The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 29, 1911, Page 31, Image 31

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rt ! !' B4 gliaea. W-A- a4 M( ..
II la. a. t 1 1. .... a I ,...!
I I. 4.ia, im m e-4.4 . l e.,-. .
Ill I'-; a" - Ja-4k f - - 4 n t... .. ...i
I U bUf i I liUL AlillUN
) I W'. kt Ba l fta.4
I k- - i at--..a. attj
'. . Ui
Wvi,,k ....
Ml -
! !.'. Iii Maf
. ( B.f 4S faM
s .4 a4iM, Uitm
Pure Feed and Hca!Ui Society cf Er.s'ish Newspaper
Thrtatened Uprising Along
4M. 1)14 1
Calls Attention to ScandiM Says Shaping W.n Be In.
cm Stste cf Affairs in Meat creased and Ke.v Era W.3
With Developments Li Ita!o
Turkish War Cause UneasJ.
r.ess in Official Cycles
rir i!- aa.nty j
f 4.
3.mH' fill ililAlilUm
L'akets, StaucMer Houses.
.Dawn for Rich Country.
,..:. KrtiMl
f av bituwl av I
LaA t I k k m '
B I & I4f k.
J at,! t l mrt4 thm l"f
.. Aeia aa-a
tB4kU-4 . k t)l tJ.4 (.. la a e4
ik.a-4 im t4 uti m a-!-aw
aifklj U .'.
t4 r4-4 M !
aA4U I A a. 4 l
! Ik aa al
t,.i ikeast! i-i - tiu
(4all Wk k . B Ik afcie
tiM i - im a
tllllNtlW f4 kkk .
atata k fM4 e4 lleaJl
iMMf l Uwi trii.a V Mm
fw4 aad e-k a4 al artr
oatkt..a Ml M b4Iib4. aa-4
Wa-ly M4 Bl lk
tunftfr kt wka riM a,t
Ml lar t a tMllloA guawtalr 14
ins fr tai im kana i bb
h war daily ri tef.
f Omibmi V AV
M a I M.B B l 4leHew M
by (W bW Mi M e-awlatr la ar4
! iHaflsihy r4 iU-a l eme l
e44 I tlrwal It'll; Ikel la waai
kvllf ml M trw i IB K f
AUrr4 VIm'. l'r
IK lgr I 4 b4 IUiik m4
U b few t 1t Ik cB
! mt ih bb&m la Urt
urt B;i4r vt k.i. Tb
U ih nBki b1 bbc mi tor !t la
T IOB IB) rfWlB4 00
MnMiif la MKril la dUiL
TI cvaiBitBikta firl llo la
iafpvol. aixl la BUufhlvr taimi j
!', Vilhotil any rtl f ClnlU
n. I ra ui t l uaii-Bd r l
lK 14 i.i larva r.
I IMbtH lUkl B favMBB
rB.k 14 b11b t
b4 ail !b wft a lr nnt
il iM bwb,! ic tia uftwl
IU H m !luB IIboj. Alt ar
ikl n ui ruuai tB
tol BMlluawlt f IM ft4.
Tbibbim 11 aa rftUBak4-a
r Ua BBBfltlB BBifBt ltlMM aay
A a iui I r44r laiari
M4 Mr. WMUlty Ib44, a(U
imiI 4Ibb aja B4IMV af r
lk f tU(Uk twirt I (ValraJj
Aavarvaa a4 Ml l4trMB)jr jam
Vila B mI wafe.
"U bIbmi toalWa la tva aa
I4a." a Bat J, "Vf Ua lai valca
aa Haa aairw4 at Oalwa. aa IB
AlUnita aa4a, 4 ajaia at IH ai-m
bk a ttlu4 ara la W ItMaJ law
BA rlBla avBlr4 r IM
I -Mai lift, la II f atwva aa Ut
taut IB. If ft raa. fraal f 1o4 !
Cla rra faal tlrt, Blilr-nva rl
Ue(. a4 fntat fnr-ia la iMf
la f kit. rri wui waJa IM la
l Im. Thta r I Baa aarU.Uf ataa
1r aum fsi oocha af Ik bb
tvaa ruir4 la m iaa up. a4 (
laaca aa l BrK. aa hr tlaal felac.
a prala ran b ia fraat for lha
t irtt af actcaun raaolwUaa) wbUk tha
AtnvrloBAa bava lafua4 lata tha arark.
Tha rBBl Boca luif baa b lar4
la(b aa abaotuir aw room nr. la
ih ol4 aura tna diairicl aa rt(a with
rTr aa4 tropical 4taaa. Noar It la
Maaa-a aTa-nM I Uafl.l tn4kl I B-w.a.. w aa
lroUhi la ha public bibi In li4oa I ,b AlMha warkara ha a ka
for tha part In
a!.s C'iuiUn4 la tm
ofira rwm in Br4a vara.
rl4 tba tAndna otaikala l opa
na. drtvrn itBualif by unclaaoly pr
ana. aaal4 uu IJia actual rarraaare.
Tha ria Maalf may ba laadC4)ualaly
ffuirolao with muilln. but lb Back la
a!a)a mo4 an4 Ih Bblnboaa
rally unro tJ.
"Tli ronalanmaala ara anloa44 by
man In dirty amocka, and tha carcaaaaa
ara., rrauantty aiarkaJ up on an an
ariit flour. atata of affairs pra-
aiJa al nearly oary niact dpoi I bar
la graat lailtr at ManrhBtr, Cardiff,
ana Mvrpol anil iarllncton I my
aalf ha aan a man cmrry a nawly
killed pl. hla bad Inalda tha body and
reatlrs acalnal tha kldneya.
. OoatajBVAaUoa Zartt4.
"Now ennaldar tha aaual condition In
hop. Tha meat ta bunt up la a man
ner that xpraas It to dual laden with
atrect Bwcaplnir., .At Chrlalrnaa llrna
It la common to aea prlsa bullocka hunf
up which artcrwarda ara rut Into arc
tiool. and ao further aipoaad to floating
Tha taoTr claaaca ara lha chief euf
farara from tha common practlca pre
valllna; In all dlatrlcta. by which cut
tlngt of meat, aucb aa chopa, ataaka,
llvor and kldnaya ara exhibited In
"chaBp" trara aupportad on treat lea at
an open w,"fl"w. where they 'not only
lie avpoaed to all manner of bacilli con
tained In tha duat from tha atraeta, but
af aubjected to promltcuoua handling
by all aorta of paaaeraby; unclean handa
touch tha meat which la ofUn amellad
and thrown back again. To my knowl
adno maat la opan to thia handling al
moat everywhara In Ixndon."
kl In londoa I ,b cooiinni. au in w or a era raa aa
i rrlraior 'l"y bita4 and look4 aftar, amd
ata firtoa. h ( u4r lb rclm af Colol Ooaibala,
na It la carjho baa had tb dlractlon af tha under
taking. Iba workmen bava baan kapt
la good tun, and bava ahowa tha u
mot willlngoaaa la lha far of all aorta
af difflculiiaa.
"Kveryona IrowO eontlauad Mr.
pod d. thal tha pradomlnane of Amer
ica n a la lb son cf lha canal will add
enormously to trad la Centra) America.
America, may b axpected to develop bar
tntereala tbar to Iba highest degrea.
Of rouraa tba affect of lha opening of
tha canal upon shipping Interests gen
erally wilt ba greater thaa anyon can
conceive at preaant. Klngatoa (Jamaica)
with tta splendid barber, la one of tb
places llkaly to profit moat promptly
by tha Influx of ocean-golag vaaaela, and
tha wbola of Central America will ba
modemlzec In a way that would ba 1m
potslbla without tba ilstence of tha
Publication in Berlin An
nounces Intention to Expose
Common Abuses.
Former Ambassador to ErufUnd, oaaph
IL Cboata. and Mrs Choate ealebratad
their golden wadding anniversary at
thalr residence Naumkea?, Mass., Oc
tober 1C Among tha prominent guaete
present to congratulata the nappy
couple war , tha British . ambaaaador
.and Mr. James Bryca. Mr. and Mrs,
, Choata received a beautiful gift from
tba noma office of mgltnd through
Ambassador Bryca.- Mor than 100 In-
Tltad guests filed through tha spa
clous drawing room to congratulate
tha couple on their golden wadding
prince mm
tr tkM rae.
tr.tiMiiia w U4 .!
hiit it i.nBa
lJf b-l rra4iiy iibj
Ma4 B'SwS'ilr b r4M aw. . I wa
"U mt:h4 Bi.ih 4 M
aaa aa.4 u ae 4u.g la
tka l laJka r.-l 4iwu af ).
a aw i ia ia i-T'v
a. Tba a Ml'iw aee Bsta eto4
IIS) IB SBlsdesaiaa af g-ktwtly, aa Ifcaa
B el' a II af IB at .aaia a pevill fti.
flo B s u i UJB44 lk
I 4itiag ae re
ae4 fea waflaBilaJ agaala
IBa lvaMlaJi vet)
rt ft ail itaaa nM aVa aa fet
iwkaii lka a r a awty '.
ikr la4 f (!. aa !' 4 la
aaitetaaa aj4 a aaaaUiuaa af skia4 akB
m4 aaake IM aklag af a f af
aslUBalle aaalaal Caruia fail
lal aWli alt
Haaela elklg about Ike
Mt- f Tnj-ait by Aaiy tk baa m
Biat a Ik I arll af lk awtf.
mi a) 1 Ulaaly lsiart4 la r
i lag arevuacbJBg a MJbasfeee4a kt-
lag. aa4 II la at c4 INal Ik gv
eeaaai af Ik laf imIib) ikal lka I
try grate asgf at aw.eUaag af Itie
bt4 Ike was by aay rksB ba
si44 la lk Twkiak levvllaey la C
rt( r Aal aitoof. Ikia aaar taatt4
be ll.:fl4 a faal. II U Ike bael
b)kf kr f t rould aot b ae444.
tlMBtaw la rtaiaaa.
Tb BBu'4r at llelatagfer of U. Wal-
4a llirvlkaala. preatidcal mt Ike Abo big
eaatn af Juatlre taa beea followed by
atteasure and eaay Im4
ULUuL lU ULnlll TV,r-1V.,,'urvieg n
, . . . ooor. aeing arnica uy
Great Anxiety in Berlin Court, u. rwrii ba
. .. . ' him la
Lircies uver uonmnon 01
Aged Man.
New Tork, Oct. 21. Senor I Rodrl
gues, - an ' exporter, waa whlling away
the tlma In tha Hotel Empire when a
well dressed young man, followed by
two pretty girls, approached him In the
lobby. . Tha young man told the senor
ha was) th son of a millionaire banker,
lived in Cleveland, and waa anxious to
hire an. automobile for tha evening.
"I want to take my friends for a nice
drive, about Now Tork, and will pay 15
an hour for the car," said the man.
"I'll let you cava my car," said the
A few minutes later the exporter, the
millionaire's son and the two girls were
rolling away froro the hotel In a big
automobile, the exporter at the wheel.
Exporter Pays tha Drink Bill.
The party first visited the Hotel An
son la, where, they had refreshments.
When the bill was presented the million
aire's son aald: . . -
, "Senor, picas pay this. I will settle
for everything when I, cash a check at
the Waldorf. , ; I am stopping there."
The exporter smiled and settled. : i
The next stop was 'at the Clarendon:, !
In Brooklyn. Again the Senor smiled j
and settled. -Then there was a long
drive out on Long Island, and many
more stops. Always the Senor. settled,
keeping track ' of the payment In an
account book.j
'After seven hours of driving the auto
mobile drew up at fhe Waldorf-Astoria.
. "Wait here, till I cash my check and
make. good what you paid," the million
aire's eon said to the Senor.',
."Certainly,' answered the : exporter,
and followed by the two girls, the man
entered the hotel.- The Senor waited.
When he looked, for his companions they
were gone, i So was a $40 overcoat which
had been In the car. , ; -t.
By Karl It Von.Wlegand.
(United Preae Leaaad Wlra.l
Berlin, Oct. 21. "In the Name -of tha
King" la the name of a . newspaper
which has just made It appearance
In Berlin with the avowed object of
"muckraking" tha courts and police
a aomewhat dangerous undertaking In
Germany. The first Issue had a tre
mendous sale. - '
' The new publication's management
maintains that tha thousanda of people
who are punished annually in Germany
"In th name of tb king," aa the Judge
always expresses It in pronouncing
sentence, are entitled to have a little
light shed on police and court methods
prevailing In the Fatherland.
"Th history of Justloe Is a history
of terror and Inhuman cruelty, says
the newspaper, and it adds the follow
lng epigrammatic Justifications for Its
' "Justice needs the he,lp- and cooper
ation of the best that Is in man."
' "Justice la In need of criticism, that,
through criticism, It may become bet
"The law Itself la In need of criticism,
for all lawa are not as good aa they
might be."
The courts need erltlsism. for they
do not always find tha path of right
eousness. "
Judges are human and Justice, ad
ministered by them, is liable to err.'
The German people have always been
held up to the world as perhaps the
most law abiding on earth, but figures
given by "In the Name of the King"
suggest that "there, must have been- a
mistake about this. In one year, the
paper says, 641,410 persons were sen
tenced by the courts of the Fatherland
to various punishment for ail sorts of
different offenses and 10,248,626 were
either, engaged in lawsuits or served
wih "official warnings." t
Berlin. Oct St Tb aarloua lllnasa
of Prlnr Lai lipoid, th rasael of
Bavaria, la a causa for eonaldarabl
satiety la official ctrcl la Barlln aa
wall as la Munich. In view of his grant
eg ha la now in Ms ftlnaty-flrst year
It la feared that tb prlnc will not
raoovar from hla preaent attack of acuta
Tba paealng of Bavaria's "grand eld
man" will b sine. rely rerretted br all
no Bv tn welfare of tha Oermaa
empire at neerr. ror a quarter of a
century, Lultpoid baa bn th actual
aoveralgn of Bavaria. Tha Insane JClna-
Otto. bis nephew, baa been all thia time
under restraint. Prlnc Lultpoid,
man or solid abllltl hsa carried on
th buaineaa Of tha atata to th general
eaiieracuon. considering th constant
Jealousy with which Bavaria, the
second uerman state in population and
resources, regards Prussia, th regent
naa naa a aencata task at timea. but
na naa always been equal to it. and hla
miiuenc naa Been exerted for the pre
servation or mat "unity- which la
aentlal to th wellbelng of Germany.
rnnca x.uupoia naa led an active and
eventful Ufa ever since ISSS, when ha
Degan nia activ aervlc In tha arm v.
He fought agalnat tha Prussian In tha
war of 1866, and with them agalnat
Franc five yeara later. It was ha who
overcame the hesitation of hla ecoentrtc
eapl4 br blot s R rirl floor of il
hawk. hM b was shot at. fcla ball
door. blag atruck by two kuilvi. a
baaui. wbll In
iba right arm.
The Judfl fril back arl atd iptr4 on
lb flour r ib ball The eervaata.
wh ruehed I their tuaetare eaalaiaeos,
heard tore loud rvporla A doctor
roatuiag oppoall aad a policeman war
summoned ard a young man. wall
dreaaed. waa fotiad lying on hla back
oatatd. with a pistol la iba rlabt band
and a fearful bullet wound la Ih fore
head. Hla fao was am ear ad wllb blood
and reoOfTiltloa oo the po waa Impoa
albla. li waa still breathing and waa
carried I a boaplt!. whr b ex
pired la a ejaarter of an hour. M. Iilr
wlkaula waa a prominent maa la tha
Judicial profeeelon. II was of noble
birth. Tbe murdarer'a motive waa un
doubtedly political, alnc M. lilrwikaula
eerved th government faithfully aa di
rected by Rusala, Tba asaassin baa been
Identified as Uruno Forstroem, a abop
b-u. i I i r
l nit til al.4a, tm
14. l..llmm ll
M Hi' ! --a tare
fik . rwir-rt'i (,
i.i m4 ltvii.
. ,
W. . I.. n a4 akJf
f l.w! ;.ik4 . a
k--i Ji aa-4 ia , hM,
awv.a, !;
kala V. rtu i-f
t - 4o.tIta l Vtta- Vvbm, a.
atM.U-rr4 a4 uit .
- i.e rWwa. Ilia.
r 1 ki k i n-au alary
fraake 4uig IHl lkiiy-lifc ae
a mi fciM finf.iiii a4 flM.
fjiU, an. hi. : mi.
w. A i ria, ri rrM rn
Mat a. 14 bjb ta lUwl, I4m
lMtwl B4 t (! Ik, bwlkiar,
-. I I4.44B.
r. er a alary fra dwell.
lag tuiaaa r. a)) K) kit
! 4 Twaaly-fwali btlae.
A. K. ailUt. ) alary frae
4lllag. rMlMwli aaeaaak
ii rifir 4 aad yifiy-aank,
ai 4r. aaaaa. I Ha
II il. aat.ii. a! asary rraam
do.lilag t tp lva kiHa Caar
tfc"4 aad Tna lu4. rJWtf, ae,
F. nraat, rir gwaJliag. Til
alt altavl. B-Ha Twaair ar
w n4 Twawly-b4i4. bwUdar. U. C.; UI
Mr kl t ni liar. eir I we aiary
trmm tllias. J,B rt.
lHaM Hi:iia a4 Caloa, raulldcr.
Sam lleffman.
Mr ri rl)iae. rtlr eee etory
tram doallla. Ill Wlackalt alrl. k
lafa Itarras aad lie; btilldar.
C J lvi-v.
kt Vralv. erect lw
alory fraan awcillog. a
Washington, Oct. Xi. ur. Harvey w. I .- me eccentric
Wiley came out of the McCabe-Dunlap? nephew JClng Loula and induced him to
By Ralph Johnston.
(PnhlUbera' rra Leaaed Wire.)
New Tork, Oct. 21. There la aome
.1W - .. . nrlnlm,nt .t fba ka1 of
th. New Tork detectiv of a 1 frame -w.lllM. BMt Ollaan
newspaper man wno naa in rtpuion i third; builder, aarae; 4000,
or having aoivea more oDscura criminal .
nroblems than even Sherlock Holmes.
e aad eaa-aait
ore li.n. owcuine-. I-aai imnr-ioini
imt. kwlwn Knoll aad Urmaae, bull 4-
ar, aam: III.
W II. r-errea erwet we mfrr rrara
lllar -al Tblrly-lHlrd lrl. b-
! Ilawihura ar.4 Makal, hiuitr,
bt. tturnagtoa; l0
O. fcVenalb. rwpalr frame wiiieg. Ill
Mlloaukla atr4. Kaieean Hearow and
-o1Mrk; bulldr. Frrk Karr; !.
W. J. Itawklna, repair four alory
brlib Blur and mma. 11 Main aireat.
baHoraa Firei and k-aoood, builder, i.
A. Mellon: 111. ,
John ft Ilrlt ham. repair frame barber
V..r.i t .ifMi b,ia Third
and Vpurth. builder, I. J. Bhertnaa: 111.
Kay A Arbuckl. repair la etory
brick rwatauraal. I coad atrU ba
twean Alder aad Morrtaopf builder. N.
i. fclllaoo; IT.
Iavl4 rimata. repair frame dwell
Inar, Ml Thompson atroet, between Teeth
and Kleventh: builder, aarae; lilt.
r) U Harry:, repair frame barn. Kll
llns'aworth a treat. btrn Vamon and
Kaet rtftaenth; builder, aam; 100.
H. I. Kingery. erect one etory frame
dwalllna. Ill Kelly etrt, between
lawa anA Carolina: builder, aam; ll0,
W. K. Iova. erect on story frame
dweillna-. Mod nay nveaae. betweea J ar
ret t and Alnaworta; builder, same
Herwia Brandt, repair one atory
frame dwelling. 1410 Kast Slity-elghth
street between rortieta and rony
firet avenue; builder, F. Uwrwei;
Con Hllger. rct on story fireproof
concrete garsg. HIT Broadway atreet,
between Thlrty-etrhth and Tblrty-nintb;
Dulider. jorin fcun; .
James Poughertr. erect two atory
t II X.'mm Tkletir.aWAfilh
streot. between Broadway and Hancock;
builder, N. J. Lundgren; 12000.
W. El Brook, erect one atory frame
hen houso. 4401 Slxty-aeoond avenue, be
tween Sixty-fourth rand Blxty-flfth
streets; builder, same' 1100.
Oreson Home Building Construc
tion compsny, erect two end one-half
Auction Sales
Wilson's Auction House
Cor. SECOND trndYMflflLL
RtfulaJ SaJfl Daji
Mondty, Wtdat$dtr, Tridtr
Exch D$y at 10 a. m.
Tntr Will. A I.WATS FtXT Till
rAhicrr .i,i..tiom of scI'm
IAM n K-MiflllSU AT ot 11
nAiaswfxiu uLit rrx:c cmu-
PHlna I fitlOHT IA6a uROANs,
HAr-lK-l'N ; rlhlf ?Ur I f.
T(M'41K Ft'H.STl'MK or rvmr
l:m.--TIOS. CAhfkTB, Rl'UaV. U
Nl.l.lkf 4. UA HANtirM UAH W.
TMl HktATtli. rn-kU HANUk.
HIUTl.SiJ gTuVkla. krrc
Office Furniture
N) 1'KI In fin condition, alet
riHKi-KuuF "a nr.. ,
Miaxclloxieou MercKartdiaW
tAdJulnlog Auciloa Room.)
Ft'HH gilOEJI. HTATii i.VTItlf. llAHIw
Fullerton. Neb., Oct '28. J. g. Hor
man;' a residenx f this city," remarried
his first wife on the fifty-third anni
versary of their, first wedding day, -after
having; been married to , two ..other
women.' ; ' - . .
After living together tor If years,
Hormaa : and the woman he nar in.t
reqiarriea were aivorcea. Hormsn then
married Mrs. Betsy Townsend, 6f Ful
lerton, with whom he lived for 25 years.
She died IS years ago. and' 10 years
ago he married Mrs. Margaret Houser,
whe died recently. ; , 4 .
, Recently Horman wrote his first wife
and two weeks ago she came to see
him-' She responded -t9 his advances
and promised to remarry him. - They
ara living-at tha home where they be-,
gan housekeeping. - . , . i
south Norfolk, Conn., Oct 28 'Tfa
never too lata to wed. remarked John
J. Perry, scventy-slx years old, a re
tired S4a captain of Westport Then
he, called on Mrs. Sarah Plumb, a
widow, who has seen fifty-six
mers, and proposed. ' - .
. Mrs. Plumb was willing; and they
went to Bridgeport ,ana naa the cere
mony - performed. Captain Perry Is
wealthy. He always said that a sea.
captain naa no license w veo.
."Women are like ships; they need
someone constantly at the helm or they
will lun up in me wina ana glv yon
trouble," he used ta say.
i i i i H i . t'-f
Helpless, See Her Baby .Take Poison
Philadelphia, Oct 28. Sitting help
less In a chair In her home at 1328
South Spangler street; paralysed hand
and foot Mrs. Charlea Griffith saw her
lS-months-old child. Haxel, take a box
containing strychnine pills from th
table and laughingly put them In her
mouth. .The mother, , aboyked by the
death of the child, la not expected to
UV. . . . . ... .-. .- ' - ,
mlea term "more rope. When
to define hla .policy he replied:
I have but. one policy that is the
same today, yeaterday and tomorrow
to enforce th law to the best or my
aoiiiiy ana pvwer wig uiieiwi w. ma
American people. That is my policy In
nutshell. In the past I have given the
people tha benefit of any reasonable
doubt - For this I have been criticised.
welcome such criticism.
"Under the law I am the only person
who stands between the consumers th
people and the manufacturers and the
producers. The people cannot appeal,
and If I decide against them their cause
is lost beyond, redemption. On th other
hand, If I decide against the manufacr
turer- he can take his case to court
where he Is proteoted by the blind god
dess. The manufacturer, therefore, has
a decided advantage over the consum
ing public This must not be over
looked. It, is for this reason that I give
the public the benefit of th doubt. I
shall continue to do so in the future.
. "It Is tommyrot and folly for news
papers or Individuals to charge me with
wearing a chip on my shoulder for any
person or concern. I have no. ax to
grind, no favorites ' to play.
; : Demands Obedience to w.
'All I have ever asked la that the
manufacturer obey, the law; that, and
no more, I shall demand in the future.
"If the producer obeys the law. In let
ter and spirit be will not have any
trouble with the bureau of chemistry.
but if he. violates it land that fact be
comes known to. me -he will be prose
cuted. V-'; : ' ,:.,
."Under the law I am required to find
the facts. It is not for me to define the
law. The court must do that. When
the law says that certain ingredients
shall not be used in the preparation of
food, and I discover that they have
been used, the manufacturer will hear
from me. The law means Just what it
aaya In this regard.
"I never have recommended and never
will recommend ' prosecution In a case
where, v In my opinion, 'the evidence Is
not sufficient to warrant a conviction.
But It must always be a question of
fact and not of law which shall de
termine whetner. a cas shall . be tried.
The law la plain. When the facts show
that a specified article is misbranded
it Is for the courts to determine any
legal points which may be Involved and
not for any government officer outside
of the courts, -mis la assuming that
th facts la the case in question show
or seem to show a violation of the law,
"The law speaks for Itself and there
should be no difficulty on the part of
the manufacturer tn ascertaining iwhat
it means. Having found out what ft
means they know bow ao ebey It When
It ' aays that certain deleterious sub
stances ar pot to. be used it tneana it
If there la any doubt aa to th deleterl-
rousnesa or a given substance the people
Wiley controversy with what his frlendi Invlta Klng William of Prusla to as-
term "njore elbow room" and nia ene-
rulers of the various German states to
submit to King William the German
Imperial crown, and ever aince that tlma
LiUitpoia naa ;.ever for a moment wav.
erea in hi loyalty to the German em
plre. -
Mor than 20 years after tha aatahitah.
ment of the empire the dlversrenca of
views netween tne two sections of north
ern ana southern Germany became so pro-
nouncea mat tna HOnensoliern felt the
need of placating southern Germany sen
timent by some conspicuous' appoint
ment mai appealed to its pride. When
in ibm mnce Hohenlohe, a dlstin
guisned Bavarian, was called to the
chancellorship of the empire, the ap
pointment was -lees a tribute to his
high abilities than a concession to
Havana and the neighboring states in
the south: Bavaria was proud of Prince
rioneniono anu nis appointment a-ratl.
nea ootn national ana progressive senti
ments. Correspondingly," it rendered
rrmc x.uitpoid'a. work easier,
I ...... . t W . . . W. .!-
He la a quiet unaaaumlng fellow who i tiiuingsworin ana jeaaup; suuuer, x.
a Tor thia Itinn M i ".,...,
der; builder. Hartln Olsen; $1600.
A. L. Anderaon, erect one and one-
half atory frame dwelling. Eaat Sixty
haa a natural aptitude for thia kind of
work which haa been cultivated to a
point where It can become a real art
Certainly some such appointment
rould seem to be needed. The central
office detective In New Tork Is a pret
ty good man for the handling of or-1
d I nary crimes committed by ordinary i H or,v,i,inB-ar rot nna anA one-half
criminals, but he hae his limitations. story frame dwelling, 121 East Forty-
Thls Is evidenced by the fact that In ; sixth street between Belmont, and Al'
three yeara there have been no less
than 100 murders committed in this
city which are still shrouded In mys
tery, and which are likely to remain so
shrouded for all time.
Tha greater number of these cases
lie in the various foreign colonies, for
there crime Is most difficult of detec
tion and the perpetrator's chances of
escape far greater than elsewhere, it
Is this difficulty that the deteotive
bureau has fought hardest to overcome,
though there have been noted cases in
other portions of the city that remain
Peculiarly baffling some of them i v -) ra a rnv n,.
t... v.. .A.iM s...i,, , -i,, VV rlU IB IjVJA v in v x vrt i. AuirtA"
have been, offering scarcely, any clue, fif TQ SKLL THB FURNISHINgs
Others have been worked out In almost moVED FROM HIS SUBURBAN
every detail save tne most important HOME TO OUR SALESROOMS, 153
On Monday Next, at 2 p. m.,
at 566 Union Ave. N.
We ara Instructed by Mra Joha I.lnd
to sail on KIMBALL. ORGAN. Mil
Uruaaala Ruga, lraara, Rockara, Ki
tanalon Table and Chairs. IMsha, Cut
lery, lot Uroceiiae, Slal Rang. Gaa
PUta. Tooia. ate.
awaBtSBMBjaasaB i
Special Auction Sale
On TueatJay Next, at 2 p. tn..
Contents of the Portland
108 Washington St.. Ret Ith and th.
We ar Instructed bv tha owners ta
aeu tne entire rumlahlnrs or this SPA
large selection of CUTLERY and 611-.
CROCKERY, about 2ft0e NAPKINS, 160
eled French plate), 100 YARDS INLAID
Iba. ic capacity). 40 single ELECTRIC
FIXTURES, i 250 C. P. Llghte, ELEC
with canopy, large STEAM TABLE,
" as war v 1 11 d 1 m UI rrir TTTL'VTCTt 43 t
A. T. Poole, erect one story rame ! V' ' 7,V, " "ir.''.X
dwelling. 1101 East Eleventh, street p-1 V-;r,TTT TM nVVn n "vrr w 'i.
tween Lexington ana uiuweii; ouuaer, RiPr"i -.v "ht -iie
A. T. Poole, erect one story frame
dwelling, imi Kast Kievenin sireei, oe
tween Lexington and Bldwell; builder,
same; iieuo.
Mrs.. lFsh. repair two story frame
dwrllns. 1168 Height avenue, between
: ld trxo. Boter ft to
Skat with th crowd. Oak rink.
Journal want ad bring rMulta. ' -
Aiiuaieion, . pi. x., pet. ZS. A paper
published in a village near here prints
the following obituary from Its cor
respondent In an adjoining county:
"Sam Tobdell is dead. Some days ago
he was stricken with blood poisoning
from a bite In the peck Inflicted while
fighting with his wife when he was
drunk and she intoxicated. ; Drs, Gridle
of Eureka and Butts of Clary vllJe were
In attendance, but despite their utmost
efforts the poison spread until as a last
resort they used the knife. The opera
tion was of no ivail, however, and now
he ain't here any more. ,
"Sam was an unique character. Only
once in a generation Is a community
pestered with such a (human viper. H
was the unsolved conundrum, 'What is
be good for r- ma only virtue was the
persistence of his wickedness, his only
excellence th stability of his un re
pentance. Booze fighter, liar, wife-
beater, chicken thief, egg stealer, nro-
fane and vile of speech to the point of
nausea, ne was tne traae-mark of sin.
the sentiment emblem of vie, with no
crime but a-work beyond his capacity
He jvaa evea worse. y '. ,
But he has gone hence and It Is
never our inclination to kick a man
when he la down; yet at death hla pro
verbial luck waa with htm. Ha roes
below Just a the whitening froata and
chilling winds are ushering in a long
and tedtoe season for tha good who
ar left. a was orten, th case when
In life and In Jail, he'll keep warm and
comfortable at others' expense, fellows.
Well, so long. Bam, and ao long as it
la long, good luck." ,
one of bringing to light the murderer.
Many of these unsolved murders have
been committed In the clty'a highways,
others in dark and hidden holes, fit
places for tragedies. The record of
murders committed within the confines
of the greater city within the past
five years is appalling. One statistician,
taking the year 110? as an example, de
clared that in that period no less than
848 persons In New York met violent
deaths at the hand of their fellows.
In the last year or two th ingenious
following up of the finger-print system
of detection in burglaries has led to
the hope that the same clue may result
in the speedier solutions of the city's library tables, Morris chair,
On Tuesday Next
Comprising Inlaid top parlor table, up
holstered parlor furniture, rattan and
oak rockers, solid mahogany parlor
cabinet, bric-arbrac, Axminster and
velvet rugs, body Brussels carpels,
Dicture. lace curtains, oak wardrobe.
very costly" dining room suite, vis.: 48
inch top table, china cabinet with plate
mirror back, buffet and chairs, i
brass bed, full size iron beds, best
springs and mattresses, blankets, solid
mahogany chlffoniere, oak dressers and
chirronieres, wn ton rug irxxz, uutier
tray and stand, sora and easy, chair,
must positively De sola to th nicheat
bidder, a the building la coming down.
Residence Sale
On Thursday Next at 10 au rn.
at 188 North 23d St.
We ar Instructed by tha owner to
sell the complete furnishings of her
private home, comprising BEST BODY
throughout the house, WAX GOLDEN
OAK ROCKERS with upholstered and
saddle aeat, large LIBRARY TABLES.
AND COVER, fin Lace Curtains, Pic
EXTENSION TABLE and set of box
frame saddle seat CHAIRS. DISHES
CHAIRS; large post. V, M. IRON BEDS,
complete with good SPRINGS and
ets, Quilts, Spreads, etc., small Rugs," ,
Bedroom Rocknrs and Chairs, Couchea,
other miscellaneous effects. -
J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer.
Cash paid for Furniture, Stocks of Mer- '
chandise. etc Call Main ,1626, A-4343.
f Auction Sale
murder mysteries, but this method as
applied to the homicides has not yet
had a real it .--"". : " "V :."
The Idea of so changing the law that
the city's detective force may be chosen
solely for its ability to detect crime
without regard to tha uniformed force
would be likely to have a more marked
effect in decreasing the number of un
discovered criminals than anything else.
arlor heaters.
steel ranee, pi
cooker, inlaid linoleum, etc.
Also tne rouowing win pe soldi uin
Ing -tables, buffet, chairs, set of
Chambers' encyclopedia, - mantel , bed,
small rugs, dinner set, etc.-
NEXT AT 10 A. M.
Loraine ,
fireiess i crtorvc kiirTiri UHITCC
rviuv j nwviivii aivviJA
Building Permits
On Wednesday Next
211 First St
At 2 p. m. Sharp
Milwaukee Furniture
E. P. Murphy, erect one And one-half
story frame dwelling'. - Summer street
between Thirtsrsecond and -Glenn ave
nue; Builder, George W. Taylor; 11600.
R. O. Rector, erect one atory frame
dwelling,' Gladstone avenue, between
Thlrty-aecond and Thirty-third-; builder,
same; $1600. - . , '- -...-
Anna May Lawrence, erect one story;
frame dwelling. East Thirty-third street
-between Cora avenue and Gladstone ave
nue; buiioer, tt. u. Hector;, lJ0. ,
Mra. J H. Nickum, erect one story
frame garage, 471 Boulevard.- between
Eighth and Ninth; builder, same; 1300.
W AU. V.V. .v..u., -" V . k T. V .(VI, J
fram. flats. East Morrison street, twv.
tween Eighteenth and Nineteenth; build
er, same; I400O. .
Mr. Burpee, repair frame dwelling.
This Is a fine assortment of chairs,
Rockers, Center Tables. Couches, large
and small Rugs, Carpets. Beds, Springs
and Mattresses, Steel Ran go, high oven.
Garland Gas Range, . Refrigerator,
Kitchen Queen. Msntle and Folding
Beds, Bedding, Couch Pads, Eta, . . ,
AT RESIDENCE. 185 M 16TH ST.. near
Yamhill st, we are instructed by- Mrs.
Delovan to sell the furnishings at above
address,, comprising mahogany cabinet
and brlc-a-orac, mahogany combination
bookcase and desk, upholstered parlor
furniture, parlor table, silk drapes,
hvakSkaa atanrl . krnlirt loaf FaVtanttAti . l,.l.
Eif PJZiX&J&ZVFWZiy? XZ A fSfi mirror back chin. cloat cost 0.
A sweet toned Cambridge piano, mahog-
lor Axminstr carpets, pedestal, hall I . ""k..U- k.. -hir..
nmhivl atnnl mV I.kl. cviiiu u.u
and chairs, china tea -set silverware.
cut class. ooay Brussels , nnwt
lounge, silver candelabra. Iron bed,
springs, mattresses, blankets, dressers
and commode, cretonne curtains, small
rffgs, . Acm ateel rang, with water
back. Inlaid linoleum, kitchen treasure
etc. Sale on . Wednesday next -at 19
o'clock. ' v. -'. v (,:, -
t ? On , Thursday Next
We sell tha furniture, carmtts. etc. of
815 Johnson street between" Twenty-1 eight-room house. The coods can ba
fourth and Twenty-fifth; builder. Mc-tseen on Wednesday -af tetnoon.
Holland Brofhera; $250. ' SM ,E AT 10 O'CLOCK.
dwelling, faty-nlntb. avenue, between1 Auctioneers and Furnitur Lvalera.
A Bridge-Beach atov with high closet
Cost $60. ' . .
A Kimball organ. 1$ stops. Coat $0,
A mahogany cabinet mirror back. Cvt-t
$45. -'---.
2 early Engliah oak buffet.
A heavy quartered oak round extenloT
table. - . . - -
A combination book . Coat $S.
A double gl door b' k r
4 fine dreaaera in B. K. rr' r
oak and rlv Fi.n-h f
All thea KOfl-1 ar In
like new.. That a everjt- .
to Frd'a Aucti"T- e i)f.
No l-t '! '
; fo::d auctig:: r