The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 35, Image 35

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REMOVAL SALE EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Timely Articles Exemplifying Economy
k? 1 IP
I N I y
Pellard Corduroy Coats, Removal $48.50
Justin. Never Sold Less Than $65.00
Corduroy coats 68 inches lone; of fine wide wale corduroy, all
lined with broadcloth. In white lined with light blue white
lined with pink, and brown lined with brown. These coats are
made with Urge novelty shawl rerers and trimmed with white
pearl buttons.
Hie New rat ol Fall Coats
At Removal Sale Prices
If mf the word BEST" was meit4 It U iurtJy merited hett
In this ule ol smart rvrw coats. '
The Reductions Are Dp end Subitential
It eUmtnatts, for this season ct ut alt competition-fake
for example the following coats:
White Polo Coats $16.95
Of course you art familiar with thee dciifhtful tarelopieg
coats. You see thera worn by women and mines of the SMART
SET. The only difficulty has been to secure them. Ho sooner
do w receive a shipment than out they jo Saturday the
tipmi brought to us more of these fetching garments. 4
It would be an eaiy matter to sell them for 121X0, but our
slojsn, "Every Article Reduced," gives us pleasure la sacrificing
our profits In this removal sale.
These new polo coats are made of fine, soft white polo cloth
In loose belted models, with large white peart buttons and large
Reversible Goth Coats $ 1 6.75
Novelty coats of fine imported reversible doth, in oxford and
purple tan and green combinations. These coats are made In
the fashionable loose-fitting polo model, with large revers and
turnback cuffs. They are to inches long and have separate purse
of the same material as the coat.
Pcllard Long Coats, Removal $39.85
Just In and Selling Regularly 550.00
Novelty long coats of fine imported Zibeline. These coats are
made full 56 inches long in a new loose model with high yoke
effect. Fancy collar and deep cuffs. Lined throughout with gTsy
Pcllard Reversible Coats, Removal $2 1 .89
Just In, Never Sold for Less Than 527 JSO
Imported broadcloth in white with black and white striped
material, also of navy blue cheviot with white broadcloth. Made
full 58 Inches long, with large rolling shawl revers and sailor
collar, trimmed with white pearl buttons. They can be worn
either side out.
M Uf
The 'Tie-on' Blouse
The .NW Idea In 11 omens
Waists Require no Hooks,
Button iloles or Pins
You will find it nowhere else In
Portland. .
One simply slips her arms Into
the sleeves and ties the long sash
ends in front or. back or on the
side. It seems especially designed
for "difficult-to-fu'' people. It is
made in soft satin with facing of
satin in contrasting shades.
Black trimmed with purple and
rreen blue trimmed with green
and Copenhagen brown trimmed
with tan and blue trimmed with
red. Price 53.50.
The Velvet Sailor
Triumphantly Popular
-We ere continually receiving telephone calls and Inquiries as
to whether the prices quoted in the newipapert on venous days
art special prices other than our regular removal prices. We
would say that wt hold no more special prices, and that every
peke quoted in the paper et any time is a PERMANENT PKICC
until the goods art entirely cUiposed of. Therefore, when ever
you see price mentioned In our advertisement you know that
this price holds food Just as long as the merchandise remains
In the store.
Goods Purchased Tomorrow Wilt Co on December Fit it DHL
bu cannot afforb to purdjatfe 'Jfall anbiZHmtcr imrttianbfee eteetofjere tinier a
gufetantral gafamg on eberptijing you Imp counts for naugfjt
I I ......
mTM. f : ft a m" - tti m
Bait of gtricij
i Ul kf
Observation will show, as it has shown us, that no other sim-
I rUar department in the city can ..muster so comprehensive a stock
I I ol rich ostrich plumes as are now placed on sale at removal prices.
Every plume that goes on sale tomorrow is guaranteed to give
satisfaction. . Not only does the manufacturer stand 'back of
every ostrich plume and willow, but you have our assurance that
if these plumes are not satisfactory you can bring them back and
receive your money. ' ,' , -
The removal sale makes possible the lowest prices ever quoted
on ostrich feathers in this city. The removal sale makes it Im
perative that we sell every ostrich plume within the next few
weeks. r ':;.':.Vv,
To this end we will make a display of ostrich feather plumes
our millinery section. marked at the following extremely at
tractive and exceptionally low prices: . v
6.50 Willows, 15-inch, removal price. . . . . . . . . . . . .-. .... $4.25
$ 8.50 Willows, 16-inch, removal price. ................ .$5.95
$10.50 Willows, 18-inch,! removal price $7.95
$16.50 Willows, 20-ihch, removal price....... $11.98
$25.50 Willows, 24-inch, removal price. .............. .$17.95
$35.50 Willows, 28-inch, removal price $21.95
$1.95 Plumes, 12-inch, black removal price.'. . . . .79J
$2.25 Plumes, 13-inch, black, removal price. . .98
$3.05-Plumes, 14-inch, removal price. . . .... . . . ... .. . . . .$1.98
$5.08 Plumes, "15-mch, removal price. . .. , .$2.98
$6.05 Plumes, 16-inch, removal price i . t . ; . , , ; . . . . . $3.98
$9.05 'Plumes, 17-inch, removal price. ........... . i . . . .$5.95
$12.50 Plumes, 18 J-inch, removal price, .v, . . .'J... . . . . . . .$7.95
Womankind Has on Innate Fondness
for AH Kinds of Scarfs
Scarfs of lace, silk, chiffon, liberty fabrics, crepe de chine, are
all in demand. Those of Spanish lace are in high favor in both
black and white, t
Silk scarfs bordered with fringe are seen in white and various
evening tints. Chiffon scarfs in innumerable attractive styles
are seen everywhere evening dress is required.
Evening scarfs in dainty colorings show embroideries, spangles
or headings of gilt and silver. Evening scarfs, Oriental in appear
ance. Scarfs of fancy nets or allovers, covered with delicate beada
and long fringes are now in great demand.
All Scarfs at Removal Sale Prices
CREPE DE CHINE SCARFS, hemstitched ends. at. . . .954
FLORAL AND PERSIAN Crepe de Chine Scarfs. ..$1.59
FANCY FLORAL and Persian Scarfs of floral crepe. .$1.98
FLORAL CREPE DE CHINE Scarfs, white, colors. $3.16
CHIFFON SCARFS, in a great many novel designs, with gold
embroidered scrolls, satin -stripes, and beaded in an immense
assortment, ranging from $7. U5 to $25 each.
Removal Sale fust About Half Price
SILK KNITTED SCARFS, in plain colors, 2 yards long, with
silk fringed ends. Removal. . .$2.36
SILK KNITTED SCARFS, in Persian and allover effects. 2V
yards long. Silk fringed ends.. Removal. .83.98
SILK KNITTED SCARFS, 2 yards long, with silk fringed
ends. Solid colors with delicate colored stripes. Removal $2.98
SPANISH SCARFS. ' Real hand run Spanish, scarfs in an
immense assortment. No two alike.' In both black and white.
Ranging in price from $15 to $30.
All at Removal Sale Prices.
ui n
i I his Hair r rice pale or Undermuslms
Like a great buzzard the snow-white things have heaped them
selves on many wuics ui uui uuuciuiusiui tciuun. .
Women's corset covers, drawers, chemises, combinations and
gowns, all are nait regular prices. r . ; ' ;
These garments are made of the finest sheer materials, daintily,
tastefully trimmed in edges,, insertions of lace and embroidery
ano nooons.-, . . . ; ' - r. ".
Chemise; Removal Prices. .63, 75, $1, $1.38 to $2 each
Gowns, Removal Prices 63, 75t, $1; $1.38, $2 to $4.50
Drawers, Removal Prices...... 38 1, 50i, 75S $1, $2.25
Combinations, Removal Prices. ,75, 88e, $1, $2 to $4.50
Skirts,-Removal Prices . . . . . . 75 1, $1, $1.50, $2.50 to $9
Corset Covers, Removal Prices. 50V 63 1, &St $1 to $2
This City Is Certainly Interested in
. ' Good Literature .,
-It is really astonishing and most gratifying to us to note the
interest that people have taken in our
If it were possible we would delight in publishing a list of sev
eral hundred of our members, as an illustration of how varied is
pur membership. ;It embraces bankers, professional men, clerks,
wage-earners and laborers. . '
We offer to all deservinz people the world's best literature
published in library editions in the finest bindings at - v
, $1.00 DownSLOO a Week
Books delivered to your home upon , first payment.
Within the past two weeks a
I new style has mounted the throne
in millinery fashions.
The velvet sailor has supplanted
the earlier Autumn fashions.
We are the first, we always are.
to show the latest New York and
I Paris fashions.
These velvet sailors come in
nine different models. They are
all marked at removal sale prices.
Something New
Two Tone Corduroy
Ratine Corduroy
A Removal Sale $1.78
It seems folly for us to enter
into a description of these new
materials. Every woman posted
on Fall fashions knows that cor
duroy is first in favor tor many
Yesterday's express brought, to
us the very latest Pans creations.
Two-tone, changeable "and ratine
corduroys. In black' and. white,
gray and black and various col
ored stripes.
The smartest corduroys and the
scarcest corduroys of Autumn
Following our determined pol
icy, tnese goods are sold at re
moval sale prices. Ordinarily
they would sell for $2 and $2.25
the yard.
Messaline Silk . Petticoats
Removal Price $2.28
Selling Normally at $3.75
i Petticoats in black, navy,, royal,
gray, brown, pink, cardinal, red,
rose, wistaria, myrtle, kings Diue,
lavender, . coral Copenhagen and
champagne are the shades. " Made
of. good quality messaline, mod
eled in an assortment of knife and
accordeon plaited styles. :
Our Linen Removal Sale
Malces It Imperative Jha You Buy Here
Linens iSl&OJ
Pure Irish Linen Table Sets
One Cloth and Half Dozen Napkins $2.85
These linen cloths are 66 by 68 Inches, and have border on all
four sides in assorted patterns. The napkins are 20 Inches square
to match the cloths.
Hemstitched German Linen Cloths, Removal 89c
Selling Regularly at $1J25
Cloths half bleached linen. In a large assortment of neat and
attractive patterns. Size 60 by 55 inches.
Irish Linen Table Napkins $2.85 Dozen
Selling Regularly at $330 Dazen, -
Pure Irish linen table napkins, size 25 by 25 inches, In assorted
patterns. . t --.
All Linen Damask, Removal 79c Yard
Selling Regularly at $1.00 Yard
70-inch wide all linen table damask of an extra heavy weight,
in a large assortment or panems.
Bleached . Table" Linens
In Cuts of 2 and 2 1-2 Yards
Table linens, guaranteed an absolutely pure Irish linen, in aj
big variety of choice patterns.
$2.00 Table Linens, 2-Yard Lengths, Removal, $1.69 Each
$2.50 Table Linens, 2J4-Yard Lengths, Removal, $2.10 Each
Linen Hemstitched Towels, Removal 23c Each
Regular Price 30c Each , ' , : '
All linen hemstitched towels, actual size complete 19 by 38
inches. Of extra heavy quality, full length.
Turkish Bath Towels! Removal 1 7c Each
Bleached Turkish bath towels, made of two-ply cotton-
Hemmed ends. Extra weight. Size 38 by 20 inches.
If You' Require Dress Goods , ; '
You Must Buy Here
For All Dress Goods Are Reduced
What Is Your Whim? "
Up in what is called'Satyr-land," in the extreme northern part
of Norway, men wear doeskin trousers and homespun coats.
Scotland lies to the southwest, a little, and there in the high
lands they make a very similar homespunrough, tightly or
loosely woven, according to whether they want a ' warm coat
or not. ' i '"". V" 1 '
These Scotch homespuns and5 English tweeds are among the
best of Autumn, wool dress goods. These, with the new revers
ible materials, together with the Austrian and German mannish
mixtures, closely woven serges and diagonals, are now in greatest
demand.- - - ' t v.-' ,
In addition we are showing plaids, checks and striped fabrics.
Also imported and domestic challies in a wonderful assortment
of colors and designs. ,
Nowhere else will you find a more comprehensive assortment
of dependable, serviceable dress goods. It matters not if you
buy material at 50c or $3 a yard, you will find substantial saving
on every yard of dress goods. ; ; -
'Removal Sale of Blankets; Lace Ciirtains, Bedding, Draperies,
is, Beds, Mattresses, Yard Goods,' Comforters ;
Portland May Well Be Called '
The City of the Tailor-Made Suit
For nowhere else will you find women who dress more ele
gantly in tailor made suits than in Portland.
Season after season our assortment In fine tailored garments
multiplies- We find a ready sale for suits devoid of any fancy
trimming, freak model or extravagant cut. v
We note that -women prefer severely tailored suits In which
fine tailoring, severity of style and simplicity are the essentials.
Tomorrow we offer such suits in our Removal Sale. They are
made of navy and black serge, imported mixtures in brown, gray,
tans, green, navy and coronation. The jackets are made in the
fashionable new lengths, semi-fitting and lined with silk. The
skirts are very-smart, with panel front and back.
. ' Regular Price $35.00
Removal Sale Price $23.75