The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 36, Image 36

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a,.aaws-a A . eswft-SBSlBl .i.BaJ
vrrr. T.T TTArTO 3 XT! 3
rw gut Tix,a Tctfxairr.
llEILU-'The Jctng Weld." ieglnnlng tonight for the wt .with a
iixriil trlrd tnattnee Wdn4f ami a matinee BAtarAay.
BAkKK Jaanna Towl.r 1( "1 be . W bile- VlsUre."
ouphu'v vum.
PANT AUK Vudvll.
Orne Tn PiuddlfoM im Th paradiM of MehtmM," Jv,
r . , wuii ntunwni; maun. i n i.ounirr liny, w, 19,
-Hilly Clifford .in ,7T uirif.w mm oa tb Um."
3vS j
baker only
f" I
I . " ill rt-i
Tin nctzw
"The flnrinii BUld at IleUig.
"bLi r".i.r7-M. . r ih WJtl'n " mrMTt lor m nt1r en
llelnrlch Relnhart, will b anf by War
b and Luaachor'a com pan r of cintara
t tha HH1I- for mth nlfhu, beln-nln-
fontfht. with ft apcclal prlca matl..
naa Wodneaday ftnd ft maunea Minraay.
. It la plctura of tiff ance, of aparkl-
!.k fh- TJiVmI mfkin rt "T11 Wh,u 6lBt,r" ' merltorloua at
bf! WU,i .MiJ !.f.P th! etlOB wa. provtd laat ae.on a. It
l'riL h'.:0,2?',"t th. capacity of th. H.n.r at
1: ' "??r 7, avary. poirormanca. Mlaa Jaanna To
X ikttrh la ladan with rich Irlah bamor.
la riM Ilia n rtt lllu Igu
American thaatra o ra MrriH tha I Uarbla.
elnatlon of bar wllfulnraa. br mlachlaf,! After ft lona;' cnoitnint In London,
bar taaalnr mood from tha ft rat to thMoahr, Ilayaa and Moahfr will ba aaan
flnftl moraanta. Tha eaat annroaehaa I la thalr unlaua blcyala turn, wblla noth-
tha loDf ftwaitad wall halanrad caat ftadjln better haa coma thta way than tha
prorea lta rlxht to tha lone unworn I fun. dancing and alncin or tna Arnnc-
laurau or tha Boalonlana. Oeorea Lmb I ton Four.
Moora. Dorothy Maynard, Tlllla 8allr- Two charmlnr irlrla, Jane Boynton
er. Jack Raf faal and othera wlU ba I and Ivy Davla. wilt ba heard In ft piano-
logua and original aonga, ana xor eo-
eentrte funatera there are nona bettor
than Roy Cummlnga and Helen Olady-
Inga. Fleturaaque acanery, handaorna
gowna and aplandid work make them ft
notable feature.
In Bam Kramer, late Instructor for
tha New Tork Amateur Athletlo club,
and eplllana will ba eeen ft pair of per
fectly developed athletea.
Tha Four Forda and Joala Heather
will cloaa their auooeeaful engagement
with tha performancea today.
Varied Bill at Empreaa.
Fea.turee of merit will ba found on
tha new bill which the Erapreaa will
offer for tha week starting Monday
afternoon.. It la a program which haa
received careful selection and there will
" THE, VTtUTT, Gl3fTJ&"
Motion Picture House Opaif Wednesday
Xrw It4 "Xhrmtrv, ml Uel I 'ark aad AKW rUraHt, ltaa fU-alla
VmpHf of I40O Hrwr4ar Klrt froof.
The White Slater4 at Baker.
"The while Blater" tha attraction
with which the Helllg opened ita doora
for tha publle laat aeaaon at the ooen
Ing of that theatre, la announced for
ler, Is, playing tha title role thta aeaaon
which waa aiaumed laat aeaaon by Mlaa
Viola Alien. (Dramatic crltloa every,
where have conreaded that Mlia Tow-
Telegraph pronouncing the Instrument
"aatonlahlngly aweet and mrlodlouH"
while the London Chronicle anya: "If
running brooks and waierfalla pna-
aessed the musical glfta ascribed ihem
by tha poete, they would, fn all prob
ability, make ft noise Ilka ft Marlnba-phona."
Tha Zeb Zarrow Troupe of cycling
comedians present an act that aparklea
with fun and skill, tha performers be
ing extremely clever on thalr various
wheels of many descriptions. Many of
the feata performed are aatonlahlngly
difficult Tha act has been presented
i ft topllned act throughout the eaat.
Millar and Lyles are colored - oo me
dians who have attracted more than
matlsatlon ef F. Marlon Crawford'a ra- be aomethlng to ault every vaudeville ita ilM
markabla book, which la counted one of taete. For Hia hedllna act Sullivan J1"0" thAlrth" .il!?. "d
tha best Boilers of the present day. Mr. I rv,n.Mln. are -ndlnr tha Byrne Broth- th,.?a"?r of he funatera la un-
"'. Cntwford waa one of th. best knowii ... in mmtV -a rr. Qauea oy.any wno nave strayed rrom
, taturTwarb: " "ue.ohar ' Aric wr,r R'd Its Ml.hapa"
hav given with A lavish ' hand. ; Tha ro-' r:f 1: " 3J v eondenaed veralon of tha
playera, tha dainty fascination of tha
legendary Story 'of tha haunted rabbit
and tha huntsman, the wood nympha and
lha unustiat ballet acenea. adoring swains
ana saoTBDie oxessea, mm uaur wiu lnternrttlon of this nr I.
The threads .of intrigue
ft play that could live without
rauslo. Of almost equal importance
Broadway, this season
. n.ii. nA nt .
given with A lavish ' hand.; The '-- w a conoenaea erwon ox popuwr of tn atatlBOt novelties when aha an-
a . a. a. m aw . a a. i . m. iftia a. 1 1 as, i. iiblvbsj am. f-ei i ari iiii bi or nnu s-r n "li'i irht mai f si nnae. nv ina rtaaair . rv rna ... '
musus ia wnai nuu wi auuveaa i,.,..n .uTi- --i 5T--. ....... I ' " ZC . I pears in ner original repertoire or songs.
U. The luscious flavor, the easy brll- ff'! 11 t.rT"f'- . i0:-1?0"!?! Donlta's songs Ind Imitations are clefr-
Ilancy. the flowing meioaious element, i - ... .v. u w "." --iaouon n m mju DYirry mi- ly ont 0; tl, ordinary.
(be dramatic style ana the warm, paipi- ... .1 ",Z V. I uaj appearing m n. 1 ,New and attractive daylight r an!
noi ma witn uus piay. Aiinougn "i no a novelty. One comedy surprise roi
wnue oisier . is tne story or a nun, Mow. another.
it breatnea or sil the passionate ro-1 More than ordinary interest Is - at
manuc love or the Italian race In an In- tached to the engagement of Will Oak-
enaeiy numan manner, it naa an tne I ior, tha rnntm tpnor. Oakland waa
beauty and fragance of the peaceful . . iftn- tlm a star with Dock
convent tire ana again U jroisates with auder'a mlnstrela and his vocal selec
the fiery spirit of the Impetubus soldier Uon- f requenUy huard cm tne phon
lover. a. ij greai coniitoi Deiween I oirraDh records
woman's eertnly and spiritual love Is Th. t a noval animal aot that of
rouKui inrougn tour inspiring scenes i jQle. Flfl Bonay and her French
and never for one second loses lis grip- poodles. The fluffy little dogs give an
puis iniercai. wnui ino imiu niruin i entertainment that Is different from
tatlng Ufa are peculiarly balanced here
la "The 8prlng Maid" so they give rise
to no end of pleasure.
'' And Mluzr Hajos, the merry little
prima donna, new ' found ' - delight .to
m$tu tt i biii 1 1 in in mil i n urn ir i nrinr nr njiii n inn i an a ami innnminij
! " y'f I
mated evfents . will ba offered by the
Mme. Marcel la and her educated cock
atoos' will be seen for their conoludln
performances this afternoon and to
night, supported by a bill of unedualrrd
vaudeville which includes the. Braces
and the Great Hugo... . . , .
New" Theatre to Open.
The positive date of the4 grand open
ing of the new People's' theatre.. has
fall "and the audience leave, th. .tbealre Krtl tKesty U JSTOJi JP 71
happy in tne tnougnt that "th. right naa I n that win &nwi to tha vouniratara
t. JjkfB ItFTtl. WTL. J A. ni j. a ' I w w r - .
men wn. xiie nim cisxer- ai-1 and be no less Interesting to their par-
ira oypuriuniiy oi acuog oi Buperior I entS.
quality and gives Miss Towler a chance
to demonstrate her right to her position
as the most beautiful American emo
tional actress. Matinee "Wednesday and
Saturday. '
Features at the On'heum
The only; fear entertained by the Or-
I pheum management -regarding Its Hal
loween week bill, Is that It will ba de
clared an amusement 1 trust in violation
A versatile little woman la Marie
Dore, who makea her first appearance
in Portland on this bill. The revtewera ,
on the Sullivan & ConBldine circuit have
Wednesday next at 7 o'clock p. m. At
this opening Portland picture lovers
are assured of something, unusual. In
the way of high grade and novel enter
talnment, consisting of the very : best
pictures obtainable, and also two excellent-
musical ' turns. The . People's
Amusement company again points with
... . a . . . I. nillUBWIIUUI VVII1H" J a UV1IIIO VV A VIA
praiaed her act and declare It one of prda t0 the excellent of Its shows
the most dainty,
"The Show Girl" will bo the sketch
of the week. It Is presented by George
A. Beane, who was the original Sultan
in "The Sultan of Sulu." Beane has
deserted musical comedy for vaudeville
and with "The Show Girl" he haa a
and announces that from time to time
It hopes to make them better and bet
ter, as pictures produoed by the
licensed ' exhibitors are becoming of
greater worth from month to month.
The Star theatre today promises five
distinct pictures, headed by "Regenera-
Singers and dancers. Powder and
Chapman, are clever people who have
never failed to please,,. There will b.
motion pictures to round out the ' pro
gram. , ... -
Sunday night's performances - close
the current bill,, which is headed by
to "A Night
and will be compelled break up Into
number of units before .the week la
over. . It contains the greatest musical
offering ever presented In vaudeville on
this coast, and a combination of feat
ures which loom up like Mount Hood on
a clear day,
Headlined for Monday afternoon . ia
'The Courtiers,-- B. A, Rolfe's latest and I Fra Kimt'i comedians
Desi musical presentation, it contains in a London Club,
11 Artlfltn B. flnatmimantallata mA I .
callsU and is a dedication to the muse I
of harmony that-. will appeal to thai ... ..Big Acta at FuUget,
most cuiturea laste. Given a. apectaj I wtlh aueh attraction mm tha mtamat.
scene repreaenUng an exact reproduo-1 ionsjly famous Marimba, band and the
uou oi rb via wue near ixmaon, tne Zeb Zarrow . Troup, of cycling eome
sololsts are garbed In the costumes-of I Ai.m tnniinlne- th nw hin p..
.rS&SrKXV" commencing with th. matinee to- nodIW 7' vLjlZ.
t'hi"!. eI: ' .?.?' Uents- a rare comedy, together wiuft
. ..v.w .i uwi I pannr vauuevum sensation or tne sea
son. Followers of the calcium will re
member what a furore the" Marimba
band created when it appeared as the
feature act of the Harry .Lauder road
show and Its later engagement at Pan
taaea. It Is not a band tn the true
sense of the 'word "but la composed of
large peculiar instruments upon Which
King." with Torn
accepted I
; Miss. Helen Gladylngs.
i v. . I Anlana'
Miss Helen "Gladylngs, who comes to I aeaaon.
tne urpusum as on. ot mm new. otu xor i "when : Pat was sung, w
next week, baa the distinction of being Nawn In the main role can be
the first young ..woman to gle a sue-1 without further comment as a riot of
cessrui impersonation or an ineonatea I fun. Many will remember the old Irlah
society man. aiibs Gladylngs. However. I gartlener fn 'Pat and the Genii" as
is u vnmusiuuc memirar oi tne aw piayea by Mr. Mm. The character
aioon iemgu. or ter native state, ana is is retained In the new playlet. "Pat'
t requi-ntly heard along the Orpheum clr-l eats of the lotus growing In his garden. I the OuetemaJees play the moat difficult
cult as a lecturer ea the subject of I and Is immediately wafted back to the ) classic and the lightest ragtime with
tewipeeeeee - dsys he waa a king M Ireland. The I equally great success.. The . London
Intense Interest, also "An Island Com
edy," . refined and entertaining. "Log'
ging in Sweden,". Industrial, "Customs
of Annan" descriptive, and. "Mother on
Hypnotism," very funny,- also the re
nowned Done Trio in brand new songs.
The Arcade theatre has four splendid
pictures. "Kitty and Her, Cowboys" a
great western subject,. "The Fairies' Ban
quet exceptionally clever and beauti
ful, "A Rural Conqueror great comedy,
and "The . Telephone Battle" comedy
drama,' also a song by El wood and popu
lar singer at uus tneatre.
The Oh Joy theatre will present 'a
western subject as lta feature '"Peril of
the Plains," also "Saved by the Flag"
new amger. ..--.'.
The Tlvoll wfll have as Its headllner.
"A Painter a Idyl." very beautiful, also
ever popular slngefNrhe Crystal also
has a splendid snow and Jean . Wilson
wUl aing. ' ' . '
' ;
Billy (Single) .Clifford Coming.
BUly (Single) Clifford, the star tn
-The Girl, tb. Man and the Game,"
owns a famous hat and a theatre. Th.
hat was mad. for Mm some years sge
when he was with Tony Pastor, and It
la aa famous behind the footlights as
Lillian Russell's beauty The theatre
Is called the Clifford, and It Is In Ur
bane, Ohio. Every aeaaon Mr. Clifford
plays his own house, nd be always
Is sure of a great success. Mr.' Clif
ford and his excellent company will be
seen at th. Baker for a week, opening
Sunday matinee, November 6, when he
wlU reveal his new vehicle or run ana
frollo and sing a doien new songs, aid
ed by a prise beauty chorus, gorgeous
ly gowned.
Grace .Van StaddlAfad Coming.
' Grace Van Studdiford, who so charmed
our theatre goers several seasons ago
by her singing in "Red Feather," that
her name Is always mentioned as among
the foremost of local comic opera fa
voritea, will once mora visit thia olty
for four nights beginning next Sunday,
November 5,' with ft special price matinee
Wednesday, when she will appear In the
Parisian comlo opera pourre, "Th. Fare,
Oise or . Manoraei."
VS ai
srVv.v ;
I ' -.
.a,... n
se oi jnangmeu " i ; ... .,-ssssBBHBaHBBaBBBBSBSBWBBBBHaaaBHMBHeaw .-
The book and lyrics wer adapted fori.. . . . .- v..,. i,nnu in. Pimii'i'imiumMt
the American stage by Harry B. and I """" " . I ' r
Robert B. Jffmlth from the French ver- J' - , ' - . . ..'.', Company, , :, '.'.'",.,.."
ia by the famous French composer. Rob- I tThe opening show . lit the new- Peo
ert Planauette. There are a number of I pie's theatre: erected by the' People's
musical selections In "The Paradise of I Amusement company on West Park and
Mahomet" which gained immediate pop-1 Alder etreeta, will be given' next Wed
ularlty with the , Metropolitan theatre ne,dfty night, i. The flrat motion picture
going public last season. A splendid
singing chorus 14 promised, as well as
a number of well known artists. The
advance sale" of seats will begin next
Friday, November 8, at 10 a. m.
w ,
"The Ooimtry Boy" Coming.
So familiar are the types Edgar Set-
wyn has gathered together In hie play
of city life, "The "Country Boy," which
Henry B. Harris will present at : the
Helllg Thursday, Friday , and Saturday
of next week, November 9 10 and 11,
that as one by one they borne upon the
stage they seem like old friends. As
the natural Instinct Is to greet old friends
cordially, this feeling of being at home
with the neoole on the stage probably
acounts for much . of Hhe success that
has attended this play. The excellent
cast that ' Henry B. Harris haa . choaen
to interpret the comedy here Includes
Alfred Cooper, Frank McCormaok, Do an
Borup, Frank E. Jamison, George Schae-
fer. Olive Templeton, Elda Furry. ChBt--mmn tn Wttr.
JotteLangdon and Nellie rillmor.. :. f baWl?&
will be flashed on th. curtain promptly
at 7 o clock in what M. G. Wlnstook,
general. manager of the company says
is the finest theatre In the United
States built exclusively for motion pic
tures and, high class musio. ,
"Motion- pictures are snown in larger
theatres that coat more, money than thia
one," said Mr. Wlnetock, "but -those
theatres ' are not used exclusively for
motion pictures. This la the finest thea
tre in this country, that has been built
from the ground up exclusively for mo
tion pictures-and muelc."-
The front or tne tneaire, wnicn laces
on West far street, win oe aoiaze
with. light Th. lobby, will be, aa.bril
llaht as day. The lobby is finished
In onyx, arid In the .center of It Is,, the
box office, constructed of onyx. Lights
wllr be placed Inside - to heighten : th.
beauty of the-atone.' -.
The theatre naa a seating capacity or
1400. ' On the ground floor are (76 seats
Across tne
row .of box
seats. . There are seven exua on tne
IB 1,1 ii I . , .. ,
ground floor, being doors on three aides
of the building, and alx extta from the
balcony, ' , . , . , , .:, .-. ,
Art glass will be uied in the front
doora, bearing - plctnrei of song and
danco. ' ' . ". :.'.. "';
In a loft on the left tide of the thea
tre is the pip. organ, and on th. right
side is the loft for Bingars. Alice blue
will be the shade of all the draperies.
An unique method' it to be used to
light th. aisles -while the upper part of
the theatre Is darkened during the
progress of a show. Xighta are being
placed at the .nda of the seat rows.
about a foot above the floor..
It Is asserted - by the management
mat- a -perreot ventilating - system haa
been installed, so that the air in the
building1 can be renewed every half rain
ute. ; ; Three large ' ventilators ope:
through the celling where great fans
will blow the air outward, while .the
fresh air will come In from the floor.
, Every modern convenience) has-been
employed to iuke' the lamp room where
the moving picture machines will be In
stalled an ideal workshop for the opor-'
atore. . , i
: v xnrougnout tne Duiiainir is eon
structed of concrete and steel and la
aa completelH fireproof as "modern
genuity ean n)aka a building,
I andla . I
dern- IV I
WUllain J.
to play-hM-'
"Ben Har." -
Kelly has been engaged
Ml ' rote . as Messala in
GeraMln. Bonnera play.' "Bob'a Sla
ter, had a proaucuon in New Haven
recently and scored weu.r j
E. H. Sothern and Jails Marlowe have
received a tempting offer to make a
tour of the far east tn claaalo drama.
-, .. e e - , - - ' '
Walker Whiteside haa berun ' ra-
hearsals of the play 'The Magic Mel
ody." with which he will shortly begin
en extensive tour. . t t ... . -,
Richard Harding Davis has. written a
lis to have an early production in New
Tork. '' : U i.:'
Maclyn Arbuckle, who is now appear
Ing? in "The Weloher," la writing a po
litical comedy In collaboration witn
Holman F. Day, the humorist..'..'
frharles W. Terrls la to Appear In his
own work, "The P readier and the Man,"
during thia season under the manage
ment of J. raig. smiia.. ,. i
Gcaoe ' Emmons, who plays Olga In
"The Balkan Prlnoesev is s osion
girl who baa Just completed a three
year vocal course in Dresden. - -
. e . ' ' - -r ' - -: ,
After the long run of "Green Stock-1
ings" has been brouirht to a conclusion.
. New. Religion,'"
' e :
one-act play called "Blackmail," which I Margaret Anglin will appear In Israel
' Tha new musical comedy recently
produced in New Tork by 'Glen Mao
Donough, Baldwin Sioane and. Ray
Goets has woman's . suffrage for Its
thema- , , - ; -'-.. .. -.
; : ' --' - ; . 0 -V. ..
The drama by Edward Childs, Carpen
ter, In, which Gus Bates Post is to. star
this season, has had its title changed
from "The Great Desire" to The Chal
lenge. V-,;., - -. . . , . ..
.-.i'.-.-iv.. -: . ;
Mra Forbes5 Robertson Hale, niece
Of the. famous actor, has quKted the
sUge for a year-anil a half to devote
herself, to suffrage work. fine will'
take her Infant child alonir to prove
that baMes do not necegsarlly conflict
with Dallots. ' a