It THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUKKAU TORTLAKD. SUNDAY , WOCNIKO. OCTOfiER tl. 1511 Hill 10 DECIDE WHO'S TO DE NEXT augel cnv tUVDRj COUNTRY NOW WORKING ON BIGGEST TASK- THAT OF MOVING ITS CROPS TO MARKET rmncisl Station During Crtp Mong Time Is Paradoxical. (U4 k4 V le4i4I . .ilk A3 Candidate Ready to CcvIm mu im 4 t-,l " I ri . I ,-.-M twee aaetae IV.I icr Lucaj on ucr,cTeu trw ti:n Whci Other Sen Wi3 Co to PcHs. II W4 r I U limit i.. . n --- Ul eWeke WUI M IU a-M" im r u t-e 4ieie fw i.4 em. fce aw " aa 4 a t H ei i Ik (inmih, w4ia "3 M k4 et rar 44 cu -w i(mi . i .rj ia iktw rv-i errreg. 4w 1 i k. tai , ffwlr t IIM. 01 lUf e.4 t.l v l fW 4U ! kierteeav WMp fOe w k elekaty ftM4 14 geeJ eiefta iK tel. IWf as. U H tela lul rti 44.44 UI M triM M IM aX) 4ke k Ckli4. We WW Stee atUw. K44m. ate. a 4 I . r 4 v. rltv - -t I IM Im. IM ImU4 ef It 4le4 ke MIM e4 . I k kkk I .. ea k ejMeg.l. . Ilea 1.4 " .ta4 IU Mrik4 el M IM - ee .m IM 1tii U. wwuj I k. Iwm f ! M IM IMf mt l4 ' M4 f vail. 4 fcMg IM (of I ? 4lr (4 iwMit i im (str ii IM M mt (in aa im lla) f -'f Num wlM Mt'l I Ml f III. Html. iMwitl M ! t . im rr ! 4f likWi IM LUIMi 4 IM r, mmm mn CMa Mr Mm im4 TM try s M ifM iirtmn'! M r wl4k ' li. ('. U MtiM4 K IM Mia ! al ail mi a mt IM a. Ml IM fraala Mt f IM mn m tnta 4 a4ia aa a 1f IM lafaa natl mi AM IM tlal ltta U I Mn rMf Hiif ikM , mv ral-r I immI tt ar, liaM la M aUIWl 4 lalifacala. I lraaiiMallav t4 art l AUr aavra) f IM M I KMtaoi fWal waM IwUlNi. 4al la Ik r as Mnrta twl I'atiM fl Ibal taliata al lata vi a4 itramal ciaiava I tr4 lnMDat IM ral ! af at fta4a Oil llltia laaaiaaj far I mriwaf IM IWIHf IM araaJI a rtl- T f IMam. T "W M I Ufl fMa4 f to IM art la ,lra4 4 wiJJ a tt IXa aanai efla4 fU alaJlf M-ka. TM art. aliaal Ta Mni! fwa" IM ax)aata(ia) rl(t4 4a lata Ihraa raraar 4 M In HvfaAUasaa aM aVartal IM. Majra AWitkltr I awrfav-l- 4 Vj IM Mnaliakl Oan4 Oonnanl M tvM Ma rjr alMAaat, hlr a4 4 rf kt. aaaa4 ? tXWraJa. W. r. MuH III MlMf lUpubltraa. la arkaa) bf thm IIlraJ frea wkll Ja lUrrtmaa. lb lavrvr Bortalial. m IM anlia4 MiptKirt af kU put; I fkMUa, a4 ar Lba Caaadlaa Mrdar in ih kaaar aaiDaiiaia r iw diy. I ia ina rar aartaara naiaa ai; Aioana . Jl la rai!r aallavaa tMI lha raal I aa4 ftaaaauibawaja. ritil IU Maw lUrrlnu a4 la tb waaa af Inla artnf lha grata Ulaaaadar. Tn7 ar aDea4 La ( 1 01 aaa caikvra. It trUkla la HDlaU M fc!ffcat Mil T&ij aa4 1 from , Ua farank I lh local aatppla lhaa ouaJirjr for laa Haal Hckt Muahat fxHola wbara It U gaiMraa lata amail raa Mr4lf t tmm llrmaC ajifcofict) Javalar. rrooi Mr IM graartaf trt- ' follow Mr ka ry aetlva ftuurlaa of tba main atraauaa floar la la IM taat trm dar ao4 'laalrt that IM prtmafT mark la. Laat yaar UK- lf tMr had Mar tiro M vatiM M er . buaMLa af vbaat war raoalvad lr a Mai Unirt caaaaiaaoaa la Taiaa a4 OkUMaaa la 4ua aa4 calta a IM Mai ftataa IM Wm aaaaaafftal araar af la Mr IM raa M foaM aarwba. Ma far aal af M la IM rtti. aallaca Mra karaUig aaoaar la aoaltaa I Mir 4acail. avaa boko, raiaaalac fr IM uata Mlag frata tMir ardiaary ara mt rk. ar all la M faa4 la Ha raaka. It ia4Ur aartaward. fUiaa taa 'allavlag Um af flpaalag grata arroaa Kkaaaa, hikkraaka, IM tl ta aafaat Axaa4ar, at teaal. , MokinMat ta GrarraJ Bailer. 5 LaadAB. Oct, SL A. throng af aotab! armjr efflcark )arTo to Wlachaetar 1 odar for th tmrantog f tb ratmorUI to nnrt Btr Hadrark Bullr oraetvd in wiariaatr Oktaadrai by hli old rti a4 tM tea largaat prtmarjr marfcalk ta tha eounur aa4 lb total rclpl of lha laadiag earal erap vara . M bttkhaJa. bloat of thl rut traaaura ta w afiy grrd. la tba konth IM work of picking th praclouk cottoa that elathk half th world la aUII under want, th tClnra Rmi tin I way. la tha wtm rwidk aoni corn nld htkraMI Lord Craafat! offletaiad ,lU1 "landing hot It la Myoad th at tha aavalitng. Tha monument, which !lt whr wathr condition bk iaka tha forte af a ractiinbrat itf pwr ta affect It. In a few plao tb at ftgar In hronaa. waa d aal mad by whirr of tha threaher attll makea gold- Ukrtram Mc Kan oat and attracted moch rnvulo, tmt moot at th wheat, oat, atteatloa at tba royal aeadeny azhlbi- era and barley ara In th farmer' blna tlon thla year. Tba pdetaJ baara tha or In tha atorerooma of local elevator aimple Inkoriptlon "A great leader ba-1 men. With th exception of a part of loved by bta " I tha cotton crop tha agricultural pro ducta of tha country arc now beyond Journal want ada bring raaalta. 1 th Influenca of rain, drouth, frpat or - a " ' .a . - ;-:V? ; - - . I : - - , - - - - I I Jt ' - I i rt t I m i ill..:., t t i I -'- .- - , I I I : ;-'. :! I i. . -. 1 1 r- 1 I lit l a - I Top Oral a alerator nrrtmnded by wheat lades ranal boata. ' Bottom Cotton crgo on MlaaUalppl ateatner. . 1 flood, aad tha eoontry la now aataiing opon th annaal taak of morlng thlk aacrmwia a to re to market. rhyaleaUy and financially It la tha bt treat Job that any nation la called upon to undertake regularly year arur year. H Crop Vertm Z Tut What th moving of thla vaat amount of grata mana In railroad tranaporta tlon may ba faintly auggtd by-the fact that a aolld line -of freight car extending arroaa tha continent and doubling back from New York to Chi cago would M required to hold th grain khlpped Into th ten clUek that ar th Urgent wheat receiving; polata laat rear. When th flood la at lu' Might the congeatlon of tralaa on .th "granger road leading from tha grain country 14 euch camera aa Chicago, Mlnneapolld and Dulutb la eomathlng to drive tb operating force of IM railway to la aanlty. Every Inugtnable device la re aorted to In the effort to obtain rare. The rallroada ateej them from one an other ruthleeelr: tby are hauled off ruaty aiding where - they have Men left to decay or ar patched baatlly to gether In repair abopa. A few ecaaona kgo It waa reported that every aiding for ten mllea from Duluth waa blocked with grain frelghta waiting 4o ba aa loaded. . Jf all tha cotton were to move 4 44 lu ll r ' ' a l-a mJ - ve V -4 '" W U k fce l mi a at Uk if V4VM -i f IM aj m 4e w. I mJ (MM iim. a4 a M- e Mk t M IM 1 1 etliw aJ IM I t - kX4 IM U'iM (ik-la a- a I aa un .. a, a IIU a l IM taw kl af MI iw al kl M 4tJ evark U lM. waa ad CM kUM. Ta IM aM vu-t ef abmX k mu 4 aie - ka ke 4 u i im ejA r li.k v4 mh Ma a V it n a M -! '- r" a k . ! ..4.. ivma kw iiui TM " eM k.k Ui. t . un aawtt xa aa - IM awa4ie M--a- I l M -. : M- 4k . a a-4i- - I .. t.u4u l.a .. .l af - - ...i. I4 . w. f ..ti ..txir at-J it 5h? DW1W BOARD a.aa iv. .fciaa . e v w w a. . m . nwee..i 0 e mii ill n r ni ii n n (I LIVIL ShKV Ct Oficlal Charter Committer iu.ihI rii e,i r. ,M m.,i au h,. . im. wifc-.e e-woiu wi w- .-k.' TkUr. r;;,k:-rrr Ine Advisory Com- awri k aval M li4 Ma 44 ! I Ika ai. f kMlir kl la.l M. Ma k a ' .-Ua Ml.,,, f M MJ fli,.g .Mk taa. IM aale ef kt MIIMI I - kar .. . ..a M 4 a.e ef el f ok aaai I p fmf laM l IM aaava ik Al aM I iMIUm ,m , im k..iJ ki IM MA '! rtfed M far :l ik ra4 k- ll a r' f lM l llta M M nI a al lalelaal IMav t Ma Mral I'ave t . a kivM4 im ea t m le rtiia4 avaaAk 4tl IM iea kkg walr uiag fw M'l If lir aWawane I Ifc r-M eial rweine a4 a.f uveal ! w e4 iwi la ! I m ii i Maa k.inaa aa l f im k-aiwoe tartr etMe .Tk"a U IM xaa4 laai .! rr ihi mm f ).k4t eee t IM aii iM weal ary fail Ilk effarl U aal kaaftkal ka III leetllarf Maeter. for IM aaaieea Malaaae eaaa ake aea I hie Ma a fa a be al ! la i im fi4a imi M aa pay aiga ar rie fr it iMa la IM areteg im aaeatMr. TaJa la IM flaaaeul aiAk ef IM gre rap kva-eeat. ty f ii kaeia 14 oerveewy ayeteea af raa t'aiud 4uia ta a wtMa eifala aad aaaay t M ntabt " It f lha ekl.f anaar M iMOIrak IM aVkaaad far a km eUktM eoiiraavry. a erMea imi will awramit im tea al Mrh kaHa ta ekpa4 kk iM deeaaad far CHICAGO PUNS I1 mm COLOflY kU IM flwlul ttt 4e & I IM IU WIi M ll 14 effata4 r i -A tM ( n. ul '' ta.t.a r-aii.i.a iwt.i afv. . " 4k-l4 a iMatoMMd a4tie leWiMtl nallk- a 4 M4 a4 kk ''. te M trla4 a aa 4tr kHai4 la IM ll (WolM I aAar IM Aftn aetaiaa k fl k laaa ieiaJkMe aui 4 IM etl .rt4 waa'""! 4l eU Hiaitiiwi an;! M Mat led ey IM aAeiaary Maid. k aMa ia yt. will k , 4iar Makugkt Ma itaiwtaiial IM aim M) aa f lianag that ll ta af geaaiae araeiirai laiportkae ta IMam. . TMI all flaenl af Maiaaaa laea aMitld M c,U4 la kay aalvlr blah ralae far aaoaey Maauaa weallfk brtaalag yreduria 4r aa their way t market atrlfce I Mra aa a aerloaa dir la tba oouairy'g maaeiary e ta. Tba wealth ta that, to great. r 'volume Ma at any ether aaaaae ef th year, la Jorra that knake t aa kMoluteJr Mcar foaadaUa for credit. k4. t It. Art. It 'Te teUaaall.. . T. liuaikfeae rJealklia eaaeae ees. eiac aauiwM 4 flU e." ie i-"f ea ifakniaa raeiu:iv iaakae im imv r ar CaJaaiaalla) ar4lr. frm fcaadrM aa4 DMr Iknfir Jealeh fkjaj. iaa anl leave lla eity aad taoate ta tka WMal lead alrtn af Wraoaia' karh ef Ike lie feaUllae Will M ad a4 l CM la rah kr re'' Cl ravaa ImbJ IM vadeelaking la aaderaiaad Ikal uie Hk ie CMnar fw. luU-e aUaty.fcaaaa M '" """"I f Ml -n hi 4taj tkiuihrrr. la al iae to keep, k-iewyt trvm owe aaaatd a aii 4aay IM of floe at 4ef4arl4 Aa Idea e-f Ike tilt af im nloataa.l ..Keaa7-. japr aw 4 1 1 ta rah kr 4eataH CM-L , ,f. .17 J.aiek rHaatkrieia. kaakikg af 0'M r IbU arov I IM.kek raaelrM la raee,rru 1m m fkitoae la eataa akaakeiaal . TM aaeyay la flraa adi kf IM M baaHu TM kiaejeol aaateai kialad vkAaa tMI tha a4lary beail aaall Me kklarta ft aad ag tela the ervtl teead bvew I eft Ik.-, iaem of IM pee-t ed th. tor g.t oaa- ' ay beeiaaae eaerehe! la tkk t'lMter M 4!' .1 IM ktTaa, rliiee aad fareaere la IM ratal die. Tb. fre wUI Kara It ar II year , , r.' LtT. , -H incta. Mte laroad taelr atteati) If fr iM wwOef adraared theaa. "J"' , tJI ,m thie M af aar P Maria I ereiaaa. real wtiM.t lauraai. 1 . ?J f JT!. . , 1 4 '". Itam acMaae eaa M gaiMrad fr.M the " 11 'U earytoe will 1 rai imi alia u,. f..n. Me4apt aadar tb M tMtaae. III acre, ae at tMeet MMHi al Wtrtala eppaaed Ike iit .f fl 4a ami .hi .! eorl af IM oaun eieoiBllo leeleaar. arrapled. . . ine aaM ae mii taiag a eoauaiaeieaer TM lead ta whkrw IM ealaalato wtll I " Tm a M loralad Ilea tallaa aartb ef Cb.f. r",W B,' aa. la IM heart af lba wheat die-1' m . Irvi lba firtt Carvr krt pr)e tn Wy I Te4 or aaralary. etaiBgr Tba Ctotorado aoutber rail. I narua iioimaa aaciarwa imi a aacte. raaaot M eoavartad Into earrency re4. 4wa4 by the liarltAgtao eyett;Jtory weuld M almoal at) eeeeallalla raae iarega iae eue. aiva wba the . e wmmj en., mm . - nurll&rloa eoMpletM I la tatoaa la ln ny caeamleHar will ba. Th 14 atata tb farmer will M aa a nKrHr Of the revlatoa commute were Ibroofb line rren the fadrie bortbweet th air. llolmaa oa tble aubjett to the Oulf of Mealoai The revlaere edopted 44 arondmetit The price ef the lahd ea wbtek Ike prevUlag IMI the city engineer ebail rolohlata will M lore led ta apprettmat. M appointed y thk tomm tea toner, ktvl ly lit aa acre, tociadlmr water, aad the toal the appointee muel havajt yaaia fkrtnara Mv It rear t p4y fey It. TM eakarlanca aad muat M a legal roier of ktate Me agTeed to provide eaperta. iM city. . The eatery of lite engineer who duty It will be to leach the eel tofl, to Ike band of tb cornrolaaloo- alau bow to farm, aad ta war the era. operation. Bcrtooig aad church will UtU Chang waa mad la th pre. M UMlhed for th benefit 4f . tbt eat prevtalon for the annual tos levy, for th reaeow tail IM baaM la Ihta caeatry can toeua Mak ote only agaiaat goremraajit bonda.. Could each eote be lake4 egalnat oerteta claasee of conuaercut. paper It woeld permit ipaaakMk of tb aurrewry at thlk that would eaable the twovlag af lba crop to b acroaspllkhed with preo Urally aa floancUl a train. A roe a tha Mrdar. la Canada where beake ar el- lowed to Incraaaa ihetr eoie Ukue la reapoae to demanda of thla aort. the crope move to market with practically no financial dlaturbaac at aiL " y "Tb Oaldea Tide Tana. In'tho waka ot the golden flood of wheat aad com and cotton follow a a flood of golden wealth. Half a billion dot tar ta ckah aad credlta aad receipted bill from Europe for our foodatuffa. enough to pay - for ana-third of every, thing we buy abroad. Pour billion dol lara to the farmer of the country for their work In producing the crope. rive mil 11 one ta freight earning to tha rall roada from wheel ehlpmenta to the pri mary markete alone. Nearly I18.t00.0tt tn wage for harveatlng the wheat and eoloald. ' tba tnailmum tax MLog pknatiikd auad at f mill for any on year, tbla g,mBr. rwattal Onatvt loot ta mciua a apaciai aa iw wim. n..ui. if... -- ae I -- - ww a a. iui IIIII..J ... n. . .Inkln. TrtnA . v . . .1 w m today and will remain ehuttcred and loclred until id family return nest Jon, aire. Tafk and allaa Helen Taft. London. Oct 11 Major John M. Car. wife ar.d daughter ef the president, havalaoa who, aa epeclaVag ent of the L'nl- gon to 1101 ui ringa. vi, where they I ted Klaue department or commerce ana will epend eeveral week a before return-1 labor, ha a epent more than 4 year In. ing.te nuniniwn. I veatfeating arui reponine; condltiona la all parto of Europe, eaiicd Journal want ada bring reaulLa. I from Southampton for borne today. Major Creoa Coming Home. Located at Twelfth and Taylor Streets t ' 7 'yfieT;"V? '""' ""," 'ii'n !.fii..,.i.)i.,.,. . - ,k,K' .-'vV, ;' ' ' V- v 'J 'FlVe;-:; Minutes Walk to:.vv; Heart of Ci ty e u :a 11 ! V:";. .'. ' Wistrit-"' Elegantly , Furnished Two and Three Room Suites With Bath 4 Ready: for Occupancy Nov. 1 Thei KB 1, M bTJ Avar L w . mn a 7 Pronounced by S Experts; the 1 iFinest ;and Most Modern Apartment House in the West Furnished Store -The Villa St' Clara Apartments were imtishld'ottghoui by.'the Meier & Frank Store's inteifor deco rating departments.. The furniture Is of filid; Hondiiras rriahogan'y to nlatch the wobdwork, T , ; The rich , draperies, the beautiful linens,. chinaware, gas ranges titchenware and all other fittings are of the high quality for which the name of Meier & Frank is synonornous. The furnishing of The Villa St. cm; .r ill BliiiiidMI ri Clara reflects highest credit, not only upon the builder; but of The Meier & Frank Store. T7 UXURI0US in the extreme, with every convenience known toVthe construction are here embodied.' Each apartment is com- . " -4 "w"i "1C .I.m 3U v-mra n roaay as ine nnett and most modern apartment house plete in itself, a commodious residence, although consisting of but a tew rooms. And the elegance on toe pacific Coast 'v i ; - ' - - , V'i.; tvery detaU has been worked out to the greatest degree of perfection accommodations hith- j ' nary completeness, make the Villa St. Clara most desirable. Il is finished ihrongbnt in solid Hondnras manogany., Arrangement of Villa SL Clara ; 1 ; : f Special Features of Villa Sf. Clara Conveniences of Villa St. Gara ? Etch partment bag a private hall which serves as a point of diBtribution to the .X- A large and magnificent Amusement Hall has' been provided on the first floor, ' . Holmes Disappearing beds, parts of the buffet and writing desk, roll back into living room, caning room, kitchen, bath and dressing room. The living room and din-'S n which-the patrona can give afternoon tea parties, card parties, etc, pleasurea ua- 'i Iron recesses which are! connected by ventilating tubes to the outside, so that the W" WNa av 4S,S Ullwllb UrTCllEtl . Back of the two front room, are commodious drewing room, which rive the - JGS, SEATS HAMMOCKS. POTTED PLANTS AND A ROW OP ELECTRIC v TarS1" n1ikmn9 atttc occupant a degree of privacy seldom fonnd in apartment., and aearrnrTre! : LIGHTS AROUND THE WH0LESPACE so that it can be brilliantly illuminated EAC" J? HAS. FIREAND-BURGLAR-PROOP SAFE for cloSiinr. toilrt article. ctTThS en-L TT.. , " PCt - for erening parties. .ThU garden give, a most beautiful panoramic view of Portland BUILT 'INTO ITS. WALLS, and is connected with complete telephone system lor clotting, toilet arucles; etc. This dtminatea the dresaer. from the two main room , and the mountains. , r . . , . - . s .. .-. , . . . electric passenger and dummy elevatorv ateam heat, electricity, gas, etc ' I f : Inspection and Reservations May : Be :M 7T 7T