbrlalmaa, lb ICrelurklla, aad Shaw. baekr high srhool lad from Aber deen. Kaliogg. wM pUyad right and for tb vareiiy last year. I agaia bark la the earn poaltlon. and laarram. a former c4aaa- learn man. I aew Mies ued al tart guard. Whether ar not all of the S rhaagaa r permanent la Xat rat liar of boo- , Jaelur but Ih farl that they check IM triumphant march of the aacv-nd aggregmiloa la sufficient to show they WW mw eel Cs'l . a tcKtat,X I e4. 1 aUs. tae 4 i S- 4 hy auV 14 ef 'Ul k .a i Fore an AfUs Declared the ChampionDinghy Club Is Raising Money for Float. Jennings Is Satisfied. Hughle Jennings Is satisfied with hi berth with the Detroit Tigers and will not accept any proposition mad to him to manage other teams. , If Frank Na- vln cares to algn tho former Baltimore star ire stand, ready, to put bla John Henry to a contract Ths llll yacht racing season Is closed after one of tha most successful years In the history of the Oregon Tacht club. Several fin racea were bald on tho river during the summer and better time es tablished than In any previous sesson. Tha Fore-'aa-'Aft won the champion- ahip by making the largest number of points In' tha aerlea of bruahee and the Sparrow, the 1110 champion, flnlahed in second place, being awarded the Frank Creaaey cup for her performance. Commodore Todd, who waa the akinper of tha For-an-'Aft, was presented with a handsome .liver bread dish as a prise Tor winning me cnamptonsnip.. The Oregon Dinghy club held a meet Ing last week at the residence of Com' modor Todd, and ssveral Important business matters were discussed. It was decided to hold tha opening dance at tha Oregon Tacht club Thuraday night, November II. v The proceeds of the danoe will be added to the general fund, which will go toward completing the big float un der construction for the club. The float. hlch la nearlng completion, is 60 by. 80 feet in size. It will permit of the repair of several boats at the same time and will save yacht owners a great deal of time and labor. This float Is tho first of Its kind on tbe north coast I Dele I Mass, Dolan rfuars to make anr com man ta on the situation but 11 la th general opinion on the campus Ihet.the coach la about roady lo select a varsity eleven. Robinson hss been playing a arlendJd gam all acaaon. bavins eonaidorahia advantage over Reynolds la weight He seems to havs a broader knowladce of football than the average hlrh school player. McKensie la lnexpr1Qcd but le developing rapidly, aa la by the fact that ha has replaced Carl son at center. Shaw haa been a nromlalna man from tha beginning but he Buffered from an injured knee moat of ths aeaaon. h vlna- only recently been releaaad fmm th. hospital corps. He la huakv and and should make a good runnlns- male for D wart a. th nstiva nf rtn.m m-hn la easily 'holding down hla position at left half. Dwnrt learned to nlav fw.. ball In Southern California and upon hla arrival at th Oregon Agricultural eol leg Impreaaed Coach Dolan as being ths man for a pise on the varsity. Wing Fosltloas Tseertai. ,. The end poalilona atlll appear to be the mopt uncertain of all.. JSnbergr an. I Kellogg of last year's team; .Walter, a substitute f of the same aggregation; McFarland. k- junior: Darllna- of wh. Ington high, Corkran of Lincoln high. and Larson, who played fullback for the Jl freshmen last year,, ars all strons rvrn ?! tenders. Enberg. who haa . air f served thre years on the varsity, Is taking cars of the left end ef th Una creditably and will doubtleaa be able to ao o mrousnout th sesson. Kellogg appeers to b tha-mnae-llbai rtm n I n - ,1 ... . ' . a valuabl men there last year bprao fsr this sesson has not been displaying his usual form. However, much 1m proverornt haa been noted in his plsy Ing during 'th pajft few f days which has greatly pleaaed the ooachlng staff Kellogg Is strong on both offensive an ! defensive play and also understands how to handle the .forward pass Walters probably ranks" next to Kel logg;, And aa he ha. had only two weeks' practice, may yet be given a place , He la light but speedy and tha red v,.i,i chap has plenty of fighting determina tion. - . . . v ; , t Tho second Lincoln team mav tM.i soon to Hlllsborrti where thev will tha Hlllsboro high .ohool squad. HAPPIEST BUNCH OF BALL TOSSiERS EVER GATHERED UNDER ONE CANVAS Jeiiitwiat' 'i'ta'tT) ti'l'jw.i1.T,nniini.i """i' i ' ii ."Ml , "T"''l"i n"; i i mi "TTir-Tnu-ntirTfT -imi i rn m in i i i' n mi mnr'Tur'ni ' "'iff vn- 1 1 iwmnim u,. ''nlmun, Iimhi'.iIi.. " ' - .''--w"'""' ' ' : ..J .J, 1 11 I J t 1 A . ! 'LJVl lrnl1l -Tr min ul f ,.-. .f a:W -'V oev. ? , '2VI "... ' "mU M Tl , "W J J V . 1 . -1 m. r- f - f l7. A .. J r t (n j - r V' "T--: I'h i r .,,. lit Wa , Uni.rr.Jaul ar l ,ii.jCi..ii),iu tr : - . 1 . 1 ! JrjrT--r--f r , , ...Urf Rmrkb!e pJcturd jnd4.bjr PhotogTaph.r .Ester of thd San rranclgco Bulletin npon tb.4 occAsion ot thg captnr of th. Coast league pennant for thd second successive Ume by the Portland Beavers, rromleft lo right th. playVs yho are expretelnr ' '.. ' tIle,1" 1T in tarlous forms, are: Krueger. ULonie, Barry. Harkness. Lindsay, Sheehan, McCredie. Chad&onrne. Beaton. Kuhn. Rapes. Pecklnrauih. Rran and Rodger. - P P tl'Jiaf . . ,